• Published 11th Nov 2014
  • 716 Views, 2 Comments

Guardian Angel - Cryptic-Dash

Being next to the Everfree forest is not as great as it might seem

  • ...

In my time of need

Warning: This contains mild gore

You have been warned

"There you go little ones" Fluttershy spoke softly while tending to her animals, it had been a long day and she knew it. Her hooves were sore from catching the escaped chickens and had been up most of the previous night tending to an injured otter, however she could now begin the short walk from the animals shelter to her cottage dimly lit in the dying light of the day.

Fluttershy had been hearing strange sounds and branches breaking most the day from the Everfree forests direction, she'd occasionally gone to see if anypony was there or if one of the animals had gone astray into the forest but whenever she went to the edge of the treeline there was silence.
It had been slightly unerving for her since it had going on most the day and now it seemed like it would continue into the night.

Fluttershy turned to look at the forest one more time and let out a soft sigh as she continued up the dirt path to her cottage. She reached the front door when she heard the same noise again, 'CRACK', it sounded like a twig, no something bigger, more like a fallen branch had just been snapped. This caught Fluttershy's attention, the sun had now almost disappeaered behind the horizon and was making it difficult to see in the darkness of the forest.

"H-hello"Fluttershy called out softly, "i-is somepony t-there" she stammered as a cold wind blew from the forest causing her to step away from the forest slightly.

A low growl could be heard from the treeline and fluttershy could only think it was mr.bear who had just left for his cave.

"Mr. Bear" she started, "i thought you'd gone home for the night" fluttershy finished with a tint of annoyance on her voice as she trotted closer to the treeline with a new confidence. When there was no reply she slowed her trot to a walk then shffle until she stopped moving altogether, face turning from annoyed to slight panic.

"Mr. Bear?" she began hesitantly.

another low growl came from the treeline again, this time deeper and longer followed by another and another. Fluttershy was now starting to panic hazarding a guess at what it could be until her fears were confirmed, the sickly smell drifted up Fluttershy's nose, the breath of none other than a timberwolf.

Fluttershy turned to run for her cottage, or so she thought so but her mind was doing the complete opposite to what her body was doing, she had locked up, unable to move for the fear that would soon be justified.

Then there it was, the darkness was begining to light up and allowed Fluttershy to partially see what she knew was there, the cold green eyes poked through the bush and stained the dark with its stench. However another pair of green eyes appeared close, by the time lights stopped appearing the darkness, the number of eyes was lost to fluttershy as they blurred into a mass of green and growls.

Fluttershy didn't dare look away or close her eyes as small squeeks of terror were heard from her, and a solemn tear ran down her face. She simply backed away slowly before tumbling over small stage she used to set up the squirrels dance routine earlier, as she fell on to her back with a muffled thump she cursed under her breath for it having been there when she needed to get away the most.

Her short thought was quickly eradicated as the branches and twigs began to crack and break under the timberwolves weight as they moved in closer to fluttershy who now lay on the floor a gibbering mass, trying to get up without ever letting her eyes of the giant timberwolves moving towards her.

Fluttershy managed to clamber off the ground and now stared at the timberwolves who now stood mere feet from her, it seemed almost as if they were invading from the everfree. Those green eyes might aswell have stared into Fluttershy's soul as it felt like she was draining away in front of them, her heart was beating so fast now you could almost hear it. She was taking short quick breaths as the panic began to eat her completley.

The Timberwolf at the front of the pack finally moved forward with an almost cocky grin on its face, step by step until it was within swiping distance to Fluttershy.
Poor Fluttershy didn't even have a chance to react as the timberwolf let out a savage snarl, lept forward, smashed its right claw in to Fluttershy's foreleg, letting out a blood curdling scream that could be heard for miles around as she hit the hard ground below.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I sat watching the sunset over Ponyville, my back rested against a lone tree in a small meadow overlooking the small town, it was peaceful just sitting there watching ponies heading home after what I assume was long day of work. Ponyville looked amazing as the sun went down with the golden rays spilling over the horizon and the soft breeze that brushed my wings.

It was strange how being almost immortal could have an effect on you, the first thousand years had been hard but after that things began to settle and my life just worked around the ponies that call this place home. I let a small chuckle ensue as I thought of the fact that no living pony at this moment knew about me, had never seen me, and how well hidden I kept myself. It was actually quite a lonely life but I've managed to just get on with it.
Last of my kind, that was definately a strange feeling though, once many now me, why me? a question even I gave up thinking of awnser for long ago.

I let my hands fall to my lap as I began to relax in the cool summer breeze, it wasn't as if I hadn't seen the sun set many times before but there was something so amazing, so beautiful about it that it just seemed to trap me in a trance everytime. I glance down at Ponyville, the suns now just slipped under the horizon and the lights in peoples homes turn on lighting up the night with a warmth that would be welcome anywhere.

However, no matter how beautiful the sunset is or how much fun the ponies have theres always that feeling of sadness deep inside that ensues whenever I see them chatting and playing around with one another, it almost makes me wish I had someone to talk to, play with, help me enjoy life again.
I did though make a promise to myself though that if I ever came across a pony in trouble or mortal danger I would protect them no matter the cost, it just seemed... right.

I release the thoughts and lean back aginst the tree my wings lie on the ground in a scooped shape around me, my arms and legs on the ground around me as I relax my head against the rough bark as the breeze gently sways the tree behind me and the rustles the leaves in the darkness. The suns almost disappeared now, just the faint glow of what there once was.

I almost slip off into a sleep when I hear it, the scream that could break rocks. A chill shoots up my spine as I jump to my feet, now startled and on edge.

"what the?" I mumble to myself, my royal purple cloak drops down to just above my ankles and my gloves are adorned with metals for protection.

some lights in the small town below turn on in the aftermath of the scream, some ponies are looking out their front doors to see what it was, some even strike a short conversation with neighbours to find out what they know.

"That came from..." I mumble before cutting myself off, knowing full well who that scream belonged to, my eyes go wide as I now race towards the screams direction.

I might not be up to date on pony affairs but I've always told myself that whatever happens, I would always protect the bearers of the elements, with my life if necessary, unfortunately this element bearer just so happened to be the kindest pony I've ever known about.
I begin to run as I let my wings take me from the ground.

"Hold on Fluttershy" I tell myself, "I'm coming".

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Fluttershy was lying on her side quietly sobbing on the floor as tears rolled down her cheeks and pooled on the cold floor below, she tried to move but sharp pains shot up from her leg whenever she moved causing her to slump back down. The animals that had been sleeping were now cowering with fear as they watched their beloved caretaker collapsed on the ground whilst surrounded by timberwolves.
fluttershy's bunny, Angel was watching from the cottage window tapping his foot on the glass as hard as he could, after a few more attempts at breaking the glass he gave up and planted his tiny face to the window. Tears rolled down his eyes and ears had flopped behind his head as he tried to call out from behind the glass.

The timberwolf stood above Fluttershy, its cocky smile plastered on its face said it all, this was it for Fluttershy, all the things she would never get to do, the freinds she would never make, the life that was about to be so cruelly robbed from her.
It all built up in her head and she began a quiet sob onto the dirt ridden floor that was soaked in tears and... something else, 'what is that' she thought, then it hit her like a train, It was blood, blood was pouring out a jarring wound in her leg which she could make out some it was white, 'bone', the thought made her feel queasy as she realised her leg was broken.

Her head fell back to the floor as silent tears rolled of her cheeck and snout on to the ground below. The towering timberwolf looked on letting out what could almost be described as a cackle. The lumbering giant reared up, the other timberwolves looking on behind as the beast let out a loud roar preparing for the final blow.

Fluttershy clenched her eyes shut and grit her teeth wishing that her freinds would know what happened, even now her thoughts were still about others, never herself as she questioned why fate had befallen her like this.

She lay there waiting for the end to come, it felt like ages, maybe she was just seeing things in slow motion. After a few more seconds the blow never came, she peered one eye open while looking through the fog her tears had created, a figure stood there, blurred but the outline was visible enough though. Its wings were spread out in a menacing look as it stared at the timberwolves, stance low to the ground as if ready to fight, it stood there on two legs, arms rased as if protecting.

'protecting' Fluttershy thought, 'i-is he protecting me?', her mind was now racing as she blinked to clear the haze in her eyes.

There on the floor in front of the figure lay the remnants of the timberwolf that had previously been about to kill her, she looked up, mouth slightly ajar from shock and suprise. It stood there staring down the timberwolves, the timberwolves on the other hand began to pour out of the everfree, growling , snarling, preparing to strike down Fluttershys protector.

Fluttershy clenched her teeth, fought through the pain in her leg and forced herself to sit up right, when she was sat down she could see everything from the green eyes stalking around them as the cottage lights shed some light on the area around. It stood there, back to her, its royal purple cloack hanging down almost touching the floor.
It glanced back at her for a breif second, its face telling her that she would be alright despite the slow drip of blood coming from the wound in her leg.

The first timberwolf broke into a sprint towards them, then another. Its motions were fluid as it smashed the first under the chin and then the next one was sent into a nearby tree smashing it to pieces. The timberwolves still numbered many, some were moving around behind them, as if flanking them.

Then they all began a charge at the unknown Guardian stood before them. It continued to fight the timberwolves with as much strength that it could muster.
One by one they would go for the attack.

Everytime they would be smashed as the Guardian would sweep round, dodging attacks to follow with a swift counter.
Fluttershy noticed several timberwolves were preparing to attack from behind, she screamed as best she could giving the guardian just enough time to get to her.
Its wings wrapped around her as the first strike smashed against his back causing a painful grunt.

It clenched its teeth as he spun round removing the protective embrace from Fluttershy another blow to his leg caused him to fall to his knee.
some of the timberwolves let out short cackles as they watched the guardian struggle to his feet.
There was now visible blood dripping down his arm and leg, it stepped forward on his bad leg, letting out a short shout of pain.

It had wings however, and he used this to his advantage as it began to hover just above the ground allowing his other leg to stabalize himself.
Fluttershy looked on, tears ocasionally dripped down her cheeks but there were no sobs or crys, she simply looked at the guardian that had come to her aid in her time of need.

The Guardian now faced the few remaining timberwolves as they began form together in a large group, they began what would be their final attack as they reached striking distance of the guardian.
His agility had been affected greatly though as his wings were not quite as fast as his legs.
The first strike again to his lower chest followed by another to the side of his face causing him to stumble and faulter on his flying, breifly collapsing to the ground.

The timberwolves used this to their advantage, attacking the fallen guardian as he regained his composure.

It struck the first couple of timberwolves to the ground shattering them into pieces, but the last one managed to grapple its teeth around its left wing causing screams of pain and wild thrashing motions with everything the guardian had, doing everything it could to get the beast off of him.
Then it happend, 'SNAP', the bone broke in his wing as the timberwolf was thrown to the ground nearby, he let out a second blood curdling scream that night as his wing fell limply on the floor behind him, the skin was now the only thing that connected him to his appendage.
He collapsed with adull thud onto the ground, now on all fours he simply stared at the floor as the drips of blood poured off of him to create a small pool beneath him.
Shakily he began to recover, using every ounce of energy left to push himself back to his feet.

The timberwolf simply walked back and forth as if eyeing him up before it made its choice, the heavy thumping on the ground where the timberwolf would hit the floor with more force than necessary almost as if to be more intimidating.
Then it began to settle in one spot, staring straight towards the injured Guardian, the rage in its breaths grew and grew until the final timberwolf made its last attack.
The timberwolf was abruptly stopped in its tracks as what must have been the force of a truck smashed in to its chest, breaking into thousands of twigs and lumps of wood.

It stood there breathing heavily whilst stood on shaky legs, blood dripping down his back, arms and legs. His once beautiful cloack now rested on him as a torn cloth.
Fluttershy started hobbling towards it as he fell to his knee trying to regain some strength.

"T-thank y-you" she said shakily

"Any- anything for y-", gasping for air, "you Fluttershy" he stuttered

Fluttershy was suprised that he even knew her name, she'd never seen him or anything like him before.

"L-lets...", doing his best to speak he forced the sentance through his pained breathing, "Lets g-get 'pant' you s-s-somewhere s-safe."

Before she could say anymore she was swept into his arms, her broken leg protected by his good wing.
He began to hobble towards Ponyville, ignoring the pain in his leg and only letting his face screw up slightly every now and then to keep his shouts and screams at bay. He began to quicken his pace slightly knowing that her freinds would probably want to know about her and know she was safe.

She leaned into his shoulder and began to cry profusely, letting out all the pain she felt inside and how happy she was to be alive. The guardian continued hobbling towards Ponyville with fluttershy in his grasp.

Now having regained his breath, he realised how much distress the young mare must be in, He adjusted his wing slightly to even out her weight and ensure she was secure by wrapping the wing in a neat cup to keep her from slipping, and pulled her into a tight comforting embrace, before carefully reaching down to stroke her mane, soothing her into quieter sobs and eventually occasional whimpers.

"Shhh" the guardian began, "it'll be alright now."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Most of the town was now awake and reasonably active considering it was very early morning, Applejack made her way to golden Oaks Library to see if Twilight knew what the scream could be, or WHO it could be.
As she approached the library, she could see her friends through the window discussing what it was, well thats what she thought at least. Applejack approached the door and knocked, as her hoof hit the ground a second scream, this time much more powerfull sounding, swiftly applejack swung round to see the direction of the scream was towards the Everfree forest.

The door swung open behind her revealling Spike stood there in what could be assumed as half awake mode.

"Oh, hey Applejack", he spoke while stiffling a yawn "Come on... 'another yawn', come on in"

"Thanks sugarcube, da you know what that scream was?"

"Nope, but I know it woke twilight", he rolled his eyes over to Twilight, "and now i'll never get to sleep, you know shes been pacing back and forth trying to figure out what it was" he spoke the last bit barely audible so only Applejack could hear.
Applejack just nodded and headed in to the library with a slumped dragon following close behind.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash were sat at a table talking about something when they noticed Applejack had arrived.

"Hey applejack" Dash said, "you hear the scream too?"

"Ah certaintly would'nt be hear if a hadn't"

Upon hearing the conversation Pinkie and Rarity made there way to the main room from the kitchen, Pinkie being her usual self bounced out, hyperactive as always.
Applejack quickly scanned the room quickly realising there was no fluttershy.

"uh... wheres Fluttershy?" Applejack spoke with a hint of worry in her voice.

The other four looked around at each other, swapping curious glances, Twilight opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by Rarity.

"I'm sure shes fine dear" Rarity looked straight towards applejack, "the poor things probably shut her self in that cottage of hers having heard that horrific noise."

"I hope shes okay" Twilight notioned.

"Ah sure hope so Twi, I'd hate for anything to happen to her since... er... y'know"

"Know what Applejack?" Dash asked curiously.

"Y'know shes not exactly the most confident mare, she might be terrified of something like this"

"pfft" Pinkie quickly swatted her hoof through the air, "shes waaaay stronger than what you think she is, she'll be here soon, my Pinkie sense told me so" Pinkie finished with her usual beaming smile, comforting her friends thoughts about Fluttershy.

"you're right Pinkie" Dash started, "but she can get easily scared"

Before Pinkie could respond another of her famous senses kicked off, right rear hoof shake, foppy ears, shaking tail and eye flutter.

"Whats that one sugarcube?"

"Apparently Fluttershy's bringing a visitor too", Pinkie sat and looked at the others.

The other four looked a little confused, Dash and Twilight just shrugged it off but Rarity began to look a little shocked before allowing mild anger to spread to her face.

"You mean shes found a coltfreind!" she began, "AND SHE DIDN'T TELL ME!!!!", Rarity was now seething, almost threatning to explode.

"Nope" Pinkie responded chirpily.

Rarity now began to calm down, taking deep breaths too calm herself further, "oh" she began, now looking a little sheepish with a small blush appearing as to how silly she must have looked, "Maybe I overreacted a bit" she mumbled.

"Err just a bit Rares" Rainbow snapped, "I mean this is Fluttershy, we shouldn't be stood here when shes out there, probably cowering in her cottage...", Dash then stopped, eyes widening, "... where the screams came from..." she trailed off.

"well nellie, we best go and check on her" Applejack stated.

The other four in the room nodded in agreement, and turned for the door, but before could even take a step towards the door, a heavy knock came from the door.
The mares inside the library looked at each other, unsure whether to awnser or not given the circumstances and how late it was. Then it sounded again, this time heavier than before, almost as being smashed with brute force.
Twilight slowly moved forward towards the door, biting her lip in uncertainty. The others simply looked at the door but stayed near Twilight incase anything should happen.
Before they could even reach the door, a loud grunting could be heard as the door was blown off its hinges and sent flying into a nearby wall.

The Five inside the library jumped back in shock, no... fear of whatever had just smashed the door down.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The walk to Ponyville was hard, harder than I ever thought possible, the blood was pouring down my leg now and I was beginning to feel slightly weak. I shook my head violently to get rid of the light headedness, but only served to somehow make it worse.
Everynow and then I would remind myself why I was doing this, walking into Ponyville and revealing myself to the residents of Equestria after all these years of just watching and silently protecting against threats unknown to the ponykind before me.Looking down and seeing the sleeping mare in my wing almost brought a smile to my face, well it would have if I wasn't using all my energy to just stay conscious and get to the library, but somehow it felt more personal, almost as if a calling, a want to be accepted again and have things I've missed for so many years, friends, social interaction and most of all, a life.

As I entered the outskirts of the town an overwhelming feeling was telling me to run, find a new place to hide, but I ignored it and continued to limp my way through the town.
Everynow and then my broken wing bump off of the rocks on the ground, sending a sharp pain up through my wing base and into my back.
I grimaced at the sensation, "Hnnngh" was all the noise I could make through gritted teeth whenever the pain popped up.

The mare in my wing was beggining to stir, then without warning brought her good leg up around my neck and held on tight, looking down I could see a little smile appear on her face giving me all the motivation I needed to get to my destination.

"Are we there yet?" the meek voice spoke softly, eyes still closed, head on my chest.

I couldn't help it, I just chuckled lightly to myself before responding, "nearly there", my voice now sore and croaky, I tried to clear my throat but no avail as a small goblet of blood spluttered out instead. Hastily I wiped the blood away before feeling a little light headed.
I could feel the wet on my leg as I walked and the scratches on my face and back, everything was sore. 'Eveything' I repeated to myself in my head.

I must've gotten carried away in my own thoughts because when I looked up we were deep into Ponyville and nearing the library, I saw ponies looking at me funny before scurrying into their houses faster than anything I had seen move before. I thought to myself breifly, 'so this is what it must have been like for Zecora before they got to know her', silently I hoped I wouldn't get the same treatment but the evidence was obvious to me with the ponies running scared. Then my wing caught on something, it was sharp and had lodged itself on one of my primary feathers, grimacing at the pain I tore the feather out letting myself be free as I stumbled back a few steps before regaining what little composure I had left.

I paid no attention to it though as my goal was now in front of me, maybe a hundred metres or so. That was when I saw the flurry of activity inside the library as shadows danced around the inside. I quickened my pace to the door, as I reached the door I could hear voices inside, one very corny southern accent caught my attention, I was certain this was Applejack.
Quickly I mustered some more strength and brought my shaky hand to the door, I could hear all activity had ceased inside the library, nothing moved so I knocked again louder this time.
Some light shuffling caught my attention then stopped again, at this point I was now getting rather impatient.

I stepped back, secured Fluttershy tightly to my chest and prepared to smash the door down, running hard and ignoring as much pain as I could, gritted my teeth as my left shoulder smashed into the door sending it flying, aswell as me collapsing onto the floor back first as to protect the pony in my wing, I let a sharp muffled shout out as the pain that was in my back and wing went into overdrive.
After what seemd an eternity on the floor I scrambled to my feet only to get a sick feeling well up and the worst light headed headache ever.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The shock of having something burst through the door spent everypony in the room into a deadfast shock. The thing that had burst through the door had smashed into the floor with considerable force and sent out a yelp of pain. He then just lay there, 'probably making sure hes ok' Twilight thought. However his brief rest on the floor was over quickly when he jumped up pretty fast before clutching his head and stumbling over to the nearby sofa for support.

That was when Rainbow noticed the pink lock of hair hanging from the edge of his wing, without thinking her protective instinct kicked in, taking off and lunging towards the half-conscious guardian. She smashed into him with brute force sending him into the nearby wall and then to then onto his knees as he collapsed from the blow he had just taken.

"RAINBOW!" Twilight reacted as fast as she could, using her magic to grab Dash mid attack.

"LEMME GO TWILIGHT!" Dash seethed, "Hes hurt Fluttershy, hes gotta pay"

"No he hasn't ya overgrown foal" Applejack snapped.

Dash turned around to see Fluttershy flop out of the guardians wing, now weakened to such an extent he could no longer keep hold of the mare.
Fluttershy fell to the ground with a mufled yelp of pain as she hit the rock hard floor, opening her eyes the first thing she saw was her guardian bent double clutching his stomach whilst on his knees, then she realised where she was, she was on the floor of the library, realising this she quickly tried to get up having forgotten about her foreleg, as she scrambled to her hooves she collapsed again as the pain of the leg was too much to bear.

without warning she was surrounded by a blue aurora as she was lifted and gently placed onto the sofa, now she was sat up, fur matted from blood and tears earlier that night, she turned her head and mouthed 'thank you' to her guardian. The Guardian simply let out a groan as he let some blood from his mouth splatonto the floor.
Fluttershy quickly turned around to face her friends, relieved to see them again but at the same time she held an expression of anger towards Dash, Dash simply looked confused at Fluttershy's reaction.

"Flutters" she began, "he was going to hurt you, no, he has hurt you" her expresion turning from sympathy for the mare into anger directed at the guardian who was now sitting upright against the wall trying to get some air.

"NO" Fluttershy snapped back, "he saved my LIFE Dash".

At this comment all rage towards the guardian ceased as Dash looked at Fluttershy, "huh?"

"I was attacked by timberwolves" she started.

The other five in the room gave a gasp of horror.

"Oh you poor thing Fluttershy, I do hope you weren't hurt... too, um badly" Rarity spoke as she glanced down to the bone sticking out of Fluttershy's leg.

"I'll live Rarity, thank you for the concern", Fluttershy then looked over to the guardian who was now getting quite pale, "but he saved my life and was badly injured doing so."

"pfft, I could take out a few timberwolves and escape without a scratch" Dash boasted proudly.

"Oh no Dash, there were many more than a few." Fluttershy said being taken back abit by the commenrt.

"Well how many then sugarcube" Applejack asked.

"If I were to give a number, um probably a- um, a hundred or m-more" Fluttershy said her voice getting quieter as she went on.

"A-a hundred, o-or more", Dash's jaw dropped abit and she ceased flapping her wings and landed.

The other mares in the room looked about the same, then turned their attention to the guardian who was now begining to slump over to the side, still giving sharp breaths as his eyes kept trying to shut.
Realising this Twilight shot over to the guardian side to asess his condition, a paniced look hit her face when she saw some of the wounds on him, deep claw marks buried into his leg, still letting out what little crimson liquid was left in him, his face had a single scratch, not as deep but still painful looking running down his face and over his eye, the royal purple cloack he wore was in tatters, she then turned her attention to his wings, they were retracted behind his back at the time, well the right one was, the left one hung down as being held on by a piece of string, half upright and the other half folded forward on the floor. Without even having to examine it she could see it was badly broken. She carefully extended the broken wing to reveal what was possibly the most incredible feather pattern she had ever seen, the colors of the rainbow ran along the bottom and gradually faded to black as it neared the joint on his back, Twilight looke over to the guardian.

"Don't worry" Twilight began, "we'll make you better again, and thank you" she rubbed her hoof over her other forehoof and hung her head as if in shame, "I-I don't know what would've happened to Fluttershy if you... if you..." she trailed off as tears began down her face.

That was then a shaky hand cupped under her chin and lifted her head up to his, "I know" he whispered, he looked at the other five in the room as his hand dropped away, they were all looking at him, teary eyed, even Dash who had caused him even more pain than he had already recieved. Dash stepped forward, her shield dropping away to reveal her more sensitive side. She wasn't crying but there were visible tears ready to spill over her eyes at a moments notice.

"I-I'm sorry" she said quietly, "what you did for Fluttershy... thank you" a solitary tear made its way down her face, ahe stepped closer to the guardian, hesitant considering she had pretty much thrown him to the floor, her voice was whispy and soft, "I'm sorry."

The guardian nodded towards Dash and took his arm around her neck pulling her into a hug before pushing both Dash and Twilight away as he made to get up.
First he fell forward to his knees and then pushed himself up to his feet, he didn't even notice the two mares beside him, preventing him from falling to the floor again, he collapsed to his knees next to Fluttershy who was still lying on the sofa with her broken leg.

"Now" he begun, "lets get this bone back in place" he looked at Fluttershy with his best sympathy face in his current state, "now this is gonna hurt" he spoke softly.

Fluttershy nodded for him to continue and braced herself for more pain, when she felt his hands rest on her exposed bone she gritted her teeth and clenched her eyes shut.
Then without warning, 'CRUNCH' as the bone slipped back into place, Fluttershy's mouth fell open to scream but no noise was heard, just the few tears of pain sliding down her face.

"Now it'll take some time to heal" he said shuffling backwards slightly and falling to sit on his heels whilst crouched. That was when Applejack, Pinkie whos mane had deflated slightly, and was being strangely quiet at that moment and Rarity, together they saw the huge bloodied gashes on the guardians back, they all went wide eyed at the size of the gashes whilst jaws hung agape.
Without warning the guardian fell over onto his side heavily, the mares jumped back a little before they rushed to his side, they quickly scooped him up and rushed him to a nearby room to treat his injuries, leaving Fluttershy lying on the couch staring at the direction they had just gone.

As his eyes began to close and everything blurry he brought a smile to his face knowing that he was going to be fine, and that he hadn't died alone.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I sat up blinking blearily, everything was very white and cloudy looking. I carefully get to my feet to look around, but ther was nothing, no landmarks, no hills, nadda, even the pain from saving Fluttershy was gone and my light headedness had disappeared too.
I take a step forward in the expanse of fluffy white when a man in front of a golden gate appears in front of me, causing me to jump a little.

"H-hello" I asked cautiously.

"Be with you in a moment laddie" the bearded man said, voice slightly boomy, "now I see you've done alot in your life, considering how long you've lived its not suprising"

"What?" I ask slightly confused, "could you tell me where I am?"

The bearded man stops writing and looks up at me with a smirk, "you seriously don't know?"


"The fluffy whit clouds, golden gate don't give you a hint"

"erm... no" I ask hesitantly.

"well then laddie, welcome to heaven" the man suddenly sounds a fair bit chirpier than before.

"You said something about my age, could you, erm i dunno, tell me how long i've lived?" I asked hesitantly.

"Sure" the man replies with a smile, "364,984"

My mouth falls open, it has definetly not felt like that long since I was born, or has it, it's hard to recall the past probably because theres so much of it.
A gentle breeze catches me and ruffles my hair a bit, but the old man dosen't seem to be affected by the breeze.

"Well it seems your the first one here in a long time since almost all your kind went extinct" he pauses, "bar you of course" he says shooting me a smile.

Another more powerful wind hits me again this time pushing me back a bit, again though the bearded man looks completely unaffected, he just smiles at me and walks over to me.

"Now you be good, you hear me" the man says as he slaps my arms with a huge heart warming smile.

"What?" now i'm definetly confused, then a huge blast of air smashes into me, ripping me from the bearded mans grip.
Before i realise whats happening i'm flying backwards at what feels like a hundred miles an hour, while everything around me begins to fade to black.

I groan, all the pain that had disappeared was uddenly back and it had hit me like a train, then I heard voices, multiple voices, everything was very muffled but I manged to open my eyes and there standing above me was a butter yellow pegasus with a long pink droopy mane, everything was blurry but becoming clearer by the second.
Then a voice came throughthe muffle, soft and caring.

"I think he's awake Twilight"

A desperate 'phew' was heard to my right as i strained to turn my head but it was too painful too do anything.

"Well i'll be damned, ya did it" a deep southern accent said.

"I knew you could do it dear" another voice, this time posh and proper.

"Way to go guys" that exubrant voice could be recognised anywhere, Rainbow Dash.

"Wooo, now we can throw a super duper, Twilight and Fluttershy saved the guardian that saved FLUTTERSHY PARTY" Pinkie had obviously gained her super duper party attitude back.

That was when Fluttershy leaned down to my ear, smile almost as big as Pinkies, and said, "My turn to save you".

Author's Note:

After my recent story attempt (and fail :raritydespair:), I decided that this should revolve around a similar turn of events that have played out differently.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this, if so give it a thumbs up.

Also there won't be anything new from me for a while due to theamount of work I have on just now, it was hard enough getting this out.
Again feel free to spot me on my mistakes and any feedback is always welcome. :ajsmug:

Comments ( 2 )

A bit odd but not bad.. Not bad at all..

Loved that ending :raritywink:

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