• Published 6th Jan 2015
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TwiDash Prompt Collab - TwiDashCollabs

Mini-stories of everyone's favorite pegasus and unicorn-turned-alicorn ship written by TwiDash group members.

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Misunderstanding - CalmNQuiet


On instinct, Twilight’s ears folded back and she winced at the echo of hoof against crystal reverberating through her home. She briefly considered a sound-dampening spell, but realized she didn’t have one in her repertoire. Not that it would help. Across from her, Rainbow Dash glowered with such intensity anything short of a full-energy-matter shield would be useless. Perhaps, she could be diplomatic about this.

“Please, Rainbow, calm down.”

This was statistically a poor thing to say given the situation. If only she could think properly in Rainbow’s presence, she might’ve responded with something a little less likely to catastrophically fail. And fail it did. Rainbow’s frown drew up so far, Twilight was unsure if it was still a frown or just a massive overdose of Pinkie’s Powerful Pucker-Up Powder. But given the nearly instantaneous response of: “I am calm! Don’t I look calm?” indicated her suspicions were correct.

Another stomp, followed by a snort. Rainbow nearly growled and spread her wings. “Do you know what I’ve been through? I got up early. Early, Twilight! Do you know how hard that is for me?”

Twilight nodded dumbly, not quite sure where this was going.

“That’s right! Me, Rainbow, master napper, fastest cloud-pusher in Equestria, got up early to go to work. Skipped my hay-waffles, my hay-bacon strips, my Wonderbolts approved high-octane power juice, just so I could get to the library right when it opened.”

“You did!” Twilight responded, perhaps a little loudly, all the shouting seemed to be affecting her. Or maybe it was the glisten of energy she could see in Rainbow’s eyes.

“Then, I flew right to you. My best friend, the princess egghead of books, the very pony who got me into Daring Do in the first place, and you tell me I can’t check it out?” Rainbow’s forehooves crashed against the crystal floor once more. “You said it was on reserve for me!”

“It is!” Twilight shouted, her voice straining to match the boundless energy which seemed to radiate from every one of Rainbow’s jerky motions. The countless muscles delightfully tensing and relaxing with each punctuated word beneath that beautiful blue coat.

“Then where is it! Why can’t I have it?” Rainbow demanded, her mane tossing back. Specks of sweat launched themselves from her forehead, glistened through the air, and landed on a visibly panting Twilight Sparkle.

“It...it’s Wednesday.” Twilight gasped out, her wings spread ajar—twitching and struggling to stay folded in a neatly coordinated fashion.

“So?” Rainbow leaned forward, her eyes piercing into Twilight’s own, demanding, seeking, desiring...

“Thursday.” Twilight croaked out, her senses surrounded by Rainbow’s presence. “It comes out on Thursday...” She sucked in a deep breath and watched as the world around her melted. The fiery pink hues of Rainbow’s eyes softened, Rainbow’s cheeks darkened, and those taunt muscles relaxed. They shared their closeness for but a moment longer before Rainbow drew back.


Twilight nodded, catching her breath.

They stared at each other for a moment, the sudden defusal leaving both a little unsure of what to do. Twilight reached into the vast depths of her mind for a solution. The obvious answer was always there.

“Book...” Twilight stammered, “I mean, do you want to read the last book. You know to get pumped for the new one tomorrow.”

Rainbow turned back and looked at the door and then back to Twilight.

“Because, uhm...” Twilight shifted uncomfortably, “well, not many ponies come in this early in the morning. And we haven’t really read together in a while.”

Rainbow opened her mouth, paused, and wondered what else she might be doing. A small smile grew on her lips. “Alright, it’s the least I can do after blowing up like that.”

“It’s okay Rainbow, we can all get excited for a good book. I should know.” Twilight’s horn lit and she retrieved a copy of the latest Daring Do hidden safely beneath the counter and trotted to Rainbow’s side.

“Always prepared, huh Twilight?” Rainbow grinned.

“Always.” Twilight grinned back.

Author's Note:

Next Prompt: Delay

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