• Published 10th Dec 2014
  • 1,612 Views, 64 Comments

A day as Dashie - Cool writer

It's every brony's dream to be a pony, this isn't that wish full filled.

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[2] Black hole theory

"I'M RAINBOW DASH!!!!" Mikel cried. He frantically looked at all his body parts. He had a sky blue fur coat (like Rainbow Dash) 4 hooves (like rainbow dash) a rainbow main and tail (like Rainbow Dash) and even Rainbow Dash's cutie mark (like... oh). But on this extra inspection, He found some thing else, more like didn't find something.

"I'm... a girl?!" Mikel cried. His muzzle dropped open again and he fell over. He just sat there, for what felt like an eternity. Finally, he got up. He was in rainbow dash's house so she decided to visit Twilight to see if she could help. He stood up.

"Using hooves is easier than I thought!" Mikel said. He opened hi- her wings. She flapped them a bit. Testing them. After 5 minuets of testing, she was finally in full control of her new wings. "OK. Let's fly!" Mikel gulped. She was able to lift off the cloud ground a bit. For 30 tedious and painful minuets she was able to learn how to fly, to an extent. Not as fast as the real rainbow dash, but at least she was flying. She walked to the front door of the house, witch she opened and flew out through. Mikel flew for about 5 minuets, at a jogging pace. After that, Mikel had to walk, she was to tired to continue.

"How do Pegasi do that all day?" She asked herself. But lucky she made it to town. Mikel walked around town, looking for the library, because he didn't see Twilight's castle. As he walked, he tried to mentally name all the back ground ponies he passed.

"Junebug, Bon bon, Lyra, Vinyl, Doctor Whooves, Derpy..." she said noted. After a while of being lost, she found a building she recognized: Sugar cube corner. "Well, I might as well." Mikel said. He walked through the door.

"Hi!" came the perky, unmistakable voice of Pinkie Pie. "What chu' do-in?" Pinkie asked.

"Oh, Hi Pinkie pie!" Mikel said, trying not to freak out at meeting the super party pony herself. "I'm not doing much."

"GHAAAAAAA!" Pinkie gasped in her over the top gasp. "But it's your birth day! You should be doing something fun on your birthday!" Mikel thought this was funny, it was his birthday to.

"It is? I totally forgot." Mikel lied.

"Do you have anything planned?" Pinkie asked. Before Mikel responded, she answered. "Of course you do! I planned it!" Pinkie said in her usual, perky way. Mikel couldn't help but brake out in a smile.

'This is going to be great!' Mikel thought. All Bronies will admit how awesome it would be to have a party, thrown for you by Pinkie Pie. And now it was happening.

"I'll be back. I need to go help finish your birthday cake!" Pinkie said, bouncing into the back of the shop. Mikel thought that it would be OK to wait for his party to have a sugar cube corner cake. So instead, he walked out of the front door and now had her bearings. Back on his quest to find the library, Mikel continued his walk. He passed by some more background ponies on his way.

"Thunder Lane, Amethyst Star..." Mikel continued as she walked past the gazebo. Down the road, he finally saw the building he was looking for: the library. "Great! I'm one step closer to getting home!"

Twilight Sparkle had been in the market place, getting some grocery's. She had to get some regular things, namely carrots and some hay for sandwiches. But she had promised a gem for Spike. Twilight saw a few pegusi flying threw the sky. She had always wondered what it would be like to do that.

"OK! That about dose it! All I need now is some cloud for a potion." She then happened to see her friend (And arguably best pony) Flutter Shy.

"Hey Flutter Shy!" Twilight called out to her friend. Flutter Shy was carrying a basket with some stuff in it. Flutter Shy noticed her.

"Oh! Hi Twilight!" Flutter Shy called back. "What is it?"

"I was wondering if you could get a tuft of cloud for me?" Twilight asked. "But it's perfectly fine if you don't want to." Twilight didn't want to force her friend to do something she didn't want to do.

"It's OK, I'm perfectly happy to help out a true true friend." Flutter Shy said in her nice, caring tone. "Could you hold my basket?" Twilight nodded and levitated that basket from her friends mouth. Flutter Shy then flapped her wings and flew up to the closest cloud. She pulled out a tuft of clouds in her hoof. Flutter Shy flew back down to the ground and handed Twilight the cloud.

"Here you go!" Flutter Shy flinched. "I hope that's enough!" Flutter Shy squeaked.

"No no! That's plenty! Thank you!" Twilight said. "So... uh... what are you doing?" Twilight asked, 25% to change the subject, 75% because she was generally curious.

"I'm so glad you asked! I'm trying a new pet food recipe." Flutter Shy said excitedly. "I really hope my animal friends like it."

"I'm sure they will. Thanks again!" Twilight said, waving as she walked away. She strolled down the street, thinking over her ingredients for the new potion recipe she found in an old spell book. She had everything she needed, all she needed to do was brew it. As she walked up to the library door, she opened it to find Spike staring into the left wing, as though some thing horrible was in there.

"Spike? What's wrong?" Twilight asked rushing to his side.

"It's... it's..." Spike stuttered. He slowly raised his claw and pointed to the left wing. "Her!" Twilight looked where Spike was pointing to see Rainbow Dash reading a book, and a big book at that.

"Rainbow?" Twilight asked shocked. The left wing was mostly science and research books.

"Oh, hi Twilight." Rainbow Dash said, absently. She was obviously absorbed in the book. It was a book on dimensional travel, and was very complicated. "Yeah, that makes sense." Rainbow dash muttered to herself.

"What makes sense?" Twilight asked.

"Yes." Rainbow said, not looking up.




"That doesn't make sense!"

"What doesn't make sense?" Twilight asked exasperated, realizing Rainbow wasn't really listening to her, just responding hoping what she said would work.

"But, if the rift DID open, then that would have to leave some sort of scar. And there isn't any scar." She said. Twilight walked over to Rainbow. The book was indeed complicated. Next to rainbow sat a piece of paper, and on rainbow's left hoof, a pencil was tied there with tape. A piece of chalk was on the other in the same way. The paper was covered in equations and theories, most of witch would be difficult for her to solve.

"Rainbow? What are you doing?" Twilight asked.

"OH!" Rainbow poped up. "OH OH OH!" She was exited. "The reason time travel spells were so complicated and always fizzled out, was because they were trying to rip a hole in time itself!" Rainbow ran over to the chalk board in the room. With the chalk hoof, she drew up a grid and labeled the x and y axis. (Warning, gets kind of sciency.) Next to it, she drew another grid and labeled it Z.

"Our world, is three dimensional, follow?" Rainbow asked Twilight.

"Yes I follow." Twilight responded.

"We have the y axis height, x axis width, and z axis depth. BUT! We are wrong!" She said. "Our world, actually, has 4. This fourth dimension: is time! We are normally locked out of this dimension. We can go up and down and all around, but in time we are stuck! The time travel spell can be done in the way it is, but it can also be done like a teleportation spell, only with four coordinates! The fourth, is the date!" Rainbow said. "But, if I was able to create a small area of our three dimensions, and make the fourth dimension tangible, then I could be able to get to the rift!" She said. Rainbow looked down a bit, dejected. "No no, but that would only work if I had some way to find the rift in the three dimensions I'm in." Twilight's eyes were so huge, an anime character would say: "You got some BIG eyes!" Her mouth was also open to an abnormal size. "I'd also need to make the fourth dimension of the space 3 dimensional for that to work. But if I got it on the rift it COULD work!"

"Wait a minuet..." Twilight said, thinking over Rainbow's theory. "That could work! That could actually work! You just fixed the time travel spell!" Twilight cried out. Twilight had stopped paying attention after "The fourth is the date!" line. Rainbow suddenly looked as though she noticed Twilight was there.

"Oh hi T- Twilight!" He stuttered. "W- when did you get here?" Twilight stopped.

"I've been here listening to your formula on fixing the time travel spell." She said in a dead pan tone. "Didn't you know I was here?"

"Well I didn't know you specifically were here. I just have a habit of explaining what ever I work out to whoever is in the room with me when I work it out." Rainbow said.

"You, do this often?" Twilight asked confused.

"Well of course I do. It's my jo-" Rainbow stopped herself when she extended her hoof. "Oh right. That." She said with discuss towards her hoof. Rainbow then shook her head and darted towards the cellar door. She ran through it and down into the cellar. Twilight followed. When Twilight entered through the door, she saw that Rainbow was all ready down there, rummaging through the equipment. Rainbow pulled out a giger counter, a pocket watch, and a compass. She started walking back up the stairs.

"Can I barrow this? Thanks! Buy!" Rainbow dash said quickly as she rushed out the door.

"What just happened?" Spike asked. Twilight turned to him.

"I have no idea. But i'm gonna find out."