• Published 4th Nov 2014
  • 371 Views, 3 Comments

Papa Granpappy's Halloween Spooktacular The First - Granpappy

A compilation of one spooky story sure to shock and terrify boys and girls of all ages.

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And then there was a ghost!

Twilight Spankle sat at home, staring out the window as rain slammed into the window one cold Nightmare Night. This weather had plagued Ponyville for six days and the Pegasi weren't doing anything about it, as protest for The Princesses allowing Jews into the workforce.

Twilight trotted around her library desperate for something to do, she gazed out at the Nightmare Night Parade and half considered going, but then she remembered she was a loser (and her friends only tolerated her presence due to her worrying access to Magic Kush) and scrapped that idea. Twilight sat down on her chair, finally accepting yet another night of loneliness. She begun to read when all of a sudden, a brick flew through her front window and knocked out all her teeth. She coughed up blood, and stood back up.

"What the buck was that, you baboon!?" She chided at her unknown assailant, "oh hey, there's a note on it."

She picked up the brick and started to untie the string which bound the note to the block. This proved harder than she would have thought, as she has hooves and as a result is unable to tie or untie knots. After five minutes of struggle, she pried the note from the brick and looked inside, shock crept across her face. The not was written in blood! Not just any blood though, Hyper-Realistic blood! And pentagrams! And lude fan fictions involving twilight and her parents! The note read, 'i am gon cut u bich, luv Scootaloo with a Pumpkin Mask and a Knife'.

"I wonder who it could be?" Queried Twilight whilst scratching her beard. She also sprouted a blood nose.

Twilight pondered the information she had been given. Who was this dastardly fiend? Why did she want Twilight? And why did these pants make her butt look big? She was so confused, perhaps it was the Princesses pulling another prank? She called out for spike to get off his fat ass and send a message to the princesses, but no answer came. It was then that Twilight begun to panic, she just realised that spike was late for his Nightmare a night fap session, and THAT was one thing he was always punctual for. She ran around her library looking for signs of the purple dragons evening antics, but found nothing. Whoever this 'Scootaloo with a Pumpkin Mask and a Knife' was, and whatever he or she had planned, needed Twilight to be completely alone on this Nightmare Night.