• Published 21st Sep 2014
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My, My - Little Pinkie Pie - Ponyess

For some reason, I had woken up early, eager to see the film I had been given. If only I had known what was about to happen, once I started to see my film about the pastel coloured Ponies?

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A Second Morning, but with Pinkie Pie: 4

The sun reached in through my window and poked me in my eyes, thus waking me up. Then I noticed something else and I was readily wide awake. I could clearly feel the little Pony pressing her head up between my jigglies. She was apparently licking the nibble of my right jigglie.

Something told me she enjoyed licking the still small nibble, not so much that she kept at it. Maybe it was how it made me react on her being there.

She had made me aware of having jigglies and nibbles, in ways I never had dreamt of. Never had imagined I needed or wanted them for anything, until now.

It isn’t so much the size that had changed, but in how she had elicited certain feelings and sensations from within me, by nuzzling my jigglies and licking the nibble. As simple as it may sound, the changes it brought about may not be quite as simple or forgettable as one may have expected. Maybe I had made too much out of it, imagining effects that never were there and never would be there. Yet, there is a warm, fuzzy and tingling sensation as she moves her tongue over the sensitive flesh that is my nibble.

Should I have made her stop, or urge her to keep doing it. I ended up doing neither. Maybe I enjoyed it too much to make her stop, just as she knew it, which is all the urging she would ever require.

After moments of indecision, I slowly moved my hands up to where she lies before me, feeling the silk soft fur coat that covers her entire body in the same bright pink. It doesn’t feel like the fur of a dog, cat or any other pet I had ever come into contact with. I realised she is slightly warmer than I had expected, if it is my experience with other pets, or the size that fooled me, but I still love how it feels to touch her.

She isn’t a pet, just as she isn’t a human either. She is something entirely different from any reference could tell me. I have to treat her in an entirely different way. I just couldn’t quite shake the strangeness as it added all the more to the moment. She made every instant special to me. There just is no escaping it.

Nothing prevented her from nuzzle my jigglies, apparently, would it be all the same if I had happened to touch any part of her, then? She is nude, after all, just as she always was on the show. Aside from the few and very special occasions. This was no such situation.

If it had not been Pinkie Pie, the question as to how she feels about me, who I am to her had gotten up. Now I am the closest friend. It is how she wanted it. She is the bestest of friend with all, no exception. I had no intention of changing it. I like her to be my friend, so I make my best to be hers.

For a moment I just idly scratched her belly. She did not purr like a cat, but for some reason, it was obvious that she did enjoy it. I didn’t mind and I couldn’t blame her, now could I?

She is a fully grown, mature mare, so everything had to be there, if my fingers strayed in the direction. What caught me off guard, is the nibbles on her belly, even if I guess I should have known better than to be shocked, we had read about these things in the Biology class. I knew what they are and why they are there. Had she been a regular pet, like a cat, I would never have reacted on it in the first place.

I consciously chose not to allow it to bother me or getting in the way of the moment together with her. To her, this apparently was a none-issue. Just because you never see her nibbles on the screen in the show, shouldn’t mean they were not there, you never see the nibbles on a pet, unless you are looking closer and that is if your pet had short enough fur to make it possible to see them in the first place.

Once I noticed it wasn’t bothering her, I pushed the notion out of my mind altogether. Since she seems to enjoy it, I guess it should be all right. I teased the nibbles for a while, just to feel how it felt and to see how she would react. At first, she did not let on noticing, then I noticed that she did enjoy it, after all.