• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 701 Views, 1 Comments

Still Alive - Evil Twilight

Twilight is the last Princess in Equestria. Her friends have abandoned her and her entire family is dead. Not only that, but humans have came and invaded her world, what will she do about this all?

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Chapter II: Turn Over

Journal Entry #564 January 13, 1973

Well my mission to stop this runner is already going to be more difficult than Callaghan described it to be.

I only have to rely on my wings for furious speed for I cannot run with my injured leg. Which means if she finds a way of disabling my wing the runner can escape for I can even get back on my hooves.

I’m currently writing this on top of a huge office building. I decided to take my current journal with me just in case I decided to document anything worth documenting. There probably won’t be but it doesn’t hurt anypony (or anyone) bringing my journal with me.

I don’t have a single lead on this Kate Connors or Travis Burfield so they can be anywhere in the city right now. I should probably find a way to contact Celeste so see if she happens to have a lead on either of them. After all, she’s been tracking down runners for long time.

Hell, maybe I can get in contact with my old friends and see if they know anything! What the hell am I saying; I haven’t seen them in roughly a decade. Besides, even if I did ever see them again, they wouldn’t just come back to me in open arms err, hooves.

I recently got a report that Kate Connors was seen at the very top of an office building, and she wasn’t the only one there too. Apparently she has a sister named ‘Faith Connors”, this wasn’t even in her file.

I don’t know anything about this Faith Connors, I should probably do some research on her when I get back to the central building.

I honestly don’t even know why I’m still working for the government and joined the runners.

What the hell am I saying I know why! It’s because I’m a Princess so I have am looked up heavily upon by Callaghan, plus the government already knows so much about me so it wouldn’t do anyone good honestly.

Twilight closed her journal and put it back in her bag. She took an empty journal with her as she was walking out; being that Lyra was reading her current journal. She’ll just transfer it over on her own time or something.

Twilight walked over to the edge of the building she was on and started looking around for any sign of runners, Kate, or even Travis! As she was taking one final swoop, she spotted something at the corner of her eye.

It was a figure of something running across the top of some roof tops.

“It’s a runner!” Twilight thought as she lifted off and dashed towards her target.

After catching criminals and runners for over a decade Twilight knew how to catch them correctly. The runner was making a jump from one building to another when Twilight clobbered her in midair. The runner grabbed on to the purple alicorn’s bad leg making it more difficult to keep flight pattern.

After crashing down on top of a nearby building, they both got up and looked each other in the eye. It didn’t take long for Twilight to quickly realize who she was dealing with.

The runner turned out to be an asian female with a tattoo under her eye. She was wearing a black tank top, with white pants, and red shoes. It was indeed, Faith Connors.

Faith began to yell at Twilight in a language she didn’t understand. Twilight grew more enraged at her unknown speaking and started flying at her and furious speed.

Faith had fast reflexes and was able to dodge the oncoming attack. Quickly glancing around her, Faith started running as fast as she could and jumped to a building that was not far from them.

Twilight quickly turned around and continued her chase. She shot many bolts of magic at her but she dodges all but one of them. The last bolt hit her right in the back causing her to fall down and roll across the building they were on a couple of feet.

Faith got up and looked Twilight in the eyes as she touched down a couple of feet in front of her target.

Twilight walked over to Faith who was struggling to get back on her feet. Twilight kicked her in the arm causing her to fall back down. Her arm was skinned and it was bleeding rather badly.

With no hesitation, Twilight pressed her hoof against the wound casing it to hurt more.

Faith shed a couple of tears as she looked up at Twilight. “What do you want from me?” Faith said in the common language as Twilight.

“Where is your sister?” Twilight said as pushing on the wound more intensely.

Faith was in tremendous pain. But even she knew things weren’t going to get a whole lot better for her.

“I-I don’t know! Honestly! I last saw her on top of Robert Pope’s office building. We were trying to figure out who shot him but we couldn’t get any trace! I then left the building after blues started swarming the building.”

Twilight thought about what Faith was saying for a second then made her reply. “Do you happen to have any files on your sister or yourself?” Twilight lifted her hoof off Faith’s shoulder.

“I do not, however I do know something that you’ll probably like to hear however.”

“Oh really know? Go ahead, make my day.”

“I know where your friends are. Yes, the mane six, I know where they are.”

Twilight almost went into shock. She had a flash of flashbacks remembering all her old friends and what fun she had with them. All the laughs, the fun times, everything. Then her Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome kicked in as she remembered seeing her parents get slaughtered in front of her and her friends leaving her behind. It almost made her kill Faith Connors.

Twilight took a couple steps back as she had a look of agony on her face. She had almost successfully blocked her old friends out from her mind almost completely. Her most fond memory of them was her Princess Coronation. The thought of that specific memory brought a tear to her eye.

“Would you like me to bring you to them?” Faith got up and asked.

Twilight looked up at her. “No, just, go.”

“Please join us. Help us hunt down the man who killed Robert Pope. We would love to have you, Twilight Sparkle,” Faith held out a hand to her.

Twilight didn’t even look at her, nor did she care that Faith knew her name. “We could finally rise up against the government. I’ve been wanting this for as long as the humans entered into our world, my world.”

Twilight looked back up at her. “Okay, I’m in.”

Faith smiled. “I’d hate to jump to question about the inner government. But what do you know about Project Icarus?”

Twilight took a deep breath. “Project Icarus is something Callaghan and I came up with to train our police officers in the ways of parkour to counter the runners. I set up the majority of it but I never took part in it for two reasons: I can fly, and my leg is forever messed up.”

Faith looked down at Twilight’s leg which had a brace on it. “Why is it messed up if you don’t mind me asking?”

“One of the officers in the November Riot shot me,” the November Riot was a very sensitive topic for Twilight, but she held her sanity in tack.

“Ah,” Faith could tell by Twilight’s face that she didn’t want to talk about the November Riot at all. “I’ll take you back to our main base. But I’ll have to leave after that because I need to tell my friend Merc about this new information on Project Icarus alright?”

“That’s fine,” Twilight smiled.

Faith turned around and started running towards the end of the building towards their little base. Twilight flew far about to avoid any attention of blues and just low enough to follow Faith.

It didn’t take too long to reach a semi-tall building that looked just like the rest of the buildings. Twilight touched down carefully as Faith opened a hatch to get into the base. Twilight, of course, followed closely behind her.

It was mostly desolate of any people purely because runners always had assignments they were doing. Twilight was memorized by all the computers and all the high tech equipment all around her. Faith walked over to a door and turned around.

“I have to go out and meet my friend. When I get back, I’ll have some question for you Twilight. Will that be okay?” Faith looked concern.

“Yeah, that’s fine. May I look at some of your technology while you're gone?”

“Sure, why not.”

Twilight smiled as she walked over to one of their computers. When she tried to use it, she quickly found out she couldn’t because the language was in English.

“Oh! Sorry, let me change the language for you Twilight,” Faith walked over to the computer and changed the settings to change the language to Russian. “Do you want to relearn English Twilight?”

Twilight looked back and Faith. “That would be nice.”

Faith took control of the computer and opened up a program. The program was entitled: ‘New Language’. “Since you already knew English and it was your natural language,” Faith was typing in some stuff to the program. “It shouldn’t take you too long to relearn.”

“Thank you Faith.”

“You’re welcome Twilight. Now if you excuse me I have to leave now, have fun Twilight!” Faith waved goodbye to her as she walked out the door.

“Bye Faith!” Twilight waved back.

The door closed shut as Twilight turned around and took out her journal.

Journal Entry #565 same date as the last entry

Well my wish as came true, I joined the runners. I’m surprised that Faith just willingly accepted me in. Maybe it’s because of my knowledge of the government. Which I don’t blame them if that’s the real reason.

I just hope I keep her trust throughout this entire thing. I’m sure I will but, it’s scary to think about that she might think I betray her.

Apparently Faith knows where my old friends are. I vowed that I’d never even lay eyes on them again after the November Riot. Honestly I don’t even know the reason why they even left me behind!

I don’t even know if it matters at this point anymore. Whatever, I just hope they know I’m still alive and not afraid to take action against them.

Twilight closed her journal as she proceeded to begin relearning the English language. She even thought about some of the question that Faith might ask her when she returns from wherever she is right now.

Author's Note:

Coming Soon: Chapter III: An Unholy Reunion

Comments ( 1 )

Is anyone honestly reading this story? Man this story didn't get any attention :ajsleepy: aw well, I'll still upload chapters to it. By the way I have the honour of being the first to comment on my own story, hehe.

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