• Published 24th Jan 2015
  • 863 Views, 8 Comments

Ya dun goofed - Tyrfang

They've finally done it. Celestia and Luna have managed to screw up so bad, that their celestial bodies, Sun and Moon, have rejected their influence and have materialized. Here we go.

  • ...


Solaris and Nocturne sat on a couch, the former (semi) napping and the latter reading a book. It was a quiet day and the castle hasn't had any major incidents like the little town down the road had.

"Hey Sol." Nocturne said through his book.

"Nnggh. What." Solaris popped one eye open.

"We're the celestial bodies, right?" Nocturne asked.

"Of course you dolt." Solaris said sitting up.

"And the princesses gain their power and their sovereignty through us right?"

The gears were turning in Solaris' mind. Nocturne was right. They were called the Princess of the Sun and Moon.

"Aren't we technically royalty?" Nocturne inquired, smiling at Solaris.

That smile was matched.

"Why yes Prince Nocturne, I believe we are..."


Somewhere in Ponyville, in a tree cottage, the Lord of Chaos himself shuddered in the midst of a tea party.

"What's wrong Discord?" a timid yellow mare asked.

The Lord of Chaos smiled, his eyes bright.

"Nothing much my dear Fluttershy, just a bit cold."

"O-oh, I'll go get some blankets!" Fluttershy rushed out of the room looking for something to warm the dranequeous.

"If i were not previously engaged with something..." Discord mused.

It was chaotic. There were sweets everywhere, statues built out of ice cream, and a swimming pool filled with chocolate pudding in the Great Hall. Fifty guards stood in front of the two thrones that were made. One made of Ice, the other of Stone. The brothers were holding court. The blonde spoke first.

"And you're Mr..."

"Bright Star, your highness"

"Ah yes Bright Star." Solaris grinned. "And what is your profession?"

"I'm an astronomer, your highness."

"Not good." Nocturne said. He then yelled, "DAY AND NIGHT GUARD, WHAT IS YOUR PROFESSION?"

"AAOOUGH. AAOUGH." Came the response of the fifty guards present.

"Ohh, tough break." Solaris said. "Alright, send him to the marshmallow room."

"No! Please! It'll take weeks to get it out!" Bright Star started.

"Up up up, you heard the Prince." A guard said.

"Thank you Shieldsy" Solaris laughed.

In all honesty, the marshmallow room was just filled with mini marshmallows, and you got free hot chocolate. But the ones sent there didn't know that until they got there, mainly because he was told it was a sea of marshmallow, half melted and stale that no one came out un stuck. The brothers weren't evil, just they needed another person to play ultimate zombie hunt and called all staff and everyone they could find to court so it'd be easier. What did you expect? Actual punishments? Bloody casual.

"And who are you?" Nocturne asked.

The grey pony steeled his glare. "I am Swift Rain, part of the Wonderbolts."

"Oooh. I've heard of them. You must be a good flier than, eh?" Solaris questioned.

"I'm pretty good." Rain said with a smirk.

"Well then, you're in. Except...You're the survivor." Nocturne laughed, "And they", he pointed to the fifty guards(unicorn, pegasi, and earth ponies) "Are the zombies. You have three seconds."

Swift paused. This is what the summons was for? This is ridiculous.

"And times up." Solaris said.


The sound was heard round the city. The game had begun. The two brothers laughed as they saw the fifty guards run after the grey pegasus. None would be safe. And no one mentioned that the 'zombies' were equipped with balloons filled with red, blue and yellow paint. It would take forever to get that out of the curtains. An hour or so had passed and the castle was red, blue and yellow. The guards were relaxing (after much coercion from the princes) , eating the towers of sweets, and even Swift Rain (after showering) came to enjoy the day with the princes, along with a pink pony who ate the entire pool of chocolate pudding(who promptly fell asleep at the bottom of it after her devouration of it). Their fun was coming to an end though...as they heard the Earth shattering roar of two very pissed off sisters.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" came the cry.

"Shall we bail?" Nocturne asked.

"Hmm, lets." came the reply.

That window will never be the same, the way it shattered as the brothers and the Wonderbolt jumped through and ran off into the sunset.

They were caught sometime later in a cafe drinking tea and vehemently denied any and all accusations...only to fail and be punished. They were sentenced to clean up the mess and write an apology to everyone involved. The guards were sent to their respective C.O.s, and punished accordingly, while the pink pony vanished. She wasn't caught. And from that day on, the princesses will know to keep the two under their personal watch so it doesn't occur again.

As far as the sister's know that is.

Author's Note:

So, writers block sucks. And this was a spur of the moment thing, and I'll get on to the main story as soon as possible.

~Tyr (or Solaris. Just dont call me late for supper)