• Published 29th Nov 2014
  • 3,193 Views, 54 Comments

Pokémon - The Equestrian Chronicles: Land of Equestria Saga - StrangeBehavior

One unforeseen event triggers the start of an epic story, and the birth of an adventure unlike any other... Are you ready for battles between gods?

  • ...

Prologue: Welcome to the Pokémon World...(Tweaked)


...Hello there, it is so nice to meet you...

I humbly welcome you to the world of Pokémon...

-[Welcome to the World of Pokémon - Pokémon Origins]-
...My name is Professor Oak, but everyone just calls me the Pokémon Professor. I know you are wondering what IS a Pokémon, right?

Well, Pokémon are wondrous creatures that come in all shapes and sizes, and have many amazing powers. Many people keep Pokémon as pets, however, they can engage in fierce sporting events called Pokémon Battles, where the Pokémon and their trainers compete to grow stronger together, and strengthen the bonds a Trainer and his or her Pokémon...

My job as a Pokémon Researcher is to find the mysteries hidden inside the Pokemon, since we still don't know much about them. But, I'm certain you and your friends will help me and my colleagues to finally crack some of the mysteries that the Pokémon are hiding.

But enough about me, tell me about you; What is your name, young lady?




Oh yes, that is a fitting name for you Twilight, now for you, young man; What is your name?


Sean? I will definitely remember that name, it already sounds like you will be my grandson, Blue's, newest and most formidable rival. I'll keep my eye on you...


Hmm? Oh, right, you two want to know what me and my fellow professors are currently working on, right?


Well, we really have different fields we study the Pokémon on, but one that is getting all of us anxious to solve is the mystery of a unique process certain Pokémon undergo, called; Mega Evolution! We are also investigating a unique circumstance involving a peculiar phenomenon called "Z-Moves"...


You two will help us? Perfect! I'll hand you over to the leading professor on the subject of Mega Evolution, Professor Sycamore. I am certain we'll meet again, see you two later...


-[Professor Sycamore Theme - Pokémon X & Y]-

Why bonjour to you, Twilight and Sean! My name is Professor Augustine Sycamore, so you'll help me find the secrets of Mega Evolution?


Oh, comment stupide de ma part, you don't know what Mega Evolution is? Well you know how Pokémon undergo a metamorphosis which we call evolution right?


My my, you two are quite studious on the subject, especially you Ms. Twilight Sparkle. You two are correct, but where regular evolution has its limit for every Pokémon, we found that a select few can actually take it further, and unlike regular evolution, a Mega Evolved Pokémon can actually revert back to its original form.


Yes, and it is somehow tied with peculiar stones that seem to have an unknown origin, and it can happen only if a trainer's bond with his or her Pokémon is strong when Mega Evolution can occur...


Mon erreur, it is about time you two begin your adventure, don't worry, you'll see us again soon...


Now with my heart filled with joy, I welcome you both to the world of Pokémon!!!



A young Twilight Sparkle wakes up in a cold sweat, her eyes having a stinging feeling after walking through that really bright doorway with those weird creatures mentioning others called 'Pokémon'. She had no clue what her dream was about, and unfortunately, the young unicorn couldn't remember any of it, except for walking through a very bright doorway. Her foalsitter, Cadence came in, worried about her favorite foal, and saw Twilight's eyes as big as saucers and her forehead dripping in sweat, then she smelled the all too familiar scent of urine.

Cadence asked the unicorn, "I heard you scream. Are you okay, Twilight?"

Twilight simply answered, "I-I-I don't know, but now I feel embarrassed because of me..."

Cadence put her hoof over the filly's mouth and said warmly, "Don't let that bother you Twilight, lots of fillies and colts your age still do have bed-wetting problems. Why don't we get these sheets cleaned, give you a quick bath, and I'll help you fall asleep by reading your favorite bedtime story."

Twilight smiled and followed Cadence happily as the teenage alicorn used a levitation spell to pick up the soiled sheets, and took them to get washed...

-[Sootopolis City - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-
Fast-forward several years into the future, A more grown-up Twilight, now an alicorn herself, is walking to a park in Ponyville, heading to her friends who are readying a small area for a picnic. Spike followed Twilight close behind, pulling a wagon with things they are bringing to the picnic.

Pinkie Pie, having seen them, hopped up in the air saying, "Hey Twilight! Spike! We're over here!"

Twilight chuckled to herself and for Pinkie's sake and Rainbow Dash's, picked up her pace a little, with Spike doing the same.

"Glad you can make it princess, I was getting antsy for how slow you were." Rainbow Dash had said in a joking manner.

Twilight responded, "Just because I have wings, doesn't mean I'll use them all the time, like you. Besides, I can't really get a hang of landing yet, so until I do, I'd like my hooves on the ground and intact, thank you very much."

Rainbow chuckled awkwardly as Rarity said, "I agree with Twilight, Rainbow Dash, her landings certainly need to be improved after the last few attempts she flied. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, for now we can worry about that after we have our friendly picnic."

Fluttershy added softly, "Yes, I prefer it to be peaceful and quiet...I-if that's ok with you guys..."

"Alright! Enough chitchat, let's get this picnic a' going, I'm starvin'..." Applejack said with enthusiasm.

The other six all shouted at the same time, "Yeah!" and began their picnic, enjoying another perfect day in their peaceful home...

-[Route 101 - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-
*BOOM* *Creek*

Inside a secluded forest within the Island Region of Kyūshū in Japan, six Pokemon Trainers were training there Pokémon for the biggest competition of their world, the Pokémon International Championships, a tournament for only the most powerful and most talented trainers, to see who truly is the best of the best. The trainers consist of three boys and three girls, all of whom qualified, but one trainer was more pumped to enter the competition more than the others, to the point where he is training himself like he's going to be the one fighting...

One of the girls, named Haruka Takenaka (May), spoke to the boy as he kicked a tree like a Mu ren zhuang (Chinese training dummy), "Hey Sean-san, I know you're excited for the Championships, but it won't do you any good if you hurt yourself from getting excited over it."

The others agreed as the trainer named Sean said with the excitement clear in his voice, "I can't help myself Haruka-chan, the thought of taking on the best of the world has got me pumped up...Especially since I'm the one who usually trains alongside my Pokémon..."

He smiled widely, like a kid in a candy store, as he finished, "...And I welcome the challenge the International Championships will bring! Thinking about the world's best Pokémon Trainers gathering together to determine the best trainer in the world, has got me laughing in anticipation! He-he-he-hee..."

Then Sean broke out in a hearty laugh that made the trainers and their Pokemon, burst out in the same kind of laughter, they had to agree with him, the thought of facing the world's greatest is something to get excited about.

Another one of the girls, named Rosa Parker, said, "Ha-ha...You're right Sensei Sean, it is exciting to face the top of the planet's best trainers, but the competition won't be held for another eleven months and we were warned the competition could be held back. So you have to relax sometimes, sensei, too much work or excitement is bad for anyone's health you know..."

Sean looked at his apprentice, and replied, "You're right about that, but I just can't contain myself."

Two other trainers, two boys named Yuuki Odamaki (Brendan) and Barry Thompson, forced out laughter in a way hefty men would laugh, to try to liven things up and succeeded. Their impressions of Hikers or Lumberjacks caused the last girl named Kotone Sakiyurai (Lyra) to snort and chortle at how silly the boys were behaving. The sounds made everyone laugh till their sides ache, then a powerful Tyrantrum walked up to Sean and gently pushed his snout against his trainer's back, Sean looked behind and petted the Despot Pokémon's crest.

Barry asked Sean, "How come we're training here in this forest in Kyushu, and not at your grandfather's cottage in Kansai (Johto)? It has plenty of property space and it is by where you said that legendarily powerful trainer, Red is, Mt. Fuji (Mt. Silver). I wanted to challenge Red and beat him, but I still don't understand how you beat him and Dr. Oakido's grandson, Blue? Oh man, I want a rematch here and now Sean, or I'm fining you 10 million Yen!"

Sean smirked smugly at his rival and replied, "I'd like to see you try, I've beaten you every time we fought, what makes you think this time won't end the same, Thompson-san?"

The two glared at each other, waiting for someone to slip up or blink...

Kotone giggled and answered Barry's question, "Sean-kun told me that his place is currently being fortified and refurbished since those weaselly remnants from Team Rocket came and tried to steal his Pokemon. Rosa was also there, being held hostage and Sean got you safely and the police arrested them. I forget, were their names, uh, Jessie and James?"

"Their names were Musashi and Kojiro, Kotone-chan. They had a talking Meowth with them..." Sean said.
"Oh Right!" Kotone said, then teased Rosa, "I bet my friend was your handsome knight in shining armor, right Rosa-chan? From when he saved you from their hostage situation?"

Rosa blushed red as a Voltorb as Kotone nudged her, with a sly grin on the Kansai trainer's face, and said, "I-I don't know what you're talking about Kotone! It is very rude to make assumptions like that to your friends, you know..."

Yuuki chuckled as he said to Kotone, "Rosa-chan's right Kotone-san, it is rude to make assumptions like that. That can easily make you lose your friends, especially if they're not true."

Haruka giggled cutely as the trainer of America calmed down and Kotone apologized to Rosa...

Later on, Kotone said to them, "Thompson-san and I will head to Saga City (Oldale Town) to get some stuff, we'll see you guys later..."

Rosa, Sean, Haruka, and Yuuki all continued training their Pokémon, unaware of what is to come...

-[The Shard - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen]-
Inside a dark dimension between time and space, a battle was being fought, between the legendary god of time, Dialga, the legendary goddess of space, Palkia, and an invisible foe that can attack them on a whim. The collisions of such raw energy sent great shock-waves that can be felt in any dimension, sending flurries of odd Pokémon called the Unown fleeing as they ride the shock-waves to safety, from the terrifying battle being waged.

The mighty Palkia pronounced loudly at her unseen foe, "Come out and face me you spineless coward! I had enough of these childish games of hide-and-seek! Show yourself now!"

Dialga calmed his sister, and calmly spoke in a firm voice, "What is it you seek, and why do you attack us? Answer us, foe of the shadows!"

For a minute, there was complete silence, not even the distorted sound of the spacial wind blowing in this empty pocket-dimension. The legendary dragons sensed their mystery foe was staying perfectly still in whatever spot it is in. Then, it spoke, in a voice as silent and soft as the wind, like a raspy whisper. It said...


Then a pitch-black mass appeared and lunged at the faces of the two mighty Legendary Pokemon.
They reacted quickly and shouted, "Protect!"
Putting up barriers of energy that shielded them from the black mass.

Dialga and Palkia asked at the same time, "What are you, black mass of darkness..."

The mass then answered, lowly "Only...nightmare...only...force...no queen...to serve for...we...dwell...shadow of the moon's...magic..."

It made a second attempt, but the Dragons of Time and Space were ready this time. Using Protect, they gathered their energy, pooling it into a single point, causing their special gemstones embedded on their bodies to glow in an otherworldly brilliance. When the mysterious enemy attacked, they unleashed that energy they stored up into a single attack launched by both of them...


From Dialga, he launched a powerful blue and purple stream of temporal energy at the mass. From Palkia, she swiped her right arm downwards, unleashing a large pink blade of pure cosmic energy at the mass. The two attacks collided with their target and each other at the same time, causing an explosion of galactic proportions. Had they fought on Earth, the explosion would take out a quarter of the galaxy with the planet. The mass was severely damaged as most of it was destroyed by the Pokémon deities, knowing now that it cannot win this fight, it fled through a tear in the time-space continuum. Palkia immediately gave chase, but was too late when her attacker disappeared with the tear.

She frustratingly roared, releasing energy that caused a boulder of ice to disintegrate into pink particles, then vanish into oblivion, shouting, "NO!!! IT WILL NOT ESCAPE ME AFTER THAT ATTEMPT TO KILL US, THAT F***ING THING WILL NOT ESCAPE FROM CHALLENGING ME!!!!!"

"Sister, watch your language..." Dialga said to his twin, "...you know how much our father, uncles, and our supervisors dislike the use of such profanity..."

The black shadow remnant rode the portal's wormhole back to the dimension where it came from...

The dimension that houses the country of Equestria...

-[Team Flare Appears - Pokémon X and Y]-
While Barry and Kotone headed to the nearest town to get supplies, leaving the four trainers, and their Pokémon in the forest, they continued training for the championships. As they were heading back, in a flash, a powerful vortex sucked the four in, screaming. Barry and Lyra heard the screams and rushed back only to see Sean and Yuuki get pulled in a vortex to who knows where, and they saw Sean's Latios fly into the vortex after them, as it closed behind him. For Barry and Kotone, their faces had the looks of horror at what happened, their friends were gone.

Barry asked Lyra, with a shaky voice, "Sa-Sakiyurai-ch-chan...What...just happened..."

Kotone was shaken at the thought that her childhood friend Sean, and the friends he made that are now her friends, are gone. They could be thrown into oblivion as she replied in the same tone, "I-I-I don't k-know Th-Thompson-san..."

She then exclaimed loudly, as her poor Azumarill jumping in surprise to her trainer's sudden outburst, "W-we have to get everyone else! Our friends could be suffering wherever they winded up! We have got to save them!!!"

-[Heavy Rainfall - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-
Twilight did enjoy the picnic, until what felt like a sudden burst of wind threw up her friend's picnic up in the air and blown far out of Ponyville's boarders, except for the picnic sheet. Then the sky, 'cracked?!' if that was even possible, and the crack opened and released blinding lights greater than sunlight and more powerful bursts of wind that rivaled a tornado's strength. The perfect day quickly went downhill, surprisingly, she expected this kind of thing happening, some unusual disaster spoiling a perfect day in Equestria for them to solve with the power of friendship and magic. Now she's looking up in the sky, it has a silver and navy blue vortex on it that made it look like the sky was a prop of sorts, then something big crashed right through the sky, leaving a gaping cracked hole on it. The breach of the space-time continuum was big enough for everyone in Equestria to see clearly, and cause panic among them, thinking the end of the world is here, that is what Twilight believes.

Applejack looked up and said, "Whoa Nelly! What in the world of Equestria is that!"

Rainbow Dash commented with just a little sarcasm, "Maybe it's Discord and more of his silly jokes, he made that to scare the daylights out of everypony, that's what I think..."

"Uh, Rainbow Dash...I-I don't think Discord is responsible...He is reformed after all...? Fluttershy said.
"Not that reformed..." Spike said with a huff, upset after seeing all his cupcakes ruined on the ground for the ants to enjoy.

Rarity was marveling the seemingly flawless pattern of the vortex, its colors were inspiring the unicorn fashionista on a new clothing line for her boutique.

The seven friends were unaware that they were being watched by a pair of focused eyes...

At Celestia's Castle...

-[Explosive Encounter! Red and Blue - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-
Princess Luna was walking down the hallway, looking at the kingdom of Equestria through the windows, until she did a double take out one window and saw the enormous fissure in the sky and rushed to her sister's room in a slight state of panic...

Princess Celestia, high ruler of Equestria, was in her room, reading some of her former student's reports on friendship, until her younger sister crashed through, like a raving lunatic. Luna was spouting gibberish she couldn't understand, and placed a hoof over her sister's mouth.

"Now Luna..." Celestia said, "Just calm down and tell..."
"No time! HURRY!!!" Luna interrupted and grabbed Celestia and forcefully pulled her sister down the hallway of Canterlot Castle.

Luna dragged Celestia to a balcony, causing Celestia to free herself from her sister's grasp, furious at her sister's actions, she glared at her little sister.

Celestia then said, "Luna, now is not the time for..."

Luna shut Celestia's mouth, forced her head upwards, and pointed at the sky in a rapid motion. That's when she saw the enormous hole in the sky, swirling cosmic energy flowing from within. Celestia's eyes could've jumped out of their sockets she was so surprised, now she knew why Luna did what she did, but then it raised a question in her mind.

She asked, H-how did I not notice that thing?! For that matter...

She finished aloud, "...Why didn't I sense it being formed?! Surely something of that magnitude would have given off some magical energy I could have picked up..."
"I've never seen anything like this at all, sister..." Luna said with a slightly pale expression, "...I was hoping you would know something about it..."

Back to the...err...Picnic...?

-[Drought - Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire]-
Pinkie Pie excitedly bounced about saying, "Ooo-oo-o-o! I know what it is! It's a giant portal to another world that's drastically different from our own! That's what it is!"

Normally, Applejack was the most realistic, saying to Pinkie that it couldn't be that, but what came out was, "Ya' know Pinkie, it could be...whatever you said it was..."

They stared at the vortex in the sky wondering what it could be, and if it is a portal, where does it lead? They stared at it for what seemed to feel like hours, when they only stared at it for a minute. Then, the ponies and dragon felt a quick rush of wind, like something flew by them, making them all tense up and making Fluttershy squeak in surprise.

Spike asked, "What w-w-was t-that?"
"It felt like something flew right by us..." Twilight replied.

Their eyes frantically looked around, until Rainbow Dash's caught something in front of them.

Rainbow said, "There! What is that?"

-[Hold on Tight - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-
The group looked at the direction that Rainbow was pointing and saw an invisible shape that looked like something made of glass. They noticed its movements and realized that whatever it was, it was facing them. Then in a quick, small flash of light, they saw a blue floating creature looking right at them with its red eyes, as soon as it did appear, everyone quickly backed off in fright. The blue creature was bigger than any of the ponies or dragon, possibly bigger than Luna. It had large blue wings sticking out stiffly, and it had a small red triangle on its chest. The blue creature looked very fierce and fast, faster than any of them, but when its eyes looked at them, its eyes showed the telltale signs of worry and distress. It was really the Eon Pokémon, Latios, and he spoke to the ponies as best as he can do...


Twilight and her friends stood there, ready to run or fight for their very lives, except for Fluttershy, she couldn't understand what this creature was saying, but can tell by the looks of its expression, the motion of its body, and the tone of its voice, this creature wasn't threatening them or anything like that...

...It was pleading for their help...!

-[Southern Island - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-

Everyone looked to see where that outburst came from, and saw the normally timid and quiet Fluttershy, walking up to the creature?!

Rainbow Dash shouted, "Fluttershy! What are you doing? Get back here and get away from that thing!"

Fluttershy ignored Rainbow Dash and asked the Latios in a concerned tone, "What's wrong? Why are you so distressed? And what are you begging us for?"

There jaws dropped when Fluttershy asked those questions, that was when they realized that whatever that thing in front of them was, it was asking for their help. The Latios said that its friends are in danger, but they cannot understand him at all. He picked up on this and lowered itself closer to the ground, hugging it with his belly.

Rarity asked, "Fluttershy dear, what is it doing?"

Twilight boldly guessed, "I...I think it wants us to get on its back and take us somewhere...right?"

The Latios cooed and nodded his head, surprising everyone that they can't understand the creature, but it can understand them perfectly. Fluttershy, Spike, Pinkie, and Twilight got onto Latios' back, while Rarity and Applejack were held in the Eon Pokémon's arms. Rainbow Dash wanted to follow it in the air to wherever it needed to go. Latios levitated himself higher and higher, turned to the direction of a mountain range far off in a distance and then in an instant, shot through the air like a bullet, making everyone riding the intelligent Pokémon scream in surprise. Rainbow Dash knew it looked fast, but was shocked how fast it was carrying six passengers and quickly tried to keep up

-[Soaring in the Sky (Day) - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-
Within five minutes, Latios flew them through the gorges through the mountain range, never losing a second of speed. Rainbow Dash had trouble keeping up with Latios, mostly due to the sharp turns that the Legendary DRAGON/PSYCHIC-Type Pokémon seems to turn with ease. She couldn't figure it out, how is this blue creature faster and more agile than she is, it made her so upset that her competitive nature kicked in, even though she is suppose to follow the blue creature. Rainbow now felt like racing the Eon Pokémon, to prove she is the fastest flyer. She picked up more speed and managed to get sight of her 'competitor', but then saw Latios turn sharply down a wider gorge, and followed until she and the other ponies saw a bunch of creatures facing a pile of rocks, the rocks showed signs of them collapsing to their current position. That was where Latios was taking them, he picked up speed and dived to the ground, scaring his passengers. Rainbow Dash tried to get ahead of the Legendary Pokemon, but was caught by Twilight's magic to slow her down as to not crash into something.

Latios stopped midair, just two feet from colliding with the hard ground, and let his passengers off, shaken up and with their manes blown back of them, Rarity getting fussy that her beautiful mane was ruined, but was very glad to touch solid ground, along with Applejack and Spike.

Spike kissed the ground and was saying over and over, "Ground! Sweet, Wonderful ground!"

Applejack was doing the same, while everyone was getting themselves together, Latios lead them to the rock pile and saw the creatures battering it furiously, like they need to get something out. Fluttershy walked up to Latios and asked the same question, Latios was pointing to the rock pile and then tried to move the rocks like the other creatures, which were also Pokémon, they were;
a Tyrantrum
a Gallade
two Lucario
a Gardevoir
a Golem
a Gigalith
a Sceptile
a Blaziken
and a Salamence...

Twilight then asked the Latios, worriedly, "I-is somepony in there?"

Latios nodded and made a motion to tell Twilight that they need to hurry, making the new alicorn gasp in shock.

Applejack asked, "Well, why did he bring us here, Twilight?"

Twilight said urgently, "It brought us here because somepony is trapped under these rocks!"

Everyone gasped and Twilight continued, "Alright, we have got to help these guys out fast, now here's the plan..."

-[Mt. Pyre Peak - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-
The Mane Six and Spike worked with the Pokémon clearing all the rocks, it was an hour till they cleared the rocks, showing a small cave. They saw something come out of the cave, a muscular four armed grey humanoid Pokémon named Machamp, carrying two smaller pale creatures like it. Then a Dragonite came out, carrying a small pale creature like the two Machamp was carrying, then a red creature similar to Latios, known as Latias flew out with another one of the pale creatures on her back. The Latias gently put the pale creature down and the flew to Latios immediately when she saw him, Latias cooed happily and flew around Latios as he replied to her sounds. They both flew down to the ponies, with them thinking the way the two behaved quite adorable. Upon looking more closely at the pale creatures, Twilight noticed that two of them were wearing some kind of accessories that had a glittering stone at their centers, then noticed similar types of devices on some of the Pokémon.

They turned their attention to the four pale creatures which Twilight recognized as humans from her journey to Canterlot High sometime back, and she knew there were two boys and two girls. The humans were the four trainers that were sucked into the vortex; Sean, Yuuki, Rosa, and Haruka, they were all unconscious and had fairly bad injuries, but they are still alive thankfully. The Latios that lead the ponies here belonged to Sean, and he cooed quietly and gently nudged his trainer, only for him to jolt upright in pain and accidentally headbutted Pinkie.

Sean and Pinkie both said, "Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-oww!!!/te-te-te-te-te-te-te!!! That really hurts!/それは本当に痛い!"

Sean opened his eyes and saw the ponies and dragon staring at him, and said in a language foreign to the ponies, "カラフルなポニータとギャラップは何ですか? ああ、めまぐるしく感じる..."

Sean then passed out, Twilight said to her friends, "Well, we have to get these guys to a hospital, they are in need of some medical attention. What do you say girls?"

They, along with Spike said at the same time, "Yeah, let's do it!"

Pinkie Pie said with excitement, "Wahooo! New friends for me, I should plan them a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party and a 'Get Well Soon' party when they get out of the hospital!"

Twilight chuckled a little, but the Pokemon just stared at the pink party planner pony confused at the kind of energy Pinkie had, and then they quietly followed the ponies to Ponyville, staying with their trainers, but the ponies didn't know that yet...

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Here's the prologue of the new edition of Pokémon - The Equestrian Chronicles, minor fixes in spelling, additions to certain segments, etc.

About the things like this; "-[Kalos Region Theme - Pokemon X & Y]-" They are soundtracks I thought to include into the story, to listen to as you read. Feel free to suggest tracks for me to include but they have to follow these guidelines:
1) They have to be STRICTLY video game music (there are a few exceptions, like 'The Shard')...
2) They have to sound fitting to any kind of encounter, original or remixed...

Oh, I nearly forgot, these are what some of the characters are and their new names for Version 2.0;

-Barry Thompson is your rival in the Generation 4 games, Diamond, Pearl, & Platinum...
-Haruka Takenaka is the new name for the Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire girl, May. Her first name is really May's Japanese name, and her last name was one I intended to give her later in the previous version of this story...
-Yuuki Odamaki is May's counterpart, Brendan Birch, from Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire. While his first name is his Japanese name (spelled like this from translating the Japanese characters; Yūki), his last name is Professor Birch's name in Japanese...
-Rosa Parker is the female player character from Black 2 & White 2, Parker being her last name much like May's...
-Kotone Sakiyurai was formerly Lyra Junichi, I not only gave her a new name that sounded a little more natural, but also to avoid confusion with Lyra Heartstrings...

Now about the things in this chapter...
- The first part of the prologue with the Pokemon Professors was to mimic how the Pokemon games begin when you start a new game...
- Yes, it was because of that shadow-thing attacking Dialga and Palkia, that the Pokemon Trainers are in Equestria...
- No, Sean, Rosa, Brendan, May & their Pokemon are not the only ones to have wound up in Equestria...
- Sean is actually an OC-&-existing-character-hybrid who is more-or-less Ethan/Gold from the Gen 2 games & their Gen 4 remakes, he traveled to (and beat) the Indigo Plateau (Johto & Kanto), Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos Leagues and is currently challenging the Hoenn League (to celebrate Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire's release)...
- Mega Evolution will be featured pretty heavily in this story...but with Sun and Moon being recently released, I will try to incorporate some of the seventh generation's features & such...

Don't be afraid to ask if you can have an OC make a cameo or such, I'll see if me or my beta-readers and/or co-writer can help me find a way to add them into the story. I'll be more willing to accept some MLP OCs more than Pokémon OCs...

Leave your comments, suggestions, reviews, etc. down below, any bit helps...

Until next time...