• Published 19th Nov 2014
  • 1,236 Views, 13 Comments

Derpy's bright eyed dilemma - GMSK758

After being picked on, and teased at work. Derpy becomes self-conscious. Can her pals cheer her up before she does anything rash?

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Chapter 5: You are beyond simple

The tree Derpy stared at was something you should only see in your worst nightmares. It was an odd tree with branches cleaned of any leaves. It's bark was colored a brown so dark it almost appeared singed. The branches hanging on it were thin and long, probably not that strong. And it wasn't that big or tall, appearing to be only fifth-teen feet tall.

An adrenaline filled body of the gray Pegasus as she stared at her future demise. A demise she refuses to avoid. A demise that the voices in her head had encouraged her to take.

Stick the hook to the tree, tie the rope around your neck, and tie the other end to the hook. Then you jump, simple little Bright Eyes.

What the voices ment by jump was to Jump into the lake below. The tree had grown near the percipe of a cliff. A cliff that was a mere twenty feet away from the ground. Nothing spectaular, but enough to attract ponies from all over town, and encourage them to do spectaular dives into the lake.

In this case the cliff would't really do much. It was the lake. The lake would serve as the resting grounds. The wet resting grounds of a gray Pegasus.

Bright Eyes. Bright Eyes. Broke her neck, and sank. Bright Eyes. Bright Eyes. It's the end of Bright Eyes.

"Did you see where she went, Lyra?" The Doctor asked as he sprinted alongside the two mares.

"Yup. She was walking towards the lake," Lyra answred.

"Then let's hurry up!" Bonbon chimed in.

The trio of ponies walked through a cluster of trees before arriving at a lake. Moonlight danced off it, and it's water looked like purple liquid in the lack of light. The lake was still, yet the three ponies stood there with nervousness painting their faces with frowns. They all but their lower lips in unison.

Glancing towards the sky. The Doctor noticed a medium sized cliff with an odd tree planted at the top. The tree appeared to be dead as if it had never received sunlight in years, and it's lack of leaves furthur implied it was dieing.

And standing next to that tree was a four-legged shadow. It was hard to make it out in this darkness. But The Doctor quickly realized it had to be Derpy.

"Girls, look!"-he pointed near the tree-"It's Derpy!"

"It must be!" Bonbon exclamied.

"She's on a cliff. How are we supposed to get up there?" Lyra butted in,

Bonbon placed a hoof on her chin, and gasped in excitement, "I have an idea!"

The others stared with excitement as well.

"Lyra, you can teleport us up there with magic. Then we can stop Derpy from.... you know what," the earth pony explained.

The trio didn't notice. But Derpy hovered up, and attached a hook to one of the branches using some duct tape.

"Small problem. I don't have enough raw magical power to bring all of us over there. Maybe if one of you were unicorns we could combine our magic, but you're earth ponies."

The Doctor smiled, " Don't worry none. I can add some extra energy to your spell."

"How so?" The mint unicorn asked.

"I have a tool. It can magnify the energy in your horn, but it's risky."

"Risky how?"

"You'll go into a state of magical surge. Having the raw power of an Alicorn, but you'll be so strong you'll pass out after one spell. Send me next to Derpy, I'll stop her," The Doctor explained very quickly.

Derpy at that same time began to tape the blood written note on the trunk of the tree. She cried while doing it.

Hesitant at the idea of passing out, Lyra bit her lower lip. She thought for a second and nodded,"Ok. Let's do it."

The Doctor reached into his brown mane and pulled out a silver pen like device. He pointed it at Lyra's horn, pressed a button, and it released a blue light along with a bzzzzzzt sound.

Shutting her eyes, Lyra caused her horn to become envolped in a misty teal colored aura. As the seconds went by she felt a headache like pain, and then she lost consiouss for a breif second.

In her mind she was floating through outer space. Surrounding her were far out stars that looked like specks of light from afar. Then her dream was shattered. Space crumbled around her as she was alone in an empty black void. She tried to teleport out of there.

At the same time Lyra's body opened her eyes without her consent. However, her eyes were no longer normal. They were replaced by white brilliant lights as if she had entered a magical surge. Which she did.

"Amazing," Bonbon muttered.

"Lyra! Teleport me over there!" The Doctor ordered. He touched her and pointed towards the percipe of the cliff.

As if still control of her body, Lyra blinked and instantly teleported the stallion right next to where Derpy was standing. The Doctor hadn't even noticed what had happened. In milliseconds he had found himself right next to the gray Pegasus. He shook his head in disbelief.

"I'll never understand magic," he complained in his thoughts.

Refocusing on the mission at hand, he tapped Derpy's cheek. She whirled around and screamed at him. The Pegasus backed off until her back was to the tree.

"Why are you here?" she asked.

"I've come to stop you from doing this," The Doctor explained.

"But I need to die. This whole town is begging me to commit... you know the suicide thing."

"The whole town? What simple minded Dalek loving twit would say that to you?"

"Well. Not really the whole town." Derpy sniffed as if holding back tears.

The brown colored stallion crossed his from hoofs angrily. While Derpy gentlely rubbed her back leg, there was a scartch on it that showed some blood.

"Who's making you do this?"

"The voices in my head."


"Kill him, Bright Eyes. Use the hook to cut his thoart. Then finish the job you came here to do!"

Derpy shook her head, and angrily demanded, "Stop telling me what to do, voices!" she looked at her friend, "There have been voices telling me how simple I am. How simple looking I am. And how I should end it all."

"Simple?"-The Doctor started to walk over to her-"That's the last thing I would call you."

A smile formed on Derpy's face. But the voices screamed, "Attack! He dosen't mean any of that! You must end it all here!"

Flinching at the voices Derpy backed away from the approaching stallion. Whom had a smile of happiness on his.

"Ditzy. You're a sweet, kind, bubbly, loving, beautiful, mare. You have done so many selfless things throughout your life. More selfless things then I could ever do," he complimented.

The voices started to die down.

"But. I've made so many mistakes. So many life changing mistakes."

He placed a hoof on her gray chin, and looked into her golden eyes. A warm breeze passed by as both of their hearts sped up.

"Can you fix the mistakes you made two days ago?" he asked

"No," she answred.

"Can you fix the mistakes you made yesterday?"


"Can you fix the mistakes you are going to make?"

Derpy smiled, "Yes. That I can fix!"

The voices died. Only an echoey whisper remained. And it said, 'simple'.

"But, Doctor. Do you think I am..... simple?"

He shook his head,"Derpy Hooves. You are a golden eyed angle. You are beyond simple."

A tear fell from both of their faces, Derpy muttered "Doctor."


"I love you."

A stream of tears fell from the stallion's face, he muttered, "I love you too."

They pulled into a warm kiss that erased Derpy's mind of the voices. Now replaced by new voices.

I love you, Derpy Hooves. I love you, Derpy Hooves. I love you, Derpy Hooves.

The brown stallion also had a voice in his head. And it would whisper this pharse over and over, I love you too, Doctor.

Author's Note:

Welp. That's the end of my five chapter story!

I would give this story 6 dweebs out of 10 since I feel like it could have been longer. But I'm proud of what it is. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this fanfic.

PS: There won't be a sequel.

Comments ( 5 )

5418235 Was this comment supposed to be funny? Because it is.

This story was good, but was missing an editor. :twilightsheepish:

5493570 Well thank you for saying it was good.:twilightsmile:

Hehe I don't really have an editor. But I promise I'll go over this one and fix it.

AW! This is so dark and cute at the same time, like totaly adorable!

He shook his head,"Derpy Hooves. You are a golden eyed angle. You are beyond simple."

Okay just letting you know that I think you meant Angel also if this is truly the doctor, cannot see him using angel as any form of endearment given the experience with the weeping Angels those things terrify me

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