• Published 23rd Jan 2015
  • 737 Views, 33 Comments

Quest To Unite - JazzieQ

Equestria is devoid of Earth ponies. Can Spike succeed on his mission to save Equestria??

  • ...


In this MLPverse, I am GOD.
Out here, I am just a fat old guy writing about ponies that other people own.
I'm not a fat old guy really.... *shifty eyes*


The dimly lit grey room was very unwelcoming for Spike. Only having a single light, Spike paced nervously up and down the perimeter of the room which seemed to be growing smaller and smaller each time he made a round and occasionally bumping into Gilda who sat quietly in one corner.

“What’s gonna happen to us? To me? Did they find out about Sweetie and Scootaloo?? How will I deliver the letter to their princess now? and how will I face Twilight or worse…. Rarity.” Spike shuddered at the very thought. Spike pace quickened and his claws were sweatier than ever from rubbing them too much. It seemed to him like they spent an eternity in the room. Gilda remained still and her eyes were closed.

“How can she be so calm at time like this?” Spike muttered to himself.

“It’s better than getting all worked up and looking more suspicious...” Gilda finally spoke, “I’m Argillian by birth, they can’t charge me on anything they have no knowledge about. My father will hear about this!”

Spike simply stared at Gilda for a few minutes, while still pondering their fate. Suddenly the metal doors opened and four mean looking guards stepped in. The leader had clearly different colored crest and more military décor showing he had rank. His coat was red and his eyes were gentle and the same color as Applejack’s and Braeburn.

“Big Mac! I mean… Captain Big Mac!” Gilda said realizing Big Mac was giving a little intimidating stare. She quickly got off her haunches.

“A-Are you Applejack’s brother?” Spike asked.

“Eeeeeyup.” Spike breathed in hard at his presence. He was huge! Spike never thought Applejack’s brother would be such a monstrous… um… huge pony. Big Mac stared at Spike.

There were a few more moments of silence as Big Mac set down and took off his helmet let it down with a heavy thud on the table. “Sit.” He commanded “You are??”. Big Mac’s deep voice resonated which made Spike tremble. Spike and Gilda quickly took their places at the table also.

“I’m S-s-spike. Spike the Dragon.”

“Why did they incarcerate…” Gilda began but Big Mac held up a hoof commanding silence while still looking at Spike.

“Where’s mah little sister?”

“Uuuuh Applebloom? Sh-sh-she’s safe a-at the h-h-hotel…”

“Where?” Spike looked to Gilda for help in that answer.

“At The Quartermaster over on East Fetlock View.” Gilda said quickly.

“She’s alone?”

“Uuuuuh, No…. uh…I mean y-yes…. yes!” Spike answered while sweating beads. Big Mac glared at him “… s-sorry… I mean… No.”

Big Mac turned to the guards, “Y’all heard…. Go.”

“YES SIR!!!”


“and Wild Strikes...”

“Yes sir!”

“Be… very discreet ‘bout it...” Big Mac added. The guards quickly gave a nod and exited the room, closing the door leaving the echoing sounds of metal hitting against the frame.

“How do you know all this?” Gilda said. Big Mac raised a brow as his eyes shifted over to Gilda.

“Gotta message from mah sister today. Said y’all brought the yung’un here… with some others…… who are not supposed to be here.” Big Mac said sternly.

“The guards won’t do anything to Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo will they?”

“They’re at my command… not unless I tell ‘em to...”

Spike felt very much intimidated. Was it Big Mac’s deep resonating voice; slow, calm and steady or his armor or maybe his gigantic form? Maybe it was a combo of all three. Spike claws started to do the little twirling dance around each other, “But dun worry jus’ yet. She asked me to give y’all a hearin’. Mind tellin’ me why y’all here?”

Spike took a deep breath in. He hesitated.

“Go ahead Spike…” Gilda encouraged. He thought about Applejack’s words and then he spoke.

“I-I’m from Equestria…” Spike said as he tried to ignore another raised brow from Big Mac, “I’m a representative of Princess Celestia, the ruler. We came here to deliver a plea to your princess. Please can you help us? We need an audience with her.” Big Mac looked at Gilda.


“Equestria is in dire need…” He again held up a hoof making Spike silent.

“Why are you helping the Equestrians Gilda?”

“Meh… Equestria is going down. The place is a shitty pile of rock land with shitty ponies—“


“— but Griffons are proud but we ain’t heartless you know!”

“Continue Spike the Dragon…” Big Mac said.

“Just Spike is fine. We don’t have any food! We have hardly any vegetation! Nothing grows there! Our society is growing weaker!”

“Tis’ true. They might be whippakraks but some o’them are as thin as a twig.” Gilda added and Spike couldn’t help but show much of his annoyance. So did Big Mac.

“Ain’t merchants from other lands supplyin’ food? Gunther? Zamora the Berserker from Zanzebra, Chief Aziz from Saddle Arabia ...”

“But it’s still really expensive which makes it scarce! More than what the average pony is can afford! Almost everypony is going below poverty line!”

“It’s expensive to ship all that food you know!” Gilda said adamantly while counting on her claw digits, “There’s tariffs, shipping taxes, wages, protection tax….” Big Mac cut off Gilda much to her annoyance.

“What do you really want from us Spike?”

Spike cleared his throat.

“The Princesses wishes to establish diplomatic and trade relations with you all.”

“Argil does not trade with those forbidden to pass into these lands. It’s in our laws. Ancient and unchangeable. Their sufferin’ is only retribution for their past sins. I cannot help you.”

“But but—!” Big Mac was already getting up and putting his helmet on.

“Chancellor Hoity Toity would tell y’all the same thing anyway. I could have you incarcerated and tried for trespassing and you for treason—”

Gilda scowled at big Mac.

“—but AJ asked me to keep you safe and help you out. I cannot help with what you need but I can arrange for you and them yung’uns to leave here unharmed. Do not return otherwise I’ll not be so kind.”

Spike couldn’t look more dejected than ever. Just then the door opened and another guard hurriedly came in gasping making Big Mac whip his head towards him.

“Captain Big Mac SIR! *gasp* Your sister! Ms. Applejack is here. She’s hurt pretty badly!”


Earlier that day…

The group of foreign mares stood speechless at the new personality that arrived before them but they more seemed to be amazed at the ‘thing’ she was on, especially Rainbow Dash.

“Woooow” was all she could whisper in a raspy tone while still in awe.

“Pinkie, where ya off too?” Applejack trotted up to the pink mare while looking at her soniglider, “Wow! Yer really got it upgraded huh?”

“Isn’t it cooool?!” Pinkie said jumping off the soniglider and jumping around Applejack and the soniglider,”Dr. Hooves really put on the works for me seeing the League is coming up soon, and all according to league standards too! I’m like ‘THIS IS SOOOOO AWESOME!’ when I first saw it! Lookie! He upgraded the hydraulics cooling system and the ablative panels got replaced! Also the thrusters can go a further 50mph faster! Ooooh, those griffons aren’t gonna know what hit them! And speaking of the league and back to your first question, my party plans for Willow Celebration week got inherited by Mr. and Mrs. Cake. Captain Lionmane called. I gotta head out to training camp today. BOOOOOOOOOORING! so I’m headed to Willow City.

“Isn't Willow City the other way?”

“Of course it is silly filly!!! I’m just here to get a few supplies for Cap! What’re you up to? Hey who’re your new friends?” Pinkie said finally realizing the other mares standing there and widening her smile, “and why’re they wearing cloaks? Now that I think ‘bout it, those fillies from yesterday were wearing cloaks too...”

“Them? They’re uuuuuh… out of towners. Imma go to Willow City mahself with them...” but Pinkie had already skipped over.

“HI!!! I’m Pinkie Pie! and I’m your new fri…”

“PINKIE!” Applejack screamed tugging Pinkie’s tail.


“...” The mares had no idea what to say to this situation but stood confused and dazed.

“Uhhh… sorry ‘bout that. Pinkie here’s a bit excited ‘bout new faces. She’s another cousin’o mine, Fourth cousin, twice removed by mah great aunt Applesauce’s side tuh be exact.” Applejack said which made Pinkie gave her a big hug, “ACK! Pinkie! I…. can’t … breathe!”

When Pinkie finally let her go, Applejack gasped and began introductions.

“This here’s Rarity, Fluttershy, um… Rainbow Dash an’ Twilight Sparkle.” Each mare gave a little nod. Rarity managed a “Pleasure”

“SUPER!!!” Suddenly the mares jumped at a sudden explosion causing Twilight to swing her head back and exposing her head. Fluttershy fell to the ground as confetti blew thru the air,

“What was that?!!!” Twilight asked in surprise.

‘Ooops! That was my hidden super duper surprise party canon for just in case of greet new ponies situation! I got Dr. Hooves to install one for me. Heehee!!”

Pinkie skipped around until she came face to face with Twilight and noticed her horn. Pinkie gasped loudly, hovering in the air and then she stepped back in front of Applejack, protecting her. Twilight quickly hovered the cloak’s hood over her head.

“STAY BACK AJ!! I GOT THIS!” Pinkie got into a ready fighting stance, “She’s a—”

“Pinkie, it’s—”

“—unicorn! How’d they get in here?!


“Invasion of whippa—!”

‘PINKIE!!!!” Applejack had to grip Pinkie’s tail once again, “‘tis okay… they ain’t gonna do nothin.’”

“How do you know?! They’re fishy!” Pinkie initial friendliness disappeared as she now scowled at the group which made Fluttershy even more uncomfortable now.

“Yer forgot who mah brother is?”

“Oh. Right.”

“Riiiiight. You said you were goin’ tuh Willow City?”

“Yes indeedy doodle!”

“Imma goin’ mahself. Applebloom went there. Tis’ a loooooong story an’ dun ask. Ah was just going back to San Fratello to get my soniglider.”

“Why’re you going for it silly? Just let it come to you!”


“You can home it!! Here lemme show you!” Pinkie dug into her saddle bag and pulled out a little egg shaped key.

“You got one of these don’t ya?”

“Uuuuh yeah. Right here” Applejack pulled out a similar key.

Pinkie took it and switched it on and with a little orange glow a semi transparent interface monitor appeared. The group of mares couldn’t help but become curious and took a few steps in cautiously to see.

“Hello Applejack” said mechanical male voice, “How may I help today?”

“Homing application” Pinkie replied.

“Homing application activated, please voice activate the pin code of your soniglider.”

“This is your part. Your pin is on the key.” Pinkie instructed.


“Homing activated.” the male voice said and the orange glow began phasing in and out.

“There! Now it’ll come to you!”

“Ah didn’t know yer could do that…” Applejack said feeling embarrassed.

“Dr. Hooves is a genius! He’s thought of everything! After all he created the soniglider!!” Pinkie said proudly, “and speaking of creation, did you know he’s working on his time/space theory? He didn’t show me anything but I did get a glimpse of some blue box he’s developing.

“Pinkie… ah need a favor.”

“Sure thing!”

“Can yer go with me to Willow City? With these here girls?” Pinkie looked back at the group and blinked between them and Applejack with a more serious look. .

“Ooooooooooooooh no!!”

“Come on! A glider can hold three ponies max. Please.”


“Please?” Applejack was never one to beg or ask for help and Pinkie realized this. With a heavy sigh she relented.

“Oh all right! But I got my EYE on youI I don’t like it and I don’t like you one bit!... Maybe I like you a little bit….” Pinkie addressed the group as her right eye bulged.

“We’re sort of getting accustomed to not being liked here.” Twilight said.

Just then a distant whirring was heard. The group looked up in the direction it was coming from and sure enough saw another soniglider zooming toward them on autopilot. It had an orange glow coming from the thrusters. It descended with a slow hum causing turbulence in the air and powered down close to Applejack. It had the same sleek design as Pinkie but it didn’t have a few extra accessories that Pinkie had. Rainbow couldn’t contain her excitement any longer.

“That is totally awesome!” she exclaimed. Applejack opened the back compartment and pulled out a helmet and placed it on her head. Pinkie placed hers on as well. The visors came down now obscuring the earth ponies’ faces. Both mounted their gliders. Applejack turned toward the group.

“Well? What’re yer waitin’ for? Get on.” She said tapping the back of the glider where it had extra seating space. Rainbow wasted no time on getting on behind Pinkie followed by Twilight. Rarity got behind Applejack.

“What’s the matter Fluttershy?” Rarity asked.

“Um… I’m not sure…”

“Just get on already.” Rainbow said angrily.

“Oh… okay.” Fluttershy sheepishly mounted the craft.

“On.” Applejack said and the soniglider powered up with a whirring hum and it began a slight tremble as it rose up slowly to hover. Fluttershy grabbed Rarity and hugged her tightly.

“AJ! Turn on your interface.” Pinkie said. Applejack pushed a few buttons and a glowing interface appeared.

“Incoming call.” the male mechanical voice said. Applejack swiped the interface and a video image of Pinkie’s face appeared.


“Hey” Applejack looked over to and saw that Pinkie had on her interface an image of her face. Applejack heard another “WOW” from Rainbow.

“Wanna race?” Pinkie asked.

“What? No way! You’d win anyway!”

“Scared? I lowered my stats to match yours, so we’ll be even.” Pinkie’s face smirked on Applejack’s screen.

“In that case, you’re on!!” Applejack said as her competitiveness kicked in.

“First to Manenisota, wins! Take the east road! Let’s go!” Pinkie went off with a zoom leaving pink flash behind. Applejack didn’t waste a second revving up and zoomed off as well. Fluttershy and Rarity were screaming at the speed they were going at while Rainbow shouted a “WOOHOO” feeling overjoyed to be going fast again.
Twilight was too scared to scream but held tightly onto Rainbow. As they zoomed by passing a few carriages on the road, the gliders swerved sharply to avoid them. Rarity felt as if she’d be sick.

“FASTER!” Rainbow exclaimed. Pinkie changed gears and went slightly ahead of Applejack. Applejack’s face contorted to a daring look and revved up meeting Pinkie’s glider. The two battled head on competing for which fairings will be ahead.

“Hitting 350 AJ! Think you got all that gusto?” Pinkie said over the interface.

“YEEEHAW. Y’all jus’ keep that hoof to mouth jabber tuh yerself!”

“Watch THIS! You all just better sit tight and hold on!!”

“Wait WHAT?” Rainbow said but Pinkie released from a wrist band on her arm a light ball. It zoomed forward till it was only a speck. She then got up from sitting and put her back hooves on the seat till she was standing on the glider. Rainbow and twilight began to have a heart attack. The glider rose higher and the ball were already automatically coming back towards Pinkie. She leaned forward and the glider bobbed a little. Twilight screamed this time. Pinkie thrust forward and lunged herself, pivoted on the handle to do a flipping twirl kick, kicking the ball to go faster and further away. The glider went down a few meters after which she came landing onto the glider back to her original position.

“WHAT THE HAY WAS THAT?!?!?!” Applejack asked wide eyed. Rarity and Fluttershy was too stunned at watching Pinkie do her stunt. And Rainbow and Twilight were holding their chests so tight they might have borne holes into their cloaks.

“My new move I’ve been practicing for the league. I call it the Funky Twirly Swirly!”

“Show off” Applejack muttered. The ball came back when Pinkie put up her forehoof and the ball disappeared into the wristband. The race continued on. The east road was actually off the main road and would take at least two hours longer to reach Manenisota by carriage. Pinkie and Applejack decided to slow down along the road, still in mind that the race was on, but didn’t want to burn out the thrusters. The ride was quiet this time around and the slow pace now made the mares appreciate the scenery. The wind blew and the various flowering trees released their foliage along the road. The various hues of pink, blue and green was enough to make Twilight shed some tears. Fluttershy was busy staring at the ground watching some jackalopes and noxies hop by.
Applejack turned her head to the right and suddenly came to a grinding halt. Pinkie also stopped short of passing Applejack.

“Hey! Why’d you stop?” Rarity asked but Applejack paid her no attention.

“SHHH!” Rarity looked aghast at the reaction she had gotten. Pinkie edged up to be parallel to applejack.

“Why’d you stop AJ?” Pinkie asked.

“Shhh Pinkie….”Applejack remained still for a few more seconds, “y’all hear that?” Everypony remained still.

A strange distant rumbling echoed thru the valley. Applejack and Pinkie looked at each other while everyone else stared at the ground. Suddenly Pinkie’s ears did a twitch and her right forehoof began to ache.

“Oooh no.” Pinkie muttered. Applejack noticed Pinkie’s signs and her eyes widened, but before they can react the ground began shaking and up heaving causing cracks throughout the field and road. Suddenly a giant form emerged from the ground causing a tumultuous amount of dust and grass to be scattered everywhere. Both glider riders quickly reversed and backed away from the disturbance.

“What the f—!” Applejack exclaimed but quickly covered her mouth as the dust began clearing.

“WHAT IN THE NAME OF CELESTIA IS THAT?!” Rarity asked horrified.

“Shhhhhhh!!!! It’s a golem... an’ a quartzion type on top o’ that.” Applejack whispered. They stared at the humongous rock form made up of several boulders put together in a grotesque manner to form some sort of shape like a two legged creature. It was covered in scaly dirt, grass and adorned by small trees on top of its head. Its brown eyes, small and beady, stared in the direction of the group.

“Dun….. move a muscle,” Applejack whispered,”if y’all wanna keep alive, do exactly as ah say. Dun move.”

“But...” Fluttershy whimpered but was cut off by Rainbow.

“It’s staring at us!”

“Golems’re near blind. Can’t see a thang ‘cept fer swift movements, but they got one heck of o’ sense o’ smell... This one’s still a baby.”

“A baby?!” Twilight gasped.

“Shhh! They dun really attack ponies unless we’re in its territory or in its way for food an’ I reckon it’s the second one.” Applejack explained quietly as the golem sniffed the air around them, “Pinkie Pie, let’s back away nice an’ slow.”

Pinkie and Applejack both began to inch their gliders slowly from the golem’s vicinity but it kept sniffing the air and it seemed to be following them. The golem bent lower scanning the ground area, sniffing at the group. It growled.

“A-Ay….Jay...” Pinkie whispered shakily.

“Yer know what we gotta do, right?”

“Uh-huh.” Pinkie said slowly shifting her eyes back and forth between the golem and Applejack.

“RUN!!!!!” Pinkie and Applejack in one swift move did a skidding turn and revved. The golem roared and brought its heavy arm down smashing into the ground causing a huge tremor, with Applejack and her group barely dodging the blow, and falling off the glider. The glider sped off but with no rider it soon went out of control and crashed into the nearby meadow. Rarity and Fluttershy rolled a few meters away. Rarity was already groaning from the stinging of slight bruises and Fluttershy was protecting her head.

“My face!! Now I’ll look horrible!!” Rarity sobbed feeling a small gash in her face. Fluttershy gingerly got to her hooves.

Pinkie had zoomed off some distance away before she realized Applejack had lagged behind. Rainbow Dash and Twilight held on tightly to the glider as Pinkie did another skidding U-turn and sped back to Applejack and the others. The golem roared and brought down its second arm into the cobble stone road this time causing an upheaval of rock and dirt upon the second group.

“PINKIE!!!” Applejack screamed. The golem once again turned its attention to Applejack. Applejack shook off the dirt stood squarely in front of the golem and smirked. Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie managed to pop their heads out of the mound and shook off.

“Twilight! Rainbow!” Rarity and Fluttershy cried in relief and ran towards the group who had just emerged. “You okay?”

“Yeah, we are.” Twilight said. They turned their attention to the standoff.

“Come at me yer big ugly pile o’ rubble!!” the golem growled again and roared in Applejack’s face. The gust of hot stinking breath did not make Applejack budge as her hair blew wildly, and hat blown away.

“That’s all yer got?” the golem raised its arm once again. Applejack’s smirk turned to a taunting smile. The golem raised its arm once again.

“APPLEJAAAAAACK!” everypony screamed. Just as the arm began its descent, the whirring of thrusters and a sudden flash whizzed past from behind the other mares. In one swift move, Applejack jumped out of the way and landed onto her glider heading upward into the air. The golem had hit into the ground and the massive tremor made the mares fall over once again. Applejack quickly reached to the side and pulled out a lasso swirling it into the air and let loose hooking the lasso around the golem’s huge neck. The golem tugged and the glider’s thrusters began to smoke a bit.

“PINKIE! Catch!!” Applejack released the other end of the rope and flicked it down to Pinkie who by then had gotten up and summoned her glider from under the rubble mound. Pinkie caught it, jumped on her glider and zoomed off toward the golem moving around and around, gaining more speed with each turn.

“Y’ALL GIT DOWN OR OUTTA THE WAY!!!!” Fluttershy ran towards some bushes to hide and the others ducked still craning their eyes upwards and mouths agape in astonishment of the darings of the two earth ponies.

The rope entangling the golem tightened as the pink blur whizzed at almost full speed. Applejack zoomed further upwards till she was a mere speck in the sky. She switched on her interface and swiped in the hyper drive mode.

“Warning. System may overload. Warning. System may overload.” The mechanical male voice announced.

Applejack then turned the gear to the second highest level and looked straight down at the golem.

“This is it.” Applejack muttered then hit the pedal and flashed full speed on, spinning toward the golem. The effect of the turbulence caused the flow of air to rotate creating a violent whirlwind tail end swirling down at the massive speed. Midway through the move, she moved into the highest gear and headed straight on to the golem creating a colossal shockwave throughout the valley. The wind hit so hard that small tress were uprooted and the golem’s scaly dirt skin began peeling off. Pinkie hard flashed upward herself to avoid getting caught in the turbulence. Applejack swerved mere seconds before she could impact as to avoid the golem. The violent whirlwind came down onto the golem and caused the boulders making up its body to fall apart. Just as she was almost clear of the falling rocks, a head size boulder struck Applejack on her head and right shoulder. She suddenly lost consciousness and tumbled off her glider falling meters to ground. The glider spun once again out of control but came to a halt humming some distance away. Rainbow being the first to notice what happened, rushed over hoping to catch Applejack but was too late as the orange mare land with a heavy thud onto the dirt and rubble.

“Applejack!” Pinkie screamed as hurried down to her cousin who laid bleeding and unconscious. Rainbow scooped up the limp Applejack and was shaking her to respond.

“Ooooh let me!” Fluttershy said fervently having a passion for caring. She pressed the wound on Applejack’s head to stop the bleeding, “We have to get help now!”

“RIGHT!” Pinkie intervened tapping the back of her glider, “put her here! And you! Rain—, whatever your name is! You drive AJ’s glider!”

“What?! But I don’t know—”

“No time! Just get on and hit that blue button there! And keep your cloak hoods on!! We’re going to Willow City. I know a shortcut!” Rainbow rushed to the glider and mounted with Twilight and Rarity joining her while Fluttershy remained with Applejack pressing the wound.

“FOLLOW ME!” Pinkie instructed and took off. Rainbow took a deep breath and gingerly hit the blue button making the glider zoomed off behind Pinkie.

Author's Note:

A long awaited chapter.
wow, I actually got stuck a bit in writing this one.
thanks to Chronocrosser for some help!! :rainbowdetermined2:

will try to post a few chapters sooner now that I'm free for the next 3 months.