• Published 9th Oct 2014
  • 608 Views, 2 Comments

Spike's Comics Section - Ponyess

We had realised, we can't give Spike any material posessions, but we could borrow them to him for limited periods of time for him to enjoy them. This is what a Library is for.

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The Library: Twilight Sparkle: 1

Author's Note:

Twilight Sparkle's POV

I had noticed that my assistant in the library, Spike the Dragon had developed a taste for Comics. Just that I couldn’t just give him any, mainly due to the fact that he as a dragon was susceptible to greed, when gathering material objects. However, I could allow him to read any book on his free time, so long as he did not own said book.

Since I now am owner of a fairly large library, as a part of the Castle I had been given, just after my old home, the library of Ponyville was destroyed by the latest in the line of villains, named Tirek. Naturally, I have moved every book that survived the disaster with my late home. Even so, the library is gaping empty at me, every time I visit.

Like the organiser I had found myself to be, thus giving me the chance to save the Winter Wrapup, when I arrived at Ponyville, I had set of several sections of my new library, starting with the remainders of the books from the old library, then a section for my private books, and another for the Comics I could get my hooves on, for Spike to enjoy on his free time.

How silly of me, finding myself organising this or that, so many hours of my life. Some of these items may be important to me and to my friends or other Ponies, while others truly were entirely pointless.

Good thing I do have spike, now I can leave the organisation in his capable hands, or are they paws, I am not entirely sure on the detail here. I guess it doesn’t matter, but if and when I need to know, Spike can find the book that explains it for me.

I had happily organised my old books from the library and my personal once first, maybe there was the sentimental value in having them sorted. Either way, I have done it, I can leave them behind until I may need either.

Even if Spike does have hands, furniture tends to be heavy, I didn’t want to strain him so I pulled in these, while he carried all the old books around. All the comfortable seats, mainly for Ponies, since we have little else visiting the library in the first place, aside from the Dragon who is my assistant and goes by the name of Spike.

I had taken the time to inspect the result of Spikes job, initially just to see it done properly, but later, more to see where they were. I like to know where everything is, even when I know I can ask Spike to point out or pick up the books I am currently looking for. Technically, it is still my library since I am the Princess, not that I care that much about this.