• Published 6th Dec 2014
  • 573 Views, 3 Comments

Apple smack - Cutie Dash

This is my first ever story. It is a story about Applejack and her brother Big Macintosh. Discord has erased all Applejack's friends of their memories of her, Big Macintosh must enter a wrestling match and win for their memories to be restored.

  • ...

Apple smack!

Applejack can cause quite the amount of trouble, but it's not usually on purpose...

It was a bright winters evening and Big Mac and Applejack had just finished collecting the harvest of apples for the day when they were carrying the apples home.

"You sure you don't need any help carrying those apples Mac?" Applejack said in a sarcastic tone,

"I'm plenty strong enough AJ" Big Mac said trying to maintain his balance,

"You wanna bet!?" Applejack said with a smirk on her face,

"Nnope" replied big Mac who seemed to be a little annoyed with his sister.

"Fine, just admit that I'm stronger than you!" Applejack said almost shouting,

"Nnope!!" big Mac was so angry that he dropped all of the apples onto the ground and was staring Applejack right in the face.

"How 'bout we settle this with a little friendly hoof wrestling competition?" said Applejack.

"NNOPE" said big Mac as he did with most of his sisters silly little challenges, she could tell by his voice that he was REALLY mad,

"Please, just for me? It'll be mighty fun"

"Fine" muttered big Mac,

"Yeeehaw! I'll be back in a moment, I just need to go and wash all the mud and sweat from my hooves, wouldn't want 'em to be all slippy now would we".

A few moments later Applejack returned followed by her friends, she had brought them along to watch the hoof wrestle. Big Mac looked frustrated, but he kept quiet. Soon ponies gathered from everywhere just to watch!

"Ladies and gentlecolts, on the count of three, I'm going to kick the mighty big Macintosh's a.. I mean buck Big Mac's rump" Applejack announced, the crowd of ponies cheered with excitement.

"three... two... one... go!". The hoof wrestle had begun and both ponies were already sweating "So Mac.. Are you gonna give up!?". Big mac remained silent, he could already feel himself losing strength, he was scared to think that he might actually lose to his little sister.

Pinkie Pie was whizzing around helping all the ponies cheer, she wasn't really watching what was going on but cheering was fun!

Suddenly, big Mac's hoof hit the table. Applejack looked shocked, she had actually beaten her brother. The ponies looked at Applejack with awe. Big Macintosh ran inside the barn. Applejack just stood there staring into space, her brother was humiliated all because of her, she felt terrible.

Soon after, all the ponies began to trot off back to what they had been doing before.

"So did you win!? did you? did you? did you?" Pinkie said as she hopped towards Applejack. Applejack hadn't even noticed the galloping pink pony moving towards her, she was still just.. staring.. "Wellll? Did you?" repeated Pinkie.

"Uhm.. no.. I.. I didn't Pinkie" replied Applejack.

"Okey dokey lokey" Pinkie said with a smile on her face as she hopped along back to sugar-cube-corner.

It was beginning to get dark so Applejack decided to call it a night and hit the hay, she would deal with the other problems tomorrow because not being tired gave her one less thing , worry about.

Applejack trotted up the stairs slowly, got into bed, and shut her eyes as she was thinking about all the trouble she had caused for her brother, why did she have to be so competitive? Rainbow Dash was bad enough, but she had never caused anything like this.

The next day big Mac was nowhere to be seen at the breakfast table, was he really that upset? Eh well he'll get over it soon enough thought applejack as she trotted outside to collect apples, she expected to see her brother soon enough.

Two hours went by and there was still no sign of him. She went back into the barn to check on him, big Mac was still laying in bed, he looked upset.

"Come on Mac, these apples won't pick themselves y'know" Said applejack trying to persuade her brother to get up.

"Fine" big Mac yawned as he got up and tried to pretend he wasn't still upset. But big Mac felt so weak, he could barely lift the blanket from his body. He had felt unusually weak the night before now that he thought about it, perhaps he was sick. But he struggled out of the barn and into the orchard anyway.

"Uhm.. Big Mac, we're gonna need another barrel after todays harvest, could you quickly trot down to the market and fetch us a few?" Asked Applejack,

"Uuuhm nnope" big Macintosh said nervously.

"Don't tell me you're still upset about yesterday! It was only a little fun 'n' games, nopony will think anything of it" said Applejack trying to be reassuring, but big Mac was not convinced.

"Well if you're not going to, I guess I'll have to" said Applejack, soon after she left for the town square market.

On the way back from buying the barrels a poster caught Applejack's eye, she stopped to read it.

It read 'Do ponies look at you and see a pathetic, boring, weak pony? Do you want to prove your manliness? Take on the legendary BULK BICEPS in a one on one cage match and prove yourself on the 5th of Heartswarming at the canterlot wrestling stadium at 11PM! Claim the title of the ultimate stallion! Oh and this rock... If you've got what it takes..."

This was the perfect way for big Mac to gain his confidence and raise his self esteem again. All he had to do was beat Bulk Biceps, the manliest pony in Equestria apparently.. But Applejack didn't think so, after all there were rumors going around that Bulk Biceps' muscles were all just plastic surgery. How do you think he got those tiny wings and super muscly on the rest of his body?

Applejack returned with great excitement, she showed big Macintosh the poster immediately and had forgotten all about collecting apples. Big Mac actually seemed to think it was a good idea, but he still couldn't figure out why he felt so weak. Applejack suddenly realised "the 5th of Heartswarming!? That's tommorow!!" both Big Mac and Applejack looked at each other with worried faces "Well we better be getting you to the hospital lickedy splick'"

A few minutes later they had arrived at the hospital, they were waiting for quite a while. Strange things seemed to be happening in the waiting room, ponies were being tipped upside down, disappearing and changing colours. What the hay was going on!?

a faint laughing was going on in the background, big Mac and Applejack looked scared, they were about to leave when the doctor called them in.

"Hmm it seems there is nothing wrong with you, perhaps you're just tired" said nurse Snowheart as she examined Big Mac, he shook his head. "Well there's no obvious illness so there isn't anything I can do, sorry." said nurse Snowheart as she sent them out the room.

As big Macintosh and Applejack left the hospital the laughter was beginning to become louder, soon they were to find the source of the laughter.

As the two ponies walked through the exit they heard the laughter again, it was very close, it could be heard clearly as if it was coming from right next to them. The voice was familiar, but who was it?

The ponies continued walking but then all of a sudden big Mac stopped completely, it looked as if he had been whacked by something, as if something were blocking him.

Discord emerged from in front of big Mac, "Surprise!" Discord said laughing.

"Well it aint a very pleasant surprise now is it?" said applejack who was beginning to look extremely annoyed.

"Me? Not pleasent!? How rude, I was only trying out my new invisible wall trick" Discord said.

"Well if you don't mind we'd like to be getting home" replied Applejack.

"Oh alright.. Oh and congratulations on your hoof wrestling victory yesterday!" Discord said with a sinister feel about him.

"wait a minute.. how'd you know about that?" Applejack said, she looked a little confused.

"Oh well I was just there enjoying the fun like everypony else of course" replied Discord.

"what do you mean by 'fun'?" Applejack asked with suspicion.

"Well I mean fun of course, hahaha did you see the way Big Macintosh was sweating after the first 5 seconds!? I can't believe you actually beat him!" Discord said smirking.

"Do you have anything to do with it!?" asked Applejack, she knew something was up.

"Oh yes, didn't I mention? I thought it'd be funny to play a little trick on everyone and give Big Macintosh the strength of a little filly! But here, I'll give you all your strength back, don't you worry!" Discord said cackling away, and with a magical poof, Bic Mac had returned to his normal strength, Discord seemed to be pretty pleased with himself.

"You mean to tell me you've caused all this trouble and and.. Humiliation just for your enjoyment!?" Shouted Applejack.

"But of course, i am Discord after all. And if you try telling all your little pony friends that it was a trick pulled by some friend, why would they believe you? " replied Discord.

"Um maybe because my element is honesty, remember?" said Applejack feeling clever because she had caught Discord out.

"Ah but I do remember, and that is why I have erased all their memories of their friend Applejack and if you wish for them to gain their memories of you, big Macintosh must win the fight against Bulk Biceps" Discord responded as he laughed.

"Grrr.. Come on Mac let's get outa' here and show that Bulk Biceps how the Apple's go down in a fight"

"Eyup" big Mac responded courageously.

Meanwhile in Canterlot...
Would you be a darling and fetch me some of our finest tea? demands Princess Celestia.

"Yes, your majesty" Responded one of her royal servants,

"Oh and whilst you're at it could you check on Philomena and feed her for me?"

"Of course, your majesty".

A few moments later the servant returns with the finest tea money can buy for the princess "Your tea ma'am"

"Thank you" responded Celestia gratefully.

Minutes later the servant comes running through the door "it's Philomena.. sh.. she's missing!!"

"Missing!? How could this be!?" Shrieked Celestia.

"Send out a search party immediately!" Princess Celestia was supposed to attend the big wrestling event tonight, but how would she do it without her little phoenix? How could Philomena just go missing?

Back in ponyville Applejack was helping big Mac prepare for the event that would follow later on in the evening. If big Mac was supposed to fight Bulk Biceps tonight, he'd need some training if it turns out all those muscles aren't fake.

"Soooo Applebloom, how is your brother going to win in a fight against Bulk Biceps if he can't even win against.. wh.. who did he lose against again?" Said Diamond Tiara as she was trying to bully Applebloom as usual.

"My sister you big watermelon, what were all the big ponies getting in the way or something little Tiara!?" Applebloom replied, how could Diamond Tiara forget something like that so quickly? Perhaps it wasn't such a bad thing that she had forgotten anyway.

"Watermelon, little Tiara? Ha please, is that the best you can do? You're no bigger than me blank flank. Why does it matter who your brother lost to? He still lost!" Diamond Tiara said with a smug look on her face.

"Well.. Well.. Uhm.. why are you even following me home anyway!?" responded Applebloom feeling dumb and regretting what she had said.

"Uh.. I'm not!" and with that, Diamond Tiara quickly left.

"Wow!! Forgive me but I had forgotten how strong you were Mac" Said Applejack as she watched big Macintosh buck every single apple off a tree and almost knocked the whole tree over with one big kick.

"Eyup" Mac replied proudly, "With a buck like that, you'll be sure to knock Bulk right off his hooves!!".

"Sorry I'm late" Applebloom shouts as she gallops up to the barn as fast as her little hooves will carry her.

"Was it that Diamond Tiara giving you trouble again" Asked Applejack.

"N.. no.. of course not!" Applebloom said nervously, her sister knew when she was lying.

"You sure? You promised you'd tell me if she bullies you and I can sort everything out for ya' sis'." Said Applejack,

"Eyup" said big Mac confirming that Applebloom had promised that to Applejack.

"Y.. Yes I did. And that's why you can be sure it wasn't anything to do with her" Responded Applebloom.

"Oh really? Well if it wasn't her, why are you so late coming back from school?" Applejack asked trying to squeeze the truth out of her.

"Uh.. Scootaloo! It was Scootaloo, I saw her on the way home and she wanted me to watch a new stunt that she had come up with" Applebloom says as she tries to put on a smile.

"Well.. if you say so. But if it was Diamond Tiara just tell me, I don't like her picking on you like that little 'sis" Said Applejack as she ruffled Applebloom's hair, she was almost certain her little sister wasn't telling the truth but she had no way of proving that she was.

"Alrighty then, run along inside Applebloom".

"I can't wait, when my Brother beats Buff Biceps Diamond Tiara will be smiling on the other side of her face" Applebloom screams with excitement.

"Uhm.. Diamond Tiara? But you said.." Applejack responded curiously.

"Oh um... It's nothing" Applebloom said as she interrupted her sister.

"Hey sis', is it okay if my friends come along to watch the fight?" Asks Applebloom.

"Sure, as long as you don't bring too many" Replied Applejack. "Oh don't worry I won't, it'll only be Sweetybelle and Scootaloo".

10:30 PM at the Canterlot wrestling stadium...
"So, where shall we put Celestia's little pet, Tierak?" Asked Discord as he laughed.

"We don't have much time, think quickly" Tierak replied with aggression.

"Why so mad?" laughed Discord.

"MAD!? I am the only sane living thing in Equestria, Discord. Now be quiet and hide that ugly little bird before it's too late!!" shouted Tierak.

"Very well.. Oooh how about under the arena? That way when those two idiotic ponies are fighting Celestia's precious little Philomena will be trampled all over!" Discord says evilly.

"Mwahahahaha PERFECT!!" responds Tierak.

"I'm glad you think so, I do have an eye for perfection" says Discord as he ties up Philomena and places her under the wrestling ring.

Back in Ponyville Big Mac, Applejack, Applebloom and her friends are just about to board the train to Canterlot, instead of sending them away with lots of cheering and wishes of good luck, all the ponies were laughing and booing at big Macintosh shouting all sorts of insults. But they wouldn't be doing that after he beats Bulk Biceps tonight Big Mac thought to himself. Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Pinkie were nowhere to be seen. Then Applejack remembered that Discord had erased their memories of her, and if they did not know her why would they come and wish her brother luck? Although it'd only been almost two days, Applejack was really starting to miss her friends.

10:55 PM at the Canterlot wrestling stadium...
"So Mac, how ya feeling? You ready? Asks Applejack as she rubs big Mac's shoulders.

"Eyup!!" says big Mac who was already sweating.

"Just try not to let the nerves get to you Mac, you'll do great out there!" Says Applejack.

"You really think so?" replies Mac.

"I know so" says Applejack with a reassuring smile.

The door bursts open and Applebloom and her friends come running in "Oh my gosh! PRINCESS CELESTIA HAS JUST ARRIVED!!!" Shout Applebloom and her friends. "This is going to be so EXCITING!!!" the girls cheer as they hop around big Mac.

"You're on in five minutes" says a pony as he opens the door.

"Well, wish me luck" Mac says as he leaves for the arena.

Applejack, Applebloom and her friends go to their seats and watch as the fight is almost about to begin.

"Look, there she is!!" Says Scootaloo as she gasps

"The princess" mumble SweeetyBelle and Applebloom as they stare at Princess Celestia.

"She don't look to happy does she?" says Applebloom, she was right.

Princess Celestia's servants had spent all aternoon looking for Philomena and there was still no sign of her, the princess had promised she would attend the event, so she had to go without Philomena.

"Well I don't suppose two ponies fighting it out in a cage really interests the princess does it? Now sit down and be quiet girls, it's almost about to begin." whispers Applejack.

All of a sudden the lights go down and focus lights shine over the ring in two corners.

Bulk Biceps enters the room with loud music playing, he enters the ring and poses for a while until the music stops.

"In this corner, weighing 1436 pounds, all the way from Coudsdale, BUUUUUULK BICEPS!!!" says the announcer.

"And in this corner, his challenger, weighing 1054 pounds, all the way from Ponyville, BIIIIIIIG MACINTOSH!! Will Big Macintosh steal the title of the ultimate stallion, or will he just be another one of the hundreds of attempts to beat Bulk Biceps?

Three... Two... One!" With the ding of a bell the match had begun, punches went flying, hooves went kicking, and ponies were being thrown across the arena.

Big Mac was doing well so far, but Bulk was doing just as well, almost even better. it was hard to hear over the cheering croud but it sounded like one of them was screeching like a bird!

Big Mac threw Bulk to the floor with a huge smack, he climbed the turnbuckle and jumped onto the injured pony who was laying on the floor and landed on him with a big thud, Bulk was almost finished. Suddenly red, yellow and orange feathers flew from under the ring, Celestia let out a big gasp and ran towards the arena.

It was Philomena, she must be under the ring, Celestia used her magic and lifted the cage with one big forceful heave, she entered the ring as fast as she could trying to save Philomena.

Neither of the two ponies in the ring had noticed Celestia.

"What's this, it seems the ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia has entered the ring!!" says the announcer. The crowd sits there silently, there was a feel in the room that something bad was about to happen.

Big Mac was minutes away from winning, he remembered what Applejack had said earlier 'With a buck like that, you're sure to knock Bulk right off his hooves' Mac was getting ready for a final finishing blow, Celestia was getting dangerously close.

In a split second, Mac's legs sprung straight into the air, but to his surprise the crowd was not cheering, instead they let out a massive gasp. Mac turned to look at his stumbled opponent, the kick had not hit Bulk...

Mac had kicked... Celestia... right in the face, knocking teeth and blood out of her mouth...

She lay there for a few seconds, Mac tried to regain her consciousness but it was no use.

A few minutes later, Celestia slowly raised to her hooves and used her magic to throw Mac into the ground giving her space to reach the end of the ring.

"My own brother.. Almost killed the princess..." Applebloom said with tears forming under her eyes,

a tear dropped down Applejack's face, she knew her brother would have to face the consequences for what he had done.

"Diamond Tiara will never forget that! Never!" Sweetybelle squeals as she begins to cry,

Scootaloo, who had also begun to cry, wrapped her hooves around her two best friends as they cried.

It was over for big Macintosh, they all knew it.

Celestia stuck her face under the arena and let out a huge gasp of pain and upset.

She reached her hoof under the ring and slowly pulled it back out, there was something in her hand.

It was her missing pet bird Philomena, she was badly injured, they both were.

She laid on the ground and grasped her little Philomena as she cried, the whole crowd begun to cry with her.

An ambulance arrived shortly after and lifted the princess into the wagon, the injured phoenix still wrapped in her hooves. Another ambulance had arrived for Bulk, the injured pony was loaded into the wagon unconscious.

Mac was taken by the princesses royal guards, Applejack followed behind "Please! It was a mistake, my brother isn't a criminal! He would never do that on purpose!!" Applejack shouts, she was beginning to wish she had never seen that poster, her brother would much rather be humiliated than sent to prison. The guards took no notice and pushed her to the side.

Applejack watched as her brother disappeared into the distance carried by the princesses guards, there was nothing she could do, accident or not her brother had committed an extremely bad crime.

Applejack had nothing to do except stand there and cry.

Discord and Teirak appear in the ring "Oh what a show!! I almost feel sorry for that repulsive little pony princess! Mwahahahah!" Tierak and Discard cackle away as they vanish.

I don't suppose my friends will ever regain their memories of me, my brother did not defeat Bulk and instead he injured the princess.. I'm just a nobody with a brother who bucked the princesses beautiful face, Applejack thought to herself as she berried her face into her hooves as she cried.

"Big Macintosh of the Apple family, you have been sentenced to prison for the following crimes: Stealing from the princess, and treason against our royal highness. The sentence you will be forced to take is: A life sentence!" States the captain of the royal guards as he locks away big Macintosh.

"I didn't steal anything!! And it wasn't treason, it was a mistake I swear!!" Yells Mac.

"Well if that is so, how do you explain the princesses phoenix going missing and then turning up under the arena!? Was the attempted murder of the princess not so that she would not discover the location of her much loved pet?!" Shouts the captain of the royal guards.

He leaves big Mac in his cell and ignores him.

"Mwahahaha we have caused injury to the princess, sent one of Ponyville's loved citisens to prison and ruined the lives of the Apple family!! I don't think today could have gone any better!!" laughs Discord

"Indeed, our plan is almost complete..." replies Tierak...

The end...

Comments ( 3 )

Well done my friend! You may want to look over your story again because it has a few mistakes in it, but apart from that it's superbo!

If the quality of the story is as divine as the description of it is, I'll probably ascend to a higher state of being.

Edit: Oh I'm Jesus now. Sweet.

5352586 I'm sorry please explain further.

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