• Published 21st Sep 2014
  • 1,367 Views, 17 Comments

My, My - Little Pinkie Pie - Ponyess

For some reason, I had woken up early, eager to see the film I had been given. If only I had known what was about to happen, once I started to see my film about the pastel coloured Ponies?

  • ...

A Treat for Pinkie Pie: 10

Author's Note:

Pinkie Pie's POV

“Uh, what is that?” I enquired as I got back into the room.

“That? It is my latest attempt at a comforting pad for you to rest upon, while I help you with the hooficure, since you complained about how my previous attempt was such a failure!” Hitomi responded.

“Yeah, sorry, but it wasn’t comfortable at all!” I pointed out, placing my right fore hoof on the new pad she had so recently put so much effort into crafting for me.

“How does this feel?” she enquired with a curious voice, incapable to hide the investment and emotions behind the question.

“Different, and a decided improvement. I would give you that. I just have to try it, in order to see how it feels to lie on it!” I pondered.

“How about making the final test in order to see if it works as intended?” she suggested hopefully.

“The surface feels good and it seems to be elastic enough. I just need to climb up, in order to get the right feel for it. Unless you could help me up?” I suggested.

“If you don’t mind, I would love to help you up!” she pointed out, lifting me up, placing me squarely on the top of the pad she had devised so cleverly, placing me on the top of her desk, by the side of the hooficure supplies, for all I could see.

“It feels as if I was levitated by Rarity. So soft and elastic, almost like air. Maybe you could give me a new hooficure, while I am up here?” I eagerly expressed.

“If you want me to give you a hooficure, it would be my honour and pleasure!” she responded as she sat down behind her desk.

“I am sure the pleasure will be on my side, but I guess we could split the honour two ways?” I teased her, in a giggling voice.

“Sure, why not!” she suggested, with the brush in hand, slowly applying the gel to my right fore hoof, from the top, middle, then right and left in her interlaced pattern.

“This isn’t how the gel felt before, not that I am about to complain!” I pointed out.

“I guess it is the effect of the first hooficure. It is the same brush and gel as before, so it has to be in your hoof!” she responded as she continued polishing the hoof, the continued with the other hoof, before going over the right and left hind hooves, after she had turned the pad to make my respective hooves face her conveniently.

What I had not realised, is how the gel made my hooves elastic all over again, only more so than the previous time around since they already had been treated with the gel once.

As she had finished polishing the fourth hoof, she had turned me back into the original position in order for me to face her, once more. Now she swapped gel, before she started to brush the tip of my right fore hoof. Just like the previous time, she only polish the top of the hoof, from the top center, downwards, right and left in the interlaced pattern. She had polished under my hooves with the elastic gel now, just like before too.

“This is fun!” I exclaimed as she finished the left hind hoof.

“Does it still feel good to rest on top of your pad? I made it for you, after all!” she enquired.

“Yeah, I could have stayed here for hours, but then I would have been stuck in place!” I responded.

“Ah yeah, which is no fun!” she responded, as she started to polish her nails, one by one, starting with her right thumb nail, continuing, nail by nail, bending over in order to do her toe nails as well.

Once she finished polishing her nails, she went over the palms of her hands and feet all over, just as she had done the first time.

“Once you are done, could you help me off of the pad, I want to get down onto my hooves. Not that it is not comfortable, I just like to bounce around to see how it feels!” I exclaimed.

“Of course. I couldn’t forget you, or leave you where you are. What fun would that be?” she responded.

The gel on my hooves soon cured, then the same could be said for her. Then she slowly picked me down from the pad on which I had been resting, while the polish cured.

“Thanks. Feels good to finally be off of the pad, free to move on my own, even if it felt good and the polish needed to cure before I could trot around!” I put forth.

“I know. Hope the polish feels right on your hooves, now!” she responded.

“Sure, no complaints from my end. Just feel a bit funny, with the squeaky noises from my hooves, sticking even more to the floor I walk on. Maybe it is your turn to make a new test?” I suggested.

“Sure, why not? It couldn’t hurt. Maybe I get an effect this time, since the effect clearly is stronger for you the second time around!” she responded, slapping the surface on the top of her desk, tentatively.

“Squeak!” came the sound as the palms of my hands hit the desk, only they were not aimlessly slipping away, the way they had done the other day.

“This sounds promising!” I put forth, as I hear the squeaking sound from her hands hitting the top of the desk.

“Promising?” she enquired in a subdued tone with a slight smile painted on her lips as she responded.

“Just a bit more effort and you just may get somewhere!” I pointed out in response.

“Aside from the squeak, I did actually feel something this time!” she responded.

“I guess we couldn’t mistake the squeak, right. Now it is starting to be fun!” I pointed out.

“Here goes nothing, then!” she announced, just as she slapped the palms of her hands to the surface of the desk, only considerably harder then the initial, tentative attempt, mere minutes before.

“Squeak!” came the sound as the palms of her hands actually did hit the desk, once more.

“Pull up your right hand and see how it feels?” I suggested with a tentative smile spreading over my face, hoping she had actually managed, what she set out to do.

“Woah, I feel my hand clinging to my desk!” she pondered as she slowly started to pull her right hand right up, off of the desk.

“I can clearly see the effect as the skin of your hand is stretching as you keep pulling up!” I responded as she kept pulling harder.

This is exciting and scary at the same time!” she pointed out, just before her hand let go of the desk.

“From the looks of it, I think it does work for you too. This is truly promising!” I put forth.

“I think I may need to be careful. I don’t want others to see it, even if it wouldn’t exactly get me stuck!” she responded.

“That would be embarrassing, if you got stuck, but I guess it would be less than convenient, if any Pony else saw it!” I responded, giggling at the thought.

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