• Published 28th Sep 2014
  • 228 Views, 4 Comments

Lucky Shot At Life - Riki-blade

Lucky Shot is a unicorn with a talent for luck itself! But even with all her luck it seems her life is one mistake after another.

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Chapter 1

“AND STAY OUT!” and with that a full-grown Lucky Shot was kicked out of the ice cream shop.

“Well, I guess ice cream making isn’t my thing… oh well.” She said, getting up and brushing the dust off of herself. She wasn’t going to let being fired get her down, she needed to move on! So with a skip in her step she walked through the small town, until she felt a small shivery twinge in her belly. With a smile she turned her attention to a pony in the sky, their features were indistinguishable from so up high, just on the outside of the town. The blue haired pony made her way over to watch. The pony appeared to be trying to accomplish a particularly difficult aerial trick.

The pegasi pony began to speed down to the ground, just before they hit the ground they made a breakneck turn upwards and they began to spin until they started to loop around and then they shot back down, but before they hit the ground, they began to slow down, gracefully settling to the ground. It was then that Lucky Shot was able to see what the pony looked like. They were a pegasi mare, with red fur, messy, short brown hair and dark grey/purple eyes. The pegasi had a green blue and pink humming bird for a cutie mark. The pale mare clapped.

“That was very good! Very amazing!” she said. The red mare blushed and scratched the back of her head.

“Aw man, I have a fan already?” The mare asked, “Heheh want an ato-OH NO!” the mare suddenly yelled, looking quite worried as she pawed at her neck.

“Wh-what`s wrong?” Lucky Shot asked worriedly.

“M-my scarf! I think I lost it while I was flying! Oh no, oh no!”

“Here, I`ll help you find it! What does it look like?”

The mare looked at the unicorn in surprise, “R-really? Well it`s big and bright yellow!”

Lucky hummed, “Yellow and big, got it! Don`t worry if we work together we can find it fast!”

After a hour or so of searching, the scarf was found.

“Oh thank Celestia! I don`t know what I would have done if I had lost if forever!” the mare giggled happily as she wrapped the bright yellow scarf around her neck.

“It`s no problem! I`m happy to help… uh… I don`t think I know your name?” the freckled unicorn said.

“Oh It`s Wild Flyer! What about you?”

“I`m Lucky Shot.”

“Lucky Shot? So your talents luck I assume?” the mare said, looking at Lucky`s cutie mark, which showed a four leaf clover with three coins at the end of a rainbow.

The blue haired unicorn shook her head, “No, my luck actually affects others; I have some bad luck happen to me and then good luck happens to others. Like now, I got fired from my job today, and you did your aerial trick and found your scarf.” Wild Flyer gasped.

“So you lost your job because of me?!”

“Wh-what n-no! It`s not your fault-” but Lucky Shot`s words fell on deaf ears, as she was quickly dragged away by Wild Flyer.

“H-here, I`ll make it up to you, I promise!”
“L-listen! You really don’t need to do this!” Lucky stammered as Wild Flyer dragged her into a rather nice looking two one story house.

“Don`t worry! We need our final tenet anyways!” the Pegasus said, smiling.

“B-but I don`t have any money, or a job!”

“This place is kinda like a request board! You can earn your keep by doing requests!”

“… wait really? Are you serious?” the unicorn was dumbfounded, this seemed to be good.

“Yeah! We just gotta wait for Daisy to get here, she`s owns this place, so her say goes! She`s also a skilled medic so any injuries we get on the job are taken care of, for free.”

“T-that`s… amazing!” Wild simply nodded.

“Well I better give you the grand tour!”

The ground tour wasn’t so grand, as the house wasn’t that big, but it was still nice. There was kitchen, two bathrooms, a living room, a storage room and 3 large bed rooms with 3 rooms each in them.

“So, who else lives here?” Lucky asked as she and Wild sat at the kitchen, drinking some hot chocolate as they waited for Daisy to return.

“Well there`s me, Daisy, Candle, Glitter, Lovebug, Foamy and Storm.” Wild explained, tapping her hoof on the table. “Though, those are just their nicknames, you`ll know their full names when you meet them.” The unicorn only nodded, imagining as to what these ponies could be like.

The front door opened with a tired “I`m back.”

“Heya, Daisy! I found somepony to fill the final room slot!” the Pegasus called. “Her names Lucky Shot!”

“Mrs. Flyer would you please wait for me to enter the room you are in before you talk.” Daisy shot back, an annoyed tone.

“Yeah, yeah…” the scarfed one mumbled.

Daisy, who was an earth pony, looked like a panda in coloring, with green eyes, fluffy pink and light pink striped mane and a Band-Aid cross with the letters I L Y across it. She had bags under her eyes and looked, very, very tired. Her eyes scanned across the room, she huffed, shook her head and proceeded to brew up some coffee.

“Does she have a job?” she asked.

“N-no, I don`t…” Lucky mumbled under her breath, feeling embarrassed. Daisy let out another sigh.

“Has Wild Flyer explained everything to you?”

Lucky nodded.

“….Ok, we needed to fill in our final slot… I`m Oppsie Daisy, I work as a nurse.” The nurse explained, sitting down with a cub of joe, she put 5 cubes of sugar in, and lots of milk. “Everyone else is out on a mission, but Candle Wishes and Ladybug Dances should be back by tomorrow.” The unicorn nodded, taking in everything that was said to her. Daisy took a long sip of her coffee.

“I wish I could stay but I have to go to my next shift in an hour and I only came here for the coffee.” She said, before downing her beverage, putting the cup in the sink and, rushed off.

Wild laughed, “Sorry, she`s not the most friendly pony ever.” She said.

Lucky laughed, “It`s fine, I think it`s charming.”

Author's Note:

And here`s chapter 1! What do you think? What do you think the other mystery ponies look like or act like, what do you think happened to Sunny Smiles? Well?

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