• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 6,043 Views, 112 Comments

A Key in Equestria - Kamen rider yokai

It was just an ordinary day, that is until I met the Merchant. Now I'm stuck in a Equestria and, to make matters worse, I look like Sora from Kingdom Hearts! Man, can I ever catch a break?

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Cross-raid: a pirates heart part 1

Author's Note:

Here is the first part of a crossover with the story gokai ponies. By the villian in glasses. Sorry it's been so long I had a hard time thinking up what to do next in the story. Luckily a crossover was what I needed to get the writing flow going again. Though maybe I should have been more clear on the act like a key part of my displaced's message. I meant the weapon itself as the key not like what Gai did here. This makes the second time james has been improperly summoned. that said enjoy.

(Equestria: Del Light home)
I sighed as I looked over some documents. The Nightmare Night party we had had been mostly a success to the morale of the alliance… if it wasn't for the fact Mental Glimmer aka Blueblood had caused most of the pony side of the army to be placed on sick leave to raise the foals the females of the army were pregnant with. And not for the first time I cursed blueblood for placing us in this situation.

And there was the matter of what I had forgotten about when I found that inspiration manifestation while Castle Eclipse was being rebuilt. To be honest I wasn't sure what to do with the items I found as it painted a worrying image on one of my stories I wrote in the past. Specifically a ranger key. One I designed myself to boot. The figurine was of a sentai with a purple skeletal pirate design resembling the gokaiger suit. And a key that shouldn't have existed in the first place.

“Gokai Skeletal, how did your key get here and why did it appear before me? Soul what happened in your universe” I wondered looking at the key.

Just then my wife entered with a sigh.

“James, it's getting to be late, are you still wondering about that key you found?” Asked Chrysalis giving me a concerned look.

“Yeah it’s just this key shows that one of my characters I created back home exists somewhere and I got no clue what happened to bring his key here. It's not a good message if that's anything to go by” I sighed thinking it over.

Both of us snapped our heads up as a token clattered onto my desk making us stare. It was yet another ranger key but of one of the original gokaigers I knew about. Gokai Silver. Picking it up I heard the message it had.

“To all that discover this hidden treasure, know that I am Gai Ikari, The Silver Scourge, Captain of the Gokai Galleon and leader of the Gokaigers. If you wish to call upon me and my crew, simply insert this key into any lock. But woe betide those who wish harm upon me, or those under my protection, for they will be consumed by the Black Fog.”

“Well That’s something at least. I wonder if this has anything to do with what I was thinking about recently? It can't be just the multiverse giving me a hint at what to do. I wonder if he got my token as well. Seems he picked a similar way of being summoned as I did though. The irony is not lost on me” I noted somewhat amused and curious.

(Gokaiger Verse)

“Begin!” Gai shouted, bringing his arm down between the two combatants.

Pipsqueak charged at Flurry Heart, his wooden cutlass swinging down towards Flurry’s head, the former princess deftly blocked the strike, parrying the blade and singing her arm around, twisting Pipsqueak’s wrist and forcing him to drop his weapon.

Undeterred, Pipsqueak ducked under the strike aimed at his neck, smacking his palm on the underside of Flurry’s cutlass and forcing her to drop her blade as well. Both ponies squared off against each other, sizing up their opponent before Pipsqueak rushed in with a series of light jabs, forcing Flurry Heart back. Finally, he reared back to break through her weakened guard, that’s when Flurry Heart made her move.

The young alicorn leaned to the side while guiding Pipsqueak’s arm off into empty space, readjusting her footwork, she grabbed his arm and threw him over her shoulder, pinning him in an arm lock.

“Enough!” cried Gai, causing Flurry to release the downed earth pony, “Pipsqueak, that was an excellent counter in the first half, but you’re still rushing in too quickly. Flurry, that was masterful work with that throw.”

“However!” He continued, “the both of you are way too eager to go straight to hand-to-hand combat, I did say this was a swords-only sparring match, didn’t I?”

Both his students hung their heads, “sorry Captain,” Pipsqueak said, rubbing the back of his head, “I guess I just got carried away.”

“Don’t let that happen too often, the presence of a weapon in your hands could mean the difference between life and death sometimes.” Gai replied, “you’ve both improved quite a lot in the past month, go get cleaned up, it’s about time Kettle finished dinner.”

As if on cue, the door to the living quarters hissed open and Navi flew out, “Gai! We’ve got a situation!”

“What is it Navi?”

“I found this on your chair, I think it’s a Displaced’s token.”

Gai picked up the pendant of two crossed keys with a hooked chain, the Displaced’s message ringing out in his mind:

"I am James Del Light Key Bearer of Equestria, if you ever need my aid for justice, attach this to your weapon and turn it like a key. And I shall come to your aid. If you have evil intent, then fear my blade, if you have a just heart know that you have found a worthy ally and friend in me”

“And, how is this a ‘situation’ exactly? I thought we were under attack for a second there!” Gai said sternly.

“It just randomly appeared out of thin air!”

“Pretty sure they’re supposed to do that, Navi.”


Suddenly, the Galleon’s intruder alarm went off, the blaring sirens directing everyone’s attention to the bridge, “me and my big mouth,” Gai muttered, rushing into the living quarters, Pipsqueak and Flurry Heart following close behind.

“Status report!” Gai barked.

“There’s intruders in the secondary cargo hold! They just appeared there!” Rainbow Dash said, her eyes darting across the terminal’s security feed.

“Just my luck... I’ve got this, seal off the cargo hold, this probably won’t take five minutes.” Gai snapped his fingers, opening a portal into the cargo hold of the ship. He tucked the new token into his coat and jumped into the swirling vortex.

Upon entering, Gai blinked seeing the intruders were dark figures looking like demonic pirates with a stitched heart like emblem on their torsos, their yellow eyes turning to lock onto him.

“Oi,” Gai muttered, unfolding the Gokai Spear and pointing the three pronged weapon at the group of figures, “don’t you mugs know that jumping onto a pirate ship is the leading cause of death for scrubs like you? No?” Gai launched forward, knocking several of the pirate-like figures flying with a sweep of the spear, “then kindly get the fuck off my ship!”

The figures charged, each drawing various sabers, cutlasses and pistols. Some of the figures in the back even took to the air on purple wings, the limited space of the cargo hold only granting only a modicum of added maneuverability.

Gai drove the points of the trident through the belly of a larger figure, lifting it effortlessly and using the speared figure like a hammer, smashing entire groups of smaller figures.

“Take this!” He cried, flicking the figure off the end of the trident and knocking a large group of enemies over like bowling pins.

The one that was pierced stilled before turning into black smoke letting the ones it landed on get back up.

As the fight dragged on however, Gai noticed that the figures only kept coming, not growing tired, and more importantly, not dying when being slammed with as much force as Gai could muster.

“Please don’t tell me these things are what I think they are...” he murmured, “I knew I should’ve made those TOQger keys when I had the chance!”

(Equestria: James Del Light)

Me and my wife was walking through the halls when we both felt the familiar tug of being summoned.

“It’s been a while since it was just the two of us, everyone else went to bed. Well then let's go Chrysalis” I said summoning my keyblade armor as I summoned up my keyblade glider and the two of us entered the vortex and shot down the stained glass path that was forming to the world we had been summoned to.

(Gokaiger verse)

The army of Heartless began to advance on the silver-clad pirate, a wide grin split across his face as he raised the Gokai Spear in a salute, “koko wa… ore no shinibasho da?” He said grimly, Akira would be proud.

As he was about to charge into another fracas with the Heartless, Gai felt a burning warmth in his coat pocket. Reaching inside, he almost burnt his hand on the twin key pendant, which was now glowing brightly, the light causing the Heartless to recoil with pain.

“Oh you have GOT to be kidding me, this is cliche’d beyond belief,” Gai said as he inserted the pendant into the keyhole on the Gokai Spear and turned it, “looks like you get your wish, Mr. Del Light.”

The light from the keys shot out of the end of the spear, coalescing into a large set of white double doors. The doors burst open and a figure wearing a set of white and silver armor leaped through the portal and into the crowd of Heartless, a blue cape fluttering behind him as the dragon-shaped helm swiveled, no doubt the wearer was taking in the situation.

The armored figure raised his right hand to the side, a large, key-shaped object appearing in a flash of light. The figure swung the large key in a wide arc, the Heartless vaporizing instantly at it’s touch. The figure continued to smash the key into each and every Heartless until all that remained were small clouds of black mist.

Silence reigned in the cargo hold, only broken when Gai spoke, his trident raised towards the figure, “so, Mr. Del Light I presume?”

(James Del Light’s Perspective)

“Yes I'm James Del Light and this here is my wife Queen Chrysalis. We just got your token today so I was planning on talking with you in the morning back in my Equestria. Guess that plan got dashed” said the teen pointing his head to the teal haired woman Gai had missed with the armored figure as his armor vanished. giving a nod to Gai but had a odd look on his face that made Gai curious.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” He had to ask.

“some displaced I met had kept episodes of media I needed to see to catch up on future events of my equestria and what else I liked to watch.” James said looking a bit unsure how to think on that subject.

“I assume there’s a giant metaphysical keyhole that needs locking, right?”

“As big Mac would say eeyup” James deadpanned dismissing his keyblade. He actually got the voice down on the last word sounding exactly like the big pony.

“Got any idea where it might be? I sure as hell don’t,” Gai asked.

“Nope, those things are quite well hidden unless a boss heartless or whatever is letting the Heartless in this world is beaten. So me and my wife are probably going to stick with you for a few days to locate it. If you got Navi with you we might be able to narrow the search” James said with a shrug. Those key holes were hard to track and like sora he had to stumble onto them to find them.

“We have to beat Sombra in order for ours to be revealed as he’s the one leading the Heartless back home” Chrysalis explained.

“We know where ours is but it's a different place for other Equestrias. Different variations makes it hard to locate” James explained.

“Already knew how Keyholes and Heartless work, thanks,” Gai said, pulling out the Gokai Cellular, “Navi, we have guests, can you come down to the hold?”

“Aye sir!” She squawked.

Gai put the Cellular away and fixed his gaze onto the teenager, “tell me, have you ever seen this symbol before?” He asked, pulling out a sketch of a skull and crossbones, the skull was playing the trumpet.

“Yes, I watched Gokaiger back home. Let me guess, someone came with you as Basco?” James asked face palming.

“Eeyup, if you ever meet him, he’s likely already got a plan in mind to kill you. That, and drain you of your power. Just a warning.”

“Got it. So who do you got currently as a crew? I can already guess at least an element of harmony though from what you said about Basco, most of the mane six are dead here aren't they?” James said surprising Gai by how perceptive he was.

“Sharper than you look, kid. But he didn’t have anything to do with it, that was Zangyack’s doing, we showed up after the fact. Basco only hunts other Displaced. He’s admitted to killing five already.” Gai’s face darkened as he pulled out a silver hip flask and took a swig of the contents.

“Yikes, guess he doesn't care about this world and just wants to get back to your earth right? He was your friend wasn't he?”

Gai glared at James.

“If you need any help? I can try to see if some of my friends can help you out. One of them is Kamen Rider Kuuga so that's a heavy hitter there” James winced thinking of what happened to his own earth.

“The only thing you need to do is run as far and as fast as you can if you see him,” Gai replied, “Basco’s my mess to take care of.”

At this point Navi and the others arrived in the hold and Rainbow Dash looked a bit shocked at Chrysalis being with us.

“Oh right I don't think your Dash has met Chrysalis in a long time. … is that Princess Flurry? Guess we are far into Equestria’s future here aren't we.” James asked seeing the pink alicorn surprised.

“You know of me, sir?” Asked Flurry Heart.

“in my Equestria I'm your adoptive Grand-Uncle. My world’s Celestia and Luna adopted me as their brother. I'm the middle child there. Though back home you haven’t been born yet. Just had Fluttershy become Flutterbat over there. Had to give the other five a stern lecture about the consequences of your actions. She ended up permanently part bat. Luckily I knew stop but by then the fruit bat DNA had been in her long enough some had taken root and wasn't removed from her when twilight cast her counterspell. Avoided Applejack sacrificing her giant apple though she didn't take pride in winning that competition at the cost of what her actions did to Fluttershy. She’s getting used to being diurnal.” James told her and at that reminder James gave Rainbow a glare as that still happened in her past as well making her wince. Well recent for James still at his view.

That was still a sore memory for her and could only imagine the lecture her counterpart got at the time. She hoped that Fluttershy forgave her counterpart eventually.

“Right… Navi, can you do a fortune for us? We’re looking for the Heart of the World.”

“Aye sir!” Navi said, flying around at high speed until her head impacted one of the walls. Dazed, she tottered around like a drunk, her next words were cryptic:

“To the center of crime you must go, repay your debts, perhaps somepony knows...”

She shook her head, “That’s all!” she replied cheerily.

“The center of crime? So our next stop is the criminal underground to look for a informant does anyone know that particular location? I haven't traveled my Equestria much” James asked confused.

Gai scowled, “it’s not really ‘underground’ anymore kid, and there’s no way I’m bringing a minor to that place. Especially one who doesn’t know how to handle himself in that setting.”

“Guess that means just me, Rainbow, you, and my wife are the group heading there while the chef handles watching pip and Flurry here. And don't argue Flurry you're still a princess having you there is just asking for you to be kidnapped and used for ransom. We don't need to have that worry on us until you know how to fight properly. On the way I'm sure my wife can help you with your magic” James said thinking deeply.

Flurry Heart glared at him with an indignant expression, while Pipsqueak looked as if he was trying to contain his laughter.

“I was talking about you, kid,” Gai said, flicking James in the forehead, knocking him back a few steps, “I can handle the criminal world just fine. You on the other hand would draw way too much attention.”

“One, I'm not a kid I'm a thousand and twenty one years old and second who said I was going as a human?” James asked shifting into a large black Dragon giving Gai a deadpan look then back.

“Being a half dragon has it’s perks. Believe it or not there is a war going on back home as well and at times intimidation is needed to handle some situations. Besides Sombra back home is already a heartless his powers at the crystal empire when Spike helped retrieve the crystal heart already showed that much” he gave them a look at that.

“You can turn into the Red-Eyes Black Dragon? What the hell...” Gai muttered, confusing James

“Wait that's what my dragon form looks like? I didn't have the time to check” james asked blinking.

“Darkness variant, but yes” clarified Gai.

“So? Let’s go then,” James said.

“A dragon where there shouldn’t even be any dragons at all. That definitely won’t draw any attention,” Gai deadpanned, “and I don’t need to be scary to get what I want, just sit tight kid, I’ll handle the info-gathering. You just hang out here for now, it shouldn’t take too long. The ship is open to you, but I suggest avoiding the engine room and my personal quarters.”

With that, Gai snapped open a portal under himself and fell through, leaving his crew alone standing awkwardly with James and Chrysalis.

Navi sighed, “sorry, Gai’s never been very accepting of outside help. And he’s also not known for putting things gently.”

(Gai’s Perspective)

Gai stared at the once magnificent white walls around his destination, the structure was now crumbled and faded, the gates hung open on rusted hinges. In the distance, Gai could barely make out the cries of various hawkers trying to sell their wares in the market, such wares included but were not limited to: weapons, narcotics, slaves, and dark magic artifacts.

“Welcome to Canterlot, you’ll never find a greater hive of scum and villainy,” Gai muttered to himself, pulling the hood of his cloak over his head a little tighter so as to obscure his features more. The last thing he needed was a bounty hunter thinking he had gotten lucky, partially why he had left James and his crew behind, less risk of exposure that way.

Gai ducked into the nearest back alley, out of sight of the Gormin patrol on the main thoroughfare, carefully making his way into the depths of the ruined city.

(Gokai galleon, James’ perspective)

James stood on the deck of the ship looking at the sky with a frown fiddling with the shoulder armor that was his keyblade armor in standby mode.

“Maybe I should have made this a gauntlet I really don't have time in battle to activate this like ventus but I can definitely activate it by bumping my hands together. Guess I should talk with Rainbow about her uniform and what it means for her” he said turning to go and talk with her. His wife was already with Flurry Heart teaching her how to control her magic as with being married to a changeling he had picked up how to sense how much a being can control magic and a variant use of scan.

He found the pegasus in the crow's nest and stood next to her. He looked in the direction of Ponyville from there sadly.

“What do you want James?” Asked Rainbow.

“I just want to talk. Did Gai ever explain about that uniform you're wearing? What it means. It is something that makes me wonder what is it with your potential in the multiverse” he sighed as he turned to look at her.

“What do you mean?” Asked Rainbow surprised by where this was going.

“The Rainbow dash and her friends, plus the CMC and Spike in my world have the potential to awaken keyblades. Spike had already awoken his own which represents his bond to a certain phoenix he took care of. That phoenix made a return and is now renamed Bravefire. Now Spike is the town blacksmith and is assisted by Rarity due to her eye for detail. They were the ones who managed to remake keyblade armor. Trust me when I say I was surprised at how Spike changed when he came back from getting the dragons over to ponyville so the entire races could band together to stop the Heartless. He even picked up a title in the process. Stormslayer the knight amongst Dragons. He fought a boss heartless solo and won. He didn't awaken the keyblade in the two ways I know of and found a third way of getting a keyblade. He had to realize just how different he was to other dragons and accept it while having a strong desire to protect his home and family. That shouts a lot about your potential back home.” James explained looking up and chuckled thinking back to how everyone was surprised by how Spike changed that day.

“what's that have to do with my uniform?” Rainbow asked wondering where this was going.

“Rainbow that uniform is that of Gokai Blue’s civilian identity, it means Gai has saw you fit to take on the mantle and is trying to teach you the skills you need to actually take it on and use it with pride. If you want, I can tell you of the Gokai Blue I know of and see if it will help you know just how big of a shoe you're going to fill” James explained then offered.

Rainbow felt her jaw drop and suddenly was reminded of her counterpart in Cruger’s equestria.

“y-yeah that would be nice” said Rainbow trying to get over her shock a bit.

“the original Gokai Blue, Joe Gibken, believe it or not was once a member of zangyack. He grew disillusioned with the Empire after he thought his teacher in the way of swords was killed until he met the original gokai red who was the original leader of the Gokaigers Captain Marvelous. The two fought off a squad of Zangyack’s forces officially making Joe a traitor of Zangyack. Joe’s dream was to become the best swordsman in the universe. Gokaigers each had some kind of dream they wanted to pursue and would chase the ends of the universe to see them come true. So together with Gokai Red and the other future members they fought Zangyack. In fact Flurry Heart is reminding me a bit of Gokai Pink. Their situations are similar. Only the original Gokai Pink had lost her entire planet. Everyone but her was wiped out.” James told her before frowning at his grandniece’s counterparts story that Chrysalis managed to get out for a bit.

“trust me Rainbow I'll make sure when Flurry is born in my Equestria I won't let her live like this world’s version. I'll make sure she still has a world to live in. like Gokai Pink, I don't have a Earth to return to” he said deeply troubled still on the fact his Earth was gone.

Unaware to James, Flurry Heart was listening in going wide eyed at that last part.

“What! You don't have a Earth to return to?” said Rainbow shocked.

“Did Gai tell you about the Kamen Riders? There is a rider who protects time from collapsing by just existing. People who can exist outside of time and not be affected by changes to it are known as singularity points. They act as anchors to the timeline. I didn't learn I was one until a long time had past since I became displaced. Without me my whole earth collapsed without the anchor to that timeline. Everyone I knew had practically died in a fate worse than death. Somehow my twin sister back on earth had survived as a being from the sands of time. An imagin. I'm glad I still have her but now I'm worried about what happened to the rest of my family. I am still grieving the fact shortly after I was displaced my mom died of cancer. I don't know what happened to my brother or my dad. So I'm just trying to make do in protecting my own equestria as it’s pretty much my home now. At least I still have more family in Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Shining, Cadance, Spike, and Chrysalis. Plus my kids who traveled from the future. With my sister their all I got left and I'll be Damned if i don't try to protect them with all I got. Nothing is more dangerous than someone with nothing to lose. To a key bearer like me our strength comes from our bonds we Literally get stronger with friendship and the like. Heart is quite Literally a requirement. Connections are practically everything for a key bearer. And trust me being a Gokaiger in training, you lot are on your way to being a family yourself. Flurry Heart practically does see you as you as an aunt Rainbow, and it’s up to you to keep an eye on her in the times ahead. You are considered family since she was born. She grew up with you being her aunt Twilight’s best friend all her life. The bond you six had was similar to that of sisters. As a relative from another equestria I'm coming to see my main six besides Twilight as family as well. So from one uncle to adoptive aunt, keep what family you have close for you don't know what you might face” James explained before giving Rainbow a deep look.

“Right that's something I'll do till the day I die. I guess it just hits me now that me and Flurry Heart are all each other has left out of the lives we had before Zangyack.” said Rainbow.

“Don't forget Scootaloo she’s your sister as well with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle Belle. The five of you share a bond like no other. And before you ask,Flurry Flurry is eavesdropping below on the rope ladders” James said and smirked at hearing a squeak of shock as Flurry climbed into the nest.

“Dragon hearing” explained James to Rainbow’s bemused look.

“So you really think of me as family?” Asked Flurry.

“Yes, it came as a shock to find Cadance was my unknown niece after a thousand years but you are one of the only family I have left. In fact I wouldn't mind if you guys visited my Equestria sometimes. I'm sure we will need the help. Thanks to Blueblood most of the female pony part of the Alliance is out of commission thanks to mind alteration spells. Luckily he’s being put to justice soon. Last I heard, his crimes are enough to get him executed. He tried to destroy the tree of harmony which was where my world’s keyhole is hidden. Destroying the tree would attracted the Heartless like a neon sign. It was only thanks thanks to a scan that I was able to tell what the guy did. I was a bit suspicious about Rarity’s lack of luck in getting a boyfriend. Turns out she was stuck in a loop of trying to find the perfect stallion because Blueblood tried to make her love struck on him. But Rainbow remembers how that gala went, his own behavior ruined that spell’s target stallion and put the spell on a feedback loop. Maybe now she and Spike back home will get together.” James said and it struck them that James looked stressed about the war back in his equestria.

“Damn just what job do you have?” Asked Rainbow.

“Running an army to fight a literal darkness seeking to destroy everything. Losing a nearly whole fraction to medical leave put a lot more strain in keeping the Heartless out of the areas. You know about the female to male ratio of the pony populace before Zangyack, Rainbow. Blueblood’s actions took a lot of the pony part of the forces from battle. Maternity leave. It's hard trying to keep so many diverse races from fighting amongst each other in one place. This is practically a break for me from the work. We still don't know where Sombra is back home and I'm worried about what he has planned there. I'm trying to actually use the military background my family had on earth to get this through to Equestria’s favor in surviving. My Equestria is right on the edge of a separate multiverse cluster so once I'm sure my Equestria is safe. I’ve got to be sure what other worlds are in my universe that I have to safeguard from the heartless. I don't know how the guy I went as before I was displaced does this kind of thing for years. It's tiring work,” James sighed before noting it had become night.

“it's getting late let's get some sleep maybe Gai will have some information for us when he gets back.” James suggested standing up to lead the way down back to their separate rooms.

Rainbow looked at her ceiling in her room thinking over what she talked about with James. How Gai saw fit to make her Gokai Blue, how she still has family to protect, and about what he told her of the original Gokai Blue. Raising her head to look at the cutlass leaning on on her desk she gave a determined nod.

“I’ll make Captain proud to uphold that mantle, James is right. I’ve got a big pair of shoes to fill. My dream may be to beat Zangyack, but now I'm adding on to it to protect my family. And to do that I'll take on that goal of the original Gokai Blue in being the best swordsman in the universe. As a swordsman James himself might have something to teach me that can help out...” she thought to herself going to sleep unaware that in the Ranger Key chest the Gokai blue key glowed a bit.


Gai moved quickly and quietly through the streets of lower Canterlot, ignoring the various beggars, back alley dealers, and illicit stalls, his anger flaring little by little at the various crimes against everypony around him.

“Is this really what Canterlot has become?” He muttered, “this was once a shining beacon to all the world, and now it’s gone to the dogs.”

Gai stopped suddenly, looking up and checking the battered wooden sign hanging above the saloon entrance, it read: The Rogue’s Gallery, followed by the subtext: Bar and Brothel. Sighing heavily, Gai pushed his way through the twin saloon doors.

The tables of the establishment were empty, the building silent. Most of the ‘working mares’ were likely retired to their rooms on the second floor, the only one still up was behind the bar, cleaning the glasses from the previous night’s revelries. Gai walked up to the bar and sat down on one of several stools lined up in front of it.

“Take a look around, stranger, we’re closed,” the mare intoned, not bothering to look up at the human. She was an earth pony and had a slightly poofy orange mane and tail with a yellow coat. She was wearing nothing but lacy black lingerie, with a matching choker and a tiny, frilly black apron attached to her garter belt.

“That’s a shame, I was looking for the Carrot Special,” Gai replied, grinning a bit.
The mare’s green eyes widened, she nearly dropped the glass she was wiping clean as she spun to stare at the cloaked human, who lowered his hood, revealing his grinning face and brown hair, “hey, Carrot Top.”

The mare carefully set down her glass and slapped him, hard, “you bastard! I thought you were dead!”

“I suppose I deserved that,” Gai muttered, rubbing his stinging cheek, “I assume you heard about what went down in Manehattan?”

“Yes! I knew you were reckless, but blowing up half the compound? What the buck were you thinking!?” Carrot Top ranted, placing her palms on the bar and giving Gai a clear view of her cleavage.

“Let’s be honest, you were wondering where your finder’s fee was gonna go, right?” Gai said, giving the mare a sly smirk.

Carrot Top cringed a little at that before sighing heavily, causing her breasts to jiggle a bit, “I keep forgetting that I’m paid to enable idiots, not worry about them on the job,” she leaned back, crossing her arms under her bust, “so? Where is it then?”

“And for a second there I thought you cared!” Gai teased, placing a bag of bits on the counter, “there’s a little extra in there as a late fee, let’s just say shit hit the fan and it took me a while to clean up the mess.”

“Pleasure doing business with you, hon!” Carrot said with a sultry wink as she quickly scooped the bag under the bar top before propping her head up on her elbows and giving Gai a half-lidded stare, “so, anything else I can offer the Silver Scourge? Maybe a ‘Carrot Special’?” She asked, her voice husky.

“Some other time maybe, right now, I’m looking for something… interesting,” Gai replied, reaching into his cloak and retrieving another, slightly larger bag of bits, “I’ll be paying in advance this time, because I’m not sure when I’d be able to swing by again.”

Carrot Top made to snatch the bag, only for Gai to pull it back out of her reach, “nopony else hears about this one, right?” Gai asked sternly, his hard gaze penetrating Carrot’s eyes.

Carrot chuckled a bit, “hon, if I had loose lips I would be terrible at my job, wouldn’t I?”

Gai’s grin returned, “heh, guess so,” this earned him a smack upside the head.

Gai handed over the bit bag and a piece of paper with a sketch of the Heartless symbol on it, “the job has to do with this symbol, supposedly, large groups of monsters are looking for this ‘something interesting’ I mentioned earlier. All of them have this mark on their bodies somewhere.”

Carrot eyed the sketch warily, “this wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with that shit hitting the fan, would it?”

“You’re not thinking of backing out are you, Carrot?” Gai asked.

Carrot scoffed, taking the picture, “please, I’m a professional. I’ll get the girls on the rumor mill, see what they can dig up. Is that all, hon?”

Gai shook his head, placing a few bits on the table, “can I get a drink before I head out? Something decently strong, but not enough to get me piss drunk.”

Carrot nodded, sweeping up Gai’s bits and turning to the wall of bottles behind her. She soon returned with a stein of minotaurian ale, which Gai took thankfully, taking a long pull from the beverage.

“So? You don’t usually care for drinks when you come here on business, did something happen?” Carrot asked, leaning over the counter and giving him that half-lidded stare again.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Gai replied, taking another sip from his drink, I swear, if James is responsible for my little stalker... “It’s nothing, just a bit grumpy I guess.”

“Aww, does the big, bad pirate want to talk about it?” Carrot teased in a patronizing tone.

“Nope.” Gai said, chugging a bit of his drink.

As if on cue, the doors slammed open, revealing a group of four ponies, all of them brandishing some form of weapon. The first wielded a wooden bat with nails and bolts embedded in it, the second had a machete, the third had a pair of butterfly knives, and the fourth looked as if he had cobbled together a gun out of spare hardware.

“Oi, slut! Me an’ my colts here need a drink on the double!” The gun wielding stallion, presumably the leader, shouted at Carrot Top.

“Sorry hon! We’re closed right now,” Carrot replied sweetly, “we’ll be open real soon though, the girls and I will be sure to take care of all your needs then...” she let her voice trail off suggestively.

“Bitch, don’t bullshit me! You’re already giving that bastard some service, aren’t you?” The lead stallion shouted indignantly.

“He’s… a special case,” Carrot replied, her eyes darting between the stone-faced pirate and the group of thugs. Gai nodded almost imperceptibly, slowly pulling a small knife from the inside of his sleeve, the movement masked by the cloak.

“Buck that!” The machete-wielding pony said, raising the blade towards Gai, “hey buddy, you already got the bitch to spread her legs for you, how’s about you help a brother out, huh?”

“I believe she told you guys to come back later,” Gai said gruffly, “leave before you piss me off.”

“The buck!? Buddy, you’ve got no idea who you’re messing with- GAH!” The thug cried out in pain as Gai’s throwing knife pierced his shoulder.

“I warned you, didn’t I? Leave.”

“Waste ‘em!” The leader cried out as the three uninjured combatants charged the human.

Suddenly a blur went past them, tripping them up as Gai finally got a look at who was following him. She was a female, that much he could tell and resembled a humanoid rabbit who scoffed at the thugs.

“So that’s what my stalker looks like, did James send you?” Gai said casually, finishing off the dregs of his drink and handing the stein back to Carrot Top.

“Yep my name is Beth, James’ twin! nice to meet you. And trust me my brother definitely had a good reason as he felt like you shouldn't be alone here. After all, isn't a sentai stronger with teamwork then alone? That's a Kamen Rider’s thing after all” she said leaning on the counter.

“Bah, I told the kid to leave me alone, not to send his sister to stalk me like some creeper,” Gai growled, getting up from his chair and cracking his knuckles, “I can handle these deadbeats just fine without you, so enjoy the show.”

“One, this is for the creeper comment” she said before kicking Gai in the area between his legs and folded her arms, “second these bozos were not alone. There is about sixteen more on their way and armed or not someone has to watch you back” she continued.

“Is that all?” Gai said, shrugging off the hit, “they should’ve bought an army instead,” With that, Gai charged, grabbing two of the uninjured ponies by the arms and swinging them through the door before grabbing the other two by their manes and dragging them behind him, kicking and screaming.

“Fine be that way but at least let me arm you better than that knife” she said transforming into a sword with her face above the guard that flew into his hand.

“I never go unarmed, lady,” Gai said, thrusting the sword into the floorboards and withdrawing a scarlet cutlass, “like I told your brother, I don’t need help with this.”

“Fine but trust me if there is one thing my brother knows it's that you don't have to always do things alone.” she said with a huff.

“Why do you think I’m building a crew? They’re just not ready yet.” With that, Gai tossed the two ponies out onto the street and exited the building.

“you mean the ones you left alone without making a backup plan. I don't think you want to reveal who you are to this place just yet. I managed to see that there was a few minotaurs in the group heading here.” she replied.

“I’ve tussled with dragons, I’m pretty sure I can handle minotaurs, just sit tight, kid,” Gai leaned back into the bar, “Oi, Carrot, is it ok if I play bouncer for a bit?”

The mare behind the bar gave him a thumbs up before busying herself with cleaning the stein he’d just used, “just make sure not to wreck the place too much, Gai.”

“Will do.”

“Guess I'll just sit here and talk with Carrot then. By the way, I should warn you Gai, my brother has seventeen generations of Irish blood and their temper so try not to get him mad, alright? He’s stressed enough as it is” Beth told him changing back and moving to sit at the counter.

“Meh, if anyone should be pissed right about now, it’s me. No one interrupts my drinks, boards my ship, or sends their sisters in their place without paying for it.” Gai said as the first members of the mob rounded the corner, “sorry gentlecolts, the bar is closed as of right now, please wait until business hours have started before drinking yourselves stupid!” He called out in a patronizing voice.

A large minotaur wearing nothing but a loincloth and a torn tank top strode forward, “outta the way, little one, we’ve got words with the harlot in charge of this place.”

“Ah, sorry, you’ve kind of put me in an awkward position here. You see, I’m suppsed to stop you from doing exactly that, my apologies.” Gai replied, smiling up at the thuggish minotaur.

The minotaur snorted and moved to push past him, only to be stopped in his tracks when Gai placed the tips of his fingers against his solar plexus, “I believe I told you to stop!” With that, Gai completed his one-inch punch, sending the minotaur flying through his posse behind him and crashing into an very unfortunate produce cart.

“MY CABBAGES!” The vendor cried, as all the heads of cabbage were crushed under the weight of the minotaur’s large body.

“Huh Gai really replicated that move well, if it was over the heart that punch is deadly” noted Beth looking to Carrot, amused.

“That tends to happen when you’re the only one stupid enough to fight Zangyack without resorting to suicide tactics,” Carrot murmured.

“GET HIM!” The head pony of the crowd shouted, spurring the group of thugs into a wild charge, makeshift weapons raised.


Gai whirled into action, stepping in low under the first pony’s guard and grabbing his leg, lifting him effortlessly and using him as a baseball bat against the next pony right behind him, then flung his makeshift weapon into the minotaur with enough force to knock the recovering leader down again.

The next pair got smashed where the sun didn’t shine when Gai stomped his foot, elevating a fist size chunk of the road into their weak points for massive damage, a soft *crunch* echoing through the street.

“Brutal,” Gai muttered, as he twisted a knife-wielding mare’s arm, forcing her to let go of the weapon before taking it and throwing it into the knee of another enemy rushing toward him with a spiked bat.

“Skyrim jokes anypony? Bueller? Bueller?” The somewhat smaller minotaur he was currently gut-punching repeatedly didn’t seem too amused. “Nopony? Fine then,” he sighed casually as he let the minotaur slump to the ground, wheezing.

Gai sized up the few opponents who could still stand, each of them seeming much less sure of themselves than before, “huh, eight left, if you all come at me at once, you might hit me.” He said, standing among the groaning bodies of seven of their compatriots, “so, how’s about it? Fancy a shot at me?”

“Okay now I'm being reminded of my brother when someone threatens family. He’s playing with their heads now” Beth winced, remembering the few times her brother was truly enraged.

“He’s not even seriously mad yet, this is just him being grumpy over having his drinking time interrupted by those loud mouthed idiots, If he was really mad, we’d need to scrape the poor saps off every flat surface,” Carrot said, absentmindedly filing her nails while watching the carnage outside.

“Oh god he shares that with my brother? Interrupt him from having some tea and he goes scary prankster on anyone. Trust me, my brother can scare anyone with his dragon form and dragon fire. I remember when he chased a certain idiot for scaring his kids, not pretty,” Beth asked amused and with a bit of dread.

Carrot Top remained silent at this, blowing some dust off her newly-filed nails.

Just then, Gai came in, stretching and sighing, “welp, they chose to retreat, smarter than the average mook, although I’m not sure whether or not you’ll get much business tonight,” he tossed several of the thugs’ purses onto the counter, “that should take care of tonight’s profits, right?”

Carrot Top nodded, “thanks for the help, hon,” she said placing a glass of icewater on the table, which Gai took and drank down.

“Yeah I think you would get along with my brother just fine. He always had the habit of shouldering the burden alone out of a need to keep those close to him safe. You’re reminding me a lot of him growing up,” Beth told Gai with with a sigh.

“That a fact? Still doesn’t fight the fact he sent his sister to do his dirty work,” he returned the glass to Carrot Top, “why was that group of thugs so eager to get at this place anyway?” Gai asked.

“I… may have kicked out one of their lieutenants last night for being too rough with the girls, I’m guessing he didn’t take kindly to that...”

Gai winced, “ouch, you gonna be ok?”

“Please hon, I’ll just call in a few favors and this will all be forgiven, perks of being an information broker. I get easy access to favors.” She replied, flipping her mane over her shoulder.

“And Gai, my brother knows better than to follow someone being hugely stubborn. That and I volunteered to do this. Unlike you, I'm made of sand now. I'm not that easily hurt. At least I'm way stronger then when I was human. I barely had muscle tone so this body is way better than my old one. Shame that being from the sands of time erased some of my old memories,” Beth informed Gai.

“It really doesn’t matter, getting Displaced is a raw deal, no matter which way you slice it.”

“That's the thing, I'm not a Displaced. You know singularity points?”

“Can the lecture wait until we’re not knee deep in the most crime-ridden city in Equestria?” Gai said, “all I’m saying is that anyone who ever met The Merchant got shafted big time.”

“I never met him last I remember was reality unraveling into oblivion. My brother was anchoring time on our earth and now it’s gone. I don't know how I ended up in his equestria in the first place. I might have just followed that twin bond we had or something. It's a mystery” Beth shrugged. “Anyway you done here? I'm heading back to my brother to rest. That and I got to check on my nieces’ younger selves.”

“Yeah, we’re done,” Gai said, turning to Carrot Top, “contact me the usual route, ok?”

Carrot Top nodded, “it’s about time to open up anyways, say hi to Navi for me!”

“Will do,” Gai replied, snapping open a portal in the floor, “ladies first.”

“Don't think this excuses those insults you gave me, trust me even my brother knows not to piss me off. He always said I had a hair trigger temper.” Beth stated before turning Into an orb of golden light that shot through the vortex.

“Why must every girl I meet be a tsundere…?” Gai muttered Before following her through.

“Maybe it’s because you don't think before you speak” muttered Carrot Top to the empty room.

(End part 1)