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Frosty the Batty

Comments ( 108 )

Wow other then a few errors this is great so far you'r getting a like and fav from me :pinkiesmile:

Great chapter, only a few small errors. Can't wait for the next. :twilightsmile:

5444121 Thank you! I'm gonna try to post daily like last time!

please tell us, is Streak going to start showing the mane six what he can do though the mods he has like dimensional doors or the rest? i think to myself that dimensional doors will send twilight for a loop, a door that has dimension inside that has another a dimension inside, in other words bigger on the inside, timey wimey anyone? :trollestia:

5448254 That's what I've been planning for a while. And it will happen. But that's all I will say.

New dialogue style? Not sure if I like... Those arrows are almost too thin (on my screen) to see their colours.

Good chapter, can't wait for more.

5448815 Yeah, the mod requested I stop colored text. Apparently there's a rule against that. Anyway, I can just make the arrows bold. That might help! And thanks!

>> "Ah so it is you two who have created such a rose."

The proper spelling is ruse.

Great chapter, Go Luna!... Why don't they have a Luna emoticon?

5456074 Thanks for the correction! And there needs to be one!

Lyra Q&A

*If she asks me to let her suck on my fingers I am going tip the out the door.*

"Imagine you foreleg and the last joint for you hoof is a little higher,


"Also, you know that spike hands hands right?"

"Nope. Magic was just an allusion on my world."

Zecora part

Bloom, with the cutie marks on her body, denied that she took form Zecora.

Using the games physics of coarse. I don't think is was even to have been banned from the server.

Rainbow part

Today was the day Skittles went to Fluttershy's to adopt a pet. And i've been wanting...


But the stupid thing is that it tarted when Skittles frequently asked me to stop calling her Skittles. I would ask why and sh just answered with 'It's just because ...'.

"Hiya Flutters, we came by so can adopt a pet!"

So we/I can

Before the race started Twi asked the I keep an eye on things from above.

A few other small mistakes in this paragraph.

Damn, that took a while to write, great job with the chapter, ignoring the mistakes of course, I can't wait for the next one.:twilightsmile:

Ok I freaking love your work :pinkiehappy: I can't wait for the next chapter :moustache:

5462401 THANKS! :pinkiehappy:
5462153 Sorry about all the mistakes. And thank you for the corrections/ compliment! :pinkiehappy:

5463306 I actually don't care much about the mistakes, I'm just helping you out. I don't complain as long as it's readable.

5463351 Cool. I really like people like you. No homo if you're a guy.

Before I go one, I should delve into ow me and Echo get along.


and what is my sudo name going to be?"


masked hero to where everypony can funic' hear."

The Link to his costume doesn't work.

Anyway, enough bragging. When the image is in my head i'm once again engulfed in red flames.


Smoke form the fire that doesn't burn me.


I erupt into red flames and turn to anthro from,

Form - I would suggest changing 'turn to anthro form' to 'change to anthro form'.

"I'm guessing two or thee more."


Saving a pony form a punctured hot air balloon."


Yes, they use military time here as civilian time, fucking weird if y ask me.


It only takes a millisecond for Pinks to feel my presense.


"Oh, before I forget, who far are ya with the order?"


"By Streaky!"


Twi saw me cast an inadvisability spell on myself,


The crowd of ponies is cheering in my 'hero' name.


but of coarse, she didn't see me do that.


You seem to get from and form mixed up often, watch for that. Otherwise, these are common mistakes, I do everything on a mobile so... Yay, auto-correct.

Great job, can't wait for the next chapter.

*For an athlete you sure do tire out quickly, heh...*

She chased him for two hours? That is actually impressive, a human can outrun a horse in a race on a sunny day in half an hour. Humans are one of the most durable species on earth. Gotta love magic.
I love to spout random trivia I find on the Internet.

Instead of just doing it for the greater good."

*hiss* I nearly despise the 'greater good'. It is the cause of the worst villains and tyrants, the biggest mistakes and broken hearts. For me, the idea of the greater good is a close second to a perfect world in being deceitfully good.

Hm, I wonder if Streaky can accelerate his mental processes... He is a robot.

5470910 For the trivia, Streak is a robot and Rainbow is the second fastest thing in that world. And I think I implied that Streak went at a pace where Dash could stay behind him... Anyway, I kinda thought the same about the greater good thing, I could't think of another way to put it at the time. And there will be a seen where his mental process is put to hyperdrive.

5471471 I'm not talking about speed, I'm talking about endurance.

A trained horse can gallop for 10-ish minutes, they can trot for nearly a whole day with breaks. Us humans on the other hand are meant for running, theoretically it's possible for us to run without stopping as long as we have food and water. The record for running is 3 days 8 hours 44 minutes (without stopping). Walking is 6 days 10 hours and 58 minutes.

It's mostly because we have 2 legs and most runners in the animal kingdom have 4, which take more energy to use. Rainbow dash has a pair of wings on top of that so she would be wasting nearly 3 times the energy we do. So... Magic! I could argue about this all day.

Did you see the corrections I posted under my last comment?

5472378 Oh, endurance! Heh... Yeah, I just put it under 'magic' and leave it at that too. And yes I just saw the comment. I just get home from my school around this time.

Well, remember that i'm still a fucking noble?

i’m surprised Rares hasn't noticed them yet.

I ask as nicely as I can, while thinking how i’m going to kill them,


and I think that my voice is a little different for them, I saw that they.


In the middle of my short rant I slowly canter a them.

Double space

At the end of my rant i'm in there faces.


Amazing idn't it?


"Ch' anypony in there?"

Unsure if this is a mistake

I change to anthro form as I take Rares upstairs to her room.

Change to my anthro

"No we're not, where' Rarity?"


I fly straight up into the air and hover when i'm high enough.


When I spot him I zoom in to get a closer look. Spike has Rarity raped in his tail,


I grab his tail and wrench it loose with almost no effort,


He just stares it me angrily.


When i'm done i'm a three story version of myself.


Without wasting a millisecond my had slowly clenches around his throat,


I hoover as his lifeless body hits the ground with a loud boom,


she think she loves because she purrs as I scratch behind her ears.


It think jokingly as my eyes close, i'm taken from the real world and to the dream realm,

I, caps

Good chapter.

i’m like the umbrella looking heater that goes outside.

i’d be charging them by the minute, but i’m not.


It toke her a few seconds to regain her composure, or what little of it she has and nods.


when she's comfortable I make m way outside, and to Streak's home...


Pinkie told me that he when by Sugarcube Corner.

Went by or came by

The nod, but stop mid motion.

They nod or they started to nod

The apparently heard me, as they started to run at me.


I think i'm better off alone in Equestria than in this world.*

I can find out if i'm an actual god... Meh... later.*

As i'm walking around I spot some activity in Sugarcube Corner.


"Hey Twi! Ya hear?"


I have had a relationship before, but the cunt left me for >a< rich motherfucker.

And form that day on I never dated or even remotely dated a woman

I never had another relationship

I just have to figure out how i'm going to do that...


But this one >has< no limitations;

that later.Right now i'm called to Aj's farm by one of the CMC.

No space, caps

"You she's younger right? Less chance of embarrassment."

Unsure of what this is...

You on the underhand, you can learn so much just from talking with Granny Smith!


When he thinks i'm far enough he speaks.

It's amazing how Pinkie just knows i'm here.


Echo climbs out of her mane and flies to her shoulder, looking a bit afraid.

I think you meant 'my'

Great chapter.

Why do I have the feeling that after he wipes out humanity, he'll start making his own races...

I know the perfect partner for him! Chryssie the adorable, sarcastic lovebug... Just kidding, what happened to her anyways?

5479912 Thank you for the corrections, and about his own race. Something will be created.... And little miss lovebug... She's been around, and Twi's been doing something to keep her from taking over again...

5479926 Your welcome.

I would like to see Chryssie again, she's in my top 3 favourite ponies.

Tried something new.

"Huh... so they('re) like torture as a form of entertainment."

Even Pinkie and Echo are laughing, I think wit(h) Echo though...

As long as (i'm Caps) here that won't be a problem. And I think my job is done here, so I guess (i'll Caps) be going, come on Echo lets go home."

screeches soft(ly) slash quietly, flies up to me, and lands on my shoulder.

And (a big smiles she gives me) a great big smile, while nodding enthusiastically.

I used my chaos magic (the to) bring my laptop and platform here.


I fly up past the atmosphere and (to) get a good look at the new planet.

"Blink!" I say with a smile as I blink me, Echo, and the mane to Do(d)ge.

"Why (isn't it if it isn't) Prince Golden Streak!"

"Why yes I have! They're cherry(picking/sorting) with Applejack out back!"

then feed it to myself, and everything (slwoooos sloooows) down.

To the point where everything looks like it's one thousand frames per second. (?)

An idea pops in head and I grab it, making it stop spinning, without letting (it her) slow down.

(i’m Caps just gonna go with me slowing down from the rush of electricity.

Picklebarre(l) picklebarrel picklebarrel!

But tomorrow at breakfast, (i’m Caps) mighty tuckered out.

Now’s one of those times it’s good that (i’m Caps) a silent walker.

Of (coarse course) I measure shit out of boredom!

I'm hover(i)ng a few yards above Aj.

Good chapter.

but I held on (as) like a receiver holding on to the football.

you're just as lazy as me when it (came comes) to work.

I get a good (luck look) at Pinks and her eyes are like Discords,

The only reason it (looking looked) creepy (was) due to the drastic color change of her eyes to her coat

but the fact still stand(s) that you're our friend. No matter what."

I play the memory with a (two d 2D or two dimensional) hologram display.

I forget how (ling long) ago, or what for, but I remember doing it.

(fright right) in front the home Aj, Granny, Mac and Bloom live in.

She quietly shouts. Wonder how (t)hat works...

If ya think you can find out about my past. It's gonna (tale take) a lot to get it out of me.

(Withe With) that I walk away to my home,

So I of (coarse course) helped out. And because of me they were able to be ready

But (a lass alas), I couldn't go against the whole entire town

And I'd say this went on for the rest of the day, the girls coming by at some (point) to get some cider.

Just then something from a Charley in the Chocolate (Factory) movie came into view

You, sir, are a genius. Your misanthropic, sadistic god-robot character is the most relatable, most likable character I have ever seen in any fic ever. Truly, you are the next Steinbeck.

The Internet sucks at expressing sarcasm.

In all seriousness, this fic, like its predecessor, is riddled with problems. The biggest is its protagonist, Golden Streak.

Golden Streak is like if you took Golden Age Superman and removed everything that made him likable. Streak is not only invincible, but he can shape shift, spawn any material he wants, and kill anything that opposes him. He's just as fast as Rainbow Dash, kinder than Fluttershy, and smarter than Twilight. Not only that, but he personally destroyed the value of gold by flooding the market withinfinitely spawned gold ingots, destroying the value of the bit and plunging Equestria into a deep economic depression.

Even worse, Streak's has an obvious sadistic side, one which his friends cheerfully brush aside, and an overall hatred for humanity. According to him, humans, with the exception of "nice" people like him, are greedy, chaotic, and bloodthirsty.

Having god-like powers must have gone to his head, because he's perfectly fine with destroying a few cities for fun or killing his foes in the most brutal ways possible.

Our hero, ladies and gentlemen: a misanthropic sadist with a god complex.

Bottom line, this fic is irreperable. Even if you corrected the countless grammatical and spelling mistakes, it's still tainted by Golden Streak. My recommendation: scrap the fic, read a few of the higher quality fics on this site, and try again with a more original concept.

Best regards:


5498030 Oh. Well... Ummm... Ooookaaay? One: Streak has only killed a swarm of changelings. Two, he accidentally destroyed man kind. Three, he made his own race to replace humans. And even though he's sadistic, he hasn't or hurt anybody for the fuck of it, there's a reason. The changelings begin a stupid reason. And about the Equestrian economy. I did some digging and found that there is a theory out there where season's 1-4 are in the middle of a gold rush. That explains all the gold already used by Equestrians. If you haven't noticed Streak's god like powers have not completely gone to his head. He destroyed a city or two out of a fit of rage. And that has only happened two times. If anything his temper can be slightly comparable to Tia's. SLIGHTLY. And you forget that there are minecraft physics here, meaning he has survival and creative mode (He can die), and the he stays on survival and switches for emergencies only. And he doesn't go ape shit with his powers. I do respect you for typing all of that by the way.

"Because! I'm too cool for books."

I can understand this kind of thing to a small extent, but come on. I read at twice the average speed and I'm good at sports, do I consider myself too 'cool'? Hell no.

“Really?” She gives me a skeptical look. “Or does it have to do with your family?”

I'll laugh if he just ends up having a completely normal life without any family issues... Wait, was that mentioned at one point? Meh, I'm too lazy to check.

Eh... Fuck it, I'm just gonna use chaos magic.*

Have a problem? Throw chaos magic at it.

Call now and you can get not one, not two, but three containers of Chaos Magic™ for only $19.99. any and all problems, side effects and fishmen invasions aren't our fault so if you fuck up, it's your problem to deal with.

Good chapter, good luck with the next one.

5507015 thank you, I figured chaos magic can be useful at times. So I thought, 'Why not?'.

Sorry, but I won't be able to do corrections until Monday, this weekend will be busy for me. A quick one is that you misspelt the teacher's name; it's not Cheerily, it's Cheerilee.

Good luck.

5514750 Thank you! And I do understand, don't worry about it! :pinkiehappy:

Wait you play gta 5? WHAT CONSOLE!!!

Can you be more fucking loud?
joy, calm down please.

>> “Spike!” Twi, Rares and Dash jump from nowhere. Twi and Spike look at each other for a second, then look back at the dragons. “If you want to get to Spike, you’ll have to go through us first!”
>> *Why is it just them three, where are the others?*

Everything after this is in italics

I'll get started on proofreading the previous chapters in a bit, I've been having a lazy week.

Ah, family shopping trips, good luck with that.

Good chapter, can't wait for the next. Good luck.

The last paragraph is completely bolded.

Good chapter.

...Why are the Mane 6 friends with him?


Why haven't they used the Elements to turn Goldilocks into a puddle of molten metal?

5563968 he would just absorb all the magic and just become a huge beast.

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