• Published 10th Dec 2014
  • 1,612 Views, 64 Comments

A day as Dashie - Cool writer

It's every brony's dream to be a pony, this isn't that wish full filled.

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[3] What's up with Rainbow?

"... and then she said: I wasn't trying to fix the time travel spell!" Twilight said to Rarity. "She solved a complicated spell that unicorns haven't solved in years! How do she do that?"

"Well... maybe it had something to do with that book she was reading?" Rarity suggested. This sounded to her like the canterlot wedding all over again... but Twilight did turn out to be right then...

"She was reading a book that is slightly challenging for me! From a scientific stand point, it's way above her reading level!!!!" Twilight said. "I just don't get it."

"Well, I'm sure you'll figure it out darling. What ever it is." Rarity said. "Now, you're gonna help me with a dress to take your mind off this." Rarity said. Twilight thaught about it for a moment.


Mikel, was hovering back to his cloud house. He was flying, but no more than a few feet off the ground. He was looking over his notes for a devise to make him change back. He was also marveling about how much magic theory was like experimental design, architecture, and chemistry rolled into one.

"Ok! This should work!" he looked it over. Then, right there next to the carousel boutique, one thing occurred to him, one huge thing that couldn't be over looked and had to be addressed that second as the whole plan was riding on this. "I'm not a unicorn!" Mikel relised. "And pegusi simply can't generate enough magical power to pull this off!" But, most unicorns don't have this power ether. But Twilight has extraordinary power, that much has been made clear..." Mikel thought to herself. "But I'm taking a huge risk revealing myself to her... but if I get this right then I can go back to being called he... but being Rainbow Dash is a dream come true." Mikel thought about this. He hadn't even noticed the door to the shop opening. "My options are... tell Twilight what's up... and probably get experimented on... or not tell her, and be trapped here forever... but is being Rainbow Dash, really so bad?"

"WHAT?!?" Twilight's voice cried out behind Mikel. Mikel turned around. Behind him, was Twilight.

'Ok, so my options are now: tell Twilight, or run away until she catches me and I have to tell her.' Mikel rained in his thought, as they were reeling. 'I better tell her now... or I could lye my way out of it.'

"Tell me what!?!" Twilight asked.

"Tell you... about your birthday present!" Mikel quickly thought up. "I got you a really cool birthday present!"

"Cool! Me too!" Pinkie said, poping out of a bush for a brief moment, only to sink back inside and vanish.

"Any ways..." Mikel shook his head. "I need to go see my grandma, but I can't leave town without telling you about the present, the guilt!" Mikel wasn't the best at coming up with lies... but he was great at telling them. "So, uh, bye!" Books under arm Mikel flew off, as fast as she could. Twilight ran after her.

Twilight walked out of the carousel boutique, to see Rainbow muttering to herself.

"What is she doing?" Twilight thought to herself. She was barely able to catch what she was saying.

"So my options are... Tell Twilight what's up... and risk being ex-spited on... or not and be tapped here forever... but is being Rainbow Dash, really so bad?" Twilight heard her say, but it was really garbled. She did, however, perfectly hear the last bit.

"WHAT?!?" She cried, not being able to catch herself from the shock. Rainbow Dash turned to see Twilight, his face went pale. Paler than snow, in fact. It was actually kind of hard to look at. "What were you going to tell me about!?!" She asked, angrily.

"Tell you... about your birthday present!" Rainbow said, obviously lieing. Her birthday was in 3 months. "I got you a really cool birthday present!" Suddenly, Pinkie Pie burst from a bush.

"Cool! Me too!" Pinkie said. Pinkie then sunk back into the bush. Twilight and Rainbow stared at the bush for a moment.

"Any ways... I need to go see my grandma, but I can't town without telling you about the present, the guilt!" Rainbow lied so obviously, it was a little insulting. "So, uh, bye!" She shot off like a rocket, Twilight chased after him. Twilight raced down the dirt road, heart and hooves pounding equally fast. The only difference was how her hooves were pounding on a road, and her heart was pounding in her chest and up her throat. Rainbow was fast, but she was definitely slower than usual. This was great for Twilight, she would actually be able to keep pace. Rainbow darted off the road, and into a wood. Twilight tried to follow, but the trees were to thick, meaning there was too many trees for her to pass. Twilight walked back to the library, in a huff.

"I'm gonna get her."

Author's Note:

THE ENDING WAS TO WEAK! It was too weak for the readers, and too weak for me. IT DEMANDS TO BE CHANGED! And so it is.