• Published 29th Apr 2015
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Do I? - KarmaSentinal

Even if you didn't commit the crime, sometimes you're the one that pays most.

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Do I?

“Moonie ate the cake mix!”

“Hang’em high girls, she’s comin’ fer a second round!”


“Look out!”

“Deary, are you ok?”

“I’m fine. Stay with the plan and don’t give in!”

“Thy companions are not but sticks beneath my hooves! Forgo this dogged resistance and we promise leniency.”

Chilling claims that echoed through this near forgotten palace of old; hoof steps and struggling combatants marked the end of its slumber as 7 mares of various powers fought for the future. Six to one, and yet no clear winner could be decided as each side increased their efforts to break this deadlock.

From the shadows came another game changer coated in the scent of death as it struck the pillar next to the would be upstart. The ancient column erupted in a dazzling display of force as it was thrown all across the room; the biggest piece aiming for the learned unicorn who was trying shield herself from the carnage around. Luck was ever present with these six for in the mare’s final moments, for she was swept off her hooves by a blue angel.

The self-proclaimed Queen hissed her anger before reabsorbing into the ceilings many crevices, once more earning the angel’s insidious taunting.Through the valley of shadow and moonlight the queen maneuvered, delivering blast after blast to which neither connected. Her adversaries retaliated in force:pink, white, orange, and blue.

From the air and land the two charged her, while the others lobbed a mixture of yarn and confetti wisely from a distance. Their attack was loose in discipline and it showed their age; no veteran would’ve demonstrated such a green act, but none could claim to wield the Elements of Harmony.

Feeling insulted, the nightmare rocketed from the ceiling in a whirling mass of dark cloud, forcing the two rushers to separate. Despite the suddenness, the two reacted almost like they had expected it and synchronized their movements in accordance to the other. When one weaved through debris and the lashing shadow, the second would come from the side for a strike. Rinse and repeat, the trio tangoed neither backing down in this moonlit dance.

So engrossed was this wicked mare, she failed to noticed the lack of flying objects pelting her. The earth pony and pegasus were becoming worth their weight in gold: they would make fine prey for her nightly hunts…

“NOW!’ the cry injected itself into her thoughts. Her little playmates scattered to the farthest corners of the room, leaving her alone to face the encroaching ball of light.

It was fast, and most importantly effect. The spell obliterated the surrounding shadow cloud and exposed its queen to the various dangers of the night; once relieved of her cloud, the mare was assaulted a second time by the spell, but only more powerful in intensity.

“AHHH! OUR EYES!” She cried in agony as the spell latched onto her muzzle. A Solar Flare it was called, a spell used as a signal when lost or to just bring some light a darkened world; it filled both roles flawlessly as the nightmare screamed and wither in pain after looking into the equivalent of the rising sun.

“COWARDS! FIENDS! Thou wilt find no exemptions from my wrath!”

Empty words from a disabled mare. No amount of magic would remove the sphere lodged firmly around her sensitive eyes. Her wails did nothing to quail her pain, but it did serve as her only outlet to relieve it.

That wasn’t saying she didn’t try.

If anything the room became even more violent and disruptive than before. Blinded and aggravated too unprecedented levels had nearly destroyed her image; what little strains of magic she could still command lashed at any and everything in reach. Every monument to her old life was attacked and scattered to the crying winds of Equestria.

Her prey was no longer detectable, but it didn’t stop the unwarranted destruction of the entire castle if it meant she could still crush them. Once or twice one of the mares would cry or shout when she struck close, and that was all she needed to renew her desperate barrage once more. It was this selfish desire/need to take away that formed the bases of her psyche, to repay the world for what it took from her.

After an eternity, the sphere’s grip lessen to the point the alicorn, with the tact of beating a boulder to dust dislodge the offending spell. Her eyes were damage, perhaps even permanent now but a creature of the night would adapt and thrive, as the rules of the old world were written.

“We have you now! There will be no peace for thee, not now, not ever!”

A vain threat but little concerned her now except for justice against these little ponies and the wrongs they have committed against he.. that magic. She felt its electrifying presence rubbing against her coat before hearing dust and pebbles shifting in the wind; it was old and powerful, even to a being of her stature felt the clawing fear into her darken soul.

“No..no..nonononoNONONO!” she cried not with fear but resentment as memoirs of the past played themselves out once more.

Even as the world around her brighten, the temperature become unbearably hot, and her blood stalled to a stand still, Nightmare Moon cursed and shouted defiantly to the last breath as her body shifted and slowly exploded from existence. The Elements of Harmony, while an unknown and powerful tool against the darkness, no creature except its intended target would ever know the pain of having your very essence severed from flesh and bone. Its in this moment, on the threshold of life and death the mind is freed from its earthly tomb and the being becomes omnipotent. That split second came and went, and Nightmare Moon finally understood the questions she had so long sought answers for; her motives and desires were irrelevant to the world’s plan and she would be scrapped for something newer, more in tune.

The Rainbow of Harmony came and went and the castle fell silent once more, the conflict was over and life would carry on.

The dust was still settling, coating the newly fixated scars in an attempt to keep appearances. Nothing, except for the high pitched chattering of six excited mares proved life was still in this tomb. Nopony was hurt, thank Celestia they thought as the group started to splinter off in exploration.

The duo that had the deciding charge broke off for the door, there was nothing left here for them. The nervous pegasus and the giggly earth mare were content to stay put as their unicorn cohorts headed for the final resting place of their fallen foe. This was a victory of enormous repercussions, and likely to make the history books for the rest of time; until the moon fell and the sun reclaimed its spot on top, the newly minted friends could bask in the revelation of their success.

They were in the midst of this final relief when the warning cry broke the mood. The cries of battle were being rallied once more, encouraging all to race to its origin. Both pairs dashed:skipping, jumping, and flying over architectural remains to aid their unicorn friends in danger…

They arrived in time and found the reason for the summon, for laying just by their hooves was a body fighting desperately for the right to live. All six ponies were quite, silently debating what they should do; their foe still lived and with that posed a danger to their world, but could they really make such a decision as to end a life?

Regardless of the stern glare the two athletes were shooting, the prophet and self-proclaimed leader ignored their irritation and decided for them. Until the princess could come, they would watch over their enemy and let her make the final call. With a majority rule, the six saviors took the dying into their care and began the long trek for home.

“Spike, have you received anything yet? Did the princess even get the last letter?” Twilight parroted the same two questions she had asked since her return.

Her number one assistant, yawned quietly from his makeshift pillow den tucked into the crevice of the main couch. His spade tail protruded from the side, laying motionless for the duration of his yawn; the crackling of scales and a childish snort confirmed he was no longer sleeping but simply existing in the space in between.

“No Twilight…” came his worn response, followed by another yawn loud enough to revoke a nervous twitch from their uncertain guest who rested on the opposite couch. Twilight shook her head as she fell back into a controlled panic, mumbling softly while pacing expectantly by the entrance door.

In the kitchen, Applejack and Pinkie Pie tackled the evening task of fixing supper for their new friends. It was all Applejack could do to not snap at the others, while the pink baker hummed her favorite nursery rhyme to ease her troubled nerves. The two pegasi, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy were crowded around Rarity who by now was at her breaking point; between an aggressive ruffian and a petrified mare unwilling stand up and vouch for their Canterloian friend made the mood unpalatable.

Suddenly, the four clocks that were neatly aligned to match the cardinal directions gonged precisely when the both arrows had finally reached the pinnacle of their current rotation: 6 pm. Their announcement was both unexpected and unwelcome by the library’s seven occupants.

Twilight already feeling the weight of the world succeeded only in deepening her irritable mood. The two cooks Ignored it but took its ringing as their sign to finish the final preparations for the meal, while their other cohorts marked it as another wasted hour. Spike forgot it all together as he finally re-entered his own version of the 100 year nap.

No letter. No response. The day was almost over and they still had no idea what to do with their captive… patient?

“That’s it. We’re going to Canterlot and getting our answers tonight!”

“But dear, it’s already late and the next train most likely has left already.”

“Uhm Twilight. Rarity does have a point..if you don’t mind me saying.”

“Besides, it’ll mean less time for sleep and I can’t use the “I was out saving Equestria.” excuse… already used it once.”

Ignoring Rainbow’s bold claim, the three mares fell back into their debt over the future involving their foe when they were once more interrupted by the quick ra-ta-ta of a hoof on wood. This act of courtesy stunned the mini counsel enough to dismiss all talks for the immediate hour; the chorus of kitchen instruments followed suit, summoning its composers from their theater.

6 sets of eyes narrowed on the unicorn who paused in mid stride, looking to her leadership once more. Twilight’s eyes shot between the group and door in rapid succession hoping the speed would increase her analytical thinking; it failed to spark the appropriate solution, which forced the opposite response from her.

“Go away, we’re closed.”

This one statement had the desired effect and the light, but powerful knocking ceased. A complimentary pause lingered before the full ramification of what was said forced Twilight seeking an apology. A purple flash, followed by its signature pop was the only warning she had left at all; the 5 mares and young dragon were left to their own devices, wondering where their host had vanished.

A question answered when the Element of Magic stumbled back into the library, displaying her ability to apologize in many forms. The unicorn had tuned out the rest of the world and when the pony trailing behind her finally entered, it was easy to see why.

Princess Celestia ducked just beneath the door frame as her escorts took post on the outside. She ignored Twilight’s unwarranted apologies and the new Element’s submissive bowing as it all distracted her from the matter on hoof.

“Where is she Twilight?” the commanding princess asked in a whisper.

The 5 mares and Spike as one met Celestia’s gaze before looking toward the second couch, resting along the nearest wall to them. The princess followed their sight, and to her sudden disappointment found it void of the mare she was looking for; Twilight’s letter had stated she was here, near death but alive! After a millena of pondering her actions and longing for yesterday, she was granted a second chance and was not about to lose it!

“Where is Sweeten Dreams, Twilight… where is my sister?” Celestia asked once more, shrugging off the their startled gasps as she walked past them for the stairs.

The alicorn said nothing more as the first hoof started its ascension up the spiraling stairway, the thunderous stumping of multiple hooves went unnoticed behind her as well. She was a mare on a mission, a want and a need to reconcile a shattered love between two ponies once separated but through chance reunited.

Celestia’s mane couldn’t turn fast enough as her head whipped from side to side, scanning each room as she passed; with each failed scan, the princess felt the recluse anger...sorrow growing with each drum of her heart. Her sister’s final resting spot was still unknown and it drove her further into the looming madness.

“Princess Celestia wait! Where are you going?”

Don’t cha think this is a bit un-royal like, princess?”

“Yea! The party isn’t up here.”

Useless pleas that fell on the deaf ears of their distraught princess as she stormed the final door. Her entourage of six retreated when the world lit into a blinding haze of gold, until the source dissipated; where solid oak once barred entry laid forever scarred on the bedroom floor.

The four mares and baby dragon traversed the distance in record time, expecting to discover the private sanctuary in ruins but instead found one princess frozen in thought. The candle Twilight had left lit swayed to the unnoticable beat of the night, mocking the stalking shadows hounding its borders; directly beside this daring candle stood her mentor idly weeping by the cold bed. No pony had the motivation to interrupt the somber mood as it saturated their inner being.

Through her own will power, Celestia was the first to break this spell after magicly wiping away her stray tears. She didn’t falter her attention from the empty bed, but her voice did reach out them in its quest for closure.

“Where is my sister?” she asked once more, the light it once held fading with each note spoken.

The party standing next her held their tongue as they sought the counsel of the pony next to them, and when that failed they averted their gaze elsewhere. Celestia remained in another time as the lingering silenced slowly morphed into a crushing veil before saying “I see…” and simply departed from the room.

Twilight watched, guilt consuming her heart as her most perfect idle left a trail of pieces behind. As one they gathered themselves to join their sulking leader as her fretting mind drummed her onward; the will to do anything else was lost following the crushing realization.

Each hoof lingered just a bit longer on each step as Celestia shuffled carelessly down the stairs. A millenia regime of solitary governing had left her all but harden to the eroding pleasures in life and when it came time for true celebration, it was greeted with rejected joy.

Today was suppose to be a revival of that lost sensation; a renaissance of feeling and a return to self unity in matters of the soul and mind. Today wasn’t that at all, in fact it couldn’t be further from it. There was no parades marking the return of a princess or the unity of the throne, but only a procession parading into the now and forever still night.

Celestia found the bottom step the most difficult, but drawing on her life experiences shouldered the burden and met the ground in stride. Her entourage followed behind, neither still having found the courage to speak or attempt to break her mood. They collected at the stair base, watching as she sulked past their friend, Fluttershy, who was hovering over the other couch in silent song.

As the setting sun passed, the older mare ceased her singing to regard the passing princess, noting her path for the exit. Seeing this, Fluttershy did the one thing the other six had failed to do and that was to look past the present and look to the future.

“OH! Princess Celestia, what about the foal? I mean, we can’t just give you a foal or anything but… uhm well.. we would be grateful if you could help us with her.”

She paused mid stride, caught off guard by the sudden arrival of a voice more than the nature of the question itself. The question was a much needed distraction, summoning the princess from her depression to acknowledge the young pegasus.

“Oh, forgive young one. My mind has a habit of wandering at the worst times, tell me my little pony what was your question again?”

The excuse worked, and the counter question prevailed as the reserved mare nodded understandingly, having experienced something like it before. She casted a quick look where her friends were huddled, watching her conversation with awe and great interest; why they found it interesting was lost to her but she had a concerned that really needed addressed.

“ Well, I was wondering what about the foal we found earlier today? I know you’re busy, being a princess but... I..we couldn't decide... “

“We didn’t know how to deal with Nightmare Moon.” Rainbow butted her way in, having finally grown tired of their lack of action. High on this new determination, she left the safety of the herd for the supporting presence of her friend who looked disappointed by her choice of the foal’s name.

Celestia faltered once more. Her eyes darted worriedly, yet hopefully between the two mares with one thought on her mind as the group made their way to them- explain. Following Fluttershy and Rainbow’s example, Twilight took the mantle and continued the conversation explaining everything that had transpired; from the moment she had arrived in Ponyville, through the Everfree Forest up until they found the foal after using the elements against Nightmare Moon.

The Elements gathered around and listened as Twilight retold the story from her perspective, reigniting some distaste for the whole affair. Her tale left the princess silent as she searched for the right feeling.Celestia’s mind, let alone her heart were divided; she finally had her sister back, but not in the way she desired.

Confliction aside, Celestia needed to see her sister again and with trepidation placed one hoof in front of the other. Each collective knock propelled her senses to new heights as the world slowed to a standstill; every feeling on the chart strummed a chord, wanting a turn to be felt in the final moment leading to reunification.

Fluttershy took the lead as she peeled away to take her original position beside the couch that rested the foal in question. They watched as she lowered her muzzle close to the lump of a blank, and began humming the same tune she hummed to her animals everyday.

The opening verse was an unbelievable enchantment to the ears, a choir of nature in the purest of forms, but as she transitioned into the second verse was when the magic came to life. The lifeless mound proved otherwise with a simple extension of its wooly cloth, before retracting into its shapeless bundle.

The mares weren’t surprised but Spike and Applejack took this the hardest; the little dragon exploded from the group, his stumpy legs rocking him closer to the center of all this excitement while the farmer did the exact opposite and headed for the edge. Twilight shot her a pleading look, but slumped when her new friend shook her head no.

Fluttershy’s song hit its high point, allowing her words to ripple into the minds and hearts of her captive audience. With each stream of words, the blanket thrashed eagerly to the uplifting tone. This reason become self evident when a tiny button nose bursted from the seam, eagerly being followed by the rest of the head.

“Is that truly Sweeten Dreams?” Celestia asked, mesmerized by the pure childish innocence. Spike rotated his view from the filly to the rest of the girls as he waited for an explanation, but soon forgot about it as the filly emerged closer to examine him.

Fluttershy looked away but tilted her head forward to answer the question; Nightmare Moon was indeed the filly emerging from the warming covers, but by some tragedy or miracle had lost all knowledge from before today. A small giggle summoned everypony’s attention as the filly was standing on all fours, leaning on the couch edge trying to touch the fin resting on Spike’s head.

Her denim colored mane was styled short enough to follow the contours of her muzzle; falling no longer than mid way around her neck. Her little wings flapping desperately to keep her balanced as the baby dragon maneuvered enough to stay just out of reach.

“She’s an alicorn filly as well Princess, and here lies our problem.”

The princess didn’t have see the pony to know it was Twilight, but the subtle decrease in tone gave her pause for thought. The filly before her obliviously kept swatting her bigger playmate as her very future was once more being decided. Celestia didn't carefully rule over a nation to throw it all away over a lapse in judgement.

With timid movements, she lowered her muzzle so it would be resting on the other cushion watching the foal play. This action lasted perhaps only a couple of seconds before the filly had propelled herself off the couch in fright as the large mare was finally noticed. Her cry had no time to leave her mouth before transforming into excited laughter as the wind tickled her little feathers.

The girls had noticed it but Celestia had reacted first. The little foal’s wings were still flapping as her hooves left the safety of the couch and with quick timing the princess had used her magic to collect the now squealing foal. She had wanted to place the little filly back onto the couch, but when her fear turned into excitement, Celestia couldn't help but feel the urge to let the her fly just a moment longer.

This unchained feeling of responsibility was a notion as foreign as chocolate rain to the monarch. A rare sensation that couldn’t come from the mechanical workings of inner house politics or the self learned duty of being a role model; a feeling that could only be experienced from guiding and raising a foal through the road of life. Granted Twilight was a joy to teach and guide during her younger years, it did tug on her old heart to watch her student leaving the nest and striking out with others.

So when Twilight asked her a simple four word question the princess dropped the little bundle in shock, but thankfully Fluttershy was there and caught the filly. During Celestia's mild daze, Spike and the motherly pegasus took this opportunity to ferry the surprised foal to the other side of the room with the intent of providing a sense of privacy for this upcoming talk.
Once the pair had left with the foal in hoof did Twilight asked Celestia again.

“Do you want her?” a simple yes or no and the question would have been answered, but of course nothing was that simple.
“But Twilight..I can’t raise a foal, let alone an alicorn foal at that! The nobles will have a fit if I’m lucky and more than likely move to force a bride price at their earliest convenience.”

“Wh’t sorta price?”

“A bride price Applejack. It means instead of the bride paying, the groom’s family pays for the privilege of marrying; a tradition dating back many centuries mostly among the nobles and upper crest to insure stability and power. But can they really force such a matter against your will?” Rarity interjected.

“Normally no, but several families have gained so much power and influence in certain areas they can nearly cripple entire sectors at their say so. These families amongst themselves could gather enough support to force my hoof and the family she marries into will undoubtedly use her as leverage to fuel their ambitions.”

The group fell silent save for the excited foalish giggling and her playmates as they danced to the imaginary tune being plucked for them; they remained oblivious to the audience seeking a distraction to life’s problems, and sought it by watching their little merry performance.
The dance wasn’t anything extravagant by any standards and that’s what made it all the more special. An act created solely for the entertainment and amusement of a little foal wanting nothing more than for its two caretakers to continue their craze flailing of limbs and funny noises. Another moment. Another memory. Another precious second wasted standing idly by as it happened.

For the moment, everypony’s thoughts mellowed out as they watched too great effect the comedy being performed, but Twilight wasn’t Celestia’s student by her unparalleled ability to retain knowledge alone. Ignoring the rumours and gossip that stagnated the opinions of many, she had the latent ability to “read a pony’s face” (but it did helped knowing every facial muscle)and while this uplifting moment continued, her mentor’s continued plummeting.

“You really want to say yes, but you’re worried about what sort of future she’ll have aren’t you?” Twilight whispered as she kept looking forward.

From the edges of her peripheral vision the unicorn recognized the faint dropping of Celestia’s head, and in return offered her own nod to the princess. The others from her observation had missed this little exchanged and even if they’ll hear what is discussed later, at least right now it’ll feel more personal between teacher and student.

Scooting closer to the hurting princess, Twilight gave her teacher a much needed nuzzle on the leg before offering her more much needed advice.

“You could have Sweet Dreams raised anonymously and visit when you can.” Twilight paused as the swelling laughter of her new friends drew her attention before continuing. “What I mean is perhaps somepony you know could raise Sweet Dreams in disguise.. as a normal filly.”

“Would you do this for me Twilight?”

“I’m honored you’ll ask me first, but I can’t raise her. Sure I raised Spike but that was only with the castle staff and your help, and I’m just now getting the chance to experience the life I’ve been missing out on for so long. I wouldn't be doing her any justice.”

“I.. you’re right.”

“My parents may eagerly jump at the opportunity considering they already see you as part of the family.” the corner of Celestia’s lips tugged ever so slightly.

“I still get Hearth's Warming cards from them every year.”

“See Princess?” Twilight asked “There are options out there but in the end only you know what's best for your sister.. or daughter if you so desire. Just remember that you have ponies willing to help.”

Celestia said nothing as the mare’s wisdom saturated her worrying thoughts; her concerns are self justified but what use is there fueling these destructive flames when nothing has happened..yet? Planning for and fearing the future are two vastly different situations that required two very different methods for dealing with them, but practicing ignorance about it was just as damning.

The alicorn was drafted from her dilemma as the ravenous applause demanded everypony’s attention. Looking up rewarded her to the precious sight of Spike bowing left and right repeatedly as he basked in the praise. His equally wonderful partner ducked slightly behind the more boastful dragon but that didn’t stop her from bowing as well; the young filly found this strange movement simply fascinating and like any avid academic sought to discover its meaning… by lunging right onto Spike’s head.

The action was instantaneous, and resulted in the collapse of both as Fluttershy jumped out of fright behind her friends. Excluding two performers, everypony failed to restrict their laughter as Spike “battled” the brave mare trying to slay him; all of this stirred the aging pot of memories that sat loosely on her shoulders.

Celestia joined in the presession more for appearances but faltered in that reasoning when Spike started producing his “death wail” to which Pinkie Pie mentioned sounded like one of her baking timers.The laughing resumed in earnest.

All of this only added to the dusty and cobweb laced shelves of her heart as loneliness placed more mementos of this moment gently upon its open space. The faded feelings and memories of the old and new collided and conflicted just enough to tip Celestia’s normally stoic mind; the alicorn argued for or against the one question that has weighed her down since it was first asked.

“Do you want her?” She asked herself.

The little filly screamed happily as she took her place on Spike’s upturned belly, bouncing excitedly as the young mares congratulated by talking in a way that match her speech. This moment stung Celestia harder as her tender heart bled for an answer.

“Do I want to raise my sister.. to raise a daughter of my very own?”

Author's Note:

This story is a bit different than what I normally write but I wanted to see if I could write a decent open ended one-shot.

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