> An Alicorn's War Crimes > by Mysti Kitty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sit down, little one, and let me tell you a tale. A tale of a time long passed. You know of the pony tribes, yes? Good, good. Then you know of how they made peace and bonded together. Do you know what happened after that? Well... "The pony tribes were blessed with years and years of peace... Until, of course, foreigners set foot upon their land. These foreigners looked like ponies, however. They spoke like ponies, they were built like ponies, but they possessed what no common ponyfolk possessed; They possessed the magic of all three pony species. Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn magic were bundled up in these foreigner's bodies, and the pony tribes knew it, too. "Peace did not last long once the foreigners began to speak and set up camps. They spoke in ways that made any other pony feel an air of importance around them. They did not like it, and the Unicorns eagerly started working their magics to uncover what lie beneath. But... the foreigners, these 'Alicorn' ponies, didn't like that. And they began to make demands. Yes, these Alicorns were greedy, cocky, and acted powerful. "But the Unicorn mages soon found out that these Alicorns were not much more than the average pony. Sure, they possessed more strength in magic, but there was not much else to fear. However, days later, more Alicorns stepped onto Equestrian soil. The military generals were worried that there would be too many Alicorns to refuse their demands. But a certain brave Pegasus general led a small army against one of the camps of Alicorns. "The Pegasi found that Alicorns could indeed be injured, and killed. The Alicorns were no match for the number of Pegasi, Earth ponies, and Unicorns. Some escaped, while most fell. Alicorn reinforcements arrived weeks after, and it seemed as though they wanted this land for their own. Their intentions were never clear. The Equestrians only knew that these ponies were willing to fight. "No pony was sure of how many Alicorns there were, but the pony tribes almost always outnumbered them. And so they fought, wave after wave, month after month... "It was not until that same Pegasus general stumbled upon a set of fleeing Alicorns. Instead of killing them, he chose to follow them, with a small army of his own. These Alicorns were foolish, and did not realize they had been followed, until it was too late. The Alicorns had led the outsiders to their haven: a portal to an enormous, pocket-dimensionlike forest. "And the slaughter began. Alicorns, young and old, male and female, tribe leader and peasant alike were all destroyed. They were outnumbered, and with the combination of Pegasus, Earth, and Unicorn troops, the Alicorns were powerless. Soon, they had all been annihilated... "This is the part where I get a little fuzzy... I'm not sure where the princesses came into play. It's a tale that's been passed down for ages, you know. "What? Did all of the Alicorns die? Well of course they did! Any of them that were hiding were hunted down over the years leading after the war... And once rumors of the sisters got out, the ones that hunted those stray Alicorns got even more crafty and secretive. But no one dared to try to kill the sisters. And who would?! They offered support and protection. Now, run along, and do not forget this tale... Those who don't learn from history, are doomed to repeat it..." "Lavender, young mare, you get over here right now!" With a sigh, a young Alicorn mare stepped over towards a taller, slimmer Alicorn mare. The older mare had a creamy yellow coat, brilliant red eyes, and a intricately-braided sea-blue mane. She stood, fuming, in front of the doorway of a large stone doorway that belonged to a sturdy house. Her red magic-aura, beside her head, was carrying a broken pile of sticks, flowers, herbs... What was that thing? Whatever it was, the younger Alicorn eyed it with disdain. Her off-white hooves touched the ground sullenly as she slunk over. She eyed the older mare with her magenta eyes. "You... found it." "Yes, I most certainly did!" The taller one grit her teeth. "Lavender Wind, you are supposed to be making friends, not enemies! This peace offering charm must have taken a long time to make, and you know that the Divines don't like it when we desecrate something so sacred to our heritage!" Lavender rolled her eyes. "Why must I make friends here, Mother? Why can't I travel to one of the other Alicorn tribes?" Her mother scoffed, tossing the pile behind her and leaving it. "You aren't listening to me. Those peace charms will keep a home happy and healthy, and give us good luck! Do you want to disrespect the Divines AND whoever made you this?" "No, Mother..." "Then you will fix it up at once, and pray through dinner," her mother responded with a huff, and turned to go. She stopped, however, and turned to look at her daughter. "...Lavender..." She sighed, and sat in front of the younger mare. "I want you to grow up happy. You can't travel until you have matured enough, and you cannot travel alone... I just want you to make sure you've got some company throughout your life." After brushing some of Lavender's warm purple mane out of her face, she stood once more, and walked back into their home. Lavender sighed and stood up. She mumbled under her breath, "The one I choose isn't the one you want me to choose." She turned her head, and caught the eye of a stallion not far off, standing next to his own house. He flashed her a smile, and she couldn't help but giggle and smile back. My life will be perfect, Mother. Just you wait. I'll have a mate, foals of my own, and my Mark... I'll have a home far away from here, and everything will be perfect. > Contract > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The tavern was quite crowded at this time of night, and a robed Lavender was quite thankful for that. The candlelight was dim, and the voices of ponies masked her hoofsteps--and her anxiously thudding heart. She knew that no pony would question who she was, as she was wearing a dark, shabby cloak that hid her body from the neck down. She appeared to be a tall Unicorn mare. Hopefully. She stepped swiftly, making her way from the door and through the tables. She did her best not to bump anything or anypony, so as not to attract any attention. She caught a few glances here and there, but there were many different kinds of ponies here. Mares, stallions, Pegasi, Unicorns, Earth ponies... Everypony that's trying to forget their war sorrows, she thought. With a suppressed shudder, she made her way through the tables to the other side of the bar. There was a door there. It was a dark, wooden door, with nothing on it except a small sign stating that it did not lead into a bathroom. She knew that this door masked some sort of dark arts, and the ponies in the tavern probably did too. As soon as she got to the door, she bumped it open with a hoof, slid inside, and clicked it shut softly behind her. She exhaled, feeling relief wash over her. She knew that in these times, an Alicorn would be captured on the spot. They'd then be taken to be publicly executed... so she'd heard, anyway. This war had been going on for several months; She hadn't counted. She hadn't cared to count. She'd been gone from home for most of it. She'd left maybe a couple of months after it started. She thought of these things as her hooves led her down a dimly-lit hallway. She was not focused on her surroundings, as she was deep in thought, but she noted that there were tiny blue flames dancing on the walls, acting as the only light sources. She knew how to cast simple spells like that. She'd just hoped that the Unicorn magic here was not mind-probing-- She blinked with a start. Why hadn't she thought of that sooner?! Somepony could already be aware! Quickly she guarded her mind, making sure not to let any stray thoughts freely roam. She now glanced around. The walls were made of some thick stone that seemed to almost be night-sky-blue. It was a long hallway, but once she looked ahead once more, she saw a lone Earth pony stallion sitting at a desk, facing her. She could not see the details in his face, but he looked fit and young. His coat was a mahogany brown, and his mane was even darker. The closer she stepped, she could make out the fact that he had a small pair of glasses at the end of his nose. She soon reached the desk, stopping a good three feet away. She then noticed that he was scribbling in a book, somehow using a quill with his hoof. Before she could study his hoof further, he set the quill down and looked up at her. His eyes were flower-pink, an odd color considering his coat and mane colors. She could not see his Mark, as he was wearing a fine red and brown robe. "I suspect you know where you are," he spoke quietly, but his voice put her on edge. She wasn't sure what it was, but she knew she had to answer fast. "I do," she responded firmly. Perhaps a little too firmly. She hadn't spoken to other ponies in mo-- "Are you here to arrange a contract? Or perhaps you're interested in making a bit of coin...?" He smirked a little, as though he knew something that she did not. "I'm here to get a job," she spoke as she nodded. "Ah... Well. You realize I can't just hire somepony off the street, right?" His voice was getting smoother as he spoke, and she could sense that he was... smug about something? "I do not have credentials available. War took my village." Well, she knew her home was safe, so she was only half lying. "Ah, I see. You're not the first. Then... I do have a couple of assignments I can spare, if you're willing to work without pay until we can trust you," he spoke, as he flipped through the book's pages. She snorted. "Without pay? How am I to--" "Lesson number one. If you are to receive our trust, then you are to do as we say." She could see his grin again. That's what he was so smug about! She narrowed her eyes. "Alright." "Excellent. Now, I need a name before I can properly assign you." Odd. That seems a little too easy. "...Lavender Wind." She could see no harm in giving her real name; None of these ponies knew anything about her tribes. As long as he didn't ask for her age. "Lavender Wind..." he repeated, before nodding and scribbling something down somewhere. "I'll have to select something here... Where do you live now?" "Here, in town." "I find that hard to believe. I've never seen you around before... Whatever the case, you'll be assigned to two ponies, and you must go undetected in a high security area... I believe you won't be able to use magic, either--" "I must be paid something for my troubles then, if it is a high-stake operation!" She was beginning to grow angry with this pony. She could think of no other way to make Bits that wouldn't expose her. He looked up at her, no longer grinning. "Assassins don't consider any situation to be too... difficult, Miss Lavender. If you truly wish to work here--" "I demand that I receive something!" She roared, staring down at him and feeling every single muscle tense up. His eyes went wide, and her heart dropped. She sighed. "I... apologize. I have quite the temper..." She folded her wings, which had apparently flared up with anger, and-- Her eyes went wide too, and the pair stared at each other for several heartbeats. When she saw his pupils begin to register what she was, she thought up a quick spell that she hoped would do what she wanted. Everything happened quickly after that. She fired a small shot from her horn into the stallion's eyes, and he cried out as he lifted his hooves to try to shield them after they'd been hit. He stumbled backwards and fell onto his side. Meanwhile, she lunged over the desk, grabbed the book in her magic, and tucked it under a wing. She glanced at him, as he lie still on the ground. She did not have time to check on his condition, so she turned and galloped back to the exit. She cast a glance over her shoulder to confirm his position before taking a breath. She silently opened the door, stepped out back into the bar, and let the door shut softly behind her. The tavern was a bit less full now. She swallowed, trying to ease her nerves before she took the walk through the bar once more. She kept her ears pricked for any sounds of pursuit as she started making her way through the tables. Her heartbeat roared in her ears, though nopony gave her a second glance as she walked past. The walk to the main exit was much shorter than the walk into the bar, but she did not care to note it. She was on the edge of her toes, just waiting for something to spring on her. But nothing did. Nothing even made the move to. She made it to the main exit door without incident. She was in such a rush that she left the building as soon as she got to the door. She didn't dare to glance back. Lavender could feel the soft grass bend beneath her hooves, and the cool breeze of a winter night in her mane. Well, she sort of felt the grass. She stood in a heavily-forested area right near a large estate. She'd have loved to explore the place during the day, but she had work to do, and the moon cast an eerie shadow on everything. She was watching the skies for Pegasi, and the ground for Unicorns. But none seemed apparent. In fact, this place looked deserted, save for a window with obvious fire light shining through. In fact, this place doesn't look heavily guarded at all. She steeled her nerves anyway, and began to walk quietly through the well-trimmed lawn. She still had on her cloak, and she kept her head low as she trotted closer to the mansion. She was wearing some simple metal horseshoes, to hopefully mask her hoofprints. A trot turned into a gallop, as her heartbeat began to race once more. She wasn't sure if she was afraid or excited. She didn't want to be either. She almost was unsure of what she was doing here. Well... This place may have something good. And I tore out that page in that book, so I'm sure that no one will remember this address... That spell should have wiped that pony's recent memory clean. I'm fine. I'll be fine... She kept going with these thoughts, until she nearly ran right into one of the walls. She skidded to a halt just a foot away, then looked up at the rest of the building. There was a balcony far above her, on the second floor. That was her entry. Her heartbeat sped up a little, but she ignored it as she prepared. She used a spell to lift her cloak a little, leaving room for her wings to lift her up onto the balcony. As soon as she set foot on the smooth stone, she realized that there very well could be ponies in the room leading from this balcony's doors. Her heartbeat raced, begging her to turn around and leave at once. But she steeled the rest of her nerves anyways, and took a deep breath. The next couple of minutes flew by in a flash. She remembered opening the doors abruptly, stepping menacingly into a room, a startled gasp or two, a flash of her horn... And now... She stood over a pair of Unicorns. A couple, both with silver manes. Their features did not matter to her... But she found herself staring at them. She was horrified. They lay on their sides, noses touching. She... She couldn't have killed them. They weren't dead... They couldn't be... But she did, and she knew it in her heart. She'd killed this couple merely because they were rich and because somepony wanted them dead. They had to have done something wrong to get in that situation... right? She blinked a couple of times before she fully registered the scene. She'd broken into this estate, killed the owners, and nopony had come running... yet. Though, with the sounds of hoofsteps moving around so frantically earlier... She pricked her ears, as she kept her eyes on the couple. No sounds... No ponies patrolling, no pets coming to investigate... Everything was silent. She wasn't sure if it would be so bad to be captured now. ...No. No, I have to do what I came to do, she thought. She nodded to herself, and swallowed. After checking to be sure that they weren't breathing, she finally stepped away from the couple to investigate the room. It was a study, full of books and quills. There was a beautiful desk on either side of the room, and candles sat on them. She watched the tiny flames warily, as though they were judging her. But her heartbeat, still erratic, reminded her to look around for anything useful. She did so, scanning the bookshelves quickly. There were numerous books, and luckily she had brought along a saddlebag, but she could not take them all. She decided on Equestrian History: Your Guide, Common and Uncommon Spells for the Learning Unicorn... and another one, but she wasn't sure if she should take it. Time was of the essence. Shrugging, she placed Lullabies and Bedtime Tales from All Over! She'd need to know common knowledge if she was to ever fit in around other ponies. She then quickly searched for any Bits she could find. She found a couple of gemstones, but nothing else that would be of use. She put what she had found useful into her saddlebags and opened the doors into the rest of the house. Magic-fueled candles lit the hallways, and she was constantly aware that somepony else could be in the building with her. But she continued her search. She quickly combed through many of the other rooms; She found a few apples, a few ribbons to tie her mane with later, a tightly rolled-up blanket, and Bits. She was most excited about the Bits, however, as she found many in a small porcelain coin bank. She transported these into a pink coinpurse that she had also found. Her heartbeat had finally calmed a bit, and she felt ready to leave. Her hooves took her to the grand front doors, and she looked up at it, marveling at the intricacy carved into the wood. It felt good to be able to relax her nerves for a few spare seconds. But those moments were over soon, and she found her hoof touching the door. She fought the urge to look behind her, at all of the wonders in this home... And she felt a tugging at her heart. She'd never had a home like this. She felt that she never would, either. Can't I just stay here, and live in peace? Surely that old couple would love to have a young pony like myself taking care of their wealth... Oh, what am I saying?! I killed those ponies! The Divines will surely punish me for all of this! I'm stealing, I've committed murder and probably a couple of war crimes... She sighed and pulled the door open. It creaked loudly, but she knew there was nopony around to hear it. How could I be so stupid? Mother, forgive me... If I ever go back home... Divines know I won't for many years, as long as this guilt is on me... She began to hear her mother's lectures in the back of her mind, about how young and reckless she was... But she had already done the deeds. Who knew? Maybe this was a lesson sent by the Divines themselves. She would have plenty of time to ponder it later. The cool breeze beckoned her into the night, though she almost felt as though it was taunting her. She stepped out anyway, and wandered a few feet onto the stone porch. She looked out into the yard, as it was fairly large, and watched the trees ahead of her. Maybe they'd swallow her whole, and she'd be forgiven. Negative thoughts aside, she stepped a few more feet forward, and prepared to close the door magically when she realized she was missing her hind left shoe. She scowled and turned back around, determined to find it. Lavender froze in her tracks, staring wide-eyed at what sat before her. A foal, no older than a year of age, sat on his tiny cloth diaper while gnawing away at her shoe. He blinked up at her, making bubbly sounds. The Alicorn could not move. She couldn't think or speak. She just stared at him, magenta eyes devoid of anything but shock. Several heartbeats later, she felt herself swallow, and the thoughts came rushing to her. Who is this foal?! Where did he come from?! How-How could I have missed that there was a tiny foal just roaming about?! Why is he here, in front of me?! She had to take several deep breaths to stop herself from hyperventilating. She watched him as she tried to smooth her nerves and gather her thoughts. After another couple of minutes, she exhaled and began to think more calmly. This tiny foal must be that couple's child... Were there any baby books? she wondered as she studied him. He had a leaf-green mane, and his coat was sky blue. She couldn't tell for sure in the lighting, but he looked to have amber-colored eyes. He was a Pegasus. Two Unicorn parents... Perhaps he's adopted. No... No, he looks just like them... What do I do? He continued to moisten her shoe as she pondered. Should I kill him? NO! Why would that ever be an option?! She shook her head. I could leave him. I'm sure somepony would come looking for the family. But the risk is great... He could die before anypony would find him. I didn't see any baby books... This must have been their first child... And by the looks of it, he's so young that I wonder if anypony knows that he exists outside of this house yet... "Mamma?" The tiny voice was like ice water, and she found herself blinking in a dazed state before she could focus again on him. His eyes were focused on hers, and he continued to gnaw on the shoe as he mumbled again, "Mamma?" She watched him warily. "...No, little one. I'm not your mother... How could you not know your m--" There are no baby books... Your parents are rich individuals who are probably always busy... "Do you have a nanny?" she asked, lowering her head closer to his. "Nannn," he drooled. She sighed. She may not ever know, but it explained why the foal was exploring the house on his own. Perhaps his nanny, and the house's other staff, had gone home for the winter holidays. Winter. Her ears perked as she realized how cold it must have been to the child, outside. Leaving him alone was no longer an option. "...May I have that back?" She reached her hoof out to the toddler, beckoning for him to place the shoe back on it. He studied her hoof for a few heartbeats, before sloppily placing it back on. She felt the warm saliva squish against her hoof as she put her foot down, fixing the shoe. She grimaced, until the child yawned. She didn't know what she was doing, but she felt something tug at her heart. Maybe the Divines were punishing her. Maybe his parents' spirits were. Either way, she couldn't leave this foal to die. She couldn't leave him without a mother, either. She reached over to him with her magic and placed him on her back, despite his surprised squeaks. He was placed between her shoulders and wings, so that he would not fall off. She kept a bit of her magic still on him, just in case, and tucked her cloak around him. Only his head poked out from under the cloak. She craned her head around, to look at him as best as she could. His eyelids were drooping, as he was visibly tired. He yawned once more before he seemed to start dozing off. She watched him for several more heartbeats, until she looked forward again and sighed. Whether or not she took him to an orphanage or a foster home, she was his caretaker in the meantime. She turned back towards the forest and began her trot. She had originally planned on flying to someplace safe, but the harsh winter winds would do harm to her, and especially to her passenger. No, the forests of Equestria would be her shelter from the weather for now. They would be her home, as they had been for the past several months... She was a stranger in somepony else's land. To top it all off, her kind could be dying while she was leagues away from home. > Debt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following day proved to be more difficult than the last for Lavender and her tiny passenger. She'd kept going through forested areas at a brisk trot all night, and even into the day. She'd made sure to stay under the blissfully dark treetops, in case there were any Pegasi scouting in the sky above. The foal had remained unusually quiet for most of the day. He remained tucked under her cloak, sometimes asleep and sometimes just staring at everything around him. She'd checked many times to be sure that he was indeed still breathing, and that he wasn't too cold or too hot. She had only taken care of foals once or twice, so she couldn't be sure, but she felt as though something was off. By the time the sun was setting, Lavender began to register just how tired she was. Even being an Alicorn, her physical strength would fail without nourishment or rest after a while. She found a particularly dark area of the forest that brushed up against some sort of slanted cliff-side. Under the overhang, there were no trees, but the branches practically met with the edge of the cliff above them. It was almost like a cave. She decided it would be good enough and stepped into the small clearing. She cleared the ground of sticks and pebbles as best as she could, before she sat down on her rump with a sigh of relief. Using her magic, she lifted the child off of her back (before he could slide off) and slowly rotated him around in the air in front of her. She was checking for any sort of scratches or bruises, and she checked to see if his diaper was still clean since the last time she'd cleaned it. It was, so she sat him down in front of her. He giggled with excitement and began to look around at his surroundings before crawling towards a particularly interesting rock. She kept an eye on him while lifting her cloak off of her back, as well as her saddlebags. She set them in front of her and lifted her wings, stretching them. A few of the joints popped softly, and she hummed for a moment in bliss. The toddler was still sitting with his rock a couple of feet away, so she turned her attention to her saddlebags. With a murmur, Lavender cast a spell that would light the end of her horn with a small white light source. Opening her saddlebags once again reminded her of all of the treasures that she had been able to find. She removed her horseshoes and placed them on top of her folded-up cloak that sat beside the saddlebags, before reaching inside and rummaging through them. The first thing she reached for was one of the ribbons. It was white, and from what she could tell it was very sturdy. She reached her other hoof up to feel her mane and grimaced. It was knotted and wildly untamed. She set the ribbon down and began to work through what she could with her hooves. Meanwhile, the foal now stared up at her horn. The light was fascinating, and one of the first lights he had seen in forever. Well, probably not, but he was a baby after all. He reached his tiny hooves up towards it, and found that he couldn't reach it. "Unnn!" Lavender blinked and looked down at him, still messing with her mane. "Hmm? My horn?" She leaned down as best as she could, allowing him to see her horn more closely while she continued her work. The foal squealed, reached up, and slapped both hooves on either side of her horn. He immediately stuck it into his mouth. The older pony squeaked with surprise at the sensation, and the foal released it in a matter of seconds. He had not enjoyed that taste. Lavender raised her head back up, restarting her spell. I know horns are sensitive, but I didn't know that they're-- Wait... Yes I do, she thought with a frown. Chasing her thoughts away, she turned her attention to the child. He was making unhappy grunts at the taste that lingered in his mouth, no doubt a result of trying to eat her light spell. She watched him shake his head, sticking his tongue out. She felt a small smile tug at the corner of her lips, but nothing else. She resumed her work on her mane, finally picking up the ribbon once more to tie the end of a braid. That should keep my mane from getting any more messy until we get to a more... permanent shelter. Or at least until I can get a bath. She had already begun braiding her tail, and was halfway done once she realized that the foal's stomach was growling loudly. No wonder he had begun to gnaw furiously at her hind horseshoe. Wait, where did he--? When did he get that? She let out a huff of air and worked quickly to finish her braid and tie it. Once she turned back to him, the sun had fully set and the only source of light they had was the tip of her horn. The foal was quick to realize it, and he voiced his concerns by sitting safely between her front legs, resting against her belly. She stared down at him as he gnawed on the shoe, and lifted him wordlessly into the air in front of her. He didn't struggle that time, for some reason. She settled on her stomach down on the soft, grassy earth beneath her. Then she floated the foal down to sit against her side, near her shoulder. Hopefully my larger figure will be able to supply him with enough heat... she thought as she removed the blanket from the saddlebags. It was heavy from what she could tell, even if it was rolled up tightly, and looked to be of good quality. Lavender unrolled it with her magic, and was surprised that it was much longer than she had thought it would be. She was able to drape it over her back entirely, and there was enough blanket space left over to slip the excess underneath the foal's body. Can't let the cold ground get to his tiny legs, she commented in her head, using the blanket space from the other side to tuck underneath herself as well. It was almost like a cot that ponies would use in the military. Thoughts of war crossed her mind, and she grunted, pushing them away once more. Instead, she reached into the saddlebags and retrieved an apple. "Are you hungry?" she asked, looking down at the foal. His little muzzle peeked out of the blanket, and she saw his eyes sparkle at the sight of it. She grinned, just faintly, and focused on the apple. She cut two thirds of it into thin slices with her magic, thanks to a spell she'd read in one of her books while she'd been walking earlier. A slice floated gently down to the foal, and she watched as he eagerly devoured the sweet fruit. She didn't let him eat the peel, however, so that was tossed to the side. Slowly she fed him the rest of the slices, watching him purr with delight. She could feel his tiny wings wiggling against her body occasionally. As she fed him the last slice, she was worried that he'd need more. But as she tossed that bit of peel away, his eyelids drooped and he silently yawned. Lavender sighed with relief and took a bite of what was left of the apple. Her stomach rumbled as she chewed, and she registered just how hungry she was. She finished it off easily, but as much as she wanted to eat the other ones, she knew she couldn't. She looked down at the tiny foal, who was fast asleep against her warm body. He needs a name... I didn't see anything in the house that would have given me one, though... She certainly didn't want to name him after his parents. She blinked a few times, watching him. She stayed that way for several minutes, though it seemed like hours. Can I really do this...? Can I raise this foal? Can I live peacefully, undetected, among those ponies? She bit her lip, thinking about everything that could (and probably would) go wrong. ...I have to. I have to raise him. I'm the one that turned him into an orphan... It's my responsibility now. She nodded silently, to herself. If he ever finds out, he'll surely hate me. But the only thing I can do to make up for what I've done is provide for him. I'll make sure his foalhood is good. I'll make sure he never goes without a motherly embrace when he needs it... Oh, what am I saying? Can I really do this? She looked up, expecting to see the sky, but only saw the darkness of the looming cliff over her head. She stared up at it for several heartbeats. She then looked down once again at the foal. She let out yet another sigh, and rested her head down on the ground. She curled up around the child. Regardless of her decision, she'd keep him warm tonight. Morning arrived too soon, and the two were off again. The forested areas seemed to stretch across Equestria in their favor. They traveled this way for a couple of days. She knew enough magic to keep him warm, and she may or may not have found fruit orchards to steal a few meals for them. She knew it was wrong, but she imagined those ponies would have given some of their stock up for the little foal. She tried to make sure he was full each time they ate, before she ate. She liked to think she was getting better at this: raising a foal. He seemed to be doing alright now. Maybe he was accustomed to her scent. By the third or fourth day, she wasn't sure, they reached a small town. She had wanted to place as many miles as she could between herself and that mansion, but she knew that if she didn't sleep in a real bed soon, she would go crazy. This town wasn't that big; It was the first town she'd come across. Which meant a traveler would be big news... She had to stop, though. She just had to. So she did what she could to appear calm as she stepped towards the first few buildings. This town was so small that it didn't even have proper pebbled roads. She'd be remembered, she just knew it. She sighed mentally. Then she began her search for the town's inn. There had to be one. It didn't take long. There was an enormous cottage with a large wooden sign depicting that this was what she was looking for. Finally... I'm sure the foal could use some actual rest, too. My fur's flat where he's been sleeping. Thinking of him, she glanced back at the tiny pony. He was sleeping once again, nestled on her back without a care in the world. So she directed her attention on her task at hoof as she opened the door to the inn. It was a well-lit room; The windows let in plenty of light. She glanced around at the humble space. There was a desk, and... that was pretty much all there was. There were two doors, and she guessed that they led into the areas with rooms. She didn't know where the pony came from, but suddenly an Earth pony trotted her way into the room and stood behind the desk. "Can I help you?" she asked, with a twang of an accent. Lavender cleared her throat. "I'm..." She hadn't spoken in days. "I'm looking for a room, for a night or two." "You've come to the right place, sugarcube. You got the bits, and you got a room for as long as you need. We don't got visitors around these parts very often." The Earth pony studied her. "You some kind of big city folk pony? You look like an actress. You act in plays?" "Oh, yes," Lavender responded, nodding eagerly. "And I'm on my stop to the next town. My nephew and I are exhausted..." "Oh you've got a lil' darlin' with you! Yes, you two look plum tuckered out." With that, Lavender paid the humble pony for two nights. She very much wanted to get moving as quickly as possible, but she knew one night of relaxing would not be enough. She was led to one of the bigger rooms; She'd only paid for a normal room, but the Earth pony insisted on letting her and the foal stay in the bigger room. The "little darling" deserved some space to play, she had stated. And Lavender wasn't about to complain. The bed was big enough for even herself to sprawl out on it. There was a table, floor cushions, a rug... It was the most comforting thing that Lavender had seen in a long time. She almost teared up, but kept her composure until the Earth pony left. As soon as she did leave, Lavender broke into tears. She felt a little safer in this space. Everything had caught up to her as she levitated her saddlebags onto the table. She placed the foal onto the bed, folding the provided blanket over him so he was warm enough. Then, she collapsed onto the rug in a heap of sobs. What am I doing here?! I should be back home... I should be with my mother and father... I should be with my tribe, or any other tribe for that matter! The Divines don't watch me in this land... How did I let myself get into this mess?! She looked over at the sleeping foal for a moment, then buried her face in her hooves. I killed a child's parents. He'll never know his mother, or his father... I can't take him to an orphanage... I'd be condemning him to that life that I created for him! Oh, just strike me down now... She stayed like that for a long while, trying to keep her crying as quiet as possible. Everything just crashed on her, one thing after another. She didn't keep track of the time as she simply cried all of her frustrations and emotions out. As if all of that could take her pain and sins away. She didn't care as her stomach growled at her, or her limbs that were aching for some real rest. She did, however, take notice when a tiny hoof touched her leg. She flinched immediately, springing up and smacking whatever it was with the tip of her wing. She heard a cry, and realized she'd very well near harmed the child. She cursed herself as he started crying, and she wiped her own tears away. She lifted him into the air as she stepped onto the bed. He kept crying, but she made herself comfortable as he floated there. Once she was in a good spot, she floated him over to him as she cooed gently. "There, there..." She placed him between her forelegs, as she was laying on her side. "There there, little one... I'm sorry for hurting you, my dear..." She spoke softly, as she imagined her mother would. The thought immediately brought tears to her eyes, but she pressed the foal gently into her neck as she nuzzled him. "Hush now, quiet now..." she murmured into his ear. His crying was beginning to quiet down as she did her best to lull him into feeling safe once more. "You'll be alright... Everything's alright. Everything will be okay... You're safe, here..." She felt as though she was speaking to herself as well. No matter what had happened, no matter what she'd done... she would make things right. She would pay back her debt. "There now, little star-sleeper... I need to give you a name, don't I...?" She spoke softly still, but that thought was very abrupt. His crying had softened into sniffles. She looked down at him, seeing his blue coat and green mane. "Your name..." She gently stroked his mane with her hoof. "Your name... Your name is Skybolt... Does that sound right? Skybolt..." She hummed, nuzzling the top of his head. "You'll be safe. You will always be safe, here with me." > 1 - Wanna Wrestle? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lavender woke to sunlight filtering through her window. She squinted, wishing the sun hadn't risen just quite yet. She stretched, flaring out her wings. The cool, hard wood floor soon met her hooves, but it wasn't chilly enough to bother her. She grunted as she continued to stretch, until her joints felt the light ache that made her hum. As she tossed her lavender mane out of her face, the sun caught her eye again. It was a bright day even for winter, but it was a good day. She was ready to start her daily routine once again, with Skybolt. It had been years since she'd found the stallion now. If she counted, she was sure it was twenty, or so... He was old enough to do anything in Equestria now, at least. He'd grown up so fast, too. Time didn't seem real to Lavender. Not average pony time, anyways. But she'd been so careful not to let that affect him. She made sure to remember every holiday, every celebration... even his birthday. She would never admit that she didn't know when Skybolt was born, but sometimes it seemed as though he knew. He seemed to readily accept what was unknown, and he knew that he would never meet his parents. And she had definitely made certain that he never mistook her for his mother. Lavender told him about how beautiful and intelligent his mother was. She told him about how strong and kind his father was... She hadn't known if that mattered. He knew that they were assassinated, of course. She may not have told him the entire truth, but she wanted to stick as close to the truth as possible. They were wealthy and powerful ponies, so an enemy of theirs had seen reason to cut them down. When he was younger, he couldn't understand when Lavender explained that to him. He had spent weeks mourning, asking himself why he was spared. He didn't tell her, to her face, but she'd heard him crying at night. It took weeks of her gentle words and careful, comforting actions, before he had felt any better. Then, he just seemed to accept a lot of things. He had known practically all of his life that she was an Alicorn. Why wouldn't he? She'd found it hardly reasonable to hide it from him. He knew about the war, too. He hadn't learned about the gruesome parts of it until he was old enough, but he knew that a few foolish Alicorns had cost them their race. He was a smart pony; He knew that the invaders shouldn't have tried taking the ponies' land, but he never seemed to blame Lavender for her race's actions. In fact, he seemed to understand when she would be in mourning. She did that now and then. It wasn't very often anymore, but Skybolt had always known to comfort her, especially right after the news of victory was all anypony could talk about. He felt her pain; His family was long gone, too. All they had now were each other. After Lavender had taken him in, the two of them had settled into a cozy cottage in a comfortably-sized town. Skybolt didn't know, but she had made sure they were as far away from his past as they could get. They had lived in this cottage for as long as he could remember. They each had their own rooms, as well as one kitchen, a bathing room, a living room, and an expansive garden behind the house. Skybolt had grown up in this environment. He'd gone to the town's small school with the other colts and fillies. Lavender had debated on home-schooling him, but she was glad she'd sent him to the schoolhouse. He never once mentioned that his guardian was an Alicorn, and he learned far more than she would have ever been able to teach him. Most days when she picked him up from school, he had relayed back so much information that she had learned a considerable amount about this country. Their lives seemed perfect. Lavender always kept Skybolt out of trouble, and he gave her a reason to keep living in this foreign land. She went by Lavender Spring now, as if to tell herself that she was no longer part of a tribe. She wasn't a part of anything outside of being a part of Skybolt's life. And he was happily a part of hers. They were merely known as a pair that had been brought together by war. A pair that needed breakfast. Lavender softly walked her way into the kitchen. She didn't know if Skybolt was up yet. As she made her way into the room, she could see that he wasn't; When he wanted breakfast, he'd make it for the two of them. So she started thinking of things to make. There were a number of things that she knew he'd love... Was today a special day? No, but she liked surprising him. She stepped over to a cabinet and stood on her hind legs, reaching her head up to try to find a bowl. Being an Alicorn in a foreign land meant that she had to pick a race. She'd only known of tall and slender Unicorns, so she chose to appear that way for the townsfolk. Plus, wings were easier to hide than a horn. Even so, when she knew she could do things without magic, she would first attempt not to use it. This time, however, she couldn't see the bowl she was looking for. She stretched as far as she could; She didn't want to have to use her wings if she didn't have to. She craned her long, off-white neck up high, wanting to succeed in her efforts. Realizing too late that she was making things too complicated, she'd caused herself to topple backwards. She let out a squeak, trying to ready her magic or wings or something to stop herself from falling. Thankfully, something did stop her. She found herself on her rump on the floor, but her upper half was leaned up against a familiar figure, his strong forelegs outstretched to catch hers and stop her from falling. She blinked, realizing she was fine. She looked up and she was met with Skybolt's amber stare. "Jeez, Springs, be careful," he commented, helping her forward so she could stand. "You've got wings... and a horn. You should use one. Or both, maybe." He snickered. She smirked as she stood up correctly. She began levitating things around onto the table. "I have Earth pony magic as well. I might as well use it occasionally, right?" She turned away from him as she pulled out utensils. "You use it all the time. Our garden, remember?" he replied as he stepped around the table. She squeaked as she felt something softly prod her outer thigh. "That's what this Mark is for, right?" She looked back at the symbol on her fur. It was generally the shape and color of a tomato, but had a slightly lighter form of a curled-up baby foal taking up half of the vegetable's shape. "Why don't you call it a Cutie Mark, like the other ponies do?" She turned her attention back to her task. He stepped around to stand beside her, facing the table. He started helping her prepare their breakfast, but with his hooves rather than magic. "I grew up with your terminology, Springs. So... I'll call it what you call it. Besides, it sounds less... dumb." "Dumb?" She sounded offended. "You find your heritage dumb?" He shook his head, looking over at her. She expected him to get irritated with her tone, but he remained as calm as usual. "Yours is just... so much richer, you know? You tell these stories about all kinds of strange magic, and customs, and traditions... Ponies aren't really quite as interesting as you are." He smiled a little as he focused on their work once more. "I wish I'd have been able to see the Alicorns. But I guess I can just settle for you~" She felt a little embarrassed, perhaps from his flattery. "You're certainly not the worst pony I've ever met, either," she replied. Then she heard him chuckle heartily. "Yeah?" "Yeah." Soon they were finished making their meal, and they shared it in comfortable silence. Some ponies may have wished for more, but the two of them were just content the way they were. Once they had finished, Lavender put away everything fairly quickly. She normally used her magic to clean up after them. Using hooves for that seemed unnecessary. "What do you have planned for today?" Skybolt asked, already hovering in the air next to her. He did that a lot, ever since he'd learned how to fly. "Hmm?" She was walking into the living room. "Oh, not much. The garden doesn't need to be tended too much today, and I'd prefer not to tamper with them too much, so I guess I'm staying inside today. I think I'll read, and maybe check on them later." She sat down on one of the floor cushions. They were all fairly large. She suspected that even if she wasn't an Alicorn, they'd have cushions that big. Skybolt was taller than she was, but she certainly wasn't fully-grown. She wouldn't be, for... quite a while, she assumed. But he had definitely grown as much as he could. She wouldn't complain. It meant for comfier living conditions. She had levitated a book from her bookshelf as she got comfortable, and it was sitting beside her now. Once she was laying in a good reading position, she floated it up to her face, and opened it to begin reading. She had only read a few sentences before she felt a prod at her side. She mentally sighed, but ignored the notion. It wasn't until a few more pokes that she sat her book down. She turned her attention to Skybolt, who was sitting beside her. "Wrestle with me." "What? Again?" She grinned a little. "Every time I ask if you have stallion friends, you just tell me 'no' and move on to pestering me. Why not make some? Stallions like to roughhouse." She glanced at her book for a few moments. "It's most fun with you though, Springs." He scooted closer, a soft smile playing on his muzzle. We've been having this conversation a lot lately... she thought. "Alright, we'll wrestle." She floated the book back to its shelf. The moment it touched the bookshelf, he lunged at her, using his shoulder to butt her onto her side. She was helpless for a heartbeat, but flared her exposed wing to bat him away. He backed off, and she rolled over immediately onto her feet. She smiled just a little wider, and so did he. It's good exercise... and it's sort of fun, she realized. But as she was distracted, Skybolt had rushed over again. He used his shoulder against hers, sort of locking their necks together. She squeaked as he grunted, pushing forward. Her hooves slid a little, but he was pushing her with enough force that her front legs were being lifted off the ground. He was going to push her over backwards! She huffed and opened her wings, using them both to bat at him. He backed off again, and shook his mane. He looked up at her with a determined face and a grin. She decided to be on the offensive this time, and charged at him. At the last second, she veered to the left. She intended to shoulder him to knock him over, but it was more of her side and hind that smacked into him. She felt something snake under her tummy, and within a few heartbeats, she found herself lying on her back on the floor. She was blinking up, dazed, at Skybolt. He stood over her proudly, his hooves on either side of her head. "You used your foreleg to-- Are you seriously that strong now?! How did you lift me that far?!" she exclaimed, catching her breath. He giggled. "I lift a lot of firewood, remember? And it takes a lot of strength to push yourself off the ground to start flying." She frowned and looked away, her face flushing lightly. "I know that... I'm out of practice for flying, okay?" She looked up at him once again. "And anyway... You win. So now what do you do?" He lifted a hoof to his mouth as he thought about it. He may have actually been thinking, as he didn't respond for several long heartbeats. "Mmm... I want... Huh." He shrugged, putting his hoof back down. "I don't know what I want." He backed off, stepping to her side as he allowed her to get up. "I just wanted to win~" He watched her with a gleam in his eyes. She giggled, sitting up. "Are you feeling alright? You've been acting like this lately. Well, you're always like... Ah. I mean. Oh, I'm not sure what I mean." She shook her head. "I'm getting too old." She laid down on her tummy, placing her legs in front of her chest. "You honestly look like you're only twenty-something," he replied, doing the same beside her. He stretched out his wings, one of them drooping over her smaller frame. "How old are you really? And how old does that translate to pony years?" She studied him, tracing her eyes along his ears, his mane, down to his strong jaw, and to his wide shoulders... He certainly had grown, and she found herself looking away after staring. "I've lost track at this point, Skybolt... You know that better than I do." "I guess so..." He trailed off, and the pair returned to their previous state of quiet. Lavender blinked up at him, wondering what could be on his mind. But he was looking at something else. She'd learned at some point that males wouldn't always share what was on their minds. He normally told her everything, but there were some things, very few things, that he wouldn't speak of. I won't make you share anything, Skybolt... After all, I've got my secrets too. I just worry... Her thoughts evaporated as he laid his head down on her forelegs. It was a common spot of his. She smiled softly, and nuzzled the top of his head. She inhaled, and his gentle, familiar scent washed over her. She smiled softly. It was so easy to just lie near him and merely exist. She rested the weight of her head on the top of his, feeling his soft mane under her chin. She heard him exhale slowly, and imagined that he was feeling just as content. Living with Skybolt may not have been the easiest journey, but she certainly wouldn't trade it for anything. Would I...? Her thoughts started churning again. She'd been down this road before, but she couldn't help it sometimes. Would I still be with my family...? I could have grown up with my tribe... I could have gotten a different Mark. What was my destiny before all of this? She remembered the details of the war reports, and her thoughts turned to a more sour note. No... My family was murdered. My parents, what few friends I had, and I bet Season was killed too... She grimaced as she saw the stallion's face in her mind. But what if they weren't? I would have had a foal by now. A foal... of my own... A mate, even perhaps? He may have stomped on my heart, but maybe he could have changed... Would I give all that up, for Skybolt? Another content sigh came from the Pegasus, and she felt his wing tighten around her ever so slightly. I don't think I'll ever be given the choice... Do I want to have to make that choice? She imagined his eyes were closed, as he was in his relaxed state. She slid her eyelids shut, beginning to breathe deeply as well. Today would be a calm day. A relaxed day. ...No, I don't. "Oh, Divines help us..." "Which ones?" "All of them!" Lavender responded a little exasperatedly. "We need all the blessings we can get this year... My poor garden..." She stepped past a few of her big potted plants, examining the rooted vegetables that were struggling to stay alive. Skybolt flapped his wings beside her, studying the plants in the column to their left as he stayed aloft. "Can't your magic keep them safe?" She shook her head, though he didn't see it. "I don't like tampering with the seasons... It would upset the balance. It's not in my right, even as... strong as I am. Remember those stories your teacher told you, about Unicorns that tried too hard to make everything go the way they wanted?" "...Oh. Right." He realized that she was correct. Upsetting the balance could very well kill ponies. At least, as far as they knew. He wouldn't want to risk her safety either way. "Sorry." "It's alright." "...Hey Springs. Why did you choose gardening?" He landed delicately on the ground beside her, looking at her. She blinked as she realized that no one had ever asked that question. She looked over at him, and for several heartbeats she didn't have an answer. If he didn't know any better, he'd assume she wasn't going to give him an answer. Just as he opened his mouth to respond, he saw remorse flicker in her magenta eyes. Then she smiled a little, sadly, and continued her slow walk through the garden. "I thought perhaps that helping life was my calling. I wasn't doing too bad of a job with you, so I thought that perhaps helping things like plants and other creatures would be best." She glanced up and down a frozen tomato plant. "...Growing life is what I got my Mark for. I'm not quite that good at the healing part... But I can grow and hopefully help guide life, just a little bit." Skybolt stayed quiet for several moments, walking beside her and silently glancing over the other plants. His voice came quietly. "...You guided mine just fine." She looked at him, and he looked back, offering a soft smile. She couldn't help but smile back, and she looked ahead as they walked. "But I've probably said that a million times. Nopony is perfect." "Yeah..." > 2 - Everything Will Be Fine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following day, it was a little warmer outside. Lavender was excited; She could get some of her shopping done. It'd been longer than she would have liked since she was able to leave the house. She didn't wear horseshoes anymore, or even boots. The cold didn't bother her hooves, and Skybolt would never make it obvious, but sometimes the ground was too cold for the other ponies. She couldn't blow her cover by making it known that she didn't mind it. She stayed indoors when he would, even though he told her to just go enjoy herself. It wasn't as if the town was active that day anyways. But today... Today she'd get to do what she loved best: live and breathe amongst the other ponies. She eagerly tore through her breakfast and afterwords allowed Skybolt to clean up afterwards. He did so without complaint, but he glanced back at her now and then with a raised eyebrow and a grin. She was flitting about the house, searching and mumbling to herself. He hadn't seen her so lively since the last time she was able to go to the market. He turned his attention away from her after a while, as he had a lot to clean up. He had made a special breakfast, just for her. He'd known that today would be warmer, and he was surprised that she didn't realize it the night before. She had Pegasus magic like his... "Skybolt, are you done yet?" He turned around and saw that she was already dressed to go out. Her dresses for going out always included a corset. They made her wings practically disappear, and made it even more believable that she was merely an actress back in her heyday. They wouldn't think she was that old if they knew what she is... he thought. Then again, this town consists mostly of Earth ponies... They don't know about Unicorn magic, so they probably assume that Unicorns stay youthful for much longer than the rest of us. Other than the simple blue dress, she had her black saddlebags, and her lavender mane was braided and off to the side. She stood with an air of importance. He smiled a little to himself. She's ready to start her day. "Just a moment. You can head out without me, yanno," he said as he turned his attention back to cleaning their dishes. "Why would I do that?" She sounded offended. He heard her hooves step closer to him, and he grinned again. "You're a grown mare, Springs... Aren't you?" He imagined her wings would flare a little, if they weren't constrained. "I'm easily thrice as old as you are!" He chuckled. "Which is why you would think you could go out on your own. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the one that raised you." He looked back at her. She huffed. "I've had to rescue you more times than you can count." "Fair enough." It only took him a few more minutes to finish his task, and then they were off. Their cottage was on the outskirts of the town, but it wasn't long before they could see the many ponies bustling about in the warmer weather. Skybolt could tell that Lavender was excited; She was practically trying to run ahead of him. He could probably keep up, but her stamina would probably outlast his. Well, we've never raced... But she usually gives up pretty soon when we're wrestling and stuff... He furrowed his brows. Sometimes I wonder if you're weaker than you let on, Springs... he thought as he glanced over at her. She was walking with a pep in her step, and he couldn't help but grow an amused smile. "Do you think they'll have ribbons and thread? I've been meaning to fix your quilt, and... you know I like having a lot of ribbons..." She blushed a little, embarrassed that she was acting what seemed to be childish. "Oh, and I wonder if the Unicorn merchants will be in today... The magical artifacts that I've been studying have run out of their spark, you know?" "No..." He snorted, looking back to the path ahead of them. "I understand things like... clouds and wind..." "Oh, right, sorry..." She looked ahead as well. "Pegasus magic is just as interesting. I just... can't display what I know." "I know," he replied. "You've got a lot to learn anyway~" He spoke in a lighthearted tone, preventing her from actually feeling bad. She was always looking out for his feelings over hers. "Maybe I'll find some teachers in town today..." she trailed off, and they began to walk in their comfortable silence. Skybolt sometimes preferred it this way; He wasn't always the best with words and sometimes the silence was comforting. He eyed her, from the corner of his eye. She was still excited. That's good... I can't let anyone squash that for her today. She's been working so hard in her garden just so she can support us. I should start looking for work soon, he thought. Springtime will be here soon, and I can make plenty of Bits for us both. He didn't like leaving her at home alone during the winter months. He knew that season was when ponies got their saddest, and he knew how unhappy she could get. His thoughts were interrupted as Lavender stopped him from walking, putting a foreleg in front of his chest. He looked down at it, then up at what she was staring so strangely at. In the middle of the town square, a large, square, wooden pedestal had been erected. That in its own was unusual, as the town never had one of those. But the ponies on top of it... His eyes traveled up from their hooves to the tops of their ears. There were three of them, each wearing dark cloaks and clothing to mask any features below their shoulders. Two of them had their hoods donned, keeping all but the edges of their muzzles in the dark. The one without his hood up was standing in the middle of the two, and he seemed to be speaking loudly, to a small crowd that had gathered there. He was a Unicorn, and he was a certainly eerie one at that. His eyes were gaunt, his fur a lifeless grey, and his mane was blood red. Skybolt didn't care what his eyes looked like, as the Pegasus was trying to avoid looking at them. "Hey, what do you think they're here for?" he asked his companion. But as he looked over at her, he grew more worried. Her eyes were wide, and she was still as a stone. "They... th-they..." She swallowed and started walking forward, straining her ears to hear them. He followed suit, growing more and more anxious with each hoofstep. The shouting grew easier to hear. "...monsters! Don't forget they burned our homes! Killed our loved ones! And ate the bones of the ponyfolk they could have befriended! These... These demons still may walk among us! The war they brought... The destruction they caused! It went unpunished!" The leader of the hooded ponies spoke in a tone not unlike a preacher would use in a church. "We may have been able to destroy their home, but who's to say they didn't escape?! What pony could say they aren't shapeshifters?!" "Lavender..." Skybolt whispered, glancing at her again. "We're on the hunt for those creatures, to bring them to justice! We'll kill every last one of them! Even the Royal Pony Sisters!" the creepy stallion bellowed. "Come on, let's get out of here..." The Pegasus draped a wing across her shoulders, and she blinked, breaking from her stupefied trance. "The Pony Sisters? You mean the princesses?" a pony from the crowd called up to the stage. "They raise the sun and moon for us!" another exclaimed. "They're not evil like the rest of them!" And similar comments followed, showing the crowd's general disinterest with these newcomers. Ponies started leaving, and Skybolt took that as their sign to get out. "We're leaving," he murmured to Lavender. She solemnly nodded, and they turned. As they started walking, he could tell that the mare's hoofsteps were hurried. She didn't want to be in town anymore. She wanted to hide herself away. He couldn't tell if it was from the comments that the... cult ponies had made, or if it was out of fear. He hadn't seen her so shocked in his entire life. Soon enough, they were back at the cottage. It seemed too soon to Skybolt, but he was more than willing to get her away from those poines. He opened the door for her, and the Alicorn rushed inside faster than the time she had to rescue him from eating something poisonous. He followed calmly, and shut the door behind himself. Her response was immediate. "Th-they found me. Oh, Divines, they found me... W-What are we going to do?! I-I've put you in danger, and they'll likely kill you too since you were with me, oh goodness--They're going to hang me, or burn me at the stake, and they'll probably do the same to you! Or they'll do some horrific magic on you--" as she spoke, she was magically removing her dress and corset, though it was was in such a hurry that she almost tore the garments, "--and brainwash you into thinking my kind really did all of those horrible things! I've never eaten a pony--" "Springs." "--or killed foals or fillies--" "Springs!" "--o-or burned anypony's homes. It wouldn't make any sense! Some of us weren't even involved in the war, and we're ponies too! Just because--" "Lavender!" He suddenly wrapped his forelegs around her, pulling the frightened mare to his chest. It silenced her. "Everything will be okay! I'm here... I'm here." He could feel her body begin to shake, and was expecting the soft sniffles that followed. "I'm not going to let them hurt you. Everypony in town already hates their propaganda... They'll move on to the next village. We'll be okay, Springs..." He began to stroke her braided mane. "We'll be okay." He felt a wet muzzle rub against his neck, as she nuzzled him for comfort. "Y-You... You p-promise?" "I promise." His response was met with silence, for several heartbeats... Then she started crying. Nothing stirred in the cold house, and there were no birds chirping outside. Everything was still, save for the frightened mare in his grasp. He opened his wings and wrapped them around her, as his grip around her frame grew tighter. Her sniffles turned into sobs and her wings unfurled to slump onto the floor. Everything they'd ever known could be at risk. Skybolt knew that. He knew that she'd built this life for him when he needed her most, and now somepony else could take that away from them. He hadn't weighted it before, but those Unicorns... They could easily kill her. They could both be killed, because of what Lavender was. A stranger in a land that wasn't hers... He rested his chin on the top of her head, her horn resting against his cheek, as he mumbled soft words of promised safety to her. He tried not to think about what could happen, but rather thought of what he would cause to happen. He knew he could keep her safe. And that's exactly what he would do. Even if she thought she was stronger than he was, or she thought that she had to protect him for some reason, he knew in his heart that he'd stand ground against anything for her sake. He murmured that to her, as well. Hopefully, she believed him. It took several minutes of muffled sobbing and shivering on her end, until she started calming down. He wiped away her tears, and felt waves of relief each time she looked up at him with a little more hope in her eyes. He brushed bits of her mane out of her face several times, and that seemed to calm her as well. Soon enough, he opened up his wings so she could stretch. She seemed to feel better. He was surprised when she thanked him for it. She thanked him for everything, and offered a soft smile. They were okay, until Skybolt traveled back into town on his own later on in the day. He wasn't afraid to scope things out, and he trusted her to be able to hide in their home until he returned. He didn't think she was even going to leave her bedroom. He'd brought Bits with him, as well as saddlebags; He didn't want to return empty-hooved, especially if they needed food. The first thing that he noticed upon entering the town square was that the stage still remained in the center. He found that odd, considering the fact that the crowd had so quickly abandoned the ideals of the cultists. The second thing that he noticed was that the two hooded ponies were sitting in front of it, unmoving. The dark forms just... sat there. He tried not to eye them too much, but he couldn't shake the creeping feeling on the back of his neck. Their leader was not with them. He then proceeded to shop around the market. He was trying to move calmly, and he was really trying to find the strange Unicorn for safety of mind. He stopped in one of Lavender's favorite book stores, and only found the normal setting. The same went for the other stores and vendor's booths. Everypony was delighted to see him, as he and Springs were regulars. A few of them mentioned the odd cult ponies, and asked what his opinion on them was. He gave them all the same general answer: any pony in a creepy hood warded him away. There was more to it than that, but nopony asked further questions. He made sure to purchase a little something from each booth and store he visited, so as to seem as innocent as possible. None of them suspect her to be an Alicorn... Heh, only the book store owner asked about her. I'm not sure why she's so worried... She's really not in danger. We've kept up a good cover, all these years... At least, that's what he thought. He turned the corner past one of the booths, and finally saw the pony he wanted to find, several strides away. The strange stallion was talking in a hushed tone to one of the townsfolk, who looked like she just wanted to run home. Skybolt could barely hear anything, and backed out of view before either of them could see him, but he did hear snippets of their conversation. "...anypony tall? Irregularly tall...? What about... strange aura...? ...keeps to themself? Oh! You're no help!" That final bit was exclaimed a little loudly, and Skybolt took that as his cue to leave. He promptly walked around the other side of the store, and was off. He didn't gallop away, but he was more than relieved that the pony wasn't anywhere near Lavender. By the time he walked on the dirt path to their front door, the sun was getting close to setting. He wasn't really tired, but constantly being on the tips of his hooves in caution was wearing down on him. He entered the home quietly, and shut the door behind him with a soft thunk. He began to set down his saddlebags. "Springs? I'm home!" The words had barely left his mouth when the Alicorn raced into the room, throwing her forelegs around his neck. The pair nearly fell to the floor, if he hadn't seen it coming. He wrapped his forelegs around her in a hug, sitting his rump down so that they didn't fall over. "D-Did they catch you? Are they following you? Did they see you? Is anypony dead?" "Hold on, hold on..." He chuckled. Her manner of questioning him brought back familiarity, and that was a breath of fresh air. "No, no, no, and I don't think so... I saw the leader interrogating one of the mares I grew through school with." "Oh, thank the Divines... W-Wait, do you think they could have gotten information out of somepony?" She stared up at him. He put a hoof to his mouth in thought, and stared up at the ceiling for a moment. "Mmm... I'm not sure." He looked back down at her. "I think we're safe. We don't have enemies here. You're a very kind mare, Springs, so I'm pretty sure the townsfolk would defend you. Though, the questions he asked--" "We have to leave." "--seemed to make sense... What?" He blinked, focusing on her. She was sitting in front of him with her front hooves on the ground, rigid as she stared at him. "Leave? I just said that we don't have anything to worry about... Come on, I think we'll be okay." "They're Unicorns, Skybolt..." She swallowed hard as her expression turned into a mix of sadness and seriousness. "They sensed me, I could tell... The hooded ones were scouring through the crowd. Th-the leader was just speaking to distract everypony, but... I..." She teared up again. "I don't know how to mask my magic... So they could immediately tell that I have too much of it. They locked eyes with me..." "Why didn't you mention it sooner...?" "I thought... that if I sent you into town... and if they came here... They would spare you..." The tears stared rolling again, and he reached a hoof over to wipe them away. "You..." He sighed as he pulled her close to his chest. "You're always so concerned for my well-being... Alright. We'll leave. But when?" Her body relaxed. "Now." "Now?!" He felt her nod against his chest. "I... I already prepared saddlebags. We have to leave before the sun sets... That's when they'll come after me, for sure... They'll wake the village in the morning, with an Alicorn held hostage on that stage, so they can execute her... That's what their plan is. So..." She looked up at him once more. "You can stay, if it would--" He lifted a hoof to her lips. He noticed her shiver slightly, but he spoke. "I'd go to the ends of Equestria if I had to." He smiled, and that led her to smile once he removed his hoof. She wiped away a stray tear or two, and cleared her throat. "Then... we'll be off, as soon as you show me what you bought."