• Published 3rd Dec 2014
  • 719 Views, 8 Comments

Memories of Joe the Unicorn - Cool writer

It's not easy moving to a new town and school... It doesn't help that your not even the same species as your classmates.

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[1] Memories, or lack of

I woke in a hole. The hole was more like a crater, but nothing exploded. Well, I thought that nothing exploded. There were no signs of explosions. I could not remember how I came to be there. I climbed out of the hole and as I did, I heard the clip-clop of hooves. I dismissed this as “in my head.” I was in the middle of a forest. A pond was nearby.
“Come along, Pond!” came into my head. I walked to the pond. Looking, in I saw my reflection: I had dirty blond hair, brown eyes, and pale-ish tan skin. Taking this in, I thought about who I was. I am Joseph, but everyone called me Joe. I am a human, I live in Canada (but don’t have an accent), and I have friends in the U.S. where I used to live. I am also 13 years old. I guess that's why I didn't freak out to bad.

“EEP!” came a voice from behind. I turned to see a mini horse, but this one was very colorful. It was light pink with green mane. It ran off so fast I wasn’t sure i actually saw it. I stood there with a blank expression for about five minutes, contemplating what I had seen. I then came to the conclusion that I had probably hit my head. HARD.

“Get a hold of yourself, Joe.” I shook my head. “This is all a bad dream. Or…” I thought how to console myself. “I’m just tired. Yeah! Maybe I stayed up REALLY late, and now I’m having hallucinations.” I laid down in the sand and closed my eyes. I heard more clip clops. I opened my eyes again, sitting up.

“HALT!” came a gruff voice from behind me. I turned to see another mini horse with golden armor. His flank had a tattoo of a shield. He was white and had wings; there was another with wings and a black colored one with a horn but no wings (All with the same armor and shield tattoo). I stared at them in a mix of terror and fascination.

“Get him,” ordered one of the winged ones. The horned one’s horn started to glow a wavering glow that was turquoise. The same glow formed around me. A winged one walked up to me raised its hoof and BAM! Popped me in the face. I blacked out.

I woke, again to confusion. My vision was blurry and hearing was muffled. I could make out a female voice saying: “You didn't need to knock it out!”

“Uhhhhhhh…” I groaned, getting up.

“It’s AWAKE!” screamed a voice. I heard more clip clops and a door slam. I heard more slow clip clops coming closer, and closer.

“I didn't dream that, did I?” I asked.

“No,” came the female voice again. “Get back, Sundrop,” the voice said.

“But, what is it?” asked a small voice from so close I sat up with a start. I heard a loud clop about a hop away from the little voice. I turned to see another one of the mini horses. This one was smaller than the others. It was yellow with an orange mane. It also had a horn and wings. And it was only 10 feet away.

“Aww, man!” I said falling to my back.

“What’s wrong?” asked the thing next to me.

“Well… I was hoping that this was just a dream,” I replied. “I mean this type of stuff only happens in stories… or movies…”

“What?” Asked the thing.

“Never mind… Hey, what’s your name?” I asked.

“Sundrop,” she said. “And you are…?” she asked. I was about to reply, when the female voice from before spoke up.

“I think it’s time to start,” a voice said. I looked to where the voice was coming from to see another one (of the horses I mean). It was larger than the others (may have been a real horse), except it had a long horn AND huge wings to fit her body. Her coat was white and her legs and midsection were very slender. She wore a tiara. Her main and tail were rainbow colored but looked more see-through than solid, and it was flowing; I mean LITERALLY flowing, like there was wind around it.

“Wow,” I said.

“Tell me, do you know where you are right now?” she asked, with a hint of concern in her voice.

“Actually, I have no idea.” I answered. “But I would like to go-” I was cut off by a tingling sensation crawling over my body. “-home. If you could help me?” I asked. I noticed her horn was glowing the same way the guards were, only hers was glowing yellow. The way I was sitting began to feel uncomfortable, so I moved to a more comfortable position (which was cris cross). I noticed the guards from before were in the room and staring at me, so was Sundrop.

"There is no way to send you home," she said, "BUT," she continued, "I can help you live here..." This made me nervous. What did she mean? Her horn stopped glowing. The tingling feeling stopped. I knew she had done something but knew not what. My hands (not to mention all over, for that matter) felt weird. I looked down and let out a shriek of terror and surprise to find that I had no hands! I found HOOVES!! I was red, for all that I could tell. I ran to find a mirror. One was placed behind me. I looked in to see that in my reflection was a brown colored mane with an equally colored tail. I had a red coat. I also had a horn. From what I could tell I had not aged in the transformation.

“Wha- wha-” I stuttered, trying to find the right words to express my feelings. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!?” I finally shouted.

“Well I allowed you to stay, and NOT be a freak show. Here, let me…” she began. Her horn glowed again. My brain began to grow fuzzy. New knowledge began to fill my mind.

“NO!!!” I cried with fear that I might lose my own memories. I started muttering who i was, my friends, my parents, my family, this caused the big one to tilt her head.

"What are you doing?" She asked obviously confused.

"YOU'RE NOT ERASING MY MIND!" I screamed. I'm a huge nerd. She mouthed "ooooooooh."

“Don’t worry. These are all the pony things you will need to know at your age,” said the princess… Princess Celestia. The knowledge about her filled my brain. Even some about Sundrop (who was 8 and next in line for the throne).

“Wait. I’m a… pony?” I asked, confused. I began to fell more at ease.

“Well… yeah…” replied Sundrop. “What else would you be?” She giggled. Then I had to giggle too. It was so obvious.

“Can we go to the park? I need to get him used to his hooves.” asked Sundrop. This actually sounded fun, which was weird because it shouldn't at the moment. Something felt off. Apart from the whole "being a pony" thing. I felt... like I had regained some innocence. Most of the fear was replaced with childlike wonder.

"Did you do anything else, besides turning me into a pony?" I asked.

"Yes." Celestia nodded. "Ponies become independent at around 16, and you are no where near ready. I have regressed your age by 5 years."

"Wait..." I did the math. "So... I'm 8 years old?!?!" I screamed. My mouth dropped open as I felt a piece of my die inside. Sundrop looked at my face and laughed.

"This is funny and all..." She said calming down and wiping a tear from her eye. "But anyway, what about that park visit?"

“Oh. Right." Celestia remembered. "Well, first we need to find arrangements for…” she wanted me to answer my name.

“Oh. Joe. My name is Joe.” I said. The two eyed me. “What?” I asked.

“Nothing…” said Sundrop. “Soooo, park?”

“Sure,” said Celestia.

“Great! Come on Joe!” Sundrop cried, grabbing and pulling me (how do hooves work?) out of the throne room… and into my new life.