• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 1,016 Views, 4 Comments

Sugar Rush - RainbowDashian

Lyra and Bon Bon. Famous canon ship. My version.

  • ...

Chapter 1 - A Chance Encounter

The story begins with my visit to Rarity's boutique. I was in need of a new dress, because a swarm of particularly hungry moths had gotten ahold of my clothes, leaving only a bit of lace and strings in a small pile on the floor of my closet. Anyway, I was kinda broke at the time, so I was only going to request a plain dress of sorts, nothing too fancy. However, knowing Rarity, I would most likely walk out of the boutique with an extremely expensive, ornate dress that she'd made me buy for half price.

My almost empty saddlebag allowing the bits inside to tumble around, clinking into each other just enough for anypony with a good ear to know that I didn't have that many bits. I walked into the door of the boutique, the small bell alerting anypony inside of my presence. A voice called from upstairs, "Just wait ere for a moment, I'm almost done!" It was Rarity. She was probably fitting a customer for a dress. I sat down in a chair and waited.

After about fifteen minutes, Rarity walked down the stairs. Somepony was behind her. The exact moment that I caught a glimpse of this pony, I felt my face begin to grow hot. It was Bon Bon. I had had a crush on Bon Bon since the third grade, twenty years ago.

"Oh, hey, Lyra, I didn't expect you to be here." Bon Bon said, her sweet melodious voice sending me into a transient state of euphoria.

"I could say the same thing to you." I replied.

"Right, you could." Bon Bon said.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Bonnie is getting a new dress." Rarity answered for her. "She has been invited to the Grand Galloping Gala, and she wants to appear extravagant." The envy in Rarity's voice was unmistakable.

"Oh, really?" I asked. "How did that happen?"

"I was showcasing my sweets in Canterlot a few days ago." Bon Bon explained. "Somehow, word reached the princess, and she personally visited my humble stand to try some. Turns out, she liked them enough to invite me to the Gala, with one guest."

"Wow." I said. "So who are you taking?"

"She hasn't decided yet." Rarity said. "Something about there being 'too many choices.'"

"Hey, look at the time!" Bon Bon said, glancing at the clock. "It's lunchtime. Wanna go to Sugarcube Corner, Ly? My Treat.

I was on cloud nine. My crush had just invited me to lunch. Sure, it wasn't a date, but it was still a minimum of a half hour with her. "Yes." I answered, trying to look as cool and collected as possible. Then I turned to Rarity. "I'll be back after lunch, okay?" I asked.

"That's fine." She answered.

"Thanks." I said.

Bon Bon and I left for Sugarcube Corner. It wasn't a long walk, maybe ten minutes. But, golly, it was an eternity. It took all of my mental strength not to stare at her, the way her dark blue and pink mane flowed with the wind, and the way her flank moved when she walked, not to mention the sun sparkling in her electric blue eyes. Sweet Celestia, she was beautiful.

When we reached Sugarcube Corner, we were led to our table by an eccentrically entergetic earth pony name Pinkie Pie. Once we were seated, she pranced off into the kitchen. "I swear, that pony has got to be the most hyper creature in Equestria!" Bon Bon said.

"Yeah." I agreed. " So what are you getting?"

"My usual." Bon Bon answered.

"Which is...?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry." She laughed. "It's a dandelion sandwich with a small order of hay fries."

"No sweets?" I asked.

"I have to taste test so many sweets, I have honestly lost my love for them." She answered.

"That's too bad." I said. "Pinkie Pie makes a mean pineapple strudel."

"So I've heard." Bon Bon replied. "Is that what you're getting?"

"No, I've had it before. I like to mix things up a bit, try new stuff."

"So what are you getting, then?"

"I haven't had the ultimate cinnamon cupcake."

"Isn't that like, ninety percent cinnamon?"

"Yeah. So?"

"Coming from a candy maker, too much cinnamon is a bad thing. Not only is it spicy, but it is almost impossible to get down in high quantities. You won't be able to eat it."

"Five bits says I can."

"Five say you can't."

"The criteria?"

"No drinks, no other food, just the cupcake. And it has to be gone in three minutes."

"You're on!"

At that moment, Pinkie Pie returned to the table. "You two ready to order?" She asked.

"Yep." Bon Bon said. "I'll get my usual."

"Okay." Pinkie said, scribbling something down on a notebook. "And you?"

"I'll have the ultimate cinnamon cupcake, please." I said.

"Would you like a drink with that?" Pinkie asked.

"Nope." I answered.

"Cant say I didn't warn you!" She said, hopping into the kitchen.

"You're going to lose this bet, Ly." Bon Bon said. "Even Pinkie Pie recognizes its spicyness, and she puts hot sauce on her cupcakes!"

"I'm going to be fine." I said. "Have you ever tasted a rainbow?"

"Can't say I have." Bon Bon answered.

"Well, rainbows are quite a bit spicier than any cinnamon will ever be." I said.

"We'll see about that." Bon Bon persisted. "Here's the food." A plate was set down in front of both of us. I have to admit, that cupcake was vey underwhelming. It didn't look sicy at all. "Time starts... Now." Bon Bon said.

Just to show her I wasn't afraid of a little spice, I took a humungous bite. It was fine for the first second, but then the spice hit me. It was the hottest thing I'd ever tasted, and I had to press a hoof against my mouth to keep myself from throwing it up. Bon Bon giggled. I wasn't going to lose.

I forced myself to swallow the bite, then took another, just as big. By this point, my brain was telling me not to Eat another bit. The minute the cinnamon touched my tongue, I began to gag, my body attempting to expel the fiery death food. But I wasn't going to give up so easily. I forced that bite down and ate another. And another. And another. And another. Five bites, and the cupcake was done.

"That was pretty impressive." Bon Bon admitted.

"Thanks." I gasped, my mouth still on fire. "Now where are my bits?" I asked.

"Ah, ah, ah, not so fast." Bon Bon said. "Look at the time." She showed me a stopwatch. Three minutes and twenty seven seconds. "I win."

"Oh, come on!" I objected. "I ate it!"

"But not in the time allotted." Bon Bon laughed. "Hand over the bits."

"Fine." I said, freeing five bits from my saddlebag and dropping them in front of her. "There."

"Thank you." She said. "Technically, I'm still paying. So you just reimbursed the cost of your food."

"So glad I could help you pay." I said facetiously.

"As am I." Bon Bon said, eating the last hayfry. She left ten bits on the table, and we left. "I'll walk you back to the boutique, my house isn't far away." She said.

As we walked, I noticed my friend Derpy in the sky above us. She knew all about my crush on Bon Bon. She winked at me and clumsily flew off. We reached the boutique in a shorter amount of time than I would have hoped. "That was really fun." I said. "Wanna go to the park with me Thursday?" I offered.

"Sure." Bon Bon answered. "That'd be great. See you then!"

Once she had walked off, I jumped into the air and gave a whoop of joy. Not only had my crush invited me to lunch, but she'd accepted my request for a follow-up meeting. I walked into Carousel Botique with a smile on my face.

Comments ( 3 )

This could use some work. In the intro you've made some errors by bunching some words and phrases together, though that's easily fixable. However, the introduction alone seems very redundant. As a fanbase, we already know about Lyra. I can understand wanting to establish some character, but you need to follow the main rule of storytelling; "Show, don't tell".

Your prose is also inconsistent. At one point you're using a lot of purple prose, and at other times you're whizzing by plot points. Try finding a good editor to look this over and patch up. :twilightsmile:

483290 Yeah, I'm writing on an iPad, so it's kinda screwing with what I write. I have to go over the word "somepony" about twelve times before autocorrect accepts it, yet it doesn't change things like "thenisaid"

Too much dialogue, not enough action. Needs more action. Sweet, sweet action.

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