• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 8,293 Views, 48 Comments

Weighting for a Gain - iceblazethequick

Rarity's stress-eating habits lead a change in lifestyle... A change which a yellow pegasus seems to appreciate.

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Chapter 3

Ponyville's spa was once again mostly empty, save for Aloe, Lotus, and two customers. Those particular customers had reserved the eatablishment for a personal appointment for the duration of the afternoon, and although these reservations were usually made for groups of ponies, one of the mares more than made up for it with her size.

Rarity heaved herself over to the table where the two spa ponies awaited her, panting slightly from the effort of transporting her bulk. She lifted her heavy legs and awkwardly waddled over, her belly nearly touching the floor as it jiggled uncontrollably. Once she reached the massage table where Lotus stood, she gently positioned herself over the surface and lowered her huge body down upon it. As she settled, her belly sprawled out under her, she felt the rolls of flab on her side and rear spread out and off the edge of the table, but there was nothing that could be done about that.

"Hmm... Fluttershy, dear, you'll have to curb my eating soon, or I simply won't fit on this table anymore!"

Fluttershy heard this and grinned at Rarity, although the voluptuous white unicorn couldn't see it; her friend was standing at a point which was out of sight, but still at an ideal viewing point for observation. Fluttershy allowed her eyes to roam up and down the surface of Rarity's body, taking in every curve and smooth roll. Her friend's cutie mark had stretched across her massive rear end, now easily larger than a normal pony's head. From this magnificent lower body upwards, Rarity curved outwards with her belly while her plump legs each featured a roll of fat, padded evenly where the leg met her body. She possessed a thick neck, an almost-triple chin forming beneath her jaw. Her smile curved up into her chubby cheeks, deep dimples pressed onto her features.

As soon as she was fully settled in, Rarity's weekly maintenance session began. As she had grown further in size, she and Fluttershy (who continued to feed her often) found that their weekly spa meetings were better used as a time to work on the appearance of the near-blob that was Rarity.

Lotus began to thoroughly kneaded the flabby surface of Rarity's back and belly, massaging the rolls of flesh as her sister, Aloe, started to spread moisturing lotion on Rarity's other side. The two worked in harmony, one massaging while the other applied, causing Rarity to give a quiet sigh of relaxation. She truly loved her new form, but she admitted it had its issues: she found that her muscles had been more tense due to the increased load they had to carry, and when her vast rolls and layers got sweaty or dirty from basic exertion it was truly a pain to clean. That, however, was why she was here.

Lotus, her hoof probing down in circular motions into Rarity's rear, found a particularly tight area and focused on it, which diverted Rarity's attention elsewhere.

"Fluttershy? I'm feeling peckish, would you mind giving me a few of those snacks I saw you hide in my bag?" Fluttershy giggled and pulled out a box from Rarity's ornate bag, specially built for her size. It had taken her a full day to make a fashionable accessory like that for a mare of her magnitude, and she was quite proud of the accomplishment.

Fluttershy opened the box, revealing rows of apple fritters and Prench eclairs. She picked one up in her hoof and slowly fed it into Rarity's waiting lips.

"Mmmm... That is simply divine! Oh, it's true, no one makes pastries like the Prench!" Another eclair slipped in. "I do hope that Pinkie learns to make these one day," An apple fritter slid into Rarity's mouth. "I know she loves cupcakes, but a little *mmph* variety wouldn't hurt *mmm* her. Oh, Lotus, could *omm* you get that spot *gmf* a little *gulp* farther *ulp* down?" As Fluttershy teased another cream-stuffed delight past Rarity's unguarded lips, the stuffed unicorn gave up on any hope of conversation and automatically began chewing on the sweet, goey bread. She had discovered that Fluttershy had a way of coaxing her into eating that she just couldn't resist; it was easier for her to go ahead and eat whatever her more-than-just-a-friend put in front of her.

As the final apple fritter slid down Rarity's throat and into her waiting, gurgling stomach, she heard a creaking sound. As she shifted her weight so she could turn her head and hear it better, she realized too late it was the creaking of the table. It came down at once underneath the weight of the obese pony, collapsing and leaving Rarity a jiggling, bouncing marshmallow-like form on the floor.

"I think my massage was about finished anyway..." Rarity said sheepishly. "Shall we move on to the mud bath?" Aloe and Lotus nodded at this idea while Fluttershy remained unresponsive, her gaze locked on the still-trembling rear of the grounded unicorn.

The decision made, Rarity promptly stood up to walk to the bath... And promptly fell back down with another, smaller jiggle. She tried again, her legs shaking for a moment before sliding back out to her sides and dropping her into the cushion of her belly.

"It seems that my lack of exercise may be catching up to me... Fluttershy, could you lend me a hoof?" Fluttershy snapped out of her trance and quickly used her meager wingpower to give Rarity much-needed lift. With her help, Rarity got to her feet and stabilized herself, her freshly-maintained coat glistening. She waddled forward and placed one hoof, then the other, into the awaiting mud bath. Once her full body was hanging above the mud, she let herself fall with a plop into the bath. Unfortunately, although Rarity had done this before, she failed to account for her recent massive gains and an inch layer of mud surged outward, displaced by her mass.

Rarity, ignorant of the mess she had caused, lowered her head down until only her half-lidded eyes, horn, and nose were above the surface. As Aloe and Lotus attempted to clean up some of the mess that the massive mare had caused, Fluttershy flew over to the mud baths and eased herself in. Rarity opened an eyelid to acknowledge her presence, then closed it again and let out a deep sigh of contentment and bliss...

...until her flab resurfaced. Rarity lifted her head up in surprise as her belly fat and flabby rear bobbed back up, floating like white islands.

Fluttershy poked her companion and teased, "You know what they say - fat floats! And you do seem to have quite a bit there..."

Rarity agreed and let out a small, ladylike burp, obviously trying to digest the mass of greasy dough working it's way from food to fat. Fluttershy, unfortunately, refused to leave it at that. The pegasus used her wing feathers to tickle Rarity on her belly, where she was exposed and most vulnerable. Rarity tried to recoil and burst out into mirthful convulsions. With each giggle, her floating body jiggled, the padding and sacks of cellulite shaking and rippling while suspended in mud. It appeared as if the unicorn was made of jelly as she shook with gelatinous ferocity, sloshing mud around her. Rarity found she had lost control of her flab as it shook continuously while she gasped for breath inbetween bouts of laughter.

"Fluttershy, stop! Stop! I mean it! He he! Come on, that's enough! You're enjoying this, aren't y—" Her speech was cut off abruptly as she let out a loud belch, complete with gurgling from her overfed stomach and stuffed gut.

"Oh! Excuse me! You see what you've done? You've made me act so unpolitely! And you've gotten my saddlebags muddy... although I suppose that one was more my fault... Still, It'll take days to clean and dry them before I can wear them again!

Fluttershy nodded to Rarity, still grinning, while thinking to herself, Well, Rarity, if you keep eating with me, I'm afraid you may not be needing those saddlebags soon... You won't need saddlebags if you can only walk the length of this room without my help, and I'm afraid the diet you're on may leave you a bit too large for those bags...