• Published 9th Nov 2014
  • 451 Views, 3 Comments

Twilight Fights Dawnbringer - Jubilee Glider

With Luna, Celestia, Shinning Armor and the Royal Guard all down, it's up to Twilight Sparkle to get the job done.

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Twilight Fights Dawnbringer

Twilight Fights Dawnbringer
By: Jubilee Glider

Luna lay on her side motionless. Celestia also lay motionless across the battlefield. Dawnbringer, between them, laughs. The Royal Guards are down or unable to fight for they used all their reserves to save themselves and Twilight.

Twilight takes all this in with a shudder. That leaves only her and him. Dawnbringer focuses on Luna. His horn starts to glow, an orange orb appeared above his head. Twilight drew on every bit of magical energy she could muster. Dawnbringer, releasing his attack on a defenseless Luna, was blown back by Twilights counter attack. She was thrown over top of Luna by the force of the explosion, leaving Luna between herself and Dawnbringer.

"You insignificant filly!" he said shaking his head slowly. "You have gained nothing. I am the supreme being now," His voice sounding like thunder. "And for your petty interference I will end your life last. I am going to make you watch as I take out your friends one by one. Starting with this princess here."

No! No,no,NO! This isn't happening. We had a plan. It was working. I don't know what went wrong. Dawnbringers horn started glowing again. This time Twilight could tell he was gathering as much magic as he could. Her mind raced. This can't happen. I gave her an explicit order! She cannot die on this day! She tried to pull on her magic, but her last magic defense had drained her completely. She watched as Dawnbringers orb grew. I can't let this happen! I LOVE her! I love her, and there's nothing I can do. Oh Celestia, please, give me the strength I need to save her! I only just found how much I could feel for somepony else. Please, I'm begging you to give me the strength to save her. With tears in her eyes she pulled with all her being. She was willing to use up her life energy to save the only pony she could/would ever love with all her heart. She tried to channel the very essence of her being, but nothing came. PLEASE! She was sobbing now. Then, everything around her stopped. Her vision cleared, if you want to call it clear. She could see the mechanisms through ghostly shapes of the ponies all around her. But she wasn't seeing... She could feel the mechanisms. But she wasn't feeling... It was something else. She looked around. There was the moon, on the other side of the world, waiting to be raised by her lover. There was the sun, shinning in the heavens. Then she saw it. The flows of magic, connecting everything together. She was able to see what looked to be scars blocking the flows. They looked to be fresh. Twilight reached out and adjusted the flows to go around them allowing the magical energy to flow free again. The world brightened, as if it had been suffocating before. She reached out to draw on the magic. It wouldn't come. It was being blocked by something. The sun seemed to be the culprit. Again, she reached out, moved the sun a bit and she felt as though a faucet was opened. All the magic she could ever want flowed to her. She came back to the present.

Dawnbringer let lose his powerful magic toward Luna. The earth all around her exploded. He started to laugh, but as the smoke cleared, standing there in front of Luna was the lavender pony. She had blocked his attack. "HOW! Not even Celestia could have done that."

"I'm not Celestia, and you will not hurt another pony," said Twilight with such an air of trivialness that Dawnbringer was taken aback. For she had just cleared his storm at the same time that she was able to block his blasts.

That's impossible! A shiver ran down his spine. He was so ashamed of himself for feeling scared for that one moment. He then became angry. He cursed. Then tried to blast Twilight with as much energy as he could draw upon.

Twilight turned her nonchalant look into one of a snide grin. This is about to get real bad for him, she thought. Twilight's shield just absorbed his magic as she slowly walked toward Dawnbringer.

"THAT ISN'T POSSIBLE!" Dawnbringer thundered in disbelief and rage.

"Oh, it's entirely possible. If, you know what you're doing," she said taunting him. "I need to know something from you."

"You need to know nothing from me!" He saw what Twilight had become.

"I was going to ask you if you would like me to end this sooner than later? Less painful for you."

Dawnbringers eyes got as big as saucers. "You will end up just as your precious princesses are now."

"We'll see. I believe your cockiness will be your downfall. And believe me, you will fall." Twilight shot two glowing orbs at Dawnbringer. The first one hit his shield obliterating it. The second orb changed direction at the last second missing Dawnbringer by inches.

He wasn't sure what happened. Why... How did that miss?

Twilight could see the question on his face. "I didn't think that the first blast was going to do that. I had to divert the other at the last second. That way we could play a little longer," Twilight said. She was just toying with him now. She knew that the shield he conjured took a lot out of him. "Ok. It's your turn now."

Dawnbringer wasn't sure how she was more powerful than he was. He was sure he was a god. I am a god. I AM A GOD! "You need to be taught a lesson. Do you really think you can survive me?"

Twilight set her hooves in the dirt. Looked him right in the eye and said, "Give me your best shot."

He had something else in mind. He acted as though he were going to blast Twilight head on, then at the last second, he turned his aggression on the unconscious Celestia, sending three consecutive bolts at her, thinking that Twilight couldn't react in time.

Twilight had half expected a move like this. She teleported into the path of his attack just as he was done releasing it. She blocked it easily. But just as she blocked the last bolt, he was sending more toward Luna. LUNA! That was all she could take. Teleporting to Luna she blocked his attack and rebutted with an attack of her own. She wove a spell blocking all the magic from reaching him. Somehow he didn't realize it. She used, what felt to her like, little flicks of her magic pool to send Dawnbringer, first, slamming into the ground, then teleporting close enough to ensure a good hit, she sent him flying back into the air knocking the wind out of him. She wanted him to feel every ounce of hurt that she could inflict upon his being without killing him outright. Teleport. Flick to his left side. He was sent flying. Teleport. Flick to his right side. Again, he was sent careening in the other direction.

Each hit he took was like the Canterlot Express ramming him at full speed. Dawnbringers mind was racing now. Not only could he not block her attacks, the pain she was inflicting all over his body left him out of sorts. How is she doing this?

Twilight stopped to give him a moment to catch his breath. It was plain to see that he was having difficulty comprehending what was happening. But she was done playing games. She had her fun. It was time to show Dawnbringer what real magic was all about. She wasn't even winded as she called to him, "Dawnbringer, are you ready to pay for what you've done?"

He was just able to catch his breath. "I don't think you have anything left," he knew what he said was a mistake as soon as it left his mouth. But he was trying to stall just long enough to try and recover something to counter whatever she sent at him. Something isn't right. The thought was pinging in the back of his mind.

"Do you really want to see what I've been holding back?" Twilight growled.

This caught Dawnbringer off guard. Holding back?! He was sure that she was giving her all with the hits he was taking. Looking close. She's not even winded. All the teleporting and blasting should've put some kind of strain on her.

"This ends, NOW!" Twilight concentrated all the magic she could pull on right above Dawnbringer and let lose all at once. There was nothing but a column of white light blasting down on him.

The realization came to Dawnbringer at that moment, clever filly, why he wasn't able to recover any magic and he knew Twilight had been right. His cockiness was going to be his downfall after all. He couldn't even teleport to get away. His last thought, I am still a GOOOOOD! He didn't even get out a scream.

Then there was nothing left but the auroras shining in the sky by all the magic Twilight had just unleashed.

Luna, waking, but still groggy, sees the auroras. How beautiful. Then she sees Twilight. Even more beautiful. "So pretty," she said.

"I'm not sure where it came from, though," as she wrapped a wing around Luna. Wow, I wonder where that came from too.

"I wasn't talking about the auroras, silly. Although, it is quite stunning. It was for you. I think the new look suits you," Luna said smiling.

Twilight noticed, now, that she was further away from the ground than she could remember. Then she looked at herself, really looked at herself and saw what she had become. "I hope you don't mind if I pass out on top of you, do you?" As she fell, the answer she was sure she heard was, "Yes my love, anytime."

Author's Note:

Any kind of assistance on how to become a better writer would be greatly appreciated. Please leave a comment on ways I could improve.

Comments ( 2 )

Friendly word of advice, link to Aurora.

5249934 Thanks for the advice. I will work on that tonight, hopefully.
Is creating the link here similar to say Word or Power Point?

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