• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 8,293 Views, 48 Comments

Weighting for a Gain - iceblazethequick

Rarity's stress-eating habits lead a change in lifestyle... A change which a yellow pegasus seems to appreciate.

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Chapter 6

"Fluttershy, I'm being quite seious; I'm trying to take it easy on the food today..." Rarity frowned at her pegasus feeder, her checks forming rosy, plump dimples across her face. Her neck had nearly completely disappeared, three rolls of juicy fat piled beneath her chin. Her foreleg waved in Fluttershy's vision, transfixing the yellow mare as she watched the pillow at the base of the leg sway in the air, bouncing as gravity pulled it ever downwards...

"—Fluttershy? Hello? Are you listening, darling?" Rarity inquired, prompting Fluttershy to snap out of her daze and give a polite nod to the unicorn sitting across from her. The restaurant they were in was a new one in Ponyville which Fluttershy had suggested.

"Of course! I'll support you whatever you choose to do," Fluttershy reassured the massive mare across from her, "so, what would you like to order? This endless pasta sampler looks good."

"Fluttershy! I just told you, I need to lay off fattening foods!"

"Oh, come on. This is a pretty healthy option, and besides, you can indulge for just one last night!"

"Yeah... But it's so hard to keep my diet if I eat any unhealthy foods... I just end up slipping back into gorging myself on sweets..."

Fluttershy took a slice of bread off of the appetizer plate and slid the rest of the loaf over to Rarity. "Well, starting tomorrow, I'll help you get your eating under control. With me monitoring you, breaking those habits shouldn't be too hard."

Rarity smiled and thanked her while using her magic to pick up a slice of the bread. It dripped with butter, already applied by Fluttershy. Rarity quickly bit into it, swallowed, and picked up another as she talked.

"Well, today I had the most embarrassing incident occur when I left the boutique. I had just exited when I found myself stuck in the doorway!" She sighed. "That's why I need to get my hips here under control. It was still odd, though, since I had managed to lose ten pounds last week. I ought to fit better now, not worse!"

"How did you know you've lost weight?" Fluttershy asked, already knowing the answer.

"Oh, I've been using that scale you bought me for my birthday. It's so useful for my dieting!"

Fluttershy used all of her willpower to resist grinning. She had given that scale to Rarity as a gift, but one that served Fluttershy's goals rather than Rarity's. It was specially set to display much below the actual correct weight, and the settings were inverted so that when the user gained weight, it would show as losing weight. So, it was no surprise to Fluttershy when she heard the other complaints Rarity had. She also slid another covered basket over to her friend.

"I simply can't seem to get away from my weight today. I had the most exquisite dress set out for our dinner tonight, but I couldn't get it to even go halfway on. That dress fit me at the photo shoot, and I know I haven't gained weight since then. And on top of everything... Well, I fear I may have actually gained weight... When I came to meet you here, I had to get the assistance of some rather eager stallions I came across to aid me in walking! I tried to pull up my belly and leg flab with magic, but... But... I think they may be too big! I can't lift them!" Rarity's voice was tinged with panic as she began to realize that her size was still increasing.

Fluttershy laid a hoof on Rarity's hoof, feeling it sink down an inch. "Rarity! Calm down. I'm sure that you haven't gained weight. After all, you've been working so hard to slim down! Now, you probably just exited the boutique at the wrong angle, catching your hips in the frame. That's all. And that dress was cleaned by Photo Finish's costume designers, who I know can be careless; they probably shrank it when they washed it."

"But... My walking..."

"...Your magic had to have been weaker somehow. Come on, if you really gained that much weight, you would notice immediately." Fluttershy knew that she herself saw it, sliding a third basket across the table.

Rarity considered these explanations. She had been sure that she had gained weight... But everything Fluttershy said made since. It seemed like the only logical explanation to her. She gave a weak smile back to her friend. "Of course, darling, you're right."

Fluttershy firmly nodded, both confining confirming Rarity's thoughts and directing the server to levitate a plate in front of Rarity. She did so with some difficulty, seeing as she had to place it to the side of the belly roll that lay on the table's edge.

"I promise we'll get rid of those issues soon. I'll help you with your eating, and pretty soon you'll get happy with your size again." She, of corse, meant something completely different with that statement than what Rarity interpreted it as.

Rarity was satisfied this, and reached down to take a sip of water. She was shocked, however, to find three empty bread baskets and a dirty appetizer plate in laying in front of her.

"Wha... What? I... I didn't just... I couldn't have..." She looked up at Fluttershy. "Did I just eat all this? Did you let me?"

"Relax, Rarity! I felt really hungry, so I ate all that, not you. You just had one piece of bread, I think."

"Oh. My apologies." Rarity blushed, her wide face turning red. She felt awful about accusing Fluttershy about that... But then she thought about it for a moment and began to question the situation.

Wait... If Fluttershy ate those, why are they on my side of the table? And... My mouth tastes like butter. And I don't feel so hungry anymore. And I think I just heard Fluttershy's stomach growling.

Did... Did she lie to me?

She couldn't have? Could she? But... She's so supportive! She was there for me when I had that breakdown, and... And she gave me cupcakes. And when I tried to diet, she sent sweets to my house and stuffed me that evening. Is she—

Before Rarity could complete that thought, the waitress came around with a huge platter heaped with pasta and a salad. The salad was for the svelte pegasus, and the pasta was for the bulging mare, unsurpring since Fluttershy had ordered for the both of them. Rarity licked her lips and took a deep breath of the pasta, sighing contentedly.

Rarity took a huge bite of the cheesy ravioli, wiggling her hips and rear as she enjoyed the taste. This turned out to be a very poor decision, because the shifting of weight snapped a straining wooden support pole on her fairly sturdy chair. The rest of the chair slowly bent, no longer structurally sound, and with a final series of snaps it collapsed.

Rarity was dropped onto the floor with a loud slap of fat against tile. She jiggled like a mountain of jello for a little while, then finally subsided and lay limp and still, much to the relief of the extremely embarrassed unicorn. Her belly spread out in front of her, four folds dividing it into horizontal layers of fat. Her head seemed small comparatively, and her fatty chins made it unclear where her belly stopped and her face began. Her rump lay squished on the tile, her cutie mark twice as big as a pony's head, and her hips caused her entire lower body to slant outwards giving her the appearance of a mound of marshmallow.

Her legs hung against her flab, sending tremors and gentle waves across the sea of cellulite and moldable flesh. Her hooves hung inches above the floor, and her upper legs were all encased in a puffy sleeve of fat which now hung and expanded down to cover her dimpled leg joints. She took in her new seating for a moment, then picked up another bite of pasta and shoved it into her mouth, staining the pristine fur on her belly with drops of grease and sauce.

"Fluttershy, dear, what was I talking about? I was angry about something, but this meal seems to have distracted me and made me forget what it was about."

"Angry? No, I don't remember you being angry about anything. Maybe you were just thinking to yourself... I'm sure it was nothing important. Anyway, let's eat! I'll tell the management that I'll pay for the chair...oh, and make sure to save room for the chocolate cake after this!"

"Dear, I told you I'm eating healthy now!"

Fluttershy thought about raising an eyebrow at this, seeing as the ground-bound unicorn clearly wasn't following that rule. However, she thought of a better strategy.

"Please?" Fluttershy looked at Rarity with pitiful eyes. "Just one cake, just tonight? It won't even make a difference..."

"Well, alright. But I'm not eating the ice cream!"

In truthfulness, though, Fluttershy knew she would, and she just grinned in pleasure as she watched the oblivious mare stuff herself. Rarity had no idea why Fluttershy was smiling at her, but frankly, it didn't matter to her at all, as long as the pegasus would bring her seconds.