• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 373 Views, 3 Comments

An Alicorn's War Crimes - Mysti Kitty

An Alicorn that goes by "Lavender Springs" and a Pegasus named Skybolt are on the run... But one of them is running from something far worse than the law.

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"Sit down, little one, and let me tell you a tale. A tale of a time long passed. You know of the pony tribes, yes? Good, good. Then you know of how they made peace and bonded together. Do you know what happened after that? Well...

"The pony tribes were blessed with years and years of peace... Until, of course, foreigners set foot upon their land. These foreigners looked like ponies, however. They spoke like ponies, they were built like ponies, but they possessed what no common ponyfolk possessed; They possessed the magic of all three pony species. Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn magic were bundled up in these foreigner's bodies, and the pony tribes knew it, too.

"Peace did not last long once the foreigners began to speak and set up camps. They spoke in ways that made any other pony feel an air of importance around them. They did not like it, and the Unicorns eagerly started working their magics to uncover what lie beneath. But... the foreigners, these 'Alicorn' ponies, didn't like that. And they began to make demands. Yes, these Alicorns were greedy, cocky, and acted powerful.

"But the Unicorn mages soon found out that these Alicorns were not much more than the average pony. Sure, they possessed more strength in magic, but there was not much else to fear. However, days later, more Alicorns stepped onto Equestrian soil. The military generals were worried that there would be too many Alicorns to refuse their demands. But a certain brave Pegasus general led a small army against one of the camps of Alicorns.

"The Pegasi found that Alicorns could indeed be injured, and killed. The Alicorns were no match for the number of Pegasi, Earth ponies, and Unicorns. Some escaped, while most fell. Alicorn reinforcements arrived weeks after, and it seemed as though they wanted this land for their own. Their intentions were never clear. The Equestrians only knew that these ponies were willing to fight.

"No pony was sure of how many Alicorns there were, but the pony tribes almost always outnumbered them. And so they fought, wave after wave, month after month...

"It was not until that same Pegasus general stumbled upon a set of fleeing Alicorns. Instead of killing them, he chose to follow them, with a small army of his own. These Alicorns were foolish, and did not realize they had been followed, until it was too late. The Alicorns had led the outsiders to their haven: a portal to an enormous, pocket-dimensionlike forest.

"And the slaughter began. Alicorns, young and old, male and female, tribe leader and peasant alike were all destroyed. They were outnumbered, and with the combination of Pegasus, Earth, and Unicorn troops, the Alicorns were powerless. Soon, they had all been annihilated...

"This is the part where I get a little fuzzy... I'm not sure where the princesses came into play. It's a tale that's been passed down for ages, you know.

"What? Did all of the Alicorns die? Well of course they did! Any of them that were hiding were hunted down over the years leading after the war... And once rumors of the sisters got out, the ones that hunted those stray Alicorns got even more crafty and secretive. But no one dared to try to kill the sisters. And who would?! They offered support and protection. Now, run along, and do not forget this tale... Those who don't learn from history, are doomed to repeat it..."

"Lavender, young mare, you get over here right now!"

With a sigh, a young Alicorn mare stepped over towards a taller, slimmer Alicorn mare. The older mare had a creamy yellow coat, brilliant red eyes, and a intricately-braided sea-blue mane. She stood, fuming, in front of the doorway of a large stone doorway that belonged to a sturdy house. Her red magic-aura, beside her head, was carrying a broken pile of sticks, flowers, herbs... What was that thing?

Whatever it was, the younger Alicorn eyed it with disdain. Her off-white hooves touched the ground sullenly as she slunk over. She eyed the older mare with her magenta eyes. "You... found it."

"Yes, I most certainly did!" The taller one grit her teeth. "Lavender Wind, you are supposed to be making friends, not enemies! This peace offering charm must have taken a long time to make, and you know that the Divines don't like it when we desecrate something so sacred to our heritage!"

Lavender rolled her eyes. "Why must I make friends here, Mother? Why can't I travel to one of the other Alicorn tribes?"

Her mother scoffed, tossing the pile behind her and leaving it. "You aren't listening to me. Those peace charms will keep a home happy and healthy, and give us good luck! Do you want to disrespect the Divines AND whoever made you this?"

"No, Mother..."

"Then you will fix it up at once, and pray through dinner," her mother responded with a huff, and turned to go. She stopped, however, and turned to look at her daughter. "...Lavender..." She sighed, and sat in front of the younger mare. "I want you to grow up happy. You can't travel until you have matured enough, and you cannot travel alone... I just want you to make sure you've got some company throughout your life." After brushing some of Lavender's warm purple mane out of her face, she stood once more, and walked back into their home.

Lavender sighed and stood up. She mumbled under her breath, "The one I choose isn't the one you want me to choose." She turned her head, and caught the eye of a stallion not far off, standing next to his own house. He flashed her a smile, and she couldn't help but giggle and smile back. My life will be perfect, Mother. Just you wait. I'll have a mate, foals of my own, and my Mark... I'll have a home far away from here, and everything will be perfect.