• Published 6th Jan 2015
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TwiDash Prompt Collab - TwiDashCollabs

Mini-stories of everyone's favorite pegasus and unicorn-turned-alicorn ship written by TwiDash group members.

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Hooficure - Liquidfirest0rm

“NO!” Rainbow Dash screamed, her hooves latched firmly to the doorway of her marefriend’s bedroom.

“Come… on… Rainbow!” Twilight grunted out, struggling to pull her rainbow colored marefriend from the doorway with her telekinesis.

“No, Twilight! You know I don’t like other ponies touching my hooves!” She was beginning to lose her grip on the doorway and she was starting to panic.

“I… touch them… all… the time!” Twilight argued back, still attempting to dislodge Rainbow from her doorway.

“That’s because you’re special!” Her muscles were beginning to burn under the strain. She knew that she wouldn’t be able to hold out against Twilight’s magic for much longer.

Twilight growled in anger, releasing her telekinetic hold on her marefriend. It was like trying to knock down a brick wall with her head, and was starting to feel like it as well. She had been straining herself against Rainbow so much, that she was starting to build up a headache, even with her new alicorn levels of power. This led her to the thought that Rainbow was part earth pony to be able to fight against that much power.

“Fine! If you don’t want to go, then don’t!” Rainbow let out a sigh of relief, wiping some of the sweat off of her brow.

“But,” This caused her to snap her head around, looking the glaring alicorn in the eyes. “Until you decide which you can tolerate more, you aren’t touching me there ever again. As a matter of fact, you won’t be touching me at all until you get it done!” She stomped into her room and slammed the door in Rainbow’s face. A small click could be heard as the door was locked followed by a light pink shimmer as a ward was placed on the door.

Rainbow sat there, looking as if she would start crying at any second. In truth she felt like she wanted to. She looked down at her hooves, a multitude of chips could be seen in the hard surfaces. She knocked gently on the door, the ward shimmering around where she had touched.

“Twilight?” She called out.

When she received no answer she hung her head, a few tears making their way down her muzzle to drip on the floor. She honestly couldn’t remember why she had this stupid fear of hers, and now it was going to cost her her marefriend.

No! I am not going to let something this… petty come between us!

Rainbow straightened up, a determined look in her eyes as she wiped away the tears that still remained in her eyes.

I’m Rainbow Dash! I can handle anything!

With her mind set, and her determination strong, she turned and made her way out of Twilight’s home. Twilight watched the whole thing happen from behind her door. The spell she had cast on the door was not to keep Rainbow out, but to let Twilight see through it. She didn’t know where Rainbow had gone, but she knew that she’d be back.

She wasn’t truly mad at Rainbow, but when the mare wanted to be stubborn, Twilight had to get like this to get her point across. Climbing up on her bed, she gently sat down, her nether regions still protesting after their escapade last night. Twilight cast a numbing spell on herself, and sighed in relief as she relaxed into her covers. Chipped hooves had no place near such sensitive areas.

A knocking at her door roused Twilight from a sleep she hadn’t even realized she had fallen into. Letting out a yawn, and rubbing her eyes with a fetlock, she opened the door. On the other side sat an apologetic looking Rainbow Dash. In her forearms, she cradled a bouquet of Twilight’s favorite flowers and a box of chocolates.

“You know that’s not-” Twilight froze mid rant.

Her eyes were locked onto Rainbow’s forelegs. The items she was holding wasn’t what caused her to stop, it was the mental reset that had occurred when her brain had fully processed the image in front of her. Her gaze wouldn’t move from the hooves of her marefriend, what she was seeing couldn’t possibly exist.

Where there had once been many chips and sharp edges, now was a smooth surface, polished to a sheen. She glanced up at Rainbow’s face for a moment, to make sure the pony sitting in front of her was indeed Rainbow Dash, before looking back down again. As her brain finally came back online, only one made itself present.

Rainbow Dash gotten a hooficure.

“Um… Twi?” Rainbow asked nervously, her marefriend’s silence was starting to make her uneasy. “I did-”

The rest of her sentence died in her throat as she was unceremoniously tackled by the purple alicorn of friendship. Her lips were currently engaged elsewhere and she didn’t care about what she had been going to say. She only cared that she had her Twilight back, and she wouldn’t let a stupid thing like a hooficure get in between them any more. Even if they did have to sedate her for it.

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