• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 474 Views, 2 Comments

Gems and Jewels - FIeetfoot

May this diary one day be read by Dinky Hooves.

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Committed Crimes

May 9th

I'd never thought I'd resort to this. But I wasn't going to deal with those small portion meals anymore. Writing by candle light and running out of ink isn't going to happen. The royal mail business isn't exactly paying much right now and my family needs me. I thought I would get a part time job, when Lyra told me about a bank on Pegasi St. I didn't understand what she was talking about at first, but the plan became clearer as she explained. I would never steal money for greed, but it's to help my family. The plan was easily mapped out, and no suspicions would be held against us. We had to keep Twilight out of this, because of course she would snitch. I know I shouldn't be writing about this. After all, Derpy and Doctor might find my diary and read it. I just want to let you know this isn't your fault. I intend to not live a life full of crime. This is only to help you. The plan is to rob the bank during the night. So our disguises will hardly be seen. We decided on a black latex suit with a mask. After some debates, we decided we should apply some makeup to make it seem like we are different ponies. Maybe some changes to the hair. It will be easy to get away with the bits and gems. Lyra and I have been working on some teleportation spells for a quick get away. I know it seems wrong, but no one wants to starve.

May 11th

I can't help but write down the adventure we had last night! After a fake scar applied to my face, and a mask placed over my eyes we got to work. The guard's faces were priceless after a quick blast of magic to the chest. Lyra's magic appeared stronger than a powerful unicorn. Lyra demanded six sacks of bits and gems from the bank teller. Poor stallion didn't know what hit him. The bits were given over to me, before Lyra bucked a couple of guards in the face. I believe some of them needed medical attention after the robbery. If security is this weak all the time anypony could get away with anything! We got away with bags filled with bits and gems. Enough to feed my family and buy them a new house! Of course they would ask where I got all of this money. So I decided to keep most of it under my bed, and some under my pillow.

May 16th

Guards have been searching the city with warrants. If I get worried I might become a direct suspect! I have to play it cool if they ever come to the door. The heat will die down after a day or two. After all, it was only a small bank that was robbed. But I'm sure this news has reached Princess Celestia by now. I don't intend to do it again, somepony is bound to find out.

May 25th

I have given my parents the bag of bits I stole. I know it feels bad to lie, but there was no way I was being put on death row. I just said they were my earnings from working at the restaurant downtown. It seemed like a sketchy lie, like a sketchy joke somepony would tell their friend. Possibly praying they would laugh though, there is a slim chance that friend will laugh. Thankfully, they believed this and congratulated me. I hope they never hear my name in this crime I have committed. School had just gotten out and the Summer Sun Celebration is tomorrow. I'm so nervous about Comet's party. I hope I can find something to wear in time. His family is much more wealthier than mine. Instead of a tiny apartment inside a big city, they have a mansion built on the hills in Canterlot. I'll try my hardest to find something in time, something elegant that'll make the stallions stare and the mares roll their eyes.

May 26th 5:00 a.m.

This may be my first diary entry in the morning! I don't think I've ever risen from my bed at five a.m. I'm currently deciding which dress I should wear. I don't have many choices, but it'll do. My first choice was a dress made of light blue fabric. But I believe I'm more of the pony who would wear something more of a yellowish color. I might head out into the city in search for a new dress.

May 26th 6:00 a.m.

I have already headed out the door and I'm heading towards a nearby boutique. She's just a regular over-pampered pony in Canterlot. She seems like a really nice pony to most, and she designs dresses for Sapphire Shoes. I believe her name is Rarity. That purple curly mane of her's is always curled to its best. It seems like she spends an hour everyday putting on her makeup. She's just that fabulous! I seem to have second thoughts about spending all these gems on a dress. What's the use of that if I'm just going to wear it to one party? I might just steal the dress! Of course I will get caught with the dress and be executed or put in the dungeon. Maybe just stealing the materials might do. I am now heading into the back alley. Good thing I had this disguise with me!

May 26th 8:00 a.m.

This might be the last entry of the day. It wasn't really hard to get away from a Canterlot mare like Rarity. Of course she was afraid of her hooves getting dirty, and she had a little bit of morning sickness. I've taken off the disguise, but the guards are still closing in. I've stolen enough material to make my own dress. It may not be that hard at first. I'm nearing my apartment building and awaiting my parents. Of course they will chew me out for going out so early without telling them. I'll also have to make up another story behind how I got these materials. I still have enough gems under my bed to pay for our own house. Big enough for all four of us. I probably shouldn't admit that I have much money. Maybe I'll admit this in a few months or so. My explanation will be something about saving up. Luckily this robbery today on took about two hours. I need to get home to start on this dress!