• Published 5th Feb 2015
  • 2,626 Views, 53 Comments

A Bit For Your Thoughts? - Kihano

Who would have thought that the life of a merchant would be so difficult yet so fulfilling at the same time. Now I venture forth as this world's Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider/Unknown Arab Merchant from Aladdin. Strictly HiE.

  • ...

Inevitable Confrontation and The Second Confirmed

Path To Ponyville, Morning

"I don't think this is such a good idea."

"Why not?"

"I'm with Flutters on this one. I mean, come on, what's the big deal?"

"Need I remind you two, that a human isn't exactly a normal sighting around these parts. Heck, they probably don't even know what a human is to begin with. And if there's something I learned these past few days is that the ponies in Ponyville fear what they don't know."

"Ain't that the truth- OW! What!? It's true ain't it!?" Angel rubbed his head gently in an attempt to quell the aching bump, once again courtesy of Fluttershy.

"Be that as it may, WE," Fluttershy placed a heavy emphasis on the 'we', going as far as drawing it out a little longer and gesturing to her group with a wave of her hoof. "Are going into Ponyville so that you can properly introduce yourself, and if they so happen to run away from you in terror than it's their loss for losing the chance to be friends with a kind and friendly person."

Fluttershy ended it with a determined nod of the head, before letting out a squeak and hiding behind her mane due to the incredulous stares she received from her two companions.

K, though, couldn't help but smile at the declaration. It was quite touching and comforting for her to quickly come in his defense like that, but what with her being kindness personified (or is it ponified?) K supposed it was expected.

"I'm still not going though."

"Well it's a bit too late for that, cause we're here." Angel helpfully announced.

"Whaa~?" Was K's very intelligent reply, before looking up at the wooden sign in front of the entrance to Ponyville.

Welcome To Ponyville

"Nope," K immediately began to backtrack and headed towards the general direction of the cottage. "Nope, nope, nope, nope."

At least he would have, if not for the fact that Fluttershy was suddenly in front of him at eye level, her wings keeping her aloft. K tried to stay strong in his decision, he really did, but one look at Fluttershy was all it took before he let out a sigh and slumped his shoulders in defeat. Fluttershy, however, gave him a small bright smile in return and began to drag him towards Ponyville. Angel, who was still atop Fluttershy's head just looked very amused with the whole ordeal.

Curse whichever puppy created the puppy-dog-eyes. Curse them and all their cute and adorableness.

Ponyville, Morning

The moment they entered through the gates, several ponies that they had passed stopped whatever it was they were doing and openly gawked at the human/pony/bunny trio. Though their focus was more mainly on the giant thing walking beside the gentle animal caretaker. With what seemed like a domino effect, all the ponies ceased their actions and silently stared at the trio with wide eyes.

K stopped walking, causing Fluttershy, who was looking at the ponies with a nervous expression, and Angel, who was waiting in anticipation for the metaphorical fireworks to explode, to do the same.

Looking at the crowd of ponies and their slack jawed expressions, K slowly raised his bandaged right hand in greeting and said one word that could no way deserve it's returned reaction.


No one knew who it was that screamed first and ran but somepony, and they all ended up doing the same. Some tripped over their hooves in their panic, some flew away so fast that they were only a blur in the sky, some poofed away in a sudden burst of magic. All of this just to desperately get away from whatever it was.

"Told you this was a bad idea and all I did was greet them." K drawled out amidst the panicked screams, trying not to sound like a know-it-all in the process, of which he was partly succesful in doing so.

"Sheesh, you would think they learned from the zebra incident." Angel nonchalantly said as he surveyed the slowly receding crowd of ponies.

"Oh dear..." Fluttershy couldn't help but be a little disheartened at the ponies automatic reaction to something strange. She honestly thought that they wouldn't overreact this much. A little bit of fear perhaps, but not to this extent.

"Yeah well, I guess it's to be expected, but-" At the sudden pause in speech, Fluttershy turned to K and noticed that his eyes were narrowed and his body suddenly froze. Angel seemingly reacted the same way, his head turning in different directions in search of something.

In the blink of an eye and a sound that suspiciously sounded like thunder, she was suddenly in mid-air. K's arms were protectively wrapped around her stomach, as he gracefully flipped away from a huge cloud of dust that accumulated from whatever landed there. Landing in a crouch, he gently placed Fluttershy back on the ground, before glaring at the cloud of dust.

As the dust slowly cleared away, it revealed a pony. A blue pegasus that had a rainbow themed mane and tail, to be precise. A pegasus that was glaring daggers at K and had teeth bared into a snarl.

"You let Fluttershy go, you monster!" Rainbow shouted defiantly

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what?"

"Wait Rainbow, you don't-" Was all Fluttershy could get out before she was interrupted by Rainbow.

"Don't worry Fluttershy, I'll save you! The others are on their way to, so just hang in there!" And with a great flap of her wings, she shot towards K and Fluttershy at an alarming rate, small bits of lightning visibly arced around her body. Rainbow Dash didn't seem to notice them, nor did Fluttershy. But K and Angel obviously did, causing K to narrow his eyes.

K gestured for Fluttershy to get back, which she did so albeit hesitantly and in contrast to Rainbow's sudden burst, K just slowly walked to meet it. A slow walk which gradually transitioned into a sprint.

'So I finally found another one, huh? That's two down and many more to go... It's nice to see you again though,'

Moments before they were about to make contact, K did a slight hop, his arms doing a circular motion before both rested at his right side. Just as he landed, K thrust both arms forward, meeting Rainbow's lightning arced dash with an explosion of energy, dust, and lightning, causing Fluttershy to shield and brace herself to avoid being blown away by the sheer force of the wind accumulated from the explosion.

'Raijin Thunderkeg... the Storm Spirit'

Author's Note:


To the few who are reading, I am once again very sorry for the delay, but I hope this chapter was to your satisfaction. If it wasn't, tell me your honest opinion on this and stuff.

I feel like I rushed a bit at the end, so I hope that doesn't bother you guys much.

As always, point out any mistakes, give helpful criticism, don't flame unnecessarily, and if you have any questions as to what the fuck is going on, just ask either in the comments or PM me and stuff.

So... yeah, Thanks for reading and I'll hopefully see you guys in the next one
