• Published 10th Nov 2014
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{mlp/persona crossover} Equestria and the land of shadows. - Yamisyaoran

Shadows suddenly appear in Equestria, cuasing havoc, chaos and destruction. A human is pulled from his world and changed into a pony to possibly save the world of Equestria.

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Chapter 1: Pull/Change/Persona

"Uggg...my head..." I groaned slightly as my eyes slowly opened, slowly sitting up. "Where am I?" As I looked around, I would notice that this was not anyplace I had ever been. The room I seemed to be in, was blue, and just that. It seemed the room that I currently was in was circular in make. Along the walls where bookcases lined with blue books, and seemed to be very old. The rug was a darker shade of blue, but fuzzy as if I just steped into someones 60's party van. Before me sat the strangest thing I have ever seen. It was long and grey, and looked to be made up of diffrent animals. The creature just sat there apon a large blue sofa, grinning at me like a fool. I couldn't understand it. I rubbed my eyes slightly, as if to clear the strange creature from my vision, but could not do so. There he sat, like a zebra in the middle of the rainforrest. It was just out of place. By his side sat a blue mare with golden eyes, a picture of a book on her flank. I would suddenly feel as if i was forced into a chair and brought near the creature as it snaped its fingers.

"Welcome human! Oh it is so good to see your kind again...like...hmmmm, whats that word... ahh, never mind. It's not important. I must welcome you, however, to the Velvet Room! Pretty nifty name, made it up myself!" the creature laughed. "My name is Discord, God of Chaos and Disharmony!"

I blinked a few times as the strange creature called itself a god. Yep, I must be dreaming. Only my imagniation would make up something like this. Sensing my loss and disbelief, the creature only smiled. "You dont believe me? Well, that doesnt matter, you will come to the truth in time. You see, since i was 'reformed', I have been quite bored. And well, with what's about to happen...let's just say my world is gunna change for better or worse. That is why I called you, The unknown, a stranger from another world. In this way, I can have my fun, and well...you might even save Equestria. But, your current look wont do...no no no. Not at all. Hmmmm, how about this!?"

Discord snapped his fingers again and suddenly I felt a change. Well, a rush is more fitting. What happened, I can't rightly explain, as things seemed to get smaller. I cryed out in fear as suddenly my hands shrunk, my body reforming. The sight of it even made the mare beside Discord turn her eyes from me. It is not a pretty sight I would wish upon someone, a human turning into a three and a half foot equine that is. My hair would stay the same, my skin becoming furred, and turning gray, not like a blank gray but a dark shade of gray. My hair stayed blue, but darkened in collar. And my tai---wait?! When did I have a tail?! Soon the change was over, and I fell from the chair panting. Slowly, and wobbling, I would slowly stand on all four of my...I guess I can't say feet anymore, but hooves.

"Hmmmm, not what I would have chosen, but it seems that's your form. No cutie mark, either... Shame... Welp, you're a blank flank anyways, so might as well have a blank flank now." I held my words to the most-likely insane creature. "However, we can't have you wobbling about, as funny as it would be to watch." Flying over to me, he put what looked to be a lion's paw on my head and suddenly a flash blurred my vision. "I've given you subconcious memories of how to walk, run, and even do pony things." He then returned and looked to the blue mare. "This is a dear friend of mine, and a resident of this room. Elizabeth, say 'Hello', dear."

The mare would finaly look to me and nod her head. "Greetings... " Discord smirked slightly speaking once more.

"Charming, isn't she? Sometimes, a pink pony runs in and out of the room, but you will meet her later. For now, put your hoof on this." Pulling what apeared to be a small scroll, he would unroll it and place it on the table before him that seemed to appear from out over nowhere. Walking over to it, I looked at the scroll as he pointed to what apeared to be a large enough box for a hoofprint. "It's a contract, ya see. We all know that everything is bound in red type. It basically states that you will accept responsiblity for your actions...nothing big, really. Yatta yatta...just put your hoof here, damn it and let's get this over with." Honestly, the way I saw it, I didn't have a choice, and did as I was told. He grinned as my hoof mark apeared on the paper and quickly took it from me. "Perfect! WELL NOW, off with ya. We will be seeing each other again.. very... soon." Before my vision went dark, all I could hear was the strange creature and so-called God of Chaos laughing...


I awoke later on in the day, it seemed. Looking around, I seemed to be in some kind of hospital. A white mare facing away from me, with blond hair and what seemed to be a medical symbol on its flank. Hearing my sheets move the mare looked to me relief in her eyes. "Oh, thank Celestia, you're awake. Can you tell me your name," she asked as she neared me. I still hoped I was dreaming all this up, but she continued. "Did you know where you are," she asked next, only to sigh as I shook my head. "I see...well. One, you're in Equestria. You're lucky Ms. Dash saved you. An Earth Pony falling from the sky is a bit strange." She then blinked after thinking. "You know you are an Earth Pony, right?"

"What's an Earth Pony," I replied slightly.

"Oh, my..." was her reaction. She seemed shocked, but yet seemed to calm quickly. "I see, your brain must have had quite the shock. Well, hmm..." She looked around, then pulled a book off a shelf. It looked like a children's book she held in her hoof before setting it before me. I blinked a few times. How can someone hold anything without fingers or thumbs?! I decided not to question it. "Seems you have a bit of amnesia. Don't strain yourself, your memories will come back in time. Until then, read this. It will tell you all you need to know." She then hurried off at a gallop. Turning to the book, I would open it and begin to read. It was definately made for this world's children. Three races existed, it seemed, being that of the Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi, with the three races each having a certain place in society. In my own world, I thought Pegasus had horns as well, but they didn't in this world. It seemed the only one to have such were the Princesses, or better called Alicorns. This interested me, as I would slowly look over myself. I'll save you the details of the things I looked at, but I was definately still male. It bothered me that I was naked, but it seemed not to do so with the others around me. As I looked up, I could see other mares and stallions around, of all three races. Colors like out of a rainbow almost blinded me. Everywhere I turned, there were ponies of all sorts of colors. It was like I stepped into a little girl's TV show. That's it, no more Monster drinks before bed... I closed my eyes, hoping to force myself awake, but only to open my eyes to the same sight. Sighing, I looked back to the book and kept reading.

The book was over quickly, but it gave alot of information for those willing to take in every single detail, like how instead of saying "someone" they instead say "somepony". I guessed, in this way, they were speaking of other ponies in genral. Then, out of nowhere, I heard a gasp. I looked up to see some of the ponies' mouthes agape, and some even bowing as a purple...oh what was the name again? Alicorn? Walked into the room. Walking right up to the bed, the purple pony would smile at me. "Greetings, I am Twilight Sparkle. I heard what happened from Rainbow Dash, and would like to question you on just how you fell from the sky," she said, her accent told me she was indeed smart and well educated. "The nurse told me you might have amnesia. However, if you can remember anything at all, please tell me. Strange things have been happing around Ponyvillie lately." I had guessed as much seeing that the room I was in was large, however it was almost stuffed with beds. I thought for a moment as she watched me. Should I tell her of the Velvet Room? The strange multi-piece creature? The contract? No, I might be seen as crazy, and it was already suspected I had amnesia. I shook my head softly. She seemed to frown, but then quickly replaced it with a smile. "I see. Well if you do remember anything, please come by the library. It's the large tree near the center of town." And with that, she was gone, trotting off to question other ponies.

I guessed that something was indeed happening, and the words of discord came flashing though my mind. "With what's about to happen. Let's just say my world is gunna change for better or worse." This intrigued me, but yet scared me at the same time. I shook my head, messing up my hair, before looking out the window across from me. What was I here for? What am I supposed to do? Save Equestria? Was that the name of this world..or country? I have no idea. However, one thing was for sure. I am in for one hell of a ride.


I woke the next day, my second day as a equine...or was it pony? I couldn't understand why I was in this world yet. It was all too...well what was the word? Girly? Peaceful? Full of animals? I shook my head and sighed softly, before slowly getting out of bed. Surprisingly, I was able to land and stand myself up without a hassle. Whatever Discord did made it seem like I was walking around this world my whole life. To put it plainly, as humans, we don't even think about walking. After we master it as children, it becomes second nature for us to walk to whereever we need to go subconciously. The same principle was here to, it seemed. Discord had given me the subconcious knowledge to walk as one of the ponies. I was thankful for this. I'd hate to have to get messed with because I couldn't walk right. As I made my way out of my medical room, I headed down the hall. On the side of the wall, I would see a map leading to the exit. I smiled and headed out. What I came into surprised me. It seemed these ponies had a general idea of the laws that governs building, and science for electricity. I would see lamp posts across the screet and buildings all around. These ponies realy knew how to build. Of course, it all looked a bit on the cute side... Well, that would be expected with a world of filled with colorful ponies meant to appear in a kid's show.

Trotting would be the best word to describe it, I guess, as I went about the city in a brisk, slow but yet fast pace, not really walking or running, as I checked out the city. A scream of absolute horror caught my attention, however. Now, I'm not normally one to run head long into danger, mind you, but the urgency of the scream had me running in that direction. As I rounded the corner, I would come into view of a few ponies running away from a group of three dark monsters that looked like a ball with large mouths, slimy tounge hanging out of them with a blue humanoid mask on the back of each of their bodies. Before them laid five ponies of yellow, orange, white, blue, and pink with a single pony, the alicorn I met before, standing defensively between her friends and the strange creatures. Her horn glowed brightly as she tried to zap the shadowy creatues away, but they seemed to dodge her abilities easily. A voice would come to my mind, the voice of that God of Chaos.

"Isn't this fun? As much as I would love to see them parish...I unfortunately have come to see them as my freinds. Remember that contract? Call it...Call out your...PERSONA...."

I blinked slightly. Should I trust him? I had no choice. If I had the power to stop this, I'd do it. I took a deep breath and walked over. Twilight turned her head, seeing me in the corner of her eye.

"RUN! Get out of here, You can't do anything. Let us handle this..."

I ignored her, standing my ground. I felt a sudden slight heavyness around my right hoof, looking down I would see some soort of armlet of silver. On the front was a gleaming white and black gem in the shape of a fool's mask. I smirked, let's test out Discord's power...no...my power. "Per..." I spoke softly, blue eyes meeting the dark creatures as they hovered nearby. "so..." I swallowed, my mouth dry, what would happen? "na..."

My vision slightly was taken by a blue light that erupted from my armlet. Suddenly before us would stand a large creture. In my head, a voice would sound, "Thou art I.. And I art Thou... I am Izanagi!" Twilight's eyes went wide as the creature apeared from the blue light, the creature was humaniod in make, a mask of metal over its head and a large halberd in his hands. Around its head appeared a white headband made of flowing metal that reached almost all the way to its feet and a black trenchcoat that reached down to its knees covered its slender form. For some reason, I felt I knew what it could do. Eyeing the creatures with a dark smirk, I knew this would be easy with this creture at my command. "ZIO!" I called, the new creature, Izanagi, raising its halberd toward the sky before it lit up with a flash of lightning hitting one of the three beasts, destroying it in a single hit.

The other two seemed to be stunned for a moment, as if trying to understand why one of them was gone, and turned their mouths to Izanagi. I guessed they now knew it was that creature's fault and attacked, rushing my Persona. I felt as if I was in the creature's mind as I moved it easily...almost as if it was my old body. Izanagi dodged one of the beasts and deflected the other, cutting the side of one of the round-tounged beasts with the halberd. But, it wouldn't be so easy, as I focused on deflecting one, the other had already flown around, tackling Izanagi and sending him head first into a wall of a nearby house. I cried out as I felt pain...wait? What? I...felt...pain...? I now realized if the creature got hurt, so would I.

"Hahahaha." I gritted my teeth as a sigh suddenly became heard from within my head. "You didn't think such power comes with no repercussions, did you? How foolish." Discord's voice sounded in my head. "Mind you, you won't die, if the creature is defeated...but alot of your energy will be saped away. Lose enough energy, and well... I hope you can take on the shadows yourself... Have fun!"

His laughing would echo until it was gone. Danm him, truly he was a asshat. Twilight was eyeing me with a look of wonder, awe, fearfulness, and a inquisitive eye. I ignored her and pulled Izanagi's head out of the wall and jumped off it, just in time before one of the beasts came flying at the spot I was at, destroying the building fully with the impact. On its descent, the second beast would fly at him. "Cleave..." I said softly, eyes wide, as my persona would quickly spin his halberd and brought it down upon the beast's body, cutting the poor thing in two. As Izanagi landed finally, it would turn toward the last beast, who just floated there, zipping about as if to find its partner in crime. But soon as it found itself alone, it seemed to get angry, and it in its, I would guess, mixed emotion of misery and rage would fly straight at Izanagi. I smirked. "Reckless... How about a Zio for you as well...join your freinds in hell..." A bolt of lightning would fall from the seemingly clear sky and strike the beast, screaming it would disappear in the same fashion as its brothers.

My persona turned to me then, I couldn't actualy see it but Izanagi seemed to be smiling to me. "Thou art I, And I art though. Though have unlocked that of the fool arcana.. For I am Izanagi, Thou will call me in any time of need." Ans with that, I lost conciousness.

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