• Published 29th Nov 2014
  • 3,191 Views, 54 Comments

Pokémon - The Equestrian Chronicles: Land of Equestria Saga - StrangeBehavior

One unforeseen event triggers the start of an epic story, and the birth of an adventure unlike any other... Are you ready for battles between gods?

  • ...

Chapter 1: A Strange New World...(Tweaked)

-[Mt. Pyre (Interior) - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-
An hour had passed since Twilight and the gang brought the four unconscious Pokémon Trainers to Ponyville's General Hospital, still unsure why these creatures seemed so concerned for the humans that they followed the ponies into Ponyville. Everypony in Ponyville immediately panicked and fled the moment they saw the Tyrantrum, its imposing and frightening appearance, like that of the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus, made them all scream and lock their doors. Fluttershy felt very nervous around the ROCK/DRAGON type, because it gave off an aura of sensation that was too similar to an actual dragon, but Fluttershy gave it the benefit of a doubt when she remembered that the dinosaur-like Pokémon was genuinely concerned for the humans. The Dragonite (which when cleaned was an evergreen color instead of a usual tan-ish orange, meaning it was a Shiny Pokémon, but the ponies don't know that...) made the pegasus nervous as well, but less so because of its almost, 'cartoonish' appearance, making the Dragon Pokémon look very harmless and gentle.

Applejack rubbed her hooves, like one would when worried, and said, "Y'all feel that, I feel so...nervous...Like something really horrible is going to happen..."

What Applejack was actually feeling was the Gardevoir's feelings of worry and fear being channeled, unintentionally, by her psychic powers throughout the room. Her mate, Gallade, noticed the ponies unknowingly feeling what she is feeling, and placed a hand on her shoulder. Twilight looked up and saw the worried PSYCHIC/FAIRY type calm down and that same feeling that Applejack pointed out, faded. She had a suspicion that the green and white, humanoid looking creature must have been the source of that dreading feeling they all felt in the room.

Applejack felt the change and said aloud, "Whoa! What just happened? Did the room suddenly change?"

Rainbow Dash shuddered and replied, "Yeesh! I felt that drastic drop too, that feels WAY too weird for me..."

Pinkie was too excited to notice and was busy asking the Aura Pokémon, Lucario, a barrage of questions, much to the poor Pokémon’s sake.

"...What's your favorite color? What are those things at the back of your head?" Pinkie continued on as the FIGHTING/STEEL type closed his eyes, tuning out all distractions to meditate, as his trainer taught him to do to calm himself.

Twilight decided to check on the humans, thinking her knowledge on human anatomy from her visit to Canterlot High might help the doctors check their vitals, or look for any kind of problem they might not know about or can operate on a human, let alone four of them. She insisted when the nurses tried to stop her, using her position as a princess and the fact she knew the anatomy of the creatures currently being operated on. They reluctantly agreed, and Twilight managed to inform the doctors about what they needed to know about the humans they were giving medical attention...

She looked at the biggest of the four, the human boy named Sean, and thought, This one must be the oldest, despite how young his face makes him out to be. From his overall stature, he must be an adolescent, like the students at Canterlot High...

Twilight took an immediate notice at a huge, painful-looking scar near his abdomen, and shuddered. Something about looking at it make her abdomen feel like it had the very same scar, and merely touching it lightly, made the boy flinch and grunt in pain.

It's an old scar, I can tell from looking at it that it is easily a year old. But, for this boy to react like that over a light, even gentle touch, it must have been a pretty bad injury. I can tell it was not caused from being trapped under a rock-slide...

-[Indigo Plateau - Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver]-
Celestia was reading an urgent letter from Twilight, while occasionally looking out the window at the massive cracked hole in the sky. She read the letter as it said;

Dear Princess Celestia,

As I'm sure you have known, there is a giant 'portal' as Pinkie says it could be in the sky, but my friends and I found something even more intriguing than that. We found four humans who are currently getting medical attention, but what was really unusual is that there are a small number of odd creatures that seemed to have been with them. They were following the humans to the hospital, and they seemed really concerned about their safety. I would tell you what these creatures look like, but they're...
Hard to describe...
You should see them when you can, they're that hard to describe...

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle

Celestia chuckled to herself as she thought, Oh Twilight, I'm not your teacher anymore in the way you used to be, I guess you need to be remembered when I see these 'creatures' for myself...

Her secretary walked in as Celestia said to her, "Ah! Perfect timing Ms. Raven, how's my schedule for the next week?"

Raven, a little puzzled, answered, "Another visit to Ponyville I presume? Even with that thing in the sky?"

Celestia replied, "My former student made an interesting discovery that I must see with my own eyes..."

Raven then said, "Oh, Princess Twilight Sparkle right? If that's the case, you have, surprisingly, a large amount of free time for two-and-a-half weeks, though I expect it will change very soon concerning that...whatever-it-is, in the sky..."

Celestia laughed a little, saying, "Yeah, I suppose that's to be expected, Luna's still freaking out with the subject and it appears that Discord was not responsible, he admitted that even creating something like that would be too much for even him. Can you make arrangements for Luna to be in charge of Canterlot while I go to Ponyville to hear whatever she and her friends discovered?"

Raven answered, "Of course your majesty..."

-[Pokémon Center - Pokémon X & Y]-
After two exhausting hours, the doctors succeeded in treating their patients, and by luck, one of them was just waking up. The human in question was Sean, Twilight and her friends came in to formally greet one of the, apparently, first humans to arrive in Equestria. Sean sat himself upright, while groaning and holding his hand to his forehead, he had a terrible headache like an Exploud screeched in his ears, and then a Snorlax sat on his head.

Sean quietly spoke to himself in Japanese, "ああ、私の頭はなぜそんなに痛いのですか? 私は本当に頭の中の痛みを止めるためにアスピリンやベナドリルが必要です..."

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a bunch of ponies looking at him, Twilight cleared her throat and began to say in English, "Hello there sir, my name is..."
She stopped when the human slumped back on the bed with his eyes closed as he muttered loudly in his native tongue, "さて、奇妙な夢ではありませんが、奇妙なことではありませんが、間違いなく奇妙なことに、私は本当に誰かが私を目覚めさせてくれることを願っています..."

Rainbow Dash felt a little offended and shouted, "Hey! Speak Equestrian pal! We don't speak whatever gibberish is coming out of your mouth! What we want to..."

Rainbow stopped when a loud click was heard and saw the door opening, and the one opening it, the blue dog-looking Lucario, with its eyes closed and the sensors at the back of its head standing stiff to the sides. As soon as it opened its eyes, the sensors lowered into the position the ponies remembered it, and then it walked to Sean, who was smiling.

Sean then said, "Lucario? あなたなの? あなただ! 私はあなたの安全な仲間をとてもうれしく思います!"
Sean then grabbed the Aura Pokémon and hugged it somewhat tightly as the Lucario did the same, surprising the ponies...

Twilight uttered in confusion, "Lu-Lucario?! What's a Lucario?"

Sean was smiling as he patted the Pokémon’s back, then it turned into a frown that said on his face, 'wait-a-minute'.

He then said in Japanese, "もしあなたがここにいるなら、私は間違いなく夢を見ていない。"

Pinkie Pie then said, eerily understanding him, "Well sure you're not dreaming, so don't be freaking out, because we want to be your bestest friends..."
"Uh Pinkie, I don't think it speaks Equestrian?" Applejack said, only to be caught by surprise when Sean said...

"I do speak English very well...That seems to be the language you're speaking, right...?"

Everypony's jaws dropped to the floor, with Rainbow Dash saying, "Whoa! He can talk Equestrian?!"
Sean thought in his head. Equestrian? I guess that's what these ponies call English?

Twilight said, "As I understand it from your expression, you've never seen us talk before. So don't freak out, we mean no harm-..."

Sean interrupted the alicorn princess, and said, "Hmm...If I'm being completely honest, this isn't the weirdest thing to happen to me. So...I'm not freaking out because I've seen crazier stuff than a room of talking multicolored...ehh...equines...? Well, think I better introduce myself. My name is Hashimoto Sean, but you can call me Sean, and this is one of my Pokémon partners, Lucario. What are your names, for that matter, I've never seen anything like you folks...outside of, maybe, fairy-tales..."
Lucario said in response while bowing, "Arrrrohhhh..."

The ponies giggled, except for Twilight, who proceeded to introduce herself, "Well, my name is Twilight Sparkle..."

Then the other ponies (and dragon) introduced themselves to Sean,
"My name is Rarity, kind sir..."
"I'm Applejack..."
"The name's Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in Equestria..."
"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie!"
"I'm Spike..."
"I-I-I'm F-Fluttershy..."

Sean smirked and chuckled as he said to the timid, "Well-well-well, you certainly live up to the 'shy' part in your name...like what your friend, Sparkle-san said, I don't mean any of you harm. I can tell from your energy, so I'm letting my guard down..."

Then the group heard a moan coming from one of the other humans, the girl named Haruka, she sat up as well saying groggily in Japanese,
"Ita te te te te ...! 私は全身を傷つけている..."
She stopped as she saw Sean, his Lucario, and a bunch of ponies and one dragon looking at her, then asked her friend in Japanese,
"ショーン...これも見てる? 私は私が幻覚していることを知りたくないので...そして、あなたは嘘をついたり、私の周りのジョークをしないでください。 ポケットモンスターマスター!"

The ponies felt a little offended (and puzzled with the word 'Pokémon'), until they heard Sean say with a grin on his face, replying in the same language, "ああ、でも、あなたと一緒にいじめるのはとても楽しいです。 私はあなたの手のひらにホイップクリームを入れ、ポッポの羽を使って鼻をくすぐったように、少年、私たちの友人はそれから本当の蹴りを得ました。 Mmm-m-m-m ..."
He was holding back laughter with the young trainer's glaring at him, her face was blushing a bright red, and anger and embarrassment clear on her face.

He then said, "春香ちゃんにはごめんなさい。 彼らはローザちゃんのように英語を話しますが、あなたの質問に答えるために、私たちは外見上、他のいくつかの世界で巻き上げました。 名前:まあ、より良い皆を紹介します。遥香ちゃん、これは..."

-[Littleroot Town - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-
Kotone and Barry managed to reach Littleroot Town, the hometown of Haruka and Yuuki (And where Sean and Rosa are staying during the Hoenn Regional Tournament), Haruka's mother and father, Senri (Norman, the Petalburg City Gym Leader) were bumped into by Barry rushing like a Linoone, and being impatient.

Norman said, "Whoa! Slow down son, you could hurt yourself or someone else...Wait, you're Thompson-san right? Good, I was wondering how my daughter and Okamaki-san's boy are doing after you guys went training to..."

Barry interrupted and shouted, "No time to chat! Where's Professor Odamaki's laboratory! It's an EMERGENCY!!!"

Haruka's mother said, "It's down that way-...Wait...Emergency?! What happened to my little girl?"

But it was too late as she saw Barry, pulling Kotone by the arm (earning a glare from her), running down the direction Haruka's mother pointed to Professor Birch's laboratory. Norman and his wife looked into each other's eyes and proceeded to go to Birch's to find out what happened to their daughter and her friends...

-[Birch Laboratory - Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-
Barry burst through the door of Birch's laboratory, making some scientists and police officers jolt in surprise, as Barry impatiently shoved and pushed various people out of the way, saying things like "Out of my way!" or "Move it tubby!" with Kotone apologizing for Barry's actions after he pushes them out of the way. Professor Birch saw the two trainers that were with his son, coming towards him as the police try to subdue Barry and Kotone, mostly Barry.

Professor Birch said to the officers, "No-no, It's quite alright, I know those two, and they were with my son. I can vouch for them, what's the matter? I thought you were with my son and the others..."

The officers let Kotone and Barry go, but not before giving Barry handcuffs to keep him from doing, err, whatever he was doing.

Birch noticed that the young lady from Kansai looked very upset, and asked, "What's wrong, Kotone-san? Why are you so upset?"

Haruka's parents entered as they got to where their old family friend, Professor Birch as he was calming Kotone...

Kotone, with tears streaming from her eyes, answered Birch, "Haruka-chan, Yūki-san, Rosa-chan, and Hashimoto-kun...They vanished with their Pokémon in some kind of vortex or portal...W-we couldn't reach to them before it closed...behind them..."

Everyone was silent, Haruka's parents worried about the safety of their daughter, Birch then said, "That's terrible to hear, but I believe they're safe and wherever the others went..."

Norman perked up and asked, "What do you mean Odamaki-san? By 'others', exactly..."

Birch answered, "Our children, weren't the only ones to have simply vanished, a number of other trainers and professors have also vanished, to where, I have no clue..."

-[Pokémon Center - Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver]-
Rosa slowly opened her eyes, and found herself in an empty hospital room of sorts, her head throbbing, like if she got a Beedrill sting on her arm. She lazily looked at her arms, thankfully, no serious injuries of any kind, and the few there were are wrapped in clean bandages. Rosa was then greeted by a friendly face she instantly recognized as he tickled her lovingly...

"Dragonblitz? Oh it's so good to see you, you lovable Shiny Dragonite, you..." She said as she petted the different-colored Dragon Pokémon’s snout.

Rosa jolted when she heard a familiar voice say, "Well, he stood by your side until you woke up, Sleeping Beauty..."

She uttered, "S-sensei Sean?! Is that you?!"

She turned to see her three friends bandaged as well, Sean, Haruka, and Yūki (whose left arm is in a sling), along with several unfamiliar faces in the shape of creatures that resembled Ponyta. One of them, a pink one suddenly appeared in front of the American trainer, like magic with a wide smile on its face.

The pink creature said, "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! You must be Rosa, I'm so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-soooooooo excited to meet you and be friends, now I can throw you all a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party, or maybe it is a 'Welcome to Equestria' party now..."

Pinkie stopped when Rosa had a look of confusion on her face, as she said while looking off to Pinkie's side to her friends, "Sensei! What's going on?"

Twilight thought, Sensei? San? Chan? What do those mean? They sound like honorific terms, like princess...

Sean chuckled as he answered, "To put it shortly Rosa-chan; We got sucked into a portal... we somehow wound up rapped in a cave... Latios lead them here... They helped us free... and took us to this hospital... We're in a different world in another dimension... Now for introductions, they are; Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, you already met Pinkie Pie, and Spike...Does that inform you Rosa?"

Rosa, having known her teacher for a while, said, "Alright Sensei...But...Who is that..."

Rosa was pointing to a white pony with a horn and wings, everyone else noticed and everyone (except for the Pokémon and their Trainers) bowed to the alicorn.

Twilight Sparkle then said, "Princess Celestia! This is an unexpected surprise!"

Celestia chuckled and said, "There's no need for that Princess Twilight, I came because I want to see the humans and these creatures you wrote about..."
Haruka, Yūki, and Rosa all stared at the lavender alicorn with surprise, as they didn't know that she was a princess until now...

She looked at the Pokémon Trainers and the Pokémon in the room, and finished, "And I assume they are the humans and creatures, am I correct?"

Sean smirked and said, "Hai, we are...And these creatures you call them, are really called Pokémon, your highness."

The ponies and Haruka gasped as Twilight said, "Sean, what do you think you're doing?!"

Celestia chuckled as she said, "There's no need for formalities, and I understand if their culture is far different from our own, but I must ask, Sean was it?"
The trainer laughed nervously as he said, "H-hai? What is it, Celestia-hime?"
Twilight perked up again as she thought, Hime? Is that an honorific term for princess maybe...?

Celestia cleared her throat as she asked, "Now, Sean, what are these 'Pokémon' you mentioned? Are these creatures here them?"

The Pokémon confirmed in their native tongue, and Yūki said, "They are, Celestia-hime... I can tell you have others you want informed as well, right?"

Celestia was a little surprised at Yūki's question, when a voice said, "My, my, my, you figured out that little bit of information from just that question, you're very perceptive aren't you, uh..."

"Odamaki Yūki, Celestia-hime, but you can call me by my first name, Yūki..." Yūki said, "...and that girl right there is Takenaka Haruka, or just Haruka if you prefer..."
"Konnichiwa! I am pleased to meet you, Celestia-hime..." Haruka bowed in respect.

"So those are your names? Well, I honestly thought your names were Brendan and May..." A disembodied voice commented, surprising the humans and the Pokémon.

Then in a flash, a misshapen being appeared, the trainers looked with confusion at the being, many of them thinking that the creature before them was a Pokémon of sorts...

Twilight said with annoyance clear in her voice, "Discord, what are you doing here..."
Discord slumped in disappointment as he said, "Now that was rude, Celestia here invited me, and before you say anything, I am not responsible for that thing in the sky...and I am curious about these Pokémon creatures as well..."

Celestia then said, "Yes, but now I see that this isn't the kind of place to talk about this kind of thing. Why don't we head to Canterlot to talk about these Pokémon, I'm sure my sister, Luna would like to hear this kind of information as well..."

-[Route 101 - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-
"Are ya' sure you wanna fly on that Latios of yours’s back, Sean? I ask because of yer injuries in all..." Applejack asked the teenage trainer, who mounted on to the back of his Latios, as the others were boarding the Friendship Express.

He replied with a grin, "Don't worry Applejack-san, believe it or not, I did have more severe injuries before and walked away fine. Though I like riding on trains, loved trains when I was little, I feel as if I should fly on my Pokémon's back. It's so I can get a bird-eye's view of this place you call 'Equestria', I'd want to explore it sometime in the future. It sounds like a place I want to see whatever secrets it holds inside its land. Plus, out of the four of us Pokémon Trainers, I can do plenty of things and not aggravate my wounds too much..."

Celestia then said to the farmer, "Everyone has a preference of how they do things, you of all ponies know that better than anyone, correct?"

Applejack pulled her hat over her face in embarrassment, knowing how she likes to do things her way...

-[Magnet Train - Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver]-
Later on, the train headed for Canterlot as Rosa, Haruka, Yūki, and their Pokémon look out of the train's windows to take in the sights of Equestria, minus the gigantic hole in the sky. Twilight saw Sean and his Latios flying beside the train, performing all sorts of somersaults and corkscrews.

Rainbow scoffed and said, "Phhisssshhh! I can do those kind of tricks..."

Then the brace on Latios suddenly glowed in a bright light, and then Sean said something to Latios then it shot forward like a rocket in a corkscrew, the pair almost looked like a shooting star streaking in the sky, with a sparkling trail like stars and a lightning blue color to the trail.

Applejack then said coyly, "Can you do that kind of thing?"
Rainbow, with her jaw dropped at what was in her sight, then replied sheepishly, "Uh, maybe, I don't know...I can admit it did look really cool..."

"Don't worry about Sensei too much..." Rosa said, "...He's kind of the reckless guy who knows when to be careful. A lot of people who know him say its pretty annoying how he can have such conflicting and even at times, hypocritical personalities. I know, because I'm one of those people..."
"Oooh!" The ponies all said in unison as they realized his decisions make a lot of sense, even if they only knew him for a few hours...

-[Indigo Plateau - Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver]-
Eventually, they arrived into Canterlot's castle, and after introductions were made for Luna.

Celestia took a deep breath as she asked, "Alright, Sean. Please tell us what are these Pokémon of yours and where you and your friends are from? Because I can tell you're not from our world..."

Sean chuckled as he replied, "Well...I'll try to explain it as best as I could...Celestia-hime..."

-[Mt. Pyre (Interior) - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-
Deep in a remote part of the Frozen North, far from prying eyes, the black mass that escaped Dialga and Palkia sits in a crater, recovering from the hard landing.

It said as it regained the strength to...uh...stand...? "...Those beings...Those dragons, they wield such terrifying power...We were clearly no match for them, even at their worst..."

It looked to the sky and said next, "It was also clear we couldn't control them for our kind...but...we have sensed the presence of many others like them in that world connected to that place...possibly ones we can control for the Nightmare Forces..."

The black mass of nightmares left the frozen wasteland, completely unaware of another presence there, watching from the shadows.

The presence was what looked like a shadow of a muscular humanoid, without the owner of the shadow. The shadow then walked out of the icy walls and became a third-dimensional entity, still cloaked in darkness. The entity's eyes then appeared, revealing reptilian-looking slits in eyes of an unnatural shade of orange, with slight tints of red and yellow.

In a masculine voice, it asked itself, "Dragons that wield terrifying power? He couldn't mean those two, right? Those dragons could only be that sharp-tongued femne and her cold-calculating twin brother..."

It turned its head southward, then said, "That aura...so that boy's here, the suspicious one...I'll hold off on accomplishing my mission at this moment, but for now..."

The entity then revealed a sinester, evil grin with teeth shaped like fangs as he hissed like a snake, "...I'm very hungry for new powers...time to hunt...and feed..."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

:rainbowderp:...Okay...who is this guy at the end...? He's definitely suspicious if anything...

Now, the first chapter of the story has been released...

I'm pretty sure that compared to my first version of this you can spot what's changed and added to it, correct? But, I can tell you that the final segment of this chapter was added in, and even thought up on the fly. It was to make it clear what happened to that nightmare being after it escaped Dialga and Palkia, and also foreshadow some things to come...

Instead of leaving notes for this chapter, I'll leave it to you readers to find all the easter eggs, clues, etc. and let me know or even give your theories on this story, because on my re-write announcement update, I did reveal quite a few details, but not all of them...

Feel free to leave your reviews, suggestions, etc.
And, for the sake of curiosity, I ask you readers to comment to me your theories on this question...

What was it the creature at the end of the chapter meant when he referred to the boy as 'The Suspicious One'?

Before you ask, he is indeed referring to Sean Hashimoto...I do look forward to your theories, who knows, I may use them as true facts for the story...

Its anyone's game and can go either way, but...
Until next time...