• Published 12th Jan 2015
  • 619 Views, 4 Comments

My Little Pokémon: Hoop Hoppers - Azure Ravenscroft

When an ancient Pokémon is unleashed upon the world, how will Twilight and her friends deal with how it decides to change their lives?

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Chapter 1: Where are we?

Chapter 1: Where are we?

Twilight woke up slowly, the light piercing through the veil of her eyelids. She brought a hand up to her head to shield her eyes. Wait, Twilight thought, hands! She opened her eyes quickly to confirm that, yes, she had hands. “I’m back in the human world!” Twilight exclaimed to the forest air around her.

The air replied, “Not exactly, Twilight.” It was Spike, and he seemed to be behind Twilight from what she could hear. She turned around expecting to see her little purple dog, but instead stood a small blue dragon with a yellow underbelly and what looked like grey hair, but turned out to be large hard scales on closer inspection. Unlike Spike, however, this dragon didn’t have a tail. It was about as big as Spike, and there was nothing else she thought could have spoken to her.

“Spike?” she tried the word cautiously.

“The one and only,” the dragon replied, “like the look?” He swept his stubby arms to the side in an attempt to show himself off.

“I… don’t know, what are you?”

“Beats me,” Spike shrugged, “but I’m guessing we’re not in the same alternate world, since you’re not purple.”

“What!?” Twilight cried. Spike pointed at a puddle at the side of the path and Twilight rushed over to examine her new form. Sure to Spike’s word, she wasn’t purple, she was more of a tan colour, like Applejack’s cousin Braeburn. Her hair remained as it had been in the other world and her clothes seemed similar, if a bit looser with a few more accessories. Her backpack was also bigger.

“Where are the others?” Twilight suddenly thought about her friends who also fell through the portal with her and Spike.

As if to answer her question, a very Rarity-like scream filled the air, shaking some of the leaves from the trees and causing many birds to fly from the trees. Twilight picked Spike up and ran towards the sound, hoping Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were also with Rarity.

What she found instead was that there were three small creatures sat looking at each other in between some of the trees. She put Spike on the ground and crouched down to observe the unusual animals. One was a very sleek looking grey cat with a spiral tail, ending in a puffy ball of white fur. It had small tufts of fur on the backs of its legs, which ended in white fur, making it look like it was wearing small socks. The second creature resembled a small brown rabbit, with long ears ending in pink tufts of fur. There was also pink fur around its waist, tail and legs, making it look like fluffy pants. Both the rabbit’s ears were fully extended, showing its shock at the cry. The last of the three was the oddest, looking like a second blue dragon, only this one was closer to an alligator than Spike’s new curvy form. It had large jaws with sharp looking teeth lining it, making it look very fierce. It had a yellow stripe across its chest and red fins going down its back and on to its tail.

“Spike, what are they?” Twilight asked, hoping Spike might have seen them before.

Before Spike had a chance to answer, the three creatures looked at Twilight before saying in unison, “Twilight?!” They all then turned to look at each other, hearing familiar voices from them.

“Girls, is that you?” Twilight still didn’t believe it but so far it was all she had to go on.

All three of the animals then ran towards where Twilight was crouched, again calling Twilight’s name. They jumped on Twilight, after having adapted rather well to their new forms surprisingly quickly. The cat spoke up first, “Oh darling, you have no idea how happy I am to see you.” Yep, definitely Rarity, Twilight thought.

“Which one of you is Fluttershy, and which is Pinkie?” Spike questioned the remaining creatures, all the while looking at Rarity’s new form.

“Well I think I’m still Pinkie,” the blue alligator began,” but I’m not sure, how will we know, what if I’m not real and I just think I am and really I’m just-“ Rarity wrapped her tail around the very Pinkie Pie-esque alligator’s mouth.

“Thanks Pinkie, and thanks again Rarity,” Twilight sighed.

“My pleasure,” Rarity bowed, slowly unwrapping her tail from Pinkie Pie.

“And then you must be Fluttershy, right?” Twilight softly asked the rabbit curled up in her lap, both ears having covered its eyes as soon as she thought she was safe.

“Uh-huh,” she nodded, “I feel so… soft.” Fluttershy curled up more in her ears and fluff.

Spike, meanwhile, was still staring slack-jawed at Rarity, while she had been lying on her back and playing with her tail. She soon snapped herself out of this, though, looking over at her friends, “You do look adorable, Fluttershy,” Rarity stood up and reached a paw out to stroke her friend, who was indeed very soft.

“I wanna pet Fluttershy, too!” Pinkie shouted, scaring Fluttershy as she saw Pinkie’s large teeth in front of her. Instead of eating her, as Fluttershy thought she would, Pinkie instead nuzzled into her fur, moaning in approval.

“I’m glad you’re not freaking out, girls,” Twilight commented.

“Um, I might have freaked out a little,” Fluttershy poked her head out of her fur before putting it back in once she finished speaking.

“And did you hear Rarity?!” Pinkie gasped, “I didn’t know she could shout that loud!”

“At least you seem fine, Pinkie,” Spike added, finally tearing his eyes off of Rarity.

“Meh, I’ve had worst,” Pinkie shrugged.

“But you changed species!” Twilight was shocked at how calm Pinkie was about this.

“Tis but a cosmetic scratch,” Pinkie waved her concerns off.

Twilight facepalmed, something she missed being able to do at home without it hurting too much, “Fine, but does anypony know where we are? It looks vaguely familiar here…”

Unbeknownst to the recently transformed ponies, a figure had appeared from the bushes, also intrigued by the unusual shout earlier. She heard Twilight ask and thought she should answer, sooner rather than later, “Duh, you’re in White Tail woods,” a familiar female voice shouted down from on top of a small rise in the land near where Twilight had hidden with Spike.

Everypony turned to look at the new addition, Twilight recognising the rainbow-coloured hair anywhere, “Rainbow Dash?!” she cried, not realising she had come through the hoops too.

“That’s me, soon to be the most awesome Pokémon trainer in the Equestria region,” Definitely Rainbow, they all thought as knowing smiles crossed their faces, “glad you know who I am.”

“Wait, did you say Pokémon, and what do you mean ‘Equestria region’?” Twilight asked in amazement, how had Rainbow known about the human game, and why was she also a human. Come to think of it, she didn’t look like the Rainbow Dash from the other world, her skin was more like Twilight’s except a bit paler and she looked more ready to go exploring than play sports, if the large cargo pants with lots of pockets on were anything to go by. Her top was like the one she wore in the other world, white with her cutie mark on it.

“Yeah, you know, like those things you’re cuddling,” her words lacked sympathy, as though she were talking to an idiot, “and yeah, that’s where we are. Did you hit your head or something?”

This must be another Rainbow Dash, and we’re in another world, I wonder how many other Equestrias there are, Twilight seemed to connect the dots, eyes sparkling at the research opportunities, but she realised that this Rainbow wouldn’t necessarily know who she was, so she had better introduce herself, “I’m sorry, my name’s Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends Spike, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.”

“Huh, those are some weird nicknames you’ve given your Pokémon, and why aren’t they in their Pokéballs?” the new Rainbow Dash questioned.

“You’re going to have to tell her, Twi,” Spike whispered into the human’s ear, “she might know how to help.”

Deep breath, Twilight, she told herself, you can do this. “Okay, this is going to sound really weird, but we’re not actually from this Equestria, and these aren’t actually Pokémon and I’m not really a human, we’re all ponies.” Spike coughed to interrupt Twilight’s rushed explanation, “Oh right, except Spike, he’s actually a dragon.” Another deep breath from Twilight followed, making her wonder how Pinkie spoke for longer than that back home.

Rainbow looked at the babbling girl for a moment in confusion, but soon came to a conclusion, “Yep, you definitely hit your head, I’m gonna let my friend look you over,” she reached a hand down towards Twilight, but Rarity spoke up.

“Actually, dear,” Rainbow jumped backwards at hearing the cat-Pokémon talk, “Twilight’s telling the truth, and we would greatly appreciate your help to get home.”

Over the next ten minutes, Twilight and the new Pokémon described their story to Rainbow Dash, who eventually seemed to believe what they were saying. Only one question remained on her mind, “So, what you’re saying is… there’s another me in your world?” she squeed, “Is she just as awesome as me?” Her face was now inches from Twilight’s, carrying a smile that would give Pinkie a sore mouth.

“That’s one of the… less important things here,” Twilight leant away from Rainbow, using one hand to put some distance between them, “but yes, there’s another you.”

Pinkie finished answering the question, “And she’s my best friend, and very awesome.”

“Yes, that’s what I like to hear,” she fist-pumped, “high five, Totodile!”

Pinkie looked at her confused, “Excuuuuse me? What did you just call me?”

“Oh yeah, I forgot, you’re not from round here,” Rainbow rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, “see, the Pokémon you got turned into is called a Totodile, a pretty cool one if you ask me.”

“Wait, so you know what all these are?” Twilight asked with her usual scientific curiosity, this time getting her face close to Rainbow’s.

“Uh, sure,” she replied, scared a little at Twilight’s sudden personality change, “that’s a Totodile, a water type,” pointing at Pinkie, “that’s a Glameow, a normal type,” she pointed at Rarity who chose to interrupt.

“I think you’ll find I am anything but normal, dear,” Rarity scoffed.

“No, that’s just what type you are, nothing personal,” Rainbow explained before continuing and pointing at Fluttershy, “that’s Buneary, also a normal type. Then you’ve got Bagon, a dragon type.” At this, Spike fist-pumped, though it wasn’t easy with his tiny arms.

“Thank you, Rainbow,” Twilight smiled at the girl, “but what were you saying about Pokéballs earlier?”

“Oh, they’re just what trainers keep their Pokémon in,” Rainbow replied with a wave of her hand, “it just makes it easier to travel with them. Yours are on your belt,” Rainbow pointed at said belt.

“Oh, I thought they were just buttons on my belt,” Twilight sounded surprised that she had been wrong in her assumption, “but aren’t they a bit small?” The balls in question seemed no bigger than a grape, but each looked different as though belonging to one of the Pokémon.

“Haha, I was like you when I started my journey,” Rainbow laughed, though not at Twilight, more at her memories of herself, “see, you press the button on the front-“ Rainbow demonstrated by leaning down and grabbing one of Twilight’s Pokéballs “-and it grows, see.” The ball Rainbow Dash had grabbed was red and white with a black line going along the middle horizontally with a button in the middle of the ball on what Twilight assumed to be the front, but it was still no bigger than a large apple. On the top of red half of the ball, the appeared to be three pink butterflies, much like Fluttershy’s cutie mare, “Oh cool, you personalised them, who’s is this?” Rainbow showed Twilight the ball.

“Um, Fluttershy’s, I mean, Buneary,” Twilight corrected, regardless of the fact that both statements were correct.

“Right, well watch this,” Rainbow pressed the button on the front of the Pokéball and a red beam of light shot out of it. The light touched Fluttershy, who was still sat in Twilight’s lap, and Fluttershy began to glow in the same light before returning with the rest of the light into the Pokéball.

“Fluttershy!?” the others shouted.

“Where did she go?” Twilight asked with genuine terror in her voice, standing up and getting close to shaking Rainbow Dash.

“Wow, easy, Twilight,” Rainbow sounded scared for her life now, “she’s right here.” She held up the Pokéball before pressing the button again, the same red light shooting out as before, only this time Fluttershy formed as the light faded.

“Oh my, how… strange,” Fluttershy checked her new body over, the energy from the Pokéball still on her body.

“Are you okay, ‘Shy?” Pinkie moved over to where Fluttershy had reappeared, tilting her head at her friend.

“Oh yes, it was very nice in there, surprisingly roomy,” Fluttershy commented.

“Huh, never had a Pokémon actually describe a Pokéball to me,” Rainbow thought out loud without realising.

“Me next, me next,” Pinkie jumped up and down, waving her stubby arms in the air manically.

“Do you want to do the honours, Twi?” Rainbow pointed to Twilight’s belt.

“I guess,” she looked down at the other three balls at her belt, returning Fluttershy’s to its previous place on the left. The was a mostly black ball with a yellow stripe and spot around the middle, a red stripe around the top and the diamonds on the very top, so Twilight guessed that was Rarity’s. Then there was a ball with a white lower half similar to Fluttershy’s but the top had a green and brown pattern similar to camouflage on it, with a scroll being engulfed in green fire on the very top. I guess that’s what Spike’s cutie mark would look like, Twilight mused. The last ball on the far right was dark blue on the bottom, fading into a lighter blue and finally white on the top, with a circle of light blue on the front of the top, making it look like the sea. On the very top of this ball there were three balloons, two blue and one yellow, making Twilight assume it to be Pinkie Pie’s Pokéball.

“Ready Pinkie?” Twilight asked after enlarging the ball the same way Rainbow had. A vigorous nod was Pinkie’s only reply, so Twilight pressed the button again as Rainbow had shown her, causing the red energy to shoot out and engulf Pinkie, which made her giggle like a school filly.

“You can’t leave us out of all this, Twilight,” Rarity whined, wanting to join in on the fun. Twilight released Pinkie, slotted her ball back into the belt and took out the remaining two balls. After enlarging them, she let Rarity and Spike in as she had with Pinkie. After a few moments, she let the last of her friends out of their holders.

“Oh darling, that was heaven,” Rarity moaned once she had finished materialising, “it was like a spa treatment in that wondrous device.”

“Mine reminded me of my egg, weird,” Spike shuddered slightly at that thought.

“Well, now we’re all cleared up, want to come back to my camp?” Rainbow asked Twilight, holding out a hand for Twilight to hold so she could follow her, “My friend might know more about helping you get home.”

“Sure thing, thank you, Rainbow,” Twilight smiled and accepted the hand, “come on everypony.”

Rainbow looked at Twilight with a raised eyebrow but didn’t question the odd statement, instead choosing to walk on through the bushes with her new friends in tow.


A few minutes of walking later, Rainbow held open a folded down branch, allowing Twilight and the Pokémon to walk through into a small clearing, two tents off to the side by a table with benches around it. Sat at the benches was a tall girl with a Stetson over her blonde ponytail.

When Twilight got closer, Rainbow called over to the girl, “Hey Applejack, I found a trainer in the woods.”

Now that she said it, the girl looked a lot like Applejack from the other human world, except over her shirt she wore a tanned leather jacket. Instead of her denim skirt, she wore denim jeans, but her brown leather boots went over the top of her jeans. When she turned around at Rainbow Dash’s shout, there was no mistaking Applejack’s honest smile.

“Howdy, always nice to meet new folks on our travels,” the same country drawl the others had grown to love over the years of knowing Applejack.

Twilight introduced herself and the others, then got straight down to business, reciting their story much like they had done with Rainbow. Thankfully, Applejack seemed more accepting of the girls’ story, not believing them to be liars like Rainbow had done.

“Ah reckon Professor Zecora should know what that thing you saw was,” Applejack concluded, leaning back in her part of the bench, “she usually knows all about weird happenings around here, though I doubt she’ll be able to tell you why your friends turned into Pokémon and you turned into a human.”

“’Professor’ Zecora? In our Equestria she’s just a doctor of sorts, she makes potions and things like that,” Spike told Applejack and Rainbow.

“That’s kind of how she became a Professor, makin’ potions, least that’s how she started” Applejack explained, “see, we use potions and such to make our Pokémon better when there ain’t a Pokémon centre nearby.” She pulled a purple spray bottle out of her bag which was on the table by some food, “This is one of hers, she made it so it still heals a Pokémon’s wounds but it doesn’t sting ‘em like they used to.”

“Fascinating,” Twilight took the bottle in her hands, examining the runny liquid in the transparent section of the bottle.

“This is all well and good, dears,” Rarity spoke up from under the table where she and the others had taken seats, “but where exactly is Zecora?”

“In her lab in Everfree city, inside the Everfree forest,” Applejack answered, “probably a couple of days walk from here, but Ah wouldn’t recommend going now, lots of wild Pokémon come out at night in these woods, not to mention the powerful ones in the Everfree.”

“So what will we do until tomorrow?” Fluttershy asked, uncurling one of her ears so she could see the girls sat around the table.

“Well, we could always do what other trainers do,” Rainbow offered cryptically.

“And that is?” Pinkie probed.

“Let’s battle!” Rainbow slammed her fist on the table and pointed at Twilight.

“What?!” Twilight cried, “But… I don’t know how.”

“It’s easy, sugarcube,” Applejack put her hand on Twilight’s shoulder comfortingly, “I’ll show you what moves your Pokémon know, and even though it’s your friends in there, their new bodies should know what to do.”

She reached into her pocket in her jeans and pulled out a strange red device, which looked a little bit like the mobile phones her friends had had in the other world. Applejack flipped the top half up and the screen turned on by itself, again much like the phones. “This here’s called a Pokédex,” Applejack stated, “I guess you could say it’s like an encyclopaedia of Pokémon, and you can also scan Pokémon with it to see what attacks they know.” This was all very impressive, and Twilight just couldn’t wait to use it.

“I’ll wait here, let me know when you two are ready,” Rainbow waved as Applejack lead Twilight over to the other side of the clearing.

“Why did we come over here?” Twilight asked as the last of the Pokémon caught up with her and Applejack.

“Wouldn’t want RD getting’ an unfair advantage now, would we?” Applejack winked, “now, let’s see…”

Applejack made Twilight’s friends stand in a line so she could scan them one at a time, while Twilight pulled out a pad a paper and a pen from her bag, ready to note down what Applejack told her. One by one, her friends were scanned and moves noted down. Applejack gave Twilight a brief rundown of what their types meant in terms of their strengths and weaknesses, which Twilight also wrote down, hoping she would have time to learn all this later. Applejack had told her it all came with experience but Twilight wasn’t going to take any chances.

“Darling, do I- we have to do this?” Rarity asked, sounding a little nervous.

“It’ll be fine, Rarity,” Twilight petted Rarity’s head, causing her to purr, “remember what Sunset said in her diary? Pokémon don’t actually get hurt, and they get better really quick after battles. If you don’t want to fight, I’m sure you can sit out.”

“Please, me, sit out, nonsense,” Rarity tried not to look flustered, “I was just worried… for… for Fluttershy, yes.” She pushed said rabbit Pokémon forward.

“Me?” she questioned innocently, “I don’t mind.”

“Oh you’re just being brave,” Rarity scoffed, “how sweet of you.”

“No, I really don’t mind, I’m actually looking forward to the exercise,” Fluttershy hopped from one foot to the other, looking up at Twilight with her big brown eyes.

“You guys ready yet?” Rainbow shouted from the bench, looking bored out of her mind from sitting still for so long.

“Sorry Rainbow!” Twilight shouted back, “We’re ready now!” she turned back to her friends, speaking at a normal level, “If you change your mind, Rarity, let me know.”

Applejack moved to stand in the middle of the clearing, which in itself was about ten metres wide in all directions, a natural battlefield, “Okay girls, this will be a two on two battle, meaning each of you can only use two Pokémon, and once both of your Pokémon are unable to battle, you lose. Ready?”

“Ready!” both girls shouted.

“Then let’s do this!”

Author's Note:

Yes, Fluttershy is a shiny Buneary, I wanted at least one of them to have similar colours to what they used to have.