• Published 9th Oct 2014
  • 306 Views, 11 Comments

Equestria Under Siege - Willfire

A stalemate keeps half of Equestria lifeless and half hanging by a thread. Something has to give...

  • ...

Chapter 8: A Light in the Darkness

Chapter 8
A light in the Darkness

It has been three weeks since the fall of Ponyville, the new defensive line held against the Quil attacks with the Everfree being a natural barrier for the Quil to smash against. The creatures of the Everfree seemed to rebel at the Quil presence in their boundaries and spent their time attacking the Quil and leaving the Everfree Base alone. Even with the creatures aiding the base, along with Fluttershy ‘encouraging’ their aid, they have suffered quite a few attacks. But the Irregulars turned Armed Forces fought with honor and valor pushing back the attacks again and again with few losses. With each attack Twilight, and the brilliant minds from Ponyville, found and shored up weakness in the walls and defenses making the Everfree base stronger and stronger.

For the first week Twilight felt like commanding a base was something beyond her, but as she learned about those under her command, delegating the work to those who can do it better or more effectively, she naturally began to improve. Her friends quickly moved to places to best help their friend. Applejack’s down to earth attitude along with being a well known member of the town quickly became the go to mare when Twilight was occupied with research or other aspects of the base, becoming Twilights second in command. Pinkie Pie, her natural exuberance and natural instinct to know everyone in the base made her a natural Quartermaster and dealing with the supplies and supply trains. Plus the hidden party supplies appearing from time to time told everyone exactly who was in charge of the supplies. Rainbow Dash took command of the Winged Folk squads, training and drilling. She was a rough trainer but within two weeks noticeable improvements were seen from the squads. Rarity and Fluttershy worked through the soldiers and medics respectively taking reports and directing them as best they could when Twilight was busy.

Busy she was, after three weeks her experiments and testing finally had given back results. As she stared at the results her mind rejected them, her eyes blanking out.

{No, no, no. Yet the results were there staring at me. There has to be another way to do this…}

“Twilight, you down here?” A voice called out causing Twilight to blink, snapping her out of the shock. She looked over her should at a shadow coming down the stairs to her lab. She glanced at Spike who fell asleep nearby. She looked back at the paper and flipped it over out of sight as Applejack stepped into view. “Twilight ya got a moment. You got a message from General Celestia, she’s calling for a general meeting of all base commanders along the front lines. Guess that means you are going on a trip. Want someone to come with ya?”

“Yeah, I could don't know who yet. Where is the meeting located?” Twilight asked her. She stood up and grabbed a few papers off the desk she was sitting at. Then she went around the room collecting supplies and other tidbits.

“Canterlot Castle, war room in two days. Got any idea who’s going with you?” Applejack asked as she watched Twilight move around the room.

“Since there is no truly safe way to get to Canterlot Castle from here, even the supply trains sometimes need to fight their way through to get to us, I’m going to fly. I’ll take Sunset Shimmer and Trixie, they will fly escort for me. Thank you can hold down the fort for me Applejack?”

“Can do Twi, can do.” Applejack pushed her Stetson, something she was never without any more, farther back over her head as she looked over at Spike. “Should I wake him sugercube?”

“Nah, I got him.” Twilight said as her horn lit up and Spike was enveloped by a purple aura. He floated towards the stairs as Twilight made her was there as well with a small stack of folders under one arm with Applejack right behind her. “I’ll let him sleep for a bit. It’s only a five hour flight to Canterlot and we will only be potentially exposed to Quil for about thirty minutes, Rainbow can fly a few wings with us as insurance through the danger zone then circle back to keep the base safe." Twilight paused a moment, her hand on her chin. "No not a few wings, only a half a wing I don’t want the base to be unprotected for long and it is an hour round trip for Rainbow and her wings, a window I don’t want." She started walking again as she talked. "Find her and tell her to hand pick seven Winged Folk, along with her, to fly escort. Then find Sunset Shimmer and Trixie and tell them to get ready for an escort tomorrow. We will be leaving at 0630 hours. I need to grab a few things before we go.” Twilight said as the three of them reached the main hall. “Applejack, do me a favor, once Rainbow gets back put the base on Yellow Alert and put the troops through class AA drills.”

Applejack blinked, pausing in mid step. “Class AA drills, those are training drills for fighting over whelming numbers of Quil. Used as ‘last stand’ drills. Twi, you know something don’t you?” She asked as she quickly caught up to Twilight and the still sleeping Spike.

“All I can tell you is that I think I found something. Something that may turn this war around, and if what I think happens then we will be flying right into the thick of it. I’m counting on you AJ, I’ll try to get us some time though I know everyone here would love a chance to show the Quil that Ponyville is only down and NOT out.” Twilight turned to look at her. “But for the moment don’t tell anyone what is going on. I don’t want to get someone’s hopes up.” She placed her hand on Applejack’s shoulder. “Do me proud AJ, I’m counting on you.” She glanced out the window and saw Luna’s night starting to spread over the sky as she dropped her hand. “I’m going to put Spike to bed then finish up a few reports before I go too. I need to get some sleep for tomorrow.”

Applejack grinned as she threw a sharp salute saying good night before she went to take over the night shift with a wave over her shoulder. She walked with a mossy, her hands in her pocket whistling a lively tune. As Twilight watched her go a grim thought crossed her mind.

{This might be one of the few times I get to see her.}


As dawn broke over the forest it found Twilight standing on the edge of the Hanger overlooking the forest. She didn't turn as the clomping of boots on the metal hanger floor approached.

“Ma’am, 1st Sergeant Sunset Shimmer and Master Sergeant Trixie reporting for duty.” Sunset Shimmer said from behind her. Twilight heard three boot heels click together as they pulled to attention.

“Staff Sergeant Rainbow Dash reporting Ma’am.”

“Good, are we ready to go?” Twiligth asked them her gaze never leaving the forest before her.

“We will be ready in twenty minutes. Final equipment checks and preflights to do.” Rainbow told her. She paused a moment then spoke again. “You ok Twilight? You seem kinda out of it you know?”

“I’m thinking about something.” Twilight said quietly.

Rainbow glanced at Sunset Shimmer and Trixie, both of them mirrored the concern on her face.

“Spill it Egghead, we spent over two months together we know when you are thinking about something and when you have a serious problem.” Shimmer said. She dropped her attention stance and crossed her arms looking at Twilight.

“Ok fine, I’m nervous about this meeting, every commanding officer from every base in Equestria will be there. All of them are full fledged officers and I’m only enlisted, it is only by Celestia’s orders that I’m even in charge of this base. I just know someone will bring up that fact. Thanks to our position and what we do to keep pressure off of Canterlot, this post is high profile. You know how many of those officers would kill to get such a post?" Twilight let her gaze drift up towards the predawn sky. "And what of the soldiers? So far all of them are from Ponyville with few exceptions. If they put someone else in charge this whole base will collapse.” Twilight slowly turned to look at the three of them, a solemn look in her eyes. “Not that I’m going to let that happen, I’m pretty proud of this place." Twilight flashed a smile towards the three of them. "Finish prepping and let me know when we are ready to leave. Dismissed.” She turned back towards the forest.

As the three of them walked away Rainbow looked at Sunset while stealing a glance at Twilight. “You two been around her longer than I have, something is really up right? It’s not just me right?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Trixie has seen Twilight go neurotic over simple things, but this is something different. Trixie doesn’t know.” Trixie told her worried.

“I have to agree with Miss Third Person here, Twilight panics but doesn’t go morbid. This is something completely different.” Sunset told her causing Rainbow Dash to pause in midstep.

“Shimmer, Trixie, I need you two to do me a favor.” Rainbow said looking at them. “Twilight did me and the others here a solid. Something few of us feel they can ever repay. Many of the folk from Ponyville would be dead if it wasn’t for her flying cover as she did. No one has done that for me so I want to do everything I can to help her.”

“She earned your loyalty didn’t she?” Sunset asked her.

“The loyalty of me and every single person in this base. Me and Fluttershy by not only saving us once but twice. Pinkie Pie and Rarity by saving those of their home town they care about and Applejack by helping her reunite with her brother. And it goes without saying every single folk from Ponyville will follow Twilight into Tartarus and back at a word. Celestia problely saw the writing on the wall when she put Twilight in charge. Right now, Twilight has her own small army willing to die for her. Keep her safe out there or you will have to deal with me, understand?” Rainbow told the two of them then she turned on a heel and went to find her escort wing without waiting on a response.

“Trixie believes she is a strange one, but she means well. Trixie would say we need to do what she says, something tells me that failing would not be wise.” Trixie said. Sunset nodded in agreement as the two of them went back to check equipment with one last look at Twilight’s back.


Twilight looked down at the grounds below watching the foals play, few of the older fillies and colts watching over them. Three of whom were armed, cleaning and maintaining weapons and a single jeep. Despite the uniform of the Irregulars they wore Twilight quickly recognized the former Cutie Mark Crusaders as they laughed with each other as they watched over the foals. Despite the laughter at least one of them kept their eyes towards the walls as they worked. She smiled slightly that even in the face of war fillies like Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were still being fillies despite all that has happened.

Twilight was also happy that Sweetie Belle recovered from her mana burn and was back on her feet, even working on her shields impressing Twilight to no end. There was a slight pain of regret as Twilight watched them. She didn't want to add them to the rotation of base patrols and guard duties but they insisted, even in the face of Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash protests.

It was she heard the squeals of joy from the foals as three teenage dragons ran up to them and started a simple game of chase by the looks of it. She recognized the purple and green form of Spike as he and one other dragoness with blue scales and red spines ran from another dragoness with dull yellow scales and green spines. Unlike the others she had small wings, and hers were usable in her current form. All three were running around in their smaller two legged forms. The blue one was Shimmer’s dragon, Skylght and the Yellow one was Trixie’s dragon, Gypsy. At least they were having fun and Spike had friends his own age and species.

Twilight reached up to her mouth and gave a sharp whistle causing everyone on the ground to look up. With a wave at the three dragons she motioned for them to come on up and for the rest to have fun. It took a moment but the foals quickly went back to playing seeing as the adults weren’t telling them to go back to the castle and the older ones visibly relaxed. Gypsy, on the other hand, grabbed Spike and Skylight and with powerful flaps of her small wings she flew the three of them to the hanger.

“What’s up Twilight??” Spike asked as they landed.

“We are going to hit air in fifteen minutes. You three ready?” Twilight told them. A slow smile spread across their faces as they looked at each other.

“Time to hit air and ride fire.” Skylight said as she rubbed her claws together eagerly.

“To show off all our best moves.” Gypsy said posing in what she thought was an intimidating manner, trying not to laugh madly. Twilight struggled to keep from laughing at her as Gypsy looked at Spike.

“Oh yeah, time to have some fun.” Spike grinned. He started to walk towards one of the dragon bays nearby followed by the other two. All three laughing like mad dragons.

“Did he infect them or did they infect him?” Twilight muttered as he watched the three of them walk away.


“Escort wing, you are cleared for launch. Star’s Speed Escort Wing.” The voice called over the comm lines.

“This is Escort Wing, Escort One acknowledging.” Rainbow Dash said into her helmet speaker. “Escort Wing launching!” Rainbow looked at the six Winged Folk behind her and motioned for them to follow her. Turning back she ran full tilt towards the edge of the hanger and jumped off. With powerful flaps of their wings they took off and hovered over the forest waiting for Twilight. “Escort Wing in position, waiting for our charge CnC.”

”Acknowledged Escort Wing. Commander Sparkle, you and your Riders are cleared for launch.” The voice of the Everfree CnC called out.

Twilight rolled her eyes, her rank was 1st Sergeant yet they insisted on calling her Commander. Technically they were in the right with that but she didn’t like it.

“This is 1st Sergeant Sparkle, launching now.” Twilight said as Spike started forward to the edge of the hanger. With a sweep of her hand she and her two escorts dived off the hanger edge to catch air with open wings. It took only a few seconds for them to gain altitude, with Rainbow Dash and her escort pulling in behind them, and start flying north.

Thirty minutes later as Rainbow Dash waved goodbye and heading back towards the base leaving Twilight with Sunset and Trixie as they flew north.

”Twilight, any reason for the silent treatment? From one friend to another.” Sunset asked over the comms.

“Something I really can’t talk about Sunset. It is something…personal.” Twilight told her.

”I’m calling you on that one Twilight. This is more than normal, I’ve see you neurotic to the point of frizzy mane and tail like you stuck your finger in a light socket. You are almost anti-social right now so spill it.” Sunset called back.

Twilight sighed and hung her head down. “I don’t want to tell you right now because I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up.”

“Then Trixie says you should be almost bouncing over there. Even Trixie can see the cloud hanging over your head. Trixie wonders if a Winged Folk can even move that.” Trixie called from her other side.

“I don’t want to do this you two. I have something on my mind and it yes it does feel like a dark cloud. I’m asking nicely right now, please don’t ask about it.” Twilight told them calmly.

”Then cheer up before I call Pinkie for an intervention. Knowing that crazy mare she will be happy to ‘cheer’ you up.” Sunset laughed over the comm lines. A laugh that soon spread to Trixie and even Twilight.

With a lighter mood the rest of the flight was done in silence minus the required check ins to the ECNC and Canterlot.


(Canterlot Castle War Room 1300 hours the Next Day)

Twilight looked around the room feeling VERY out of place. Everyone around her was either Full Bird Colonels, many of the base or region commanders, or above like General Celestia and General Luna. Even those that couldn’t make it to this council still sent at least Majors in their places and each of them had at least one aide with them. While the Everfree base was not a small base and now played a key role in keeping the pressure off of Canterlot, and the reason for the inclusion to this meeting, the smaller fire bases or outposts didn’t have a presence today. Twilight felt she was trapped in a pool filled with alligators and someone started to drain the water away.

“Wow, check the faces today. It’s like a who’s who of the Top military commanders of the Equestrian Armed Forces.” Sunset chuckled. “There Colonel Spitfire of Cloudsdale and commander of the Wonderbolts. Colonel Steel Shod from the Appleloosa, Major Prism from the Alpha Outpost. Of course General Celestia and Captain Shining Armor from Phoenix Base along with General Luna and the captain of her special forces. Yeah, each and everyone here could reduce you to a private in a heartbeat.”

“No pressure or anything.” Trixie whispered into Twilight’s ear. Twilight just rolled her eyes refusing to let her nerves get the better of her right now as she scanned the room. Her eyes feel on one she didn’t recognize.

“Who’s that over there? The black one with the odd uniform.” Twilight asked pointing at a tall mare with black skin that almost shined. She had blue silk like hair and her uniform, a set of Armed Forces fatigues, had the shiny black pieces covering vital places.

“That has to be Queen Chrysalis. She is the Queen of the Changelings here in Equestria after they were run from their homes in the deep south. Their numbers are thin but they are ferocious fighters. I heard she lost an entire company in that battle for Cloudsdale that you were lost from but they single handedly held off the Quil assault with two mares from Reaper squad until the Cloudsdale defenders could get air born.” Sunset said.

“Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, yeah, I saved the both of them before the secret weapon of Cloudsdale could fire. Rainbow Dash told me the story.” Twilight told her as Celestia stood up and banged a gavel on the table. She looked around as the table fell silent.

“Welcome everyone to this meeting. I know this is not exactly the way we want to meet, the stalemate nearly broken against us but thanks to the quick actions of 1st Sergeant Twilight Sparkle and her team the line has only shifted slightly and not in a serious way.” Celestia said as she motioned towards Twilight. “The Everfree base as you know has become one more lynch pin in the defense of Canterlot offering support and backup as needed and thus why Twilight Sparkle is a part of this meeting.”

“A simple 1st Sergeant, not even an officer, to run the base.” Spitfire said interrupting Celestia. She looked over the rim of her aviator glasses at Twilight as she brushed off the sleeve of her flight dress blues. “What happened General Celestia did you not have someone to take over? I mean no disrespect and I’m not trying to be insubordinate but I have to ask. You know the regulations, Armed Forces personnel take over in the event of a new base being set up from fleeing cowardly irregulars.”

“Permission to speak freely?” Twilight suddenly called out her voice loud and clear. The anger in her voice apparent. Celestia nodded as she tried to hide a small smile behind one of her wings. She could see Twilight’s mane was smoldering slightly from anger. “Call the Ponyville forces cowards one more time and you will find the Quil to be the least of your worries. I fought in the skies over Ponyville as those ‘cowards’ died to protect the town without flinching once until General Celestia herself called the retreat. They were willing to die to the last for that town and for Equestria. I had Ponyville Winged Folk squads and Changeling squads on my six the entire flight and none of them blinked at such overwhelming forces.” She looked at Queen Chrysalis. “I’ll like to take this moment to express my gratitude for the timely arrival of your forces to Ponyville. If any of your forces need a place to rest and or recover, the Everfree base welcomes them.” Chrysalis blinked in surprise but nodded at her.

Then Twilight turned the table again. “Maybe you check your reports again, just in case. I would take the Ponyville troops over the Wonderbolts any day.” Twilight’s hair burst into flames as her skin paled out with barely constrained rage. From both sides of Twilight both Sunset Shimmer and Trixie nodded to each other then grabbed the glasses of water that sat before them. With fluid motions from both the glasses of water were emptied into Twilight’s face causing the fire that was her mane to die restoring it to her natural coloring. She sat down taking a deep breath to get her anger under control. While she was only base commander for three weeks she has grown to understand and care for those under her command. She looked at the two mares sitting with her. “Thanks. I needed that.”

“No problem, though I think I owe Pinkie Pie twenty Bits.” Sunset Shimmer said with a roll of her eyes.

Spitfire nodded as she pulled her glasses off with a smirk at the display. “Filly got teeth and loyal soldiers. Ok Sparkle you impressed me. My own impressions with irregulars during this forsaken war has colored my view of them. I think its time I saw an in-depth report on what happened in Ponyville."

Luna took that time to interrupt. “And with those passionate words for the soldiers of the Everfree Base I would like to point out that it was General Celestia who appointed Twilight as the base’s commanding officer.” Luna called out with a small smile. “As I did read the full report, if anyone is curious as to how Ponyville lasted as long as it did from an overwhelming Quil force I'm sure Twilight would be happy to pass out research notes, Twilight was former R&D to let you know.” Luna stood up and looked around. “Before we begin lets have each base command catch us up to date with a Sit Rep then we will get into the reason for this meeting.”

For the next twenty minutes each commander gave their reports ranging from all clear, new training suggestions and plans, to requests for more supplies until it came to Twilight. She stood up with a small gulp causing Sunset and Trixie to glance at each other.

“The Everfree base reports an all clear with a adequate number of both ground forces and airborn. With the inclusion of 1st Sergeant Shimmer and Master Sergeant Trixie the Everfree base now has a Dragon Rider squad as well. Supplies and munitions are currently at eighty-six percent capacity and holding steady.” She paused a moment then took a deep breath. “I would like to report at this time that there may be a way to reverse the Quil Mana Drain Devices.” After a moment pause more than a few began to smile or snicker at her.

“That is a common believe but we have no way of proving it 1st Sergeant. The best minds in Equestria are currently looking into it. But we have no idea how it can be done.” Celestia said with a motherly smile.

“No, it’s not a belief, it is a fact.” The silence was so profound that a pin drop could be heard. She glanced around the table gathering her courage she carried on. “During the fall of Ponyville I was able to get a good look at the frequency and lattice of the spell that started the chain reaction. The reaction itself is self sustaining. A few follow up tests showed that the pull is constant in both speed and magnitude for the entire area.” She paused, nearly every face showed a confused look except for Celestia and Luna who wore looks of faint comprehension. Spitfire raised her hand and Twilight nodded at her.

“Listen, I’m just a warhorse here, plain equestrian please because I have a problem following ideas that need a hunting dog and a ouija board just to find a trail.”

Face meet palm, palm meet face. Twilight knew the two would be fast friends. She pulled her hand away and lifted her head to try again.

“Twenty five words or less then. First spell the primer, ring the funnel. Reverse magic flow magic returns to land. With me?” Twilight asked. She noticed that a few eyes lit up in understanding. “Now the reverse the magical flow you are going to need a strong magical aura.” Her horn lit up causing a diagram of the magical lattice of the rising energy beam and the Quil ring. “Right now it flows out wards pulling mana from everything: the ground, the air and even structures. Unfortunately the only way to reverse the flow is with a magical aura strong enough to push through the beam.” Twilight made a glowing ball of purple appear then plunge into the beam. As the orb fell the folk in the room watched as the flow started to reverse upon itself. Once the orb reached the ring the flow reversed completely like a dam breaking. The glow faded from Twilight’s horn and the image disappeared.

“And how large of an ‘aura’ will you need.” Luna asked. There was a note of worry in her voice.

“Similar to a half dozen Horned Folk or…maybe a single Alicorn. An object might work if it can resist the sheering forces of the beam. If it is not properly reinforced the thing will shatter. We also have one more problem. This is a one shot chance. The Quil will know exactly what we are doing once we start and will pour everything they got into either destroying whatever object we use or forcing us to retreat. No matter the outcome, I’m positive the Quil will up the defenses of the remaining rings. One final thing. According to my calculations, the object must be dropped into the beam from an altitude of at least one thousand feet. That will give the object enough time and distance to force the reversal. The only thing I don’t have an answer for is what to use for the drop.”

“There you go Egghead, that’s what you are good at. Trixie is bursting with pride.” Trixie said next to Twilight. She was slightly in awe at Twilight’s mind.

“Are you telling me that you might be able to take the fight back to the Quil, that I might be able to reclaim our home land?!” Chrysalis half yelled half whispered as she came to her feet though it came out half strangled.

“That is the idea. I have no way of putting the theory to the test to make sure. The only way to find out just how right, or wrong, I am is to mount an attack and pray, really really fast.” Twilight told her.

“You will have a battalion of my finest warriors at your disposal within the week. Don’t make me regret this.” Chrysalis told her. Though the implied threat in her words made Twilight want to shiver, she couldn’t help but to hear the hope behind the voice.

“I just have one request your majesty. The Changeling survivors of the Ponyville attack, I want them at this fight. I’m sure they would love the chance to take back the town.”

“Granted.” Chrysalis turned to Celestia. “Time make a battle plan.”

“Yeah, about time we finally act instead of reacting.” Spitfire said her broad grin spoke of eagerness as a few more called their support.

“Then it is settled.” Celestia said as she looked around the room. “I dub this ‘Operation Reclamation’. I want all bases on full alert and on standby. Fire bases within range of Ponyville will give artillery support. The Everfree base will be our base for this operation. Twilight, I’m sorry but your return to the base will be delayed by a day as you pass over your notes. Once that is done return and get your people ready. How long do you think that will take?”

“Two weeks. My XO, Gunnery Sergeant Applejack, will be putting the soldiers through Class AA drills to prepare for this attack. The Changelings will also join once they have arrived. It will also give time for the noncombatants to put up staging area and housing for the additional forces coming in.” Twilight said.

“Damn skippy you are getting additional forces. The Wonderbolts are NOT going to be left out of this fight.” Spitfire said.

“I’ll have five more Dragon Riders redeployed towards the Everfree Base in four days.” Another called out.

“Six full squads will be enroute to the Everfree within two days.”

Twilight blinked. She figured help would come with this fight but not this much as nearly everyone at the table pledged additional forces to this fight. Her mind already calculating the work needed to house the new soldiers for this fight. Then Celestia cleared her throat causing everyone to look at her as she spoke a simple sentence.

“The Royal Guard and myself will be present for this fight. I was there at the fall I will be there when we retake Ponyville.” She said calmly. Many heads nodded at that as she looked at Luna. “I need you to stay and prepare ‘worst case’ scenarios…”

“Nay Sister. The Nightmare Special Forces will join this fight, as will Nightmare Moon herself.” Luna said. The room went quiet. Everyone knew of Luna’s alter ego, Nightmare Moon.

Author's Note:

Another day, another chapter. Hope you enjoy.

Those that read this feel free to leave some comments: love mail :pinkiehappy:, hate mail :applejackconfused:, death threats :pinkiecrazy: and or marriage offers :derpyderp2:. While I know where this story is going to go and how it is going to get there some reader feed back would be great. Just don't go lighting the fires without some sort of water nearby. :pinkiehappy: