• Published 14th Jan 2015
  • 400 Views, 4 Comments

Shadow Heart - SuperFandomBrony

King Sombra has once again rised. He was set up and has attacked the Crystal Empire. One guard however still thinks that Sombra can be saved and tries to do so. As friends, they spend alot of time together and maybe their relationshp will grow to...

  • ...

Well, I would like to sleep. Goodnight (Take two)

Author's Note:

I have an excuse, I was working in the middle of the night. So there, is that better.

Any characters with similarities to Subtle Strike have nothing to do with the character. NOTHING

Prompt: http://www.fimfiction.net/group/198282/the-coltcuddlers/thread/147205/mm-welldeveloped-sombra-stories-no-rape-please

The blue coat. http://peachiekeenie.deviantart.com/art/Young-Sombra-354786754

Warning: There is adult language in this, but it's bleeped out.

"Get up Subtle," Subtle Strike heard his best friends call to him. "Really Subtle, you need to stop doing this."

"Uggg, what do you want Flash," Subtle moaned and looked around, he's in the dull gray barracks.

"I'm bored, and you're my only friend off duty," Flash Sentry explained.

"More like your only friend," he muttered, "why the hell do you think I'm off duty? I'm in the lunar guard, and we sleep in the day. Even here in the crystal empire," he gestured towards the bright window, "even in the crystal empire, we are traditionally nocturnal."

"Yeah, but I have the afternoon shift today while my other friends have the morning shift," Flash whined.

"What about the other afternoon shifters, can't you hang with them?" Subtle asked.

"Well, have of them are girls, and the other half are them." he was told.

"Wait, them or them?" Subtle asked.

"Them. I would hang out with them, but, well, you know. They're them." Flash responded.

"Fine, fine, just come back in an hour, please." I beg, "I want to sleep, just let me sleep."

"Ok, ok, an hour, that, I can do," Flash told Subtle, and walked off to kill time.

"Thank goodness," Subtle exclaims, and tried to go back to sleep.

He succeeded, for a little while at least.

Thirty minutes later

Subtle Strike woke to the sounds of the alarm going off, well, that's one good alarm he thinks as he gets up. Looking around, everything was the same, all except the sky, which was darker than usual. Then, rushing in, Flash Sentry spotted Subtle and said, "Good, you're awake, this is no time to be asleep, come on, let's go."

"Wait, wait, wait, what happened." Subtle asked, getting up.

"He's back, Sombra's back, and we have to stop him!" Flash Sentry shouted.

"Right, let's go," quickly getting into his armor, Subtle followed Flash Sentry out of the door and down the hallways of the castle to the prince's/princess's room.

There stood the prince Shining Armor. "Good," he said, "Sombra's somehow manged to make shadows able to attack us, we need more men, so move, now.

Half way down, Subtle had an idea, "You know, we could just assassinate king Sombra."

"And how would we pull that off?" Flash asked.

"Well, we fly over the clouds into Sombra's castle, sneak up on him, and while you distract him, I come up behind him and kill him." He explained, and when he looked at Flash, he could tell he disapproved, "Fine, I'll knock him out."

Flash Sentry still had a worried look, "Well, still don't think this is a good idea, I mean, he's Sombra, and are friends are having a tough time as it is, we probably should just wait for Twilight," he said it in a love-struck voice, "and her friends to get here, they would be a huge help."

"Of course you would wait for Twilight." Subtle exclaimed. This provoked a little blush from his friends, "anyway, I'm still gonna attack king Sombra, bye," and with that he ran towards the nearest opened window(down the hall), jumped out and stretched his wings wide out and flapped up into the sky, leaving Flash behind.

Flash looked down the hall than back at the window, wall, window, wall, widow. He ran towards the window and shouted, "Hey, wait up!!!" and was flying after Subtle at full speed. Soon, he had caught up and they were on their way.

Over the clouds was quite peaceful. The sun was bright, and the sky was just an ocean of blue.

But they could not stay in the peaceful land forever, and because they knew it, they were over their target. Setting down on the clouds, they looked at Sombra's castle. It was dark and menacing, to say the least. Subtle hears that black is 'in,' so yeah. Sombra has style.

Looking down, they found saw a balcony and flew down towards it. The balcony let to two large doors which opened into a bedroom.

It was a nice bedroom, much like the princess's and the prince's. It had a master bed, a map of the area, dresser with a mirror on it, doors probably leading to other parts of the castle, and doors next to the dresser, which probably led to a changing room. The room was in all black colors, of course.

Slowly they walked around. Flash Sentry Looked near the dresser, and into a changing room, while Subtle Strike searched around the bed. The bed, he just remembered how tiered he was and he let out a long yawn, feeling very sleepy. "Subtle," Flash yelled, "this king sure has some old clothes, I mean, look at this," he pulled up a blue coat, in great condition by the look of it. "Do you think he would mine if I took it?' Flash asked.

"How the hell should I know? Do I look like an evil emperor?" Subtle asked, and Flash ducked back into the room.

Just then the door banged open and a maniacal shout was heard, "And what do we have here. A guard, how amusing, what were you going to do, assassinate me." he said, "ha, don't make me laugh. A weak underling like you, how did you even get into the guard?"

Subtle turns around slowly and looks at the doorway where Sombra stood. "Umm, my great king, uhh, could I ask you to stop your attack?" he asked, "please sir."

"You could, but that wouldn't change anything. Nor will asking me 'Will I?' But the compliments were a good part. Nice trick, if I do say so myself. Sombra's horn lit up and a magical strike hit Subtle strike, subtly. When Subtle strike opened his eyes again, he was once again in a bed in the barracks, but something seemed wrong. Something seemed... off. Well maybe it was the Pegasus that kept saying "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey," over and over again, much to Subtle's dismay. "Will you shut up!" Subtle finally yelled after it was too much to take, but nothing stopped the Pegasus as he talked and talked and talked. "Ugg, what do you want?" Subtle finally asked.

"You're a fag, right?" Flash asked.

"Wait, what?" Subtle responded.

"You're a fag, queer, male *****, right?" Flash continued.

"Flash stop, that's even worse, what is up with you. And so what if I am, what does that change?" Subtle shouted.

Flash Sentry's face suddenly got serious out of no where, "Because I don't want to be friends with a dirty, no good, little ***** like you." He told Subtle.

Though Subtle Strike's face became an iron shield in a second, obviously having dealt with this kind of thing before. "Good, because if you act like this, we aren't friends Flash, I would never be friends as ill considerate and closed minded as you. Bye." Subtle than turned around and before he could walk away, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he felt a hoof connect with his jaw and he stumbled back a bit. Yet, still, he was able to walk away and leave this fight behind him.

Behind him Flash started to fade away, with the world. The farther Subtle walked, the darkness grew, becoming a void. A void surrounding him, enclosing him, trapping him. Then, out of no where, a splitting light filled the void and Subtle blinked the last few wisps of smoke out of his eyes as he looked around. He was back in Sombra's castle (or maybe never left), next to a very surprised Sombra. "Well," Subtle said to him, "I had a long day, I would like to go to sleep, and I am going to. Goodnight." And with that, Subtle Strike walked over to the bed, got in, and closed his eyes. This bed is cozy, was his last thought before he closed his eyes, expecting not to wake up.

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