> Gems and Jewels > by FIeetfoot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > School Girl Crush > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gems and Jewels Author: Fleetfoot Editor: Silver Spoon The moon shone brightly through a window. Princess Celestia had just risen the moon and everypony appeared to be at rest. However, Canterlot is a place were most ponies don't rest. The streets are quite busy and the traffic had only died down a little. A teenager appeared to be flipping through a book, only to find all of them blank. Her quill was briefly dipped into a small pot of ink before writing. She levitated what seemed to be a brown book with flowers on it. Her mane was a lilac purple that perfectly matched her orchid colored coat. Sparkler, that was her name. Her cutiemark represents her passions for crafting and selling jewelry by three diamonds on her flank. She would sometimes make jewelry out of beads, but she never had known that would be her destiny. Sparkler's writing was ever so elegant. Her pen perfectly placed at the top left corner of the page. Then she began to write slowly, and gracefully. The letters eventually spelled out School Girl Crush. She lowered her pen about a centimeter on the page and wrote, March 2nd. March 2nd It's been a week since mom, dad, and I moved to Canterlot. I go to this school called Canterlot High. Everypony seems nice, but they never notice little town folk like me. I've been having a strong feeling around a stallion. After a conference with all of my best friends, Twilight Sparkle and Lyra. Well, Twilight Sparkle was some-what of a help. She has been going to this magic school, and after a quick tumble we became best friends. Lyra on the other hand, was more like the new girl at school seeking friends. Just like me! Her name is Lyra, hard to pronounce through her braces but I figured it out. She seems more like a teal color type of pony. Lyra is quite the energetic nerd you might say. She's more of the laid back and easily distracted ponies. Although, she jumps at the name of her favorite character, Nightmare Moon. Legend has it that a mare was locked in the moon forever, and that mare's name was Nightmare Moon. That's just a legend of course, I find it foolish to believe in. But back to what I was focusing on. Twilight Sparkle helped by making us read the entire list of Canterlot's inhabitants. Sometimes befriending a bookworm backfires, when it comes to needing information. Anyways we gathered at my apartment. Oops! I forgot to mention since mom had a slow mail day. We don't have much money until dad invents some sort of time machine. Luckily, we had enough to buy an apartment big enough for all three of us. Well anyways, we gathered in my room on the carpet. This is pretty much how the conversation went: "I'm surprised you have your first crush! It says here that his name is Comet Tail. He is a school genius! I'm surprised he doesn't go to my academy!" Twilight exclaimed, while showing pictures of him over Hoofbook. "Twilight, you know he isn't a unicorn like you right?" I ask in a concerned voice. I'm sure Twilight had already figured out he wasn't a unicorn. But that still wouldn't stop Twilight from making googly eyes over him. "Well, I've seen him around school a lot. Normally hanging around the nerds. Like Shining Armor!" Lyra said cheerfully. "You mean my older brother?" Twilight asked. "Of course! This provides an opening for Sparkler." Lyra soon lifted herself to her hooves and gazed out the window. "What type of opening?" I ask. Twilight was still reading a news article about him, while Lyra stared at the city lights. It's like I couldn't even get their attention for one second! Twilight finally stopped reading and scratched her mane with her hoof. Maybe she had heard my request for an opening and was already planning an opening. "Well, I assume I could distract my brother while you go at it with Comet Tail. Of course we would have to distract the other nerds. But I believe Lyra can handle that," Twilight explained. "Yeah, yeah. I'll take care of that." By this time Lyra had already sat down beside me and was levitating a small object. "Well, ladies I'd say we've got this whole thing planned out!" I said cheerfully. Of course later on into the night they had to leave. I don't really do much the rest of that night. Just a quick run-over of the plan and I'm off to bed! It was a normal day in Canterlot. A bright sunny day, as the sounds of joyful ponies filled the air. They had long forgotten of the crimes that had been committed long ago. Everypony felt safe as they walked down alley ways. Dinky Doo however, never forgot the stories her sister had told her when she was younger. She remembered how dangerous those criminals were. They were given nicknames because of their crimes. Purpleflash because of her speed, and Blaster because of her ability to, well blast ponies. Although, there was something off about Sparkler's way of telling the story. It seemed to be a little fishy you might say. Nevertheless, Dinky kept searching for a book to read, when she finally came across an old book. It appeared like a worthless book until she read the title, Sparkler's Diary. She quickly opened it and stopped on the second page. It wouldn't hurt to skip forward a little bit, she thought. Dinky began reading, and smiled at the thought of her sister. A few months before she had moved to Ponyville to continue her career as a jeweler. Eventually, she found a place to stay and made enough money off of selling her jewelry. She was a successful pony, and Dinky wouldn't be surprised if Sparkler raised her own foals to be successful also. Dinky shook the thought away and continued. March 5th Good day Canterlot! Or should I say good night? I do most of these entrees at night when I have the time. It has been one day every since the plan was launched, and I think Comet Tail is beginning to fancy me. He says "hi" every once in a while to me in the hallway. I think he may have a crush on me too! This is awesome! My first crush and he likes me back! Instead I was intending to talk about a strange way Comet Tail acts around me. He starts to get really clumsy, and landed flat on his face once. I'm not sure what's going on here. But I'm certain he has a crush on me! He told me to call him Comet, and I shall do so. April 1st It's been a long time since I have written in here. Well what the heck! Time for an entry! It's almost summer! Well, about one month away. I cannot wait to go to the summer sun celebration! I cant believe I will get to see the real thing in Canterlot! Here is what it said on Ponypedia: Summer Sun Celebration An ancient book written about sixty years ago, contains the legend of the Mare in the Moon, who is set to return and bring everlasting night "on the longest day of the thousandth year"–the summer solstice–since her defeat, which is also the thousandth year of the Summer Sun Celebration. Princess Celestia sends a pony each year to oversee the preparations for the celebration in Canterlot, where it's being held this year. Nightmare Moon claims to have been imprisoned for a thousand years, so this indicates that the first celebration happened after Luna was imprisoned. It is a celebration of Celestia imprisoning her and restoring the sun to Equestria. I can't believe it! Comet Tail invited me to his formal party as a "friend". I don't know how you invite a female friend to a formal party as a "friend", but he did. April 22 Everybody seems to be buzzing about the Summer Sun Celebration. Twilight seems to be having fun with her brother. Turns out "the plan" made them closer friends. The alicorn at school is the most popular girl. It's all because of the fancy wings and horn she has! I wish someponies actually liked her for her personality, and not just her powers. However, I didn't just do an entry to gossip. I just wanted to say our relationship has grown stronger. Well, not an actual relationship, just a friendship. April 24th The royal mail business can go either way, and this time it went South. Money is short and I'm running out of ink for my quill. Writing by candle light isn't that easy as it seems. I hope I have enough ink to last a few days. > Committed Crimes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 9th I'd never thought I'd resort to this. But I wasn't going to deal with those small portion meals anymore. Writing by candle light and running out of ink isn't going to happen. The royal mail business isn't exactly paying much right now and my family needs me. I thought I would get a part time job, when Lyra told me about a bank on Pegasi St. I didn't understand what she was talking about at first, but the plan became clearer as she explained. I would never steal money for greed, but it's to help my family. The plan was easily mapped out, and no suspicions would be held against us. We had to keep Twilight out of this, because of course she would snitch. I know I shouldn't be writing about this. After all, Derpy and Doctor might find my diary and read it. I just want to let you know this isn't your fault. I intend to not live a life full of crime. This is only to help you. The plan is to rob the bank during the night. So our disguises will hardly be seen. We decided on a black latex suit with a mask. After some debates, we decided we should apply some makeup to make it seem like we are different ponies. Maybe some changes to the hair. It will be easy to get away with the bits and gems. Lyra and I have been working on some teleportation spells for a quick get away. I know it seems wrong, but no one wants to starve. May 11th I can't help but write down the adventure we had last night! After a fake scar applied to my face, and a mask placed over my eyes we got to work. The guard's faces were priceless after a quick blast of magic to the chest. Lyra's magic appeared stronger than a powerful unicorn. Lyra demanded six sacks of bits and gems from the bank teller. Poor stallion didn't know what hit him. The bits were given over to me, before Lyra bucked a couple of guards in the face. I believe some of them needed medical attention after the robbery. If security is this weak all the time anypony could get away with anything! We got away with bags filled with bits and gems. Enough to feed my family and buy them a new house! Of course they would ask where I got all of this money. So I decided to keep most of it under my bed, and some under my pillow. May 16th Guards have been searching the city with warrants. If I get worried I might become a direct suspect! I have to play it cool if they ever come to the door. The heat will die down after a day or two. After all, it was only a small bank that was robbed. But I'm sure this news has reached Princess Celestia by now. I don't intend to do it again, somepony is bound to find out. May 25th I have given my parents the bag of bits I stole. I know it feels bad to lie, but there was no way I was being put on death row. I just said they were my earnings from working at the restaurant downtown. It seemed like a sketchy lie, like a sketchy joke somepony would tell their friend. Possibly praying they would laugh though, there is a slim chance that friend will laugh. Thankfully, they believed this and congratulated me. I hope they never hear my name in this crime I have committed. School had just gotten out and the Summer Sun Celebration is tomorrow. I'm so nervous about Comet's party. I hope I can find something to wear in time. His family is much more wealthier than mine. Instead of a tiny apartment inside a big city, they have a mansion built on the hills in Canterlot. I'll try my hardest to find something in time, something elegant that'll make the stallions stare and the mares roll their eyes. May 26th 5:00 a.m. This may be my first diary entry in the morning! I don't think I've ever risen from my bed at five a.m. I'm currently deciding which dress I should wear. I don't have many choices, but it'll do. My first choice was a dress made of light blue fabric. But I believe I'm more of the pony who would wear something more of a yellowish color. I might head out into the city in search for a new dress. May 26th 6:00 a.m. I have already headed out the door and I'm heading towards a nearby boutique. She's just a regular over-pampered pony in Canterlot. She seems like a really nice pony to most, and she designs dresses for Sapphire Shoes. I believe her name is Rarity. That purple curly mane of her's is always curled to its best. It seems like she spends an hour everyday putting on her makeup. She's just that fabulous! I seem to have second thoughts about spending all these gems on a dress. What's the use of that if I'm just going to wear it to one party? I might just steal the dress! Of course I will get caught with the dress and be executed or put in the dungeon. Maybe just stealing the materials might do. I am now heading into the back alley. Good thing I had this disguise with me! May 26th 8:00 a.m. This might be the last entry of the day. It wasn't really hard to get away from a Canterlot mare like Rarity. Of course she was afraid of her hooves getting dirty, and she had a little bit of morning sickness. I've taken off the disguise, but the guards are still closing in. I've stolen enough material to make my own dress. It may not be that hard at first. I'm nearing my apartment building and awaiting my parents. Of course they will chew me out for going out so early without telling them. I'll also have to make up another story behind how I got these materials. I still have enough gems under my bed to pay for our own house. Big enough for all four of us. I probably shouldn't admit that I have much money. Maybe I'll admit this in a few months or so. My explanation will be something about saving up. Luckily this robbery today on took about two hours. I need to get home to start on this dress! > A New Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 26th 7:00 p.m. Comet's party is amazing! There are a lot of famous ponies here. Including Fancy Pants and Photo Finish. Photo Finish was only there just to take pictures, though I wouldn't be surprised if this party ended up being one of the biggest parties of the year! Time to hit the dance floor! May 26th 9:00 p.m. I think it's time I write this down. It's about what me and Comet did in his room. This is what happened, Comet took me into this bedroom. It smelt amazing along with the mints on the pillows. He slowly laid me down on the bed. His hooves had a strong hold on my body. Comet whispered something in my ear and made his way down to my neck. Comet began to kiss me on the neck as he unzipped my dress. I started to pant as the sexual tension started to build up. I felt his warm breath on my neck, I wanted him more than ever. But let's not get into detail here, I'm sure Dinky wouldn't want to read something with such graphic content. P.S. It felt amazing. May 30th The rumors have been true! Derpy is having a filly! She announced it this morning at the table. I'll have a little sister to look after soon. Hopefully one that isn't annoying. I just hope there is nothing wrong with her. My mom's eyes are a little all over the place. She may take after my mom and be born with her eyes all out of wack. I hope I don't have to steal anymore bits. Derpy seems excited about this new arrival, and I believe she knows of the hardships in the future. The mail business isn't really good to be in right now. I hope she gets promoted to royal mail carrier. June 10th I think it's time to give mom a bag of gems. That would be enough to get a new house, big enough for the four of us. I decided to tell them I've been saving up. I can't take this small space anymore, and I don't want to share a bedroom with an annoying foal. Dinky gasped at her sister's words, Derpy told her she was never annoying as a foal. Maybe Sparkler would realize she was wrong, after she was born. She glanced at the doorway, then the window. The day was still young and her home was still quiet. She had all day to read her sister's journal. If she ever showed this to her parents, they would have Sparkler arrested for sure. Or they might force her to move back here with them! It would be easy to hide the diary, her parents almost never read anything. Except for her father who read about a bunch of gadgets, and the theory of time travel. It seemed impossible, almost ridiculous. Nevertheless she went back reading. June 29th It's been a long time since I've done a diary entry. We have moved already and I'm enjoying the new space. The house is huge! My bedroom has lots of windows, and we even had enough room for lots of books. Twilight has visited already and of course, she raced off to read our new books. Lyra believes we should go on another adventure. This time we are stealing books. I find stealing books is not worth my time or her's. But the royal library has plenty of books, some of them have the recipes for making diamonds. Some of them have golden covers. Lyra seems to be stretching the truth a little, but if she's right we'll need a plan. This time the target is in the castle. June 30th I've trotted pass the castle with an empty cart. The gates are guarded well. It seems impossible to break in. The first step is to place the cart below the window of the library. I don't see how this will help, because the library's window is practically thirty feet above the cart. The sun is setting and it's time to go home. I hope this plan will work. May 2nd The robbery last night actually worked! Lyra blasted the guards out the way, before they could even alarm the others. She said when she got into the castle, she saw Princess Cadance eating tubs of ice cream. Which I find weird, because a princess wouldn't eat something like that. Anyways, I was hooked up to the cart. It was barely visible in the dark, and because I was wearing black I was barely visible too. Soon, she bucked down the doors of the library and tossed all these fancy books into the cart. By the time Lyra was done the legends section had been cleared out. Obviously the section was filled with expensive books. The guards came galloping end, but all they found was an open window. I had already galloped off with the cart full of books, and Lyra was on my tail the whole time. In the morning I was dog tired, and the story was already in the newspapers. Dinky smirked and thought, that was the story she told me when a was younger. May 4th Nobody has noticed the new books in the library. Dad is still reading about his time travel stuff. While Derpy is reading about pregnancy tips. I don't see what all the ruckess is about. They sent me downtown to buy a new cradle and some toys for the new foal. I think she or he will like a nice Ursa Minor plush to play with. May 6th Mom just got the results back, and it's a.... Filly! It'll only be a few days until she is born, so preparations are being made. Her room has been decorated, and painted to look like the night sky. Mom told me they decided Dinky will be her name, although Dinky Doo sounds better. I only have one diamond left. I think I'm feeling the need for more bits and gems. Surely Lyra will understand this feeling. After all, she's the one who formed all the plans. > Bedtime Stories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 8th My little sister has always longed for a bedtime story, and now it's my duty to read her one. So, it's time I read her one of my exciting tales. Maybe something about Cloudsdale. Lyra's and my life of crime hasn't stretched that far, but it could. All we would need is one of those spells, and supplies. Then, we'll be selling jars of rainbow paint in no time. Anyways, here's the tale. A long time ago there lived a criminal. She was a sneaky pony with a greedy attitude. Her name was, Purplehaze! She was one of the most wanted criminals. Her first crime was a robbery of a bank. Along with her in this criminal act was Tealmoon. The guards inside said they'd never seen a mare strike a stallion in the chest so hard. The money they demanded wasn't much. There were even told stories that Tealmoon practically defied gravity while she was fighting off the guards. Her partner, Purplehaze, seemed to be wearing the tightest spandex suit. They were such an amazing team! Committing crimes all over Equestria! They even found a way to rob the Rainbow Factory. Together they were the best criminals in Equestria. Of course some of this is just stretching the truth, and the names are made up. I just copied the names from the newspaper, it seems like the press have an active imagination. It sure filled Dinky with imagination. I saw the gleam in her eyes, as I told the story about how they nearly escaped guards after a robbing of a bank in Canterlot. It was a great tale of action again, I was stretching the truth a bit. She's getting better at her magic, by this time she can turn a page in a book! But for her it requires much effort. I just hope one day Dinky will become a very talented unicorn. I have a gift prepared for her birthday. It's what she always looked at in shopping magazines for unicorns. It will help her with her magic, making it less difficult for her. "She left that gift?" Dinky wondered aloud. June 10th By this time the suspicions have died down. I really have to be more careful. Luckily Rarity didn't get to a phone, until I disappeared into the back alley. Lyra and I have worked on our costumes. They look better and I suggested curling our hair before committing another crime. At first this just started out as a way to get money for my family. But I don't intend to be greedy. I have enough money to last us through the fall. I just hope they never find my stash of bits and gems. Lyra believes we should leave soon. They don't suspect us, but soon they probably will. Princess Celestia is offering a million bit award for anybody who turns us in. Luckily, I can trust Lyra and she'll never turn me in. We made a deal to make sure of it. June 18th The ponies of Canterlot have issued wanted signs all over the place. There are detectives who have been sent out to every town in Equestria. I think me and Lyra should lay off the crime for a while. Sure she has grown a little bit greedy, but I don't want to get arrested. The only way we can escape is running away to Ponyville. It's a small town and the folk there are nice, so nobody will suspect us. Lyra even has an old friend named Bon Bon she can live with. I have enough jewelry and diamonds to buy a house. I might as well start packing. I'll send a letter back to mom and dad saying I'm okay. June 20th We've decided to escape Canterlot by train. The guards are swarming everywhere around Canterlot. I can't take the pressure, we should be able to leave soon. June 30th We leave the day after tomorrow. My saddle bag is packed sacks of bits, jewels, jewelry, and food. I'm taking one diamond with me and leaving the rest under my bed. Lyra and I decided to not take all our treasures, and leave our disguises. Then, we write letters back to our families saying we're okay. I should have enough money for shelter and food, and the jewelry will give me more money once I sale it. Lyra is playing her lyre for tips on the street. She'll still be staying with Bon Bon either way. I wonder if Lyra will have enough money to get her own place in the future. Maybe I should check with Lyra, and see if she wants to make a carrier out of it. Like Octavia did with her cello. Now, she plays for Princess Celestia and the entire upper-class of Canterlot. She was a good friend, until she became selfish. Right now she's living with a famous Dj who can handle her selfishness. I till want to be friends with her, but it appears 'I'm not on her level'. "Make sure to check under Sparkler's old bed," Dinky said while making a mental note. May 2nd We are leaving soon. During the middle of the day would be fine. There would be few guards, and almost no suspicions. I'm leaving my disguise in an old box hidden in the library. I'm leaving my diary in a bookshelf right beside my disguise. One day when Dinky is older I hope she'll find it. She should know all my secrets I kept from our parents. It will only make us closer, and heal her broken heart when I ran away. Hopefully, she won't tell our parents. Even if they won't call the royal guard, I'll still be punished somehow. My life of crime is over. Well, I wouldn't say over. After all, there are many adventures to be had. There is one thing I need to leave for my little sister. I hope she loves it...