Equestria Under Siege

by Willfire

First published

A stalemate keeps half of Equestria lifeless and half hanging by a thread. Something has to give...

Four years ago, life in Equestria changed. A unknown race appear through a magical vortex of dark magics and attacked to drain the very land of the magic they want. Four years of bloody warfare has left half of Equestria lifeless and barren. Princess Celestia was injured as she tried to wield the Elements of Harmony against this foe only to have them shattered to pieces, lost forever. Now, only the brave fighting folk of the Equestrian Armed Forces keep this Evil at bay, but the war has ground to a standstill, neither side able to get a true upper hand. But nothing can keep the stalemate, something has to give.

Looking for Someone to do a Cover Art if they wish to and if possible in chapter arts as well.

Chapter 1: Testing (Revised)

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Chapter 1: Testing
Canterlot Castle

Princess Celestia walked through the quiet halls of Canterlot Castle, it has been her home for over a thousand years, yet the fact she hasn’t been there throughout the last four bothered her. Her calm face looked down at her regalia a sigh forming inside but she didn’t let it out. It was the first time in months she’s been in her flowing white gown. Her feet wore clear crystal slippers while golden bracelets decorated her arms. Her golden crown adorned her mane of flowing colors, yet she felt like it didn’t belong there. Her tail flicked in a slight agitation her only tell of her emotions. Even her wings, folded tightly on her back didn’t flick in the slightest. She felt like an intruder in her own home, and she has been like this for nearly four years. Her hand drifted up to chin as her mind wondered back four years ago, then drifted up to the remains of her shattered horn, a painful reminder of her failure. She should be back in uniform, she should be back on the lines where she belongs.

Four years ago off the west coast of Equestira a floating land mass appeared from a magical tempest. Horned folk as far as Manehatten felt the disturbance. The tempest, formed of only the darkest of magics, sent shockwaves throughout the land. Together with her sister Princess Luna, they mobilized the Equestrian Armed Forces and headed for Las Pegasus. Together with the advanced forces she and her sister gazed upon the floating land mass and for the first time in their immortal lives they felt fear.

At first the two of them thought they saw a flicker of movement along the edge of the land mass as it slowly drifted closer towards land. Once it was close enough the two Alicorns could see exactly what was lining the edge of the floating island. Hundreds if not thousands of four legged inert forms stood there, stock still like they were waiting on something or someone. They stood tall, taller than the Alicorns standing on the shore. Only the red glow of a single red eye gave away the fact they were alive. From where the two alicorns stood they could see the creature’s four legs ended in sharp tips.

Then HE appeared. Humanoid unlike the rest of the creatures he slowly appeared on the shore before the two of them with a small laugh of pure evil. The only thing adorning this creature was a black robe and a single red eye that danced with a joy that sent chills down their spines as the floating island drifted ever closer. Then it spoke in a calm yet chilling voice calling himself the Quil Emperor and he was going to suck the very magic from this land and every being that dwelled on it. That statement, a declaration of war on the very life blood of Equestria, was all the two princesses needed in order to act. Summoning their weapons, the Solar Lance and the Lunar Lance respectively they engaged the Quil Emperor as the rest of their forces opened fire on the creatures lining the edge of the floating land mass. That proved to be a fatal mistake.

A single tear fell down Celestia’s cheek, a single tear for those lost that day. Nearly all of the advanced elements of the Armed Forces, Las Pegasus, her horn and even the Elements of Harmony lost on that single day, dead or destroyed. As the Emperor, literally with a single hand, defended himself from the fury of the two Allicorns the Quil soldiers swarmed the Armed Forces decimating them and anything slow enough to be unable to get out of the way. Folk trapped in the burning husks of tanks were pulled out and torn to shreds, their screams tore through the air chilling the blood of all that heard it. The sight of her folk being killed, the sounds of their death screams haunted her nightmares to this day. Luna, bless her was able to disengage from the Emperor while Celestia covered her, tried to rally their forces to make a stand to give the population of Las Pegasus a chance to evacuate. But it was too late their forces, caught in the grip of pure terror, were already routed. In a last bid to protect their folk the two Alicorns did the only thing they could do, they used the Elements. It seemed to work, like with Discord before, the rainbow light shot out and wrapped around the Quil Emperor. But it was not meant to be, with a laugh the Emperor suddenly whipped his arm towards the two sending the rainbow energy back into the Elements. Before the two Alicorns could react the feedback caused all six stones to violently shatter, riddling the two of them with the shrapnel. One piece breaking Celestia’s horn off two inches from her forehead…


“Princess?” A voice called out. Celestia blinked and slowly turned to look at who spoke, the captain of her royal guard a horned folk, Shining Armor. His blue mane crisp as if he was ready for a parade inspection despite the battle fatigues he wore.

“Yes, Shining Armor?”

“The recruits should be starting soon, you said you wanted to watch the final test.” Shining armor said as he stood to one side motioning to the hall from where he came.

“Your right Captain. Lead on.” Celestia fell into step beside her captain. He was field promoted to Captain nearly two years ago and served with honor during that time. He was also one she had full trust in. So when she glanced over at him she could see the set of his jaw. “You are worried about something Captain?”

“Yes ma’am. It’s my sister. Today is her test.” He said simply.

“I know. That’s why I’m here.”


In another part of the castle a young horned one mare with a purple mane with a single pink highlight ran as fast as she could as she pulled on a green flight suit.

“No, no, no, no, no…I’m going to be late…” She yelled more to herself than to anyone as panic started to rise.

{You better hurry Twilight, she is about to check roll.} A voice calmly stated in her head.

{Shut up Spike I’m nearly there!} She thought back as she slid around a corner. The Canterlot Castle hanger was only a couple of halls away. Today was the combat flight test and the final test to graduate from the academy, and she was running late. Someone messed with her alarm clock and she could guess who and be 99.9% right. The first part of the test was attendance, you were not in the hanger by the time the doors shut…well their drill sergeant did say ‘think fast’. But it was something she didn’t want to have to think about, too bad she heard doors slam shut in the distance.

“Horseapples!” Twilight said skidding to a halt. Her hand went to her chin a moment as she put her brain to work on this problem. Her face contorted into a cross between a smile and a grimace. {Spike, Plan T!} She thought.

{Plan T huh? Ok.} She could feel the humor in his thoughts. Within seconds she felt Spike connect with her, a vision appeared in her mind’s eye and her horn lit up. Suddenly she disappeared in a flash of purple flash.


A brown skinned Horned Folk mare wearing camo fatigues pulled the handle by the large doors leading back into the castle. Turning she started to walk towards a line of about nineteen other horned folk mares standing at attention. On the mare’s shoulder, plain for all to see, was a set of Sergeant bars. On her head, hiding most of her blue mane, was a wide brim crisp hat of a Drill Sergeant. Only her blue tail offset the dull colors she wore. On her chest was the name badge: Sergeant, D

Drill Sergeant looked down the line as she walked back towards them and noticed a gap where a twentieth should be. {Twilight Sparkle…} She thought as another sergeant handed her a clipboard with names on it for attendance. {You got until I reach your spot.} Her eyes drifted to the mare next to Twilight’s spot and one beyond. The three of them were roommates and well known for strange yet somehow making things work, but they were also known to mess with each other just as often. She was willing to bet bits that the reason Twilight was late stemmed from one of her roommates. Letting loose a sigh under her breath she reached the start of the line. Unfortunately Twilight was close to the front and it didn’t take her long to reach the first of the three roommates.

“Trixie?” Drill Sergeant called without looking up as she walked along the line.

“Trixie is Here!” A blue skinned mare called out she reached up and flicked her silver mane aside of horn with the practice flick of someone standing before a crowd.

“Sunset Shimmer?”

“Shimmer Here!” Another mare with yellow skin and a mane that seemed to shine like a fire said with a grin. Drill Sergeant noticed that Sunset’s hand was counting down from three.

“Twilight Sparkle?”

Suddenly there was a flash of purple light and Twilight appeared at full attention, helmet under her arm, in the break in the line. “Twilight Sparkle here!”

“Nice timing Sparkle.” Drill Sergeant said pleasantly surprised and slightly relieved she made it to the test. Twilight didn’t respond but nodded.


Once Drill Sergeant was farther down the line Twilight glanced over at the horned folk mare next to her.

“Why did you mess with my Alarm Clock Sunset Shimmer?” Twilight whispered out of the side of her mouth. A smile played on Sunset shimmer’s face.

“Had to. This was the last time to do it and after today we are heading out to squads across the front lines. We may not see each other again. I had to pick on the egghead one last time.” Sunset Shimmer whispered back a grin playing on her face as she patted her on the shoulder.

Twilight glanced over again and couldn’t help but to smile herself. “Last test today and we are tied. One more round Shimmer?”

“You are so on Sparkle.” The grin became a smirk. “Prepare for defeat.”

“Prepare yourself.” Twilight whispered back.

The two of them fell quiet as Drill Sergeant started to yell. “Ok fillies, time to get your wings wet. Today is the final day of your training and we are going to put you in the air and pit you against each other in a no-holds-bared-free-for-all. And by that I mean ANYTHING goes. In combat, you will find the same thing will apply when you are fighting the Quil. On that note, your final grade will be based on: your skill in avoiding being hit, the time it takes to get hit, and use of the skills you have learned to this point. Understand that even though you may be the last mare standing that DOES NOT MEAN you pass as this has ZERO baring on your score. This being said it might be a good idea to fly like your life depends on it, otherwise we WILL do this again and I will issue live ammo for that test.” She stopped dead center of the line and looked at them. “Princess…forgive me General Celestia is here to watch and make her own judgment so let’s make it worth her time. Mount up you hit air in five!” She pointed towards the back of the hanger.

“Yes Ma’am!” Everyone yelled at once. In one motion all of them pulled their helmets on to their heads then spun on their heels and ran for the back of the hanger. There standing in a row were twenty large dragons, a few pawing the ground eager for the test. Each of them wore a saddle and a large holster on the side, many were grinning as the mares ran towards them.

“Spike, get ready for take off!” Twilight yelled as she bound up the ladder next to a purple dragon with green ridges.

“Ready when you are Twilight.” Spike told her as she threw her leg over Spike’s body with a graceful leap. As she landed she felt Spike’s dragon magic stick her to the saddle as a flight tech hoisted her weapon up to her hands. She took it and with a practiced flick of her hand flipped it around and to the ready position. A moment later a few bulky clips were passed to her. Without looking, her hands moving automatically to place the clip into the weapon. She heard it click into place but didn’t pull the cocking handle. Twilight glanced at it, similar to her weapon she saw it was modified for paint balls. With a silent command Spike started to walk towards the open end of the hanger.

“Dragoon 3, ready for takeoff.” Twilight heard a voice come over the commlink in her helmet.

“Dragoon 3 cleared for takeoff.” Another voice replied, this one belonging to the air controller.

Ahead of where Twilight and Spike joined the line a dragon spread its wings and jumped into the open sky.

“Dragoon 8, ready for Takeoff!” Another voice called out.

“Dragoon 8, Cleared for Takeoff.” Air Traffic control called.

As that dragon threw itself into the sky Twilight looked over to her left another line of dragons lined up there. She saw Trixie, her other roommate holding a rather large rocket launcher in a blue aura. Trixie’s horn was lit up with the same aura as she glanced over at Twilight Sparkle and gave a thumbs up. A sign she returned as Spike walked to the edge of the hanger.

“Dragoon 12, ready for Takeoff!” Twilight called over the comm.

“Dragoon 12, Cleared for Takeoff.” Air Traffic control cleared her for launch.

Twilight tapped Spike’s sides with her heels and he grinned throwing himself off into the blue. Instead of flapping his wings he curled them up and pointed straight down. Twilight grinned at the rush of the wind against her cheeks. She leaned forward in the saddle her weapon in her hand when Spike flared his wings and leveled out.

“In Celestia’s name I enjoy that. I understand why the Winged Folk enjoy flying.” Twilight said as the two of them ascended to where their starting point.

“Sure you are not a Winged Folk in disguise?” Spike asked as he glanced behind him to the one on his back.

“Or maybe I have Winged Folk in my line somewhere. Maybe I’ll do some research on that next leave cycle we get.” She told him with a sparkle in her eyes.

“Twilight, leave means just that. on leave. Relax…oh wait research is relaxing to you.” Spike said with a roll of his eyes. He suddenly wasn’t looking forward to his next leave. Assuming they lived that long. “Oh and Twilight, I got a little gift for this test too.” He said as they pulled into position.

“Spike…you and your toys.” She smiled at the back of his head as the rest of the class pulled into position.

“Ok fillies, this is it. Time to start, this is a mass free-for-all. There can be only one left standing so fly and fight like your lives depend on it. As a reminder your final grade will be on style, skill and time before you are defeated so make it all count.” The voice of Drill Sergeant came over the commlink.

Twilight glanced around, all twenty of her class were forming a very large circle, nearly a mile wide, facing inwards waiting for the start. Her brain working the distances between her and the two closest to her. They were out of her weapon ranges and a quick assist from Spike’s magic, giving her vision his sharpness, showed her that the weapons of those two were similar to hers so she was out of their weapon’s range. That was good, no need to worry about a sneak attack from the start giving her time to think as her eyes, with Spike’s help, scanned the large ring of Dragon Riders. She spotted Sunset Shimmer almost directly across from her and Trixie was placed far on her right from where she hovered. She looked again at Shimmer and Trixie, both of whom were looking at her and nodded, smiles on both their faces causing her to grin as well. Suddenly a new voice called over the commlink, a voice very familiar to her, Celestia.

“My little folk, the magic safety nets are up, and when you are defeated you will be teleported to the hanger. Your weapons have been modified for paint balls, the paint is unique to each of you so who gets who will be easy to see. The paint has also been filled with touch of mana nullifier so shields and other spells will react as if they were hit in combat. Be safe but make Equestria proud.” Many of the Dragon Riders took that chance to start casting their defensive spells. Twilight glanced around one more time identifying the spells as they went up. Basic kinetic stopping shields on most, but a few put a more advanced kinetic redirecting ward up. Twilight brings her own shield into being, a simple kinetic stopping shield. “Let’s BEGIN!” Celestia called out over the commlink. Twilight and Spike shot forward with a powerful flap of his wings as did Trixie and Sunset Shimmer, along with about six others from their class, all eager to get started. The other eleven broke away looking for better vantage points.

Twilight saw the rider on her right was one of the one looking to start the battle in earnest. Using her heels to direct Spike she pulled close to the mare next to her unseen. She leveled her weapon and opened fire. The mare’s shield took a few hits which caused her to veer away in shock. With a small grin she glanced forward again, keeping one eye behind her. Ahead she saw Trixie and Shimmer climbing away from the other five who were heading to a central meeting point like a train wreck looking for a place to happen. Twilight pulled up to match Trixie and Shimmer. Then she heard it, the distinct sound of weapon's fire. The other four rushing into the charge were starting to fire at each other and at her. Even though they were rushing at each other Twilight was still far enough out to easily avoid many of the attacks coming her way and only a few managed to splash on her shield. She felt the shield pull more magic from the impact of the hits.

{Guess they weren't kidding about the nulling agent in the paint.} Twilight thought to more to herself than Spike.

“Ok you two, on my mark.” Shimmer’s voice came over the commlink on a private channel between the three of them. Something Trixie found out could be done with the commlinks keeping their conversation private from the rest. The three of them, Sunset Shimmer, Trixie and Twilight Sparkle weaved and dodged, none of them returning fire at anyone seeming like all they cared about was taking each other out. Twilight smiled slightly knowing what was coming. “Mark!”

On command Spike shot forward with a burst of speed and a roar, as did Trixie and Shimmer. The other five could only watch in awe, pulling into hover to watch the three dragons engage in a unheard of melee against each other in a flurry of claws and wings…or so they thought. Suddenly the three dragons broke apart falling into formation. The three dragons zeroed in on the nearest rider. Trixie fired her rocket launcher and scored a direct hit causing the Rider's shield to shatter giving Shimmer and Twilight the opening to follow up with their own weapon fire peppering both the mare and dragon with enough paint balls to drop a regiment then as one body turned and stared on the next one.

“Wha…” Was all the mare could say as she vanished in a flash of blue light.

With Shimmer on point, Trixie and Twilight took turns between left and right wingmare based on where Shimmer led them. It was something they practiced in the academy, formation flying. Trixie would take a shot and shattering the shields of the other riders and Shimmer and Twilight would follow through, dropping the helpless rider. For the more advanced shields they came across, Twilight would shatter with a well placed bolt of magic from her horn. Before the others could even comprehend the fact that three of their opponents were working together in this exercise they dropped five other Riders. The last nine zipped and moved trying to get a good shot on the three of them the commlink's open channel squawking with the remaining Riders trying to figure out what was going on.

“Shimmer, two at three o’clock high. Basic Shields.” Twilight called over the commlink.

“I see them. Port spin Trixie take a shot!” Shimmer barked the order like a natural.

Shimmer started to bank left then went into a spin. Trixie and Twilight, knowing what she was going to do, kept their wingmare positions as they started to circle around the spinning Shimmer. Trixie came into position, her rocket launcher ready to fire. Pulling the trigger the paint filled rocket launched towards the two incoming Riders. With wide eyes they banked away from the incoming rocket barely missing the explosion, though their shields were still peppered slightly. The panicked evasion of the two riders put one in front of Twilight and the other in front of Shimmer. Shimmer was quick on her draw, taking aim and firing. It took a moment for her target to relies she was being hit, long enough for the shield to shatter allowing the paintballs to hit her directly drawing forth a curse as Shimmer’s target vanished in a flash of light. Twilight, on the other hand, didn’t come up as lucky. Her target was a little more alert and as soon as Twilight’s attack hit home she fell into a drop. Tracking and leading her target she managed to shatter the rider’s shield before she lost her, unwilling to leave the formation to follow up her attack.

{Don’t worry Twilight, I got a present for her.} Spike thought.

The other rider, knowing her shield was gone leveled her weapon up towards Twilight seeing an opening she could exploit only to have a small black orb land in her lap. On it was painted the words ‘Spike’s little friend’ with a characterized image of him winking at her.

“What the…?” The mare started, stunned. Then it exploded in a spread of green paint. “BUCK IT!” She screamed before she vanished in a flash of blue light.

“Nice one Spike.” Twilight said outloud over the din of gun fire and dragon roars.

“Nothing to…” He and Trixie’s dragon suddenly shifted positions in response to Shimmer’s flight path. Spike flipped to his back as he shifted to the starboard wingmare position as Trixie shifted to the port wingmare position. He grinned as he heard Trixie and Twilight high five each other as they passed. “…it really.” Spike finished then launched a fire ball at another Rider trying to get a bead on him causing her to pull away.

A sudden movement caught Twilight’s eye. Before she could turn to look at it there was a scream over the commlink…Trixie. Twilight’s head snapped over and saw something that terrified her. Trixie was falling through the air, having been knocked off her Dragon by two high speed Riders trying to desperately break their formation with their own. She could see Trixie was having problems and she never was any good with teleportation, but Twilight was quiet skilled at that. Twilight’s horn lit up and suddenly Trixie vanished in a flash of purple light and reappeared on her dragon still screaming. It took her a moment to relies she was back on her dragon’s back. A second later so did her weapon in a flash of purple light.

“You ok Trixie?” Twilight called over the commlink.

“What happened?” Shimmer asked.

“Trixie is ok, they shattered my shield but Trixie is now mad!” Trixie pulled her weapon in hand then broke formation to follow the two that attacked her.

“Trixie you are breaking formation get back now!” Shimmer yelled over the commlink but it was too late.


Trixie, fury in her eyes, dived after the two Riders haybent on settling the score. She took a moment to take aim and lock on. It took a second for her rocket to beep a lock on, but as soon as it did Trixie pulled the trigger firing a paint filled rocket at one of her attackers. The riders realized too late how close they were to each other and who was following them. The direct hit shattered the shields of both of them and sent them spinning out of control. Trixie quickly reloaded and fired at her original target scoring a direct hit before turning back to the other one. Trixie heard the sound of a teleport spell as she closed on the second one who got her mount under control and flying away as fast as she could. The rider risked a look over her shoulder and gasped in horror to see Trixie closing in on her, weapon up and locking on.

To say Trixie is a good flyer is an understatement. In her right mind she is one of the better flyers in the group, but in her angered state she did pretty good staying right on the tail of the Rider as she banked, twisted and turned, corkscrewed and dived trying to shake Trixie off her tail.

“Oh Celestia, I can’t shake her, I can’t shake her! Shield is gone and she’s locking on, someone help.” A voice called out over the commlink in panic, Trixie grinned.

But like anyone who is angry she didn’t watch her six. As Trixie gained lock on and fired she felt something peck her back again and again. Looking behind her she saw one of the last Riders air pumping her fist. Just before she vanished in a blue light she saw her wingmares pulling up behind her attacker.


“They got Trixie!” Twilight shouted.

“I know, at least she got her second target. Twilight break formation and track your target!” Shimmer yelled back. There were only two left. The one that dropped Trixie and one more trying to put some distance between her and Shimmer's formation. Shimmer suddenly banked starboard while firing as Twilight banked port. The two roommates pulled in behind the last two enemy riders and fired. While the two remaining riders had strong shields but they were weak flyers depending on their shields and not their flying abilities. They were not on the same level as Twilight in flying, and saying nothing about how good Shimmer truly was. The results were predicable. Both riders were no match for a one on one dog fight and the two of them quickly were vanquished.

Twilight quickly pulled back into formation and looked around. “Looks like we are the last two left Twilight.” Shimmer said calmly.

Twilight nodded knowing Shimmer couldn’t see it. “Looks like it. Shall we begin?” She suddenly broke formation and hovered near by as Shimmer pulled away. After a few moments she came to a hover and turned to face Twilight still well inside the fire ranges of both of them.

“So, standard bet?” Twilight asked calmly. She popped her clip and put in a fresh one.

“Yeah, standard bet. Tie breaker too.” Shimmer said over the commlink. Twilight could see she too was locking a new clip in.

“Yep.” Twilight said as her horn started to glow. Dropping her shield she changed it to a kinetic redirection shield, but for some odd reason Shimmer dropped her shield but didn’t put on back up. Twilight mentally shrugged, it was Shimmer’s choice and she was practicing a few new tricks just for this moment.

“Good. Start in three…” Shimmer told her.

“Two…” Twilight said as she leaned forward. She could feel Spike tensing under her.


“GO!” Both Twilight and Shimmer yelled as they charged their dragons forward towards each other.

Shimmer opened fire only to have her shots get pushed aside by Twilight’s shield with a small shimmer of purple energy. Twilight dived below Shimmer. Twilight knew Shimmer couldn’t point down through her mount and Shimmer’s Dragon took herself just a little too seriously to have a trick like Spike. Aiming up before Shimmer could pass Twilight opened fire only to have a crimson shield appear protecting her underside.

“I see you took my advice about the invisible shield.” Twilight said as she veered away before Shimmer could get a bead on her.

“Even I can see a good idea when it’s shown to me. Remember our last match?” Shimmer asked. Suddenly her dragon pulled a loop and charged right at her. “And between the two of us, I’m the much better flyer.”

“Maybe true that…” Twilight smirked. Time to bring out one of her new tricks just for Shimmer.

She pulled her feet from the sturips and squatted on Spike’s back as he went into a steep dive. Twisting around, trusting Spike to keep her on his back she fired her weapon at Shimmer who only ignored it, her shield protecting her. Shimmer was close, too close she wanted to make sure she would hit through Twilight's shield.

“Now Twilight!” Spike yelled as he suddenly flared his wings, his speed dropping drasticly. Twilight pushed off with all her might as a light purple tendril of magic connected her to Spike as he pulled away opening a gap. Their slower speed sent Shimmer right down the center. Angling her weapon so she wouldn’t hit him she fired as Spike let lose a breath of dragon fire. The spot where their combined firepower suddenly glowed crimson as Shimmer passed through it, going too fast to change course. As Shimmer pulled free of the combined attack the sound of shattering glass was clear as the shield shattered but Shimmer got out in one piece.

“Got you now Shimmer!” Twilight yelled as she felt herself get pulled back to Spike. She tracked Shimmer’s dragon with her weapon when she felt something land behind her. “What?” Then she felt something prick her side.

“You should watch your back Twilight, that’s going to get you killed.” Shimimer whispered into her ear.

Twilight turned in her seat in time to see Shimmer with a sly grin on her face a sheathed knife in her hand. She rolled off Spike with a laugh as Twilight’s vision was covered in blue.


Celestia’s calm face never broke as she watched Twilight vanish. She thought back to the day of Twilight’s entrance exam and her hatching the unborn Spike. She showed great magic potential and she made Twilight her personal student. Once the war started she made Twilight join the R&D department for the war effort. Her studious habits made Twilight quickly rise through the ranks of the department and she was soon head of experimental weapon’s research. Celestia sighed lowly only Shining Armor heard it.

“Something the matter?” He asked lowly as Shimmer came in for a landing.

“Yes, just thinking about your sister and thinking of simpler days.” Celestia told him. Still she was impressed by Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer and Trixie’s performance in their test.

“Before the war?” Shining asked her.

“Yes, how to keep her from the war and from my mistake I sent her to R&D, knowing her mind would greatly benefit all of Equestira. But came that day nearly a year ago that the Dragon Queen came to offer an alliance…” Celestia said. She watched with a small smile as Trixie and Twilight ran up to Shimmer. From there body language she could see they were excited that Shimmer won but at the same time they had to lose. She could read lips and Shimmer seemed to be saying something about ‘paying up’.

“You never told me that.” Shining said. He too was watching his little sister as she motioned for them to follow. He too could read lips and he saw ‘…best place in Canterlot for dinner. My treat.’ Come from Twilight.

“Yes, the Dragon queen offered an alliance and Spike took the chance to ask permission to join the war effort. Twilight couldn’t let him go alone so she quit R&D to join the Armed Forces as a Dragon Rider. Took eight months to finally be accepted and two months to get to this point.” Celestia told him.

“At least she’s good enough to survive from what I saw.”

“I know.” She paused. “You are dismissed Shining Armor, go find Cadance. We will be leaving in a few hours and I need you to have a clear head.”

Without looking at her Shining Armor saluted and turned on a heel to walk away pointing at two of the Royal Guard to take his place. Celestia didn’t even twitch knowing full well he would do that. She stood up and gracefully walked towards Drill Sergeant who stood at attention nearby.

Chapter 2: Battle of Cloudsdale

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Chapter 2
Battle of Cloudsdale

It has been nearly a week since the final exam of the Dragon Rider’s Academy, Twilight having paid her end of the bet by taking Shimmer out to the most expensive place to eat in Canterlot. Yet it wasn’t a final gloat or to rub in her victory it was more along the lines of saying good bye to a favored rival than anything.

“Now you be careful out there Sparkle, I don’t want to get a report you died before we can meet up again. I may be the better flyer but you showed me many times that just because you are a good flyer doesn’t mean you will survive. You need smarts as well and you got plenty of those so use them. Same for you Trixie, don’t lose you cool and you should come out alive for the next time we meet it will be on the battle field and the Quil will shake when they see us coming.” Shimmer told them.

“Trixie has no plans of dying anytime soon. She plans on dying a grandmare with lots of grandfoals to keep her company.” Trixie told her.

“Same here.”Twilight said. She raised her glass and the other two did the same.

Now the three of them sat in a darkened room displaying a map of Equestira along with the rest of their class. They could see color and symbols of different units of the Equestiran Armed Forces scattered all over the map with the strongest concentration around Cloudsdale and a small place call Ponyville. More were scattered south around Appleloosa and the Macintosh Hills and north through half of the Unicorn Range to the frozen North. IT was plan to all in the room where the front was. Beyond the line the rest of the map was lifeless and brown. The Quil took this area long ago. From different regions, visible from even Canterlot beams of light shot forth to the sky and everything within the region died as every bit of magic no matter how small was sucked from the land. They mounted attacks in these regions, attacking the strongholds of the Quil trying to destroy the infernal machines that sucked the land dry only to meet massive resistance and thus far the stalemate held. Without thinking Twilight reached up and touched the 1st sergeant bars on her shoulder still stunned at the fact she made 1st Sergeant like that. She could lead troops into battle.

{I’m not qualified to lead troops into battle…} Twilight thought to herself.

{Oh Twi, stop worrying. They wouldn’t have given you the rank if you didn’t deserve it. You know that Dragon Riders are hard to come by and those that successfully pass get a major boost in rank for it.} Spike thought to her.

{Stay out of my head Spike.} Twilight told him sternly.

{Stop broadcasting your thoughts, you know when I’m in this form I can hear your thoughts.} Spike told her.

{Then change back!}

{Can’t, until you help me.} There was a smirk in those thoughts. Twilight blushed slightly. Her horn glowed a moment then she felt Spikes presence leave her mind.

From the far side of the room the door opened and in walked a tall mare with black skin. Her dark mane and tail flowed with an unseen or felt breeze. From her mane they could see sparkles in it, like little stars. Thought she wore combat fatigues, she wore them with elegance that betrayed just who she was. Everyone in the room shot to their feet and saluted at Princess Luna.

“At ease and be seated. First, let me congratulate you all for graduating from the academy. Second I have to say good luck. Being Dragon Riders you are now high profile targets to the enemy and they will not hesitate to kill any of you should your diligence lapse for even a second. Trust your training, trust your instincts as they will be the only thing to bring you home in the end.” Luna looked at each of the mares before her and wondered how many of them were going to die before this war ended. A few were barely out of fillyhood and here they were about to be thrust into a fight for survival. Some, clearly fully grown mares, should be home tending families of their own but here they are ready to fight. The rest, had nothing to lose and were here to try to make it a better world. “Now to get you all your assignments. Once you got them you will be leaving within two hours, so say your goodbyes quickly.” Princess Luna started to read off names and locations, each mare shouting an acknowledgement as their name was called.

“1st Sergeant Sunset Shimmer, Frozen North Outpost Alpha. Prepare for harsh weather and guerrilla warfare under the command of Prism.” Luna called out.

“Yes Ma’am!” Shimmer grinned, finally a chance for some real action. Outpost Alpha was one of the few northern bases to hold the Quil advance to the Crystal Empire.

“Master Sergeant Trixie, Badlands Border Patrol. You will be in support for the Appleloosa irregulars.” Luna said.

“Trixie acknowledges.” She rolled her eyes. Shimmer got the better of the two of them.

“1st Sergeant Twilight Sparkle, Cloudsdale 10th Dragoon Unit. Hope you got an itchy trigger finger Cloudsdale has been getting hit pretty hard lately.” Luna told her.

“Yes, Ma’am.” Twilight said. She gulped when Luna went to the next name. She looked over at both Sunset Shimmer and Trixie, both of whom looked at her in shock. “Cloudsdale should go to you Shimmer, you are the better flyer than I am.” She whispered.

“True, but they gave it to you so stay alive over there.” Shimmer told her under her breath so Luna won’t hear.

“Shimmer, Sparkle is there something you wish to share with me?” Luna suddenly asked, Busted. Both Shimmer and Sparkle clamped their mouths shut but Trixie didn’t get the hint.

“They were wondering why such a high profile combat zone wasn’t given to Shimmer who is the better flyer and fighter between the two.” Trixie said calmly. Then her eyes went wide as three pairs of eyes locked on to her like missiles. She laughed nervously. “Um…oops…”

While Shimmer and Sparkle shot daggers at her Luna’s eyes softened a little. “That is a good question.” She said, both Shimmer and Sparkle turned to look at her, their jaws slightly open. “Shimmer is the better flyer and the better fighter than Sparkle. That’s why Shimmer is being assigned to the Frozen North, Only the best Dragon Riders go there as they are more in danger from the elements than from the Quil. Sparkle has proven she is a quick thinker and can adapt to new situations on the fly and the situation at Cloudsdale changes almost daily. And as you know should Cloudsdale fall, Canterlot will be under siege next. Cloudsdale must not fall, so we are sending the best thinker we got there to help. Plus a few skills she learned while in R&D could help them out too.” Luna said. Twilight could feel the blush slowly start to rise on her cheeks. “Any other questions?”

No one answered as Luna looked around. “Dismissed and good luck.” Everyone stood up and walked out of the briefing room. Once they were all gone Luna sat down in one of the chairs, a sigh on her lips. Just how many of them did she just send to their deaths?


“You got everything ready Spike?” Twilight called as she ran through the streets of Canterlot. Next to her was a lankly dragon running on two legs. No wings graced his back as he only stood a head shorter than Twilight. He wore a pair of blue jeans with a white shirt. His claws scraped the ground as he ran, keeping pace with the horned folk beside him.

“Everything is ready to go. All we need to do is get back and launch. We going to see grandma and grandpa before we leave?” Spike asked as he started to recognized where they were going.

“Yeah, I want to say good bye to my parents before we leave.” Twilight said, but they didn’t have much time to do so.

“Cool. Let’s see if this still works.” Spike stuck his claws in his mouth and gave a sharp, shrill whistle then dug out five bits. “Twi, got five more bits?” He asked.

Without a pause Twilight’s horn lit up and five bits came from her pocket to land in Spike’s hand. The two of them rounded a bend and Spike let his long legs carry him past Twilight. Ahead of them was Doughnut Joe’s shop and he stood there with a baggy in hand. Spike put on a burst of speed, quickly closing the distance between him and Joe and slowed only long enough to hand over the ten bits and grab the baggy.

“Thanks Joe!” Spike called as he waved and rejoined Twilight. Once back next to her he opened the baggy and pulled out a chocolate covered chocolate doughnut and passed it to Twilight then pulled out another doughnut covered in sapphires and glaze. “Ha, still works.” Spike said as he ate the doughnut in a single bite.

Twilight rolled her eyes but didn’t say anything as she slowly ate her doughnut and finally started to slow as she turned onto the street where her family lived. Within minutes she saw both her parents outside their house working on the little garden in front. It was a small two story house with a fenced in front yard and half of it was being used for the garden.

“Mom, Dad!” Twilight called as she opened the fence gate and walked in.

“Sparkle? My little Sparkle! Come to momma.” Twilight Velvet, an older mare with purple and white mane and tail said as she stood up dusting off her jeans and pushing the wide brim sunhat back to get a clear look at her daughter.

Twilight ran up to her mother and hugged her and after a moment Velvet broke the embrace saying she didn’t want to get dirt on Sparkle’s Uniform.

“Don’t worry about it mom. It cleans.” She turned to her father and gave him a hug too.

“So what is my little filly doing here?” Her father asked.

“Came to say good bye. I got my orders and I’m being deployed to the Cloudsdale 10th Dragoon Unit.” She told them and winced slightly when she saw their faces fill with worry.

“Cloudsdale? That’s some pretty heavy fighting going on there.” Her father said.

“My little Sparkle, please be careful there.” Velvet told her, tears coming to her eyes.

“Trust me mom, dad I plan to be just that.” She stepped aside as Spike stepped forward. “Spike wanted to say good bye as well.”
Suddenly he threw himself at Velvet and gave her a big hug. Then wordlessly he went to Twilight’s father and gave him a hug too.

“Watch over Twilight for us. We know you can do it.”

“Yes Grandpa, I will.” Spike said.

“Good, now get going I’m sure you are both risking being late to come here. And if you see Shining out there, tell him we love him too and he should be safe as well.” Velvet called as Sparkle and Spike stepped back.

“We will mom.” And with that both Spike and Twilight Sparkle vanished in a flash of purple light.

“And there goes my little filiy…”Velvet said as she started to cry as he husband put his arms around her.


Twilight and Spike reappeared in Twilight’s dorm room. The two of them quickly grabbed what they left behind and were not sending to her parents. Spike grabbed a large duffle bag as Twilight grabbed her helmet and turned to open the door. She paused and looked around, Trixie and Shimmer already cleaned out there ends and were already gone leaving only an empty room behind.

“You ok Twilight?” Spike asked.

“Yeah, just wondering if I’ll see them again?” Twilight said. She turned and made her way to the main hanger of Canterlot Castle. Reaching up she pulled her camo hat off her mane and stuffed into a back pocket then pulled on her helmet. She would worry about the flight suit later, once she landed and joined her new squad. But for now she needed to get airborn. Entering the hanger she saw it was busy, dragons and winged folk landing and taking off. She went over to an empty dragon bay and looked around. Unassigned, good. She looked over at Spike who nodded with a grin. He dropped the duffle and pulled off his shirt and pants and stuffed them into the duffle as he walked to the bay and turned around.

“Ready!” Spike told her. With a nod Twilight’s horn glowed, then Spike started glow, his tail started to elongate as a pair of wings grew from his back. He also started to grow in size, getting bigger and bigger until he dropped to his front claws. Spike’s neck grew longer until a winged dragon standing taller than Twilight and nearly twelve feet long still where the little dragon was just a moment before. “Oh I love this form.” He muttered as a saddle and holder appeared on his back from his dragon magic.

Twilight grabbed her duffle with her magic and hooked it behind the saddle then climbed up the ladder and mounted. A gray Earth Folk stallion stepped up with a clip board and checked off some information then called for the armory to release Twilight’s weapon, a large anti personnel SAW. A moment later a slot in the ground next to Spike opened up and the weapon rose to where Twilight could grab it. She pulled it off the lift and the ammo clip next to it. Unlike others, she had only one clip. Part of her R&D research was weapon augmentations. This weapon bore the fruits of her research: the weapon was lighter that most, making it easy for a Horned Folk like her to hold it. The recoil was suppressed making for better accuracy. The clip was her best work, replenishing its own ammo making for less weight to carry in combat. This was ground breaking research and never tested before, this would be the field test to see if it could hold up. If it did, then more weapons like this would come out. Popping the clip into the weapon she cocked it, set the safety then holstered it.

{Ready Spike?} She thought.

{Yeah, what’s up with the mind radio? It’s not like it is noisy.} Spike thought back.

{Nervous really, we are really doing this. We are going into a combat zone, we will join the fight against the Quil and nothing will be the same. You sure you want to do this Spike?} Twilight thought back as the launch sergeant waved them forward, Spike started to move as directed.

{Yes Twilight, I feel I have to. TO watch so many Folk fight and die while I hide in the castle doing nothing, even though I’m your assistant I feel like I’m just hiding. I never thought you would try to follow me.} Spike looked around as he joined the launch queue.

{Did you really think I wouldn’t. I couldn’t let you go to combat without me watching over you. So now that we are here, let’s watch each other’s back and stay alive for everyone.} Twilight thought to him. She looked up and saw she was next in line. Reaching down she patted Spike’s neck then opened her mouth. “1st Sergeant Sparkle, ready for launch!”

“Sparkle, you are cleared for launch. Star’s Speed, Sergeant.” Traffic control told her.

Spike jumped off and with a powerful flap of his wings took off and angled his way towards Cloudsdale. “We are on course for Cloudsdale, I got a lock on their homing crystal. ETA 40 minutes.”

“Thanks Spike.” Twilight moved her mike closer to her mouth. “1st Sergeant Sparkle to Canterlot Air Traffic control, permission for Jump to Cloudsdale.”

“We have nothing on radar, you are clear for Jump.”

“Thanks Canterlot. Sparkle out.” She looked down. “You heard him Spike, stand by for Jump.”

“Right, I already got a lock on to the Cloudsdale Homing Crystal. Hang on tight Twi, time for some Dragon Magic.” Spike laughed. Before them a small point of faint green energy started to appear. After a second it expanded large enough for Spike to dive into. As he hit the energy he shot forward like a shot vanishing in a small flash of light.


Cloudsdale, Mission Briefing Room.
Reaper Squad.

“Ok squad, time for the 6th Air Combat Squad to take the stage again. Command wants the 6th to run patrols around Cloudsdale so you know what that means. Spot and report, no bucking heroics like last time do I make myself clear Sergeant Dash?” A large winged Stallion with black skin and a blue mane looked at a young cyan mare sitting nearby with a bright rainbow mane, her boots propped up on the desk in front of her, camo hat pulled down over her eyes. Her fatigue shirt was undone and thrown over the back of her chair showing a olive tank top. At the mention of her name she bumped her hat up to look at her commanding officer.

“Yeah, yeah. Unless an entire horde is coming at me, I can take ’em. Aww Hay, even with an entire horde I can take them. I am the best flyer in Cloudsdale for a reason you know.” She told him. “By the way it’s Staff Sergeant, you promoted me yourself remember.” She told him, a cocky grin forming on her face.

“Don’t remind me Dash, I’m starting to regret that decision. And if you really that good then why are you not in the Wonderbolts Squad? I can answer that one for you, you are way too cocky to make their cut.” Rainbow Dash started to open her mouth to respond but her commanding officer held up a hand. “Follow orders for once and maybe you might have a chance. You and Sergeant Fluttershy will be paired up, you will STAY WITH YOUR PARTNER.” He stressed that last bit.

“So you think that paring me with the slowest flyer in the squad will slow me down?” She stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry. “Please.” She looked over at a yellow skinned Winged folk mare who was shyly looking out from under her pink mane. Belted around her waist were two large bags. Both of them marked with a large red cross. She wore fatigue pants but a simple olive green tank top. “No offense Fluttershy.”

“N-none taken.” She barely managed to whisper.

With a small huff their commanding officer kept on giving the briefing. Nothing more than a simple patrol around Cloudsdale, see enemy, report enemy, wait for orders. If something big appeared they would have to hold the air zone until the rest of the Cloudsdale defenders to get air born. Once the briefing was done they were dismissed to hit air in twenty minutes.

Fluttershy walked into the locker room to grab her gear. Pulling on her jacket after a moment pulled on a flak jacket, loading the pockets with a simple pistol and some ammo. Fluttershy didn’t like the extra weight, but as slow as she was she needed it.

Suddenly she gasped, her face flushing to a bright red as she felt a pair of hands on her wings. Or more to the point, on certain spots on her wings. It felt good, too good and only one person would do such a brash move.

“Rainbow Dash…what are you doing?” She said turning as she tucked her wings as tightly as she could to her back.

“Just doing what I know you like.” Rainbow Dash said with a grin. She looked at the flak jacket Fluttershy wore. “You should get rid of that. You are much faster than you give yourself credit for and that just slows you down. I’ve seen you fly through Quil like they were backing up to reach those that needed your help. Give yourself a chance.” Rainbow told her. She reached up and pulled out her pistol and ammo clips then pushed the flak jacket off of her as Fluttershy made no move to protest. “Wait here.” Rainbow walked over to her locker and pulled out a bandaloader. With a quick strap adjustment she threw it over Fluttershy’s shoulder. After a second she put the ammo clips in and strapped the pistol to her side in a holster.

“Do you think this will work?” Fluttershy asked her.

“Yeah, you got this. Plus that flak jacket hides too much of your figure.” Rainbow said with a wink.

“Thank you.” Fluttershy said shyly her face turning a low shade of red.

“Anytime. Come on, let’s get ready for launch and I’ll stay next to you like glue.”


Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy both stood at the Cloudsdale hanger and looked out to the blue sky before them. The two of them felt it was an honor to protect their home and looked out at the majestic view of the cloud buildings.

“Sergeant Dash, Sergeant Shy, you have sectors 121 through 200. Launch!” Their CO yelled out and waved for them to go forward. Running forward the two of them jumped out of the hanger, their wings flaring open catching the wind as they fell and with a few flaps of their wings they were on their way. Rainbow Dash hefted her weapon, a Cloudsdale T13 Arial Assault Rifle.

“Ok Shy, let’s go. You got my wing, I got point. Wide flight pattern.” Rainbow called over her commlink as she started to veer towards their assigned sectors.

“R-right.” Fluttershy called back following Rainbow’s lead. “Rainbow, you know we are patrolling the airspace heading towards Canterlot.”

“Yeah, I know. The CO is in funny humor today. I’ll give him today got to give the other flyers a chance to earn their wings too.” Rainbow said with a shrug.

“This is true.” Fluttershy said as she reached up to the side of her helmet and pressed a button. “Sergeant Fluttershy to Cloudsdale Command and Control, Unit 6-1 reached patrol zone, beginning patrol.” She let go of the button and glanced back at Rainbow Dash who was looking at her giving a thumbs up.

“I remember when you were so shy you couldn’t even speak to CnC without whimpering. In fact I’m kinda impress you made it out of Boot Camp at all.” Rainbow Dash told her. Fluttershy just blushed slightly and lowered her eyes. “It has been nearly two years though so no wonder you got better.”

“Y-you really think so?” Fluttershy asked.

“Know so.” Rainbow Dash told her, she looked around then made a slow bank to the south as her eyes scanned the skies. Nothing worthy of note but a few clouds…then one of the clouds popped. From behind the cloud came a few dozen dark shapes with gossamer wings. “CnC, Unit 6-1 sector 144, I have a few dozen unidentified shapes coming my way. Looks to be on a direct course with Cloudsdale from Canterlot, orders?”

“Stand by Unit 6-1, we have them on radar. Checking flight logs.” The shapes got closer and Rainbow Dash could see what looked to be uniforms on them. But she could also make out plenty of weapons too. That meant they were not Quill, but she didn’t know who they were or what they were doing in Cloudsdale Air Space. Rainbow Dash slowly pulled the cocking lever on her rifle and popped off the safety. “Confirmed Staff Sergeant Dash, we have a squadron of Changlings coming in from Canterlot, they are due in today.”

It was then Rainbow Dash felt just how tense her muscles were, like she was ready for a fight. She popped the safety back on her weapon and thumbs up to Fluttershy with a grin. She heard the Changlings who found refuge in Equestria three years ago finally got a chance to officially join the Armed Forces.

Rainbow Dash thought back to the day she first saw them, the Changelings. She was in Cloudsdale, before she joined the Armed Forces. The nation was still reeling from the news of the front, first the disaster of the Elements being destroyed and the injury to Princess Celestia, then the lost of Las Pegasus and Vanhoover and the subsequent lost of magic in those regions within hours. The folk of Equestria didn’t know what to make of it. Then to see a few thousand black shapes flying through the sky towards Canterlot, escorted by the last two airships if the air force, the rest have been destroyed in disastrous counterattacks by the Armed Forces. Two days later it was revealed that the Changlings, as they were called, suffered a similar fate and the survivors were forced to flee after fighting valiantly for a year.

As the Changlings neared she could see the chitinious skin from under their uniforms. A few had their sleeves rolled up and she could see the holes in their forearms that reminded her of moth holes, their fingers ending in wicked claws. Their eyes were solid blue, no iris or pupils to them. Their jaws jutted out slightly, much like a small muzzle and she could see from some of the closer ones they had fangs.

Rainbow Dash could respect fighters, even those that lost much and kept on fighting. They lost their home and so much more and as they drew up to where she hovered in air she saluted. Many of the changelings saw her and saluted back out of respect. Some were just too focused on the destination to see her. One Changeling veered off from the rest of the pack and came to a hover before her.

“You Cloudsdale Air Patrol?” He asked with a slight hiss to his voice. Rainbow saw he had higher stripes on his shoulder than she did and thus saluted as was required.

“Yes Sir, 6th Air Combat Unit, Reaper Squad. Cloudsdale is only ten minutes ahead of you through the cloud bank. They already know you are coming as I reported your arrival.” Rainbow reported.

“Good job and thanks for the heads up.” The Changeling before her saluted again and started to rejoin the pack when the Rainbow Dash’s commlink, and everyone else’s, went off causing every Changeling to come to a hover as they listened.

“This is Unit 1-1, Sector 033 we have spotted an incoming Quil battle front heading for Cloudsdale! I repeat enemy units in visual!” A stallion’s voice called out.

“All units, all units converge on Unit 1-1 stand by to repel attackers. Scrambling flyers! Unit 1-1 give me a count.” CnC called back but the radio remained silent.

The Changeling commander looked at his troops. “Lock and Load!” As every Changeling in air grabbed weapons and loaded he turned to Rainbow Dash. “Care to escort us to sector 033, Queen Chrysalis wishes me to hand deliver a few choice words to these Quil.” He said as he pulled his own rifle and held it up. At the words ‘hand deliver’ he cocked his rifle and grinned, his pointed fangs giving him a wicked look.

Rainbow Dash’s hand slid up to the safety of her rifle as her own grin started to form. “Yes, Sir.” She said. She looked behind her at Fluttershy who pulled her pistol and nodded, a determined look on her face. She shot ahead of the group of Changelings and motioned for them to follow her then she zoomed off for sector 033.

Moving at a quick, yet energy conserving speed Rainbow Dash felt the excitement start to build within her. She reached up to the button on her helmet and pressed it. “CnC, this is Unit 6-1 we are escorting the Changeling squad to sector 033 to engage the Quil.”

“Acknowledged Unit 6-1. Star’s Speed. Unit 1-1 has broken radio contact. Report if you find out anything.” CnC told her.


They weren’t far from sector 033 now. Gun fire could be heard in the distance and Rainbow started to pick up speed.

“Time to go to work. Combat Speed Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash yelled her grin going full blown now.

“O-o-okay…! Everyone be…careful!” Fluttershy called out behind her.

Behind them a few clicking sounds could be heard and the buzzing of the wings grew stronger as the Changelings behind them also picked up speed. Before them, through one more cloud bank was sector 033.

Busting through the cloudbank was a sight that chilled Rainbow Dash’s blood causing her and everyone around her to pull to hover. Before them, nearly covering the entire sky, were more Quil than ever, more than any previous attack on Cloudsdale. Below she could see the bodies of her squad fall to the earth below. Then as one body the Quil, their single red eye now focused on them, turned to look at Rainbow Dash and those she flew with. Her sharp eyes saw the figure of her CO miles below and by the flailing of his arms she saw he was still alive, but his wings were missing. A few moments later there was a muzzle flash of a weapon and his flailing stopped.

“You bastards…you bucking bastards…” Rainbow breathed harshly, barely able to keep her temper. To die in battle was one thing, something the winged folk came to accept, the fact your body may or not be found when it hit the earth below. But to have your wings cut then dropped to your doom was too much for her. She could hear Fluttershy gasp and the angry hissing from the Changelings behind her. She reached up and pressed the button on her helmet. “CnC, Reaver Squad is down. I repeat Reaver Squad is down. Only myself and Sergeant Fluttershy remains. Quil numbers are massive, and I’m going to thin them out.” She let go of the button, not caring if CnC even responds as she waved her hand forward. “ATTACK!” In one motion, everyone behind her rushes forward as she does, weapons blazing.


Twilight held on to Spike’s back as the two of them flew through the green tunnel. While a Dragon Warp wasn’t dangerous to the Rider the pulling of the magics around them, saying nothing of the high speed winds of their passing, could make them sick and Twilight was getting there, rapidly.

{Looking a little green there huh?} Spike thought back to her. He didn’t speak due to the speeds they were traveling.

{Spike, shut up. You know that I don’t generally get sick doing this.} Twilight thought back as she tried to keep her stomach in place.

{I know, even the best of Riders can get sick. I’m just going to mercilessly tease you for this one.} Spike grinned knowing full well she couldn’t see it but could feel it. {We are nearing Cloudsdale, prepare to drop from Jump in 5…4…3…}


Rainbow Dash was breathing hard as she hovered for a second trying to catch her breath. Next to her Fluttershy panted, nearly exhausted from the fighting. Two Changlings also hovered near by trying to catch their breath and passing ammo clips between them. She, Fluttershy and the two Changelings behind here were only a few that were left of the original group that charged the Quil battle front, the gambit worked stalling the attack long enough for Cloudsdale to get the rest of its defenders airborne.

“Sergeant Dash.” One of the Changelings spoke and she turned to look at them. One passed her two clips which she expertly caught. A quick glance showed they were the same caliber as her weapon. “I’m sure you are getting low.”

“Yeah, thanks. Ready for another around?” She asked them as she turned back to the battle that raged before her. She could see Winged Folk zipping here and there along with a few other Changelings. Tracers zipped around in a deadly crossfire of shots as many Quil fell to the ground miles below. Over her radio she could hear the screams of defenders dying as the Quil got to them.

“Ready!” The Changelings and Fluttershy said. Fluttershy checked her clip and recocked her weapon.

Rainbow launched herself forward with a yell followed by the two Changelings and Fluttershy. The four of them stayed in sync as they weaved and dodged enemy Quil. These Quil didn’t use weapons, in stead they were humanoid with some sort of wrist mounted blade on both arms. Their gray bodies shimmered in the sunlight offsetting the olive green of the Cloudsdales defenders.

With a twist she flipped to her back and fired three shots, two the chest and one to the head of a Quill to who tried to get the drop on her then flipped back to the way she was before firing into another one. The two Changelings behind her were watching the flanks, strafing fire into groups of Quil who didn’t see them coming. Fluttershy with weak screams of fright would take aim and fire. She has seen enough of her fellow Winged folk fall to the earth below and despite the fear that tried to claim her she fought on. Rainbow Dash winced at a slight detail that crossed her mind. Fluttershy had deadly aim nearly every shot she fired was a head shot straight into the Quil eye. If there was a one to one comparison between shots fired to shots landed between the two of them, Fluttershy would be the winner of that contest hands down.

“Unit 6-1 move to sector 054, the 10th Dragoon unit is pulling back and need some cover.” CnC called over her mike.

“Copy that CnC, Unit 6-1 enroute.” Rainbow said as she shot another Quil that tried to rush her.

With a sharp bank Rainbow led her unit towards sector 054. Diving and spinning she fired at Quil who tried to stop her, her squadmates right on her rainbow colored tail as the four of them weaved through the deadly lead storm that raged around them. Suddenly she felt a weight land on her back and grunted. Out of instinct she shifted sideways as the Quil tried to stab her with both blades only to put deep but not serious cuts on her back and belly. But the Quil wasn’t done as she started to fall, unable to flap her wings. The Quil crossed its blades over her body to cut her in half. Rainbow’s eyes when wide as she saw this, scrambling to get her weapon to bear on her enemy but she couldn’t move it fast enough. She saw its muscles tense for the strike and she closed her eyes as a single gunshot could be heard over the din of the battle around her. Suddenly the weight fell off her back and something caught her tail. Opening her eyes she saw Fluttershy clutching her tail and struggling to keep them afloat. With a flick of her wings Rainbow was flying under her own power again.

“Thanks Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash said with a grin. Fluttershy only smiled at her as she pulled her pistol again. Fluttershy blinked then leveled her pistol and after a second she fired and another Quil dropped to the ground below them. Rainbow spun and fired a spread of lead dropping a few more Quil and causing the rest to back off. “Come on keep moving!” Rainbow yelled and started moving again. They were on a time limit.

They were not far from sector 054 and quickly saw what remained of the 10th Dragoon Unit being swarmed by Quil. The Changelings were quick to rush past Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy diving into the mass of Quil to try to save the hard pressed Dragon Riders. Rainbow and Fluttershy saw where the Dragon Riders were trying to go and flew over to provide covering fire. The Quil, momentarily stunned at the combined Changeling and sudden fire from nowhere, pulled back a moment. The three remaining Dragon Riders took the chanced and spurred on their Dragons trying to reach Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. But the stun lasted only a few seconds before the Quil swiftly counter attacked. One Changeling, flying forward with its gun up to try to push the Quil back failed to see a Quil above drop like a stone, its bladed arms cutting the Changelings’ head, arms and legs from its body. Seeing his hive mate killed the other Changeling didn’t see one fly up behind him and sliced it down the middle sending two halves falling to the ground below. As one body the Quil closed in on the Dragon Riders, many of them taking hits from Rainbow and Fluttershy to give their fellows cover.

One horned one mare screamed as a blade came from behind and jutted out the front of her chest and with a negligent flick she was thrown into the air to the waiting blades of others and ripped to shreds. The one that threw the mare then proceeded to plunge its blades into the back of the dragon. The dragon roared with pain and crumpled up falling out of the sky. Another horned one, a stallion threw up a shield to protect himself from the mass of Quil only to have it quickly shattered as nearly a dozen blades slammed into it at once. His scream, and the Dragon’s, was short lived as the same dozen quickly fell upon the helpless Dragon Rider and his Dragon their blades flashing in the sunlight. The last Rider, another mare, was more lucky punching through a few Quil in her way with a blast of magic from her horn. She was cut and scraped but ok as was her Dragon. She pushed her Dragon hard to try to reach Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy knowing that if she reached them she would be safer than where she was. Then she saw it. Both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, not paying attention behind them trying their best to keep her alive, had a single Quil flying towards them from behind, arms spread. Its blades aimed for their necks.

“Behind you!” She managed to scream. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy reacted with instincts granted to them by long battles fought and barely survived as the two of them suddenly dived down out of her way as she charged her horn for one more magical attack when a flash of gray before her eyes made her pause. Like time was in slow motion, she noticed the wings of her dragon friend no longer flapped and before her where his head use to be was empty space. She felt the forward momentum she built with him started to send his body end over end as it started its long trip to the ground. But she never had time to truly connect the dots as to what just happened, as she looked up the last thing she saw was a blade slashing for her neck.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy looked up in horror as two heads, a dragon and a mare’s dropped past them followed by two bodies.

“All forces fall back or run for it. Lightening blast device active, discharge in two minutes.” CnC called out. From the sounds of the static they were hit too.

Rainbow turned to Fluttershy and grabbed her around the waist. “Time to get the hay out of here.” With that she turned and flew as hard as she could away from Cloudsdale. There were too many Quil for her and Fluttershy to get back to the shelters before the discharge so all they could do is run for it. As Rainbow Dash flew Fluttershy struggled up enough to get her pistol out and took aim at the Quil following them. As they flew Rainbow thought she saw a small flicker of green energy ahead of her.

{The Hay is that?} She thought. She saw it again, stronger this time. {It can’t be…can it?}

Suddenly that flicker of green light expanded and a purple Dragon appeared with a rider on his back. From where she was she could see it was a mare with purple hair and a pink highlight. And she didn’t have a clue what was going on. Rainbow groaned.
“Move it filly, before you get fried!” Rainbow yelled as they neared. The mare could only look at her oddly as they passed.


Twilight watched the Cyan Rainbow and yellow blur rush past confused as to what is going on.

“Twilight, Quil!” Spike yelled out. He breathed a fireball into the mass of Quil as they neared then turned to follow the two that shot by them. “Arm up Twi, time for a fight.” Twilight could barely comprehend what was going on but when she saw the mass of Quil heading for her, her pupils shrunk to pip pricks.

“Oh horseapples….” She paused a moment then grabbed her gun as her horn charged a spell. With a flash she and Spike disappeared and reappeared near the two fleeing Winged Folk. “What’s going on?” She yelled as she spun in her saddle to pepper the Quil behind her.

“Under attack, Lightening device about to discharge in approx one minute and we are nowhere near the safe range for this.” Rainbow yelled back.

“Spike you got Canterlot’s homing crystal?” Twilight yelled out.

“Got it. Jumping in 5…” Spike said as he charged his magic for another jump.

“You two go in first and we will follow. Meet you at Canterlot!” Twilight called back.

“…1…JUMP!” The green spark appeared before Spike and expanded as he slowed to let the two Winged Folk go first. As they neared the Rainbow one let go of the Yellow one and grabbed her hand pulling her into the Jump gate. The yellow one screamed in fear as they shot forward out of sight.

“Go Spike…oof!” Twilight felt something hit Spike. She hear him roar in pain as she felt something pierce her side. Before her the gate collapsed as Spike started to tumble towards the ground.

Chapter 3: In the Trenches

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Chapter 3: In The Trenches

Far away from Cloudsdale on the ground that the folk of Equestria know as the No Folk’s Land a small platoon rests up from a long forced march. They came from the front lines far to the East trying to get some confirmation about Cloudsdale being under attack. If an air battle was being raged in the skies above then they needed to know if the enemy was massing for an attack on the ground. So far they found no evidence that the Quil were even attempting to mount an offensive across the battle scared ground. No grass grew here, no trees or flowers, most of the magic having been stripped from the ground when the Quil took the White Tail Woods nearly a year and a half ago.

“They are getting hammered up there Gunny…” A blue Earth Folk mare with a red mane said slowly as she lowered her binoculars which were turned up towards Cloudsdale. They were close enough for her to get a little information about the battle without having to listen to the comm channels, something none of them wanted to do as the battle reports would be filled with the screams of the dying. She turned to the mare in charge of their little group. An orange skinned Earth Folk mare with a blond mane and tail that flicked in irritation wearing full battle fatigues. Her arms were crossed and her head down with one leg crossed over one upraised knee as her and the entire platoon took shelter in a large crater. “Gunny?”

“I heard ya. Ain’t much we can do down here Ah think.” Gunny Sergeant Applejack pushed her helmet off her eyes and looked around. “Segerant Rarity! Put your super peeper to use, Ah recon they just might use that Lightening thingy. See if you can spot it.”

A white skinned Horned Folk mare looked up at her from where she sat on the ground by two other soldiers. Compared to the rest of their group she seemed oddly out of place. Her uniform was still crisp and clean like it just came from the dry cleaners while the rest of the platoon looked like they have been roughing it in the field for a week. To be honest they have been doing just that for nearly two weeks. Her purple mane, while tucked under her helmet seemed to hold the perm like it was new.

“Oh Darling I would be happy to assist you.” Rarity said with a salute as her horn glowed an azure blue. From the ground next to her as she pushed to her feet a high powered sniper rifle with scope rose up into her hands. Applejack rolled her eyes, no matter what she may or may not think about this prissy Horned Folk she knew, and saw with her own eyes, Rarity’s ability to make her shots count. Laying against the dirt that lined the gently sloping sides of the crater without a complaint, Rarity got her rifle into place and looked through the scope.

“Quil, quil, winged one, falling body, quil…ahh I see now.” Rarity looked up at Applejack. “Confirmed they are charging their secret weapon.” Rarity turned back to her rifle and stared to scan the ground before her as Applejack turned to the others in the platoon.

“Pack up quick like, Ah think we are out o’ range. But I want to be sure. “

“Contact!” Rarity shouted. Applejack turned to where she was facing as the blue skinned mare passed her the binoculars. What she saw through them made her teeth clinch.
“Grab n go fillies and colts we got us some company!” Applejack shouted as she passed the binoculars back. “Move!”

The five of them grabbed their packs and weapons then bolted over the side of the shallow crater. At a march they were about an hour away from the front lines and safety. At a run, still nearly twenty minutes away if not more. All of them knew they couldn’t make that, they were already tired from the march. Applejack pulled a radio out of her pack.

“77th Battalion Bravo company, 3rd platoon to command. Contacted with whole mess o’ enemy, falling back to regroup with rest o’ Bravo Company. Coordinates 093 mark 055, Copy!” Applejack yelled as she ran. She chanced a glance backwards, while still a ways out she could make out a sizable force of Quil heading their way. Massive bug like creatures that walked on four razor tipped leg, and they were galloping right for them easily identifying them as Quil Soldiers. “Oh Horseapples…” She muttered.

“Copy that, we are starting artillery bombardment.” A voice called back.

“BOMBARDMENT?! Aw ponyfeathers…” Applejack shouted. “Scoot your boots everyone, we got incoming!” The 3rd platoon needed no second bidding to run faster.


Elsewhere in the quiet of a small small valley not far from a town called Ponyville, a small fire base of the Equestria Armed Forces suddenly came to life. Orders floated down from command to the 45th Artillery battalion causing crews to scramble to their artillery pieces. Crew commanders called out the coordinates causing the large pieces to turn in places as their barrels rose to point at the blue sky. Suddenly the peaceful tranquility of the valley was shattered as the crews started their bombardment.

Like the well oiled machines they were trained for, Earth and Horned folk crews worked to keep the large cannons fed as they fired with a sense of urgency. A large force of Quil were heading for their friends on the front lines and if they didn’t soften the assault up then the line would break, right into them. They loaded and fired with the speed of folk fighting for their lives, for in a way they were…all, except one. One artillery piece didn’t fire, didn’t send its shells sky high to come down upon Quil.

This piece, this cannon, this…weapon remained unused. Something the captain noticed from the command post. He and a personal assistant jumped into a jeep and drove over to the silent weapon. The captain prayed to Celestia, to Luna and all the demons below that the weapon in quested wasn’t commanded by a certain pink filly. Unfortunately the captain wasn’t a betting man and even he knew how the house stacked the odds. He knew that Sergeant Pinkamena “Pinkie” Diane Pie would be commanding this team, and he knew something was up. He didn’t understand just how up it was until he saw her on the ground and flopping about like a fish out of water, he could only watch in shock as he stepped out of the now stopped jeep.

Suddenly the Pink Earth Folk mare stopped shaking and opened her eyes. “Wow, that was a doozy…” She sat up and looked at her crew, each of them watching her calmly having see something like that before.

“What’s your ‘Pinkie’ Sense telling you now Sarge?” The Horned Folk Stallion who spoke up glanced towards the jeep. “Oh Captain!” At the word captain the rest saluted then looked back to Pinkie Pie.

“It’s a Doozy-dooz-doozy of a doozy…” She looked around kinda blank eyed, then she gasped and jumped to her feet.

“Sergeant, what is going on here?” The captain asked but was cut off by Pinkie rushing past him to the controls.

“Help load and prepare to fire! Party burst 2, 3, and Chocolate Cake 3.” Pinkie shouted pointing at a green Earth Folk stallion who was sitting at the controls. He quickly got out of her way as she dived into the seat. There was a smile on her face as she turned knobs causing the overlarge gun to change its angle.

At her shout the four stallions behind her paused only a second before the sprung into action. Instead of the stack of standard shells near by the group pulled back a tarp behind the cannon and started to assemble three unique shells. Each of them had the words ‘Party Time’ panted across the shell. One would set the shell on the ground pointing upwards as another dropped the powered charge and the third would set the warhead and the last would push it into place with a pop. Then the forth would grab the shell and loaded it. The captain watched this stunned at what he was seeing. He just watched four stallions assemble an artillery shell that would take machines to make.

“What the hay is going on here?” The captain roared as the third shell was nearing completion.

“Don’t look at us sir, these shells came from Sergeant Pie there and well I’m sure you noticed she’s a little…odd.” One of the two Horned stallions said. He turned to look at Pinkie Pie causing the captain to follow his gaze. Pinkie was sitting at the controls staring intently at the dials as she angled the weapon. Her tongue was sticking out, cocked to the right as she concentrated. “When she has a ‘Pinkie Sense’ tingle we listen. Last one who didn’t ended up in the medical wing for a week.” The stallion shuttered slightly thinking back. “Right now captain, if that tail of hers shook and she said run we would be half way to Canterlot with in thirty seconds.”

“That makes no sense Corporal so I’m giving you a direct order…” The captain started but was interrupted by a shout.

“FIRE!” Pinkie yelled. In one motion all five of the artillery crew pulled on ear guards and fired sending the unique shell sky ward with a belch of fire and noise. By the time the recoil could settle the breach was open, the shell ejected and a new one loaded as Pinkie spun the dials again. Suddenly her hand pointed at one of the stallions and he hit the fire button sending another shell upwards. Again the weapon was reloaded as Pinkie spun dials and with one last point she hopped off the seat with a grin and throwing her ear guards off. The captain wasn’t so lucky, he was collapsed to the ground clutching his ears from the sudden blast of the cannon but Pinkie ignored him.

“Ok, standard shells now. I reset the dial to where I need you to fire next. I need that shell launched in twelve minuets from when I tell you. No more no less. Pinkie promise me to get that shell off.” She said.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” All four stallions took on hand and crossed their heart then made the motion of sticking a cupcake into their eye.

“Good, and keep the party going you guys. I don’t think I’ll be coming back.” She said sadly, though there was a smile on her face they could see the sadness in her eyes at leaving them before she lowered her head.

“You sure Sarge?” One asked. He was with Pinkie the longest and understood her quirks the best.

“Yeah, that was part of the Doozy. I won’t be artillery again.” She looked up the sadness in her eyes gone, replaced by the twinkle of joy they grew to expect from their crew commander. “So I need you guys to keep the party going and make sure everyone is happy here. Got it? I’m counting on you.”

All four stallions threw a salute, a crisper one than they gave the Captain. “Yes Ma’am!” They shouted.

“Good, start that timer…now!” Pinkie yelled. She turned and ran for the jeep as one of the Horned Folk flashed his horn and a countdown appeared floating before the trigger counting down from twelve minutes.

“Sergeant you are not…oof.” The assistant tried to stop Pinkie from getting into the jeep only to get hit with a pie straight to the face. The sheer audacity of the attack, not to mention where in the hay was she hiding that pie, made the assistant pause in his tracks as Pinkie hopped into the driver seat. Once the engine roared to life she stepped on the gas as she turned hard for the entrance of the fire base with a giggle.

“This Doozy should be fun!” She yelled as she raced for the lines.


Applejack knew they were bucked. Even with the ‘inspiration’ of moving faster the Quil were still gaining. They were nowhere near their lines and no one was going to come out to save them.

{Ah’m sorry Big Mac, Ah joined this war to find you and here Ah’m going to die in the middle of nowhere. Forgive me…} She could hear the Quil behind her. A low growling as four legs galloped behind her. She could almost feel its breath. {NO! Ah made a promise to Granny and Apple Bloom, Ah WILL come back alive!} Her face grew grim as she reached over her shoulder for her weapon. A custom made combat shotgun, and she was in perfect range. She lunged forward as her weapon cleared the holster on her back and spun in air. All around her it seemed time slowed to a crawl. She saw her shotgun level with the enemy as a sharp tipped limb slashed through the air where she was just a second ago. The Quil was too close, she knew it and by the look that glowing red eye gave her, it knew it too. Applejack fired knocking the Quil soldier backwards with a roar that was quickly cut off. The recoil of her shotgun spun her around again as time resumed normal speed and she kept on running not missing a beat.

“We can’t out run them Applejack!” Applejack wanted to roll her eyes as only one of her platoon would use her name and not her rank, Rarity.

“Ah know that Sugercube, but we got nothing for cover!” Applejack spun on a heel and fired again knocking another one down. “A little help would be nice too.”
“Oh you really expect me to run and shoot? This elegant weapon needs a soft touch that only I, a true lady, can give it.” She said, her high class upbringing appearing in her voice. Applejack only deadpanned her. “Oh alright, but I’ll only do this for you Darling.” She said returning to her normal voice. She pulled out a small mirror as she laid her weapon over her shoulder, the barrel pointed at the enemy. With one hand she held the mirror over the butt of the rifle and sighted down it using the mirror and with her other hand she pulled the trigger dropping a Quil behind them.

Then they heard the whistling from above. “Incoming!” One of the platoon yelled. Explosions erupted all around them but they kept running. Ahead of Applejack and Rarity, the other three of the platoon ran. Two were taking their weapons and turning to either the left or the right, firing at Quil that tried to over take them. The last one, a large Earth Folk mare running with a very large weapon in her hands kept her eyes forward, but didn’t see the dead root sticking up from the blackened earth to trip her.
With a scream she went down. Before the two behind her could turn to see why she screamed they had already passed her. They started to turn to help their friend when Applejack’s yell kept them running.

“Keep moving you two! Rarity!”

Suddenly the downed mare glowed with a light blue aura and was picked up to her feet and almost flung back up to where she was.

“Sorry deary but, no offense, you are heavy. Let’s blame it on the equipment.” Rarity called from behind. Her voice sounded heavy like she was tired. Applejack picked up on that quick and grabbed Rarity’s arm and pulled her along. “Let me go Darling, you can still get them to safety, I’ll just slow you down and we all will die.” Rarity told her.

“No can do Rarity, not going to let you throw your life away that easily.” Applejack glanced over her shoulder. The Quil were dangerously close now. Despite the bombardment Quil were still about to over run them. That’s when they heard the new sound. It wasn’t a whistle of artillery, but more like an girly scream of excitement. “What the hay?” Applejack said as she looked up.

In line with where they were running a shell landed but instead of fire and earth being thrown everywhere, instead was earth and…confetti? As the earth settled the words ‘Here’ with an arrow pointing down appeared for a moment then drifted off with the wind. Two more high pitched screams of joy could be heard. One went to Applejack and Rarity’s right, another went to the left both exploding, not with explosives but with streamers. Behind them they could hear the roars of rage and pain from the Quil.

“What the hay…?” Rarity breath as she looked behind her. The streamers were not ordinary streamers but razor streamers. Ripping and slicing the Quil that got caught in them. The flailing of the Quil trying to get free sent more to those around them. Rarity paled when she saw one Quil get cut in half by a streamer and another flail about with its front legs missing before one roll of streamer went through its eye and out the back. “I am officially disturbed by this development…” She looked back to see Applejack and the rest of the Platoon dive into the shallow crator made by the first shell. At the bottom surprisingly enough was a few boxes of ammo. The five of them paused for only a moment as they looked at the neatly stacked boxes. Then they turned and started to fire at the approaching Quil.

Rarity looked at Applejack as she took aim and fired. “Applejack, Darling. Can you tell me what in Celestia’s name just happened?”

“No clue Sugercube, no clue but Ah’m not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Maybel, get that weapon set up and firing. Dusty, get that ammo spread out and for the love of Celestia move it!”

As the two in question scrambled to follow their orders Applejack saw quite a few of the Quil start to close in on their position. Above the Quil, in the distance, she saw a bright purple flash of light.


Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy suddenly found themselves spiraling out of control when the warp field collapsed on them. But with a few flicks of their wings they straighten themselves in the air.
“W-what happened?” Fluttershy asked.
“I don’t know, where is that rider?” Rainbow Dash said as she looked back towards Cloudsdale. They watched as a large sphere of energy radiated out from the city. They knew that anyone caught in that blast would be destroyed.
“Oh I hope she wasn’t caught in the blast.” Fluttershy said.
“She was right behind us…” Rainbow looked at Fluttershy. “I’m going to go look for her. With luck she crashed and she’s fine. We owe our lives to her.” Fluttershy nodded. “Let’s hit the deck and see what we can find out.” Rainbow stopped flapping her wings and let herself drop through the clouds feet first soon followed by Fluttershy.


Twilight had a problem. Spike roared with pain, and she too had an injury. On Spike’s back before her stood a Quil flyer both arms up to strike when her horn glowed and a beam of purple energy shot out taking out the Quil’s head. She felt one right behind her and something in her side. Glancing down she saw a Quil blade embedded long ways in her side. The wound was shallow but still hurt. Her horn lit up again, the Quil blade was pulled from her side and broken off of the Quil that owned it a moment before it was shoved into its face. Twilght spun in her saddle and knocked the Quil off into the sky as she looked around. Another Quil was tearing Spike’s wing and another was somehow on Spike’s belly. As Spike grabbed the one off his belly Twilight blasted the Quil on his wing with another magic bolt.

“Spike, you ok?” Twilight yelled. She saw more Quil coming for them both as they fell. She leveled her gun and started to fire bursts at Quil.

{No, I’m hurt bad. Not fatal but bad. I can’t fly with that wing, maybe glide but we are going down.} Spike thought back with a grunt.
From behind the Quil she could see a ball of energy start to expand from where Cloudsdale floated in the sky.

{The Lightening blast…} Twilight thought, forgetting about the fact Spike could hear it.

{Hold on Twi, I might be able to make another Warp…}

“Don’t bother.” Twilight yelled out as she holstered her weapon and spun back around. “Hang on its going to be close!” Her horned glowed a purple as the spell charged. Behind them the expanding ball of energy started to close in on them frying Quil that got to close. Just before the expanding energy ball could hit them, they vanished in a flash of purple light.

With that one discharge, another of the many battles of Cloudsdale was over. The Quil defeated, leaving a battered Cloudsdale behind to rebuild its defenses and muster up more defenders. No one noticed that a certain purple horned mare never showed to report for duty, figuring she was lost with the rest of the 10th Dragoons.

But Twilight Sparkle and her Dragon Spike were far from lost. Twilight wasn’t aiming for a place, just distance and distance she got as the two of them reappeared in a flash of purple light. Only they were much closer to the ground.

{I got nothing left Twi, I can’t flap my wing and its taking everything I got just to hold it open.} She could hear the pain in Spike’s thoughts.

“Hang on a little more we are almost to the ground.” Twilight said. She stood up in the saddle to get a good look at the ground ahead. She saw flashes, like tracer rounds streaking a ways ahead. “Why is the ground moving?” She asked to herself. As they drifted closer her eyes grew wide. Below them a massive Quil army moved. The tracers came from a small group of soldiers pinned down and fighting for their lives. While most of the Quil ignored them, Twilight could see some Quil moving in for the kill.

{Spike…I’m sorry.} Twilight thought as she pulled her weapon. {We are about to crash in the middle of a whole lot of Quil.}

{I see them. I’m going to land near that group of soliders. Get off of me as we hit and get into that crater and take as many as you can with you. I got one more surprise for them.} Spike’s thoughts were grim.

Folding his wings in the two of them started to drop faster. Using the forward momentum they built up while gliding, Spike was able to keep in line with the soldiers closing on the group.

{We are coming in too fast Spike!} Twilight thought as she clung to the saddle. She could feel the mental grin come back to her, even if it was tainted by pain.

At twenty feet over the ground the soliders in the crater stopped firing in surprise at the Dragon Rider’s appearance. And at that distance even they could see Spike’s injuries as he inhaled a big breath. Suddenly he exhaled and a steady stream green flames shot out incinerating a number of them at the same time slowing them down. As they flew past the front ranks of the Quil Spike stopped the flames and went limp crashing into the ground not far from where the soldiers hid in the crater. Twilight was ready, as they hit she cast the spell to change Spike from a large flying dragon to his normal self causing the two of them to roll over the ground in a tangle of limbs.

Twilight was dazed, a ringing in her ears drowned out everything around her. Her vision was half blurred and shifting around. Spike half on top of her was pinning her to the ground but she still had her weapon. Even in her dazed state she could see Quil closing in on her. She took aim then fired.


Applejack couldn’t believe her eyes. That dragon was badly injured and probley dead now but gave its last breath to help them. The rider somehow managed to change the dragon’s size so when they rolled she wouldn’t be crushed by her own dragon and is still fighting despite being badly injured from the crash and a teenage dragon on top of her. It took only a second for her brain to kick back into action.

“Rarity with me, you three keep up covering fire.” Applejack yelled as she pulled herself over the rim of the crater. Rarity was quick to follow behind her but quicker knowing what Applejack was going to do.

Rarity raced forward and slid in the dirt to a kneeling position and started to fire at the Quil while they tried to reorient themselves. She was impressed by the line of fire the dragon left and the number of burnt Quil bodies. With one hand on the barrel, one on the trigger and her horn glowing she fired. Her magic loading the next bullet into the chamber as she aimed for another, again reload and again fire. Quil dropped as fast as she could reload the gun as Applejack easily lifted the two injured to their feet.

“Come on yall, can’t be sitting out here. Rarity, fall back!” As Applejack, with Spike on one side and Twilight on the other still shooting towards the Quil, started to make her way back to the crater Rarity stood up and without missing a beat and kept firing as she slowly made her way backwards.

A roar sounded above them. Applejack looked up in horror. A Quil soldier was falling towards the crater. Before she could shout a warning it landed in the crater and three death screams sounded. Impaled on three of its legs were the three other members of her platoon. As it stepped to turn towards the three of them, the bodies flailing about like rag dolls. Applejack dropped Twilight who fell to one knee bringing her rifle to bear. Rarity spun in place aiming for the Quil in the crater and Applejack leveled her shotgun. Three trigger pulls answered for the three lives just lost collapsing the Quil soldier like a house of cards.

Looking down to pick her back up, Applejack saw Twilights side. It was oozing blood, her fatigues were soaked and she was looking pale. She has seen enough battles to know that unless she got some medical attention now she was going to die. And in the middle of this fight, there was no medics to help or hospitals to rush too.

“Ah ponyfeathers…” Applejack muttered. Despite the pain this mare was still fighting. Aiming and pulling the trigger like a pro, though she could see the fear in her eyes. “This is the poor mare’s first fight and it will be her last.” She gently set the injured Dragon on the ground and stood over the both of them as Rarity took the other side. “Let’s give them a stand that even the Quil will remember yall.”

As she took aim and fired she saw a Cyan and rainbow streak pass near her. Looking up she saw a Cyan Winged Folk with a rainbow colored main and tail start to dart around the battlefield startling Quill and pushing them away from the four of them with a loud battle cry. Then she heard a gasp of shock from behind her. Spinning she saw another Winged Folk, a yellow one with a pink mane putting away her pistol as she pulled out medical supplies. At the same time she glanced down and saw the mare wasn’t doing too good. She had stopped firing and looking around blankly. Then she fell over as the Winged Mare kneeled next to her.

“Oh my gosh, please be ok, please be ok.” She went to work on both Twilight and Spike and with an expert touch had Twilight’s wounds patched and was working on Spike.

“Who are you?” Applejack asked over the roar of gunfire as she turned and started to fire at the Quil again.

“Sergeant Fluttershy, that’s Staff Sergeant Rainbow Dash, we came looking for this one because she saved us at Cloudsdale.” Fluttershy said.

Applejack looked over her shoulder. The mare was scared to death, her eyes wide and she flinched every time Applejack fired her weapon but her hands didn’t stop. They moved with a training and skill to rival full time doctors and unfortunately with the skill of repeated practice.

Applejack grunted slightly. “Name’s Gunnery Sergeant Applejack, that’s Sergeant Rarity. Don’t know who you are working on.”

“Darling, can’t you see. Its 1st Sergeant Sparkle.” Rarity said from beside her as she popped in a fresh clip. “Oh dear, last clip.”

“How in the hay did you know that?” Applejack asked her gun clicked on empty so she put it away and stepped a few feet forward.

“Rank bars on shoulder and name on chest.” Rarity said with a small laugh. Applejack blushed slightly, feeling foolish for missing the obvious. But to her defense she was kinda distracted.

One Quil saw its chance and rushed them. Before Rainbow noticed one was making a rush or Rarity could bring her rifle around it leapt at Applejack, one leg raised to cut her in half, who looked at it calmly. At the last second she shifted to the side, the blow landing harmlessly into the ground. Grabbing the leg just above the joint where it turned into a blade Applejack kicked the Quil hard in the body knocking it away with enough force to bowl over two other Quil who tried to follow. A roar of pain erupted from the tangle of Quil and one rose up missing a leg. The leg in question remained in Applejack’s hands. With a flick of her wrist she threw it back at the Quil.

“Want to try again?”

The Quil, enraged, charged her on three legs with a roar. Once it reached her the Quil reared up and tried to cut her with its blade again only to have Applejack step inside the blow and punch. The sickening thud of flesh being impacted was loud enough to have Rainbow Dash turn to see what was going on. Another punch, another thud staggering the Quil backwards. It roared at her again but suddenly stopped when its jaw was grabbed by Applejack and with a strong quick jerk pulled the jaw off. The Quil started to thrash around in pain stepping back away from the Earth Mare in front of in. Stepping forward with a small hop Applejack came level with the Quil’s face and bucked out with both feet landing solidly on the Quil’s eye. With a twist she landed in a crouch then stood up to see the Qull was knocked back nearly thirty feet from her attack unmoving. The Quil around the fallen soldier looked at the body then back to the mare. With roars of rage they started to charge only to have an artillery shell land in the middle of them knocking nearly all of them off their feet.

Behind the group they heard the roar of an engine and the honking of a horn. Turning they saw a pink Earth Folk mare sliding to a stop near Rarity, Fluttershy and Twilight. She was grinning wide as she waved for everyone to get in. Applejack ran up and grabbed Spike and Twilight and tossed them into the back of the jeep and climbed in herself along with Rarity as Fluttershy took the passenger seat. The pink mare looked at Rainbow.

“Come on silly, we need to go!” She yelled out.

“Right behind you Pinkie, move it.” Rainbow called back. She zipped around a few more Quil then flew after the accelerating Jeep. She chanced a glance behind her and saw the group of Quil falling back in the distance. Though they still had many more Quil heading for the front before them they were at least in the clear at the moment.

“That was close to say the least.” Rarity said looking around. She could see charging Quil on both sides of the jeep but they were a few hundred yards away.

“Not quiet.” Pinkie said. She turned to the others with a grin. “CHAPTER BREAK!”

“Say what?” Four voices called back.

Chapter 4: Ponyville

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Chapter 4

“Nice timing there Pinkie, I was on my last clip.” Rainbow said as she flew alongside the jeep as it raced away from the Quil, the enemy having aborted their assault for some odd reason as they raced for the front lines. After a moment she managed to get Spike into a better position and landed in the moving vehicle with a sigh of relief from her aching wings. “And what in the hay was that you said a few minutes ago?”

“Nah, good writing and nothing to worry about.” Pinkie told her.

“Huh?” Rainbow asked but Pinkie only snorted in laugher.

“Anyway, Sergeant Pinkamena ‘Pinkie’ Diane Pie for those of you who don’t know. I was racing out here to help you out because my Pinkie sense said you needed help.” Pinkie told them. Applejack and Rarity smiled recognizing the mare from their home town.

“Yes, Rainbow and I met Pinkie as we were searching for Twilight here. She saved us from the Lightening discharge from Cloudsdale. I’m guessing she was attacked before she and her dragon could get into the warp point.” Fluttershy told them quietly, though loud enough to be heard over the rush of wind.

Everyone started to visibly relax from the fighting. As Applejack started to open her mouth she saw Rarity looking down at her fatigues. Applejack quickly closed her mouth and covered her ears.

“EEEEEK! Oh this is horrid, terrible a complete disaster!” She yelled.

“What is?” Rainbow Dash asked next to her rubbing her ear from the sudden scream.

“The dirt and grime. This just cannot be. Hold still everyone!” Rarity’s horn glowed and for a second everyone is covered in a light blue aura. Suddenly a flash and everyone is cleaned from the dirt and grime, their fatigues neat as they just came from the cleaners. “There we go Darlings. Even if the fashion is drab we can still look fabulous in the middle of war.”

“Rarity, how in the hay did you pass boot camp?” Applejack asked.

“With flying colors thank you. Do you think my skill in shooting a Quil at nearly 1000 yards is a fluke?” Rarity asked with a huff. Then she giggled. “I know it’s odd. A fashiontista like me on the battlefield? Oh the scandal. But rest assured Darling, I did pass and I did so with my own skill.”

The group, minus an unconscious Twilight and Spike, started to laugh. After a moment the laughter died and Rainbow Dash leaned forward.

“So Pinkie, where are we going?”

“Well…” Pinkie paused as he mane twitched. “First we are going to get back the front lines and from there we are going to Ponyville for the most awesome, wonderfully terrific party we can have because we are all the best of friends now!” She looked over her shoulder at a few odd looks. “Ok, ok we are going to Ponyville for the hospital for Twilight and her dragon there.” She smiled. “Then we can have the party before heading back to the front.”

Rainbow Dash leaned close to Rarity. “Uh, what’s up with this mare?” She whispered.

“Here is a little advice for you Rainbow. That is Pinkie Pie, she is bizarre to say the least but her heart is in the right place. When something happens we of Ponyville called it ‘Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie’. Before the war she was Ponyville’s party planner, she knew everyone in town and threw a party at the drop of a hat. And yes that theory was tested before and it turned into block party.” Rarity told her with a roll of her eyes though she was smiling.

“So you are from Ponyville too?” Fluttershy asked. She was leaned between the seats checking over Twilight and Spike’s bandages.

“Why yes I am along with dear Applejack here. I, Rarity, was the one and only fashion designer for all of Ponyville and before the war I was spreading out to places like Manehatten and Canterlot. But unfortunately the war started.”

“What happened?” Fluttershy asked again. She finished checking the bandages as Rarity finished speaking and pulled back to her seat. Rarity’s smile faded slightly.

“My father was going to join the war. He wasn’t as young as he use to be and I feared that he wouldn’t survive. I don’t know what I would do if I lost either of them so I joined the Armed Forces in his place, after I made him swear he wouldn’t join up after me.”

“Hey, you saved your father. That’s a pretty generous gift there, taking his place. Despite being so prissy, I like you. Your ok in my book.” Rainbow Dash told her putting her hand on Rarity’s shoulder. Then she turned to Applejack. “So what’s your story?”

“Nuthing I want to talk about, maybe later.” She started pulling off her helmet. “Yes I lived in Ponyville, in fact, all mah life. Mah family runs Sweet Apple Acers, best apples in all of Equestria.” Applejack said with a note of pride. Then she looked at Rainbow Dash with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. “You?”

“You are looking at the best flyer in Cloudsdale, Fluttershy and I are from Reaver Squad of the 6th Combat Air Unit. I joined up to show my worth to the Wonderbolts, the greatest most awesome elite assault flyers in Equestria. With my kill count and flight hours logged its only a matter of time before they offer me a position.” Rainbow said, she couldn’t help but to puff herself up with pride at her words.

“And what of you Darling? Why did you join up?” Rarity asked Fluttershy. With a faint ‘eep’ she sunk into her seat. But after a moment she straighten and turned to look at Rarity.

“So many folk were being hurt and killed. I’m not a good flyer as Rainbow Dash or marksmare…” Rainbow Dash snorted at those words with a small smile but Fluttershy chose to ignore it. “but I’m pretty good as a field medic…” Suddenly Rainbow Dash burst out laughing.

“Dash! You shouldn’t laugh at her.” Applejack said sternly.

“I..can’t…help it.” Rainbow Dash snorted between laughs. After a moment she calmed down. “Don’t let Fluttershy fool you. Yes she’s shy, yes she’s meek…not that’s not it uhhh…Humble. That’s it she’s humble and easily intimidated. She use to wear a heavy flak jacket into combat, I made her leave it behind this time. When we engaged the Quil in the skies around Cloudsdale I told her to fly at Combat Speed and she started to fly faster than me because she didn’t have the extra weight, nothing a flier like me couldn’t keep up with but she impressed me. As for her marksmareship, see that pistol sticking out from under her arm there? She doesn't give herself enough credit really. As for her being a simple field medic…I know a number of soldiers and myself included I’m ashamed to say, who owe her their lives. The filly has it where it counts and I want no one else by my side in combat.” As Rainbow spoke Fluttershy started to blush deeper and deeper, sinking into the seat.

“Thank you Rainbow…” Fluttershy said lowly half hiding behind her mane.

Silence fell about the group as Pinkie drove. Ahead of them they could see where the Armed Forces drew their ‘line in the sand’ against the Quil. On the side they were on, the earth lay dead and brown. Drained of the very magic it contained. On the other side, alive and green. The stark contrast was disturbing to those that never seen it before, unfortunately the four mares in the jeep have seen it many times. The Armed Forces hunkered down behind sandbags and trenches as needed, all members on the line keep one weathered eye towards the wasteland of the Quil.

As Pinkie Pie pulled up to a gate to pass through the line Fluttershy pulled out a small bottle from her medical bag and held it under Twilight’s nose. The stallion on guard waved them through as Twilight’s eyes slowly fluttered open.

“Ugh, where am I?” Twilight asked still groggy.

“Hey there Sparkle, glad to see you are still with us.” Applejack told her.

“Good to know…Spike? SPIKE!” Twilight shot up from where she was slumped into the seat and looked around quickly spotting Spike next to her. “Spike?! Speak to me!”
Twilight turned to shake Spike awake when a soft hand stopped her. Turning she saw the yellow mare from Cloudsdale holding her arm.

“Please don’t move too much you still need proper medical attention. Spike is going to be ok, but he is badly injured just like you. How you both survived is beyond me but I’m impressed you did long enough for me to treat your wounds.” Fluttershy said. Twilight nodded and leaned back in her seat.

After a moment, as the jeep passed through the encampment on the line, the mares passed around their names for Twilight.

“So where are we going?” Twilight asked as Pinkie Pie turned onto the road that ran parallel to a set of train tracks.

“According to Pinkie Pie here, we are heading for a place called Ponyville to get you to a hospital to get you checked over. Don’t know why though, granted I’m enjoying the down time for the moment. I just want to make sure you are ok after you saved us.” Rainbow told her.

“Well, thanks, all of you for helping me. I’m glad to see you two made it out alive too.” Twilight said.

“No problem Twilight, just helping out. We are about twenty minutes from Ponyville now so just hang on.” Pinkie said over her shoulder.

Twilight, still settled in her seat looked around at the passing country side. From where they were on the road Twilight could see Canterlot sitting on the mountain side in the distance. She missed her life back in Canterlot. Before the war she was Princess Celestia’s personal student, studying all sorts of magic. In fact her talent was Magic. Her hand drifted to her hip were a small six pointed purple star surrounded by five smaller white stars. It appeared when she was just a little filly, hatching Spike for her entrance exam to the School for Gifted Horned Folk and Celestia’s student. It was a simple yet rewarding life before the Quil appeared. After the Quil appeared Celestia moved her to the R&D Department of the Armed Forces to give her a chance to apply those lessons to helping the war effort. Research was something she was good at, along with studying. Twilight couldn’t help but to wonder, how many Colts and Fillies have yet to find their cutie marks due to this war and how many will never find it.

“Hey Sugercube, you ok? You seem kinda out of it.” Applejack asked her suddenly.

“Just thinking about my life before this war and what I’m going to do now that I’m a part of it.” Twilight looked around. “Did anyone get my weapon?”

“No we didn’t Sugercube, we were kinda more worried about the Quil swarming us.” Applejack said. “Why?”

“I’ll show you.” Twilight’s horn lit up and after a moment a flash of purple light flashed and a SAW appeared in her lap. What was really unique was the fact it was painted purple with her cutie mark on the stock. She handed it to Applejack. “See for yourself.”
Applejack too the weapon, her mind couldn’t help but to wonder how a slim Horned folk could pick up such a heavy weapon. But once it was in her hands she saw how that was possible. It was light, extremely light. “What in the world?”

“I used a bunch of my research to make a really light weapon. To compensate I enchanted a recoil suppressor and to cut my weight down even more the clip is enchanted for self replenishing. No need for extra ammo, I got all I need.”

“Ok, mildly interesting I reckon. When do these babies rollout?” Applejack said as she handed Twilight her weapon back.

“I’m testing now, if they work. They will ‘roll out’ as you put it.” Twilight said with a slight smile.

“So why did you get into the war?” Applejack asked suddenly.

Twilight slowly turned to look at Spike still out like a light next to her. “Because of him. I joined the war effort as a soldier when he did so I can watch over him.” She turned to look at Applejack who was standing on her seat.

“Look y’all, Ponyville.” Applejack called out and pointing.

In the distance they could see thatched roof houses and buildings that marked the town of Ponyville. Smoke rising from a couple of chimneys. Even from where they were on the road they could see a few Winged folk flying through the air.

“Is that a tree in the center of town?” Rainbow Dash asked. Her sharp eyes catching the tree in the center of town.

“You are correct, that is the Golden Oaks Library. I wonder if Ms Decimal is still running the place?” Rarity asked. “Oh I can’t want to see my family, I wonder if Sweetie Bell is home.”

“Me too, well not Sweetie Bell since she is your sister but I wonder how the Cakes are doing, are they doing ok with the shop and I got a letter from them saying that Ms. Cake's foals were bigger now oh oh oh I can baby sit for them yes that’s perfect I can baby sit the kids and have lots of fun and games can’t forget the games…mphm!” Pinkie suddenly was silence by a hand to the mouth by Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah Pinkie, we get it.”

Everyone around missed Applejack slumping back into the seat with a blank look on her face.

Pinkie turned to follow the road as it pulled away from the train tracks heading into Ponyville proper. Slowing her speed the dirt road turned into cobblestone as she moved along.
To Twilight, the peaceful town was a surprise. Every town, city and village had been affected by the long years of war, yet Ponyville seemed to take it in stride. Smiling faces of folks as they walked from store to store taking care of their daily lives. Young colts and fillies ran through the marketplace playing with each other through the busy square. Yet for all of this Twilight did see more than a few of the citizens had weapons somewhere on them. The Winged Folk that was seen earlier turned out to be a mix of weather patrol and military patrols though they were not wearing the colors of the Equestrian Armed Forces. They had to be another of the ‘irregulars’, non military civilians who took some military training to form militias around Equestria. Another puzzling sight she saw in Ponyville was the fact that what few vehicles she could see, all of them were some form of jeep.

{That’s odd…} Twilight thought.


It wasn’t long before Pinkie stopped the jeep in front of the hospital. As Applejack picked up Spike, Rarity and Fluttershy helped Twilight stumble behind them. It didn’t take staff long to spot the two injured and quickly rushed them back for treatment leaving the rest to do nothing but look at each other in silence.

After a few minutes Applejack spoke up. “I’ma going to store my gear in the jeep then take a walk. Find me when Twilight is out. I need to take care of something.” With that she spun on a heel and walked out.

“Hmm, well Gunny Applejack does have a point. I may not get a better chance than now.” Rarity said after a moment. “Pinkie, be a dear and help Rainbow and Fluttershy around town and find us when Twilight is released. I need to find my little sister and see how she is doing.” Then she too walked out the doors calling for Applejack.

“Okie-dokie-loki.” Pinkie said as she waved after her. Then she turned to Rainbow and Fluttershy and grabbed them both by the arms. “Come on girls let’s find Twilight.” Then she pushed through the doors where Twilight vanished through.


Applejack found herself walking along the dirt road heading out of town. Ahead of her she could see row upon rows of apple trees. The sight was familiar to her, it was her home before she went to look for her brother. How did the farm fare? It look like it was going strong which was good. A few displaced members of the Apple family moved in to help with the farm, which allowed her to look for her brother without worry. But truly, she was worried. She wasn’t going to lie to herself. How has Granny Smith been? She was an old mare, even if she was full of fire still. And her younger sister Apple Bloom, what of her? It has been nearly three years since she saw her sister.

A loud buzzing sound snapped her out of her musing. Looking up she saw what looked to be a young orange skinned Winged folk filly with a short purple mane and tail on a scooter racing her way. Her wings, smaller than normal for her age of about 14, were the source of the buzzing sound as she used them to propel the scooter forward. Behind the young filly was a wagon where two more fillies sat. One was a white skinned Horned folk filly with a light purple hair with a white strip. The other one made Applejack’s breath catch in her throat. She was a yellow skinned Earth Folk Filly with bright red mane and tail with a large red bow in her hair. All three were wearing shirts and overalls, dirty from farm work but laughing as they skimmed along the ground. Applejack danced aside before she would become road kill from the breakneck speed the trio were traveling. As they passed, her eyes and the eyes of the Earth Folk Filly locked.

“Applejack…” The filly breathed. “Scoots wait! It’s Applejack!” The orange filly slammed on the breaks, her wings shifting to provide reverse thrust. The white filly was thrown from the wagon with an oof as Apple Bloom dived off before it came to a complete stop. “APPLEJACK!!” She raced for her sister and threw herself into Applejack’s arms. “Oh sis, Ah missed you! Are ya home for good?”

“Sorry Sugercube. Fate may have brought me home, but fate will make me leave it again. Ah still haven’t found Big Mac, but I had to see mah family.” Applejack told her as she hugged her sister. “Land sakes you have grown Apple Bloom, and your friends too. How’s the farm?”

Apple Bloom’s joyous face fell slightly at Applejacks’ words but quickly brighten. “We are doing great for now. With so many of the family running from the Quil many came here to help keep the farm alive.” Then her face grew serious. “Ah did what you asked AJ, Ah kept the farm going. Ah took charge and did mah best. Ah did the work and made sure Ah could do it all before Ah asked anyone to do it.” She let go of Applejack and looked to her friends. “Ah nearly lost them, the rest of the Crusaders because Ah felt Ah had to do it. But the family, they know Ah’m still just a filly and gave me the chance to keep my friends.” She laughed then turned back to her sister. “The family kicked me out to have some fun with them.”

Applejack laughed. “Ah’m proud of you sis, mighty proud. Ah need to see Granny Smith so you little fillies have fun.”

“Hey, we ain’t little!” The orange filly called out.

“Scootaloo, Hush! Apple Bloom is talking with her sister.” The white filly said with a small glare.

“Oh you hush Sweetie Bell, we ain’t little.” Scootaloo told her.

“Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo, my stars you have grown too.” Applejack said as she looked at the other two. Then something clicked in her mind. “Sweetie Bell, your sister is in town too and looking for you. She’s somewhere in town.”

“Rarity?! Come on Scootaloo we need to get into town fast! Spend time with your sister Apple Bloom, we can do this later!” Sweetie Bell said as she dived back into the wagon.

“You ok AB?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yeah, Ah’m fine we can do this later. Thanks for all your hard work over the weeks.” Apple Bloom said with a small smile.

“Take care!” Sweetie Bell called out as the wagon took off. Both Apple Sisters waved back as she zipped off for town. Once they were out of site Apple Bloom looked at Applejack.

“Come on AJ, let’s see Granny Smith.” Apple Bloom said as she pulled her sister along.

The two of them walked in silence along the white fence that marked the properly line of Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack saw many trees were still full of fruit but she knew that it was Apple Bucking season and they wouldn’t stay that way for long. As she got closer and closer to the main gate she could feel the years of fighting just melt away from her shoulders.

“It’s good to be home…” Applejack said as they walked through the gate only to have her good mood drop from shouting coming from the nearby trees. “What in tarnation?”

“Oh boy, sounds like the twins are at it again.” Apple Bloom said as she changed course to find out what the problem was.

“Twins? Oh, Red and Green Apple huh?” Applejack said as she followed her little sister towards the shouting.

“Yeah, those two work well together but…they easily get distracted.”

Entering the rows of trees they found two staillions arguing about where to places the baskets. One was red skinned Earth Folk with a short green mane and the other was a green Earth Folk with a red mane. Both wore overalls like Apple Bloom.

“What in the name of apples are you two arguing about now?” Apple Bloom yelled at the two arguing stallions. Applejack hung back to watch how Apple Bloom dealt with this.

“Uh, Bloom…we thought you left.” The Red asked shocked to see the little filly walking up to him.

“Ah did. But something brought me back. Now spill.”

“Yeah…we was arguing about the placement of the baskets…” The Green started.

“There is nothing to argue about, you know how they should be placed so place them!” Apple Bloom told them half shouting at them. She paused a moment then turned to look at Applejack. Red and Green Apple followed her gaze. Their eyes widened to see Applejack standing there, her arms crossed and leaned against a tree. “Aj, want to see if you still got it?” Applejack’s eyebrow rose slightly. “These two need to learn the placement of the baskets again. Ah say they place and we buck, you get that row.” She said pointing to the row of trees where Applejack leaned. “And Ah get this one. Winner finishes the row first.” She crossed her arms with a sly smile. Applejack looked at the rows then back to Apple Bloom.

“Red Apple goes and sets baskets for you, Ah get Green Apple.”


Apple Bloom and Applejack went to the start of the rows of trees followed by the twins.

“On yer mark.” Apple Bloom called out. She started to stretch her legs a little. Almost a mirror image of Applejack as she did the same.

“Get set…” Applejack called as she finished. She looked over at Apple Bloom. “Let’s see what you got sis, Ah’m not holding back.”

“Same here sis, same here.” Apple Bloom said. She saw a few of the other members of their family collecting to watch having heard the arguing brothers earlier.

“GO!” Applejack and Apple Bloom yelled out sending Red and Green Apple shooting ahead to start placing baskets.

The mare and filly paused until Red and Green were a few trees away from them before they started themselves. Applejack trotted up to a tree as she watched Apple Bloom’s technique.

Apple Bloom ran up to her first tree and kicked out with a forward heel sending only about half the apples to the ground. Before the apples were even half way she spun on her heel still on the ground and gave another kick, a spinning side kick into the tree clearing it out. With a laugh the filly moved to the next tree. She did the same thing only with her other leg.

{She’s good with either leg. Good form and land sakes a strong little filly. Ah’m impressed.} Applejack thought. {But time to show her who the better bucker is.} She turned to her first tree and kicked it hard on the side clearing the tree in a single kick.

As she ran for the next one she saw Apple Bloom had gained two more trees in the time she got one. But Applejack smiled to herself as she kicked the next tree again clearing it with one kick. Apple Bloom couldn’t keep that pace up forever and they had a lot of trees still to cover. Applejack started to move faster. On her side, years of experience along with trained power honed to a fine point. She knew exactly how much force was needed for each tree. On Apple Bloom’s side, youth and raw power. The little apple was strong, no doubt about that.

As the two of them raced Applejack caught up to her little sister who was bound and determined to show just how much she learned for her elder amidst the whooping and hollering by the growing members of the apple clan as they were drawn to the race by all the commotion. Despite the noise the only thing the sisters saw were each other as they raced. Their smiles were broad as day as they pushed themselves to their limits, never backing down until finally it came to the last tree.

Apple Bloom was tired, she knew it and her body was telling her so harshly. But she ran forward. One more tree and she would win. Applejack was not only impressed she was beaming with pure pride at her sister’s work. All she needed was one more tree and she would win. She knew that Apple Bloom light frame would help her make the move quicker so she decided to play a trump card. Instead of trying to kick the tree Applejack lunged the way her Armed Forces training taught her and landed a strong punch to the tree as Apple Bloom spun for her second kick. The resounding double thwacks resounded throughout the orchard as everyone held their breath to watch for the final apple to drop. And when it did, no one made a sound. As far as everyone could tell the final apple for both trees landed at the same time.

“Well what do you know, a tie.” Applejack said with a smirk through her heavy breathing.

“Guess so sis.” Apple Bloom gasped between breaths as she held out her hand to her sister who promptly took it.

“Ah’m mighty proud of you sis, you did great, better than great! And imagine you are only a filly. You could be better than me!”

Apple Bloom could only smile at her sister’s praise as the apple clan around them started to cheer.

“Ah’hem.” A gravelly voice called out causing the cheering to suddenly die out in a sudden second and Applejack stiffened into attention stance out of instinct.

“Uh oh…” Apple Bloom said more to herself than anything. She and Applejack, turning on one heel, turned to see an elderly green Earth Folk mare standing there with the support of a cane, her mane white with age. Her eyes narrowed at the mare and filly before her.

“Now anyfolk want ta explain ta me why Ah’m looking at mah granddaughter and no grandson in sight?” She said. Applejack relaxed a little.

“Hello, Granny Smith. Ah’m not really back, I kinda ended up here in Ponyville after getting my flank rescued by Pinkie Pie. And of course she came here. Ah…Ah had to come by and see mah family. Ah’m a Apple to the core and Ah wanted to see mah family.” Applejack told her causing the elder Apple to raise her eyebrows and her gaze solften.

“Durn tooting you are. Give your Granny a hug.”

Applejack needed no further bidding as she rushed over and gave her granny a gentle hug.


Twilight was sitting on the side of the bed as the Horned Folk doctor, his horn a glow as he looked at a clipboard in his hands. Twilight could feel the magic from his horn scanning her as he wrote something down.

“So Doctor, how is Spike doing?” Twilight asked as she watched him write on the clipboard. Her fatigue jacket laid over a chair as she sat on the examination table in a olive tank top leaving her arms bare.

“While I am more worried about you I can say that your friend is going to make a full recovery. He suffered from lacerations, some trauma to his wing and severe blood loss. But other than that he is in stable condition and should be out in a day or so. He should be lucky that Dragons are so resilient.” He looked at Twilight. “You on the other hand are not so much. You got a major laceration on your side just above your cutie mark, your mana levels are low and not to mention the multiple points of blunt force trauma all over your body from when you landed. No offense to your friends who brought you in, but you were marehandled a little to roughly for my liking. But I tip my stethoscope to the medic that patched the two of you up.”

“I’ll be sure to pass along. Am I cleared to go?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, you got a clean bill of health. Your body responded very well to the magical healing so you should be good to go. Since you are a soldier, I’m not going to try to tell you to be safe just…try not to die out there.” The doctor told her.

“As much as I would say ‘I will’ we both know I don’t have that luxury. Thank you doctor, will you contact me as soon as Spike is released?”

“I will, and don’t worry Ponyville is a small town it won’t be had to find you.” He said said as he opened the door to the examination room and motioned for her to leave. But Twilight wasn’t watching the doctor she was staring out the door at Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie looking in. All three of them with embarrassed looks on their faces as they slowly toppled over into the examination room.

“Uh, hi Twi, you ok…well yeah you are according to the doc here.” Rainbow Dash sheepishly.

“Do you ladies mind? This is a hospital examination room not a waiting room. IF you are here for your friend she is free to go. Check with the nurse on your way out please.”

“Okie-dokie-loki.” Pinkie Pie said with a grin. She got up and grabbed Twilight and threw her over a shoulder. “Come on silly, it’s time to show you the town, someone grab her jacket.” Then she was out the door with a yelling Twilight over her shoulder.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy glanced at each other then jumped to their feet. As Fluttershy grabbed Twilight’s jacket the two of them followed Pinkie Pie out of the hospital.

Once outside the two of them saw Pinkie Pie throwing Twilight into the jeep. “Come on girls, first stop Sugercube Corner!”

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy climbed into the Jeep avoiding Applejack and Rarity’s equipment as Pinkie Pie fired up the jeep and took off. Despite the fast take off Pinkie didn’t drive like a mad mare through the streets.

“What is this ‘Sugercube Corner’?” Rainbow asked.

“Just the best place to go to for sweets and such. I’m sure you could use some after Cloudsdale. And I hear it’s hard to get supplies up there too.” Pinkie said.

“Oh that sounds lovely. I haven’t had anything sweet for a while now.” Fluttershy said.

“I guess I could use some too.” Twilight said from the passenger seat. “In fact I could really use something sweet right now.”

The trip went in silence as Pinkie waved at a few folk she knew. Other’s called her name happy to see their friend again and soon they pulled up to what looked to be an over sized ginger bread house. Twilight could only stare as Pinkie pulled up in front of the building and hopped out. She took a moment to throw her helmet and jacket into the back.

“Come on girls, and stand down everyone. This is Ponyville and it is as safe as we are going to get.” Pinkie told them. If her grin could get any wider it would cut her head in half.

“Pinkie…we are only a few miles from the front. If anything happens Ponyville won’t stand a chance we can’t afford to relax in the slightest.” Twilight told her.

“Maybe, but Ponyville made it a point that as long as nothing happens anyone can and will feel safe here. So stand down Sergeant Sparkle and be just Sparkle for a bit.”

Twilight hung her head at Pinkie’s words then sighed. “Find, my weapon and jacket is already back there.” She pulled off her helmet that she kept on the entire time and tossed it to the back. “Will our equipment be safe out here?”

“Of course it will silly. I want to say hi to Mr. and Ms Cake.” Pinkie said already half way into the building. Twilight looked at Rainbow and Fluttershy.

“Why not?”

“I can think of a dozen reasons why not…but none of them are making sense so let’s go.” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk. She pulled off her jacket, helmet and threw it all into the back. “Come on ‘Shy, let’s see what is so special about this place.”

“O-okay.” Fluttershy followed suit and climbed out with Twilight as the two of them joined Rainbow by the door.

Once inside the three of them paused at the smells that assaulted their noses. It was heaven on earth and each of them couldn’t help but to drool slightly. The tables didn’t have anyone in them but at the end of the room was a cash register where Pinkie Pie stood talking to a blue skinned older mare with a pink and white mane curled on the top of her head like frosting. She wore a yellow dress with a white apron and she looked up to see the three standing by the door.

“Come in, come in. You must be Pinkie’s friends she was telling me about. Come in and look around. I’m Ms. Cake and my husband and I run Sugercube Corner.” Ms. Cake said as she waved them in.

As the three of them approached the squealing of tiny voices rang out coming from the stairs not far from the register leading to the upstairs living area.

“Pinkie! Pinkie! Pinkie is back!” Two voices called out. From the stairs a yellow skinned horned folk filly and a light brown winged folk colt came racing down the stairs both were wearing a blue and pink shirt respectively and pants. Well the filly was running the colt flew down the stairs and banked hard to the left to crash into Pinkie with a hug, his sister only seconds behind him.

“Pound Cake, Pumpkin Cake! Oh I missed you little sillies.” Pinkie said with a laugh as she hugged the two little ones.

“They asked about you a lot while you were gone.” Ms. Cake said.

“And I missed them too.” Pinkie said as she looked at them fondly.

“Are you back?” The filly, Pumpkin Cake, asked.

“Just for a day or so. I need to show Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy around town too.” The foals faces fell. “Aww don’t worry we will still have a chance to play then I need to go back and teach those Quil a lesson.” They perked up at that then ran up stairs yelling they will hold her too it.

“You seem to be good with kids.” Fluttershy told her with a small smile.

“Yeah, I use to live and work here before I joined the Armed Forces. I would foal sit the twins too.” Pinkie stood up and dusted herself off. “I joined so I could make the future safe for them.” She turned to Ms. Cake. “Anyway, this is 1st Sergeant Twilight Sparkle, Staff Sergeant Rainbow Dash and Sergeant Fluttershy. I kinda helped bail them out of a sticky situation.”

The three mares behind her waved at their names. Well Twilight and Rainbow waved, Fluttershy hid behind her mane.

“A pleasure to meet the three of you. Here, on the house, some cupcakes for each of you.” Ms. Cake said as she pulled out three chocolate cupcakes for them.

“Oh yeah, sweet!” Rainbow Dash said as she grabbed a cupcake. “Looking good Ms. Cake.”

The three of them took a bite and gave a faint moan of happiness at the taste.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Ms. Cake said with a smile.

Behind them, the door opened to the sound of more voices. Turning around they saw Rarity and two fillies wearing overalls walking into the store.

“Oh hey girls.” Rarity said with a grin then led the two with her to the counter. “Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo these are my friends. This is Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. And of course you both know Pinkie Pie. Girls, this is my little sister Sweetie Bell and her friend and fellow crusader Scootaloo.”

“Hello girls.”Twilight said with a smile. Then she grew puzzled. “Crusader?”

“Yep we are two of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. We are Crusaders for our Cutie Marks.” Sweetie Bell said. She pulled her shirt up on her side and showed her blank hip as Scootaloo did the same. “Us and Apple Bloom do what we can to earn our cutie marks.” She looked at Scootaloo with a smile as Rarity covered her ears.

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS YAY!” The two of them shouted with a high five to each other causing everyone else in the room but Rarity to flinch.

“Well it’s good that you three fillies are doing their best to find your destinies.” Fluttershy told them quietly.

“Of course!” Scootaloo said.

“So why not join us Rarity, you girls too. We are about to enjoy a few good cupcakes.” Twilight asked.

“Can we get them to go? We can take some to Apple Bloom and her sister Applejack?” Scootaloo asked. “Today was to be her day off so why not take some to her. It’s the least we can do for her.”

“You know, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea.” Rainbow said. “As much as I like this place, I want to see an Apple Orchard.” Everyone looked at her. “What? Applejack said she use to work at an apple orchard.”

Twilight couldn’t help but to laugh. “Sure why not, I wanted to see one too.” She turned to Ms. Cake. “Can we get a baker’s dozen?”

“Sure thing sweetie. Give me a moment.” Ms. Cake turned and walked back into the kitchen. A few minutes later she walked back out with a box of cupcakes. “You girls have fun ok.”

“Oh we will. Thanks Ms. Cake.” Sweetie Bell said as Twilight took the box and dropped a few bits on the counter. “Let’s go we can show you where Sweet Apple Acres is.”

With waves and calls of good by the group stepped out. The first thing they noticed was the wagon and scooter parked next to the jeep. Sweetie Bell hopped into the wagon and pulled on a helmet as Scootaloo jumped onto the scooter.

“What is this?” Rainbow asked as she watched Scootaloo pull on her helmet.

“This is our scooter.” Scootaloo said. She spread her small wings sheepishly. “As you can see I can’t fly…” She folded her wings back embarrassed and hung her head. Silence hung in the air. Scootaloo raised her head when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“So you use your small wings to propel that scooter along pulling your friends with you. You any good?” Rainbow asked her.

Scootaloo smiled at that. “I’m the best!”

“Really?” Rainbow asked an eyebrow raising. There was a smirk fighting to take over her face. Everyone else had already climbed into the jeep but Fluttershy placed a hand on Pinkie’s shoulder keeping her from taking off. “In that case, prove it.” Rainbow’s wings started to flap pulling her into the air. “I’ll race ya there.”

“You don’t even know where Sweet Apple Acre at. It would be an unfair advantage.” Scootaloo told her. Her wings were starting to buzz in excitement at the idea of the race.

“And I’m awesome enough that I could use a handicap. Besides I saw it from the north of town, I know where I need to go. In face I’ll stay below the roof line and stick to the streets. So you up for it?”

“Your on Rainbow Dash, you are on!” She looked behind her to Sweetie Bell. “Hang on Sweets, this is going to be a bumpy ride.”

“Oh boy…” Sweetie said as she grabbed the sides of the wagon. Rainbow hovered over Scootaloo as Pinkie cranked the engine.

“On your marks…get set…GO!” Rainbow yelled.

Scootaloo’s wings started to buzz as she kicked off sending the scooter and wagon barreling down the street drawing a worried scream from Sweetie Bell. Rainbow right over her head neck and neck as the Jeep pulled up behind.

“Whoa, she’s fast.” Twilight said from where she sat in the back.

“Oh yes Darling, Scootaloo has never been able to fly but somehow found out that she could use her wings to power that scooter of hers. She has helped the Crusader’s get around town with that.” Rarity told them.

“Rainbow is holding back.” Fluttershy said quietly.

“What do you mean Darling?”

“I see Rainbow go much faster before. She’s giving that filly a chance. I think Rainbow likes her.” Fluttershy said with a small smile.


Rainbow Dash glanced down at the filly powering that scooter. It was pretty impressive at what she did and if she lost that wagon she would be even faster. This little filly had a fire in her, a fire that should be nurtured and Rainbow Dash was just the mare to do it. But if this little filly was going to win, she was going to work for it. The group was nearing the edge of town and Sweet Apple Acres loomed ahead of them.

“I can see the farm from here Scoots, you are going to have to step up your game if you want to win.” Rainbow called out and started to pull ahead.

“Time to bring my A-Game then.” Scootaloo yelled back. She leaned in a little more, her wings started to buzz faster catching up to Rainbow Dash in short order.

“Then try to keep up squirt!” Rainbow increased her speed again. “Push it, you need to push it to get better. Come on squirt!” She glanced down to see the filly pushing herself to try to keep up. She could hear the little filly yelling trying to push herself harder. Rainbow slowed just a hair, bring herself even to Scootaloo. Before them they could see the main gate of Sweet Apple Acres. “Main house Scoots, Finish line at the Main house. Twilight, we need a door mare!”

Behind them Twilight stood up from her seat to see the gate. After a moment her horn glowed along with the gate that suddenly swung open allowing the way for Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash to zip in. As they passed the gate Rainbow lowered to fly side by side with Scootaloo as the house drew near. Both, at an unheard command, hit the brakes hard. The scooter jerked to one side and into Rainbow causing both to crash in a pile of limbs and pieces. The wagon tongue, at the sudden brake, jabbed into the ground catapulting Sweetie Bell over the pile up with a yell. As she neared the ground she closed her eyes expecting the pain of the earth meeting her as her horn bust into a mulberry glow. Sweetie cracked her eyes and saw the ground an half an inch from the ground, her vision tainted by a mulberry glow and suddenly disappeared, dropping her to the ground with an oof. Behind them the Jeep slowly pulled up to the house as Rainbow and Scootaloo untangled themselves.

“Guess we can call that a tie huh?” Rainbow asked as she sat on the ground. She stuck her hand out towards Scootaloo.

“Yeah, I can call it that. Until next time.” Scootaloo said breathing hard as she took the offered hand. As the two of them shook the door to the house opened.

“What in tarnation is going on here?” A voice called out.

Everyone looked up to see Apple Bloom looking at them from the porch taking in the sight of a jeep with four mares, each wearing partial uniforms of the Equestrian Armed Forces, and another mare sitting in a crashed heap with Scootaloo, also wearing a partial uniform, and Sweetie Bell picking herself up off the ground. She was the first to speak.

“Scootaloo and our new friend Rainbow Dash were having a race and crashed.” Sweetie Bell said dusting herself off. “Standard for her right now.”

“Ah noticed. Come on in we are about to have Lunch.” She turned to the door. “Sis, your friends are here!”

“Ah’m coming, hold your horses.” Applejack walked out and saw everyone starting to walk up the porch and gave a quick salute towards Twilight.

“At ease we are far from any front or any true superior officers.” Twilight told her with a wave.

“Hehe, sorry. Come on in, lunch is ready and we can all use a break. And do you three have a place for tonight?” Applejack asked motioning for them to go in.

“Not yet, to be honest I didn’t think we would be here over night.” Rainbow said. She stood up and helped Scootaloo to her feet.

“Good ya’ll welcomed to crash here for the night. How’s Spike?”

“He should be out in a day or so. Otherwise he’s in good shape.” Twilight told her. She passed the box to Applejack. “Here’s a baker’s dozen of cupcakes. Got them from Sugercube Corner for the group of us.”

“Well that’s mighty kind of you. Come on in.”

Chapter 5: The Calm Before the Storm

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Chapter 5
The Calm Before the Storm

Twilight looked out the bedroom window of the spare bedroom of the Main House of Sweet Apple Acres as the sun fell below the horizon. The room was Spartan at best with a bed, chair and desk with a lamp on it.

{Why are you here Twilight?} She thought to herself. {Why are you in this uniform? Do you even deserve to be here?} She turned and walked over to the small chair and picked up her jacket to stare at the 1st Sergeant bars on the shoulder. {Is the fact I’m a Dragon Rider even gives me the right for this rank? I have no combat experience, no true leadership experience, nothing. Buck it, I didn’t even reach my new squad before I was forced to run away like a coward! I wonder if they are going to call us AWOL or MIA? IF they even list us at all.} She dropped the jacket back on to the chair and looked over to the bed where a set of pajama, courtesy of one of Applejack’s cousins, lay for her.

“Do I even know what I’m doing?” Twilight asked out loud.

“Of course you do silly.” A voice called out causing Twilight to jump with a squeal of panic. Twilight turned and saw Pinkie Pie climbing into her window.

“Pinkie! What in the name of Celestia are you doing here?!” Twilight hissed as Pinkie fell into the room with a thud.

“Well it seems there was this huge cloud of doom hovering over the farm so I came to see who needed cheering up and found you being Ms. Grumpy Pants. So I’m here to cheer you up silly.” Pinkie told her as she picked herself up and dusted herself off.

“Pinkie…I don’t think you can help me with this.”

“You mean the fact you feel like you are nowhere near ready for the front as in no desire or want to join the war effort except because of one dear to you.” Pinkie sat down on the bed and continued. “How you feel like you got nothing to offer anyone, even yourself. And how you feel like you were given something that you do not deserve as in your Rank.” Twilight’s jaw dropped as Pinkie spoke. She stepped forward and pushed Twilight’s jaw closed.

Twilight could only stand there for a few minutes, her eyes unfocused and her jaw slack again, as her brain tried to process what just happened. As she stood there Pinkie stood up and wondered around the room looking around slowly, patiently waiting for Twilight to snap out of it, a small smirk on her face as she walked. Finally, after a few minutes, Twilight blinked and shook her head to clear it.

“Pinkie, how did you do that?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, you know…” Pinkie looked at her the smirk turning into a full blown grin. Twilight hung her head then looked at her.

“Ok, so you want to tell me about those problems I got and maybe cheer me up in the process?” Twilight asked. She pulled out the chair and sat in it looking at Pinkie.

“Twilight, all I can really say is you need to trust yourself. You would not have gotten what you got if you didn’t deserve it and you wouldn’t even be here unless you needed to be here. Somehow you got here, somehow you are in this position to do the most good. We just got to get Spike better and get back to Canterlot for reassignment. Once we get back they can get us to new places in the front and do what we can to win this war. We just got to believe in ourselves and do what we know to do.” Pinkie told her sagely.

“And that is the most sane thing I ever heard you say yet.” Twilight looked away from Pinkie a moment as she thought about what was said. “Thanks Pinkie…” She turned back to face Pinkie and found her missing. “What the hay?”

After a few minutes of standing around dumb stuck Twilight shook her head and turned off the lamp. As she changed into her pajamas a thought struck her.

{Tomorrow was going to be a long day.}


The sun rose slowing into the sky causing a shaft of light to hit Twilight between the eyes. With a grunt she flipped over away from the light and tried to go back to sleep when she felt a presence in the room. Cracking a bleary eye she was met with a coverall clad body.

“Time to get up Twilight.” A voice called out. It sounded familiar to her, somehow. “Ah said, time to get up.”

Twilight closed her eye and pulled the covers over her head moaning about needing five more minutes or hours and all night study hours. Applejack looked down at Twilight as she tried to hide from her and the morning light and rolled her eye as a wicked smile crossed her face. Applejack reached down and grabbed the mattress and gave a heave flipping Twilight to the ground on the other side of the bed with a startled yelp. After a moment Twilight sat up and glared at Applejack who was doing everything but laughing straight into her face.

“That’s not funny Applejack, why did you dump me into the floor?” Twilight pushed to her feet.

“On the farm we wake up at dawn. Come on sugercube, we got chores to do ‘fore breakfast.” Applejack said. She turned and walked to the closet and pulled out a white work shirt and overalls that matched hers and tossed it on the bed. “Here, put those on and we can hit the orchard. Ah be back in a few.” With that Applejack walked out of the door.

Twilight glared at the outfit hard enough to set it on fire, but it stubbornly refused to do so. Instead it laid there mocking her. Glancing out the window she saw a few members of the Apple family she met yesterday already out in the fields working. With a resigned sigh Twilight removed her pajamas and pulled on the work clothes. After a moment she walked out and down stairs to find Applejack starting to head up to get her.

“Morning Twilight, sleep well?” She asked with a smile.

“Aj, if I told you to buck off would you take the hint?” Twilight asked.

Applejack looked Twilight over from her bed head mane to the fact her shoes were on the wrong feet to her tail swishing in agitation.

“Not really, but Ah think you need a cup of coffee. Come on girl, coffee then you can fix yourself up.” Applejack said as she guided Twilight to the kitchen. Inside Twilight saw Granny Smith tinkering around making breakfast for the many farm hands and family.
“Morning Granny, getting Twi here a pick me up then heading out.”

“Fair enough. Make sure she works.” Granny Smith said not looking up from the stove she worked over.

“And I’m doing what?” Twilight asked.

“Apple Bucking. Going help harvest the apples.” Applejack told her with a grin as she handed her a cup of black coffee. “Drink up and get your shoes right Twilight.”

Twilight did as she was asked taking a sip of her coffee feeling the warmth flow through her bringing alertness with her. With alertness came the distinct feeling that something was wrong with her feet. Then something Applejack said came to mind and she looked down at her feet seeing her shoes were on the wrong feet. With an embarrassed laugh her horn lit up and with a flash her shoes switched back to the right foot. After a moment, and a mane brush from Apple Bloom as she ran out of the house, Twilight felt awake enough to try to tackle the day before her. As the two of them walked out to the fields Twilight looked around at the orchard.

“Well as you know. We are in the middle of apple bucking season so we can always use help in getting them down. So that’s what we are going to do.” Applejack told her. “See the others have already started, well except for Rainbow Dash.” Applejack looked up at a cloud floating over the orchard. “RAINBOW DASH! WHAT IN TARNATION ARE YOU DOING?” Applejack yelled, cupping her hands around her mouth. Twilight looked up to see a Rainbow colored tail hanging over the edge of the cloud and giggled slightly.

“I think Rainbow has the right idea.” Twilight said. “Though if I can’t get out of this, no way Rainbow is going to get out of this.” Twilight’s horn lit up as a purple aura appeared around Rainbow’s tail and started to pull her off the cloud. As Rainbow slid off the cloud she suddenly flapped her wings trying to get away.

“Let go, I’m not going down there. Let me go!” Rainbow yelled as she struggled to get away as she was slowly dragged towards the ground. Twilight idly noticed she was wearing the same outfit as she was. Finally Rainbow was standing on the ground glaring at Applejack and Twilight. “What in the world is going on I told you I’m not going to work on this farm. And where is my uniform?”

“Now calm down sugercube. You are just helping out for a bit while Granny gets your uniform washed up. Quil blood stains if you leave it too long and you were in a prolonged battle in the skies around Cloudsdale.”

“Yeah and I got more awesome things to do than spend the day kicking trees Aj!” Rainbow glared at Applejack. Her tail, what was NOT held in Twilight’s telekinetic grip, was flicking in anger.

“That’s just it RD, Ah WANT you to fly.” Rainbow Dash blinked. “We never had a Winged one on the farm, and defiantly not one of your caliber. What Ah want you to do is fly through trees on the south field and knock the apples out of the trees to the buckets. Ah’m sure someone like you could do it quickly…” Applejack’s eyes narrowed slightly at Rainbow. “Unless you think you can’t. Ah’m heading to the south field to watch if you can’t do it. Me, the twins along with Scoots and Sweetie will be down there setting buckets.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa you think someone of my level of awesome can’t do something so easy as that?” Rainbow Dash said as she started to hover in Applejack’s face, Twilight let go long ago. Rainbow missed the small smirk that crossed Applejack’s face.

“Then let’s get down there and find out if you are all buck or all talk.” Applejack told her as behind her the twins started for the south field along with Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo on their scooter.

“Then I’ll meet you there.” Rainbow said as she took to the sky heading for the south fields with a Rainbow contrail following behind her before fading. Applejack turned to follow waving for Twilight to follow when a sharp whistle got her attention. Turning towards the main house Applejack saw Granny Smith standing on the porch, in her hand was a Stetson hat.

“You forgot this when you left you whippersnapper, this time don’t forget it.” With a flick of her wrist Smith threw the hat at Applejack who caught it. “Your mother left that to you, now keep it with you.”

Applejack held the hat in her hand and glanced it over. After a moment she slowly put it on her head, straightened the brim then looked up at Granny. “Ah won’t.” With that she turned on a smart heel and found Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Apple Bloom looking at her, each with a smile on their faces. “Apple Bloom, you took over the farm while Ah was gone, keep it up. Ah see Ah left the farm in good hands and Ah’m mighty proud of you. Ma and Pa would be proud of you too, same as Big Mac and the rest of the Apples. Ah swear to you sis, Ah will return one day with Big Mac in tow.”

“Ah know and the farm will still be here when ya do.”

“Good, but for today.” She looked at the other mares there. “Let’s get to work. Follow me ya’ll.”


As lunch rolled around the southern field laid clear of apples. Rainbow Dash, laying on her back with her head on Fluttershy’s lap and breathing hard, looked around at her handy work.

“Told you I got what it takes…” She called out to Applejack who was sitting on the grass nearby leaning against a tree with her leg hooked over her knee grinning at her as she thumbed her hat higher on her brow.

“Yeah, sugercube, you did. Nice work, and you too Fluttershy for getting up there too.”

“Thank you, it was the least I could do, I’m not as strong as you are.” Fluttershy said from where she sat next to Rainbow Dash stroking her mane.

“Still good though. You too girls, thanks for the help today.” Applejack told them all.

Twilight, Rarity and Sweetie Bell, the three putting the last of the baskets onto the back of the wagon with their magic, waved at her. Pinkie Pie and Scootaloo were unloading a small cart of food that another member of the Apple Family dropped off for them. As they set up lunch under the trees Scootaloo grabbed herself, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy a plate and joined them in the shade of the trees.

“What’s up squirt?” Rainbow asked as she sat up and took the plate.

“I…I just wanted to say you were so cool zipping from tree to tree knocking those apples to the ground like that.” Scootaloo said excitedly.

“Hehe, yeah that I am, Cool and all.” Rainbow Dash told her with a smile. “I’ve been watching you too. You are pretty cool yourself with that scooter.” She put one hand to her chin as she thought about something. “You live here in Ponyville right?”

“Yeah, with my mom on the other end of town.” Scootaloo told her.

“Well, this war won’t last forever and when it ends Fluttershy and I are going to need a place to settle and since she likes the ground so much maybe we can do it here in Ponyville. I see great potential in you, the potential to be as awesome as me. I figure I can show you how to be awesome and maybe teach you to fly.” Rainbow left it hanging in the air. After a moment Scootaloo’s eyes grew wide as she grinned, her tiny wings buzzing in excitement.

“Really? I can’t wait to show you the tricks I learned… and flying!” Scootaloo gave a little squee of excitement and gave Rainbow a hug. “Oh thank you, thank you!” She broke the hug then leaned back with a grin. “You need to finish this war and soon.” Then she jumped up and ran away, her wings buzzing again as she called for Sweetie Bell.

“That was very kind of you Rainbow.” Pinkie Pie said from nowhere causing Fluttershy to jump slightly but she quickly recovered.

“No, Rainbow just saw a folk who needed a pick me up and gave it.” Fluttershy told Pinkie as she sat down next to them. Pinkie saw Fluttershy’s hand drift towards Rainbow’s how took it protectively. “She’s very brave like that.”

“Nah, the kid has some true potential and spunk I got to give her that. She reminds me of me when I was younger.” Rainbow looked at the two mares next to her. “It’s one thing for Winged Folk to willingly choose not to fly. It’s another to be unable to from birth. I want to give her that chance.” Pinkie giggled at her.

“Aww Dashie, no matter what anyone says you have a big heart.” Pinkie told her as she started to bounce in place very softly as she looked at Fluttershy. “But what did she mean by you like the ground?” Pinkie asked as the other girls joined them under the tree.

“Well,” Fluttershy, surprisingly spoke up first. “It has to do with my Cutie Mark. I can speak to animals.”

“Wait, what?” Applejack asked from near by taking a bite from an apple fritter. Fluttershy only smiled and looked into the tree above them.

“Isn’t that right Mr Bluejay?” She asked. Suddenly a blue jay flew down and landed on her outstretched hand and chirped at her. “Oh I know your nest was there, that’s why I did this tree. Rainbow, bless her, is fast and strong but she wouldn’t have noticed you there.”

“Hey…” Rainbow said in a half whine as the other girls giggled.

Fluttershy looked up at her. “But it’s true. Don’t worry, I still love you.” Her hand patted Rainbow’s gently then she looked back at the blue jay. “I saw a few choice selections about three trees back. Go take a look and see if you can find something for your mate.” With a happy chirp the blue jay flew off towards where Fluttershy told him to look.

“That my darling Fluttershy was just amazing. Though I must admit it’s sweet to see you holding Rainbow’s hand like that.” Rarity told her as she and Twilight joined them followed so after by Applejack.

Fluttershy meeped and pulled her hand away, hiding behind her mane with a blush that threatened to take over her whole face while Rainbow laughed.

“Should have figured you would have noticed it Rarity. Nearly a year in Reaper Squad and not a single one figured it out.” Rainbow Dash said with a grin as small blush appeared on her cheeks. “We’ve known each other since flight camp. It was there where we both got our cutie marks. A bunch of colts were picking on Fluttershy since she was a ‘weak flyer’.” Rainbow air quoted the words weak flyer. “I challenged them to a race in her honor. It was during that race where I found my thrill of speed and racing by doing a Sonic Rainboom.” She lifted the side of her shirt to show off her cutie mark. A prismatic lightning bolt from a cloud. “What I didn’t know at that time was ‘Shy here was knocked off the clouds and to the ground below.” Rainbow said with a grimace as she lowered her shirt.

“I landed on a cloud of butterflies, they saved me. As I saw the wonders of the ground a loud explosion scared all the animals around me. I was able to reassure them and found they could understand me. That’s where I got this.” She hitched up her shirt to show the three pink butterflies on her side.

“Whoa, wait a minute. What is a Sonic Rainboom?” Applejack asked.

“There was a single documented event where a young Winged Folk filly, flying at the speed of sound made a Sonic Boom, but the natural magic of the Winged Folk infused with the Sonic Boom with a Rainbow…” Twilight started then suddenly stopped her pupils shrinking to pin pricks. “About fifteen…years…ago…the same…day I hatched….Spike…” Her brain shut down, the only response was a ‘file not found’ error.

“Darling, you ok?” Rarity asked, but she too had a trouble look on her face. She looked to the others and noted that each of them were a mix of stunned and or shocked. Except for Pinkie Pie who was now literally bouncing on her tail.

“Sonic…Rainboom…” Twilight finally got her brain to process the facts before her. “Rainbow, you may have helped me get MY cutie mark!”

“What?” Rainbow deadpanned. She wasn’t connecting the dots.

“My test to get into Celestia’s School for Gifted Horned Folk! My entrance exam was hatching a Dragon’s Egg! I would have never done it if a loud colorful explosion hadn’t ripped across the sky scaring me into a flare up!” Twilight pulled her shirt up slightly to show the purple star on her side.

“An explosion caused me to find a rock full of gems and made me realize my future as a Fashionista.” Rarity said, a hand coming to her mouth in shock as the other showing the three blue gems on her side.

“Ah recon it was the rainbow Ah saw guiding me home to the farm.” Applejack shook her head, stunned. She too showed off the three apples she had.

“And the Sonic Rainboom brought a smile to my face and helped me throw my first party! Oh I’m so excited.” Pinkie told them. She flipped in place to place her head on the ground and turned enough to show her three balloon cutie mark as her shirt fell down, held mostly in place by the overalls. “We were friends before we even knew it! Oh this is good enough to throw a party for!” With a quick twist of her body she fell back into a sitting position with a giggle that was almost maddening.

“Hold your horses there sugarcube we are in no position to do anything like that. Though Ah’m sure the entire town would enjoy such a party.” Applejack told her. Then her eyes soften a little. “Though we need to take care of the Quil. Hay, let’s worry about one thing at a time.” She looked up at the sun. “Thanks to you girls we are ahead for the day. Let’s get back to the house and get ready to go to Canterlot. Ah’m sure Granny is done with the laundry.”

The group stood up, dusted off and started back for the main house. Applejack grabbed the cart and started to pull it along like it weighed a feather as Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell rode beside her in the scooter and wagon. Despite the distance it didn’t take them long to reach the house and the nearby apple cellar to store the bucked apples nor did it take long for the seven of them to bring the apples down either.

Soon the group found themselves in the main house and staring at five piles of neatly folded uniforms sitting on the table as Granny puttered around the kitchen after lunch.

“There you go dearies, all cleaned and ready to go.” Granny said without turning around.

“Thanks Granny.” Applejack said as she picked up her uniform. Each of the group picked up their uniformed and dispersed to put them on.


“And Ah want to say thanks ya’ll for all your hard work everyone.” Apple Bloom said as she stood on the porch and looked over the rest of the Apple Family who collected around as their chores were finished for the day. “Ya’ll should be proud, Ah know I am, that we help the people of Equestria eat for one more day. We Apples…” She cut herself off when the porch door opened behind her. She turned around and stepped aside. From the door stepped Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy in full uniform. “Looking sharp sis.” Applejack smiled at Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom glanced between the six of them. Twilight wore her fatigue cap while the rest wore a helmet, including Applejack. Her smile fell as the six of them stepped forward.

“Hey Applejack you heading back out?” One of the family called out. No one noticed Apple Bloom slip back into the house as they called for good luck to Applejack and her friends on the front porch.

She raced up the stairs towards Applejack’s old room, the one place Applejack would feel would be safe enough. Opening the door her eyes darted around the room and found what she was looking for. Snatching the object she found off the bedpost she raced back down the stairs to the porch as the group climbed into the Jeep.

“APPLEJACK!” She called and threw out her arm.

Applejack turned and with reflexes born of training and experience Applejack’s hand shot up and caught what was thrown at her, her Stetson. For the second time that day she stared at it, tracing along the rim of the hat a moment. Then she pulled off her helmet and tossed it into the back seat and pulled on her hat. After a second of adjusting her hat she climbed into the Jeep as Pinkie Pie fired up the engine. With shouts of good byes and good lucks the jeep took off for Ponyville, their first stop the Ponyville Hospital.


Miles away from Ponyviille at the front lines a breastwork of sandbags allowed for the soldiers to fire at on coming enemy Quil but giving them plenty of cover to protect them with heavy weapons placed at points for optimum fire coverage. Behind the line were the permanent tents and buildings of a fire base of the Equestrian army. The sort of stronghold designed to give the public, those not directly fighting in the war, a sense of security. At least it would have had it not been completely destroyed.

A small advanced platoon of Equestrian Soldiers moved in slowly from the north, the fire base’s failure to check in sent red flags all the way up to Celestia. The platoon couldn’t help but to pale at the carnage before them. Bodies impaled or cut in two by Quil, the tents and weapon emplacements trampled and destroyed. As they poked through the ruins looking for survivors there was a flurry of wings outside the base. The commanding officer of the platoon looked up and snapped to an instant attention as twenty uniformed winged folk landed wearing golden body armor, rifles up, eyes scanning the surrounding area for signs of the enemy. A moment later Celestia landed, her uniform was sharp and crisp underneath the golden armor with General bars on her shoulder. In her hand was a long golden spear, the Solar Lance.

“Sergeant Iron Shot, report!” She yelled with the full fury of the Canterlot voice at a blue horned folk stallion causing him to wince but he didn’t truly flinch.

“General, from what we can tell it was an overwhelming force of Quil. So far no survivors, but the scary thing is that there doesn’t seem to be signs of any return fire.” Iron Shot told her.

“What do you mean?” Celestia asked.

“Look around ma’am, do you see any shell casings? Not one weapon was fired in response. You can see where they tried to run but something tells me they didn’t get very far.” Iron Shot looked to the wasteland. “There’s no cover at all for the Quil, and these bodies are fresh…too fresh. There is no way they should have been surprised for a massacre of this fashion, unless…” He walked over to the
barricade, most of it knocked aside like ten pins and looked out his horn glowing slightly. “There is magic in the wasteland!”

Celestia ran over to where he stood and felt with her senses. Despite the damage to her horn she could still sense the magical auras around her. There was magic in the air alright, quickly draining due to the Quil effects to the land but it was there. Her senses danced through the weave of the mana trying to figure out what it was before it faded patterns and weaves danced in her mind’s eye slowly forming a shape, the purpose of the spell she felt before her. As the last of the mana faded away the spell gave up its final secret…teleportation. Celestia’s eyes grew wide as she gasped.

“Sergeant! Get someone on the horn to Ponyville they are about to be attacked, once you inform them of the danger get your troops on the move to the north inform Fire Base 77 to prepare for a breach of their defenses to the south and start to redeploy as needed! Lieutenant Morning Dew contact Captain Armor and tell him to change course to Fire Base 77 to aid with the shoring of their defenses and join him there. Contact General Luna and inform her to prepare for the worst, Canterlot may be under siege shortly. The rest of the Royal Guard with me!” Celestia shouted. Her wings flared and with a powerful jump she took to the air followed by nineteen of the Royal Guard. As she turned towards Ponyville her guard formed a V formation behind her matching her speed as she flew forward with powerful flaps of her wings. {The Quil used magic! But how? Or did they finally steal enough from Equestria to risk using a little? It doesn’t matter now. If Ponyville falls the blow to the morale of the troops may be too much to handle. Ponyville MUST NOT FALL!}

It was still nearly thirty minutes to Ponyville by the air and as she flew she feared the worst: for her, for Equestria, for her little folk and for Twilight. It’s been two days and no report on where she was or if she was even alive. But now wasn’t the time to ponder such thoughts, now it was time to fight for the survival of Equestria and her little folk. Her ethereal mane started to flow with fury of a gale force winds, the soft hues darkened and began to streak with red. The Royal Guard behind her quickly noticed and tightened up. When their Princess got into battle mode, they responded the same way. They knew she was preparing herself for a tough battle and they did the same. They flew towards the battle ahead, towards their fate and death followed in their wake.

Chapter 6: The Storm Breaks

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Chapter 6
The Storm Breaks

Finding Spike wasn’t hard, they pulled up to the hospital as he was being released and barely stopped long enough for him to climb in. Then they pulled into the Ponyville supply depot to restock their ammo and any other missing supplies they would need. Once they got back to Canterlot they figured it would be a quick turnaround as they were sent straight back out and wanted to be ready for their deployments. While those supplies were meant for the irregulars in case of attack they were happy to help the soldiers of the Armed Forces restock and before they knew it they were heading north again on the road that brought them to Ponyville their next stop, Canterlot.

The jeep was crowded to say the least, 6 mares and 1 teenage dragon kinda did that. Now that they were on a road instead of bumpy wasteland Rainbow took to sitting on the emergency seat on the front bumper, her legs crossed like she didn’t have a care in the world, while the rest of the girls rode inside. Applejack took one last look behind her before she settled on her seat for the trip ahead of them. It was nearly two hours by jeep to Canterlot and they had a ways to go.

“You ok Darling?” Rarity asked her.

“Yeah, Ah’m fine. Ah just miss the farm already. Ah’m thinking Ah shouldn’t have gone back.” Applejack told her glumly.

“Oh Posh, you needed to. You had to see how the farm was doing and you wanted to see your family again. Now perish the thought, you did the right thing.” Rarity told her firmly she was leaning forward so she could look at Applejack around Twilight and Spike. Applejack couldn’t help but to grin.

“Ya know, your right Rarity, your right. I’m glad Apple Bloom was doing so well.”


In Ponyville the town hall also serves as the command and control post for the Ponyville Irregulars. Manned at all times by at least one folk the Ponyville command and control, also known as the PCNC, kept tabs on the war effort for the entire town. Many times in the past, before official word would reach the little country town, the PCNC already knew of it. Established not long after the fall of the Whitetail Woods, Ponyville stepped up as a central transportation hub for the southern war effort and a Lynch pin for the operations of the area. Many of the brass in the upper reaches of the Armed Forces, Celestia and Luna included, quickly saw the quirky town as a vital defense to Canterlot and the rest of the nation.
So why didn’t Celestia or even Luna sweep in and declare martial law and turn Ponyville into a fortified city? Why did Ponyville maintain its open arms policy? Why did this sleepy little town not turn into a hot bed of military activity? Why are there little to no soldiers walking the streets?

The answer can be summed up in two words: It’s Ponyville. Founded on acceptance, built on trust and friendship, shored up by goodwill the town quickly let it be known to every member of the Armed Forces who came to the tiny town to ‘shore up the defenses’ or ‘make the region safe’ that the town wasn’t going to play that game. The very core of the town refused to bend, the folk refused to conform to a military mindset. The town did it the way IT wanted to. Underneath the picture perfect town every member of fighting age regardless of: Gender, Ability or Occupation, was trained by soldiers who were wounded on the lines to be the best they could be. Every household, while greeting anyone who visited the town with a smile and open arms, had a small stock pile for the day Ponyville would be attacked. Ask any folk in town and the answer would be the same, it wasn’t a matter of if. It was a matter of when.

Everyone knew it and everyone prepared for it but refused to succumb to fear and hate. The sheer number of eccentrics, oddities and general weirdness was turned into a defense. The folk of the town of Ponyville found a place for everyone. Even the mailmare, despite being wall eyed or better yet because she was walled eyed, was a better shot than most of the town combined. The town of Ponyville felt ready, ready to do what needed to be done to defend their homes and families. The drills were ran, the escape paths noted by those unable or the very few unwilling to fight, the patrols were sent out to be safe. Everything felt ready…or so they hoped, only the Quil would show them if their preparations were enough.

In the PCNC a lone mare manned the radios that day when the call came in, it was a simple message but an important one. For Ponyville the message was simple, it was time to find out just how ready they were.

Fire Base 80 wiped out. Unknown force of Quil heading for Ponyville. ETA: Unknown. Reinforcements enroute.

The mare blinked only once before her training kicked in. Rolling her chair down the consoles she slammed her fist on the first of two large red button that glowed nearby then hit the second. Jumping from her seat she grabbed her weapon and ran from the room, her job there was done, now for her second job. From hidden sirens all over Ponyville a eerie wail ripped out across the quiet day. The folk of Ponyville paused for a second looking around in surprise. Then, nearly as one body, the entirety of the town rushed to positions. It was time to soldier up and fight.

From around the border of the town large crystals sprang from underground rising to float nearly twenty feet in air. Once in position tendrils of energy started to trace between the floating crystals then spread to cover the entire town turning into a town wide shield.

As the Irregulars dived into their caches of supplies for weapons and uniforms, those that couldn’t fight made for Sweet Apple Acres. There members of the Apple Family, armed and ready, started to usher those into the Everfree towards the Castle of the Royal Sisters. Leaving behind enough to protect a possible retreat, most of the Apples went into the Everfree on guard duty.

In Ponyville Mayor Mare pulled on a helmet and her Uniform, a white shirt with a brown vest. The vest had light metal plates sewn in for some protection. Fatigue pants and combat boots followed suit then a holster and pistol. She knew the plan, she helped to work it out. As she ran for the town hall she saw someone inside already started to open the roof. Shoving the door open she ran for the back of the main hall where a set of stairs were hidden to take her to the PCNC on the upper floor.

“Commander on deck!” A mare shouted as she stepped to the now exposed PCNC. While most irregulars barely had any structure to them, the Ponyville irregulars were highly structured. It worked for them, everyone knowing their job and duties.

Lining the edge of the deck were eight telescopes pointed out into all possible directions. A large table in the middle was dominated by a oversized map of Ponyville and off to one side radio equipment started to squawk with reports. Mayor Mare, now Commander or CO Mare, looked around at who was there. At each of the telescopes stood a folk ready to relay direct reports to her. A young Earth Folk mare sat at the radio, the only one on the deck not standing at attention. Two more mares, one a mint green Horned Folk, a bright cyan mane with a white streak in it by the name of Lyra Heartstrings, and the other was a cream skinned Earth Folk with a blue mane and a pink strip down the middle called Bon Bon, stood at attention by the map. Both of them held long polls with a wide flat end on the tip.

“I need a Sit Rep.” CO Mare asked as she pulled on a helmet one of the folk by a telescope handed her.

“No contact with enemy forces.” Lyra started. “Radio contact with Royal Guard was made at 1455 hours, Ponyville Combat Operations started at 1456. Non Combatant civilians, foals and elderly, have already made their way to Sweet Apple Acres with transport jeeps already returning to the depot for refit. We have ten squads of Irregulars in positions around Ponyville, five of the seven roads into town have been shored up and remaining squads are taking cover in the buildings around the edge of town to give fire support to the road squads. We have seven more squads gearing up now and deploying to their staging areas as we speak.”

“Thank you. Bon Bon, supplies and our little surprise?” CO Mare asked turning to the other mare.

“Supplies have been trickling in for almost two and a half years so we got quiet the stockpile. Short of a prolonged siege, we are good for food, ammo and medical supplies. We switched on the water filters only moments ago to prevent the enemy from messing with our water supply. As you can see the town wide shield has been deployed and is standing strong. Being a one way shield it should make our jobs much easier.” She paused a moment, looking slightly disturbed then gritted her teeth and carried on. “Ma’am, I have to say this. We never had cause to test this shield system so any flaws in it…we are going to find out the hard way. We have told the squads to NOT depend on the shield and fight like their lives depended on it.”

“Why is that?” She asked Bon Bon slightly puzzled.

“If you take a look you will notice that two of the crystals are only partially covered by the shield, an error during deployment. IF the Quil can destroy both of those crystals the shield will fall. I already have a squad of Winged folk to guard the crystals but since we don’t know the stress being put on them, it might not take much to shatter. Since the shield is only a one way, if those squads pass through the shield, they can’t come back until we drop the shield. Which won’t happen until the Quil are defeated. So…” Bon Bon told her leaving the last bit hanging, Mare nodded at her knowingly. If the Winged folk squads go out they were out there until they were wiped out, no retreat.

“And the surprise?”

“That is ready to go. Granted it may only buy us time to try to retake Ponyville should the unthinkable happen because of the self correcting aspect.” Bon Bon glanced over at the Library with a slight worry on her face. “We have someone over there right now prepping it as we speak, might take a little time though. The package is set to detonate with this remote.” She handed a small box with a red cap covering a button. “We have a main switch here in the PCNC, but that button is in case we are forced to flee before we can hit the main.” Bon Bon pointed to a large red and white stripe covering over another button sitting between the two depressed red buttons.

“Good work you two, give me a look at our deployment.” Mare walked up to the map and looked down. Lyra lit her horn and a few dozen small blue figures floated out from a box under the table. Bon Bon started to place the figures across the map. Most of the figures showed an Earth Folk Stallion with a rifle up in firing position, a few others showed a Winged Folk mare with her weapon ready. It was a quick job, quickly flipping them over to see the number then placed it on the map, pushing it into position with her rod. Lyra pulled a few more figures out as Bon Bon worked. These were red, shaped like Quil, about a dozen in number some shaped like the Quil Soliders and a few like the Quil Airborn. Lyra used her rod to push them off the map. Once Bon Bon was done Lyra’s horn lit up again and the Winged Folk figures rose about six inches into the air.
“Ma’am, Gamma Squad, Carrot Squad and Melody Squad reporting as deployed.” The radio mare called out. Bon Bon placed the appropriate pieces on the board.
“Inform all squads to keep their eyes peeled for enemy movement. Look outs, keep your eye on the ground and in the sky. What about the six soldiers who were in town?” Mare asked.

“Last known intelligence showed them heading north on the Caterlot road.” One of the lookouts called out.

“Checking now.” The northern look out swung his telescope out towards the road. “I got them, they are a few miles out and they seem to have paused looking back. I guess they heard the sirens.”

“See if you can raise them on the radio, it’s not much but those six might be enough to help shore up some weak points. They are trained soldiers after all.”


At Sweet Apple Acres, as the dozens of foals and elderly fled into the Everfree under the watchful eyes of the Apple Family, three teenage fillies looked at each other with solemn nods. While the Family was distracted with their jobs, the three fillies slipped into the orchard heading for an old treehouse.


“Darling what in the world is that?!” Rarity asked as she looked up from the scope of her rifle watching the glowing dome appear around her home town.

“That is a shield covering the entirety of Ponyville! I never heard of a shield being projected on that level. Those crystals are etched with dozen of shield wards.” Twilight said in awe, she could see the etching from where she was. She could see the lines of energy that danced between them. “The amount of power needed to perform such a feat is beyond any Horned Folk or even Alicorn! The mana streams connecting those crystals are complex, weavable by only a master of the warding arts!” She breathed in awe as she lowered her binoculars. “How did Ponyville do that?! And that wailing sounded like an air raid siren. Are they expecting an attack?”

Pinkie snorted a giggle. “It’s Ponyville silly, we needed it, we did it.” Then she paused and looked down at her left leg as it jumped slightly from a twitch. “Girls, I think we need to get back to Ponyville pronto. That was the incoming attack siren.”

“Aww ponyfeathers. Twilight can you get us into that shield?” Applejack asked.

“Yes I can, I was able to see the cross lattice form as the shield went up. I can easily pry open a hole large enough for us to get in without putting an actual hole in the shield.”

“Lattice whatice?” Applejack asked then put her hand against Twilight’s mouth as she opened it to answer her. “Nevermind, it’s a Horned Folk magic thingy. Ah really don’t want to know what or how. Ah just need to know what we are going to do about it.”

Twilight looked at her, her eyes widening only slightly at the implied question. As Applejack’s hand fell from her mouth she looked at the other girls, each of them looking at her expecting something. Spike on the other hand nodded at her.

“You know what we got to do Twilight. Let’s do it.” Spike told her. He was already pulling off his shirt with an eager grin. After a moment Twilight nodded.

“Spike standby, you are not going to the air just yet. Everyone back into the Jeep we are heading back to Ponyville. Rarity, take the binoculars and keep an eye out for any Quil in our area. Rainbow Dash, scout ahead but DO NOT engage anything until you got backup. I need to know what the situation is. Pinkie, get us there ASAP! Move out!”

“Ma’am!” The group shouted as they jumped at the tasks given to them. Fluttershy tossed up Rainbow Dash’s rifle just as she turned and took off with a prismatic streak following her. Once everyone was in Pinkie stepped on the gas sending the jeep forward. Suddenly she turned the wheel and popped the emergency break sending the Jeep into a sliding spin. When they came to a stop they were facing back towards Ponyville. Disengaging the emergency break Pinkie sent the jeep back towards the shielded town, her foot to the floor. Rarity sat on the back of the seats scanning the area around them for any enemy movement using her magic to keep the binoculars to her face as she hung on with her hands as Twilight and Applejack started to pass out weapons and ammo for the fight.

Twilight pulled out her ear commlink, a small crystal set on a small ear piece, as her horn glowed a moment quickly followed by the ear piece as she readjusting it. Once the magic glow faded she put it in her ear. “Rainbow, can you hear me?”

“Loud and clear 1st Sergeant. How did you do that?” Rainbow’s voice came back to her.

“Tweaked my commlink to get all types of radio signals and not just a select few. Keep me up to date on what you see we are on our way back now.”

“Roger that! From what I can see now looks like the town locked itself down and ready for a fight. I see nearly twelve squads of irregulars either behind walls barricading the ways into town or in houses. At least two more maybe three squads are gearing up in the town square…” Rainbow paused a moment.

“Report Staff Sergeant Dash!” Twilight called out. She motioned for Rarity to get a spot on Rainbow Dash and after a second Rarity nodded at her with a thumbs up that Rainbow was ok.

“Sorry, I see at least two of the crystals sticking outside of the shield with a squad of Winged Folk taking up guard positions on each. What does that mean?” Rainbow asked her. It took Twilight only a moment to figure it out.

“Those crystals are going to be a problem. If they shatter the shield will go down.” Twilight told her.

“That’s bad huh?”

“Maybe, depends if the town is prepared for it or not. A shield of this size is unheard of so maybe they have planned for the shield not working. Carry on Rainbow we are still about five minutes away from the shield ourselves.”


Back at the PCNC things were heating up. “Contact!” One of the lookouts shouted. “Grid 17, dead west of town. Got a bunch of bugs heading right for us. ETA: 1 minute. Their coming at us at a full gallop.”

Mare looked up from the map as Lyra placed a Quil soldier figure on grid 17. With a small burst of magic a one minute timer appeared and it started to slowly move towards the nearest blue figure. The mare at the radio sent the message to all squads that contact has been made and where with the time for combat.”

“Mare, those soldiers are on their way back. They got a scout in the air and Pinkie is driving like a fruit bat out of tartarus. Oddly enough I don’t see any screaming…yet.” Another look out added. He swung his telescope around to watch other angles. Mare couldn’t help but to shutter about the last time Pinkie was behind the wheel in town. Shaking it off she looked over to the radio operator.

“Tell the squads to open fire once they are in range. And inform everyone else to keep an eye out, that can’t be all of them.” As the radio operator did so another voice called in over the radio. The signal was full of static but it could be understood.

“This is 1st Sergeant Twilight Sparkle calling Ponyville Central Command. Come in Ponyville Central Command.” Mare ran up and grabbed the spare mic and opened the channel.

“This is the PCNC, go ahead 1st Sergeant.”

“We are enroute to Ponyville, ETA 5 minutes. Orders ma’am?”

“Stick to the Canterlot road, when you reach the shield the lattice frequency is…” Mare started only to be cut off.

“67.8. I saw it as the shield went up, that is well within my magical range.” Twilight told her.

{She knew it just by looking at it?! Just who is this filly? That Frequency is high level magic, most can’t even get that high. I was going to give them a lower matching frequency just to get in, but she can completely null it herself!} Mare thought to herself in shock. After a moment she shook her head to clear it.

“Copy that. Inside…” She paused as another voice called out.

“Contact sector 10, AIRBORN! It’s a full swarm and they are already on us! Where did they come from? It was like they just appeared from nowhere.” A look out called. Mare turned back to the radio.

“1st Sergeant Sparkle, we have no air support at the moment reinforcements are inbound but we need to hold those Airborn off. Can you help in anyway?” There was a silent pause.

“I’ll send Staff Sergeant Dash to perform delaying and disruption actions. I’ll join her once the others are in. Spike…” The radio went dead a moment then Twilight’s voice came back. “See if you can radio for any other support.”

“Copy that.” Mare dropped the mic and turned around to view the map. The Quil Soldiers were attacking the shield edge as Carrot and Cake Squads were engaging the enemy there. Thunderstriker Squad were engaging the Quil Airborn to the south but they were out of their league just by sheer numbers.

“Mare, a prismatic blur just cut through the airborn disrupting their attack. Thunderstriker is rallying, but right now only the shield is keeping them alive.” The southern lookout reported.

Mare looked at the radio operator. “Send a general distress call any forces nearby that can come to Ponyville’s aid, broad range and all channels.”

“Contact! Sector 1! Quil soldiers ETA thirty seconds!” The northern look out called.

“Contact Sector 12, more Quil Soldiers, ETA now!” That came from the southwestern look out.

Grabbing her binoculars Mare looked around at each of the contact points. The Quil numbers were high, too high. {Did they bypass the front line somehow?} She thought as she looked around. Behind her she heard the radio operator call the distress signal.

“This is the Ponyville Command and Control to any allied forces, we are under attack by Quil Soldiers with Airborn support. We are requesting immediate assistance. I repeat, we are requesting immediate assistance from any allied forces.” The radio operator ended her transmission to focus on the battle when a hissing voice came back over the radio almost instantly.

“This is Captain Vorrn of the 10th Changeling brigade we are changing course to assist. ETA: ten minutes.” The radio mare’s eyes went wide and looked at Mare.

“That was unexpected.” Mare told her with a slight smile. She was sure they could hold for ten minutes. Then another voice cracked over the radio.

“This is General Celestia with the Winged Royal Guard, I am enroute to your position, ETA fifteen minutes.”

Everyone in the PCNC paused and looked at the radio in shock. Celestia herself was enroute to them. For nearly a minute they could only stand there dumbfounded. Then Mare snapped too.

“Get the word out to all squads including those soldiers out there. Help will be here in ten minutes and Celestia herself will be here in fifteen. Until then we are on our own.”


Twilight watched Dash zip towards the Quil Airborn coming from the south. The shield was holding against their assault as a Squad of Winged Folk fired through the shield trying to keep them from pressing the attack. Reaching over she touched Applejack’s shoulder to get her attention.

“Get inside then find the hardest hit point and support them. We can’t get artillery support so we need to hold that shield as long as we can. Take Fluttershy with you, if they do break through, she will be more useful to you than to me.” Twilight told her. Applejack nodded her understanding of the orders as Twilight looked back up at the looming shield. After a moment she looked over her shoulder at Spike. “Now Spike!”

In one motion Spike shucked his pants and jumped out the back of the jeep aw Twilight’s horn glowed causing Spike changed into his full dragon form. As soon as he touched down on all fours he pushed back into the air with leap. With a powerful flap of his wings he started to follow the jeep.

“We got a radio sugercube, so we can stay in contact.” Applejack said touching the hand held radio she had with her equipment. She passed Twilight her weapon as she pulled out her shotgun. “Ah’ll keep ya up to date with the ground fight.”

“Please do, and be careful, all of you. I’ll see you on the flip side.” Twilight said as she stood on the back of the Jeep, her horn glowing brightly. As they neared the shield wall Twilight jumped, being caught by a waiting Spike, and fired her horn at the shield opening a jeep sized hole in the shield. As the jeep passed through the hole closed and Spike flipped Twilight to her saddle with a burst of Dragon Magic. “Let’s ride Spike.”

“Oh yeah, time for a real fight.” Spike grinned as he gained altitude. A small snort of green fire shot out of his nose as he suppressed a small laugh. “Twilight save your shield for a moment.” He said. Twilight nodded once, only her connection to Spike in this form allowed him to know the silent acknowledgement.

She saw Rainbow Dash zipping in and out of the Quil disrupting any real coordination to their attacks. But even then the sheer number of Quil was staggering. She saw Spike’s plan in his mind and wanted to shoot him herself. It was dumb, fueled by a want to do as much damage to these Quil as possible, and had merit only to Spike’s mind and yet somehow she was going to allow him to try. She nodded to herself grimly, it was time to face these Quil and not flinch.

Spike climbed to above the massed Quil, then with one powerful flap of his wings he shot down towards them. His wings snapping shut to his side for a free fall as he took a deep breath. Twilight would wait for him to make the first attack then she would join. Twilight watched the Quil closely as they fell, surprised none of them saw the two of them yet. By all reports the Quil took the Dragon Riders as either: Targets of Opportunity or as a serious threat. Either way being a Dragon Rider had a VERY short life span in combat. Twilight didn’t quite understand why. Was it the magical abilities of the Horned Folk plus the Dragon or was it the Dragon alone that made the Quil focus on the riders? She may never know or that knowledge may be short lived. Below one Quil did finally look up with its glowing red eye, the last thing it ever saw was a jet of green fire.
Spike’s plan was simple in design and execution. Using gravity to speed his assault he would simply cut through the massed Quil with flame and claws while Twilight fired into the mass as they cut through it. Simple and to Spike’s mind a simple plan had the best chance of working, very few steps to mess up, and should something go wrong a simple plan was the best to ‘make up as you go’. Spike was proud of it, simple and clean. It also designed to turn the Quil towards them thus relieving the pressure from the Winged Squad trying so valiantly keep the Quil from breaking the shield.

Quil, incinerated by Spike’s flames, fell to the ground in burning heaps. Those close to the flames were scorched from the sheer heat. Many of those scorched fell to the ground unable to resist the pain and heat. Of those that survived within that range Spike grabbed and with a quick squeeze finished the job. Twilight, sitting backwards on the saddle, was shooting Quil as fast as she could. It was almost a blind fire, but as massed as the Quil were at that moment, it was hard to miss her target. Before either of them knew it they emerged from the bottom of the Quil Airborn. Snapping his wings open Spike beat a hasty retreat from such a vulnerable position aiming for higher ground.

{Think they got my message?} Spike asked as he felt Twilight turn in her saddle and fire at the Quil from below.

{Maybe.} Twilight thought back as Spike started to gain altitude again. He twisted in air enough to fire a few fireballs into the mass sending more to the ground in burning heaps. Suddenly a prismatic flash pulled up next to her as Rainbow Dash fell into close formation. She was almost dancing in the air her eyes sparkling with something like Joy.

“Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh! That was way cool!” She was almost squealing. Then she seemed to catch herself, visibly calming her excited look and adopted a cocky smile and a new found respect in her eyes. “I never seen something like that before and I have flown with some powerful Riders before. It takes guts to fly through the center of a mass of Quil like that and come out unharmed. I’m sticking close to you from now on. You know how to bring the action to the table.”

“Sounds good.” Twilight said as she looked at the Quil Airborn. Most had stopped their attack on the shield and was looking at the three of them now. “Rainbow Dash, show me that speed you were talking about. They are going to charge me, I’m going to run. Hit their flanks and keep them from flanking me. Should be easy for someone as good as you.” Twilight said her horn lighting up to raise her shield. It was time to test a theory.

“You can count on me, I never leave my friends hanging.” Rainbow laughed as she pulled back from Twilight.

As one body most of the Quil rushed her but Spike was ready launching off away from Rainbow Dash. Rainbow gave a ten count and followed after keeping the Quil in check with her rifle.

{That’s nearly all of them, leaving a few easily cleaned up Airborn to keep attacking the shield. Guess they really don’t like us Dragon Riders.} Twilight thought grimly as she touched the crystal in her ear.

“Applejack report!”


Applejack and Rarity were ducked behind the northern barricade reloading their weapons. The sheer amount of gun fire around them was almost making them go deaf but after years of the front lines it was nothing new, in fact they were almost tuning it out. Despite this was the hardest hit point, the shield looked to be barely fazing.

“How’s the shield holding sugercube?” Applejack asked as she glanced over the barricade. The shield was less than twenty feet from the barricade and the Quil bodies were starting to pile up. She stuck her shotgun over the edge and fire a few times before pulling back down. She was keeping her head down from the amount of fire coming from the Ponyville irregulars. No matter what they call it, Friendly fire isn’t.

“I’m no Twilight but I see no degrading to the mana lattice and no cracks forming either, granted I’m a Fashionista not a Battlemage.” Rarity told her calmly. An Earth Folk stallion stood up and with a yell fired a grenade launcher into the mass of Quil. The explosion made a number of the irregulars jump slightly but Applejack and Rarity barely noticed it.

“Rarity, Applejack, catch!” Applejack’s radio crackled. The two of them looked up to see Fluttershy hovering over the firefight two boxes of ammo in her arms. Applejack gave her a thumbs up and she dropped the two boxes that Applejack skillfully caught. With a wave to Fluttershy who started to fly back to the Depot for more ammo, Applejack opened the boxes and passed Rarity hers.

“Got to find you a better vantage point sugercube, ya can’t do much here…” Applejack looked around and spotted a house a few streets down. On top was one other sniper already.

“Feel like working with a partner?”

“Say what?” Rarity asked as she sat back down from firing a couple shots into the Quil. Applejack simply pointed at the house with the sniper on top and Rarity grinned. “Oh Darling, that was just what I was looking for. Ta Ta.” Rarity waved at her as both she and Applejack jumped up. Rarity making a dash for the house as Applejack turned and fired into the Quil until her shotgun clicked empty then ducked back down. The whole ‘covering her’ was pointless with the shield but normally they didn’t have such luxuries, why act if they did. With a trained motion she reloaded her shotgun then stood up to fire again.

“AJ DUCK!” A voice called out and Applejack reacted to it without thinking. She didn’t duck she didn’t drop, she went down as she did a split from standing. Putting her hands over the back of her head as she ducked it she felt something roll over to where she was standing just a moment ago then felt a and heard the low thud of a cannon going off then the presence was gone. Applejack looked up then behind her to see Pinkie pulling back a blue cannon on bright red wheels and she groaned. Pinkie was pulling her infamous ‘Party Cannon’ away from the barricade to reload it. She looked over the barricade as she pulled her legs back under her and felt a sense of déjà vu as she watched a bunch of razor streamers bounce around the Quil. Applejack rolled her eyes, it worked she wasn’t going to think on the how or why right now.

“Applejack Report!” Twilight called over the radio.

“Northern barricade holding fine, Deployed Rarity so she could lend fire support to either the northern or western barricade. Fluttershy is flying supplies as needed and Pinkie is…being Pinkie. Ground situation so far is under control. How’s the sky battle going?” Applejack said yelling into the radio. She took a moment to keep her head down and catch her breath.

“Quil has locked on to me, Rainbow is keeping them from over taking and Spike is giggling like a mad dragon. Nothing special to report.” Twilight told her calmly. At least Applejack would have believed that had gunfire from Twilight not been making it hard for her to hear.

“Right sugercube and I’m having a picnic. We thinned out the northern attack redeploying to the western barricade with Pinkie.”

“Copy that.”


Rarity couldn’t believe her eyes as she joined the sniper on the roof. Two sights met her that caused her to pause a moment. One sight was the fact that there was a light purple Horned Folk filly with a pale blond mane wearing a irregular’s uniform with a small helmet on her head. Scattered about her was empty clips and boxes of ammo. Using both her hands and her horn she reloaded the clips as fast as she could to set them on a small pile next to the older mare, her blond tail swishing idly as she concentrated on her task, her tongue caught in her mouth. The second sight was the pale blue Winged Folk mare laying on the roof with a sniper rifle pressed to her eye. She too wore an irregular’s uniform but no helmet. Her pale blond hair matched the little filly’s behind her. But that wasn’t what caused Rarity to pause, no what caused to her pause was the fact that both of the mare’s eyes were open as she fired. One eye in the scope and the other was pointed downwards towards her.

“Well if you are coming on up, come on up.” The mare told her as she fired another shot. Rarity blinked she recognized that voice.

“Wait a minute. Ditzy? Ditzy Hooves?” Rarity asked as she pulled herself to the roof.

“Yep, that’s me. Nice to see you again Rarity. Have you met my daughter Dinkie?” Ditzy asked as she waved a hand behind her towards the filly behind her. The filly looked up and waved then went back to reloading clips.

“Yes I have but she was just a little thing then.” Rarity told her with a smile. She looked up at Dinkie. “Charmed to meet you again Dinkie.” The filly smiled but didn’t stop her work.
Rarity laid down and quickly had her rifle in place. After a few adjustments she fired her first shot hitting a Quil square in the red eye.

“Nice shot.” Ditzy said as she too fired.

“Thank you and nice shot yourself. You have some skill at this.” Rarity commented as she watched the Quil go down.

“Best in town.” Ditzy told her a small grin playing on her face.

“Really Darling, best in town?” Rarity thought a moment. “You know I’m not even going to question it. Mind if you daughter reloads for me as well?”
“Don’t mind at all, she’s pretty good at what she does. Isn’t that right Muffin?” Ditzy asked.

“Yes mama.”

“Hey Rarity that mare is trying to get ahold of you.” Ditzy said.

Rarity moved her gun down to see Applejack making a gesture at her. Rarity raised a closed fist in response causing Applejack to spin her finger and point towards the western barricade. Rarity signaled an acknowledgement readjusted her position as Applejack started for the western barricade followed by a party cannon armed Pinkie.

“What’s going on?” Ditzy asked.

“Gunny needs me to redirect fire to another location. Just following orders Darling. Don’t worry I’m not going anywhere yet.” Rarity told her. “Ditzy do you have a radio?”

“Yeah, why?” Ditzy fired another shot then reached over and grabbed the radio. She handed it off to Rartiy’s outstretched hand.

“Placing an order.” Rarity smiled to herself. She raised the radio and hit the button. “Oh, Sergeant Fluttershy, do come in please.”


Mare watched the map closely as Bon Bon and Lyra moved pieces as they heard the reports coming in. So far the town was holding strong. No casualties or fatalities yet in thanks to the shield, but Bon Bon was right. Who knows how long the shield will last? It truly was a matter of when not if. She glanced up to the two sets of floating numbers that were counting down, thanks to Lyra’s magic, telling how long until reinforcements arrived. Captain Vorrn was five minutes away and General Celestia was ten minutes away.
The battle was going well so far, as best as she could tell. While the Quil have pulled a few tricks out of their sleeves, so far everything was doing ok.

“Ma’am, the areas in front of the barricades are getting almost head high in Quil bodies but there seems to be no end to them. The Airborn have not been significantly thinned out yet, but thanks to 1st Sergeant Sparkle and Staff Sergeant Dash up there, pressure to the shield has slacked off. Gunnery Sergeant Applejack along with Sergeants Rarity and Pinkie Pie have helped between the barricades and Sergeant Fluttershy is helping by running supplies.” The radio mare told her keeping her up to date with the battle around them.

Mare didn’t even blink at the report watching the figures on the map closely. Things were going too well for them.


Twilight stopped trying to put any effort into firing towards the Quil that chased her. Her theory was confirmed, they saw Dragon Riders like her as a serious threat to them and did what they could to take them down. Dash was happily zipping around keeping the Quil from over taking her but she was running low on ammo, at least until Fluttershy came over the radio. Twilight smiled weakly, concentrating on keeping herself and Spike ahead of the Quil, at Rarity’s idea to get them all radios. She was able to bring the swarm close enough to the shield long enough for Fluttershy to throw a few clips towards Rainbow Dash.

“Hey Twilight, why is the swarm here barely going down despite all that I killed already?” Rainbow Dash called over the radio.

“Good question Dash, good question…” With a thought to Spike to keep them going Twilight looked around. Rainbow Dash was right in her question, the ground below where they were flying was littered with bodies of Quil, almost enough to double the size of the swarm following them yet they were still being chased. Then she saw it, a small shimmer in the air. “I see a magical vortex at 320 mark 298, do you see it Dash?”

“Not a thing…” There was a paused as Rainbow Dash dodged a Quil then put three bullets into it. “But then again I don’t have a horn.”

“True enough, follow me I’m going to plug it.” Grabbing the reigns Twilight steered Spike towards the swirling mana she could see marked the event horizon of the vortex.

She thought back to the lessons she received from then Princess Celestia. Every magical spell or effect had a magical lattice, a weaving of the mana so to speak. Each lattice has a different weave depending on the spell being cast and each lattice had a mana frequency. This frequency was where the spell ‘resonated’. Any spell could be counted by either a proper counterspell, which took a lot of magical energy or simple striking the mana frequency to cut through the mana field and disrupt the lattice. The higher the frequency the ‘harder’ it was for a spell to be broken this way since most Horned Folk couldn’t hit the higher ranges. But Twilight, her talent being magic as her Cutie Mark attested to, she could hit frequencies that only trained Archmages could hit. It was what she did with the shield to let her friends in, only parting the shield not disrupting it. It was what she did with the shields during her test before she left for Cloudsdale. She could see the spell lattice, she could see the frequency of the spell maintaining the vortex. But where did it go? Or more to the point where did it come from? Twilight’s horn glowed for a moment then she fired off two spells. The first a simple tracking spell to follow the vortex back to its origin and the second a disrupter. As the first spell started to track its origin the second slammed into the mana lattice shattering it with a visible flash of colors.

“Whoa, that was way cool.” Rainbow said from where she flew next to Twilight.

“Keep me covered Rainbow, I’m tracking where it came from.” Twilight told her. With a sharp salute Rainbow spun in air and fired at a Quil that tried to get to close then zipped away for a better shot. Twilight closed her eyes feeling the magical signal bounce back as it traveled. It came from the west as she figured it would. But as it neared what was the Quil island she felt the signal jerk a little. Without warning a large red eye appeared in her vision.

‘Submit to the will of the Emperor or die in agony!’ A voice rang in her head. It was loud but that was nothing to the sheer force of will that assaulted her mind. With a scream Twilight jerked her mind away from that vision and opened her eyes.

“Twilight you ok?” Rainbow Dash asked as she pulled up next to her.

Twilight shook her head. “I’m good but I saw something, something terrifying. The Quil have one more trick up their sleeves.” She reached up and touched the commlink in her ear as she saw signs of more teleportation vortexes appearing around the shield. “All forces stand by, something is happening. All forces stand by and ready yourselves. This fight is far from over.”


Applejack looked up at a Quil as it slammed into the shield just before she put a load of buckshot into it.

“What in tarnation did Twilight mean by that?” She asked herself.

“Don’t know, to the left please.” Pinkie Pie asked. Applejack side stepped to the left as Pinkie’s party cannon came by her. “All we can do is watch and see…gah!” Suddenly both her legs started to twitch and jerk all over, sending her falling to the ground.

Applejack looked over at Pinkie as she landed on the ground rubbing her legs. “What’s wrong sugercube?”

“Pinkie sense, something about Twilight’s warning.” She jumped up and grabbed her cannon and Applejack as she beat a hasty retreat from the barricade. “Fall back, set up another defense point twenty yards away. Get word to the other defense points to fall back and get those folk out of those houses!”

The irregulars around them paused a moment then saw the serious look on her face. It didn’t take them long to make a decision. Calling over the radio the irregulars did just that, falling back towards the town square. Moments later the rest of the irregulars did the same rushing for the center of town. As Applejack watched from Pinkie’s shoulder she was amazed at just how well trained the Ponyville Irregulars were. Breaking down the barricades and pulling out within minutes of Pinkie’s warning just as a low thud could be heard from the shield.


Mare looked around the PCNC as everything ground to a halt from that low but loud thud.

“What was that?” She asked.

“Don’t know radio chatter says everyone is falling back to the square. Something spooked the troops ma’am.” Mare looked over at the radio operator, her mouth hanging open slightly.

“I got a new contact!” Mare’s head whipped to the look out who called out to her. “I got a big Quil, bigger than a soldier but looks like a bloated bug.” He pointed as Mare joined him and looked through the telescope.

The creature she saw was built like a Soldier, six legged with a overlarge red glowing eye. But it wasn’t the lean look of the soldier but a bloated lumbering Quil. The legs, six instead of four, didn’t end in tips but were broad and flat. No leanness to it, just bulges covered the body. Mare didn’t know what sort of Quil this was. What was its purpose? Why this when everything else was built to kill? Mare could only watch in part awe and part fear as it reached the shield and calmly walked up it. Somehow its feet gave it the ability to walk on a near vertical plane, even a shield. Once a few feet into the air the Quil stopped and planted all six feet wider apart like it was bracing for something. Then it drew itself up, stretching its legs as far as they would go. Suddenely it slammed into the shield. Mare wouldn’t have been too surprise if that was all it did, but instead of rearing back up for another hit the impact caused the Quil to explode in a massive fireball sending a thud throughout Ponyville. Even from where she was Mare could see the clear crack running up the shield’s surface.

“Order the snipers to concentrate on those bombers. We need just a few more minutes for help to arrive. Get the troops into position now. We are going to lose that shield!”


Rarity heard that order over the radio and didn’t need a second bidding. Her and Ditzy were in a kill count race to see how many of those ‘bombers’, as the CO called them, they could get. No sooner did the first one explode when more many more started to appear all over the place many of them appearing straight on the shield already. Those that died from bullets simply deflated as a brown looking gunk fell out of the wounds but more than a few of them managed to detonate against the shield sending larger and larger cracks throughout.

“Things not looking too good are they Rarity?” Ditzy asked as she fired a few more rounds into a bomber.

“Maybe not, I have been through worst though Darling. Applejack got me through that and I don’t doubt she can get us through this.” She looked up at the number of bombers still on the shield. “I hope…” She whispered to herself.

Ditzy looked over at her daughter. “Stay close to mommy, we will have to run soon. When we do, drop everything and hang on.”

“Yes mamma.” Dinkie told her. She smiled at her mother but Ditzy could see the fear in her eyes. With a small smile Ditzy turned back to her scope.
“I must say Darling, why did you bring your daughter to a battle anyway?” Rarity asked her.

“I found her inside the shield and carrying all sorts of ammo for me. She hid when the sirens went off so she could help me. I didn’t have time to get her to Sweet Apple Acres before we were attacked.”

“Your daughter is very brave you should be proud of her and let no one say you don’t know how to raise her right.” Rarity emptied her clip and reached for another that Dinkie prepared. Popping it in her magic recocked her rifle and she started to fire at another bomber. “Anyway, what do you mean about the farm?”

“That’s our evac route should the unthinkable happen. We will fall back to the Everfree and to the castle in there. The Ponyville Irregulars will hold that castle as long as we can.” She glanced at the badly fractured shield. “Hopefully it won’t be our tomb.”

Over the din of combat the sound of cracking glass could be heard. Radio reports said the shield was breaking. Rarity turned to Ditzy yelling for her to grab Dinkie and move. In one motion Ditzy shouldered her gun as she spun to grab her daughter as something landed in front of the building they were hiding on. Rarity saw a massive shape as she looked back in time for a fireball to blast the building they were on to pieces sending the three of them flying to the ground.

A buzz filled Rarity’s ears as she pushed herself to her elbows. She hurt no doubt. Falling from a second story roof did that. She could see muzzle flashes from the irregulars as they fought the now charging Quil but she didn’t hear any of that, just the ringing. She managed to get one leg under her to try to stand but her other buckled and she went to the ground again, yet she felt no pain. As she pushed back to her elbows she saw her rifle next to her and in front of her Ditzy’s limp form held on to a trapped and crying Dinkie, who was trying to wake her mother. Ditzy’s wings were bent in wrong angles from the landing, even for being a Horned one and knowing nothing about wings even she could tell they were broken. She pulled herself towards the two of them fearing any moment either she or them would be killed before she could reach the two. She felt something loom over her and reacted with her years of surviving on the front lines. Spinning, ignoring her bodies protest against the action, she pulled her rifle up and fired not bothering to even aim. The Quil soldier above her staggered backwards as a large hole appeared in its eye, roaring with pain. As the Quil fell to the ground Rarity saw two more walking towards her as she glared at them.

{If this is how I die, then I will die with courage!} Rarity thought to herself. Sound returned to her world filling it with gunshots, roars and explosions.

Pushing to a sitting position she leveled her rifle and fired one shot to one then another shot to the other dropping them both. Taking a moment she scooted backwards towards the two behind her. Once there she turned and moved Ditzy’s arms and pulled Dinkie out.

“Run little one, run for the barricade, your mother and I will be right behind you! GO!” Rarity told her.

“Momma, I can’t leave Momma!” Dinkie said.

“GO! For your mother you need to Run!” Rarity said. She turned back and dropped another Quil as it stalked towards them then looked back at Dinkie. “GO!” Dinkie nodded and started to run for the barricade when a Quil soldier landed in front of her causing her to scream in fear. The Quil soldier turned and saw the filly raising its sharp limb. “DINKIE!” Rarity shouted. She pulled her rifle up to fire only to hear a click of an empty clip. As Rarity watched in horror, unaware of the two coming up behind her, the limb dropped toward the little filly when a shotgun ran out its death song blasting the leg clean off. Suddenly Applejack was there placing the shotgun against the eye of the Quil and pulled the trigger. As the body landed with a thud Applejack turned to the filly.

“Move it sugercube, Ah’ll get your mother.” Applejack told her as she stepped around the filly and went for Rarity and Ditzy. Beside her Pinkie Pie ran up pulling two SMGs from her hair.

“I got your back AJ!” Pinkie called out as she danced over Rarity to give the group covering fire. With small but precise bursts Quil fell around her as she danced between Quil soldiers easily dodging their attacks with giggles and snorts erupting from her mouth.

“Pinkie! Fall back!” Applejack called as she picked up Rarity and a limp Ditzy. Even as she lifted them up she could see Rarity’s leg was injured and thankfully Ditzy was still breathing. Turning she made for the new defensive line as fast as she could as Pinkie danced behind her still shooting Quil covering Applejack’s retreat.

Despite Pinkie Pie and efforts of the defensive line to lay down covering fire, the Quil were starting to surround them. Yet before the Quil could attack a hail of bullets rained from the sky. Applejack looked up to see a mass of Changelings swooping down. Many of them dived behind the barricade as quite a few more swooped back into the sky. Four of the Changelings came down and helped carry Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity and Ditzy behind the barricade where Fluttershy was waiting for them.

“They are in your good hands Flutteshy, come on Pinkie, back to the fight!”


The battle for Ponyville raged on. The Changeling reinforcements helped turn the grim tide for the Ponyville Irregulars. Twilight and Rainbow Dash took the command of the Airborn Changelings working to keep the ground forces from behind overwhelmed by Quil. Mare and her lookouts along with Lyra and Bon Bon joined the fight on the line leaving only the Radio Operator with two Changeling guards to protect her as she worked to keep contact with everyone on the ground and in the air.

“Twilight I got a group of Quil massing to the north for a stab at the defenses can you break it up?” The Radio operator called out to Twilight.

“I see them. Sergeant Back Lash, north of the barricade massing Quil, form up with me for a strafing run!”

With precision born of rigorous training a squad of Changelings following Twilight strafed the massing Quil soldiers breaking their attack before it even began. Again and again the Quil attacked the Ponyville Irregulars, while again and again the entrenched Irregulars pushed the attack back. But each attack had a cost of lives lost in the defense. Fluttershy and the medical corps worked hard to save as many lives as they could but with few supplies and more casualties than they could care for, but they valiantly tried to save as many as they could.

Everyone behind the barricade did their duty without question or hesitation. If anything could be said about the Ponyville Irregulars and the soldiers that fought that day not a one flinched from the duty, none of them blinked in the face of the terrible onslaught that faced them. But with no relief in sight, no ending to the Quil advance the conclusion was simple. They would need a miracle to survive this day.

Then they saw it, both a death knoll and their miracle at the same time. In the skies above Ponyville they saw a glint of gold, as the glint came closer it was not one glint but twenty. Led by a contrail of dark blues and reds. A cheer went up as the defenders saw who was coming to their rescue, General Celestia and her Royal Guard. The group merged with the fray before them like a scythe cutting through wheat sending Quil, both Soldiers and Airborn to whatever hell they believed in. While the Royal Guard used conventional weapons, Celestia waded through the enemy with her Solar Lance. Her celestial mane flowed with her rage as she fought to protect her little folk from their fate. But the Quil were bringing in the one thing to change the entire battle. From the west dozens of tiny Quil, humanoid but about the size of a foal with no obvious way of defending themselves, carried what looked to be a large circular object. From the air the object was clearly a ring about twenty feet wide. But the scary part was the sheer number of soldiers guarding the ring as it was carried through town. As Celestia flew through the air in pursuit of a Quil she spotted the ring and knew what it meant.

“All Soldiers you must prevent that ring from reaching the center of town!” She yelled in the Royal Canterlot voice that carried over the din of combat and in one voice every soldier, Irregular and Changeling all shouted back an acknowledgement as they concentrated all fire on the soldiers and that ring. Many didn’t know why the order was given but it came from Celestia they knew it was important. Yet as each Quil fell another appeared to take its place, the ring moving steadily closer and closer to the center of town.

As Mare ducked behind the barricade to reload her weapon something hit her about the ring. “Oh for the love of Celestia…” She breathed and called for a hand held radio that was quickly passed to her. “General Celestia! The ring isn’t going for the center of town. The layline nexus joins under the Golden Oaks Library! That is outside the defensive perimeter we got set up. Twilight, concentrate your Changleings towards the large tree to the south of the perimeter.”
“Copy that!” Twilight called back.

Celestia blinked, that was Twilight’s voice! She was alive! Apart of her mane lightened slightly at hearing Twilight’s voice but she ignored rushing to her. She needed to stop that ring at all costs. Veering around towards the south she quickly saw the library tree and landed in front of it as an elderly green skinned mare with a silver mane stepped out. She wore the uniform of the Ponyville Irregulars as she slowly loaded up a shotgun.

“So Celestia, Ah see you finally decided to get your sun graced flank down here to join the fight.” She said as she stepped up beside Celestia.

“Good to see you again Granny Smith, or should I say Sergeant Smith of the Ponyville Irregulars.” Celestia said without looking at the elderly mare that stood next to her. “May I inquire as to why you are here and not over there?” She asked pointing at the defensive perimeter near by.

“Meh, Ah was helping to set up a little surprise for the Quil. Inside is a crystal with a scrambler, don’t ask me how it works, Ah got nary the foggyist. The mayor told me it would knock out the nexus enough to stop the Quil mana sucker thingamajig.”

“So I see Ponyville has lived up to its reputation of eccentric ideas.” She didn’t blink when a shotgun fired off next to her. “Maybe I should have set my base up here. The ideas that has come from this town has impressed me time and time again.” Her lance shot out and impaled a lunging Quil Soldier and with a quick burst of magic the body shot off slamming into another Quil.

“But’cha didn’t no need to cry over spilt milk.” Granny Smith told her as she eyeballed the incoming ring. “Still we may want to make a run for it. If we fail, we are going to lose a whole lot of good folk. Something tells me, they are not going to quit.”

“No they are not. I am ashamed to say this, but we may be fighting a losing battle here. If I only got here sooner.” Celestia told her.

“Then call the retreat. Ponyville may be lost but you need ta live.” Granny stepped forward. “I’ll buy you time to get the folk out of here.” She lifted her shotgun but a hand landed on her shoulder.

“No WE will buy the time needed.” Celestia said as she reached up for her commlink. “All forces fall back. Get the wounded out of here and fall back!”


Mare heard the call and frowned and reached for her radio.

“You hear the General. All forces fall back, jeep crews start to evac the wounded towards the Everfree castle. Twilight give the ground foces cover as they fall back, they need air cover.” Mare leaned over the barricade and fired a few more rounds as she switched the radio to a channel for Canterlot. “This is a priority one message for Canterlot. I repeat this is a priority one message to Canterlot High Command. Ponyville has fallen, I repeat Ponyville has fallen!” Then she stood up yelling. “All forces fall back, fall back to the Everfree!”


Most forces would have broken and ran out right at the order, but somehow the irregulars and their Changeling allies kept it orderly. Each squad disengaged from the barricades once the wounded were clear of the medical tents. It was like marching backwards, firing as they went. Those at the supply depot grabbed everything that wasn’t nailed down or on fire and fell out behind the retreating forces as Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and their Changeling allies managed to keep the Quil from swarming the retreating troops. As the line neared the PCNC the radio mare and her two Changeling guards dived into the retreating line right after she hit the trigger for their special weapon. From the library a golden beam shot into the sky and every folk, Celestia included, shuttered as the magic all around them shifted as the magical nexus was dispersed. Celestia smiled as she spun around slamming her lance into another Quil, that should foil their plans for a while. Maybe long enough for them to mount a counter attack and reclaim Ponyville.

“Granny, time to fall back ourselves. Go ahead and start…no!” Celestia gasped as she felt the nexus reform behind her. The very earth itself fixed the nexus, she knew that was going to happen but not that quickly. The ring was close now, too close and still marching forward. She gripped her lance tightly knowing she had one shot and one shot only to stop them. With a quick spin she knocked the few Quil closing in on her away giving her the clearing she needed as reared back and threw her lance as hard as she could. The weapon flew true as raw power emanated from the Solar Lance only to have a hand appear from nowhere to catch it in mid flight. For Celestia time seemed to stop as the gray colored hand, reaching from nowhere, clutched her lance. Slowly a figure stepped out of a swirl of energy to reveal a humanoid Quil standing as tall as the Soldiers around it. Idly, Celestia saw that it wasn’t as tall as the Emperor. Like its Airborn counterparts, from the area of its wrists two elongated blades were visible. Like every other Quil its head was dominated by a large glowing red eye but this eye, this eye made it obvious there was an intelligence behind its gaze. This new Quil hefted the Lance, looking at it a moment. Then its gaze looked up at Celestia as its grip shifted on the Lance. Her mouth dropped as she took an unconscious step back. Her eyes on her own weapon as the Quil reared back and threw the lance right at her. She could only watch in horror as the lance flew straight for her heart. Just as it was about to hit she felt something hit her from the side knocking her out of the way.

“Gosh durn glaout!” Granny said as she picked herself up off of Celestia. Popping a shot off she reached down and pulled the commlink out of Celestia’s ear and into her own.

“Twilight, we need a pick up at the library. Get your flank down here now!” With that Granny Smith pulled the commlink out of her ear and threw it down on Celestia. “Get your sun baked flank out of here now! This is no time to stand around looking stupid.” Granny’s eyes never left the Quil in front of her as she fed a few more shells into her gun.

“Smith, old friend, I’m not going to leave you alone here.” Celestia said as she picked herself up off the ground. She glanced at her lance embedded into the wall of the library then to the over large Quil as Granny glared at her.

“Like Tartarus you will! Celestia, Ah’m old and my time is almost done. Ah live but Ah don’t inspire anyone ta keep fighting. You live, You inspire folk to keep fighting, simple.” Suddenly Twilight and Spike landed behind them. “Now git before I kick your flank up there myself!”

“Celestia!” Twilight yelled out. “Come on we need to get out of here…what is that?!” Twilight asked pointing at the large Quil.

“Its something new young’un, get the princess here and get out now!” Granny said, she nimbly dodged aside a Quil attack and blasted it off its feet.

“But…” Twilight asked. She was firing at a few Quil trying to sneak up on them as Spike launched a fireball at a few up front.

“No buts! GIT!” Granny said. With a speed that betrayed her age Granny threw Celestia up on Spike’s back then kicked Spike hard on the back leg. “GIT I say!”

Out of surprise or by the commanding voice from Granny Smith, Spike took to the sky flying for the Everfree. Granny watched them take to the sky a few Airborn Quil following them as they fled then turned and looked at the Quil and glared at them. Behind her she heard the sound of a magical teleport as the Solar Lance left to rejoin its owner.

“Ya took my grandson, then ya took my granddaughter, now ya taking my town and my home. Let’s see how many of ya I can take with me before I give ya my life.” She spat on the ground in front of them as the large Quil make a sweeping motion with its hand sending the many soldiers under its command towards her. With a blast of her shotgun she dropped one Quil then turned to another dropping that one too. One lunged at her as she dived aside, rolling to her feet she fired putting a hole through its glowing eye.


At Sweet Apple Acres the Apple family sent out a few of their jeeps to help the soldiers and irregulars make it to the evac point. One of the jeeps was ran by Scootaloo with Applebloom manning the large machine gun on the back. Next to Scootaloo sat Sweetie Bell holding a rifle in her hands. The three fillies weren’t allowed to join the muster in Ponyville but with Apple Bloom being the working head of the family the Apple Family took it upon themselves to teach them. While was the first time they ever had the chance to use what they were taught Apple Bloom wasn’t going to sit there and let her family do all the work. But speaking of Family, where was Granny Smith? She was missing since the sirens went off. But when the radio rang out calling for a pick up from Twilight Apple Bloom gasped as she recognized that voice, the voice of Granny Smith. She looked over at another jeep holding a few more of her family.

“Help them out cuz, Ah know where Granny Smith is and Ah’m going after her. Drive Scootaloo we got to reach the Library and now!”

“Right, cover me AB.” Scootaloo slammed on the gas sending the jeep racing into town. Apple Bloom found plenty of targets as she cleared the path for Scootaloo with Sweetie Bell following suit with her rifle.

“There it is Scoots! Come on not far now!” Sweetie Bell called out pointing at the large tree before them.

“I see her, There!” Scootaloo yelled as she turned the corner.

They could see Granny Smith from where she stood fending off Quil until it looked like her gun clicked empty causing her to look at the weapon. Slowly she looked back up at the advancing Quil and set her feet intent on holding her ground.

“Granny! Run!” Apple Bloom yelled out. She turned her gun towards the advancing Quil, but they ignored the hail of bullets that peppered them intent on killing the one that stood between them and their goal. “Granny!” She screamed as one Quil lunged, its spiked limb raising high to cut the defenseless mare down.
As the limb came down there was a blur of green the blow never connecting with its target.

“Who is that?” Apple Bloom breathed to herself as they neared. As her brain made the connection her eyes widened.


Granny looked at the figure that saved her. Before her stood a strongly built Earth Folk stallion with red skin and a dirty blond mane with the tattered remains of the uniform of the Equestrian Armed Forces. One hand up to catch the spiked limb the other rearing back for a punch. With a twist of his body he punched down knocking the Quil back into the ones behind it.

“Enope…” Was all he said as he turned to Granny Smith. “You ok?”

“Big Mac? That you?” Granny asked.

“Yeup.” He nodded at her then spun to deliver a mighty kick to another lunging Quil as Scootaloo pulled up.

“Get in you two, we are making a break for it!” Sweetie bell yelled out with a wave for them to get in. As she turned back to hold off the Quil Big Mac grabbed his grandmother and threw her into the Jeep and climbed in. Sweetie Bell moved aside to make room for Granny Smith and Big Mac and passed him her gun. “Her take it I’ll make sure Granny is ok.”

“Yeup.” Was all Big Mac said as he took the weapon and started to lay down covering fire as Scootaloo spun the Jeep around and started to race for Sweet Apple Acres.

“AB, I think we don’t have any air cover! I see Airborn coming at us.” Sweetie Bell said looking upwards.

“Big Mac, get above Ah got behind.” Apple Bloom yelled at her big brother. She spun around laying coering fire at the Quil behind them.

“What in the world Big Mac?” Granny asked confused. But Big Mac ignored her for the moment, his concentration pointed up wards.

More and more Airborn were noticing them as they raced for the evac point and he was having a harder and harder time keeping them away. Another Quil dived at them and Big Mac reacted quickly to protect the jeep. Pulling the rifle over he aimed and pulled the trigger only to have a thunk sound from the weapon.

“Jammed.” His trained eye quickly saw the jam, the last fired bullet didn’t eject properly causing that and the next bullet to get stuck in the chamber. It would take some time to get out, time they didn’t have. With a grunt he flipped the weapon around to grab it by the barrel and with a mighty swing cracked the Quil across the head knocking it aside and into the wall of a passing building. He looked back up and grimaced. It wasn’t looking good as the Quil seemed to know his weapon was jammed and dived as one body. He hefted the weapon again, it was going to die taking as many of them as he could.

Sweetie Bell looked up in horror watching the Quil close in on them. Apple Bloom didn’t know what was coming concentrating at the task before her. Her eyes passed between the back of Apple Bloom’s head to Big Mac standing on his seat, the gun in his hands like a club, to Granny Smith’s worried face then to Scootaloo intense face.

{We are going to die…I don’t want to die not yet. I could care less about my cutie mark, I just don’t want to die here helpless.} She didn’t notice her horn start to glow. {I don’t want to die, not like this. I want to live: for my sister, for my friends, for my future! We are NOT GOING TO DIE!} A mulberry beam shot from her horn then spread into a bright shield covering the jeep. Sweetie Bell, standing behind Apple Bloom, her hands on the seat backs in front of her as she pointed her horn at the shield above them. A determined look on her face as everyone looked at her in surprise.

“Cool shield Sweetie! Hold it for as long as you can, we are getting out of here!” Scootaloo told her. She drifted onto the main road towards Sweet Apple Acres. Above them Airborn slammed into the shield and slashed as hard as they could trying to break it as they easily kept pace with the fast vehicle. Sweat poured from Sweetie’s forehead as she struggled to maintain her shield, her knees buckling from the strain.

Suddenly she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her from behind. “Ah got you Sweetie Bell, Ah won’t let you down. Hold the shield, Ah’ll hold you up.”

Sweetie Bell couldn’t help but to smile through the strain. She loosened up her muscles, trusting Apple Bloom’s honest word.

{I will not fail my friends and I will not fail my family.} Sweetie thought to herself. Her vision started to swim and fade slightly but she held strong. She needed to, for everyone. She
heard Scootaloo say something but her voice was muffled the sounds around her dulling out to the point she could barely hear. Then her vision and her mind went black.


Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Celestia and a dozen changelings dived against the wave of Airborn Quil as it smashed against the mulberry shield, driving the Quil away and back towards Ponyville. Below the shield flickered then failed as the jeep it protected entered the Everfree. In the distance they could feel the mana in the air around them start to change direction towards the center of town.

“It has begun. Everyone fall back! Move it!” Celestia yelled as she started to fly towards the castle following the other before them.

Twilight paused watching the event unfold. Her innate curiosity keeping her from following the rest, not yet.

“Twilight, we need to run you know what happens when they take a new region.” Spike said a note of worry in her voice.

Twilight said nothing. She knew what he was talking about, she saw the reports on both the event and those folk caught in the blast that was to come. Once enough of the mana was pulled into that ring it would send a beam skywards that would arc to the Quil Island. Every region they took before the same beam could be seen keeping any mana from regenerating. The initial blast would ripple through the region breaking any residual mana loose from anything and everything nearby like enchanted items or even from folk themselves to be sent skyward. She shuttered at the thought, it was the worst way for folk to die a complete and utter mana burn could instantly kill folk, but in that instant would be the most painful ever. Those that didn’t die would soon die after since their body couldn’t regenerate the mana needed to recover. IT was the lingering death that made it so terrible. One could enter the wasteland that was the result of the Quil victory with no problem, being there when they took it, that was the problem.

But even then she needed to see it, she needed to see exactly what the Quil did. She watched carefully, waves and ribbons of mana moved towards the center of town building to critical. She watched as mana fields and lattices broke down and flow towards the ring like flowing water. Then in one moment it was like everything stopped as the expected beam shot up wards to the sky. She saw it, she saw it as clear as day. There was a clear polarity to the beam, in that critical moment something shifted just slightly in the collected energy sending it skyward. With a sharp mental command she and Spike raced away as fast as they could towards the castle hoping that everyone was out of range of the incoming shock wave.

{Its too fast Twi!} Spikes panicked thought caused her to glance behind her. They were just passing over the edge of the Everfree, the shockwave coming too fast to escape. As the grip of true horror touched her something happen, a curtain of energy a shield she never saw before and even with her attunement to magic itself couldn’t help her to identify what the shield was. But whatever it was it stopped the shock wave cold. As she flew towards the castle that terror she felt slowly drained out of her. It had been a long fight and now another, longer fight loomed ahead of her. The defensive line was broken, and soon Canterlot would be under siege. Yet her mind was buzzing as it processed the information she gained from the Quil attack. She needed a chance to study, a chance to put what she saw to the test. Maybe, just maybe they can find a way to beat back the Quil advance. At this point, they HAD to find away.

Chapter 7: Situational Report

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Chapter 7:
Situational Report

Twilight looked down from her vantage point on Spike’s back as they scouted over what remained of the Ponyville district in the early dawn light. Like anywhere else the Quil had taken, there was no green or even any color, everything was dead and lifeless.

“Don’t get too close to the center of town Spike, I’m sure we will get attacked if we do.” Twilight said, her eyes still scanning the ground below.

“Right. Let’s not push our luck any more today than we have too.” Spike told her as he kept a weather eye out for any Quil, yet so far they were oddly absent.

It had been nineteen hours since the fall of Ponyville and Twilight wanted to come back out. She told everyone it was to scout around but in reality she wanted to do an experiment. But first they needed to make sure they were safe, relatively speaking of course.

With a mental question Spike told her everything was clear he pulled into hover, he eyes darting around as he kept watch. Twilight’s horn glowed as a small ball of purple energy appeared on the tip. Reaching up and pulling the ball down she looked at it. With the amount of magic in that ball it would take nearly five minutes for it to dissipate. If the pull of mana was constant then it would take around two and a half to dissipate. OF course she was in the air, she would need to do this a few more times at different points to make sure, but for now she needed to test the theory.

Two minutes in and less than a third of the energy ball remained. It was enough for her to consider the test a success. What it meant was grim for her but at least it was a success. Wheeling Spike around the two of them went back to base.


Twilight came in for a landing on the newly revenavated hanger situated above the tree line just inside the castle walls on the south side. She looked around as Spike drifted over the newly settled base. Most of the population of Ponyville, having spent the last two years working to rebuilding the castle, were settled into the castle proper and the surrounding buildings. The castle walls were shored up and while they lacked the majesty they held when Celestia and Luna moved their capital to Caterlot but they held their former strength again. As members of the Irregulars manned the walls and perform drills on the grounds Twilight was impressed by how quickly the base took shape. With both the irregulars and the non combatants of Ponyville settled in the castle was alive again.

As Spike touched down one of the flight hands waved for them to take one of the dragon berths in the back of the hanger. The two of them slowly made their way towards the back as Winged Folk moved around them to take flight for their own patrols. Once in the berth Twilight quickly returned her weapon and climbed out of the saddle. As she climbed down the latter she found Fluttershy waiting on her.

“Um Twilight, General Celestia was looking for you. She’s in the war room right now and I’m thinking she may be getting ready to go to Canterlot for the defense there.” She shuffled her foot slightly. “Do you need me to take you there? I can if you need me to.”
“That would be nice thank you Fluttershy.” Twilight said. She looked over at Spike and nodded at him. With a wicked grin Spike half trotted half walked towards the edge of the hanger and jumped off with a small shout of joy.

“Um where is he going?” Fluttershy asked.

“He didn’t want to change back so he’s flying a patrol himself. I’m constantly connected to him so if Spike sees anything I’ll know about it instantly.”

“Oh, really. Amazing, is that something a Dragon Rider can do?” Fluttershy asked her as she led Twilight out of the hanger and to the stairs for the grounds.

“Yes and no. You see the dragons are connected to their riders yes. But a good number of those dragons are full dragons while Spike is what the Dragon Queen called an Unborn.” Twilight explained as she stepped on to the stairs.

“An Unborn?” Fluttershy asked confused.

“Yes, a Dragon Egg that somehow or reason didn’t get enough mana to hatch on its own. Those eggs are sent to Celestia’s School for Gifted Horned Folk as a test. The test is to see if a young folk can hatch it with their magic. Unfortunately it is not a common test that folk can pass so the true number of Unborns are very low. It is those unborn that have a choice as to what form they want, like Spike. With a burst of my magic he can change his from his full dragon form to his real form. It is in his dragon form the mental link forms between us and we can talk to each other no matter where he is. For example right now Spike is chasing a bird around, excuse me a second.” Twilight paused halfway down the stairs and closed her eyes a moment. Then she opened them and looked at Fluttershy. “Sorry about that, no matter what Spike is still young, I can’t be mad at him for looking for a little joy out there. Where were we?”

“Spike’s abiliites.” Fluttershy told her. Her mind was busy trying to process what Twilight was telling her.

“Ah, yeah. Nothing much more to tell about Spike. His dragon form gives him access to some magic that his real form doesn’t have. It’s odd how that works and I have not had a chance to really test as to why that is.” Twilight said more to herself than anyone else as Fluttershy opened the door leading to the castle grounds and stepped out followed by Twilight.

Fluttershy paused as they walked across the grounds, looking at the medical wing that was rebuilt to handle the injured of the Irregulars.

“I wonder if Sweetie Bell is ok?” Fluttershy asked quietly. Twilight couldn’t help but to nod at that.

“Let’s find out, I want to check on Rarity as well. We need to get her out of there. The hospital is by the west wall so I’ll send her up to do a guard rotation. That way she can be easily found and is still near her sister.”


Twilight and Fluttershy walked up to the reception desk and looked around. The medical folk of the newly filled hospital worked to save those whose injuries might still carry them off and help those that were sick and injured.

“So you are posted here, where are the two we are looking for?” Twilight asked Fluttershy.

“Third floor, room 312.” Fluttershy told her as she started for lift pausing long enough to grab a patient folder with Twilight right behind her.

“So what is the official cause of Sweetie’s collapse?”

“According to the file the doctors are calling it a critical case of mana burn.” Fluttershy told her as Twilight hit the button for the lift.

“Mana burn? Sweetie burned out her body’s reserve of mana and started to burn her own life force?!” Twilight asked in shock.

“Yes. From what we got from Rarity, Sweetie never really used her magic enough to really build up a large reserve before she pumped so much into that shield that protected her and the rest of the CMC along with Big Mac and Granny Smith. She’s the reason they are alive Twilight.”

Twilight nodded at that as the two of them continued to walk in silence. When they reached room 312 they found the door opened and Rarity staring at the bed of her sleeping sister. She looked up as the two of them walked in.

“Oh Twilight, Fluttershy Darlings welcome. Forgive me for not standing but I’m just so worried about Sweetie Bell. She hasn’t even twitched since she was brought in. I’m so proud of her yet so worried.” Rarity told her as she looked towards her sister. Twilight looked at her friend and saw the worry in her eyes, but at the same time she saw a hint of pride. Then after a second Rarity’s eyes lit up as she looked at the two of them. “I saw something amazing when I came in.”

Rarity reached over and moved sheet aside then lifted Sweetie’s robe slightly showing something on Sweetie’s hip. It was a spread winged dove flying in front of a bright silver shield, her Cutie Mark.

“Wow, what she did was worth her Cutie Mark.” Fluttershy said with a small smile. She felt happy for Sweetie Bell but at the same time sorry that she nearly killed herself to get it.

“A Dove and a Shield. A symbol of peace and a symbol of defense, Sweetie Bell more than likely has a strong talent for shields though I can’t help but to wonder what her Cutie Mark would be if this war didn’t happen.” Twilight said.

“Wha ever do you mean?”

“It’s simple, this war has gone on for over four years. In that how many fillies and colts would have found their Cutie Marks?” Twilight looked at the puzzled faces of her friends. “A lot, and as we know a cutie mark is a mark of one’s destiny. So how many of those fillies and colts had their destinies shaped by this war? How many will never find their destiny because their destiny has been made moot? Look at us for Celestia’s sake. Fluttershy according to your Cutie Mark you should be an animal care taker, helping folks find the right pet for their home and taking care of those animals unable to care for themselves. Rarity, you should be a Fashionista. Yet look at us, we are here fighting in a war that is the farthest from our destines as can be. Why don’t our Cutie Marks change or even just fade out?”

“I don’t know Darling, that’s…that’s a little beyond me right now. But that is a pretty morbid thought.” Rarity told her.

“I know it is and I don’t like it.” Twilight sighed slightly then looked at Rarity. “There’s a reason why we came here. You need to rest. You can go willingly or I can make it an order, which do you want?”

Rarity looked between Twilight and her sister. She knew Twilight was right, but she couldn’t leave her sister’s side yet. But after a moment she looked back up to Twilight and nodded.

“I’ll go find a bunk in the barracks and take a nap.” Rarity told her.

“Good, after your nap you are up for a round on the west wall. Its the closest to the hospital so if Sweetie Bell does waken they can find you pretty easily. Once your shift is up feel free to come back here, just be sure to rest. We are going to need you at your best before long.”

“I promise I will.” Rarity said with a salute. “Oh Fluttershy, how is Ditzy and Dinkie?”

“Both are in good health and out of the hospital, Ditzy just had a bump on the head that knocked her out. How about you?”

“Cleared with a clean bill of health. Just some cuts and bruising. Had a large purple bruise on my thigh that numbed out my leg for a while. Though I must admit that if it wasn’t for AJ and Pinkie Pie neither I nor Ditzy or Dinkie, would be here today.” Rarity said with a smile. “Anyway Darling I know you got something to do so I won’t keep you. I’ll report to the barracks in a moment.”

“You do that Rarity and I hope Sweetie Bell gets better soon.” Twilight told her as she gave Rarity a hug. Then with a wave she and Fluttershy walked out of the room.

The walk outside of the hospital was done in silence again. Fluttershy returned the patient folder back at the desk and joined Twilight outside in the morning air. As they walked towards the castle Twilight looked around at all the Irregulars along with the civilians working together to make the castle and its grounds more than just habitable but into another home. Ponyville may have fallen but somehow the spirit of Ponyville kept living.

A soft bell rang out across the grounds sending many fillies and colts towards a small one room building that was converted into a school house some were even walked to school by their parents, one of which if not both were for the most part Irregulars.

“Ponyville was and continues to be unique. Not even Canterlot could get this level of teamwork.” Twilight said.

“Yes, I agree. Even Cloudsdale had those that didn’t want to work with the rest of the population.” Fluttershy said sadly. “But here, everyone works together in friendship. I hope it lasts things are going to get hard for these folk.” Twilight nodded in agreement as they approached the main gates to the castle where a few Irregulars stood guard along with a couple of the Royal Guard.

Once inside the castle they spotted Applejack and her family sitting at a small table talking and catching up. Apple Bloom seemed to have latched on to her big brother and wasn’t going to let go anytime soon. Applejack waved at them with a smile as they passed. The grand hall was full of folk and sleeping pallets as folk were still trying to get everyone into a proper location but the area was rapidly clearing out as they headed for either the barracks or single/family dorms. It was methodical and simple process, one Twilight could appreciate. She herself spent the night in the barracks having been assigned a bunk by one of the Irregular’s Quartermasters. She liked that, she didn’t get any special treatment for being a full soldier or a Dragon Rider over any of the Irregulars who fought alongside her.

As the two of them weaved their way through the dwindling crowd they saw the look of sadness in many around them but at the same time the fire of determination burned strong. They were knocked down but they were not out yet.

“1st Sergeant Sparkle?” A voice asked as the two of them neared the stair case leading to the upper floors. The two of them turned to see one of the Royal Guard walking up to them.

“Yes, who’s asking?” Twilight asked as Fluttershy stepped behind Twilight.

“Corporal Skylight. I was sent by the general to bring you to her.” He glanced at Fluttershy half hiding behind Twilight. “Though I see Sergeant Fluttershy already found you I’ll escort the two of you there.” He motioned for them to follow him.

The two of them followed the Corporal up the stairs to a meeting room that was converted into a war room and the new Everfree Command and Control or the ECNC for short. Inside a few Irregulars manned a radios connecting the new base with the rest of the Equestrian Armed Forces. In the middle a map of the Everfree and the surrounds including what was left of Ponyville laid on the massive table that dominated the room. Standing around the table stood Mayor Mare, her uniform missing and in its place she wore normal clothing, Lyra and Bon Bon both holding the sticks they used back in Ponyville to place their pieces, and General Celestia leaning over the table looking over reports being fed to her while she was there. As the door shut behind Fluttershy and Twilight, Celestia looked up and smiled wearily at the two of them.

“Ah Twilight I’m glad you are here.” Celestia said as she straightened. “Come here we need to have a meeting and some decisions need to be made.”

Twilight glanced at Fluttershy then back to Celestia. “Yes, yes ma’am.” Twilight glanced around and saw a number of chairs at the table.

“Have a seat, you too Mare, we need to figure out what to do.” Celestia said as she waved around the table. Once everyone sat down Celestia looked at each of the ones at the table and crossed her hands in front of her chin. “We only need a few more here before we can truly begin but while we are waiting, Twilight you took a wide patrol over Ponyville this morning. I know you, you were testing something. Enlighten me as to what it is?”

Twilight twitched slightly but sighed. There was no need for a panic just yet. She took a deep breath and looked at her mentor-now-commanding officer.

“I believe I may have found something during the Quil attack. The patrol earlier was a test to see if it may be possible to reclaim ground. I didn’t want to say anything to keep from getting hopes up as I need to do a number of follow up tests to even begin to put a theory together. But maybe, it might be possible.”

Fluttershy looked at Twilight in shock. Possible to maybe push the Quil back? “Twilight, if there is anything I can do to help, if you will let me, I would love to help.” She told Twilight with a small smile.

“Thanks Fluttershy, not sure if there is something for you to do, but if there is I will tell you immediately.” Fluttershy nodded at Twilight’s words. Behind them the door opened again and Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie walked in.

“Sorry we’re late ma’am seems Rarity was given orders to rest by Twilight here. But after she spent so much time with her sister Ah can’t blame her really, she needed it.” Applejack said as she sat down.

“I’m planning a ‘We made it out alive’ party for everyone. I’m sure it will help boost morale and put a smile on everyone’s faces.” Pinkie told everyone as she bounced in her seat. Celestia smiled at the group sitting in front of her.

“Everyone, I called you here for a reason. I have talked to Mayor Mare here and while I have to admit the Ponyville Irregulars performed amazingly well during the attack on Ponyville and I will find no fault with how they acted and faced their fates without flinching. But with the fall of Ponyville and this breach in the line policy states that we put military personnel in charge of a new base such as this. Of course generally the Irregulars are nothing more than scattered remains after a fall. I cannot go against policy but I feel that to do such a move would insult the Irregulars who not only fought at Ponyville but those that died as well. The Ponyville Irregulars fought with skill that can put the Armed Forces to shame.” She closed her eyes a moment her hands going back to her chin again. “I talked it over with Mayor Mare here and she has agreed to the policy on two conditions. Condition one: the Irregulars will become full members of the Armed Forces. And condition two: I put the soldiers who fought so hard to keep Ponyville safe in charge. That is you Twilight, you and your five friends.”

Five jaws decided at that time it was very important to take a quick and immediate trip to the table top.


(Twenty Four Hours later)

Twilight sat around her office in one of the towers of the Castle looking at the paper work before her as her jaw once again started its down ward trip. Here she was only three or four days out of the academy and she was already a base commander.

{And Equestria may be on its last legs now unless I can get out there to do that experiment I need to do.} Twilight thought to herself as she stood up and went to a window. {But as it stands I’m spending more time signing reports than actually DOING anything. At least Pinkie’s party was a roaring success, even if a Quil probing attack came during the middle of it.} She slammed her fist into the stone beside the window with a sigh of frustration then leaned against it.

“What am I going to do?” She asked herself as she watched the grounds below. Things were going well: everyone was placed somewhere, the supplies were enroute and patrol zones were drawn up. Even the monsters of the Everfree seemed to bother the Castle less and the Quil more. But even then if Twilight wasn’t on the ball the paperwork can and will get ahead of her. Even to fly a patrol she would need a way to either do the paperwork or have someone else do it. There was a knocking on the door behind her causing her to turn. “Enter.” The door opened and Mayor Mare walked in carrying a few folders in her arms.

“Good morning Ma’am, a few more reports to sign and acquisition forms as well.” She dropped them on Twilight’s desk and looked at her. Her hand going to her chin to hide a small smile as Twilight turned back around and started to lightly thump her head against the stone with a small moan of agony.

“Gah, if I was handed something like this a few years ago I would have been in a blind panic but lists and forms were right up my alley, I could do it. Today I got something important I need to get done and I can’t because of all of these maddening reports!” Her mane started to frazzle a bit as her eyes slowly took on a slightly wild look when she turned to look at Mare. “I sign and I sign but what does it do! I need to know exactly what is going on in order to make a decision I need to get facts and I need to do research. What does a base like this need short term and long term I need…” She was cut off by the sound of breaking glass and a splat to the back of her head. Reaching up she felt something gooey and with a puzzled look pulled some off to look at it. In her hand was the remains of a cupcake. Lifting an eyebrow she glanced out the window to see Pinkie Pie walking away whistling as she shouldered a baseball bat. “Hehe, thanks Pinkie.” Twilight looked back at Mare. “Mare you know the town better than I do, you know what we need and you know what we will need in order to keep everyone healthy and happy. Take those bleeding files and do what you can with them, if something is important then tell me. I’m going to be out there doing what I do best.”

“And what that might be?” Mare asked her as she lowered a stop watch. That idea dawning on her went faster than she and Celestia predicted.

“Research, and protecting those who depend on me.” Twilight told her as she made for the door. “I’ll be in here a few hours each day to make sure nothing important goes too long without my input, otherwise do what you do best.” With those words Twilight was out the door.

{About time Twilight, about time.} Mare thought to herself as she looked at the desk. Twilight did a good job keeping up only a small stack of papers were left really. Mare picked up the folders and smiled. Most of them were empty. Grabbing those that still needed signatures she stepped out for her own office. She would need her admin team back, those that survived anyway and the sooner she got them back the sooner she could get back to work.


Twilight burst through the main doors of the castle and looked around quickly spotting one of the Irregulars standing guard at the door wearing his new Armed forces uniform.

“Private, I need you to find the rest of my squad and send them to the hanger. And while you are doing that find Spike and send him there as well tell him to prepare to hit air.” Twilight said, a smile forming on her face. Unlike the one in her office this smile was a happy smile. The Private saluted and dashed off to find those she asked for.

Once he was gone Twilight vanished in a flash of light and reappeared in the hanger’s air traffic control startling the poor soldiers who worked there. With a shy smile Twilight quickly apologized for her sudden appearance then quickly explained what she wanted.

“I’m going to take myself and about five winged folk on a quick run outside the Everfree. In fact I’m going to be going to three different places around Ponyville to test a theory.” She said as two of the three air traffic controllers joined her at a map. “One point will be here, to the south of Ponyville.” She pointed to what was now labeled as sector 25 south of Ponyville proper. “The next one will be here on sector 33 north of Ponyville. And the final point will be the most dangerous, here at sector 52.” She pointed to a spot completely on the other side of Ponyville. “That point will be the most dangerous for me and the patrol I’ll be taking. I’ll keep you posted on our movements so if needed you can send back up. Any official patrols heading there or there now?”

“No ma’am, all patrols currently do not pass the border of the Everfree. But we have one patrol out now we can redirect to the border to act as a first responder in case you need back up.” One of the controllers told her. Twilight lifted her hand to her chin in thought. After a moment she nodded.

“That’s a good idea, do it.” She glanced at the hanger floor from where they were and saw her friends starting to arrive. “I’ll be down there getting ready. Standby I plan on launching soon.” They saluted at her words and with a quick return salute she disappeared in a flash of purple light and quickly reappeared on the hanger floor. With a shout at her friends they joined her as she turned to look over one of the four dragon bays they had. The one she was standing before was assigned to her the other three blank.

“What’s up Sugercube?” Applejack asked her.

“I’m going out. But I’m going to need a squad. Right now, Applejack you need to stay here. As my second you will be in charge until I get back. Leave the paperwork with Mare but I’ll be back in a couple hours. Fluttershy, you are going to ride with me. Rainbow Dash, I need about five Winged Folk to fly escort with me and once you get that done I want the rest of the Winged Folk ready to scramble in a moment’s notice you will lead the wing. Rarity and Pinkie Pie get the rest of the ground forces on standby, hopefully it will be a quick mission and I won’t need to get my flank bailed out anytime soon but as we found out in this war…flack happens.” Each of them saluted with a smile.

“Ah got your back Twi.” Applejack turned and started for the stair case as Spike came into the hanger.

“I’ll have the five for your wing ready in ten minutes flat!” Rainbow ran for the edge and dropped off with a whoop.

Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie simple nodded and scrambled to fulfill their own orders as Spike shucked his clothes with a practiced ease in mid step as he entered the bay. With a quick flash of her horn Spike was in his dragon form.

“So what’s the plan Twilight?” Spike asked as Twilight walked up to him.

“Fly to three points around Ponyville and to a quick magical test and get back in one piece. Once back I can put the information to use and see if we can’t counter the Quil superweapon.” Twilight gave him a hug around the neck. “And after that, if all goes well we go to battle over Ponyville one more time.”

“And this time to take it back right?” Spike asked her hopefully.

“If my research turns up something good, yes to take it back from the Quil. Something that hasn’t been done yet.”

“Good let’s get out there and get this information you need. And I think these five need to talk to you.” Spike said pointing over Twilight’s shoulder. She turned to see five winged folk, three stallions and two mares looking at her. One of them was Ditzy. Each of them gave a sharp salute as they snapped to attention.

“1st Sergeant Sparkle Escort Squad reporting for Duty!” One of the Stallions shouted at her. Twilight saw he had white skin, short cropped dirty blond mane and very, VERY bulky. Unlike the others, she couldn’t see his wings poking out slightly from behind him. Twilight smiled at them.

“Thank you. Quick briefing.” She checked her watch, nine minutes and thirty seven minutes, Rainbow was good. “We are on a quick patrol for me to perform a couple of experiments inside QUil controlled Airspace. This mission can quickly become extremely dangerous but it needs to be done. WE will have backup standing by if the Quil with to make a fight out of this trip but priority remains on me getting those experiments done. Thus we will run first and fight only if we don’t have a choice. To expedite our passing I have a couple of remote spell trackers ready to go so we can get in and get out ASAP. Any questions?”

“NO MA’AM!” The large white stallion shouted. The rest of the squad shook their heads.

“Go, gear up we hit air in ten minutes.” Twilight said sharply. The squad before her saluted and ran for their gear.


They were in air for twenty minutes and were approaching the first point Twilight needed. This one, at least would be done on the ground so with a brief landing and cast her spell. It took only two mintues for the readings to come back to her. A moment later with a powerful flap of his wings Spike took off for the most dangerous point on the trip. It was the farthest point from the base with the center of town between them and any help they would get. Twilight reached up and touched her ear piece.

“Ok, everyone this one is the hot spot of this mission. So far we only have spotted a few Quil around the center of town so let’s not give them a reason to come after us. I’ll do this test in air so flying ring and keep your eyes open.”

Five yes ma’ams shot back over the comms as they near the next test point. It was a brief stop in the air as she cast her spell. As she waited for the results Twilight glanced around at her escort, Ditzy was facing the center of town. Twilight knew from what Rarity told her that despite her eyes Ditzy had the best vision in the group and it why she was pointed in that direction. And as those thoughts ran through her mind she saw Ditzy stiffen, her combat rifle rising slowly.

“Ditzy, report!” Twilight called out. Her spell still needed another minute for the report to return.

“I got movement in the town below, nothing solid. Possible Quil ma’am.” Ditzy called over her shoulder.

{Spike I need some vision help here.} Twilight thought as she looked at the ground below. Slowly her vision zoomed in almost like she was sitting only twenty feet in the air and not two hundred. As her gaze drifted through the town she spotted nearly two dozen Quil Soldiers slipping through town. That wouldn’t have been too bad if their glowing red eyes were pointed right at her. With a though to Spike the spell effect was canceled. She looked up at Ditzy who was still watching the ground like a hawk.

“We have been spotted by Quil everyone stay frosty.” Twilight called. Forty seconds to go.

“Contact, I got another Quil Soldiers below from the south eyeballing us.” The large white stallion called. Twilight still was amazed at how a large stallion with such tiny wings could still get air born and yet so agile. Thirty seconds to go.

Twilight looked around as the rest of her group called contacts. More soldiers were watching them but with no hope to reach them they just stood on the ground and stared at them. Twenty more seconds passed as she looked around something was wrong very wrong. She looked at each of her squad, their attention to the ground. Then she gasped and threw a wide shield around the group of them as bodies started to dive bomb them from above. Her escorts pulled back closer to her at the sudden purple shield around them and the Quil Airborn bouncing off the shield.

“It was a trap!” She yelled and looked up. The swarm above them, for it could only be called a swarm stopped their dive and watched them slowly spreading out trying to hem them in.

“Ma’am, your orders?” One of the escorts asked.

“Who here knows the town layout?” Twilight asked. They still had a mission to finish as the spell pinged in her mind it was complete.

“I do.” Ditzy said glancing at her. “I use to be the mailmare here in town. I know the streets and back allies like the back of my hand.”

“Good, we need to get to the last point don’t care the altitude or speed we just need to get there any ideas?.” Twilight asked her.

“Just one ma’am, we dive towards the north. Thinner Quil there, hit the deck and weave through the buildings and hope we don’t run into any soldiers. Keep a tight form and move fast. The small alleys and streets can help keep them from hitting above us if you use your shields.” Ditzy told her.

“Better than what I got. We are going with your plan Ditzy, you lead we will be right behind you. Once we reach the coordinates we need, don’t stop just make a bee line for the Everfree. Staff Sergeant Dash should be there with the other wings to bail us out. On your mark Ditzy.”

Ditzy paused a moment, going over her plan. Her grip tightened on her weapon slightly as she planned her route. Once she was ready she nodded. “NOW!”

Dropping her shield as the six of them dived in one motion, their weapons blazing carving a path through the Quil Airborn and the Soldiers on the ground below. Behind them the Quil dived after trying to cut them off but the five Winged Folk and one Dragon Rider proved to be too fast. As they reached the ground they pulled level and zipped up the street, their wing tips almost touching the ground they were so low. Suddenly Ditzy banked hard to the right into an alley followed by the rest of the squad causing Quil to slam into the ground where they were just seconds before. More Quil pulled in behind the fleeing soldiers as they weaved and dodged around rubble and damaged buildings. Ditzy was flying point as it was her plan followed by the other five Winged Folk with Twilight pulling up the rear. As the group reached the end of the alley Ditzy banked hard left almost skimming the building corner. Twilight ducked as Spike tried to take it too close but she didn’t complain. As long as they completed the mission it would be worth it.

Ditzy banked hard right to cross the street as a Quil Soldier stepped out of another alley only to get shot by the third Winged folk in their line as she banked hard as well as Ditzy led them into another alley. About halfway down another alley pulled off to the left and Ditzy took it. She could hear the buzzing of the Quil above them the thuds as they hit either ground from their sudden turns or Twilight’s shields as she protected them from above. Ahead of them rubble blocked the path all the way up the side of both houses that formed the alley, something she failed to see from her view from above. With a grimace she pulled up to skim over the thatched roofs she needed to get them back down as they were too exposed up here. Ahead she saw a blown out house from the fighting before and took a chance. As she pulled over it her sharp eyes saw the way was unblocked to the street below. Without losing speed she banked hard right and down wards causing her to be able to look sky wards for just a moment. The sight that she saw shocked her, shocked to the point time seemed to slow down, but her years of training caused her to react despite the shock. A Quil Airborn had successfully figured out where she was going, its wings were not flapping as its bladed arms were crossed over its chest to cut her in half. Her weapon came up and she pulled the trigger just once sending three bullets into its glowing eye. She finished her spin and pulled out of the collapsed wall at street level almost on the point Twilight wanted.

Ditzy obeyed her orders as she passed through the coordinates Twilight wanted she banked hard again and bee lined for the Everfree. As Twilight passed through she heard the sound of a spell firing off and calls of ‘keep going’ over the comms. Ditzy didn’t need a second bidding as she did just that.


Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy watched the swarming Quil from where they hovered just inside the border of the Everfree.

“Do you think they are ok?” Fluttershy asked. She wanted to go help them but Rainbow Dash held up her hand to forestall her.

“Twilight knows what she is doing. Look she’s using the buildings as cover, making less space for her to shield as they run for it.” Rainbow told her. Then she reached for her radio in her helmet. “Stay frosty down there, as soon as Twilight and her group is clear give covering fire then fall back to the castle. No need for heroics today just get our folk home.” She glanced down at the jeeps waiting just inside the tree line and spotted the familiar orange and purple colors of Scootaloo driving one of the jeeps. She didn’t want to bring the filly along but she did prove herself last time and with Applebloom manning the rear gun she hoped they would be ok. What was she thinking? Of course they would be. Rarity was with them, replacing Sweetie Bell in the passenger seat, her sniper rifle replaced with a combat rifle. She looked back up at Twilight’s group as she pressed the button again. “Get ready, here they come.”

Twilight and her group burst from an alley way and skimmed along the ground followed by Quil Airborn hot on their heels. With a shout Rainbow Dash started to fire at the Airborn to thin them out as the rest of the Winged Folk squads did the same. As Twlight and her escorts pulled up to skim the tree lines the hidden jeeps opened fire stunting the Quil advance.

“Fall back, Fall back!” Rainbow called out the jeeps and the Winged Folk fell back still watching the reeling Quil. Once they were away the Quil turned and went back to Ponyville uncaring that their targets got away. As Rainbow turned and started to fly towards Twilight she couldn’t help but to think.

{I hope this was worth it Twilight.}

Chapter 8: A Light in the Darkness

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Chapter 8
A light in the Darkness

It has been three weeks since the fall of Ponyville, the new defensive line held against the Quil attacks with the Everfree being a natural barrier for the Quil to smash against. The creatures of the Everfree seemed to rebel at the Quil presence in their boundaries and spent their time attacking the Quil and leaving the Everfree Base alone. Even with the creatures aiding the base, along with Fluttershy ‘encouraging’ their aid, they have suffered quite a few attacks. But the Irregulars turned Armed Forces fought with honor and valor pushing back the attacks again and again with few losses. With each attack Twilight, and the brilliant minds from Ponyville, found and shored up weakness in the walls and defenses making the Everfree base stronger and stronger.

For the first week Twilight felt like commanding a base was something beyond her, but as she learned about those under her command, delegating the work to those who can do it better or more effectively, she naturally began to improve. Her friends quickly moved to places to best help their friend. Applejack’s down to earth attitude along with being a well known member of the town quickly became the go to mare when Twilight was occupied with research or other aspects of the base, becoming Twilights second in command. Pinkie Pie, her natural exuberance and natural instinct to know everyone in the base made her a natural Quartermaster and dealing with the supplies and supply trains. Plus the hidden party supplies appearing from time to time told everyone exactly who was in charge of the supplies. Rainbow Dash took command of the Winged Folk squads, training and drilling. She was a rough trainer but within two weeks noticeable improvements were seen from the squads. Rarity and Fluttershy worked through the soldiers and medics respectively taking reports and directing them as best they could when Twilight was busy.

Busy she was, after three weeks her experiments and testing finally had given back results. As she stared at the results her mind rejected them, her eyes blanking out.

{No, no, no. Yet the results were there staring at me. There has to be another way to do this…}

“Twilight, you down here?” A voice called out causing Twilight to blink, snapping her out of the shock. She looked over her should at a shadow coming down the stairs to her lab. She glanced at Spike who fell asleep nearby. She looked back at the paper and flipped it over out of sight as Applejack stepped into view. “Twilight ya got a moment. You got a message from General Celestia, she’s calling for a general meeting of all base commanders along the front lines. Guess that means you are going on a trip. Want someone to come with ya?”

“Yeah, I could don't know who yet. Where is the meeting located?” Twilight asked her. She stood up and grabbed a few papers off the desk she was sitting at. Then she went around the room collecting supplies and other tidbits.

“Canterlot Castle, war room in two days. Got any idea who’s going with you?” Applejack asked as she watched Twilight move around the room.

“Since there is no truly safe way to get to Canterlot Castle from here, even the supply trains sometimes need to fight their way through to get to us, I’m going to fly. I’ll take Sunset Shimmer and Trixie, they will fly escort for me. Thank you can hold down the fort for me Applejack?”

“Can do Twi, can do.” Applejack pushed her Stetson, something she was never without any more, farther back over her head as she looked over at Spike. “Should I wake him sugercube?”

“Nah, I got him.” Twilight said as her horn lit up and Spike was enveloped by a purple aura. He floated towards the stairs as Twilight made her was there as well with a small stack of folders under one arm with Applejack right behind her. “I’ll let him sleep for a bit. It’s only a five hour flight to Canterlot and we will only be potentially exposed to Quil for about thirty minutes, Rainbow can fly a few wings with us as insurance through the danger zone then circle back to keep the base safe." Twilight paused a moment, her hand on her chin. "No not a few wings, only a half a wing I don’t want the base to be unprotected for long and it is an hour round trip for Rainbow and her wings, a window I don’t want." She started walking again as she talked. "Find her and tell her to hand pick seven Winged Folk, along with her, to fly escort. Then find Sunset Shimmer and Trixie and tell them to get ready for an escort tomorrow. We will be leaving at 0630 hours. I need to grab a few things before we go.” Twilight said as the three of them reached the main hall. “Applejack, do me a favor, once Rainbow gets back put the base on Yellow Alert and put the troops through class AA drills.”

Applejack blinked, pausing in mid step. “Class AA drills, those are training drills for fighting over whelming numbers of Quil. Used as ‘last stand’ drills. Twi, you know something don’t you?” She asked as she quickly caught up to Twilight and the still sleeping Spike.

“All I can tell you is that I think I found something. Something that may turn this war around, and if what I think happens then we will be flying right into the thick of it. I’m counting on you AJ, I’ll try to get us some time though I know everyone here would love a chance to show the Quil that Ponyville is only down and NOT out.” Twilight turned to look at her. “But for the moment don’t tell anyone what is going on. I don’t want to get someone’s hopes up.” She placed her hand on Applejack’s shoulder. “Do me proud AJ, I’m counting on you.” She glanced out the window and saw Luna’s night starting to spread over the sky as she dropped her hand. “I’m going to put Spike to bed then finish up a few reports before I go too. I need to get some sleep for tomorrow.”

Applejack grinned as she threw a sharp salute saying good night before she went to take over the night shift with a wave over her shoulder. She walked with a mossy, her hands in her pocket whistling a lively tune. As Twilight watched her go a grim thought crossed her mind.

{This might be one of the few times I get to see her.}


As dawn broke over the forest it found Twilight standing on the edge of the Hanger overlooking the forest. She didn't turn as the clomping of boots on the metal hanger floor approached.

“Ma’am, 1st Sergeant Sunset Shimmer and Master Sergeant Trixie reporting for duty.” Sunset Shimmer said from behind her. Twilight heard three boot heels click together as they pulled to attention.

“Staff Sergeant Rainbow Dash reporting Ma’am.”

“Good, are we ready to go?” Twiligth asked them her gaze never leaving the forest before her.

“We will be ready in twenty minutes. Final equipment checks and preflights to do.” Rainbow told her. She paused a moment then spoke again. “You ok Twilight? You seem kinda out of it you know?”

“I’m thinking about something.” Twilight said quietly.

Rainbow glanced at Sunset Shimmer and Trixie, both of them mirrored the concern on her face.

“Spill it Egghead, we spent over two months together we know when you are thinking about something and when you have a serious problem.” Shimmer said. She dropped her attention stance and crossed her arms looking at Twilight.

“Ok fine, I’m nervous about this meeting, every commanding officer from every base in Equestria will be there. All of them are full fledged officers and I’m only enlisted, it is only by Celestia’s orders that I’m even in charge of this base. I just know someone will bring up that fact. Thanks to our position and what we do to keep pressure off of Canterlot, this post is high profile. You know how many of those officers would kill to get such a post?" Twilight let her gaze drift up towards the predawn sky. "And what of the soldiers? So far all of them are from Ponyville with few exceptions. If they put someone else in charge this whole base will collapse.” Twilight slowly turned to look at the three of them, a solemn look in her eyes. “Not that I’m going to let that happen, I’m pretty proud of this place." Twilight flashed a smile towards the three of them. "Finish prepping and let me know when we are ready to leave. Dismissed.” She turned back towards the forest.

As the three of them walked away Rainbow looked at Sunset while stealing a glance at Twilight. “You two been around her longer than I have, something is really up right? It’s not just me right?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Trixie has seen Twilight go neurotic over simple things, but this is something different. Trixie doesn’t know.” Trixie told her worried.

“I have to agree with Miss Third Person here, Twilight panics but doesn’t go morbid. This is something completely different.” Sunset told her causing Rainbow Dash to pause in midstep.

“Shimmer, Trixie, I need you two to do me a favor.” Rainbow said looking at them. “Twilight did me and the others here a solid. Something few of us feel they can ever repay. Many of the folk from Ponyville would be dead if it wasn’t for her flying cover as she did. No one has done that for me so I want to do everything I can to help her.”

“She earned your loyalty didn’t she?” Sunset asked her.

“The loyalty of me and every single person in this base. Me and Fluttershy by not only saving us once but twice. Pinkie Pie and Rarity by saving those of their home town they care about and Applejack by helping her reunite with her brother. And it goes without saying every single folk from Ponyville will follow Twilight into Tartarus and back at a word. Celestia problely saw the writing on the wall when she put Twilight in charge. Right now, Twilight has her own small army willing to die for her. Keep her safe out there or you will have to deal with me, understand?” Rainbow told the two of them then she turned on a heel and went to find her escort wing without waiting on a response.

“Trixie believes she is a strange one, but she means well. Trixie would say we need to do what she says, something tells me that failing would not be wise.” Trixie said. Sunset nodded in agreement as the two of them went back to check equipment with one last look at Twilight’s back.


Twilight looked down at the grounds below watching the foals play, few of the older fillies and colts watching over them. Three of whom were armed, cleaning and maintaining weapons and a single jeep. Despite the uniform of the Irregulars they wore Twilight quickly recognized the former Cutie Mark Crusaders as they laughed with each other as they watched over the foals. Despite the laughter at least one of them kept their eyes towards the walls as they worked. She smiled slightly that even in the face of war fillies like Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were still being fillies despite all that has happened.

Twilight was also happy that Sweetie Belle recovered from her mana burn and was back on her feet, even working on her shields impressing Twilight to no end. There was a slight pain of regret as Twilight watched them. She didn't want to add them to the rotation of base patrols and guard duties but they insisted, even in the face of Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash protests.

It was she heard the squeals of joy from the foals as three teenage dragons ran up to them and started a simple game of chase by the looks of it. She recognized the purple and green form of Spike as he and one other dragoness with blue scales and red spines ran from another dragoness with dull yellow scales and green spines. Unlike the others she had small wings, and hers were usable in her current form. All three were running around in their smaller two legged forms. The blue one was Shimmer’s dragon, Skylght and the Yellow one was Trixie’s dragon, Gypsy. At least they were having fun and Spike had friends his own age and species.

Twilight reached up to her mouth and gave a sharp whistle causing everyone on the ground to look up. With a wave at the three dragons she motioned for them to come on up and for the rest to have fun. It took a moment but the foals quickly went back to playing seeing as the adults weren’t telling them to go back to the castle and the older ones visibly relaxed. Gypsy, on the other hand, grabbed Spike and Skylight and with powerful flaps of her small wings she flew the three of them to the hanger.

“What’s up Twilight??” Spike asked as they landed.

“We are going to hit air in fifteen minutes. You three ready?” Twilight told them. A slow smile spread across their faces as they looked at each other.

“Time to hit air and ride fire.” Skylight said as she rubbed her claws together eagerly.

“To show off all our best moves.” Gypsy said posing in what she thought was an intimidating manner, trying not to laugh madly. Twilight struggled to keep from laughing at her as Gypsy looked at Spike.

“Oh yeah, time to have some fun.” Spike grinned. He started to walk towards one of the dragon bays nearby followed by the other two. All three laughing like mad dragons.

“Did he infect them or did they infect him?” Twilight muttered as he watched the three of them walk away.


“Escort wing, you are cleared for launch. Star’s Speed Escort Wing.” The voice called over the comm lines.

“This is Escort Wing, Escort One acknowledging.” Rainbow Dash said into her helmet speaker. “Escort Wing launching!” Rainbow looked at the six Winged Folk behind her and motioned for them to follow her. Turning back she ran full tilt towards the edge of the hanger and jumped off. With powerful flaps of their wings they took off and hovered over the forest waiting for Twilight. “Escort Wing in position, waiting for our charge CnC.”

”Acknowledged Escort Wing. Commander Sparkle, you and your Riders are cleared for launch.” The voice of the Everfree CnC called out.

Twilight rolled her eyes, her rank was 1st Sergeant yet they insisted on calling her Commander. Technically they were in the right with that but she didn’t like it.

“This is 1st Sergeant Sparkle, launching now.” Twilight said as Spike started forward to the edge of the hanger. With a sweep of her hand she and her two escorts dived off the hanger edge to catch air with open wings. It took only a few seconds for them to gain altitude, with Rainbow Dash and her escort pulling in behind them, and start flying north.

Thirty minutes later as Rainbow Dash waved goodbye and heading back towards the base leaving Twilight with Sunset and Trixie as they flew north.

”Twilight, any reason for the silent treatment? From one friend to another.” Sunset asked over the comms.

“Something I really can’t talk about Sunset. It is something…personal.” Twilight told her.

”I’m calling you on that one Twilight. This is more than normal, I’ve see you neurotic to the point of frizzy mane and tail like you stuck your finger in a light socket. You are almost anti-social right now so spill it.” Sunset called back.

Twilight sighed and hung her head down. “I don’t want to tell you right now because I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up.”

“Then Trixie says you should be almost bouncing over there. Even Trixie can see the cloud hanging over your head. Trixie wonders if a Winged Folk can even move that.” Trixie called from her other side.

“I don’t want to do this you two. I have something on my mind and it yes it does feel like a dark cloud. I’m asking nicely right now, please don’t ask about it.” Twilight told them calmly.

”Then cheer up before I call Pinkie for an intervention. Knowing that crazy mare she will be happy to ‘cheer’ you up.” Sunset laughed over the comm lines. A laugh that soon spread to Trixie and even Twilight.

With a lighter mood the rest of the flight was done in silence minus the required check ins to the ECNC and Canterlot.


(Canterlot Castle War Room 1300 hours the Next Day)

Twilight looked around the room feeling VERY out of place. Everyone around her was either Full Bird Colonels, many of the base or region commanders, or above like General Celestia and General Luna. Even those that couldn’t make it to this council still sent at least Majors in their places and each of them had at least one aide with them. While the Everfree base was not a small base and now played a key role in keeping the pressure off of Canterlot, and the reason for the inclusion to this meeting, the smaller fire bases or outposts didn’t have a presence today. Twilight felt she was trapped in a pool filled with alligators and someone started to drain the water away.

“Wow, check the faces today. It’s like a who’s who of the Top military commanders of the Equestrian Armed Forces.” Sunset chuckled. “There Colonel Spitfire of Cloudsdale and commander of the Wonderbolts. Colonel Steel Shod from the Appleloosa, Major Prism from the Alpha Outpost. Of course General Celestia and Captain Shining Armor from Phoenix Base along with General Luna and the captain of her special forces. Yeah, each and everyone here could reduce you to a private in a heartbeat.”

“No pressure or anything.” Trixie whispered into Twilight’s ear. Twilight just rolled her eyes refusing to let her nerves get the better of her right now as she scanned the room. Her eyes feel on one she didn’t recognize.

“Who’s that over there? The black one with the odd uniform.” Twilight asked pointing at a tall mare with black skin that almost shined. She had blue silk like hair and her uniform, a set of Armed Forces fatigues, had the shiny black pieces covering vital places.

“That has to be Queen Chrysalis. She is the Queen of the Changelings here in Equestria after they were run from their homes in the deep south. Their numbers are thin but they are ferocious fighters. I heard she lost an entire company in that battle for Cloudsdale that you were lost from but they single handedly held off the Quil assault with two mares from Reaper squad until the Cloudsdale defenders could get air born.” Sunset said.

“Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, yeah, I saved the both of them before the secret weapon of Cloudsdale could fire. Rainbow Dash told me the story.” Twilight told her as Celestia stood up and banged a gavel on the table. She looked around as the table fell silent.

“Welcome everyone to this meeting. I know this is not exactly the way we want to meet, the stalemate nearly broken against us but thanks to the quick actions of 1st Sergeant Twilight Sparkle and her team the line has only shifted slightly and not in a serious way.” Celestia said as she motioned towards Twilight. “The Everfree base as you know has become one more lynch pin in the defense of Canterlot offering support and backup as needed and thus why Twilight Sparkle is a part of this meeting.”

“A simple 1st Sergeant, not even an officer, to run the base.” Spitfire said interrupting Celestia. She looked over the rim of her aviator glasses at Twilight as she brushed off the sleeve of her flight dress blues. “What happened General Celestia did you not have someone to take over? I mean no disrespect and I’m not trying to be insubordinate but I have to ask. You know the regulations, Armed Forces personnel take over in the event of a new base being set up from fleeing cowardly irregulars.”

“Permission to speak freely?” Twilight suddenly called out her voice loud and clear. The anger in her voice apparent. Celestia nodded as she tried to hide a small smile behind one of her wings. She could see Twilight’s mane was smoldering slightly from anger. “Call the Ponyville forces cowards one more time and you will find the Quil to be the least of your worries. I fought in the skies over Ponyville as those ‘cowards’ died to protect the town without flinching once until General Celestia herself called the retreat. They were willing to die to the last for that town and for Equestria. I had Ponyville Winged Folk squads and Changeling squads on my six the entire flight and none of them blinked at such overwhelming forces.” She looked at Queen Chrysalis. “I’ll like to take this moment to express my gratitude for the timely arrival of your forces to Ponyville. If any of your forces need a place to rest and or recover, the Everfree base welcomes them.” Chrysalis blinked in surprise but nodded at her.

Then Twilight turned the table again. “Maybe you check your reports again, just in case. I would take the Ponyville troops over the Wonderbolts any day.” Twilight’s hair burst into flames as her skin paled out with barely constrained rage. From both sides of Twilight both Sunset Shimmer and Trixie nodded to each other then grabbed the glasses of water that sat before them. With fluid motions from both the glasses of water were emptied into Twilight’s face causing the fire that was her mane to die restoring it to her natural coloring. She sat down taking a deep breath to get her anger under control. While she was only base commander for three weeks she has grown to understand and care for those under her command. She looked at the two mares sitting with her. “Thanks. I needed that.”

“No problem, though I think I owe Pinkie Pie twenty Bits.” Sunset Shimmer said with a roll of her eyes.

Spitfire nodded as she pulled her glasses off with a smirk at the display. “Filly got teeth and loyal soldiers. Ok Sparkle you impressed me. My own impressions with irregulars during this forsaken war has colored my view of them. I think its time I saw an in-depth report on what happened in Ponyville."

Luna took that time to interrupt. “And with those passionate words for the soldiers of the Everfree Base I would like to point out that it was General Celestia who appointed Twilight as the base’s commanding officer.” Luna called out with a small smile. “As I did read the full report, if anyone is curious as to how Ponyville lasted as long as it did from an overwhelming Quil force I'm sure Twilight would be happy to pass out research notes, Twilight was former R&D to let you know.” Luna stood up and looked around. “Before we begin lets have each base command catch us up to date with a Sit Rep then we will get into the reason for this meeting.”

For the next twenty minutes each commander gave their reports ranging from all clear, new training suggestions and plans, to requests for more supplies until it came to Twilight. She stood up with a small gulp causing Sunset and Trixie to glance at each other.

“The Everfree base reports an all clear with a adequate number of both ground forces and airborn. With the inclusion of 1st Sergeant Shimmer and Master Sergeant Trixie the Everfree base now has a Dragon Rider squad as well. Supplies and munitions are currently at eighty-six percent capacity and holding steady.” She paused a moment then took a deep breath. “I would like to report at this time that there may be a way to reverse the Quil Mana Drain Devices.” After a moment pause more than a few began to smile or snicker at her.

“That is a common believe but we have no way of proving it 1st Sergeant. The best minds in Equestria are currently looking into it. But we have no idea how it can be done.” Celestia said with a motherly smile.

“No, it’s not a belief, it is a fact.” The silence was so profound that a pin drop could be heard. She glanced around the table gathering her courage she carried on. “During the fall of Ponyville I was able to get a good look at the frequency and lattice of the spell that started the chain reaction. The reaction itself is self sustaining. A few follow up tests showed that the pull is constant in both speed and magnitude for the entire area.” She paused, nearly every face showed a confused look except for Celestia and Luna who wore looks of faint comprehension. Spitfire raised her hand and Twilight nodded at her.

“Listen, I’m just a warhorse here, plain equestrian please because I have a problem following ideas that need a hunting dog and a ouija board just to find a trail.”

Face meet palm, palm meet face. Twilight knew the two would be fast friends. She pulled her hand away and lifted her head to try again.

“Twenty five words or less then. First spell the primer, ring the funnel. Reverse magic flow magic returns to land. With me?” Twilight asked. She noticed that a few eyes lit up in understanding. “Now the reverse the magical flow you are going to need a strong magical aura.” Her horn lit up causing a diagram of the magical lattice of the rising energy beam and the Quil ring. “Right now it flows out wards pulling mana from everything: the ground, the air and even structures. Unfortunately the only way to reverse the flow is with a magical aura strong enough to push through the beam.” Twilight made a glowing ball of purple appear then plunge into the beam. As the orb fell the folk in the room watched as the flow started to reverse upon itself. Once the orb reached the ring the flow reversed completely like a dam breaking. The glow faded from Twilight’s horn and the image disappeared.

“And how large of an ‘aura’ will you need.” Luna asked. There was a note of worry in her voice.

“Similar to a half dozen Horned Folk or…maybe a single Alicorn. An object might work if it can resist the sheering forces of the beam. If it is not properly reinforced the thing will shatter. We also have one more problem. This is a one shot chance. The Quil will know exactly what we are doing once we start and will pour everything they got into either destroying whatever object we use or forcing us to retreat. No matter the outcome, I’m positive the Quil will up the defenses of the remaining rings. One final thing. According to my calculations, the object must be dropped into the beam from an altitude of at least one thousand feet. That will give the object enough time and distance to force the reversal. The only thing I don’t have an answer for is what to use for the drop.”

“There you go Egghead, that’s what you are good at. Trixie is bursting with pride.” Trixie said next to Twilight. She was slightly in awe at Twilight’s mind.

“Are you telling me that you might be able to take the fight back to the Quil, that I might be able to reclaim our home land?!” Chrysalis half yelled half whispered as she came to her feet though it came out half strangled.

“That is the idea. I have no way of putting the theory to the test to make sure. The only way to find out just how right, or wrong, I am is to mount an attack and pray, really really fast.” Twilight told her.

“You will have a battalion of my finest warriors at your disposal within the week. Don’t make me regret this.” Chrysalis told her. Though the implied threat in her words made Twilight want to shiver, she couldn’t help but to hear the hope behind the voice.

“I just have one request your majesty. The Changeling survivors of the Ponyville attack, I want them at this fight. I’m sure they would love the chance to take back the town.”

“Granted.” Chrysalis turned to Celestia. “Time make a battle plan.”

“Yeah, about time we finally act instead of reacting.” Spitfire said her broad grin spoke of eagerness as a few more called their support.

“Then it is settled.” Celestia said as she looked around the room. “I dub this ‘Operation Reclamation’. I want all bases on full alert and on standby. Fire bases within range of Ponyville will give artillery support. The Everfree base will be our base for this operation. Twilight, I’m sorry but your return to the base will be delayed by a day as you pass over your notes. Once that is done return and get your people ready. How long do you think that will take?”

“Two weeks. My XO, Gunnery Sergeant Applejack, will be putting the soldiers through Class AA drills to prepare for this attack. The Changelings will also join once they have arrived. It will also give time for the noncombatants to put up staging area and housing for the additional forces coming in.” Twilight said.

“Damn skippy you are getting additional forces. The Wonderbolts are NOT going to be left out of this fight.” Spitfire said.

“I’ll have five more Dragon Riders redeployed towards the Everfree Base in four days.” Another called out.

“Six full squads will be enroute to the Everfree within two days.”

Twilight blinked. She figured help would come with this fight but not this much as nearly everyone at the table pledged additional forces to this fight. Her mind already calculating the work needed to house the new soldiers for this fight. Then Celestia cleared her throat causing everyone to look at her as she spoke a simple sentence.

“The Royal Guard and myself will be present for this fight. I was there at the fall I will be there when we retake Ponyville.” She said calmly. Many heads nodded at that as she looked at Luna. “I need you to stay and prepare ‘worst case’ scenarios…”

“Nay Sister. The Nightmare Special Forces will join this fight, as will Nightmare Moon herself.” Luna said. The room went quiet. Everyone knew of Luna’s alter ego, Nightmare Moon.

Intermission: Hearth's Warming on the Front

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Interlude: Hearth’s Warming on the Front

“Oh man, why are we out here again?” Rainbow Dash as she flew along the treetops of the Everfree Forest. Behind her in formation flying was Fluttershy. Both her saddlebags and her backpack were heavily loaded with medical supplies causing her speed to drop to a slow ‘float’, A speed that was causing Rainbow Dash to grind her teeth in frustration.

“Because a few of the Everfree creatures told me that there is an injured Manticore close to the edge of the forest. I’m going there to patch her up before the Quil find her. I can’t just let her die.” Fluttershy told her. There was just a hint, a faint hint, of steel in her voice but Rainbow Dash’s sharp ears picked up on it.

“Sorry Shy, I’m not trying to put down your job or any of the creatures that live out here.” She laughed slightly. “I know for a fact they fight harder than we do sometimes.” She lapsed into silence, her eyes forward. Behind her, unknown to Rainbow, Fluttershy flew with a smile on her face as she gazed at her marefriend.

With a few strong flaps of her wings Fluttershy broke formation to fly directly over Rainbow. Suddenly she dropped in altitude to wrap Rainbow in a hug. With a surprised squeak Rainbow found her wings pinned by a weight from above. It took only a second to realize that it was Fluttershy.

“I know you mean well Rainbow, thank you for coming with me.” Fluttershy told her as she slowly let Rainbow go from the hug. Once clear Rainbow Dash started to flap again and looked back at Fluttershy, a blush creeping up her face.

“Thank nothing of it Shy.” Rainbow said. Normally she would play off the hug and the blush but it was only her, the one she cared about. Fluttershy knew about the brash front she put on for everyone else but when it was just the two of them the brashness stepped aside to let Rainbow express her true feelings. Rainbow Dash reached out and grabbed Fluttershy’s hand. “Come on, let’s get your friend patched up then get back to the base.”

With a small giggle Fluttershy nodded and started after her.


Twilight looked out the air traffic control room towards the forest below. From the north a freak storm was starting to brew thanks to the Everfree’s unique properties.

“Who do we have out there again?” Twilight asked.

“Muffin Squad led by Ditzy with a return ETA of five minutes, they had a southern patrol.” Twilight rolled her eyes with a small smile but held her tongue. “We also have Freelancer Squad led by Snowflake beating a hasty retreat from the storm front. They report its going to be a heavy snow front with nothing they can do to stop it but they are willing to slow it down.” A green Earth Folk mare reported.

“Will Muffin squad make it back before the storm hits?” Twilight asked.

“Yes ma’am. Assuming all goes well.”

“Good, Tell Freelancer to return to base then lock us down for the storm. What grounds us, grounds the Quil too.” Twilight told her. {Everyone but a few guards will be in the base tonight for Hearth’s Warming. Good, but I still need a few to keep watch.} She thought to herself as the radio went off behind her. She didn’t pay attention to it as her mind was running through the possibilities of who to put on guard duty.

“Ma’am? Sergeant Rarity is asking for you.” Twilight looked over at the same green mare from before holding the receiver of the radio. With a nod and thank you Twilight took it.

“Sparkle here, go ahead Sgt Belle.”

“Oh Darling, do you know where Fluttershy is? I took Sweetie Belle for her appointment about her Mana Burn and I can’t find her. One of the horned folk was kind enough to take over as well as do the scanning that needed to be done but I’m worry about Fluttershy.”

“Hmm, well I haven’t see Rainbow streaking through the sky so maybe the two of them snuck off together. I have been meaning to change the rotation enough to get the two of them some off time.” Twilight told her.

”Be that as it may, I overheard a couple of the nurses talking about Fluttershy taking some medical supplies and grabbing her flight gear. If that is true then maybe Rainbow went with her.”

Twilight blinked then narrowed her eyes as her brain raced. “Standby Rarity.”

She sat the receiver down then pulled the equipment logs. If Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were in flight then they would have checked out equipment. Flipping to today’s page she scanned the last hour of entries, her finger quickly coming to rest over Fluttershy and Dash’s names. Setting the log aside she pulled another log, the flight plan log book. It took only a few flips to find the page she wanted and grimaced. Placing the log back she picked up the receiver again.

“Sgt Belle, you still there?” Twilight asked with a slight huff.

”Right here, Darling. What’s wrong?”

“Both Fluttershy and Dash are heading for the edge of the Everfree and we got a storm out here strong enough to ground us. The two of them are going to be on their own until the storm passes. I got an idea but I need to find Trixie and Sunset Shimmer. Help me find them.”

”On it Twilight, you can count on me.” Rarity told her. Twilight could just hear the salute through the radio. Replacing the receiver Twilight looked to the radio operator a light blue Horned Folk stallion.

“Try to raise either Sgt Fluttershy or Sgt Dash and let them know a storm is coming and they need to take shelter. Let them know we are going to try to send a sheep dog to guide them home if they can give us a location.” With a nod the stallion turned to the radio to try and raise either of them. Twilight patted him on the shoulder then ran out the door.


Applejack walked through the halls of the castle, no real destination in mind. Yes she had a few reports on her desk to look over, nothing serious. But there was one report she needed to finish out her day. The maintance bay reports for the Jeep units from her brother. Since Big Mac’s sudden appearance in Ponyville just before they were forced to flee, Applejack was ecstatic to see her brother back. According to him he was bounced from outfit to outfit having outlived quiet a number of them. He even started to get a reputation as bad luck to the squads he was placed with. IT was only some quick thinking on Twilight’s part that kept Big Mac from being placed with another squad as he was put in charge of the maintance teams for the jeeps. Applejack’s wonderings already took her by the maintance bay where she found Applebloom and her squad painting on their jeep so she knew Big Mac wasn’t there so she was heading to the only place she hasn’t checked yet, his quarters.

Since he was a department commander he got his own quarters, something Applejack was glad for. Big Mac spent three years watching his buddies die around him, it was a small reward for years of service. It didn’t take her long for her mosey over to his door and without thinking she opened it.

“Yo, Big Mac, Ah need the maintance reports in ten minutes….” She paused at the sight before her. Leaning over the small couch in the room was the large Earth Folk stallion of Applejack’s search, looking at her wide eyed though a shaggy blond mane, in his teeth was a small white bra. Under his massive frame was a small light purple Earth Folk mare with two toned with and light pink mane, one arm covering her chest and her leg curled up to cover her staring at her wide eyed and in a near panic. Applejack’s eyes idly wondered over to the very visible cutie marks, Big Mac’s half apple and the mare’s three smiling flowers, on both of them. She sighed more to herself than anything.

“Uh…AJ?” Big Mac managed to ask.

“Mac, Ms. Cheerilee ya’ll should know by now that when family is nearby you should either lock your door or put a sock on the knob or something. Since Ah’m second of this here base, that means ALL the time.” Applejack could feel the blush creeping up her cheeks. “Mac, as for that report Ah was asking about, don’t worry about it until the morn.” She tipped her hat towards the two of them. “Ms. Cheerilee, it’s good to see the two of you back together again. Happy Hearth’s Warming you two, carry on.”

“Bye AJ.” Cheerilee called out with a wave of her free hand as Applejack closed the door. “Now where were we?”

Applejack’s blush deepened at those words. They came from Cheerilee before the door could block out the sound.

“Ah wonder what Applebloom is up to.” With a purpose to her steps she made her way to the barracks of the jeep squads where Applebloom and her two friends shared a room.


Rainbow was impressed to say the least. The creatures of the Everfree passed the two of them along to the next like a bucket brigade that led them straight to the injured manticore. Rainbow looked over the lion before her then to the wings on its back then the stinger for a tail.

“Fluttershy, remind me again why we are here?” Rainbow asked her as she tapped her ear piece. For the last ten minutes they were getting static bursts of something but she couldn’t make out what. She glanced at the sky above, eyeballing the not so friendly clouds hovering over them.

“She was injured from a Quil scouting party the other day. She didn’t think she would need help but the injury got infected. I’m here to help her recover so she can get back on her feet.” Fluttershy told her from where she knelt by the injured manticore. Rainbow’s eyes saw where Fluttershy was working and she paled. The gash along the side of the manticore’s body was deep and ugly.

Turning away Rainbow hefted her rifle. That was Fluttershy’s department hers was guarding for the moment, as long as she didn’t have to look at that ugly wound. Her eyes scanned the foliage around them as Fluttershy muttered pleasant words to the whimpering Manticore.

“Rainbow…she says that we need to find shelter soon.” Fluttershy suddenly called out. If Rainbow wasn’t hyper alert she would have missed it.

“Say what?” Rainbow didn’t stop looking around but now her attention was behind her.

“She says, that a storm is coming, a big one.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened as she looked at the clouds. That was why she didn’t like them, she studied to join the weather team of Cloudsdale before she joined the war effort. Those clouds were heavy, with snow. She started to turn to tell Fluttershy to hurry when there was a loud snapping of a branch. Snapping back to the front Rainbow lifted her rifle in surprise, but as she stared down the sights something made her pause from the scene before her.

Standing no more than fifteen feet away, next to a tree, stood a Quil Soldier. Its large red eye gazed at the three of them intently as its front left leg slowly lowered from the branch it snapped. Rainbow looked at the Quil then the branch. She never heard it approach and from where the branch was, the Quil broke it on purpose. Why? Then the second fact dawned on her. The leg that broke the branch, was missing the sharp point as it dangled limply at its side.

As the two mares stared at the Quil, Fluttershy felt something brush against her face. Glancing at the sky she saw it was starting to snow gently. “Rainbow…?” She held out her hand and caught one of the delicate flakes. Rainbow, the Manticore and the Quil all looked up at the sky, watching the snow drift to the ground. Suddenly Rainbow Dash blinked and dropped her gaze back at the Quil, berating herself for getting lax in the face of the enemy but her rant was still born. The Quil was still looking up at the sky.

{Just shoot Rainbow, its distracted and you got it in your sights. You can’t miss at this range.} She told herself. Her rifle drifted upwards as she took aim again. {But why? Why is it distracted? It could have killed the three of us and we would have never known, it came at us so quietly. Why did it break the branch letting me know it was there?} She thought.

Before her, her finger resting on the trigger but unmoving, the Quil slowly looked back at Rainbow Dash. It stared at her, for some reason the red eye didn’t seem as rage filled as during a battle. Then with a deliberate slowness the Quil turned and walked away leaving the three of them alone.

“Someone want to tell me what’s happening because I’m about ten seconds away from a total freak out.” Rainbow Dash said out loud.

“Umm…no clue.” Fluttershy told her. Looking back at the Manticore she quickly finished the bandage and stepped back as the Manticore stood up. With a low growl she looked around, then growled again. “I don’t know what you mean…eep!” From the bushes rushed six small Manticores. Each of them mewing with relief that their mother was ok. “Aww, that’s why the creatures got me, you are a mother. Are they not just adorable?” Fluttershy asked gushing at the babies around her and their mother.

“Yeah….cute. Um hate to break up this reunion but if we are going to get home we need to do so NOW. Before this storm gets to bad to fly in.” Rainbow said as she looked up at the sky. The snow was starting to fall much harder than before. “Really don’t want to be stuck somewhere on Hearth’s Warming you know.”

“Your right. Let’s go…ouch.” Fluttershy started to turn when one of the kittens grabbed her by the fatigues in its tiny jaws. “Oh, what do you want little one.” With a few mews it nuzzled against her. “Your welcome little one. Now go back to your mommy, I’m sure she was worried for you.” With a lick of a rough tongue it scampered off to join the rest of its family as they disappeared into the woods.

“Come on already. This storm is going to get way worst before it gets better.” Rainbow said with a flap of her wings launching her into the air soon followed by Fluttershy.


“Sorry Ma’am, we got nothing and the storm is slamming us hard right now.” The green Earth folk mare told Twilight with a wave out the window overlooking the forest. The tops of the trees were only about ten maybe fifteen feet away and all she could see was blowing snow.

“And you don’t know if either Staff Sgt Dash or Sgt Fluttershy got your radio message?” Twilight asked her. The mare shook her head in response. With a short oath Twilight looked back out the window. She was frustrated that her idea was grounded before it even took off. “Come on Dash, you and Fluttershy need to survive this.”

“Ma’am, we need to lock down the hanger or the snow will be up to the observation lounge above us. That extra weight alone could cause the hanger to collapse to the grounds below.” The mare told her. She didn’t want to do that knowing who was out there and what they meant to her commanding officer but she had to. She watched as Twilight was silent a moment. Then with a small nod she turned back to her.

“Close the hanger and lock it down. Once that is done clear out of here.” Twilight told her. She watched as the mare before her nodded solemnly then pressed a few buttons causing the hanger doors to close locking the storm outside.

“Its up to you two now.” Twilight muttered as she made her way out of the hanger’s traffic control room.


Rainbow and Fluttershy were lost. At least Rainbow refused to acknowledge that fact. She kept on flying holding on to a freezing Fluttershy as she powered her way through the heavy storm as it raged around them. Despite the coldness Fluttershy did her best to help as she flapped as well but they were too weak to do really anything. She pulled the mare closer to her hoping to keep her warm long enough to get back to the base.

“Stay with me Shy, we are almost there.” Rainbow could hear her own teeth chattering as she spoke. She looked down and saw Fluttershy’s lips were turning blue but her eyes still watched her with a trust that spoke volumes. “Trust me, I will get you out of this.” Rainbow leaned in and gave a small kiss then looked up leveling a glare at the snow swirling around her. “I promise you that!”

“R-r-rain-b-b-ow, do yo-you h-hear t-t-that?” FLuttershy said as she shivered with cold. Rainbow Dash cocked her head and heard it, a faint jiggling sound.

“Wh-at in the w-world is t-t-that?” Rainbow stammered out. Now she knew she was starting to lose it and they needed to find the base or shelter as of twenty minutes ago.

“L-look!” Fluttershy pointed as a small red glow could be seen in the distance as it flew across there path.

{I don’t know what it is, but it seems to have a destination in mind.} Rainbow thought to herself as she turned to follow the glow. It was faint and getting fainter as she flew but something caught her eye, a shape beyond the fading glow got her hopes up. She reached up and hit her radio.

“This is Rainbow Dash, R-requesting perm-is-son to land.” She chattered with excitement.

”Dash? …granted…hanger door…now. Welcome home!” That voice was Twilight’s even if it was covered by static.

The dark shapes took form and Rainbow quickly found the hanger. As she came in for a landing her wings gave out and the two of them collapsed into a heap on the hanger floor as the storm doors closed behind her. Once it was closed the two of them were surrounded by folk from the medical corp as Twilight ran up to them.

“Welcome home you two. Glad to see you are still alive.” Twilight told them. Rainbow laughed as she reached out and grabbed Fluttershy’s hand through the blankets the two of them were wrapped in.

“Glad to be home Twi, glad to be home.” Rainbow said as she glanced at the storm door, the faint sound of bells could be heard as she looked causing everyone to pause a moment. “I’ll take that as a Hearth’s Warming Present any day.”

Random Interlude: New Year's Party

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Random Interlude: New Year’s Party

Applejack rushed around a mortar crater leading the charge against a Quil line in the middle of Ponyville. The dozen soldiers behind her yelling war cries of their own as they charged was like music to her ears. Above her the Winged Folk led by Twilight and Celestia clashed with the Quil Airborne valiantly trying to give them cover as they made for their objective. Next to her Pinkie Pie giggled like a mad mare as her two sub-machine guns sang their duet of death.

“INCOMING!” The call was loud and crisp, cutting through the din of combat easily and Applejack reacted. Diving into Pinkie Pie knocking her away from the stray mortar that was going to kill them.

Pinkie looked over Applejacks shoulder as she pushed to her hands and knees to look at the damage as the rest of the troops kept charging.

“That would have left a mark…” Pinkie said quietly.

“True that. Come on Sugercube, time ta get back in this fight.” Applejack said as she pushed to her feet and held out a hand to help Pinkie.

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie grinned as she took the hand.

The moment Pinkie’s hand touched Applejack’s a loud ringing could be heard and a sharp voice calling out “CUT!”

At once the loud noises of the combat around them ground to a halt. Soldiers and Quil alike turned to face the same direction where a talk folk with mismatched horns sat on a folding chair. He wore a yellow button up shirt and pants that flaired at the hips but tightened around the ankles. A pair of dark shades rested on his nose as he tapped a claw to his chin. The claw was attached to an arm with fur while the other arm was an eagle’s leg. Reaching up with his other arm he pulled the shades away to reveal yellow eyes with red iris.

“Damnit sir, what was wrong this time?” A voice called out.

“Nothing, absolutely nothing!” He started to giggle a maddening giggle. Everyone around him rolled their eyes. It was true that he was insane, but he was the best in the business and many put up with the crazy that seemed to follow him around. As he grinned he heard the playback going off. “Oh kill the play back please, this is a wondrous moment.” As the noise stopped he snapped his fingers causing him to vanish in a flash and appear standing on his chair. “Gather around everyone, this is going to be great news.”

He paused a moment to let the actors on his set move towards him. The actors playing soldiers help others to their feet where they ‘died’ and the Quil started to remove the get ups revealing other folk, sweating like crazy. The ‘Winged’ folk landed and started to remove the harnesses they were using. Most removing wings as well.

“Hey Discord are we going to set up for another take cause it’s a pain in the flank to get this get up on and off all the damn time!” One of the dragons called out.

“That’s part of the good news, not to day my friends.” Discord grinned at them all as many of the ‘dragons’ started to remove pieces revealing more actors in costumes. Once everyone gathered around him he coughed into his lion paw fist and looked at them all. “My friends we are ahead of our shooting schedule and we just had another perfect scene so as a reward I’m giving everyone the week off. As you know today is the last day of the year and tomorrow is a whole new year. Go celebrate everyone and wonderful job!” Everyone gathered before him gave a cheer then wondered off to finish up and get out. “And don’t forget, the last one out needs to turn out the lights! If anyone needs me all you are going to get is my voice mail.” Then with another flash he was gone.

An orange mare gave a fist pump at the news and turned heading for her changing room. As one of the ‘stars’ of the movie she had her own dressing room, the door labeled with the name Sunrise Burst. Opening the door she stepped in and quickly removed her trooper jacket and tossed it aside then pulled the olive shirt underneath off as well giving a huge sigh of relief as her wings shot out to the their full reach, impressive six foot wing span. There was a knock on her door and she sighed.

“Hold up, I need to get decent first.” She called out all traces of the accent she used gone, as she quickly finished changing from the uniform to something simple. Jeans with a white shirt. Picking up the belt that went with her jeans she called for whoever to enter revealing the pink mare from the set, Cotton Candy. Her mane was straight and tied back in braids. Sunrise was surprised just how long her mane truly was, reaching her ankles when it wasn’t done up in the curls on set or in braids off set. With her hair no longer up in its curls Sunrise could clearly see the pink horn on her forehead. She wore a zipped up brown jacket and blue jeans. Red sneakers poked out from under the pants’ hems.

“Hey Candy, what’s up?”

“Hey Sunny, the rest of the girls and I were going to hit The Grill tonight, want to come with?” She asked. Unlike her character Pinkie Pie, Candy was nowhere near as excitable.

“That sounds like a plan. Where are they?” Sunrise asked.

“Just outside waiting on you.” Candy smiled at her. Suddenly her horn lit up and the door opened letting the other four walk in.

“Good grief sister you are just so slow!” A white mare asked impatiently getting a snort from Sunrise. Her purple hair, finally free of the mane spray pooled around her shoulder and down her front. ON her forehead was a small red dot where her horn was on set. She wore a simple blue shirt and jeans along with a heavy pair of boots. Wrapped around her waist was her own black jacket.

“Down Diamond. Let’s not rush her, we got all night.” Diamond, or Diamond Stud as her full name was, looked over at the purple figure floating next to her on a pair of wings. Her purple mane was free flowing under a blue ball cap with a pair of shades on her face. She wore blue jean shorts, exposing her legs from the knees down and a white t-shirt.

“Amethyst Star, you of all folk should agree with me. Prisim and Butterfly here could care less I know but you, you should be on my side.” Diamond told her as she watched Amethyst walk up the wall to stand on the ceiling, her wings fluttering to keep her there.

“Twilight, might agree, but I find no cause to rush either Sunrise there, or interrupt Prism and Butterfly.” Amethyst pointed to where and Prism and Butterfly were cuddled up in the corner.

Sunrise rolled her eyes as she pulled on her boots looking around for her jacket. “It is kinda cold out there you sure you are going to be ok Star?” Amethyst snorted at her trying to hold back a laugh.

“Yeah, I ran weather colder than this for years. This is almost a heat wave for me.” She turned to the cyan and butter colored mares sitting on a small bench. “Hey you two. About ready to go?”

Prism, the Cyan mare wearing a blue dress and high heels looked up at the ceiling walking Star as she brushed her smooth mane out of her eyes. Once she was offset Prism was quick to put her mane back into a semblance of decency. No horn or wings visible. “Just about sweetie, though if you are getting restless I can think of a few things you can do.” She winked at Star as she snuggled up to the mare next to her.

Butterfly for her part wore a dress and high heels as well. Her pink mane, free of the extensions, rested daintily on her shoulders though the wicked look in her eyes as she looked at Star was sultry, silently asking her to join them. She too had no horn or wings.

“Sorry girls but I’m married thank you.” Star said holding up her left hand showing off the ring. “And once we are done with this outing I’m going home and bucking his brains out for a week straight. Besides, I don’t swing that way like you two do. No matter how much he might want me to ‘try’.” Star laughed a little causing the rest of them to join in.

Once the laugher stopped Star turned and fluttered down to the floor. “What about you three? You three got someone special to go home too?”

“Might go to a bar after the ball drops and see if I can’t pick up a nice stallion or two.” Diamond said with a small grin. “Can’t spend new year’s alone.”

“Of course you can’t.” Candy said slyly. “Ever thought of just nailing one down like I did? Its not THAT hard to do so.”

“Oh, think he might be willing to let me join in?” Diamond asked.

“Sorry girlfriend, there are two things in this world I do NOT share. My underwear and my stallion.” Candy told her shaking her finger at her.

“Oh well, I’m sure some stallion wouldn’t mind helping me out tonight.” Diamond sighed then looked to Sunrise. “How about you Sunrise?”

“Single and happily willing to stay that way. Let’s hit the road ladies. Star and I will fly on ahead and get the table saved. Candy think you can teleport the four of you?”

“Please, my last role was a powerful mage in a sci-fi movie. You have any idea what I had to do to prepare for that role? Teleporting four of us there, please no problem. In fact, see you two there.” There was a pink flash and suddenly Star and Sunrise was left in the dressing room alone.

“Remind me again why Discord casted me as Twilight and not her?” Star asked.

“Same reason he casted me, a Winged one as a Earth Folk. I can pass that ‘country style’ better than any of them can. You make the character work, so what he needs to spend more on the CG stuff, it is what makes all his movies turn out so good. The characters are believable.”

“What? I make the book bound egghead work?” Star paused as the two of them walked to the door. “Well I did do that one scene as a librarian.”

“Naughty Lesbian Librarians 6?” Sunrise asked innocently.

“Yeah that….” Star’s head shot up wide eyed. “You saw that?”

“Yep. Was kinda stunned to see you in it. Didn’t know you could do that with a riding crop and wings.” Sunrise snickered at her as she gestured for them to continue.

“Yeah, me neither until I did the scene. And now I’m pretty sure why Prism and Butterfly want me to join them all the time.” Star glanced over at Sunrise as the two of them walked towards the exit of the set. “Does mom know about it?”

“As far as I know sis, she doesn’t.”

“Good, that is the last thing I need brought up at Thanksgiving dinner.”

The two of them walked out into the cold afternoon air. Star took a deep breath then launched into the air with a flap of her wings. Sunrise looked at her with a smile.

“Feeling tied down sis?” Sunrise asked.

“You have no idea. Come on let’s fly, stretch our wings a bit. I’m sure the girls are waiting on us.” Star turned and took off into the sky as Sunrise watched.

“Happy New Year sis, Happy New Year.”

She unfurled her wings then took off after Amethyst.

Chapter 9: Preparing for War

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Chapter 9:
Preparing for War

It has been nearly two weeks since the meeting at the war room. The soldiers stationed at the Everfree base already knew about the upcoming battle and they looked forward to it eagerly. As the sun rose over walls Twilight looked down a row of uniformed soldiers, each of them soldiers under her command. Later she would do an inspection of units from the other bases but for now, she wanted to look over her own. First up the ground units.

“1st Sergeant Sparkle, all personnel ready for Inspection.” Applejack told her with a smart salute, next to her stood Rarity and Pinkie Pie at attention. Twilight nodded at the three of them as she turned back to the troops. They were lined up in a large square formation, squad leaders in front with their squad members right behind them standing at a sharp attention with their weapons over their shoulder.

“Corporal Scratch, your squad ready for action?” Twilight asked the first mare she came to and glanced at the odd weapon she held. She was a white horned folk with a two toned blue mane and tail. Wearing a weird pair of purple shades as a wicked grin crossed her face.

“Ma’am, Beat Squad is ready to drop the BEAT MA’AM!” Twilight noticed she flinched like she was going to do something but held her stance.

“Good to hear, and that weapon?” Twilight asked.

“My own personal light show for the Quil.” She hefted the weapon and held it out for Twilight’s inspection.

Twilight took a hold of the weapon, looking it over. The ‘business’ end of the weapon held two indentions on a flat surface both seemed to be a cross between what looked to be a speaker and lamp. Along the length of the weapon was a mini keyboard, slider knobs and no trigger.

“Explain.” Twilight said simply as she passed the weapon back.

“It allows me to play my wubs and drop Quil.” Scratch’s grin got bigger, if that was even possible, as she reached up and pulled her shades on top of her helmet over her horn. “Rest of Base squad is the same, even the beats of different music is ready to drop’em.”

With a smile and a nod Twilight walked down the row. Despite Scratch’s words she could see that nearly all of the members of her squad had some form of weaponized musical weapon. The oddest being a gray earth folk mare, with a black mane and tail, right behind Scratch holding a cello. Her stance, while at attention, held a grace of a trained musician. As she walked back up she stopped in front of Corporal Scratch once again.

“I got one more order for you Corporal. When we are in battle, I want you and your squad to play and play loud. I want the entire force to know you are there.” Twilight told her.

Vinyl Scratch blinked then nodded as she lowered her shades. “You got it ma’am. Nice and loud, just how I like it.”

Twilight nodded then went on to the next line. This wasn’t the first time she did an inspection and every time she did so something new or something else unique would surprise her. Something, she was quiet happy about, even if she didn’t like surprises, those she enjoyed.

With each row Twilight walked down she praised the soldiers, gave them words of encouragement, or calmed fears. She could tell each of them looked up to her, and in a way, she was proud of the trust they put in her even if the very thought wanted to send her into a panicked breakdown.

Once the first inspection was complete the soldiers were dismissed for breakfast, breakfast which Twilight so wanted herself. As commander, she could have chosen to take her meals in private or even in her office but instead she ate in the mess hall like any other soldier. As she sat down she pulled out a schedule to look over. After breakfast was the jeep units inspection, followed by the Winged Squads, then the medical personnel, lunch and finally the Dragon Riders. With only two riders that would be easy or so she hoped, it was Sunset Shimmer AND Trixie she was inspecting, so maybe it wouldn’t be easy. Glancing up saw the rest of her friends joining her at the table she sat at.

“So Twi, what do you think so far?” Applejack asked her.

“I only saw the foot troops but so far so good though. They are ready for action. Too bad we don’t have artillery for you Pinkie, I don’t like wasting your training like this.” Twilight told Pinkie.

“Nah, don’t worry Twi twi. Artillery is good and all but remember I was trained for a soldier too so I will be there beside you, just tell me what you need.” Pinkie said with a smile. She sat there the calmest she has been in forever as she ate as she looked over a few forms she brought with her.

“Um, Pinkie, I do have a request from the field hospital.” Fluttershy said quietly. Reaching into her jacket pocket she pulled out a sheet of paper and passed it over to Pinkie Pie. As Pinkie looked it over her smile grew to full force.

“Oh I can get this no problem. I know a guy who knows a guy that can get that to us pretty quickly.” Pinkie suddenly grinned embarrassed at something. “Yeah, we were kinda rough during that last drill. I’ll get it here super quick for those who got hurt.” Everyone at the table rolled their eyes remembering the last drill pitted the troops versus the jeep squads. Pinkie got a little too creative in fending off an attack from the jeep squads and a few were hurt. At least the resulting lesson learned was worth the few laid up. Twilight shook her head as she looked at Applejack.

“So AJ, how are the rest of the new troops coming along?” She asked.

“New forces are settling in nicely. The changelings have taking shelter in the forest behind the castle. A 2nd Lieutenant has been staying in the castle using their weird ‘hive mind’ to keep us informed of their drills.” Applejack paused a moment. “Let me tell you Twi, getting a report from Queen Chrysalis is kinda weird.”

“How so Darling? It should be like getting a report from General Celestia.” Rarity said to Applejack puzzled.

“While she’s still in Canterlot?” Applejack said with a sigh.

“Wait? She gave you a report while still in Canterlot? What a scroll or a magical relay?” Twilight asked puzzled or excited no one could tell.

“Enope. That Lt came up to me in mah office, sat down and Ah saw his eyes go green. Went from solid blue to green with irises and ah completely new voice, surprised the hay out of me. The Queen told me that the last of her forces arrived and to give an update of what they would need. Ah told her thank you then the changeling’s eyes turned back to normal and he walked out without a word.” Applejack shook her head slowly. “We got nearly twenty-five squads of troops to supplement our nine squads, scattered in camps behind the castle.”

“Good so far. Rainbow, how about the Winged squads? What’s their status?”

“We got five squads that are chomping at the bit to get at the Quil and another dozen squads backing us up. Plus we got the Wonderbolts, I had to scramble to get them into a camp but they are here and ready to go.” She started to squeal as she bounced in her seat but stopped cold when she saw Applejack’s raised eyebrow under her hat and the smirk on her face. “Um, yeah. Anyway, the skies are ours.”

“Good, I’ll be doing the inspections later today. Has anyone heard when General Celestia or General Luna will arrive?” Twilight asked.

“None of us have heard anything yet Darling. Though I think you would have heard something before us. Though I have heard of a betting pool starting up as to when they will appear. Still I guess now would be a good time to bring up a new design I have been working on.” Rarity said with a small smile.

“What’s that Rarity?” Fluttershy asked quietly from where she sat on the other side of the table. No one noticed the small blush on her face.

“I was working on a design for the base, something for us. Notice how the soldiers from the other bases have some sort of mark or patch showing where they are from. The Wonderbolts, for example with their wing and lightning bolt symbol. Or Dash and Fluttershy’s Reaper Squad.” Rarity said pointing at the symbol of the Grim Reaper on Dash’s shoulder. “I got the inspiration from that strange tree from the base of the cliff under the castle.” She pulled out a small strip of cloth and held it out. It was a red cloth with a white tree in front of Twilight’s Cutie Mark.

“Wow, that’s pretty Rarity….” Fluttershy started but was cut off by a resounding no. The five of them looked at Twilight as she stared at the design.

“Rarity, I’m honored, I truly am. But…no. I’m sorry, just don’t do it, yet.” Twilight said to them.

“But Darling, why?” Rarity asked shocked at Twilight’s outburst.

“This fight, will be a critical battle, I will be there on the front lines with everyone else here. I know everyone looks up to me and I strive daily to be deserving of that honor but know this. If it takes my life so that we will succeed at this mission, I will pay that price a thousand times over.” Twilight started, but failed to notice that everyone in the mess hall went silent at her outburst and was now listening to her every word. “Rarity, the fact that you designed our symbol with my cutie mark is an honor I cannot repay. But if something happens to me, I want everyone to be able to carry on without a reminder of what they may feel will be a failure by not protecting me. If it is my fate, to die for everyone to live, I don’t want anyone thinking they could have done more or they should have been there to take my place. I worked hard to make this base work and I want that team work, that sense of belonging to continue. What we here at the Everfree have, is more than just Brother or Sister-in-arms, much more.” She failed to see her friends looking over her shoulder at something right behind her but she did see Applejack’s smile. Before she could question it Applejack spoke up looking her dead in the eyes.

“Let me tell you Sugarcube, and this here is the Honest truth. No matter what happened, we of Ponyville and those that have fought beside you, hold you in the highest respect. There is not a single folk here that won’t gladly lay down their lives to keep you safe or to make this mission succeed, mahself included, take it from an Apple. You have become important to us and to this base.” Applejack told her.

“Yeah, hate to agree with Applejack here…ah who am I kidding.” Rainbow said with an eyeroll then she grinned as she slapped Applejack on the shoulder playfully. “I completely and gladly agree with AJ here, though I would have said it twenty percent cooler. While we here, myself included, are Loyal to you we will carry on if needed. But we are loyal to you because you EARNED it Egghead. Understand?”

“Agreeing with the Rainbowed ruffian here.” Rarity said with a smile at Rainbow who playfully thumped her shoulder. “She’s right, you earned the honor and the praise everyone here gives you.”

“Oh yes. Many of those in the hospital feel safe here because they know you are watching out for them.” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“Yep, the Foals and even many of the Soldiers are able to Laugh and be happy because of you Twilight. All the effort you put into keeping everyone safe. Like it or not Twi, you are making this base work.” Pinkie Pie told her bouncing in her seat holding the design. Rarity blinked and looked at her empty hand then back to Pinkie Pie. “Don’t worry Twi twi, because like it or not you got a legacy that I doubt anyone can live up to.”

Twilight’s head hit the table with a thud. After a moment she looked up and smiled, a weak smile but a genuine smile. “Thanks girls…where is Pinkie?” Twilight turned to see Pinkie showing the design to a group of soldiers that were standing behind Twilight. “PINKIE!”

“Too late Twilight, I’ll have this on everyfolk’s uniforms after inspections. Though I have to say I like the phrase Twilight’s Rangers. We can run it long the top, Rarity think you can put something in for that?”

“Wait what?!” Twilight half shouted as she stood up from her chair. “Who said that?”

“Sorry Twilight, just came to mind.” Twilight turned to see Spike and seven other dragons sitting at another table waving at her with a smirk.

“Et tu Spike?” Twilight asked and he nodded at her. With a groan she fell back into her seat and dropped her head to the table with a muffled ‘ow’ and faint chuckling from her friends.


After breakfast Twilight found herself in the maintance bay for another inspection. This time with the jeep crews. The Jeep crews were a vital part of the defense of the base and the assaults to Quil positions. Fast and light weight a jeep can carry troops into battle and out of it if necessary, and what the Everfree troops have called ‘Fire Fighters’. Able to quickly get to an area to suppress the enemy until the rest of the troops can get there. Many of the jeep crews have taking to calling themselves ‘Smokies’, which has become the jeep crew’s call signs. She walked up to Big Mac, while he no longer wore the uniform of the Armed Forces he was still an active member at Sergeant, who was in charge of the Maintance Bay. The crews didn’t call him by rank but by the title they dubbed him with, Chief. Something Twilight thought was fitting for the large stallion.

“How does everything stand Chief?” Twilight asked. Big Mac looked around at the jeeps behind him in their bays and their crews standing at attention. Looking back he grinned at her. Twilight nodded having long gotten use to his ‘as few words as possible’ form of speech. “Good. Let’s begin.”

Like the ground troops before she went down the bays praising where she needed to, pointing out corrections as needed and informing the crews of how proud she was at them. She noted, with a trace of humor, that many of the crews have taken to naming their vehicle. Names like: Wheeled Angle, Quil Killer, Raging Rubber were just a few that stood out in her mind. Then she came to one bay, this bay held a jeep like any other, but this one had a blue CMC painted on the doors and on the front bumper, again in blue paint, were the words Crusader’s Pride. Twilight looked at the bumper then up to the three fillies standing at attention. {I may have to stop thinking of these three as simple fillies. They have done so much.} She thought to herself. Twilight glanced between the three of them then back to the words on the bumper. she seemed to be having an internal argument with herself.

After a moment, Twilight sighed having come to a conclusion. She pulled out a small notebook and a pen. She quickly wrote a note and tore it out. Her horn lit up as she pulled the torn paper in her aura and put away the pad and pen. Then a moment later the paper vanished in a small flash.

“Which of you three is the squad commander? Step forward!” Twilight asked sharply. Without hesitation Applebloom stepped forward. Twilight stood in front of her and looked Applebloom in the eye. She didn’t glare, she didn’t stare she just looked Applebloom in the eye. For her part, Applebloom refused to blink though the pressure of Twilight’s calm gaze made her wonder what she was up to.

“Applebloom.” Twilight started. “It has come to my attention that a few things you and your crew has done have not been…dealt with.” She watched as Applebloom visibly gulp. {That isn’t helping your case Applebloom} Twilight thought but continued as Pinkie Pie seemed to appear next to her. Twilight took a deep breath.

“Your actions in Ponyville, saving Sergeant Big Mac and your Granny Smith, your actions in combat both here and abroad, your dedication to duty. I even hear that Smokie 3-1 has one of the best kill counts of all the Smokies due to your unflinching bravery in the face of danger.” Pinkie held out a small box and Twilight grabbed it in her magic aura. No one noticed Pinkie Pie skip away and disappear around the entrance of the bay. “And finally, the fact you have done this without any cause or need to since none of you are Armed Forces.” Twilight reached into the box and pulled out a rank pin for Corporal. “With the power invested in me, in recognition of your bravery and loyalty to the Everfree Base, I hear by field promote you AppleBloom to the rank of Corporal with full rights, duties and privileges there in.” She pinned the bars to AppleBloom’s collar as she stood there wide eyed, her jaw doing its best to meet the ground. “Step back Corporal.”

It took a moment for AppleBloom to shake herself out of her stupor and step back. Twilight then looked at the other two standing beside AppleBloom.

“There is no ‘I’ in team. No matter how good a commanding officer may be, they cannot do it alone. Behind every good commander is a equally good squad to back them up. Sweetie Belle, step forward.”

Sweetie could only look at her stunned when AppleBloom quickly elbowed Sweetie Belle in the side causing her to step forward as Twilight reached into the box again and pulled out a Lance Corporal rank pin. “Sweetie Belle in recognition of your actions, I hear by field promote you to the rank of Lance Corporal with all rights, duties and privileges there in.” Once she pinned the bars on to Sweetie’s shoulder she reached into the box and pulled out a small medal of a purple heart with Celestia’s face in profile. “In recognition of you nearly sacrificing your life to save your friends and family. I award you Lance Corporal Sweetie Belle the Purple Heart for your injury in combat. Namely the mana burn that nearly claimed your life.” She pinned the small medal to Sweetie’s chest and nodded for her to step back. With shaking limbs Sweetie Belle did just that, tears streaming down her face as she resumed the at attention stance, her stance just a little straighter, her head held just a little higher.

“Scootaloo, step forward.” Scootaloo quickly stepped forward, her eagerness barely contained as she fought to keep a smile of her face but the light in her eyes couldn’t be mistaken for anything but pure joy. Twilight couldn’t help but to smile as she pulled out another Lance Corporal rank pin. “Scootaloo, In recognition of your actions, I hear by field promote you to the rank of Lance Corporal with all rights, duties and privileges there in.” She nodded for Scootaloo to step back and she almost ran to comply.

“Welcome to the Armed Forces you three. Since you are a little behind its time you got put through the basics. Rainbow Dash will be putting you through an abridged form of Basic and you will need to go over military protocols and forms. There is a lot to being a soldier and you are going to learn it from the ground up inside out. First up, saluting a superior officer.” The three fillies before her suddenly snapped a sharp salute that made her blink then smile as she saluted them back. “I want you three ready for action when we reclaim Ponyville understand?” Twilight asked them.

“Yes Ma’am!” All three shouted at once.

“Good, I want to hear good reports about you three. Do us all proud. Once Inspections are over with Report to Sgt Pie she will outfit you with some proper uniforms.” She saluted them once again then turned to walk to the next bay. {Assuming their sisters don’t KILL ME!} Twilight thought as she looked over the few remaining bays. It wasn’t long before she stood before the hanger doors and spun on her heel to look over the crews she just inspected as a slow smile spread across her face. “Dismissed!”

Twilight paused a moment, many of the Smokies calling out congratulations to the CMC on their promotions as the three of them did as they were ordered and rushed past her towards Pinkie’s office. Promoting the CMC was something she originally fought against but watching the three of them race into battle along with the other smokies, each of them ignoring the fact they were not full Armed Forces as they fought the Quil. Yet they acted like they were, fighting along with the rest obeying orders and when needed giving them as well. IT took her a week to figure out what rank to promote them to. They had experience, driving through the Quil to rescue Big Mac and Granny Smith took guts. Guts they continued to display in each battle afterwards too. AppleBloom quickly grew into a competent commanding officer from her spot on the rear gun. Sweetie, growing skilled in both rifle and shields gave them an edge most crews didn’t have and Scootaloo’s driving skills sometimes scared Twilight as she sped though Quil, weaving in and out of places with a skill that was nearing unreal, like a Rainbow Dash on the ground. Many crews naturally followed the CMC like a beacon in the dark. After a few minutes of watching the crews before her she looked at Big Mac and motioned for him to follow her to his office. Once Big Mac closed the door she turned to face him. “Ok Big Mac, now is your chance to yell at me.” Twilight told him.

“You planned this?” He simply asked.

“Since last week. The three of them have done everything without any recognition for anything they have done. IF you are going to kill me Big Mac, make it quick. Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are not going to be as nice.” Twilight grimaced.

“Enope. While Ah’m mighty proud of AB, she’s mah sister.” Big Mac paused as he considered his next words. “She’s old enough to make the choice. Ah might not like it, but Ah won’t argue it. You are right Miss Twilight.” Twilight smiled. Big Mac was the only one on base who didn’t use Ranks though was respectful about it.

“Thank you. Now to go face the music of their sisters soon.” She opened the door but paused and looked at Big Mac. “If you got time I want you to teach the three of them protocol. Contact Pinkie for the hand books and such to help you along. Once I’m done today I’ll open a file on the three of them and send them to Canterlot for an update.” Big Mac nodded at her and she smiled. “Thanks for not killing me Big Mac.”

“Eeyep. Good day Miss Twilight.”

Twilight closed the office door and turned to head for the grounds around the hanger for the Winged Squad inspection when she ran into a folk causing her to bounce back wards and into the door.

“I’m sorry, you ok?” Twilight looked up to see Cheerilee standing before her wearing an Irregular uniform. “Miss Cheerilee? What are you doing in that? I thought you were a non-combatant to watch all the foals.”

“Normally yes you would be right.” Cheerilee said as she dusted herself off. Twilight noticed she also carried a tool box with her. “Today there is no school for the foals so on those days I spent my time here with Big Mac, volunteering at the motor pool. Just my way of helping out. I’m wearing this so everyone knows I’m not a school teacher today but a…how did they put it, a grease monkey.” Cheerilee laughed at the words.

“I would believe it. Carry on then Miss Cheerilee, Big Mac is in his office. I need to head for the next inspection.” Twilight said as she pushed off the door and walked around Cheerilee with a small wave.

Calling out a good luck Cheerilee opened the office door and walked in as Twilight made her way across the grounds. But if she was hoping to make it to the next inspection without any problems she was disappointed as a voice called to her half way across the grounds.

“Yahoo, Darling! Twilight!” Twilight resisted the urge to face palm and turned to look at Rarity as she ran up to her. Twilight was slightly surprised to see a smile gracing her face. “There you are. Listen I just got out of Pinkie’s office and I have to say it was nice of you to recognized Sweetie Belle like that.”

“You mean you are not mad I just turned your sister into a full fledge soldier with everything that entails?” Twilight asked puzzled and waiting for the other shoe to drop. She was tempted to see if the world was ending at that moment but resisted the urge to look up at the sun.

“Darling, Sweetie Belle has been talking about her job all the time already. I got over the worry for her life part a long time ago. Granted I do still worry but the dear has proven she can take care of herself. Oh my little sister is growing up so fast. While I wish this dreadful war never happened to cause her to become a soldier, fillies like her should be able to run and play for a while, she has shown me she can take it.” Rarity fell into step with Twilight when she gestured for her to follow.

“I’m just glad you are not mad, though I suspect that Applejack and Rainbow Dash might not be so understanding.” Twilight told her.

“Don’t be so sure Darling, if Sweetie talked my ear off about it, I’m sure Applebloom and Scootaloo did the same to them. They may not like it but they will understand. Speaking of which, maybe I should go find Applejack and tell her what’s going on before Applebloom tells her. Rarity offered to Twilight.

“IF you find her first I would be thankful. Try not to get her mad I don’t think I could survive more than two or three blows from Applejack, even WITH my shields. That mare is crazy strong.” Twilight said causing Rarity to laugh.

“Don’t fret none Darling. I spent two years in the same squad as her so I know just how strong she truly is. You wouldn’t survive one if she was mad.” Twlight looked at her with wide eyes, her pupils shrinking to mere pinpricks. “But I won’t let her get that far and you will live to see the sunset. At least until Rainbow Dash finds out. She has taking quiet the shine to Scootaloo, though I don’t know about her mother. That might be a problem.” Rarity smiled at her then turned to look for Applejack. “Tootles Darling, I’ll catch you later.” Rarity told her with a smile and a wave over her shoulder causing Twilight to face palm.

{How many times have I done that today?} Twilight couldn’t help but to think as she continued on her way rubbing her forehead.


Rainbow Dash paced in front of the five squads of Winged Folks. The grapevine was working over time telling everyone on the base what happened to the CMC during their inspection. On one hand she was proud of Scootaloo and her friends. She was wanting to join the Armed Forces, proclaiming many times her intent to do so since she was already active in the roster for guard duties and missions. On the other hand, she was now directly placing herself into danger. More so than before. Rainbow knew that the base’s opinion of Twilight could only go up for this, the CMC didn’t make it any secret they wanted to join and were quite vocal with their excitement of the promotion. In her mind was either praise Twilight or kick her flank. The toss up scared her slightly.

“Are you ok ma’am?” One of the Squad commanders, Derpy, asked her.

“Yeah, I’m good. Just…thinking.” Rainbow told her. Derpy nodded sagely at her.

“Scootaloo right? I know. I would be in your shoes should that happen to my little muffin. Proud on one hand, worried on the other. Thankfully she is still way too young to even try to join unlike the CMC and I’m happy she is still my little muffin.” She placed her hand on Rainbow’s shoulder. “It will be ok, Scootaloo knows what she is getting into, put some faith in her.”

“Your right Derpy, thanks for that.” Rainbow told her as she noticeably relaxed her shoulders. Rainbow glanced down the field and grinned with a nod to Derpy. Nodding back Derpy spun on a heel and walked back to her place where the rest of her squad idly stood by waiting for Twilight to show up. “ATTENTION, FALL IN FOR INSPECTION!” Rainbow shouted.

Instantly every Winged folk present dived, slid, stepped and dove into position coming to a full attention on the field as Twilight stepped into view with a nod to Rainbow Dash.

“I want to talk to you after inspection Dash so hang around.” Twilight told her quietly.

“You got it.” Rainbow smirked back. Once Twilight turned around to look at the troops Rainbow opened her mouth again. “Commander on the Field!” Which sent every soldier present into a sharp salute.

“At ease.” Twilight called out loud enough for everyone on the field to hear. Everyone present dropped their hands from their head and clasped them behind their back as they spread their feet apart in classic parade rest.

The inspection went quick and easy. Many of the Winged folk, either by the nature of the Winged Folk or taking their cues from Rainbow Dash, were eager to get to the fighting and were more than prepared to pass her inspection. It brought to mind something she told Rainbow Dash a week or two ago from a list of ‘Murphy’s Combat Laws’ an informal rule set when in combat, many of which she found to be true. IN this case the rule was ‘No Combat ready Unit ever passed inspection and no Inspection ready unit ever passed Combat’. Trust Rainbow to do her best to prove that one wrong. Once the inspection was complete and the troops dismissed Twilight looked at Rainbow.

“I take it you heard of what happened today?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, I’m of mixed feelings about it but I trust you Twi, I know you know what you are doing.” She rubbed her jaw. “Man that nearly threw out my jaw trying to get around all those ‘knows’.”

Twilight couldn’t help but to giggle. “Yes, I know that the three of them have done so much with so little recognition. If I tried to keep them out of this fight they would have just went anyway. Figured might as well give them my blessing to do it. If we know they are there we can keep an eye on them.”

“That is true. Did you hear that Scootaloo got her cutie mark too. A spinning wheel with fire coming out. Fitting for a dare devil like her on the ground.” Rainbow told her. The two of them started to walk towards the Hosptial.

“No I didn’t hear that, then again I have been busy trying to get everything ready for the mission. I’m glad we got nearly a four week prep time for this. Two more weeks of drills then we can get started.” Twilight paused then looked at Rainbow causing her to stop too. “Start putting more wings on patrol. Use the loaned troops to do it. With this many folk here, I’m sure the Quil are starting to suspect something. Maybe we can get a few more massings along the lines to keep the Quil guessing where our real strike is coming from.”

“Can do Twi.” Rainbow gave her a salute. “I’ll go start putting that list together.”

“Include the Wonderbolts too, I’m sure they will start to feel left out if they don’t get a patrol or two. Spitfire struck me as a Action type of folk.” Twilight told her as she started to walk again.

“Right, Wonderbolts too.” Rainbow started to do a little dance in place at the thought of flying with the Wonderbolts. Then with a powerful flap of her wings she was away to start her task. Twilight watched her leave with a smile as she went up to the Hospital where her smile turned into a frown.

She didn’t like this inspection. She wasn’t trained in anyway in medical procedures or know how and felt like she was only trusting somefolk’s word. While the word she was trusting was Fluttershy, she still felt like she could do better. Before she could enter the doors she found herself face to face with Fluttershy herself as she came out of the Hospital.

“Oh Twilight, so glad I found you here. Come with me, we are set up around the back.” FLuttershy told her.

“Oookey…” Twilight said slowly as she followed Fluttershy puzzled at the strange request. Her puzzlement only increased when she called Rainbow over her radio telling her to start in five minutes. “So what is going on Fluttershy?”

“I have noticed you are uncomfortable doing inspections here so I figured I would show you what we do.” She said quietly.

“Show me?”


Twilight waited a moment for Fluttershy to explain only she didn’t. Twilight rolled her eyes but kept quiet as well.

Once they were around the back of the Hospital they saw six tents set up each with a squad of field medics inside. Outside the tents were nearly thirty folk from all three tribes idly chatting and just hanging out including the newly uniformed CMC. Many of the folk were armed. FLuttershy lead Twilight to an awning with two chairs placed underneath. Once Twilight took a seat and Fluttershy took the other did she speak.

“Twilight, we have decided to run a drill to show you what we can do. You will see the medical folk in action and be able to judge them from there. I of course will be helping you out.” She told her. “But for this to work, I need you to do nothing no matter what happens, just let it happen.”

“That is a unique suggestion. Ok, I can do that. What do you have planned?” Twiligth asked, her curiosity rising. Fluttershy simply smiled and called into her radio to start whenever they wanted to.

Before Twilight could ponder the meaning of Fluttershy’s words it became apparent the moment all tartaurs broke loose over them. Two Winged Squads, led by Rainbow Dash, flew in rifle’s blazing as they strafed the collected folk outside the tents. Though she recognized the training bolts of energy that the weapons shot out she was still floored at the brazen attack by Rainbow. While a number of Folk were hit and on the ground unmoving, others were mustering a defense of the sudden attack. Returning fire and ducking for cover. From here seat she was half out of she saw Sweetie’s mulberry shield raise up protected a number of folk from injury.

Horned folk passed their guns to those that had none then started to fire bolts at the attacking Winged squads as the few surviving Winged Folk quickly banded together to take the fight to the sky. On Rainbow’s second run a number of her folk went down, crashing into the ground with a bounce. Then it broke into a general fight as Winged folk dived against each other trying to get the upper hand. Earth folk rallied up and formed firing teams to pin down and shoot down their attackers as Horned folk formed shields and bolts to drop attackers. But despite all their efforts Rainbow Dash was like a monster. Diving in and out of the fray to break up the defenders attempt to fight off her squads until a small voice yelled out over the din in a challenge.

“RAINBOW DASH!” The fighting paused as Scootaloo came racing out from her cover on a small scooter. In one hand she held a pistol while she steered with the other. No one could miss Rainbow Dash’s answering yell as she dived towards the filly who dared to challenge her in the air. But Scootaloo wasn’t challenging her in the air, she was challenging her as another speed demon and with Rainbow Dash out of the picture the defenders were able to rally back holding off the attacking Winged Squads.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo quickly found the other to be more than a match in their respective areas. Rainbow Dash was the undisputed master of the skys, but Scootaloo was unmatched on the ground with her scooter. Dives, turns, twists and skids came into play causing the other too miss widely. From where Twilight sat she could see, with a little magical help to watch the fight play out, that the both of them had huge grins on their faces. Rainbow worked with Scootaloo a lot during the last few weeks and Scootaloo found that many of the techniques and work outs Rainbow Dash taught her worked on her scooter as well. With a corkscrew dive Rainbow flew in, her rifle singing its song of death but Scootaloo simply hopped and spun away in mid hop away from Rainbow’s attack. Since Scootaloo only had a pistol she could only take single shots at Rainbow. Landing from the hop and roll Scootaloo pulled a sharp hair pin and fired a shot before racing off again, her wings buzzing furiously. Rainbow barrel rolled out of the way impressed at the little filly’s skill.

The two continued to dive and dodge from each other’s attacks the grounds around the hospital pitted with tire spins and bolt holes. Scootaloo’s fearlessness allowed her to race through and over obstacles that others would avoid giving her many openings for shots at Rainbow while blocking Rainbow’s view of her. With a grimace Rainbow took to the skies flying high above the battlefield her only focus was Scootaloo who buzzed around the grounds below her. Rainbow fluttered aside as a bolt shot past her from Scootaloo.

“Ok now it is on.” Rainbow said to herself with a grin spreading across her face and dived. Pulling her rifle up she signed down the sights as she took a bead on the zipping Scootaloo. Time seemed to slow down as Rainbow noticed what she was doing. It was a pattern Scootaloo was using as she zipped around. Aiming to the point where Scootaloo would zip by Rainbow fired. The bolt left her rifle and streaked towards its target as Scootaloo moved towards her fate. “Gotcha Scoots.” Rainbow muttered as her grin went wicked watching the scene below her. Suddenly her grin fell in surprise as Scootaloo kicked her scooter in a flip letting the scooter take the bolt instead. With practiced skill Scootaloo pulled her scooter back under her and skid to a halt her weapon up and pointed at Rainbow.

“This ends now!” Scootaloo shouted as she fired.

The bolt went wide when Rainbow Dash rolled aside but she was still flying towards the ground. As she flared her wings to pull out of the roll when another bolt caused her to fall back into her dive. Raising her rifle she started to pepper Scootaloo’s position with fire but every time she got close another bolt cause her to pull away. It was just a small miscalculation on Rainbow Dash’s part that sealed her fate. Relizing what Scootaloo was doing Rainbow took a risk and flipped around, her legs pointed downward as her wings flared out one more time. The moment her feet touched ground, where her agility was at its lowest point, Scootaloo fired hitting Rainbow Dash square in the chest her wings going limp. Rainbow’s eyes went wide as she stared at the spreading red spot on her chest as she sank to her knees then toppled over to her side unmoving.

“I got Rainbow Dash! I got Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo shouted as she turned back to where the defenders held off the last few Winged Squads. The cheer that erupted from the defenders was deafening. As Scootaloo buzzed her wings to raced back to her team mates no one saw the last Winged Folk attacker zero in on her, Derpy. Landing on her feet she leveled her rifle as Applebloom spotted her.

“SCOOTS! LOOK OUT!” Applebloom shouted as she brought up her own weapon aimed and fired at the same time as Derpy fired.

Scootaloo never knew what hit her as she was knocked off her scooter by an impact to her head as Derpy went down from a shot in her back. Everyfolk that survived could only watch in shock and silence as Derpy toppled over. Suddenly a whistle blew from the awning where Fluttershy and Twilight sat.

“Medical teams fall out.” Fluttershy said over the radio. As the medical teams moved out of the tents and into the carnage that was the battle before them Fluttershy led Twilight into the flurry of activity. She pointed out the actions of each team as they recovered bodies, helped the wounded and even field treated them on the fly.

“Team A here has three dead set aside.” Fluttershy pointed to the three bodies of two Earth Folk and one Winged folk. “Three defenders being treated for minor injuries and two for major injuries.” Then she pointed at the other five in the test being worked on.

“We are losing her, we need 50cc of…” The voice trailed off as one of the major injuries flat lined. “Code blue here I need a defib unit!”

Twilight watched in horror as they tried to save the poor mare but after a few it was deemed a lost clause and the body was set out with the other three.

“It happens in combat. NO matter how hard you try, sometimes they are not savable.” Fluttershy said sadly.

“My goodness, I never knew just how hard you folk have it.” Twilight said as a tear came to her eye. Twilight looked around at the other tents many of them going better than Team A’s attempts but they still had many bodies lined up outside waiting for tagging. But by Team F’s tent she saw a sight that really hit her. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle crying over Scootaloo’s limp body as it lay outside the tent the large read splotch covered nearly her entire head. Twilight looked away as tears came to her eyes. Finally the medical teams finished saving those they could the squad commanders stood before a red eyed Twilight as they gave their report.

“Of the twenty-two injured defenders we were able to save twelve of them with ten being KIA DOA. Seven of them had serious injuries that will put them in recovery for months but they will live. Of the attackers it was a total lost with injuries ranging from gunshots to impacts with the ground all KIA DOA. Total lost was ten defenders and twenty-nine attackers.”

“DOA?” Twilight asked.

“Dead on Arrival, meaning there was nothing we could do for them.” One of the squad commanders told her.

“I see, Killed In Action, Dead On Arrival.” Twilight said then she turned to Fluttershy. “I see that the medical teams are quiet skilled and thank you for making a cliff notes version of this inspection. I say you pass.”

“Thank you Twilight.” Fluttershy said with a shy smile. THens he pulled her whistle and blew it three times. “CEASE FIRE, CEASE FIRE, CEASE FIRE!” She called out surprising Twilight with the sheer volume of her voice. Suddenly, as they have with every other drill and exercise before, every soldier shouted Cease Fire in response three times. Those that were on the ground dead stood back up and wiped off the red paint like liquid from their bodies.

“Oh yuck, and I had my mouth open and everything.” Scootaloo said as she spit the liquid from her mouth.

“Oh you foal, at least you didn’t get it like Time Turner did during that one exercise.” Sweetie Belle said with a giggle as she wiped her eyes.

“Isn’t he ah noncombatant?” Applebloom asked.

“Yeah, one of the foal sitters when the Quil attack. He was playing a VIP for a squad to defend, who were doing quite a good job of it too. But as a last ditch effort of the attackers to drop him took aim and fired hitting him square in the nuts.” Sweetie Belle said through laugher as she remembered the medical teams trying to ‘save’ him after that event. “According to the medical teams they were able to save him but he would never be able to have kids again thanks to the medical training units giving a random complication.”

“Ah remember that time. The day after Scootaloo gots her Cutie Mark for her crazy driving. Ah remember his wife, Derpy, lamenting no siblings for Dinky. He was walking with a limp for two days.” Applebloom said as she too rolled from laughing. Only to suddenly stop when a shadow fell over them. Looking up they saw Rainbow Dash looking down at Scootaloo with a huge grin on her face and a bright red spot on her chest. In the presence of a superior officer the three of them jumped to their feet and saluted.

“At ease you three. I just want to tell Scootaloo here what a great job she did.” She looked at Scootaloo and slapped her on the shoulder. “Damn filly you got some skills glad to know I helped you develop them. But who was teaching you to shoot like that?”

“That would be me.” A voice called out. Rainbow turned to see Derpy walking up to them as she tried to wipe off her wing. “She is quiet the sharpshooter with that pistol huh?”

“You?! Man I’m impressed, impressed by a lot and that’s hard to do seeing as how I’m so awesome.” She turned and hoisted Scootaloo to her shoulder and turned to the rest of the folk around them. “Check it out everyfolk, here is the one who got me! Give her a cheer for her awesome skills!”

Everyfolk around them gave a loud whoop as Scootaloo’s face turned red and not from the paint as she was set back on to her feet.

“Next time though, try not to get shot after such a skillful fight you had.” Twilight said as she rubbed the top of Scootaloo’s head.

“Yes ma’am!” Scootaloo told her with a sharp salute.


Twilight sat down in the mess hall for lunch as she looked over some reports Applejack gave her about the other squads that came in. Most of them were standard reports about drills and other needs, while Applejack only grumbled a little bit about Applebloom’s promotion it seemed Rarity got to her already and thus it was a short conversation.

“Ugh, back into the realm of paperwork. It was almost enough to make me hope that Sunset and Trixie try something during inspection just to relieve me of the boredom of paperwork.” Twilight said with a groan. It wasn’t much thanks to Mare and her admin team but it was enough. Lunch was simple for her at the moment as she poured over the reports as best she could.

“Looking ah little rough there Twi, you ok?” Twilight looked up to see Applejack, tray in hand sitting across from her. Twilight grunted slight then slid a folder over to her.

“See the latest casualty report?” Twilight asked her as she started on her lunch. Picking up the folder Applejack flipped through it catching the gist of what it said.

“Total lost attackers, slightly over ah third of the defenders dead or wounded notable losses was Scootaloo after she dropped Rainbow? Oh Ah’m going to have fun rubbing this in her face. Let’s see…” Applejack paused a moment. “KIA DOA due to a head shot by Lt Derpy just before Applebloom could drop her. Damn Ah would’ve been embarrassed at that. Ta take out ya idol and get taken out by the last of her team. Then again well played on Derpy’s part.”

“I know right, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle both were masters at the heartstrings when I saw them crying over her body. But then again it was drill they were just playing their parts.” Twilight told her. She looked at the clock on the wall and stood up. “Time for me to get to Sunset and Trixie. Thanks to this paper work I’m kinda hoping they pull something today, by tartarus I’ll even HELP them pull something at this rate. But once the Generals get here it won’t be long before combat operations begin. Find Pinkie and have her whip something together, low key but joyful. Soon a number of our people won’t be coming home.”

“You got it Twi Twi.” Pinkie said from behind her. Only weeks of having Pinkie appear from nowhere kept her from screaming in fright at her sudden appearance but didn’t stop the jump.

“Thanks Pinkie, but next time please don’t scare me like that. I need to find Rarity.”

Shaking her head Twilight walked away from the table as Pinkie sat down for her lunch with Applejack. What she failed to notice that Pinkie Pie already had the new patch on her jacket.


“So what are we going to do with the egghead today?” Sunset asked herself as she stood by Skylight in her dragon form.

“Don’t know Shimmer but don’t get her too riled up, Spike feels to need to calm her down and well I think I like him around. At least its someone to talk to.” Skylight told her.

“You like Spike?” Sunset asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Not like that mom!” Skylight almost shouted as she lightly bopped Sunset upside her head with a wing. But Sunset couldn’t help but to grin at her blush.

“Hey Trixie, check and see if Gypsy likes Spike or not?” Trixie looked up at Sunset’s call with a puzzled look on her face from where she sat on the grass. She looked at her dragon to see a blush crossing her face as well.

“Trixie thinks we need to have a talk to Twilight.” Trixie muttered to herself.

“Maybe but then again, they are getting to that age, what is Spike sixteen now? Skylight is seventeen and isn’t Gypsy fifteen or sixteen herself? Still young by Dragon standards but they grew up in a Folk world not a Dragon’s so maybe there is a difference. That or maybe because all three of them are Unborn.” Sunset Shimmer put a hand to her chin as she thought about it. Trixie hummed her agreement as she too paused to ponder that question.

Trixie caught motion out of the corner of her eye and looked over. “Commander on the field!” She called causing both mares and dragons to come to attention. As Twilight and Rarity with her saddle bags hanging off her hips, approached there was a thud as Spike, in full dragon form, landed next to Skylight at full attention as well.

“Nice timing Spike.” Skylight muttered to him.

“Thanks.” Spike shot her a grin then his eyes went forward again.

“Ladies, since I have been doing inspections all day I’m going to let Rarity conduct this one.” Twilight told those present. Then she stood before Spike at full attention as Rarity stepped up.

“Each of you know me Darlings, I expect nothing short of perfection and I will get it, even if I have to do it myself.” The two saddle bags were surrounded by a light blue aura as her horn started to glow. The flaps were thrown open as all sorts of makeup and other mane care supplies floated out. “Now ladies…who’s first?”

“LEG IT!” Sunset yelled in panic. With those words both Sunset and Trixie jumped on their dragons yelling for them to take off as fast as they could. Twilight and Spike held attention for a few moments longer then busted out laughing as Rarity put the supplies back into her bags but grabbed a pair of scissors from the air before they went back into the bags.

“HAha, oh I, haha, needed that.” Twilight said between laughing fits as she rolled on the ground with Spike doing the same thing.

“Glad I could help Darling, sure you don’t need a mane styling? I know all the latest trends.” Rarity sing songed as she snipped the scissors.

“I’m good Rarity, thank you. But if I ever get the urge to change my style I’ll let you know.” Twilight told her as she stood up. “Oh I’m going to call it quits for the day.” She reached up to her radio and hit the switch. “CNC, Someone contact Sunset and Trixie and tell them they pass their inspection and they got the rest of the day off as an apology. I’m going to be meeting with Mare and her admin team here shortly if anyone needs me.”

”Copy that commander.” A voice called back.

Twilight looked at Spike. “When they come back you can spend the day with your friends. Go have fun.” She told him as her horn glowed, reverting Spike to his normal form. Rarity pulled a set of cloths out of her saddlebags and gave them to Spike.

“Thanks Twilight. I’ll keep in touch if you need me.” Spike told her as he got dressed. He walked off whistling to himself as he made for the mess hall.

“Thanks Rarity, I got to get going but thanks for the idea.” Twilight told her.

“NO problem Darling, just call me if you need anything else.” With that Rarity walked towards the barracks as Twilight made her way to the castle proper wondering what else they came up with.


Twilight walked into the war room of the Everfree base where she found Mare, Bonbon and Lyra along with a few others pouring over reports. Mare looked up as Twilight took a seat at the map table.

“Ah Twilight, welcome. Our R&D department came up with something new today and maybe it will help to spread out patrols and cut down on our blind time.” Mare told her with a smile.

“Really? How so, we only have five Winged Squads and even if you add my Dragon squad to the mix it still leave a large gap to fill.” Twilight asked.

“The caves below the castle, you know the one where that strange tree is? Well we found a number of large crystals there we were able to use in our own defenses and a few projects.” Lyra told her. “In fact the way some of those crystals came out so easily that maybe they were placed there for us.” Bonbon coughed into her fist as she glared at Lyra. “Yeah, conspiracy theories aside they were perfect for our projects and we want to go over them with you.” Twilight raised an eyebrow at the three of them but motioned for them to continue.

“Basically, thanks to the deployment of the shield at Ponyville we were able to isolate and correct the deployment problems with the shield lattice.” Bonbon started. At points along the wall we have placed the crystals into the wall and linked them. It was completed two days ago but we have not tested it until we could get clearance from you.”

“I remember the forms you three put on my desk about that.” Twilight commented causing the three of them to nod at her.

“Another project we were working on is a way to keep our eyes in the sky at long ranges to ease the burden to the Winged Squads.” Mare started. “At the top of the castle we placed another crystal that has been enchanted to send an invisible energy wave with a very high frequency but doesn’t affect solid matter in anyway. The idea is that when it does hit solid matter it will bounce back giving us a clear picture of the area around us. Lyra came up with the idea after reading up on bat’s sonar.”

“Any side effects?” Twilight asked, the idea intrigued her.

“None that we can tell. It is just an energy wave so it doesn’t affect anything and it has a major blind spot. It can’t see below the tree canopy so ground patrols won’t change any. It does have an effective range of miles. In theory we can get a picture of what’s in the air over Ponyville from here.” Lyra told her. “I have tested it myself on small scale tests but then again I’m a Horned Folk so I might have some resistance to any side effects. Mare and Bonbon here tested as well and nothing on them. One of Mare’s admin team is a Winged one and he only felt funky from the waves bouncing off of him. Large scale, we are not sure. So we are asking for permission to fire up the sonar and give it a go.”

“And where would we see what is going on?” Twilight asked.

“Right here, along with placing figures and timing we can over lay the sonar display here for a real time update to the battlefield. The sonar goes about as far as this map does.” Mare told her.

Twilight tapped a finger to her chin as she thought about it. “If we are going to test this might as well test it all over. I want a few Winged Folk in the air with some troops below them to catch them and at least one of the Dragons in air as well. Let’s see what happens. Let me get on the horn and ask for volunteers.”


IT took nearly an hour to get everyone in place and the safety nets ready just in case but once everything was ready Twilight gave the word and Lyra fired up the Sonar. Instantly a holographic image of the flyers around the castle appeared. The spell gave enough information to make a floating Winged Folk mare appear in air along with what looked to be Sunset Shimmer on her dragon. While the images were still they shifted around the map as they flew.

“Fluttershy do either of them look to be having problems?” Twilight asked over her radio.

”Negative Twilight, they seem to be fine from where I’m standing.” The voice barely floated through the radio.

“Speak up Fluttershy, I almost can’t hear you.” Twilight laughed into the radio causing a weak sorry to float back. “Ok lets try upping the range a bit. Push it to its max.” She looked back at the radio. “Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, standby we are going to up the power and see what happens.”

The two fired back their acknowledgements and Twilight nodded towards Lyra who turned up the power to increase the range. What they saw made them stare at the map in shock. It took Twilight a moment to pull herself together as she pulled the radio to her mouth.

“Scramble all Winged Squads, put the base on red alert! Unknown contact coming from the north on an intercept course. Contact is massive and has numerous escorts.” Twilight called. Mare jumped to her feet and hit the alarm causing sirens to sound with flashing red lights. She looked at Lyra and Bonbon. “Guess we get to test that shield too. Once the winged squads are clear raise it. Did you solve the trapping of our forces on the outside?”

“Not yet that was next to the project list. WE got a idea but not sure how to do it.” Lyra told her. She paused and looked at Twilight. “You need to get going ma’am. We got this part.” Twilight nodded at them then ran to the window her horn glowing. Once she had line of sight to the grounds she vanished in a flash of light and reappeared at the base of the hanger with Spike a other folk running up to her.

“Twilight what’s going on?” Spike asked, he was shucking his shirt as he called out.

“Unknown contact to the north and I’m praying that its only a Sonar glitch. I’ll gladly look like a fool for nothing because that thing looked big enough to wipe out the base in a single pass.” Twilight told him as the two of them ran up the stairs.

Spike nodded and as soon as he hit the hanger deck he turned and went straight for his berth. Twilight saw Trixie and Gypsy already in their birth and gearing up, her flack cannon in a holster and a rifle in the other.

“Trixie ready Twilight!” She called out as Spike changed into his dragon form and Twilight leapt to his back.

“Good.” She yelled back then hit her comlink on her helmet that a hanger worker gave her. “This is First Sergeant Sparkle, Dragon wing deploying.” She called out as the same worker passed her rifle to her.

”Copy that. Muffin Squad and Freelancer Squad are in air. Reaper Squad, Storm Squad and Thunder Squad will be right behind you. Star’s speed commander.”

Twilight waved for Trixie to follow her to the opening. Once they reached the edge the two dragons leapt off with powerful flaps of their wings sending them into the air where they were joined by Sunset Shimmer. Once they were clear forty two more Winged Folk threw themselves into the air and took flight behind them.

Twilight saw the activity on the ground as ground troops manned the walls and the Jeeps deploying to points around the grounds to serve as heavy weapon back up. Once they were clear of the walls the shield went up.

“This is Sparkle, everything looks good shield wise but somefolk get a spotter to double and triple check that.” Twilight called out over the radio then switched to the combat channel. “Ok everyone take up positions we are heading north. R&D came up with a new sonar spell and during testing we saw something heading our way. Its large and unidentifiable and we are going to intercept it any questions?”

“NO MA’AM!” Seventy five voices shouted and as one body they flew forward. Twilight dead center flanked by Trixie and Shimmer. The Winged squads fanned out behind and above with Rainbow Dash center of them and Fluttershy right next to her.

”Going to leave us out of the party Sparkle?” A voice called over the comlink.

Twilight looked over her shoulder to see a squad of Winged Folk with bright blue flight suits with a yellow lightning bolt running long their sides, rifles in hand. Spitfire and the Wonderbolts were hot on her heels, behind them were five more Winged squads long with half the changelings.

“We got something large and unidentifiable heading our way from the north. I don’t know what it is or what it is capable of bad idea to send nearly our entire assault force after it. My wings and I will engage it first if it is hostile, you hang back and watch. If it turns out to be hostile use our actions to form an attack plan.” Twilight told her.

”Huh, cub’s got teeth and a brain behind those eyes. Ok Sparkle, we will do it your way. I’ll send a squad or two back just in case this goes south.” Spitfire told her.

“Copy. Stay frosty back there.”

It was only a few minutes before Rainbow Dash yelled out contact. In the distance a glinting could be seen. Not even with Spike enhancing her vision could she see what it was. Rainbow, with a foresight of minimizing loses spread her wings out for. Whatever that was heading for them they didn’t want the chance of getting taken out by a single attack. Twilight and her forces flew in silence as they approached whatever the unknown flying object was.

”Check weapons.” Some mare called out. Twilight couldn’t help but to make sure her weapon was loaded and safety off. She saw the object coming closer time to get everyone ready.

“All squads report in.” Twilight called out.

”Muffin Squad standing by.” Derpy called out.

”Freelancer Squad standing by YEAH!” The large stallion with the small wings, Snowflake if Twilight remembered correctly, yelled over the radio.

”Reaper Squad has awesome on standby. Rainbow Dash said with a grin in her voice. Twilight couldn’t help but to roll her eyes.

”Thunder Squad standing by.” A Winged Folk stallion by the name of Thunderland called out.

”Storm is in the air and ready to break!” Another Winged mare called Cloudkicker called back.

”Dragon Riders on standby Twilight.” Shimmer called out.

“Standard attack formation. Shimmer, Trixie spread out more let’s make them really think about what they shoot at first.” Twilight said as she gazed at the object. The glinting from the object got stronger.

”Its not Quil, nothing they got flashes like a nightclub.” Rainbow Dash’s voice floated over the radio.

“Maybe…I’m seeing over one hundred escorts for whatever this is…wait a minute.” Everyone held their breath as Twilight stood up in her saddle and squinted at the object. “I think it’s an Airship!”

”An Airship?! There is only one active Airship in the entire Armed Forces and that one came from the Crystal Empire…” Spitfire called out showing she was listening in to their channel. “It has to be the HMS Crystal Heart! If it is then it is Generals Celestia and Luna on board along with the Royal Guard and the Nightmare Special forces.”

“All squads hold position and stand by! I’m going in. Rainbow if it is them I want you and your squad to fly back to the base as fast as you can and tell Applejack to get the camps for the General’s forces ready.” Twilight said. As she shot ahead all squads held position except for Rainbow Dash who flew along side her.

“Oh no you don’t. Until we know for certain it is General Celestia and Luna I’m not leaving your side.” Rainbow Dash said once she was close enough to not use the radio. Twilight rolled her eyes but didn’t say anything. They flew in silence for another few minutes the Airship become clearer as they flew.

“Yeah that’s an airship alright, or should I say warship. That thing is loaded.” Rainbow Dash whistled in amazement. “I heard that the Crystal Heart is only used on a rare occasion that Princess Cadence wants in on a fight, to show the crowns support to the war effort. I’m betting bits Cadence is on board as well.”

“Please, sucker bet. I have known Cadence since she and Shining Armor starting dating nearly six years ago. She would jump at something like this. My problem is convincing her to stay at the Base instead of on board.”

”This is the Warship HMS Crystal Heart we have you on visual. Please identify yourselves.” A voice called over Twilight and Rainbow’s radio causing both to pull into a hover.

“This is 1st Sergeant Twilight Sparkle and Staff Sergeant Rainbow Dash of the Everfree Base, we picked you up entering our air space can came to investigate. Permission to join the escorts.” Twilight called back.

”Copy that 1st Sergeant, permission granted, you two may join the escorts.”

“HMS Crystal Heart, be advised that I have four Winged Squads and one Dragon Rider Squad on standby to join the escorts. They are hanging back five minutes to the south.” Twilight wanted to smile. The lookouts were only watching her and Rainbow Dash, not the spread out assault force behind them.

”Copy…copy that yes we see them now.” The voice sounded a little worried. Permission granted to join escort wing…is that another assault force behind yours? How did you muster that so fast?” Twilight laughed.

“That is a secondary assault wing led by Colonel Spitfire consisting of nearly ten Winged Squads and six or so Changeling Squads. Whom they may wish to join the escort wings as well. They have been present at the Everfree Base for nearly two weeks now.”

“Twilight, you are so mean to that guy.” Rainbow Dash snickered from where she hovered next to Twilight.

“Maybe.” Twilight told her once she removed her hand from the switch on her radio. She had a grin on her face as she watched the Airship get closer when a new voice cut in.

”This is General Celestia, you have permission to join the escorts, all who wish it may join as well. Twilight, please dock as soon as you can.”

Twilight nodded at the voice but didn’t respond. Instead she looked at Rainbow Dash. “Head on back, inform Spitfire she can her wings can join the escorts of the Crystal Heart if she wants to other wise she is cleared to return to base. Send Sunset to me along with the rest of the wings.”

“Right, you can count on me.” Rainbow shot her a salute then turned and shot away, her rainbow contrail fading behind her.

IT was only a few more minutes when Sunset, Trixie and the rest of the Winged Squads joined her all coming to a hover around her. Twilight glanced at the Airship which was still nearly three minutes from her position.

“Shimmer, Lulamoon we will be taking an escort position about three hundred meters in front of the Heart, Storm and Thunder Squads will take position above and behind the Heart. I want Muffin and Freelancer will take behind and below. Keep your eyes peeled down there just in case. Once we are all in position I’ll break off and dock with the Heart. General Celestia requested my presence. Spitfire, if she wishes to join the escort, will position around us.” She looked around to see everyone nodding at her. “Ok fall out!”

The five squads fanned out to their respective locations as they flew towards the ship. Twilight’s Dragons looked to collide in air as they met at the same point, only to push off into position of a wide wingmare pattern in front of the ship. The Winged Squads simply flew through their escort positions then banked into a hard one-eighty and pulled into position. Once there they radioed Twilight informing her they were in position Twilight broke formation by Spike flaring his wings causing them to slow down, Sunset and Trixie pulling together smoothly as she pulled out. As they hovered in place letting the Crystal Heart pass by Twilight got a good look at the ship. The smooth bow formed of crystal with four large enclosed orange crystals, two on the bow port and starboard side and two admidship on the port and starboard side giving lift. On the stern were two more orange enclosed crystals supplying thrust. Smaller crystals, all red, lined the sides of the ship that Twilight recognized as weapon emplacements. Along the balwalks were larger red crystals with seats attached them. Large weapon emplacements with stronger magical beams able to punch through quiet a number of Quil in a single shot. The Crystal Heart was truly a warship in every sense of the word.

Twilight guided Spike to land on the deck. As soon as his claws touched down she climbed off his back and pulled her rifle to sling over her shoulder. Once she was set her horn lit up and Spike returned to his normal form.

“If I known about this I would have brought at least a pair of pants.” Spike said as he walked up next to her.

“Yeah, sorry about that.” Twilight told him. As a dragon Spike wasn’t exempt from the standard of clothing unless he was in his full dragon form. But exceptions could be made, at least for a moment. Twilight went to one knee and laid her rifle aside and pulled off her jacket, exposing her olive tank top, and gave it to Spike.

“Thanks Twilight.” Spike said as he pulled on the jacket and buttoned it up. The jacket was long enough to go from his chin to his knees, the sleeves hung well past his hands but he couldn’t help but to smile as Twilight grabbed her rifle and stood back up.

“No problem Spike.” She told him with a motherly smile as she rubbed his head. “Now let’s see what Celestia wants.”

Chapter 10: Battle For Ponyville

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Chapter 10
The Battle For Ponyville

Noon approached the ruined village of Ponyville. The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a dull knife. So thick that even the Quil were tense as they did that little stumbling step in place. Sgt Rarity looked through the scope of her rifle and scanned the edge of town. After a moment she reached up and pressed the button on her ear piece.

“This is Sgt Rarity, I have visual of the village. I have six targets in sight, each of them are doing a stutter step side to side in place. According to Intel, they are antsy. They know something is up.”

”This is the Everfree CnC we read you Sgt. Forces are moving into position, keep visual on targets and report any changes. Sgt Dash, report.”

”Sgt Dash reporting. Skies are clear and free, no cloud cover for Quil Airborn to hide in. Winged Squads in position and Dragon squads are in place. We are ready to begin operations.”

”This is the ECnC to all forces, stand by for Combat Operations. Ground forces you got thirty minutes to secure the Mana Drain Device and hold it against the Quil. Air forces stand by to clear the skies of Quil Airborn. The Crystal Heart will begin its run in thirty minutes. Once the Crystal Heart is on the field all Air forces convert to fighter screens.” There was a lengthy pause. ”All forces, BEGIN OPERATIONS!”

From the edge poured nearly three dozen jeeps from various outposts and bases on loan for the fight. Each of them carrying their three folk crew and at least four other folk ranging from Twilight’s Rangers, The Royal Guard and even Changelings.

From the ruins of the village a roar could be heard the six patrol Quil started to charge when muzzle flashes from the trees sent six bolts of energy into them causing them to crumple into heaps. More Quil appeared as they charged at the approaching jeeps, again more muzzle flashes and more Quil hit the ground. But it wasn’t enough, soon a whole horde of Quil broke cover from the ruins of Ponyville and charged at the incoming soldiers.

“Ok Ya’ll stand by for deploy!” Applebloom yelled out as she cocked the lever on her mounted weapon. “Here is where things get interesting!” As one body Applebloom and every gunner on the jeeps turned around, their weapons pointed at the forest behind them.

“Hu RA!” Scootaloo yelled at the top of her lungs as she spun the jeep around coming to a dead stop with Applebloom grinning down the sight of her weapon at the charging Quil.

“Smile you plot ugly sons-of…” Applebloom muttered as she opened fire. Bolts of energy spewed from the end of her weapon dropping Quil like fresh mowed wheat before a scythe.

As the Jeeps provided covering fire, along with the Snipers from the forest the soldiers piled on the jeeps bailed out.

“Skirmish Line!” Shining Armor yelled out. The soldiers shouted back a echo of his command as they used him to form up. His purple Royal Guard armor causing him to stand out in the battle field as he stood tall in the middle of the quickly forming line. In one hand, his rifle fired round after round of magical energy as he made himself a living flag for his fellows to rally behind. The soldiers around him were well trained. Falling into two rows, the front role kneeling as they fired at Quil the row behind standing and firing over the first row’s heads. Immediately around him were Royal Guard, their golden armor shining in the noon day sun like beacons. Too his right, the soldiers of the Everfree, Twilight’s Rangers. On his left, the black chitin of the Changelings. He heard a thud behind him but didn’t turn in knew who it was already.

“Line is ready General. Ready to begin on your orders.” He stepped aside for Celesita to take his place in line.

“Keep those Quil off my flanks if you would Captain.” She heard Shining Armor’s crisp reply then took a deep breath. “LINE FORWARD!”

The Echoing call of her command send every Folk and Changeling alike to slowly walk forward. Each soldier stepped with the trained heel-toe step of a soldier walking with a gun. Slow and steady as they fired at the Quil holding them off and slowly pushing their charge into a halt. The Quil Soliders, unable to mount the numbers needed, were pushed back into the ruins of Ponyville.

At that moment the village suddenly came alive with the sound of wing beats as a few hundred Air Born Quil took to the skies.

“TO THE SKIES!” Rainbow Dash called out to over the radio to her squads. From the forest dozens of Winged Squads took to the air to engage the Quil in the skies over the village. Seeing the Winged Squads and Dragon Riders flying to meet them the Quil ignored the ground forces and turned to engage their airborn counterparts.

Twilight Sparkle grimaced as she, along with her dragon riders followed Rainbow up. With nearly twelve Dragon Riders in the skies it was obvious now to the Quil this was a major offensive. She reach up and touched her ear piece.

“Trixie, thin some numbers.”

”Trixie is on it!” The blue mare called back. It was one of the advantages of being a Dragon Rider. Thanks to the dragons acting as a more stable platform the ability to carry heavier weapons into battle over the standard Winged Folk. Something Trixie lived up to as she pulled her flack cannon. It was one of the few weapons that didn’t use magic to power but real shells. Belt fed from a pouch on Gypsy’s side she could quickly pepper an area with shrapnel in a hurry. Her giggling laughter could be heard over the radio as she quickly cleaned an area of Quil.

”Nice one filly. Stand by.” Sunset Shimmer called out from Twilight’s other side causing Trixie to put away her cannon as the two lines drew close.

”Ok you colts and fillies, prepare for merge!” Rainbow Dash called as the Winged Folk, currently with the advantage as more Quil started to rise into the air from the village. ”Merge!”

At her command every Winged Squad and Dragon Squad opened fire. The concentrated wall of lethal energy quickly mowed down most of the flying Quil. But enough survived to still be lethal which quickly became apparent as the two groups met. Screams of agony could be heard over the radio as bodies fell from the sky. The two groups now fully merged as they started to engage single targets as more Quil rose up from the village to engage the Folk flying around above.

Twilight banked hard right as Shimmer and Trixie did the same matching her move for move. Just like the test day the three of them flew in formation never breaking, always on the move. Twilight would guide them round the battle field engaging Quil where she could to support not only her own soldiers but all of those that were there with her. She spared a glance at the ground to see the second wave of soldiers running out of the forest to catch up with the skirmish line as they reached the edge of town. IT wasn’t hard to spot her friends in that charging bunch. She looked back up, it was time to fight and fly like everyone’s life depending on her skills this day. She reached up to her ear piece.

“Beat squad, play us all something to kick some flank to.” She ordered. Within moments she heard it, a techno beat… with a cello? With a spin she looked back down at the battle field below her looking for beat squad and quickly found them. Corporals Scratch and Octavia were standing at the edge of the village as the two of them played. As Scratch rocked out she could see the energy beams streaking out from her weapon as she played. Next to her, almost like the two of them were dueling each other with their weapons, Octavia played her cello. She spun in time with her strokes, as each time she pushed her stick a small energy beam shot out, keeping her targets on Quil as she and Scratch played against and yet at the same time with each other. It was amazing, their instruments didn’t fire the precharged clips but somehow channeled their own energy as they played. Their magic…was music! And it showed as Twilight watched their mana flows. She spun right side up as she grinned firing at a Quil that got too close. It was another Ponyville custom, and it was those customs that she wanted to see more of. Each of their squad joined in throwing their ‘support’ behind one of the two duelist. As Octavia rose, her group played stronger, when Scratch countered her side joined in. It was a blend of techno and classical that was pure beat. Every folk that could hear the beat stepped a little quicker, fired a little faster. The moving beat kept them on their toes.


To the northwest and southwest of the village of Ponyville two small fire bases stood. They hung on to the line stubbornly where it curved inwards to consume the village. With two sides they can be attacked from only the fact the folk inside were too stubborn to fall back. The line depended on those two bases and it was something they were not going to fail. The firebases, containing nearly a dozen artillery pieces between them, turned their weapons towards the village. It was almost a sacrilege to do this but they were under orders to target the inside of the town lines to soften up any resistance.

Their orders were simple. Each weapon fire six rounds into the village then stand by. The fighting was almost too close as is and they didn’t want to hit their own troops. Despite the activity of both bases it was silent. Orders were given in near whispers, no one yelled or shouted anything. It was as if it was a moment of silence for the soon to be bombarded town. Then the words they didn’t want to hear happened but they responded instantly as ordered.



Celestia looked at the sky above the skirmish line. They have reached the edge of town and were starting their way in. From somewhere off to the right she heard music start up. She couldn’t help but to bob her head in time to the dueling music as she skewered a Quil then slammed it into the ground. {Another Twilight Surprise?} Celestia couldn’t help but to think as she pulled her lance out of the body.

“Captain Armor! Continue the assault, I’m going to help my little folk above.”

“Give them Tartarus ma’am!” Shining Armor saluted. “Jeep squads start your assault!” The charging soldiers from the everfree reached his line. “All troops move out. Press for the Mana Drain Devise.“ Shining Armor glanced back as the Jeeps split into two groups and started to drive into town, the sounds of the energy discharges from their weapons unique allowing him to trace where they were going. As he turned back to the front his eyes traveled along the line’s right flank. He spotted three of his sister’s friends as they huddled behind a wall a moment. The orange Earth Folk mare pointing at the other two then ahead of them. With a fist pump the three of them broke cover and charged. {Hope they survive this fight…} He thought as his mind went back to the task at hand. T-minus 18 minutes and counting. He heard the whistling of shells as they fell deeper in town. The sounds of Quil roaring in pain was welcomed.


“Scoots there side street!” Sweetie yelled out as she pointed at a smaller street leading into town. Behind them were six other jeeps looking for a way into town with another column of seven next to them. When the folk first shored up the defense of Ponyville they blocked nearly all the entry ways, but during the bombing of the village a small side street was cleared.

Scootaloo was quick to take the side street as Sweetie Bell sweep the sky with her rifle for any airborn trying to ambush them. Behind her Applebloom kept the main weapon forward. The other column kept going on looking for another point of entry.

As they drove a Quil Soldier stepped out of the shadows and roared at them only be silenced by Applebloom. Sweetie Bell, without looking forward threw a shield up. The shield was at an angle that swept the body aside without slowing down. Ahead of them explosions could be heard.

“Sounds like the artillery started. Slow up Scoots, give the shells time ta fall.” Applebloom called out as she gave a hand side to the jeeps behind her causing them all to slow then stop. “Stay frosty ya’ll. Once the shells stop we move!”

“Yes ma’am!” Crew commanders yelled back.

Applebloom looked over her shoulder at the jeeps behind her. Many of them were nervous stopped in such tight quarters but it couldn’t be helped. Today was the day they all would find out just how doomed their way of life was. She turned back to the front her eyes sweeping back and forth for signs of the enemy. If they were lucky and Faust willing, the Quil would see the soldiers as the bigger threat at the moment. Distant explosions could be heard as her mind wondered back a few days.

(A few days ago)

Applebloom was finishing the polish of her weapon as she sat at the mess hall. It wasn’t needed at the moment but she needed something to do. It was getting close, in a few days she and her friends would be engaging in the largest battle on Equestrian soil. All for the faint hope that Twilight was right and she did find away to reclaim land from the Quil. It was then she heard a voice that caused her to grit her teeth. The urge to load and cock her weapon was almost overwhelming. But she resisted it, she was an Apple and Apples didn’t try to intimidate other folk. She looked up at the caller with a blank look on her face.

“What do you want Tiara?” Applebloom asked as she looked at the pink filly before her.

“I…I want to wish you luck.” Diamond Tiara said quietly.

“Come again?”

“You stupid hick.” Tiara shouted outloud throwing her hands up in the air. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then opened them and continued to shout at her. “I’m trying to tell you to be careful out there. I know what’s going on and…” She quieted down some. “I know I have been a pain in your b… flank. I just want to say I’m sorry. I thought I had it all when dad was rich but now that we lost everything we are trying to survive but none of us have any way of helping.” She looked at her hands. “I have calluses on my hands now. I work now, trying to make a living on a base that doesn’t care about who my father is or what he may have done. I have done nothing, no skills of my own and in no way able to fight. I can’t bring myself to do it. Silver Spoon, is able to so what can’t I? She’s up almost nightly as a guard for being so young, it fits her. She has all but stopped talking to me after she was in that fight not long ago when the Quil tried to breach the walls.” Tears started to appear in the filly’s eyes. “All I can do now is make amends for my mistakes, my stupid past of foolishness. Can you forgive me?” Diamond Tiara looked at Applebloom with a pleading look in her eyes.

For years Applebloom dreamed of this day, dreamed of the day Tiara would be on her knees begging forgiveness. And for years she played every idea under the sun from telling her ‘no’ to even punching her in the face but when it came down to it, she couldn’t. Years of teasing her about a blank flank, years of being stuck up and pushy, years of torment and pain welled up inside the yellow filly as she looked at the one folk she wanted to deem her worst enemy…and couldn’t do any of it. She just nodded at Tiara with a small smile.

“Ah forgive ya. Ah know your pride took one hell of a hit when we moved here and Ah know that to admit this…broke the rest of it.” Applebloom quickly finished off her gun then set it on the table and stood up. She noticed that many of the soldiers behind Tiara nodded at her with smiles on their faces. It took a bigger mare to accept such an apology after the years she went through, even after being called a hick. What Tiara didn’t know is when she blurted that out nearly all the jeep squads in the mess hall rose to their feet, their fists balled up and ready to defend one of their own and only sat back down when Applebloom subtly waved them off. “Still looking for that way to help out?”

“Yeah…” Tiara said as she breathed a sigh of relief.

“Then come with me. We are short ah few good mechanics down in the motor pool and with ya rich eye for detail, ya might do some good there.” Applebloom picked her rifle back up and popped the energy clip into place but didn’t cock it. Doubling checking the safety she threw it over her shoulder by the strap. Then she put her arm around Tiara’s shoulders as she guided the filly out of the mess hall with a smile. “Some real damn good.”

Applebloom smiled. Yeah, oddly enough Diamond Tiara made a pretty good mechanic down in the motor pool. After all she has been through it gave her a new outlook on life allowing her to be more than willing to get dirty as she worked to keep the jeeps in tip top shape improved her standing with the soldiers, including Silver Spoon. While Silver Spoon was only a volunteer at that point she fully planed on enlisting as soon as she was able to. Silver saw herself as a soldier, and the soldiers saw her as one too. Diamond’s willingness to help the soldiers got the two friends back together and Applebloom was happy.

“You ok there AB?” Scoots asked as she leaned against the steering wheel, her pistol in one hand as she kept an eye out for Quil.

“Yeah, just thinking.”


Applejack rushed around an artillery crater leading the charge against the Quil in the middle of Ponyville. The plan was simple, rush in and hit them hard, save ammo to point blank range. Not that she needed it as she cocked her shotgun for another round. A Quil appeared in front of her, literally appeared in a blink causing Applejack to react on instinct as she fired a scattershot of energy bolts into the enemy.

Looking over her shoulder she motioned for the troops to follow.

“Come on ya’ll! Scoot your boots!” She looked forward as she cocked the final round into her shotgun and started to reload. The dozen soldiers behind her yelling war cries of their own as they charged was like music to her ears as she too charged. Above her the Winged Folk led by Twilight and Celestia clashed with the Quil Airborne valiantly trying to give them cover as they made for their objective. Next to her Pinkie Pie giggled like a mad mare as her two sub-machine guns sang their duet of death. She was listening to the explosions and counted them. The last hit mear seconds ago so now was the time for the charge. Then she heard it, a whistling sound.

“INCOMING!” The call was loud and crisp, cutting through the din of combat easily and Applejack reacted. Diving into Pinkie Pie knocking her away from the stray artillery shell that was going to kill them.

Pinkie looked over Applejacks shoulder as she pushed to her hands and knees to look at the damage as the rest of the troops kept charging.

“That would have left a mark…” Pinkie said quietly as she eyed the crater.

“True that. Come on Sugercube, time ta get back in this fight.” Applejack said as she pushed to her feet and held out a hand to help Pinkie.

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie grinned as she took the hand. With barely any effort Applejack pulled Pinkie to her feet and pointed her towards the direction of the charge. With a smile on her face, a giggle in her throat and twin SMGs in hand she skipped after the troops. Applejack shuttered slightly as she worried just a tad about her friend. “APPLEJACK OBJECTIVE IN SIGHT!” Pinkie’s yell could be heard from across the battlefield causing Appjeack to grin.

“Form up ya’ll time for the hard part!” She rushed forward towards Pinkie who stood on the edge of the town square along with the rest of the troops. As she joined them she saw a sight that made her grimace. The square was packed with Quil, but only some were looking at her and her squad. Judging by where they were looking the plan was coming together as the Quil found themselves surrounded as Folk came out of every side alley and main street in every direction. “Charge!” Applejack yelled, the call punctuated with a shot of her shotgun. T-minus five minutes.


“Every thing ready Captain High Wind?” Cadence asked of the shimmering crystal folk next to her. He had a short crop of black mane under a white captain’s hat. He wore the white uniform of the Crystal Empire Navy as his black tail, cut short swished with worry as his Princess Cadenza toured the bridge of the Crystal Heart. They were deep over the Everfree as they awaited either the signal that the objective was secure or thirty minutes were up. As it stood they had seven minutes to go before they would drop their cloak and start towards Ponyville.

“Ready to go your Highness. If I may with all due respect, you need to disembark before we drop our cloak.” The captain said. Then he really started to worry when she walked over to a storage locker that not even he could get into that was tucked into a corner of the bridge.

“Captain, I have no intention of disembarking from this ship.” Princess Cadence told him. With a flick of her magic the locker opened revealing a set of pink battle armor and a large crystal hammer with a wooden shaft. The head alone reached from the floor to her waist and was wider than her. With another flash of her horn her royal dress was replaced with an officer’s uniform of the Crystal Empire Navy, minus the hat but complete with Admiral bars on her shoulder. She turned to face the Captain. “The ship is yours, protect it and do what you must to keep it safe. But this time, this time I will not let my folk go into battle alone. I will be there, on the deck defending our ship, our hope with my life.” Cadence told him as another flash and the armor from the locker now adorned her body. Of a similar cut as the Royal guard armor it contained a chest piece that covered her abs, greaves that covered her hips down to her knees and thick boots that covered her feet and calves. Her arms were covered leaving only her elbow and hands uncovered as she reached behind her and pulled out a helmet and threw it on her head. “I trusted you with the safety of this ship for the last two years, I will continue to trust it even now.” She reached into the locker and helfted the crystal hammer. Down the wooden shafted that connected to the large crystal head she glanced at the name, Love Struck. With a flick of her wrist the hammer landed on her shoulder at rest. “I’m going to be on the deck captain. Move out when ready!”

“As you wish your High…sorry Admiral. Ten HUT!” Every crystal folk on deck snapped to attention and saluted her. “We will give our lives for you, be safe and we all will come home today.” Cadence returned the salute then strode out on deck. Once she was out of sight, and down a flight or two of stairs for the deck the Captain looked at one of the guards on the bridge. “Get me General Luna, she needs to know about this.”

“Yes sir…are you going to try to stop her?” The guard asked.

“Not just no but Tartarus no. I’ve seen her practice with that hammer. It is MUCH heavier than it looks and she swings it like a foal’s toy. Nope, not going there. Just get me Luna and let her deal with it.”

“Yes sir, though I believe that General Luna is dealing with the Press below on the ground. Seems somehow the news of what this battle is about got out and the press are here to try to cover it. If it works its going to be big…” The unspoken remaining part hung heavy between them. After a moment High Wind nodded.

“And if we fail, morale across the land will plummet like a rock in a lake. Princess Cadence was quick to act with the lost of Ponyville and Twilight’s Rangers made some good moves to restore the hope of the folk. But this battle will make or break us.”

“Sir, signal from the ground forces. Objective secured and ready for drop. Your orders?” An ensign called out. Captain High Wind nodded at the ensign as he walked towards his Captain’s Chair.

“Drop cloak! Engines ahead full. Course three-four-nine, four degrees up bubble make your altitude one thousand feet.” The Captain sat down in his chair. “Engage.”

From the outside the sudden appearance of the crystal air ship was a sight to behold as the thruster crystals rotated to point behind as they started to glow with magical energy.

“Sir, two minutes to the edge of the Everfree.”

“Raise shields, all gunners on standby. All soldiers prepare to repel boarders. We must deliver the package at all costs my friends so there will be no retreat until it is done. Do I make myself clear?” The captain asked calmly.

“Clear sir!” Every crystal folk shouted in response.

“Good, now move out. Number one…” A crystal folk stallion nearby stiffened at attention but held a huge smile on his face. Make sure all our gunners know their gloves are off for this mission, just no friendly fire please.”

“Yes sir!” With that the stallion stepped off the bridge.


From below the Crystal Heart, General Luna was standing in front of a dozen reporters from different cities and papers answering questions.

“General, intelligence states that this battle is to restore the mana lost in this area. Is this true?” One reporter, an Earth Folk asked. Many of the veteran reporters rolled their eyes knowing what was to come from a such a stupid leading question. Luna was famous for chewing up and spitting out reporters and never telling a lie while doing do.

“Seeing as how you are standing in front of me asking such a question, you tell me. Sometimes I swear you are able to find out things before I do and I’m standing at the top of the Chain of Command.” Luna told him. While she did it with a completely straight face the sarcasm was quite evident. “Listen Rookie, I have stood in front of thousands of your peers throughout the last oh, thousand years. If there is anything I have learned is that you only show up when you think you got a story. I’ll give you one. You are right, this fight will be the beginning of the end. If that end is for the Quil or for Us that remains to be seen.” Luna looked at the other reporters as they grinned to themselves about the Rookie getting it like that as another one raised her hand. Luna pointed at her.

“General, it is a known fact that bases and forces from across Equestria has pledged support for this operation. Are you not worried about weakening our forces across the line?”

“While that is a valid concern we are not worried about it. Each base and fort along the line has only pledged a few forces. Alone they are not worth the effort, but together they are quite the army. And 1st Sergeant Twilight Sparkle has done a wonderful job of housing and supplying those forces. Speaking of the newly dubbed Twilight’s Rangers, they are currently engaged as we speak and any moment now the Crystal Heart will appear in the air above us to begin its attack run.” She looked up as did the reporters just in time for the ship to appear above them and start to move towards the ruined village. “And now I am off to join the fray. If you wish to report on the battle stay within the Everfree and do not expose yourselves. Thank you.” With those words Luna vanished in a flash of indigo light.


Twilight looked over her shoulder as she flew in formation with Sunset and Trixie and spotted the Crystal Heart on its approach. She reached up and hit her ear piece.

“Ok every folk, we got the Crystal Heart Inbound. Winged squads take up screen positions. Don’t get too close her shields are up. All riders prepare for Quil assault. Intel suggests once the Crystal Heart passes the edge of the Everfree the Quil will concentrate their attacks on the heart. Stand by for assault.” Twilight called out and grimaced. She knew this was going to be the hard part. On board the Crystal Heart was the charged Crystal that was going to be their bomb. Drop it into the energy beam from over one thousand feet and it should reverse the pull causing the mana energy to return to the land. The Crystal Heart was the only platform large enough to hold their bomb and stable enough to make the drop. If the Heart went down before the drop could be made, all was lost. She looked down at her friends and family below as they forted up around the Mana Drain Device. It was always possible for the Quil to figure out their plan and destroy the device before they could reverse the flow thus breaking the connection from their island and the land they stole the mana from. Both halves of the plan had to work for this to be successful.

Twilight watched as the ship slowly passed over the edge of the Everfree when she felt it, as did every horned folk on the battlefield. A massive surge of magical energy that could only be one thing: Teleportation.

As the Crystal Heart crossed the edge of the Everfree Quil Airborn appeared everywhere. The Winged Folk, while ready for a massive fight, were not prepared for the sudden appearance of Quil all around them. Within moments it was a free for all for every Winged Folk and Dragon rider still in the air. They did what instinct told them to do, fall back. They actively did the only thing they could do, fall back for the Crystal Heart. But it was a swarm all around them as they fought for their lives.

“This is the Crystal Heart, we have no air support any Squads in air we need this swarmed thinned out or this is going to be a very short trip!”

Rainbow Dash looked around franticly. All cross her vision the signs of folk fighting and dying against impossible odds flashed before her. They need a game changer, and they needed it now. She grimaced, it was a long shot but she had an idea.

“Fluttershy! Stick close to Muffin Squad, I’m going to thin out this crowd.” Rainbow yelled out.

“Right!” Fluttershy called from between shots of her pistol.

Once she had Fluttershy safe, relatively speaking, Rainbow flew straight up with the speed born of pure desperation. She didn’t pause for anything as she flew, shooting only those that got into her way. It didn’t take long for her to break free of the swarm of Quil causing many of follow her upwards. She glanced behind her and grinned.

“This is Staff Sergeant Rainbow Dash to all Airborn forces. I hope you are ready for a light show, because here comes Awesome!” She curved back around on herself, swinging wide enough to avoid the Quil that followed her as she poured on the speed. Pushing herself as hard as she could she flew for a focal point between the pinned Airborn and the Crystal Heart. The only way she was going to pull this off was to pour on the speed, speed she had in abundance. Rainbow Dash could feel the pressure wave building against her.


Every airborn, both Quil and Folk heard it, the shriek of something straining against the sound barrier. In puzzlement and confusion the battle in the sky came to a standstill as all eyes, single and double, looked up in time to see a rainbow streak flying towards the ground. They could see the air pressure forming a cone around the rainbow maned winged folk as she struggled to break the barrier holding her back. Time slowed for both Folk and Quil as the cone formed a sphere around Rainbow Dash as she reached a point between her two allied forces. Suddenly the sphere, pushed beyond its limits yielded the fight to Rainbow Dash and from the epicenter of their struggle a rippling rainbow rushed out consuming all. Folk, holding their arms up to shield their faces from the blast found themselves unharmed but the Quil were knocked aside like ten pins.

“To The Heart!” voice shouted over the Radio.

One reporter by the name of Quick Pen watched the sight of the rainboom pass over head then his eyes locked back into the rainbow streak still rushing for the ground. “Pull up, Pull up, PULL UP!” He urged as he was making hand motions for the streak to veer upwards. Slowly but surely the rainbow streak that caused the Rainboom begin to pull up. First level with the ground then slowly back into the sky. From where he stood he could hear a mare shouting ‘yeah’ from the top of her lungs.

“Mares and Gentlecolts, we have witnessed something amazing today. For the first time, no second time, in recorded history we have seen a Sonic Rainboom!” Quick Pen said as he talked into a microphone. “According to the radio message just before the event a Staff Sergeant Rainbow Dash of Twilight’s Rangers have performed this amazing feat. She has single handily knocked the Quil away from both the Crystal Heart and the besieged Winged Squads. The Winged Squads, quick to take advantage of the break have now swarmed around the Crystal Heart in a classical fighter screen formation. Despite the heavy resistance from the Quil our mares and stallions of the Armed Forces keep fighting. It should be noted that I do see flashes of burning dawn colors a sure sign that General Celestia is in the thick of things…”


Across Equestria folk sat at home listening to the reporter as he described the battle before him. Many folk, young and old alike were on the edges of their seats.

“Wait a minute, I see a very large Quil Airborn. Recent intelligence calls this new Quil a Quil Commander. Intel also states it is stronger and faster than the standard Airborn and seems to command the Quil around it. This Quil Commander seems to be mounting a counter attack against the Crystal Heart. Oh no, the Heart’s shields are down, the commander and nearly half the Quil Airborn struck all at once over loading the ship’s shields. Now the commander is moving to take out the fighter screen…seven, twelve, seventeen winged folk just fell to the onslaught of this commander. Some folk please get in there and take it out…wait. Three Dragon riders are moving in to engage the Commander and its cohorts. Get me an ID on those three…really? Its Twlight Sparkle and her Dragon Wingmares Sunset Shimmer and Trixie Lulamoon. The tight formation flying of the three riders seem to confuse the Quil Commander. Its like it can’t decide who to attack…horse apples the commander made a choice and lunged out for Twilight but one of her wingmares, Trixie knocked her and her dragon aside taking the attack. It seems the dragon is clutching the Quil Commander as they fall, they are falling for the town square. Twilght and Sunset are trying to reach Trixie but they have been cut off by a small swarm of Quil Airborn. I…I can no longer see Trixie and the Commander. This reporter hopes for the best but may her sacrifice not be in vain.”

Across Equestria every stallion, mare and foal listened with intent at the fate of the mare that sacrificed herself and the results of the battle.


Trixie slowly picked herself off the ground. Nearby Gypsy lay unmoving except for the slow rise and fall of her chest. As she reached her feet she glanced around nearly a dozen Quil Soldiers stood around watching her forming a ring. She snorted slightly as she clutched her right arm, her left foot barely able to take her weight.

“So each of you wish a piece of me?” Her horn glowed, the third person mode of speech gone as she glared at the Quil around her. Nearby she could see the defensive ring of soldiers around the Drain Device and plenty of Quil between her and them. They couldn’t help her, she was truly on her own. With her left arm she reached into the small of her back and pulled out a small handle from her belt. With a flick of her wrist a metal point shot out nearly two feet long. “Come forth if you want to die.”

Instead of charging the Quil soldiers around her went still then a couple parted to let the Quil Commander walk through to her. She could see the injuries Gypsy put all over it still oozing blood. It walked like it didn’t feel any of the pain. She glanced up wards to see the Crystal Heart slowly moving towards the beam as Quil. Winged Folk, and Dragon Riders struggled with each other all around it. As he gaze traveled back to the Commander her horn discharged causing a number of blue sparkles to dance all over her body. Switching her rapier to her right hand she slid back into a combat stance, her wounds better but not completely healed. Once more her horned glowed and three copies of her appeared next to her two to her left and one to her right. The Commander looked at each of the copies as it crossed its bladed arms in front of its chest. Suddenly it lunged for one of the Trixie’s the one standing before the spell was cast. As the other three leaped away the one the commander went fore didn’t move but smiled at it as the blade passed through her chest causing the illusion to fade away. Turning quickly the commander found another Trixie lunging at it, her blade thrusting for its chest. With a skilled flick of its arm the blade was defected with a rasp of steel as another Trixie lunged at it. Twisting around it parried that blow with another rasp of steel against its blade.

“Trixie is a master of Illusion magic. Which is the real me and which is the fake?” Trixie taunted as another of her illusions lunged. Again the commander was able to block and push Trixie’s blade away but a quick counter attack dissolved that illusion as well leaving only two.

The Quil Commander moved to the offensive as it actively attacked another of Trixie’s clones, with a few quick slashes of its arms Trixie’s blade was deflected and she was wide open for the commander’s blade to plunge into her chest causing that one to dissolve. Without slowing down it lunged for the last one, both arm blades slashing through the air with powerful swipes cutting Trixie in two before she could even react.

As her body hit the ground it too faded from sight causing the Commander to step back a moment and look around. Suddenly it turned and lunged catching the real Trixie in mid attack. Her rapier pressed against the Quil’s blade as the two of them tried to push each other back. Trixie grinned in the face of the Quil Commander.

“I never had a chance to truly test my powers. TO fight one such as you give me the chance I never had before…” Her horn started to glow as the commander raised its other arm and slashed down at her, only to find open air. With a roar of frustration he felt Trixie using its arm as a agility bar as she flipped over it and to its back. The commander tried to turn to strike at her only to find its blade still stuck against Trixie’s as it glowed with her magic. “…I have a chance…” She spoke as she flipped around its head and fell enough to avoid a strike before grabbing the arm that swung at her. “…To grow…” She flipped over that arm to stand on the other then rolled up the arm to avoid another swing. Trixie paused at its back as she clung to its neck. “…To better myself…” She rolled over to the free arm as it tried to stab her. As the commander pulled its arm back Trixie grabbed ahold and with a swing of her body threw herself straight up. Her feet pointed to the sky as she straighten out like an acrobat. Suddenly her blade gave a jerk pulled the commander forward a step causing it to lose its balance for just a moment as her blade launched up towards her. Grabbing it out of the air Trixie flipped forward as she brought her blade downwards. “…TO RISE!” As she plunged her blade into the back of the Quil Commander.

With a roar of agony the Quil Commander fell to its knees as it tried to strike at the mare latched onto its back only for her to pull her blade out and stab again, this time into the back of its head. As it fell unmoving to the ground she hoped off and looked at the Quil Soldiers that surrounded her.

“Trixie says you might want to run.” She calmly told them. The Quil soldiers paused a moment as they glanced at each other. Suddenly as one body they roared and charged only to be met by dragon and rifle fire as Sunset Shimmer and Twilight landed on both sides of her.

“Keep us covered Skylight as she hopped off and embraced Trixie. “You stupid mare I’m going to kick your flank for this.” With a quick kiss to the lips Sunset shook Trixie’s shoulders. “If you pull something like this again I’m going to kill you myself!” Sunset half shouted at her as Trixie smiled back.

“Maybe Trixie should let you on top from time to time if you are going to whine like this.” She said with a wink as her horn glowed and Gypsy started to sparkle with her healing magic. After a moment Gypsy climbed back to her claws.

“My head hurts.” With a quick shake of her head Gypsy spotted Trixie and Sunset’s embrace. “Ma, time to get back to the air. Stop kissing your marefriend and let’s get back to the fighting.” She said.

“I agree, come on you two save the PDAs for later. At least it isn’t as bad as it was during the Academy.” Twilight said as she fired a few more bolts into on coming Quil. Spike chuckled as he blew another stream of green flames.

“Trixie believes you are right.” Pulling away from Sunset she climbed back on Gypsy. After a moment the three of them launched back into the sky as Quil Soldiers swarmed where they stood just moments before.


Shining Armor glanced around the defensive perimeter as more and more Quil appeared before his troops. The Royal guard fought valiantly but they were getting swarmed. Though Twilight’s Beat Squad was doing a pretty good job keeping the soldiers active with their music, if he was honest with himself he would have to admit that the only reason they were still standing before such an onslaught was because of their music, their own magic. He hefted two pistols in his hands, having given up his rifle long ago to a disarmed Armed Forces member. He preferred his pistols anyway, easy to recharge with his own magic and easy to handle. Easy enough to head shot many Quil he fired against. Only the ones known as Fluttershy and Scootaloo were better shots with pistols than he was.

“Sir another wave!” A Royal Guard stallion yelled out.

“Stand strong my friends, hold this line at all costs! The Crystal Heart is about to make its drop.” Shining Armor roared out. All around the collective sound of the soldiers shouting back made him grin as he fired relentlessly into the hoard.

Next to him a Changeling landed. “Sir, south side is starting to buckle!”

“Horse apples!” Shining muttered.

“Go ahead, we got it here. Help them hold it up sir!” Another Royal Guard mare called out. She was one of the few with a melee weapon and had just pushed the body of a Quil Soldier over the edge of the half wall they were fighting behind.

“Thanks, hold the fort folk, I’ll be right back.” Shining yelled out.

“HU RA!” Was the answering reply.

Turning on a heel Shining Armor quickly turned and made for the changeling section of the wall. He could see they were hard pressed just to hold out but the changelings fought valiantly. The pride he felt for those soldiers bolstered him as he rushed in with a battlecry on his lips. His horn glowed as a pink shield appeared and with a sudden thrust pushed the Quil off the wall a moment.

“Send them to Tartarus, for your Queen and for your hive soldiers of the hive!” He shouted back. Every changeling paused, the pause was just a moment, almost easily missed but as one body the whole group suddenly roared in a battlecry of their own. The sheer ferocity of their attack pushed the Quil back. Many Changelings zipped over the barricade, their wings buzzing in anger and pride, and make a quick slash against a Quil Soldier then back to the barricade. Shining Armor looked at the Changelings around him, another burst of pride welled up inside of him as many of the Changelings perked up even more. He couldn’t help but to grin.

{Emotion absorption, even pride is food to them. The energy they need to fight on.} He thought to himself as he shot another Quil. Then he saw it, green bolts of energy intermixed with the blue bolts from the rifles many of them were equipped with. All around him many Changelings had their horns glowing as they not only fired rifles but their own magic as well.

Despite all that was achieved, they were holding the Device to be honest but it wasn’t without their own loses. Many of the Jeep units that rushed to their aid once the Quil started to teleport in were left in burning heaps throughout town, very few were able to make it to them. Shining Armor moved on to the check the section of the wall where Twilight’s troops were holding up. He almost didn’t have to worry about these troops though, they knew how to handle themselves. The few Jeeps that made it though were hold up in this area adding their considerable firepower to the troops there. But he was surprised at the survivors of one jeep unit. Three fillies who seemed to have taken over one small section of the wall. They shouldn’t be here floated across his mind but they were in full uniforms and even he could see the rank bars on their shoulders.

“Scoots, Ah need some accuracy here. Sweetie, shield up, left side they are about to push through.”

Shining watched as the white and orange fillies listened to the yellow filly’s words. A mulberry panel of a shield appeared then suddenly smacked the Quil that was about to strike at a downed soldier off the wall and back into its fellows. It spun around and did the same thing to another near by before it expanded into a full shield. The white filly, Sweetie, had her horn glowing but she didn’t look up from her rifle as she keep Quil at bay.

{She’s good, but a few techniques could make her as good as I am with shields.} he thought as he pulled up next to the orange filly.

“Reloading!” Scoots yelled out as she ducked behind the barrier. That was when Shining Armor saw it, she had wings, but they were stunted.

“I got you covered.” Shining Armor called out as he stepped up to the barrier. He glanced down as he watched her reload with a few flicks of her hands and he grimaced. So young yet she could reload that thing blind folded. As she stood back up she saw who was covering her.

“Captain Armor! Sorry for no salute but I got more pressing matters.” Scootaloo told him as she started to fire into the Quil.

“Quite understandable.” He glanced at her pistol and noted her stance and expert marksstallion or mare taught her how to shoot. “You any good with two?”

“Don’t know haven’t tried.” Scootaloo told him.

“INCOMING ABOVE!” A voice shouted. Scootaloo pointed up wards at the same time Shining Armor did and dropped a few airborn whom were trying to get the drop on them.

“Your good though. Small of my back is another pistol, grab it. It’s a gift from Twilight but I’m too use to using these pistols. It has her auto recharger enchantment on it. May it serve you well.”

“Sir?” Scootaloo asked, her eyes never leaving the Quil before her.

“I’m recharging my own clips as I keep in internal count of my shots. It is too ingrained, I keep trying to recharge that thing but my magic keeps feeding back on me. I’m sticking to these guys here. You take it, and see if Twilight can enchant that second one for you. Get good enough and you can challenge me to a shooting contest.” Shining Armor told her. He glanced to see her grin as she reached behind him and pulled the pistol out of the small back holster. He paused a moment and undid the holster letting it drop at her feet. “I’ll cover you as you put it on. Move!”

Shining Armor grinned to himself. Despite being grounded she was still a Winged Folk and the idea of a challenge, the idea of a contest of skill still appealed to her as much as it did any Winged Folk. He heard of the medical inspection from Twilight and instantly reslized how the little filly was able to pull such a skilled fighter like Rainbow Dash away from her job of taking out the defenders. The challenge yell was something Dash COULDN’T ignore no matter what was on the line. The fact it was another winged folk just made it worst. He noted Scootaloo standing back up and firing into Quil with her new pistol.

“Aww yeah, this is so awesome! Thanks Captain!” Scootaloo called out.

“Welcome soldier now hold this line!”

“Sir!” Scootaloo shouted as Shining Armor slowly worked his way down the line to the yellow filly. As he neared he just smiled. There was nothing he could do for her, she already achieved all he could have taught her already. Just the very feeling of being near her was enough to inspire him as she stood there at her mounted weapon and helping keep the Quil at bay as she directed her crew and those around her to the best she was able. He listened to her a moment and nodded. With her in charge he knew nothing would break through this section of wall.

“Ya need through sir?” Applebloom asked.

“Yes ma’am.” Shining Armor told her simply. She stopped firing a moment and lifted her barrel out of his way allowing him through. “Thank you soldier, keep up the good work.”

“Sir!” Applebloom shouted as she started to fire her weapon again. “Sweetie, push that shield out on mah mark…” Applebloom paused a moment as she lined up another target. “MARK!”

The mulberry colored shield suddenly launched forward from where it was placed knocking Quil over like Ten pins as Shining Armor slid up next to her in the line.

“Pretty good with shields I see.” Shining Armor told her.

“Its my special talent.” Sweetie Belle told him sweetly as she fired her rifle.

{Oh this filly is going to be a heart breaker when she gets just a little older.} Shining Armor said. He thought to his Marefriend, Cadence, she too was a little heartbreaker until she tamed him almost five years ago. {Thankfully she is on our side.}

He watched as she raised another shield nearby. While he wasn’t his sister in anyway he could see the lattice of shields pretty easily. It was pretty impressive to say the least, reaching frequencies that rivaled himself, Twilight or any Alicorn with her shield. But within the lattice he saw something that made him grin.

“Listen up Filly, quick lesion in shelding techs. Pay attention and you can become a master of the warding arts understand me soldier?”

“Sir yes sir!” She shouted without looking up.

{Damn all three are really impressing me, I need to get Twilight to give these fillies some real rank. Assuming we all survive this.} He thought then opened his mouth. “Your lattice is to sloppy. Pull it tighter together. The less space between the lattice structure the less energy needed to maintain it and the stronger it will be. Now drop that shield and try it again, I’ll cover you.”

Sweetie did as she was ordered and dropped the shield as Shining Armor let loose a flurry of energy bolts from his pistols. The Quil, thinking the shield went down because of them rushed in to the perceived weakness only to be met with a grinning Shining Armor dropping them like flies. After a moment the shield went back up. Shining Armor’s jaw wanted to desperately visit the ground but he held his stance only by sheer force of will. The lattice was so tightly packed together it was like Sweetie used a shoe horn to force them together.

“Sweet Celestia it worked. Your right sir, its barely taking anything to maintain!” Sweetie shouted out loud. With a flick of her horn she swung the shield in an arc smashing many Quil into each other. “And I barely felt that too!” The shield moved back into position then suddenly expanded to cover the entire section they were covering. “Applebloom ma’am! New and improved shields are up!”

“Well Horse Apples, color me impressed.” Applebloom said truly impressed at Sweetie Belle, she glanced around like she was looking for someone as a blush crossed her face.

“AB, we live in a barracks now, I don’t think AJ is going to tan your hide for language.” Scootaloo said with a laugh.

“Granny still might.” Applebloom said with a roll of her eyes. “Shut it and keep firing Scoots.”

“Good work soldier. I’ll give you more lessons later.” He glanced around seeing no soldier reaching Sergeant rank around him. “You, Corporal Bloom! I need someone clearly in charge for this section so I’m field promoting you to Sergeant. From the changeling line to the other side of Lance Corporal Belle here is yours keep it secure!” His horn glowed as did her rank pin and shoulder bars as they changed from the two bars of Corporal to the three bars of Sergeant.

Applebloom blinked then nodded at him. “Sir!” As he turned away and Applebloom went back to maintaining the line, no one noticed a small sparkling appering through her fatigue jacket over her hips.


Shining Armor was working his way long the barrier when he heard the thud of arterially being fired. “What in Celestia’s name?” He asked as he worked he way farther down the line where he saw Pinkie Pie and Rarity working her party cannon.

{How did she get that here?} HE thought as Pinkie fired again sending more of her razor streamers into the Quil. {That horse apple just works like bouncy grape shot…}

He watched as many of the Quil dismembered themselves trying to get free of the razor streamers as Pinkie pulled the cannon backwards for Rarity to shove another shell into the front then take a long padded rod and pack it down.

“Clear!” Rarity yelled as Pinkie rolled it forward slightly then fired again. The blast causing it to roll backwards for her to reload again. It was like clockwork, the cannon would fire and roll back Rarity would grab a shell and slam it into the barrel and with one smooth motion ram her rod home and pull out as Pinkie rolled it forward and fired again. He blinked but didn’t say anything as he spotted Applejack directing fire and troops where they were needed. This side of the line was good as well, time to get back to the rest of the royal guard.

He glanced above at the air battle. It was harsh, even he could see that but the air ship kept moving towards her goal.


Thanks to Rainbow Dash’s Sonic Rainboom the Heart started her run but the Quil sure didn’t make it easy for the ship or the Winged Squads flying protection for her.

“Damage report!” Captain High Wind called out from his chair.

“Shields are gone, damage to secondary decks. All but one gun emplacement is offline. Engine one is offline, engine two is fluxing wildly, sir we may have a magicore breach here soon.” An ensign called out.

“I’ll head down there and give them a hand.” Captain High wind looked over his shoulder at his number one and dear friend, Steady Note. After a second he nodded. “Keep my ship together Number One, I’m counting on you.”

“Yes sir.” Note told him as he ran out the door.

“Redirect all power to remaining shield crystals. We need to maintain a defensive form.” High Wind yelled out. He could see the deck from where he sat. Many Quil Airborn were trying to break into the bowels of the ship by the only way open to them, the main deck. Princess, Admiral Cadence, with her bright pink armor fluttered around the battlefield wielding that oversize maul with a one handed ease. Around her many of the Royal Guard, Crystal Marines and even many of the Nightmare Special Forces were fighting a holding action.

Captain High Wind shuttered at the reports he saw about Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon.

After that first battle so many years ago, Luna almost let herself be lost to the rage of her defeat and the shame of those lost that day. In the days to follow as those civilians from Los Pegasus and the remains of the Armed Forces from the beach and those that joined them fled from the advancing Quil, Luna stood on the van guard, never leaving never flinching as she held off the Quil to protect the folk who depended on her. The insanity of battle, the lust of the kill caused Luna to change almost before everyone’s eyes. Those that stood with her, ninety-nine mares and stallions who took their strength from watching one of their Princess fight alongside them changed at the same time.

The transformation was something that was forever burned into the memories of those that saw it but were not changed themselves. Luna seem to grow in height, where once she stood a head shorter than her sister, she now stood a head over Celestia. Her horn grew in length and sharpened to a lethal point. Her mane and tail, both already flowing with an astral breeze turned into pure dark mist. Her thin frame, turned lithe yet powerful the body of a true athlete. Her wings, made of dark feathers that matched her skin turned leathery and bat like. From her mouth sharp teeth appeared giving her a truly predatory look. But her eyes, her eyes held the sharpest change. Her round teal eyes changed into the silted eyes of a dragon. Her weapon, the Lunar Lance, grew in length with wicked looking serrations forming along the bladed end becoming Lunar Eclipse.

Those around her also changed, their skin turned into a dull gray. No matter what they were, all grew leathery bat like wings. Their eyes slitting like hers as each of them took on a predatory look becoming Thestrals and instantly loyal to their creator. It was the first time anything defeated the Quil and while nothing was able to come from the victory the retreat was saved. Nightmare Moon was truly blood thirsty and was willing to wade into the enemy to sate her blood lust as seen during that battle but something stopped her. She looked to the sky and nodded at something then turned to face her sister who could only stand there, her jaw hanging open but fear in her eyes.

IF there was one thing both princesses feared it was a Nightmare being born. Negative emotions, buried deep within an Alicorn could give rise to a powerful Nightmare if unleashed and Luna just unleashed all the rage and hate that had built up within her. The Nightmare that was her sister walked up to her then set her wicked lance on the ground before her.

“Sister, it is still I Luna. Yes this is a Nightmare form but I am NOT a Nightmare. This form, forged from the fires of battle shall be mine to bare as long as these creatures roam our fair land.”

Celestia was shocked but she could see into the eyes, while slitted and full of hate, she could still see her sister in there. She wasn’t lost, just powerful…

Captain High Wind Watched as Nightmare Moon herself zipped through the sky with a blood curling scream on her lips as she slaughtered the Quil. He knew part of that was anger for being denied the right to kill the Quil Commander from before. At least she was putting it to good use.

“Captain, we can’t contain the magicore for long. Too much damage to the engines and shields, it is starting to overload from the excess energy. I give it two minutes tops sir!” Note’s voice came over a small crystal on his chair.

“We have five minutes until drop find anyway you can to bleed off that excess energy and hold her together for five minutes. That’s an order.”

“Yes sir.” He didn’t sound too happy but High wind knew his number one would do it to the best of his abilities.

But before he could think of anything else his ship was rocked by a power explosion. Many on deck were knocked off their feet as the Crystal Heart started to list port side dangerously.

“No can do Captain. Last engine just went offline and the magicore is about to go critical. We got to abandon ship. Core breach in thirty seconds.”

High Wind slammed his fist on his chair’s arm and flicked the switch for a general announcement when a female voice called out

“Wait!” All eyes on the bridge turned to the crystal mare standing at the engineering station of the bridge. “Initializing Crystal Heart Rewiring Sequence…” Her fingers flew over the console as diagrams and outlines appeared before her eyes. “Rerouting excess power through secondary system buffers, transferring energy to primary systems: Engines, Weapons, Shields.” Multilayer displays appeared as with on hand she started to actively redrawing the magical lay lines that threaded through out the ship. “Improving Shield Frequency, cycling weapon emplacement repair codes. Writing Crystal Heart repair lines.”

“Captain? Is something happening up there? Magicore power output just dropped by forty percent, core breach avoided captain but we are still dead in the water.”

“Standby Engineering, standby.” High Wind could only breathe as he watched. He didn’t think it was possible for some folk to rewrite lay lines on the fly as she was doing. Whole damage lines were rerouted and rewired around the damaged sections restoring full function to systems. He watched as her hands were a blur.

“Initializing repair and recrystallization procedures. Activating repair lay lines.” The mare called out, then suddenly she stopped as all screens disappeared leaving only a single glowing red spot with two flashing words over it. “Activating Crystal Heart…OVER DRIVE!” Slapping her hand down on the red flashing panel every station in the ship suddenly started to glow brightly.


Quick Pen could only watch in horror as the Airship stalled, a second plum of smoke started to bellow from the second engine as he lifted his mike. “The Crystal Heart is dead in the water, only a few hundred meters from the beam the Crystal Heart is unable to continue as both engines are disabled. It looks like the mission is a failure, so close yet so far away. Wait, the heart is starting to list to its port side, I can see folk from where I’m standing clutching the rails to keep from falling off. She’s going down, the Crystal Heart is going…wait. The Heart is starting to glow, why is it starting to glow is it going to explode…Sweet Celestia the ship just changed. The damage looks to be gone and the ship is straightening itself out. Its back on course and pulling up alongside the beam. This is it every folk listening to me this is the moment of truth, we find out now if the theory is true or false. Everyone pray, pray to the great mother above that this works.”

Unbeknownst to Quick Pen, that is exactly what most of the folk listening to his broadcast were doing. Praying, and praying really hard.

“Ensign, hold her steady now. All thrusters to position keeping, gunners try to keep the Quil away from the hoist arm and the engine crystals. Maintain position.” Captain High Wind tapped his crystal on his chair. “Number one, get to the hoist arm and oversee deployment. We don’t have much time the Quil assault is starting to intensify.”

“I read you Captain Loud and clear. I’m on my way.”


Steady Note ran through the ship as fast as he could heading for the main hold where he found a number of his crew loading the hoist crane with the crystal.

“Get that Crystal into place its time to figure out if this is worth it.” Note yelled out.

With a shout the crew managed to get the crystal into place as Note stood by the controls.

“Captain, hoisting the crystal now. Stand by for drop.”

“Copy that Number One. WE are in position and ready to go.”

As Note raised the hoist he watched the Crystal start to rise up. From the deck doors he saw many folk flying and blasting Quil as they swarmed around the heart.

“Hoist in the air. Moving to the beam.” Note called out as the hoist started to move towards the beam.


Quick Pen looked through his binoculars as he watched the Crystal Heart start to deploy the crystal.

“This is it folks, here we go. The crystal is in position and deploying…now. The crystal is falling, I can see a flux in the beam. It looks like its working, the crystal is falling and wait… the crystal has been knocked out of the beam by a Quil and by Celestia the crystal has been destroyed. The Quil has intercepted the Crystal and destroyed it. Sweet Celestia it failed, but the reaction of the Quil maybe it was a good idea. Maybe we can try again, the idea is sound.” HE paused as he listened to the radio a moment. “It is confirmed, General Celestia just called for the retreat of all forces, the Heart is starting to fall back way from the beam the surviving Winged Squads pulling away along with the airship…” He paused as another voice cut over the Radio.

“This is 1st Sergeant Sparkle to the Rangers. Hold positions, I repeat HOLD POSITION! We are NOT out of this fight yet!”

“Sparkle? What are you up to?” Quick Pen said with a puzzled eyebrow as he lifted his binoculars again.


Twilight started to climb with Shimmer and Lulamoon tight on her six. Behind her three of her six Winged Squads followed as they carved a path through the swarming Quil.

“Twi, what are you planning?” Rainbow Dash yelled out as she caught up with her.

“There is more than one way to reverse that flow.” She glanced at the beam then at Rainbow Dash.

“How?” Sunset asked from next to her.

“I’m going in.” Before any folk could react Twilight slipped off her saddle and into the air. Her horn glowing changing Spike back to his normal form causing Skylight to react and catch him before he fell too far.

“Twilight!” Three mares and one dragon yelled out as they watched her fall. Within moments a bright purple shield appeared around her.

“Keep them off of me! That’s an order!”

Rainbow Dash was the first to react zipping after Twilight shooting any Quil that got too close. “Twi you don’t have to do this!”

“The only other ones who can do this are Alicorns. I’m the only Horned One with enough power to do this. You know what will happen if this fails Rainbow, you KNOW!” Twilight yelled at her. Rainbow held her tongue as she flew alongside the falling Twilight. “Watch the base for me Rainbow, listen to Applejack.” She looked over at Rainbow Dash through the shield as Sunset and Trixie caught up followed by the rest of the Winged Squads. “I’m proud of you all and I’m proud to have served with each and every single one of you.”

With those words she turned in air and entered the beam, energy splashing off her shield as she fell.

“Dash Report!” Applejack called over the radio.

“It’s Twilight. She just threw herself into the beam to try to reverse it. I can see her from here, a glowing purple sphere falling in the beam. Wait a minute, her decent is slowing down. She’s getting caught up in the beam.” Rainbow told her.

She paused a moment as a light flash across her eyes. Behind her Fluttershy felt the same light cross before her vision as well. Below them Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity had the same thing happen to them. All five knew instantly what it meant. Twilight needed them and needed them now. Without a word Rainbow pushed herself at full speed for the ground where she knew her friends were at. Right behind her was Fluttershy.

“I’m with you Dash.” She calmly said.

“I rather have no one else watching my flank than you Shy.” Rainbow told her as she flipped to her feet and landed. Instantly Applejack was there grabbing her hands as Rainbow took off again. With a graceful spin Fluttershy also landed as Rarity grabbed her hands before taking off to follow Rainbow Dash into the sky.

Below them Pinkie Pie pointed her cannon straight up and dropped a strange object into it with a chain dangling out of the muzzle. Wrapping the change around her hand she fired her cannon. The object shot out and pulled her along with a loud squeal of excitement. The five of them shot over Twilight’s shield then merged into the beam. The pure mana energy being sent out wards burned them. Rarity nearly screamed in pain as the mana started to over load her horn. Before she could pass out she put up a pale blue shield deflecting much of the energy away from her and her friends. Below they could easily see Twilight’s shield ahead of them.

“Twilight Darling, we are coming to help you!” Rarity called out. Thanks to all the mana flowing through and around her she was able to see Twilight’s shield frequency with ease and was able to merge with it.

“What are you doing here?” Twilight asked in shock as her friends pulled in beside her. As they grabbed each other hands Twilight felt something connect from her friends to her.

“WE refuse to let you do this alone. Like it or not Twilight, you are one of us and we will do this together!” Fluttershy said fiercely.

“Agreed. You may be all powerful but even you need us to help.” Rainbow told her. The others nodded at her.

“Then lend me your power. Each of you have your own magics, let’s use it all to push this back to where it came from.”

Five voiced shouted their agreement as each of them started to glow. Applejack a deep amber, Pinkie pie a light blue, Rarity a dark purple, Fluttershy a bright pink, Rainbow Dash a bright red as Twilight’s purple shield turned into a pale purple.

Those at the base of the Device, both Quil and Folk, could only watch in awe as what looked to be a rainbow started to move downwards towards the ground. In the distance Quick Pen was only able to describe what was happening out of reflex as he watched.

Every being, Quil and Folk alike could only stand helpless as they felt the waring magics clash. But finally the Rainbow slowly over came the upwards push of the beam and touched down on the ground with a flash of light. Above the entire beam turned into a rainbow as it rushed back into the land around them changing the barren brown earth back into its vibrant green grass and flowers. Even the buildings seem to reclaim their color as the shock wave from the reversal pushed out wards. As the rainbow subsided folk slowly made out six figures floating feet over the ground with in each of the colors of the rainbow. As it faded out the figures touched down.

“Twily?” Shining Armor asked. Every folk on the ground and in the sky, even those on the Crystal Heart could only watch in awe as the six mares opened their white glowing eyes. Floating in front of them was a single gem shaped like their cutie marks. As one body they reached out and touched the gems in front of them causing them to glow and change shape.

“The Elements of Harmony?! It can’t be…but they have changed…how?” Celestia breathed in shock at what she was seeing.

Once the glowing faded everyone could see exactly what changed, and the Quil were quick to finally react as they charged the still unmoving mares. As the Quil approched they suddenly reacted to protect themselves. One lunged at Applejack but she reached up and with a strength untold stopped it cold with on hand. With a simple jerk she pulled the Quil off balance then punched it sending it flying into the Quil behind it. Rainbow Dash whipped some sort of rod across in front of her slicing three Quil in half as Twilight and Rarity quickly parried and stabbed two quil attacking them. Pinkie, with a giggle danced out of the way of a Quil strike then slammed something into its head as she hopped up to match its height, then twisted to land another blow on the one who was attacking Fluttershy who simple stood there behind a glowing pink shield.

Seeing that their battle was lost the Quil promptly vanished from the field of battle. As the folk looked around in shock and amazement a filly was the first to break the silence.

“We won!” Sweetie Belle yelled out at the top of her lungs. With the spell broken every folk around started to cheer at the tops of their lungs and rushed the six mares as they stood there.

“Twilight! You did it!” Shining Armor called out as he looked his sister over.

“We did? We survived? We shouldn’t have…and what is this?” Twilight asked as she hefted the sword now in her hand. The handle was a dark purple with a pale purple blade extending nearly three feet. The pommel stone was a large six pointed star that looked like her Cutie Mark. At her side a sheath hung there waiting for the blade it belonged to. Still shocked Twilight slowly put her blade away and looked up at her brother. “What happened?”

“I don’t know, but some how you did it you brought the mana back to the land and look what you got as well.” He said touching the pommel stone. Then he looked at each of her friends and saw they two were looking at their new adornments in puzzlement.

Applejack’s boots were covered with golden boot covers and her hands now sported gloves with golden knuckles on them, an orange apple appeared on all four of her limbs. Rarity had a slim bladed rapier in her hand. The handle a deep purple with the blade only slightly lighter than the handle. The pommel stone of he weapon was a deep purple diamond, she too had a sheath on her side. Rainbow Dash held a glave with a red lighten bolt for the blade that was only slightly shorter than she was tall. The new black strap across her chest showed where her holster was located. Fluttershy looked at the tiny shield on her right arm. Small and golden it barely extended past her wrist with a pink butterfly in the center of it. Behind her Pinkie Pie leaned against what looked to be a light blue oversize hammer. The head of it a shining light blue jewel that was rounded on one end and had a slight jut on the other. To Shining’s eye it looked like a balloon.

Before anyone could say anything there was the flap of wings as two dragon riders and three Alicorn princesses landed with a thud. Nightmare Moon pausing long enough to change back into Luna the three of them approached Twilight and her friends, the crowd of Changeling and Folk parting for the three of them.

“Twilight, I…I am amazed.” Celestia said with a serene smile on her face. “The six of you have some how revived the Elements of Harmony.” She looked at their new weapon forms. “And it seams that even the Elements are eager to end this fight, having learned their lesson from when my sister and I tried to wield them against the Quil Emperor.” She glanced over to where Princess Cadence and Pinkie Pie were comparing their weapons to each others. “Keep them with you, for you are the new bearers of the Elements: Honesty, Generosity, Laughter, Kindness, Loyalty and Magic. But every unique weapon requires a name…” Celestia said.

Applejack nodded and lifted her fists. “Honesty Dusters.”

Rarity whipped her rapier through the air as she got a feel for the weapon. It felt like it belonged there. “Generous Gift.”

Fluttershy looked at the tiny shield on her arm and with a thought formed the golden shield around herself and her friends before dropping it. “Kindness’ Shield…if that is ok with you.” She smiled at General Celestia who nodded at her. Then her gaze turned to Rainbow Dash who stood puzzled at her weapon.

“This sucker is a bit long, but light. Quick and agile, a nice glaive to be honest but not my style but you know what I kinda like it. Loyalty Glaive is a fitting name for it.” She said without looking up. Then when a flip of the weapon over her shoulder it easily slid in to its sheath.

Pinkie giggled as she lifted her weapon and swung it a few times and nodded at Princess Cadence. “We can practice from time to time. I’m sure Love Struck would love to get to know Random Giggle here. They can be best of friends.” Pinkie said causing everyone around her to giggle slightly.

All eyes turned to Twilight as she pulled her blade back out and looked at it. “The blade that houses the Element of Magic, shall be known as...Starfall.”

Chapter 11: No Rest for the Weary

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Chapter 11: No Rest for the Weary

It has been two days since Ponyville was freed from the Quil. Two days since hope was restored to Equestria. While everyfolk and changeling returned to their own bases, many for their own celebration, the folk of the Everfree Base spent the last two days working on restoring Ponyville to its former glory. Something that bothered Twilight was the destruction of the Golden Oaks Library. Since the Nexus was right under the library the Quil, with their ruthless efficiency, leveled and cleared the area. The ring itself, the pieces from when the power back washed and broke it, were collected for study. Despite being a soldier of the Armed Forces even she could enjoy a good book and the loss of the Library bothered her. She stood near the reconstruction efforts of the Library as Applejack joined her.

“Got ah moment sugercube?” Applejack asked as she stood next to her watching the library slowly being cleared out.

“Sure AJ, what's up?” She sighed. “I'm watching this and something tells me this would have been important to me some how.” With a shrug of her shoulders she looked at a smiling AJ.

“Mare...sorry Mayor wants to see you.” Applejack said with a jerk of her thumb over her shoulder.

“This should be a fun meeting, lead on AJ, I'm right behind you.” Twilight rolled her eyes. She couldn't help it since she has been expecting this meeting for two days now.

Applejack led her to the town hall, still under construction itself and to the back office. Inside they found Mayor Mare sitting at her desk flipping through a few reports. Hog tied next to the wall was a vibrating Pinkie Pie. Even with the gag in her mouth they could see the grin about to cut her head in two.

“You wanted to see me ma'am?” Twilight asked as she walked up to the desk. She eyed Pinkie a moment. “I take it she wouldn't calm down about a party?”

“Correct. I told her to wait until Town Hall was restored and she could throw the biggest party ever but a few of the stallions working here threatened to hit her up side the head with a few sledges if she didn't stop bothering them. To save her life I rounded up a posse and got her tied up here.” She glanced to where Pinkie was starting to slide across the floor from her vibrating. “I promise to let her go as soon as the work on Town Hall is done, but they guess it might be another day before they are done.”

“That's ok Mayor, in fact I thank you. I'm going to need Pinkie down the road having her head caved in won't help that.”

“Assuming those sledges don't just bounce off her rubbery mass o' curls she calls a mane.” Applejack said with a slight laugh. She watched as Pinkie started to move around the floor using her tail as another limb. “Ah swear that mare ain't natural.”

Twilight glanced over a smiled then turned back to Mare. “I'm sure there is something else you wanted to talk about.”

Mare paused a moment then nodded. “Might as well get it out of the way. Twilight, I'm sorry 1st Sergeant Sparkle...” She paused when Twilight held up her hand.

“Just Twilight will do for now Mare.” Twilight told her with a smile. Mare nodded.

“Twilight then, I'm sure you are expecting this.” She pointed at a folder on her desk. “That's the resignation papers for those that want to return to their normal lives in Ponyville.

Twilight picked it up and leafed through the folder that was much smaller than she thought it would be and should be, an eyebrow rising at just who wanted to leave.

“I see most of the Apple Clan, that's to be expected. I was thinking Big Mac would be in here as well. I see Mr Cake has put in, good he needs to be with his wife and foals. I see a number of those with foals have pulled out good. I won't even question those resignations. But I don't see Derpy in here.” Twilight said outloud.

“That's the funny thing. She was in here not long ago to do just that but her husband Time Turner came in told her that he 'found it' and that he saw that she can't resign yet. He seemed torn though, after spending years as a politician I can tell when someone is trying to feed a line. He was telling her to stay but not happy about having to do so. He looked pained in fact.” Mare told her as she sat down. She stuck out her foot and pushed Pinkie back to her side of the office.

Twilight looked at her and nodded. “Guess I need to have a talk with Time Turner...” She looked over at Pinkie. “I think she's about to have stroke if we don't get her a place to hold her party and soon.” Twilight said pointing at the twitching Pinkie Pie.

“You might be right.” She looked at Twilight. “If you have no problem with those that are resigning then I'll let them know they are releaved of duty.”

“With honors Mare, though I'll do it right after the one duty no commanding officer wants to do. I want all personnel, including those in that folder in the town square in three hours. We are going to pay our last respects.”

Mare couldn't help but to salute as Twilight turned and walked out of the office.


Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie (finally freed from her bonds) stood before what remained of the fountain in the town square. All around them, folk in full uniform of the Armed Forces along with nearly everyfolk of Ponyville stood at attention.

“We are gathered here today to pay our final respects to the brave folk who gave their lives in the battle to free our homes. But that is not all they did, they died giving back hope to all folk across Equestria, across the world. To the rest of the world they will forever be remembered as heroes. For us though, they are our brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters.” Twilight paused a moment as everyone lowered their head. “From the earth we came to the earth we return, we commit these bodies to the ground. May their spirits find their way to the Elysian Fields to take their deserved places there.” She nodded towards Pinkie Pie, her hair straighten, who lifted a bugle to her lips and started to blow the funeral song as near by a seven folk raised their rifles and fired three bolts into the air apiece as Twilight and all those in uniform pulled to attention and saluted towards cemetery hill. In the distance a few folk could be seen lowering a number of caskets into the ground. As Pinkie finished her song Twilight's salute fell, the rest of her Rangers doing the same. “Those that placed a resignation please stay, the rest of you are dismissed.

The ones that were left in the square Twilight looked over with a smile, a smile many returned to her. “I have received your papers and for each of you I have no problems with releaving each of you for duty with full honors you deserve. I have been honored to serve with each of you and I pray that the path you walk is one of peace.”

Each of them walked up to her and with a simple salute or a shake of her hand the small crowd before her slowly dissipated. Once the square was clear Twilight sat down on the fountain's edge her thoughts melancholy. After a moment she turned to looked at the damaged fountain.

“I hate this part of command.” She muttered to herself as she glanced at cemetery hill. “Buckle up Sparkle, this is war death is going to happen, no one can escape it no one can avoid it. Where will you be when the Pale Mare comes for you? What will you do when you see her gaze meet yours? When she comes you should have served proudly and with honor to look her in the eyes and tell her 'Another Soldier reporting, I have served my time in Tartarus'. Or will you cower before her knowing you are without honor?” She looked back at the fountain and sighed. It was a saying Drill Sergeant would tell them as they drilled. Some how the saying was appropriate for what she was doing.

Twilight glanced up from her musings and saw a folk she wanted to talk to. Time Turner, walking down the street towards the market square, Dinky clutching his brown trench coat as she skipped along happily with her father, still oddly enough wearing the Irregular uniform from when she helped in the first battle of Ponyville. Even from where she sat she could see his smile at his daughter. It was something both he and Derpy needed to do. Her horn lit up before she vanished in a flash of purple light another flash she appeared not far from Time Turner.

{Why did he stop Derpy from...} Twilight started to think to herself when a voice called out interrupting her thought.

“Doctor!” Twilight paused at the voice. Glancing up she saw Derpy coming in for a landing and quickly stepped into a small alley.

“Mommy!” Dinky called out and jumping into her mother's arms.

“My little muffin, have you been behaving for your father?” Derpy asked.

“Yes momma. Daddy and I were just talking a walk. We were looking at what we needed to fix our house.” Dinky told her.

“That's good.” Derpy gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek then looked up at Time Turner. “You ok? I recognize that look in your eyes. You are over thinking something again.”

“I'm so, so sorry my dear. I'm so sorry you had to see that. I'm so, so sorry that I had to tell you want that was you saw.” There were tears running down his eyes. “Please forgive me for what I have done.”

Derpy reached up and touched his face softly with a hand. “My dear Doctor, I told you before until death do us part and even if I know when that will be. I will face it as you have taught me, with determination and bravery. I will not run from my fate.”

“Mommy, what are you talking about?” Dinky asked. Before Derpy could answer Time Turner answered instead.

“What we are talking about is something that your mother has seen. You are of my blood, and thus my heir to a mighty legacy. Remember that wonderful adventure we went on before the war started?” Dinky laughed as she reached over and climbed into her father's arms.

“Yes I remember that one, we had fun and ran a lot. Running on four legs was fun!” She squeaked happily.

“Yes, we had a load of fun. And four legs is something your father did a lot before he came here. Hands are infinity more useful, like for instants tickling daughters.” Dinky squealed as Time Turner started to tickle her. After a moment he stopped his assault letting Dinky catch her breath before he continued. “And that will be your legacy to take once this war is over. We will see many new things and many new beings.” His eyes lit up as a wide grin spread across his face. “And the running, don't forget the running! And you will do that, if you so choose to when you are old enough, and time you will have all the time you will ever need.” Then his eyes grew sad. “But your mother, she will not be able to come with us. Her fate, is to stay here. She will do something of great importance but she wont' be able to come with us.”

Dinky turned to her mother with a scared look in her eyes. “Mommy can't go with us? But she came with us last time!”

“I know my little muffin.” Time Turner told her. “But your mother has something she needs to do, something that saddens me as much as it saddens you.”

Derpy stepped close to her family, one of her wings coming out and tickling Dinky along her side causing her to giggle as she hugged the two of them. “But know your mother does this so you can have that very life your father described. You will, with this legacy, see many things. You will know many things and some things will make you sad. Somethings you will have to do because you have no choice. But you are your father's daughter and I know you will make the right choices in your long life. If you ever wonder about if you are doing the right thing, know that your mother is very proud of you as is your father.” She kissed Dinky on the nose then kissed Time Turner as she stepped back. “I do believe that you were really going to spend some time with 'Sexy' was it? Just be sure to keep our little Muffin safe.”

“Not to worry, our Muffin is as dear to me as she is to you. I'll keep her safe at all costs. So will our friend, she has gotten use to the fact that she is my first love, but you are my true love.” Time Turner told her with a small smile. Then he gave a small toss to Dinky upwards as he turned to walk away. “Now my little Muffin, let's see what we will see today.”

“Be safe you two.” Derpy said with a wave. Once Time Turner and Dinky rounded a bend Derpy stopped waving. “You can come out now First Sergeant.” She turned and threw a salute at Twilight as she stepped out of the alleyway.

Twilight saluted back causing Derpy to take a parade rest stance. “Want to explain all that? You knew I was coming to talk to Time Turner and intercepted him then sent him away.” Twilight asked.

“Permission to speak freely?” Derpy asked causing Twilight to smile.

“You don't have to ask Sergeant.” Twilight told her with a nod.

“A lot of that was for you yes. It was my way or should I say our way of telling you that we, Time Turner and I, have talked it over and I must stay on with you Twilight. You are going to do great things, but you will need every soldier you can get your hands on to help you. I know a lot of us has taking the chance to raise our foals, but Dinky has her father and I will always be nearby. Dinky isn't losing a mother but gaining a Legacy to follow.” Derpy winked at her, the effect slightly lessened by the fact her other eye was wondering towards the nearby wall. “I'm just here to tell you that I am one of your Rangers and ready to follow orders MA'AM!”

Twilight shook her head. “Are all winged folk this stubborn or did I just get lucky? Dismissed Sergeant and report to duty at your next scheduled time.” With a quick salute Derpy spun on a heel and took off into the sky with a flair of her wings. “And I'm keeping an eye on you Ms. Derpy Whooves, I saw that corrected error on your papers.” She muttered to herself as she watched her fly away.


Twilight sat at a desk in the town hall a few hours later looking over a report or two, Rarity sitting with her.

“To be honest Darling, you could pick either place for your Command Post and it will work. Both have advantages and both have disadvantages.”

“I know, if I Post up here in the village I still have access to Mare and her admin team to help with the logistics of the Rangers. I pick the castle I need a new Admin team. Ponyville isn't as secure as the Castle, but if the Quil want to attack the Everfree base they got to go through Ponyville.” Twilight head desked with a faint 'Ow' of pain.

“Well doesn't that bring back memories.” Rarity said with a lady like laugh. “Chin up Darling it can't be that bad.”

“Bad enough.” Twilight said through the desk, not bothering to lift her head. “If I just had something to break this tie between the two options.”

“How about this? The Everfree base already has everything you need to run a Command Post. Have Mayor Mare train a few new Admin staff for you to use. And with all the civilians out of the base and back in Ponyville, we will have more space for both troops and supplies.” Rarity told her.

Twilight's head perked up, a grin spreading across her face. “And that is what I was looking for, thank you Rarity. Everfree it is, you still up for being command staff?” Rarity rubbed the back of her head.

“I'm not sure Darling. You see it was fine for a Sergeant like me to be command staff, most of the Rangers consisted of Ponyville Irregulars and very few if any made it past Sergeant. Now that you are getting your own true command and being supplied by new recruits and vets alike, well some of those vets won't like taking orders from a simple Sergeant.”

“I'll field promote you if I have to. You five did well in helping me out, I could use that help again.” Twilight told her.

“Even with out the offer of a promotion you can consider yourself helped.” Rarity told her.

“Thank you Rarity, you have no idea how much this means to me. I'll get the rest of the girls in on it too along with Shimmer and Trixie. I need folk I can trust in key positions in the Everfree.” Twilight told her causing Rarity to pause.

“Why is that Darling?” Rarity asked, with those simple words Twilight froze.

“They are already trying to take my command away from me.” Twilight said as she turned in her chair to look out the window. “General Celestia and General Luna have granted me command but there are those that want to make us into nothing more than weapons.” She turned back around and leaned back in her chair, elbows on the arm rests and her fingers laced in front of her mouth. “Basically the six of us squad up and put through Special Forces training. I've seen some of it, its the sort of training that breaks a folk into nothing then rebuilds them from the ground up in the perfect image of the Armed Forces. You can see what's wrong with that picture?”

“Very much so.” Rarity said as she touched the hilt of Generous Gift. “If we are nothing more than ordering following robots we can't wield Harmony. Generous here is already recoiling from the thought.”

“Exactly, that's not going to happen but there are those who are trying to become commander of the Rangers so they can be in command of the 'Harmony Squad' as they are already calling us.”

“Hope they plan on changing the name of the Rangers then, without you in charge the whole unit will disband.” Rarity growled as she leaned back in her chair as well, uncaring just how unladylike like it was.

Twilight stood up and walked around the desk. “Find Pinkie Pie and tell her that the party will be held in the Everfree Base, open for everyone in Ponyville. Start getting the troops and the supplies enroute, tell Pinkie to also take a moment to get the supply trains rolling again. I want to be eighty percent within a week. I'll find the others and enlist them as well. Dismissed.”

Rarity jumped to her feet and saluted with a wide grin on her face then daintily trotted out the door. As she ran out Twilight smiled at herself.

{Going to be a long week, but worth it.}


“SPARKLE!” A voice shouted as Twilight ran across town for Sweet Apple Acres, she was going to find Applejack and get her on board but somefolk, who's voice was very familiar to her, stopped her. Skidding to a stop, one hand resting on Starfall to keep her balance, Twilight looked up to see Sunset walking up to her with Trixie right behind her, both didn't have happy looks on their faces as all three dragons followed after them. Spike looked a little embarrassed while the other two, Gypsy and Skylight, seemed a little smug as they approached her. Twilight groaned as her head sagged.

“Sparkle do you have any idea what I just caught our dragons doing?” Sunset asked her. Twilight lifted her head to look at her.

“You want Snark or Honesty?” Twilight asked with a deadpan look on her face. Shimmer blinked at her a moment then smiled.

“You pick, you never could pull off Snark too well.”

“If it has anything to do with what I caught you and Trixie doing back during basic, on many occasions, I really don't want to hear about it right now.” Twilight said without missing a beat, the deadpan look on her face never moved.

As both Trixie and Sunest blinked at her Twilight's horn lit up and Spike floated over to her.

“Um...yes mom?” Spike asked as he hovered there, fear creeping into his voice.

“What happened?” It was a simple question but also such a loaded question too.

“Um well, I gave both Skylight and Gypsy a gem.” Twilight raised her eyebrow at him. “It was a Heart Ruby, each. It has a special meaning to dragons when a male gives to a female. I...I like them both Twilight. I think I really like them so I made a move to form a flight with them.”

“Is that all? You are just forming what we would call a herd, fine I can live with that, but Sunset and Trixie wouldn't have came at me like this if something didn't test their sensibilities. You know how loose those are so what happened and if you lie to me Spike trust me you won't like what I'm going to do.” Twilight glared at him.

“It's...complicated. Nothing...happened but we were starting to nest together. Basically we ended up falling asleep in a dragon pile, something that only familiar groups of dragons do.” Spike told her.

Twilight looked between Spike and the other two dragons then back to Spike. “Nesting, sleeping together. Keep it at a simple dragon pile as you put it, I gave you the talk already, I'm trusting you to behave yourself around the girls until AFTER this war ends. I'm pretty sure neither Sunset or Trixie would want to find out their dragons are about to lay a clutch of eggs in the middle of a battle.” She looked at the other two. “And I hope you two can keep yourselves under control as well.”

“Yes ma'am.” Skylight and Gypsy both said at the same time as Spike was levitated between the two of them and dropped to his clawed feet.

“Good, and if I hear anything other wise...” Twilight left the threat hanging causing the three of them to nod vigorously. With a nod at the three of them she looked up at the two mares in front of her.

“How do you know all of that?” Trixie asked slightly amazed.

“The Dragon Queen herself.” Twilight watched as the dragons ran off some where. “When she came to Canterlot to talk to Celestia about the dragons joining the war I took the time to ask some questions for Spike's sake. He was there and much of what the Queen told us Spike took to heart. It wasn't long after that Spike formally requested of both the Queen and of Celestia to join the war effort. It was that question that dragged me into the war as well.” Twilight walked up and slid between the two of them and put her hands on there shoulders as she started forward again. “There are some days that I wonder if that was a good thing that Spike asked that question or not.” She mused.

“Uh, Twilight? You ok?” Sunset asked.

“I'm about ten seconds away from a full on break down to be honest.” Twilight started.

“Trixie agrees. You have all the signs of of a Twilight grade break down.” Trixie told her as she looked at Twilight. She reached up and pulled Twilight's hand off of her shoulder.

“At least you noticed. I have a dilemma on my hands girls. As you know I have been placed in charge of the Everfree base, well the base is no longer needed since the liberation of Ponyville, but I'm still in charge of the Rangers. I need a base of operations. If I get the Everfree base set back up as the Ranger's Base of operations then I don't have to worry about some folk coming in and trying to change everything. Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Dash and myself are now pretty important. I rather stay commander of the Rangers instead of some brass' weapon to deploy when he or she wants to. General Celestia and General Luna won't do that to us, but I have already had those wanting me to join their troops. If I get reassigned we ALL get reassigned. Do you want that?”

Sunset and Trixie looked at each other a moment. Twilight watched as the two of them used that silent talking to each other that those folk that have been together for a while can understand from each other. Finally without a word passing between them Sunset and Trixie nodded at her.

“Ok you got us. What do we do?” Trixie asked her with a roll of her eyes.

“Stay with me pretty much. If I got a Dragon Rider Wing, some Winged Squads and a few Ground Troops then I can keep enough forces to make a decent force. I'm sure I can even get a few Jeep squads in this as well. I rather be my own force than take commands from someone wanting to advance their career.” Twilight looked at the two of them. “You two will more than likely be your own squad until I get a few more riders.”

Sunset looked at Trixie and frowned then back to Twilight. “Listen Twilight, while I don't blame you really and personally I rather work with you cause you know what you are doing, can simple soldiers like us even hope to change orders when we get direct orders? We are soldiers not rebels. Trained and conditioned to follow orders. Its what we are!”

“Even if those orders go against the best thing that could happen to us?” Twilight asked.

“Again, WE. ARE. SOLDIERS. We follow orders no mater how off or wrong they are. It is what we are trained for and it was what we should do.” She looked at the two mares before her. “Trust me Twilight, I fully agree that this is the best thing to happen to the two of us and if everyfolk gets reassigned its going to break up more than just the two of us. I need to know if this is possible, I need to know I'm not going to worry about Trixie who's Celestia knows where. Convince me Twilight, convince me to break every order I have been given right now, convince me that you can be the CO I can believe in and don't point at those fancy weapons you girls got, I could honestly care less. Prove to me you are worth it.” Sunset told her jabbing her finger into Twilight's chest at each point. Something in her eyes was pleading with Twilight to do her best.

With a slow nod Twiligth pulled Starfall from its sheath and stabbed it point first into the ground and grabbed the hilt in both hands as she locked eyes with Sunset.

“I swear, on the Element of Magic, Starfall that I will not stop until the Quil have been driven from Equestria's lands. I will do everything in my power, even if it comes to disobeying a direct order, to keep all of those under my command safe. I promise that those who follow me shall not be used as nothing more than tools to farther the goals of those that see us as nothing more than tools. The only thing I cannot promise is we all will come home. I don't even expect to come home at the end of the day, but I can say that no death will be in vain.”

Sunset looked at her a moment then nodded as she reached into her fatigue pocket and pulled out a folded note and handed it to her. Twilight pulled her blade out of the ground and resheathed it. Taking the note she looked at it then glared at the offending piece of paper as if she was trying to make it burst into flames even though it stubbornly refused to do so. Trixie looked at Sunset with a raised eye.

“What is it Sunset?” Trixie asked laying a hand on Sunset's.

“Something that I hoped wouldn't have happened.” Sunset told her. Trixie looked at Twilight who handed her the note.

1st Sergeant Sunset Shimmer,

You are under orders to report to Canterlot Command within twenty four hours for your new post. Failure to follow these orders will result in you being declared AWOL and is punishable as such under military code of law.

Colonel Blueblood of the Canterlot command.

“WHAT?!” Trixie shouted as she crumpled up the note as her horn lit up only for Twilight to grab her horn disrupting her spell. Trixie glanced at Twilight and growled at her.

“Hold on a moment. I need that note.” She turned where the Dragons went. “SPIKE!” Though nothing was heard the sudden heaviness in the air spoke louder than words that Spike heard the call and groaned.

Twilight ignored the feeling and pulled out a note pad. She quickly wrote two notes, tearing them out as Spike walked up with the dragonesses in tow. Her horn was lit up but no one noticed where her spells were going.

“You called Twi?” Spike asked in sarcasm as he walked up. Twilight took the note and handed it to Spike he glanced it over. His eyes instantly glanced up at Skylight then back to Twilight. There was a fire in his eyes that wasn't there before. Despite any confusion he may have about the females standing next to him he instantly knew he was going to fight to keep his flight together.

“You got a plan mom? Be fore I do something rash?” Twilight couldn't help but to smile at Spike's self control. Most males would have already done something rash.

“Yes, yes I do. Send this note to Celestia real quick.” She handed one of the two folded note to Spike. With a quick breath it was on its way. Twilight nodded then looked at the noon sky. After a moment, noted by Spike's belch, a scroll appeared. Twilight quickly grabbed it out of the air and started to read. “You know, General Celestia has access to many writing mediums, including paper, but for some odd reason she loves to use a scroll when she sends by dragon fire. I really don't know why.” Twilight said calmly as she rolled the scroll back up then handed the second folded note to Spike. “Send that to Blueblood and keep the spells intact please.” She looked up at Shimmer and Trixie. “Go get your gear together and head back to the Everfree base, you are not leaving the Rangers until they carry you out feet first. Dismissed all five of you I need to find the rest of the girls, Twilight's Rangers are not going anywhere.”


General Luna looked over a report. That in and of itself should not have been odd. But today, it was, as the General of the Moon, Alter Ego of Nightmare Moon, Commander of the Nightmare Special Forces and general hard plot was laughing. Of the four years of the war, Luna hardly laughed and hardly smiled unless she was required to. She was stotic and straight to the point, never wavering in her believe and her drive to free Equestria of the Quil threat. Folk started to skirt around her office door as they listened to her laugh a deep belly laugh, many skirted in fear and others skirted in worry for their General.

Finally, after nearly two hours of near constant laughing General Celestia came to investigate the some what frightened reports about her sister. Opening the door she saw her sister pounding her desk as she laughed, tears running down her eyes. Celestia stood in the door for a few moments as Luna's laughter died down enough for her to notice she was being watched. With a wave of her hand she motioned for Celestia to enter and pushed a report towards her cross the desk.

Picking up the report Celestia glanced at it. As she read she fought valiantly against the smirk that started to cross her face, it was a losing battle and soon she gave up the vangard and allowed the smile to advance unheeded. A moment later she too was giving a deep belly laugh as she clutched the edges of Luna's desk trying to keep herself from falling over. Luna looked back over the report and started to laugh again.

“Oh sister...HAHA...promotion?” Luna gasped between breaths.

“Yes, yes! I'll send her the paperwork...HAHA...later!”

Every folk avoided the hall where Luna's office was located as both their Generals were laughing long and hard.


Twilight paced around her office sitting in the tower of the Everfree Castle. It, in a weird way, has become home. She knew what she was doing, her soldiers were back where they belonged and below they would be finishing returned to their homes as well. For many of them it would be like returning home. There was one thing she needed to check on that Applejack said she would take care off. Not that she didn't trust Applejack to do a good job, she just wanted to know exactly what she was working with and tired of waiting for the report. Tomorrow her new admin staff would arrive along with the improved scanner operators. She was getting Lyra and Bon Bon back, some of the best tactical officers she has ever served with.

Twilight sighed a bit. Her forces were down but she would be getting new recruits and vets assigned to her Rangers now. Her current forces were much smaller after the battle for Ponyville. Only three Winged Squads out of six, after deaths and retirements. Of the Seven ground squads she had four after deaths and retirements. Of the jeeps, nearly a dozen of them now down to eight. What Applejack was working on was trying to drum up some more important supplies and or jeeps still scattered around after the battle.

Twilight stopped in front of the window and looked down. It was getting into the late after noon and Pinkie's party would start soon. With a flash of purple light she vanished and soon reappeared in the motor pool.

“Ma'am!” A filly's voice called out. Turning around Twilight found herself face to face with Diamond Tiara who stood there, grease smeared all over her overalls and skin. For some reason she looked to be fully content.

“Miss Twilight.” Big Mac nodded from where he leaned back from the engine of a jeep.

“Ah good, Chief I need to talk to you. Your office?” Twilight motioned with her hand towards Big Mac's office.

“Eeyep.” Big Mac said with a smile. He pointed towards something in the engine and with a sharp salute Diamond dived it to fix what ever he pointed out. With a motion of his head he lead the way to his office where he shut the door once Twilight was inside. Idly she noticed he wasn't fully unpacked yet. “Twilight?” It was a simple question but it conveyed what he wanted conveyed.

“The Rangers are not getting any more from Ponyville, we are going to need more bodies in the field to be ready to respond as soon as possible. But I'm appointing those I trust to key positions through out the base. That being said, you are the Chief of the Motor Pool and I need you to pick out a Pit Boss.”


“Excuse me?” Twilight asked, surprised at his quick answer. Big Mac sighed good naturally as he prepared to give his biggest speech yet.

“Tiara came ta me knowing nothing. Learned quick, dived in like the Earth Folk she is. No longer a spoiled brat but a hard working member of my team. Knows engines well enough ta handle herself, would make ah great Chief one day.” Big Mac told her.

“I see.”

“Besides, she could use ah show of trust in her abilities.” There was a knowing smile to his face when he said that.

“Then do what you need, I'll get the paper work started.” Twilight paused a moment. “How will you and Cheerilee going to handle the split up?”

Big Mac blushed slightly though a sly smile was on his face. “We'll make do. Let's tell Tiara ta good news.” With a nod Twilight opened the door and walked out followed by Big Mac. “Tiara?”

The Filly in question picked up her head with a bang on the underside of the hood of the jeep she was working on.

“Ouch, yeah Chief?” Tiara called out as she rubbed her head where she hit it. Stepping around she saw Twilight and Big Mac walking up to her.

“Tiara, Ah got some news fer you.” Big Mac started, causing Diamond Tiara to cock her head to the side in confusion. “We are still Rangers, we need ta work hard ta keep the jeeps in shape.”

“Yeah, I know that. I'm working hard to not let you down Chief.” Tiara told him, the puzzlement evident.

“What our silent friend is trying to say is that with more soldiers and jeeps comes the need for more mechanic staff. Big Mac has agreed to stay on as my Chief but he's going to need a Pit Boss to keep everything in order. Out of all the crew he has now, he has picked you to become his Pit Boss because of all your hard work. Congratulations Diamond Tiara on your promotion.” Twilight told her as she held out her hand to shake Tiara's, a hand she slowly took.

“I don't know what to say ma'am.” Tiara breathed slowly.

“I believe 'Yes ma'am' would work and you need to get ready. I'm sure Big Mac has a lot to teach you.”

“Yes...yes ma'am. I accept...” Tiara told her still shocked.

“Good, make me proud Diamond Tiara. Dissmissed.”

Tiara turned and walked away, stunned at what just happened to her as Big Mac stepped up beside Twilight.

“She felt she was just repenting for her mistakes. Should do her good to know her work is appreciated.”

“I'll leave you to it then. Do what you need to do Chief.”

“Yes Miss Twilight.”

“Congrats to your little sister's promotion by the way. The review board is going to let it stand, of course I didn't protest it either.”


Smiling as she walked away Twilight made another check on her mental check list. One last thing to do and more than likely she would have to kick her brother's flank for it.


The barracks was quiet for the moment as three fillies walked back to their bunks. They were exhausted but happy, their jeep was stored with the help of the new Pit Boss, their geared was stowed away and they got first claims to the rooms in the barracks. Quickly taking one of the three folk rooms they stripped out of their fatigue jackets and pants down to their olive unders and playfully made claims on the top bunk until Scootaloo jumped up there and declared herself 'Queen of the Bunk'. Then the first war of the top bunk started as the three friends rough housed who would truly get the top bunk when there was a knocking on the door.

“Who could that be?” Sweetie Belle asked as she hopped off the bunk and walked towards the door. Opening the door Sweetie's eyes went wide. “Commander on Deck!” Within seconds the bunk issue was solved as the three of them stood at attention in front of the bunks with Scootaloo having won it in over time.

“At ease. I'm just here to visit.” She looked at the three of them as the visibly relaxed. “I hear a congratulations are in order for Sergeant Applebloom.” Twilight said. The filly in question beamed with pride, it was her first real promotion. “I said I'm here for a visit, well there is a reason for it too. Each of you have served quiet well during the Battle for Ponyville and since we lost quite a number of jeeps and their crews, either to enemy action or retirement I find that I need a commanding officer for my crews. One the rest of the crews to look up to. I want to make your crew Smokie 1-1. Congrats to the three of you.”

“Thank ya Miss Twilight...uh 1st Sergeant.” Applebloom told her.

“No need to think me, thank yourselves. It was your skill, your bravery, your ability that brought this to you.” Twilight nodded at the three of them causing them laugh a bit as they collapsed on the bottom bunk. As they did so Twilight caught a glimpse of a spot of color on the yellow filly's side. “Applebloom, is that what I think it is?” She asked pointing.

Instantly all three fillies stopped their motions and looked over at each other. Slowly they looked at Applebloom's hips when she lifted her shirt slightly. Under the olive shirt was a small symbol. An apple over a silver star.

“Well Ah'll be, Ah wonder when Ah got that?” She muttered to herself as she looked up at her friends with a smile. “But what does it mean?”

“I believe it means you are an Apple, but you are a leader. The Apple shows your roots, as Applejack once said you are an 'Apple to the Core'. But the silver star, well that star is the exact same design for the Rank of Brigadier General, which is a single silver five pointed star. You might be destined to climb the ranks a bit Applebloom. Did you have it when you went into the Battle for Ponyville?” Twilight asked.

“No Ah didn't...then when did Ah get my cutie mark...Shining Armor! When he field promoted me he placed me in charge of a section of the defensive ring.” Applebloom said slapping her forehead with a hand.

“And none of us noticed this when we were in the mare's showers?” Scootaloo asked with a raised eyebrow. “I'm sorry for not paying attention, Applebloom. This is a cause for celebration. The CMC has finally all found our cutie marks.” As she started to pump her fist into the air all three froze like a freezing spell was cast then they looked at each other. If we are no longer the Cutie Mark Crusaders...then what are we?”

After a moment Sweetie Belle smiled. “We are still Crusaders. When this war is over, there will be other fillies and colts who will be looking for their Cutie Marks and we can help them. We can pass the CMC on to another generation. Just because we have our Cutie Marks doesn't mean we can't stop crusading.”

“And that's how it should go girls. I'm proud of you.” Twilight told them. She turned for the door. “Pinkie's party will start in a few hours, I'll let her know you three need to celebrate your Cutie Marks as well.


That night as the party Pinkie was striving to throw for the village of Ponyville threw itself into full swing to Celebrate not only the restoration of the Everfree Base and the continuation of Twilight's Rangers, but to celebrate three of their own gaining their Cutie Marks, something every Stallion, Mare and Foal could party too. Pinkie went all out in setting it up and all out in keeping the party rolling. One mare though, wasn't at the celebration, she was standing on the roof of the Hanger watching the night sky slowly rotate over her head. Behind the mare a light blue flash went off signaling the arrival of another.

“Twilight Sparkle? Why are you up here of all places. Trixie says you need to come to the party!” Trixie said as she stepped up beside Twilight. In the mare's hand was a can of Sweet Apple Acre's Hard Cider.

“Maybe in a moment. I need a moment to think, to figure out if I'm doing the right thing.” Twilight told her not looking over at her friend. Trixie was silent a moment then turned to look at Twilight.

“I think you need to just go with it. You are smart, smart to the point of brilliant. I know I'll never get to be your level of smart so I make do with what I have, bravado and trickery.” Trixie told her dropping the third person mode of speech. Twilight raised an eyebrow but didn't turn to look at her yet. If she was dropping her stage act then she was being serious. “Sunset is the same way, she is brilliant, funny and powerful in her own right. But she has something you are only now starting to figure out, something both Sunset and I have figured out.”

At those words Twilight turned to face her with a puzzled look on her face. “What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“I mean that we both have figured out what to do to get folk to follow us. But we find we can't use it around you, because without even trying to already did it too.” Trixie said. She took a deep drag of her drink then made it vanish with a flash of light blue light. Twilight cocked her head to the side in confusion as she waited for Trixie to continue. “Quite the coup too. You see what you lack at times is the 'mojo' or the 'swag' as many Stallions put it. All it really is nothing more than confidence in yourself and your abilities. I used it to bring folk to my shows before I was drafted to this war. Sunset has an air of confidence in her that makes folk believe that she has a plan for everything, one reason why I love her so much. You know her, she doesn't think THAT far ahead, ahead enough to not be surprised by certain things yes but not that far ahead. You on the other hand...” Trixie flashed another can to her hand and popped the top for another swig. “You make people believe in you and each other in ways I never thought possible. You inspire trust and loyalty just by being yourself, just by doing what you firmly believe is right. Don't stop that Sparkle, no matter what. Do what you believe is right and don't doubt yourself, it doesn't matter if the path is right or wrong, what matters is what you do while on it. You on the wrong path, then MAKE it the right path. You on the right path, then make it better.” Trixie jabbed Twilight in the chest to make a point then she took another swig. “Just be yourself and trust what you believe in. Now come down to the party before Pinkie comes after you. As for me, I got a golden mare waiting on me and Trixie is going to make her night one to remember.”

Twilight blinked as Trixie vanished in front of her. She looked back up at the moon as it drifted over head.

“Be myself huh? Maybe...” With a flash of purple light she too vanished.

Else where in the base three dragons were piled together in what Spike called a Dragon Pile sleeping contently through the night. Suddenly one belched and a flash of green could be seen from under the pile though none of them moved an inch.