• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 6,043 Views, 112 Comments

A Key in Equestria - Kamen rider yokai

It was just an ordinary day, that is until I met the Merchant. Now I'm stuck in a Equestria and, to make matters worse, I look like Sora from Kingdom Hearts! Man, can I ever catch a break?

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Chapter Two Revelations

The eight ponies waited in the lobby of Ponyville General hospital hoping that the human was okay. The Princess of the Moon had assured the Elements of Harmony that human biology can handle the medical treatment like normal ponies. It had already been a few hours since James was placed into the hospital.

"Luna just what is James' reason to being here in our world. I doubt he was here of his own free will" said Twilight looking to her aunt in law.

"You are correct Twilight he isn't here of his free will. How he got here is uncertain but he had bought two keychains from a mysterious merchant back on his world. According to James this merchant was the cause of various disappearances in his world. We figured out that this merchant sells enchanted items to unsuspecting people and takes them to different versions of our world. James is just one of these victims. But now that he is back here I'm afraid he is stuck here. Humans normally don't live much past a century and considering how much time has past his birth family must have passed away by now. As much as I hate to think about it me and Celestia are the only thing he has left to a family. That means he is now your uncle Twilight" said Luna.

"I'm still getting used to having you as aunts" sighed Twilight.

"Um if you don't mind me asking but what did you mean earlier by 'worlds' does that mean other worlds exist in our current universe" asked Fluttershy.

"According to James each star is a world. Apparently the worlds used to be connected until something happened to disconnect them" said Celestia.

"What exactly happened" asked Rainbow curious.

"The Keyblade War. A event that had altered reality itself" said Luna with a sigh.

"What" asked Pinkie wide eyed.

"According to James the Keyblade War was fought by Keyblade wielders all for control of the one thing governing the universe. Kingdom Hearts. There used to be thousands of Key bearers in the universe but when everyone started fighting over the light they let darkness in. Kingdom Hearts sensed the corruption and shattered the world consumed by darkness. But the children of the time had such pure hearts full of light that they rebuilt the worlds fragments into what they are now. The war ended with only few Keyblade wielders left that the battlefield eventually became known as the Keyblade Graveyard. James only knew about this through legends back on his world. James told us that if a star goes out in the night sky a world had been consumed by darkness. Shortly after James arrived a race of beings called moogles appeared and set up shop. James vouched that they were masters of alchemy and synthesis creating items that James said were very useful. Infact one is at the corner over there" said Celestia pointing with her wing to a white furred humanoid with what seemed to be a red circular nose, a red pompom like item on their heads and devil like wings floating there with a stand showing items like potions, ethers, even some items like tents and gems.

"Those gems are synthesis items called mythril and even dusk and light gems. James has a lot of them because those are crystalized magic. He crafted a keychain and had the item imbued with the gems power. It was used to form his keyblade he held earlier. That particular keyblade is called Nocturne. He based it off me and it symbolises the bond we have" said Luna.

"It explains the design" said Rarity impressed.

"Does each keychain have a innate ability" asked Applejack.

" Yes Nocturne gives James better control over certain spells. Mainly ice and wind plus water. My moon effects tides and it gets colder at night after all. But James has a bit of a temper on him. It's part of his genetics you see. One time he got so mad he got Discord to ban pranks involving keys after the beating he did. He had gotten me with a spell that made me almost commit suicide. James threw his Keyblade at Discord. Multiple times. When he calmed down he revealed that he used to throw whatever was in his hand at whoever made him mad. He tries not to do that but Discord made him relapse. Turned out Discord helped James learn a skill called Strike Raid. James told us that there were variations when combined with some spells" said Luna.

"Well that's something" said Applejack with a whistle.

"I think I saw that from that potion during the bramble weed incident. I definitely don't want to be on his bad side. If Discord wasn't immortal he would have died from all those strikes" said Twilight with a small shutter.

"Just goes to show even the most nicest person can have their fierce side. I mean look at Fluttershy she stared a dragon into behaving like a scolded child for example" said Rainbow as Fluttershy blushed recalling that day. That dragon hurt her friends and was being unreasonable something had snapped and she found herself losing her temper and confronting the dragon like a stern mother.

"Ah yes I remember that I asked you six to get that dragon away because of all the smoke he was making would have ruined our crops" said Celestia with a look of remembrance.

" Anyway back on topic what did you mean by heartless?" Asked Twilight.

"Heartless with a capital H, they are manifestations of darkness. No one knows how they came to be. James thinks they were created when the world shattered into the numerous worlds. Mainly the hearts of those that let their own darkness take control. They are not sentient as they use instinct instead of their minds. James said the Keyblade is the only thing able to get rid of them. He does know that there was a special case of a sentient Heartless. This Heartless hasn't been seen here yet but it's only a matter of time" said Luna.

"Beings formed from pure darkness that use nothing but instinct" muttered Twilight feeling a kind of chill at the thought.

"They haven't appeared yet on Equestria but according to James they fear the keyblade and will do anything to turn it's wielder into a Heartless. The tree of Harmony and the Elements in it are so far preventing them from appearing" said Celestia.

"To make it even more daunting James informed us of another group of beings, the Nobodies. The empty shells left behind when a person with a strong will becomes a Heartless. The sentient Heartless has a Nobody as well. If it's powerful enough to stay intelligent and a mostly human form it must have been a powerful will" said Luna.

"James says these two beings are the commanders of both respected monsters. I fear what will happen if he doesn't find the keyhole to the heart of our world" said Celestia.

"Okay you confused us there what does a keyhole have to do with worlds?" Asked Rainbow scratching the back of her head.

"These are not ordinary Keyholes if a Heartless finds the heart of a world they will try to consume it and force the world to fall to darkness. With the Keyblade James can seal the heart of the world to prevent that. Thing is he has no clue where these keyholes are located. But from what records James remembers the keyblade will pull him in the right direction to find it" said Luna.

Just than Nurse Red Heart entered the room and addressed the Princesses.

"Your Highnesses, he is stable but there is something that makes me concerned. We took some x-rays of his body to make sure nothing internal is wrong but well see for yourself" said Nurse Red Heart showing a x-ray of James' heart.

"A prolapsed heart valve!" Exclaimed Luna taking a look.

"From what we could tell using a spell to check on it it's been like that from when he was born. If he is what you say he is it's a miracle he didn't have heart failure in all this time" said Red Heart.

"Why didn't he tell us about this" asked Celestia shocked.

"He always did seem to pace himself during training and going within his limits. I believe he knew and didn't want us to worry" said Luna shaking a bit from the shock.

Even the mane six looked shocked though confused.

"Ugh Twilight do you know what their talking about" asked Rainbow.

"One of James' heart valves that pumps blood through his body has collapsed and from the sound of it it's been like that since he was born" said Twilight.

"That kind of condition can be fatal if he stains himself to much but it seems to still be a minor case. Also we detected some kind of temporal magic on him that seems to match his magical signature if he was petrified to stone he must have used it to keep himself alive by stopping time on himself until the petrification spell wore off" said Red Heart getting into the explanation.

"The stop spell one of the few time related spells known. But there must have been some side effect on him" said Luna recognizing what James must have done.

"Your correct Princess the spell plus the petrification have left a semipermanent side effect. His aging is slowing down. He will stop aging by the time he turns Twenty physically. Plus with how long he was stone means his life span is similar to yours now. He can be injured like normal but he won't be able to die for eons from now" said Red Heart.

"Are you saying he's immortal now?" Asked Twilight in shock.

"That's what we can tell. His cells are slowly rejuvenating like time is being reversed to their prime. Hence why his age is slowing down. From the info you gave me on the day before hearts and hooves day six years from now he will stop aging" said Red Heart.

"Can we see him" asked Celestia.

"You may but he's asleep right now. Those spells took a lot out of him. If we could find a donor we might be able to fix his heart also but the closest to his biology happens to be dragons" said Red Heart.

"Dragons can live without a heart valve because their hearts are designed to use only two of the four valves so they don't breath fire all the time" said Celestia reciting what she learned from Starswirl.

"But the only dragon around like that is Spike!" Said Rarity wide eyed.

"If it's to save a person's life I will gladly donate a heart valve" said Spike making the Princesses gasp.

"Princesses besides Twilight your the only ponies that know Dragon biology meaning your going to have to guide the surgery for this" said Spike making them see he had a point.

"The young dragon is right your highness James' condition can easily become severe after being stone for so long. And your the only ones that can guide this. And I request you all help to right now this hospital is understaffed due to the injuries from the bramble weed incident still. You there look like you got a eye for detail your the one on doing the stitches!" Said Red Heart pointing at rarity with her horn.

"You take care of animals right than you are on making sure they don't feel a thing with Princess Twilight handing me the tools I need" she added looking to Fluttershy.

"Applejack your job is to watch the heart ministers and let me know if the heart starts failing on James" she said looking at the Farmer.

" What about me" asked Rainbow.

"Your job is to make sure the surgical tools are clean! Before hand" princesses please try to find anything on dragon biology and make a chart to help guide me in this and also of the area we need to work on for James" said Red Heart making the group nod.

"Your going to need a special tool to get past Spike's scales while they are out cold and to stitch him back up dragon scales are resillant to magic" said Luna.

"She can use this" said Twilight pulling out what seemed to be a diamond edged circular cutter.

"Spike's scales normally shed but when they are pinching him I used that to remove them he didn't feel it at all just be careful with him" said Twilight.

"Thanks now get prepped we got a life to save" said Red Heart.

A few hours later the group panted as they wheeled the two into a room. The surgery was hard and afterwords the mane six threw up their lunch from the process. Well except Fluttershy who was used to it having to patch up the animals under her care including giving them surgery to save their lives.

"T-that was the most intense and gross thing I have ever done" said Rainbow shaken.

"Reading about it is one thing actually doing it is another" said Twilight in agreement.

"But we did it y'all we got the transplant done" said Applejack slightly green.

"S-so much b-blood w-who knew sewing had such a application I may never look at a needle and thread the same way again" said Rarity hair matted from the stress.

"I'm surprised Spike was brave to go under the knife without fear for his own well being" said Pinkie having her respect for the dragon rise.

"How can you be so calm like this Fluttershy" asked Rainbow curious.

"I had to do surgery on some of the animals under my care but mostly it was torn muscles and at one point removing some of there kidneys so by now I'm used to it" said Fluttershy.

" Thanks for the cutter Princess be sure to bring spike next week to remove the stitches dragons heal faster than humans certainly" said Red Heart.

" N-no problem but maybe it be best to hire some more staff so you aren't forced to have volunteers on a surgery team that or have volunteers take care of the most injured with light wounds to free up doctors that can do that I don't think I can go though that again" said Twilight remembering the painkiller spell she used on both of them.

"Well see you tomorrow I got to clean up from that experience" said Rarity taking off the medical garb the group put on and headed home.

"Yeah same here it's been a long day" said Rainbow.

Soon the only ones still in the hospital room was Twilight, Spike, Luna and Celestia settling down to wait for James to wake up.

(End chapter)

Author's Note:

Okay guys let me make this clear. Yes I do have that kind of heart condition, it's called metro valve prolapse. Which is why I will never enlist in the army. As for why I skipped the surgery... I have no clue how it's done but if someone does know feel free to send me one to use for this. And yes February 13 is my birthday. Just to let you know. Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter. So quick recap. The girls received some clarifications and learn about my condition and than do surgery with Spike being the donor this will have a impact in later chapters I will tell you that. Next up I wake up and recover just in time for a Heartless attack hope you been waiting patiently because there's going to be some action in chapter three Key Defence! This is geo hikari signing out later!