> Spike's Comics Section > by Ponyess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Library: Twilight Sparkle: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had noticed that my assistant in the library, Spike the Dragon had developed a taste for Comics. Just that I couldn’t just give him any, mainly due to the fact that he as a dragon was susceptible to greed, when gathering material objects. However, I could allow him to read any book on his free time, so long as he did not own said book. Since I now am owner of a fairly large library, as a part of the Castle I had been given, just after my old home, the library of Ponyville was destroyed by the latest in the line of villains, named Tirek. Naturally, I have moved every book that survived the disaster with my late home. Even so, the library is gaping empty at me, every time I visit. Like the organiser I had found myself to be, thus giving me the chance to save the Winter Wrapup, when I arrived at Ponyville, I had set of several sections of my new library, starting with the remainders of the books from the old library, then a section for my private books, and another for the Comics I could get my hooves on, for Spike to enjoy on his free time. How silly of me, finding myself organising this or that, so many hours of my life. Some of these items may be important to me and to my friends or other Ponies, while others truly were entirely pointless. Good thing I do have spike, now I can leave the organisation in his capable hands, or are they paws, I am not entirely sure on the detail here. I guess it doesn’t matter, but if and when I need to know, Spike can find the book that explains it for me. I had happily organised my old books from the library and my personal once first, maybe there was the sentimental value in having them sorted. Either way, I have done it, I can leave them behind until I may need either. Even if Spike does have hands, furniture tends to be heavy, I didn’t want to strain him so I pulled in these, while he carried all the old books around. All the comfortable seats, mainly for Ponies, since we have little else visiting the library in the first place, aside from the Dragon who is my assistant and goes by the name of Spike. I had taken the time to inspect the result of Spikes job, initially just to see it done properly, but later, more to see where they were. I like to know where everything is, even when I know I can ask Spike to point out or pick up the books I am currently looking for. Technically, it is still my library since I am the Princess, not that I care that much about this. > A Late Night Delivery: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had been reached by an unexpected notification of books to be delivered to my Royal Library, as the message expressed it. For some undisclosed reason, there is just this one message notifying me of the delivery, no verification or claim of any other kind. Just as I read the note, Spike entered the small office. “Hi, Spike!” I greeted him. “Hi, Twilight. What are you reading?” he enquired in a curious voice at the instant he saw the note and my reaction to it. “Just a list of books, due to arrive at our Royal Library. No date or time specified. No claims or verifications. I don’t even know what kind of books they are. All I have is the Titles of the books. Seems like a very small delivery, but I guess I could afford to accept them, since no price had been noted?” I responded. “New books, due to arrive at our Royal Library? Sounds exiting to me. Although I guess it is my duty to sort them and file them on their proper shelves, but still. Any special or interesting books on the list?” he responded, curiosity peaked even further. “Apparently, even though I never ordered any books. None of these are even on the list of books I was ever looking for. You will see them first thing, when they arrive at our door. I guess a few of these may be interesting, you can have a look at them. Yes, it is your duty!” I pondered. “I know, I am writing every order for you. Not that I mind, it is part of my duty as your assistant here at your royal Library!” he responded straight to the point, but he is right. “For the sake of our library and castle, I guess we can't decline the books, unless there is a serious issue with them. I know of no issues, before I can see the books in person, even if you are to deal with them first. I guess I could ask you to look out for any signs of what could be trouble? At least I know you have a very long experience with books!” I suggested. “I take it, you haven’t found any reason to decline? For now, I am looking forwards to see what we are given, even if it means I am duty bound to sacrifice hours of free time. Not that I had planned anything more important than a nap, which I could put aside for an hour or a few, I guess. If it is for the chance to discover an interesting book, either for myself or you, I wouldn’t regret it!” Spike responded. “Not that I have been serious about finding an excuse, I love my books too much, I guess. I know you do know that feeling. A few hours of nap time, if that is all we are sacrificing, I would have expected these surprise deliveries every week. I guess I am just happy for the once we do get, even if I may have to order them myself. On the other hoof, we do have some funds for ordering books to our Library, this is the Royal Library of Ponyville, not merely a rural village library, you know!” I rambled on as I was getting worked up and emotional on the subject. “Wait, I thought I heard something. A noise, could it be some Pony on the door?” Spike interrupted me. “I didn’t hear anything. Oh, wait. There it is again. Thanks, you are right, Spike. Where would I have been without you?” In the end, I used magic in order to open the door, saving me a few minutes. --- --- --- > A Late Night Read: 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had seen her greeting the stranger, a Pony who apparently had been sent off to deliver the book Twilight had been promised for our Royal Library. Maybe someone thought it an honour to have a copy of their books in a library like ours. Either way, I am going to be eternally grateful for this one gift. Then she had signed the delivery, before the other Pony left. Twilight had closed the door after the stranger delivery Pony, before returning into our castle. “Spike, the books have been delivered!” she exclaimed in a strangely excited tone of voice, I had long since learned to associate with new books. “I’m coming, I’m coming. The book, right?” I responded as I ran towards her. “Yes, our books just arrived, Spike!” she put forth. “Sorry for the inconvenience, but the books need to be sorted and integrated into the library as soon as possible, which means tonight. If you find an interesting book, feel free to read as soon as you slipped the final book in place!” she expressed. “Certainly, I’m on it!” I responded as I picked up the delivery and scurried off towards the library. “Good, I knew I could trust you with books. You have been a diligent, cunning and most helpful assistant to me in the old library, I know you will do just as well here in our new library!” she commended me graciously and honestly. “I had a good teacher and you did make for a good example to learn from. I certainly loved every day of following you in your studies, with the job of constantly finding you new books!” I pointed out. “These were the days, weren’t they? I enjoyed my studies thoroughly too, even if I guess I knew they were coming to an end, eventually. They certainly did, we’re here now. We have a castle of our own. These are our books to treasure, care for and enjoy to our heart’s content!” she pointed out. “Yes, a mighty good castle, as much as I hated to see our old home the library in the oak being destroyed. Now it is my job to care for the books, once more. I had better be off and sort them before they start to collect dust or grow mold?” I concluded as I scurried off into the depth of the library with the selection of ny books. “Sharing it with you and my friends make it into a good castle. I know, I felt the same thing as it happened. What one wouldn’t do, just for the love of these books. I know that feeling only too well. Can’t let that happen!” she pronounced to my back, as I stormed into the library. I only stopped at the first place where I could unpack the books and see the covers properly. Pulling up a book at the time with care. Reading the title, one at the time. “Hidden secrets in Zebra Maic”, “Neko no Naki”, “The Sillyness of Secrets”, “How to Make or Break a Friend” These were all surprisingly thick, heavy books. I then stopped short, looking at the second book once over. Maybe I should run off with it, although I knew I had to wait until I had finished the work before I was to read it. Stopping over once more, I noticed the outlandish type face on the cover, right along with the colourful engravings of strange beasts I never could have imagined. Magic, comics, philosophy, Twilight, Magic, Library, Magic. There were a few more books, I sorted them after the categories where they would belong, running off with the books, category by category. I chose to leave the comic book with the strange title for the last. Once I had carried all the books to where they were to stay, sorted them and slipped them into their respective places, filing them in the log, I slipped off with my private reading corner, with the hops of an exciting read. I managed to settle down with my find, a true treasure. It may technically belong to the library, which is merely a way to shield me from the experience I had a while back. I guess I am thankful for her efforts on this point. The greed is plaguing us Dragons badly. It had been blackening our name and reputation for ages already. Maybe I could serve as a shining beacon, allowing Ponyfolk and others to know we could be more than the menace we turn into, once greed is taking over. The book certainly is a comics, so I could have enjoyed and understood the story, even if I couldn’t read the text to the images. Yet, to my surprise, the book is clearly an Equestrian edition, they had taken the time and care to make it enjoyable, even if the images had not been changed. From the first page, it started out in the perspective of the “Neko”, a catlike character. Apparently, she looks a bit too shiny, as if made out of rubber, was she. She lives with another character by the name of Hitomi who looks like some Pony, both in an Anthro form, almost like the Humans we saw at Canterlot High. --- --- ---