• Published 13th Aug 2017
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MLP: Heroes of Equestria (Season 1) - SlashaDragos

After the events of the Summer Sun Celebration, Twilight Sparkle along with Sorin Dragos and his friends have now become residents of Ponyville. Team Slasha attempt to fit in with the townsponies. (Takes place within Season 1)

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Chapter 1: Our First Day

Team Sorin's new home, after the Summer Sun Celebration...

Nathan could hardly believe it. With the defeat of Nightmare Moon, he and his friends has suddenly gone from complete strangers to heroes of Ponyville and had been tasked with guarding Twilight Sparkle while she studies the magic of Friendship. Princess Celestia had granted the male ponies a home to live near the outskirts of Ponyville large enough to house all of them. After the Summer Sun Celebration had ended, Team Sorin decided to enter their new home to rest.

"What a day... No seriously, what a day... Can someone pinch me to show I'm not dreaming?" Nathan asked, his voice filled with the tone of disbelief.

"More like to make sure we're not high on something, am I right...?" Michael said with an exhausted chuckle, but deep down, he desperately wanted to leave this crazy world as soon as possible. Lee decided to respond to these questions by pinching the brothers on the cheek with enough force to make them feel the slight sting, causing them both to jolt in surprise, causing Lee, Adam and Travis to chuckle. The young Thomas then decided to admit to a worrying thought that he had been having ever since their victory.

"Hey guys...? We beat Nightmare Moon, right? So... shouldn't we have been like, sent home or something?" Thomas asked. With slight pause, the guys nodded in agreement on the realization that they had not yet found any sign of returning home.

"Well, in that case... obviously, something ELSE caused us to get here. For the most part, us getting zapped to Equestria must've been a damn convenient coincidence. Least, that's what I guess." Lee deducted with a slight tip of his hat. Nathan sounded interested on his best friend's reasoning.

"So, you got any ideas?" Travis asked, believing that Lee had thought of some sort of solution.

"Well, ah, good question actually, with all we know so far... hmm, ah. I ain't got a fucking clue." Responded Lee with an unnervingly straight face. Michael, with a roll of his eyes, decided to bring the other metaphorical elephant in the room.

"You guys DO remember we also got... basically forced into being bodyguards for that purple horse, right? That queen or whatever pretty much asked us to babysit her. It was only chance we ended up working together last time!" He reminded. Lee however, decided to attempt to reason with Michael.

"Well, there must be a REASON why the princess wants Twilight to be protected, right? She might be hunted by whatever brought us here... I'm just sayin' we should maybe keep an eye on her." Nathan and Adam nodded in agreement.

"That'll probably be good! We do a good job and then we ask them to zap us back home! That Twilight's good with magic, right? Studying the Magic of... Friendship." Travis added with a slight groan with saying something that he considered girly. However, Nathan felt quite disheartened to the idea of possibly taking advantage of the situation in that way. Even Adam stated that the citizens of the town seemed nice to be around, so it wasn't all bad in his opinion. They all considered their options and managed to come to an agreement on their tasks.

Nathan would head to the Golden Oak Library to read up what he can about the world of Equestria.

Lee would explore Ponyville, meeting the locals and seeing if he can find some work of some kind.

Thomas would do a similar thing as Lee, but mainly to find out if he would have to attend school in this town, he asked his older uncle to prepare him a note of request to show the school with Michael preparing the note.

Travis would stay at the house and study the book of magic that they had stolen from the library.

Adam would do the same and use his magic to help out with Michael's wing, still slightly injured from their battle with Nightmare Moon, much to Michael's annoyance.

Now that they had all agreed on what they were doing, along with a quick nod and a reminder to each other to use their new names in public, they each went their separate ways.

Nathan/Sorin at the Golden Oak Library...

"Now that I get a quiet look at this town... this IS a nice place. Nothing threatening the place with dark magic or anything crazy like that." Sorin thought with a smile. He glanced around while walking through Ponyville and arrived at the library he was looking for. With a deep breath, he knocked on the door.

...No response.

Sorin knocks again.

Complete silence.

"Oh for--" Sorin bashed on the door, earning him some awkward stares from random passerby. The door finally opened, revealing a yawning Spike. Sorin remembered seeing Twilight hug the same dragon before.

"H-Hey there... sorry for taking so lo--- Oh! Aren't you one of Twilight's new friends? Uh... hmm... your name was..." Spike was trying hard to see if he could remember the name of the young male Unicorn, causing Sorin to temporarily glare at Spike in slight irritation.

"I don't think anyo---anyPONY told you my name. It's Sorin. Dragos."

"Heh heh, good to meet you, Sorin! Dragos, huh? Sounds like the word dragon. I'm guessing your family likes dragons then?" Spike appeared hopeful as he asked this to Sorin, causing the young swordspony to stutter slightly before answering the question.

"M-My older brother likes dragons, yeah. Um... yeah, dragons are pretty awesome." Sorin felt good about his answer, since Spike looked pretty happy with this meeting. After explaining to Spike that he wanted to see Twilight, Sorin entered the library and quickly found Twilight searching through her shelves while mumbling something about a missing book. It wasn't until after a few throat clear sounds from Sorin that Twilight finally noticed that she had a guest.

"Oh! Hello, Sorin... um, can I... help you?" Twilight asked while awkwardly glancing around. Sorin assumed that he had unintentionally interrupted her studies. Nevertheless, Sorin spoke with Twilight about why he visited.

"Hi, Twi. Was curious if you had any books on... well, the history of Equestria? Wanted to do some studying." Sorin tried to sound as convincing as possible, it appeared like it had succeeded, as Twilight quickly became excited and practically dragged Sorin to one of the book shelves. After Twilight recommended several books to a dizzy and confused Sorin, she finally grabbed a thick book with her magic Unicorn horn and passed it along to Sorin, who accepted it gladly. Twilight then returned to her studies.

With the book, Sorin then sat down at a desk and began flipping through the book at a fast pace. This prompted Spike to look curiously at Sorin, since it appeared to him that Sorin was quickly skimming through whole sections of the book. With this curiosity, Spike decided to ask about it.

"Are you looking for a specific section? I can help you look if you want?" Spike asked. Sorin glanced at the young dragon's face and saw that the dragon had a friendly smile on his face.

"I'm glad this dragon seems to trust me already... seems to be more nice to me than people from MY world... but I can't just tell him I'm a human. It'd probably confuse him like hell and make this more difficult than it has to be." Sorin concluded in his mind. With that thought, he politely declined Spike's offer and continued searching. Spike decided to just leave Sorin to his business and decided to visit Rarity's boutique.

10 minutes later...

After much flipping through pages and many risks of paper cuts, Sorin had finally found something that caught his attention... but not in the way he could have ever expected. Hidden deep within this tome of Equestrian history... was a chapter about humans. Actually finding a chapter that mentions Sorin's whole species by name in a completely different world was completely staggering to him. With a deep breath and a small gulp, he began to read the chapter...

The Great Equestrian War and the Grand Purge
A catastrophic war between those that were once living in harmony. The memories of the war itself has long faded into the blissful winds of silence and obscurity, but those that perished and their descendants, for as long as the glorious sun and the calming moon still rises and sets, shall ever remember the traitorous beings that committed mass crimes against our land. They cared not for how often that they stole, harmed or murdered our poor innocent ancestors. Those that were not harmed had grouped together and made a vow of non mercy against these traitorous humans, creating the Grand Purge. They vowed that from now on, no matter how long it would take, that they and their descendants, shall purge any and all humans away from their lands. They would fulfill their vengeance, but many humans were able to escape to another place that our ancestors could not follow. Now to this very day, there exists the subtle, but constant fear of the possibility of humanity arriving back into the lands to complete their heinous acts. But the vow of the Purge still stands to combat this threat.

Protect us, oh Grand Sun and Moon...

At that moment, many emotions stirred and roared in Sorin's mind.






"What is this...?! This can't be right! It CAN'T be! What the FUCK?! So humans are supposed to be---?! Oh God...! Calm down Nathan, calm down! They don't know... I--- I gotta get this to the guys! NOW!" Sorin ran out of the library carrying the book tight in the grip of his magic, desperate to warn his brother, nephew and friends as soon as possible.

Now for Lee/Eclipse's side of these events...

Eclipse had been wandering around for a while, thinking of what his first step would be. He had been considering his options for for the past couple of minutes, glancing at a building that clearly looked like a place that sold cakes and cookies. He was tempted to enter the building to look for work, but decided against it since he could bake decently, but didn't really care for or was good with presentation. He figured that Pinkie worked there and quietly chuckled to himself, curious about what she is like with those that work with her. Unfortunately, he had things to do right now, but he made a mental note to definitely come back later.

It didn't take very long afterwards for Eclipse to spot Fluttershy and Applejack standing at a wooden cart filled with apples. Eclipse was feeling a little hungry, so went on over to them to strike up a conversation, though he noticed that in the corner of his eye, he was being watched by some passing ponies. Eclipse figured it was the katana that he was still carrying, but Eclipse shook his head and ignored the stares. After all, it wasn't like he was swinging it around everywhere.

"...probably the hat."

Eclipse walked up to the two mares and stood near Fluttershy, trying not to interrupt their conversation. Applejack gave a quick friendly glance to Eclipse and continued her talk with Fluttershy, who was buying a couple of apples. Eclipse peeked around Fluttershy's head and saw Fluttershy paying for apples in gold coloured coins. Eclipse also learned by listening to the conversation that the coins were called Bits. Fluttershy finally picked up the basket of apples in her mouth and turned to leave, bumping directly into Eclipse.

"Whoa, whoa. You okay there, Flutters?" Eclipse said with a sheepish grin, considering the situation, he could have chose to stand further away. But it appeared like neither of them were hurt in anyway and the apples were safe, Fluttershy however, partly hid her face behind her long pink mane in shyness and feeling guilty for bumping into Eclipse.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't hurt you, did I...? If I did, I'm so sorry..." Fluttershy was completely avoiding making eye contact with Eclipse. This adorable sight made Eclipse have no choice but to smile and gently pat her on the head, causing Applejack to chuckle.

"I'm sure good old Clips'll jus say to forget about it, right Clips?" AJ asked.

"Forget what?" Responded Eclipse, with a blank expression. Applejack appeared confused and was actually about to remind him, until she realized what Eclipse meant and nodded to him. Fluttershy was also confused, but chose to not say anything out of fear of being a hassle to her friends, so she quietly left with her apples. Now Applejack could properly chat with Eclipse.

"Howdy, sorry bout that. What can I do ya for?" Applejack asked with a grin. Eclipse thought to himself if it was worth making an innuendo out of that phrase...

"Nah too easy..." Eclipse just said that he felt like sparking up a conversation since he was passing by the area. AJ offered Eclipse a couple of the apples that were on sale, unfortunately, Eclipse didn't have any money to pay, so he declined the offer.

"Ah, don't worry 'bout payin'. It's on the house! Jus a little somethin' as a welcome to Ponyville, is all." Applejack insisted that Eclipse accept, but he replies that he will only accept if he does something to return the favour, catching AJ by surprise.

"Uh... a way to repay...? There ain't anythin' I can think of..." AJ admitted. Eclipse was considering what he could possibly do for AJ.

"Need help selling apples?"

"Well, I was gonna head on back to Sweet Apple Acres." Hearing Applejack say that caught Eclipse's attention and gave him an idea.

"I'll assume that's like an orchard or apple farm? How about I give ya a haaaaappy... hoof?" Eclipse asked with a quick throat clear after the lucky correction of his sentence, earning a quick glare of suspicion from Applejack.

"I figured somethin' weren't right 'bout them folks... still seems real convenient that they popped up when Nightmare Moon was here... but they DID help us out." Applejack quickly snapped out of her thoughts and thought about Eclipse's offer, eventually she declined, prompting Eclipse to try the cocky provoking method.

"Afraid I can do your job too good?" Eclipse taunted. Apparently that was all he needed, as the metaphorical fires lit up in AJ's eyes.

"What the hay did y'all jus say? ...alrighty then. Let's see what y'all can do. Help me with the cart."

"Whoa-ho shit, she's pissed. But, I'm getting somewhere at least." Eclipse nodded and began help AJ pull the cart to Sweet Apple Acres. In the corner of his eye, he spotted Gale entering a certain building with a purple Earth Pony. "Wonder if that's the school? Guess that woman... or mare, is giving him a tour. Good kid."

At Sweet Apple Acres...

"So this is the orchard, eh? Pretty...um... damn big." Eclipse didn't have time to say anything else before receiving a quick bash to the head by AJ, thankfully Eclipse was still wearing his hat, which helped to cushion the impact, but Eclipse still slightly flinched with only a minor headache.

"Don't say that, 'Clips....! Don't ya know that?!" Applejack asked. Almost with a look of fear. Eclipse, obviously, was confused and vaguely irritated.

"Okay...? Why'd ya belt me one? You squashed my hat." Eclipse mumbled as he straightened his headwear. Applejack felt ashamed hitting another pony in the manner that she did, but knew that she had her reasons to do so.

"Taboo jus won't do, 'Clips."

"...eh?" Eclipse was struggling to get why Applejack was suddenly acting so strange with what she was saying.

"Y'all can't say those kinda words round the parts... they're taboo, how do you folks not know that?" Applejack was looking more and more lost with how little she actually knows about the young stallions and colt.

"Oh my GOD... this cannot be serious. Curse words being strict taboo? Uh huh, riiiight..." Eclipse shook his head and just apologized so that there wouldn't be anymore problems between him and Applejack. Better than just arguing about taboos and issues like that, Eclipse thought.

"Alright, jus don't do that again. Now let's all buck some trees. Let's see what y'all can do."

They went at it for quite some time, it took Eclipse a little while to get the technique down, but he managed to do it well enough to at least impress Applejack. Eclipse was about to discuss the job opportunity with AJ, but AJ spotted her family exiting the farmhouse and after some consideration, she decided that Eclipse could at least be trusted enough to at least introduce her family to the fellow hat wearing Earth Pony.

Eclipse smiled as Applejack suggested the introduction and accepted the idea as they began to walk towards the members of the Apple Family.

"This ought to be a nice experience." Eclipse thought to himself.

With Gale/Thomas at the Ponyville Schoolhouse...

Gale was always a strong and brave boy, he knew he would be safe to walk on his own, everyone in town seemed friendly and even if there was any risk of fillynapping, Gale doubted that anyone would mess with one of the heroes who fought Nightmare Moon. It took many minutes and lots of asking for directions, but Gale had finally found what he was told was the schoolhouse, Gale was able to confirm his thoughts by reading the sign, however he noticed how quiet everything seemed.

"Must be outside school hours, there better be someone around here that I can ask..." Gale thought as he began to peek within windows, hoping to see any members of staff at the school. After a short while, he heard the entrance of the building open and then close, signalling that a pony either left or entered the building, Gale rushed to the front entrance and saw a magenta coloured female Earth Pony who was leaving the building. Gale managed to get her attention.

"Hmm? Can I help you, young colt?" The mare asked, it didn't appear that she recognized the young pegasus.

"Hi. My name's Gale. I was wondering if there was any uh... class openings?" Gale asked. Hearing the name "Gale" allowed the mare to recognize the little hero.

"Wait, YOU are Gale? Well, I must say it is honestly an honor to meet you. My name is Cheerilee." She said with a smile. "You wish to attend my class? Well, I must ask permission from your parent or guardian."

"I have a note from my uncle. He is the oldest of my carers. They were busy so they couldn't come here with me." Gale then handed Cheerilee the note that was prepared by Shadike. Cheerilee looked over the letter and saw Shadike's signature, making her smile.

"I believe this will be adequate. Okay then. I will include you in the class register. You will begin school once this weekend is over. I look forward to seeing you in my class, Gale." Cheerilee smiled and gave Gale a weekly class timetable. Gale smiled back and flew off back home while saying goodbye to his soon to be teacher.

Back at Team Dragos' house...

Thomas had just returned home with his new timetable that he put on a nearby table, peeking into the next room, he saw his older uncle resting in a chair as Adam had just finished caring for Michael's wing, stating that he only needs to rest it.
Travis, Adam and Michael soon spotted Thomas in the doorway.

"How'd it go, kid?" Travis asked.

"Good. Looks like I'm in." Thomas replied.

"Nice. Good work." Michael complimented. Soon after Thomas sits down to join the boys in waiting for his younger uncle and hat wearing friend, said friend enters the room after his introduction to the Apple Family.

"Hey, Nathan back yet?" Lee asks, leading for the others to shake their heads in response. Lee only shrugged as he spotted the timetable of Thomas', causing him to give a little smile.

But it wasn't long before things grew worrying....

The boys were taken by surprise as Nathan suddenly rushed into the room, carrying the book that he was reading at the library.

"Guys, I need to show you something!" Nathan said, sweat covering his forehead. Michael gave an expression showing confusion.

"The hell is wrong with you?" He asked his younger brother.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Adam commented.

"Look at this." Nathan said as he showed them the book describing the vow of non mercy against humans. After reading the pages of history that related to humans, each of the boys had similar reactions and questions to each other.

"What the hell...?"

"So they'll kill us if they find out...?"

"What do we do now?"

After quite a long moment of silent thinking, Travis finally spoke up.

"I guess we don't have a choice but to blend in and act like nothing's wrong, I mean there's still no sign of us getting home. So yeah, we DON'T have a choice." The stallions quietly nodded in agreement as they poorly tried to push that thought out of their minds. Although, their attempt at suppressing the fear of being magically obliterated was assisted by a knock on the door. Nathan decided to be the one to answer it. It turned out to be AJ and Twilight, along with Spike on Twilight's back. Luckily, Nathan and his friends were prepared to use their alternate names.

"Howdy, fellas. We were jus' wonderin' if any of y'all wanted to help out with the harvest? Twi's helping out too." Applejack questioned, causing Sorin to look at the others. Eclipse nodded back to him and answered.

"I'll go, why not? Gives me practice at the orchard actually." Hearing Eclipse say this made AJ smile at the assistance. Sorin also decided to go, hoping to take his mind off the book's contents. Sorin gave a slightly forced smile as he stood next to Twilight while getting ready to go.

"I could do with clearing my mind."

Author's Note:

One things that I want to ask opinion for when it comes to the names of the boys in the narration.
Are you people okay with the current "switch to pony names when the girls are with them and have the human names when they're alone?" or "just keep them in the pony names unless it's really needed?" I would deeply appreciate your opinions. :)

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