• Published 19th Sep 2014
  • 294 Views, 5 Comments

magic modify - Zero the Magic Fox

before the elements could be used against her the elements back fire and now its up the main six's family to unlock the elements and save the world from an unknown threat

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Zero- Holy cow Ran I’m writing again this feels so good.

Patamon – who are you talking to Zero?

Zero - never mind you wouldn’t understand any way. Let’s get this started Doki

Nightmare moon stared at the spot that the foolish pony that tried to stop her. Nothing was left of them the Elements turned against them and turned into strange contraptions. She knew her sister had planned this all out. Her return, her rise to power, even her supposed defeat. All of it ruined by the elements them self, turning on the six mares that her sister chose to wield them. Celestia came in a flash of light, as was prearranged to praise the now none existent wielders of the Elements for defeating the evil queen of darkness.

“I’m right…” Celestia pauses as she looks around the room, noticing something was off. “Sister are they not here yet?” she questions her pearl white coat shining in the moon light accented by her multicolored main.

“Th-they were.” Staring at the spot of the strange devices that once represented the element of honesty. Celestia looked at the item herself puzzled at the odd way that her voice waivered on the subject. The orange device flickered on as she picked it up.

“What is this?” she questions as if she could get an answer from it. The screen on the device had three apples on it slowly rotating on the screen around a simple white egg.

“Mehehehe” laughed a cold dispassionate voice. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Discord!” Nightmare Moon shouts out her black coat turning purple at the checks. Her celestial main and tail slapping around herself as if to cover herself up.

“Now is not the time to flirt Lunar mistress, no Harmonia is the one who asked of my help this time.” The voice echoed around the room leaving the two sisters in shock “As you know I’m stuck in stone but like Harmonia my magic can still effect the living world. After seeing into my chaos I found a divergent form to use the magic of the shattered realties that exist.” Celestia picked up the purple device and the image of a six pointed star orbiting an egg emerged. “Those are still the elements but even more power full than they were before but there was one catch.” Discords’ voice sounded solemn and hurt for the first time. Celestia knew this was different Discord often had a playful attitude and a demining tone in his voice this was new. “This is the best way to defend all of it, not just Eqeistia, not just Equis, but all of the world’s chaotic and harmonious.”

Watching the screen of the purple device in her hooves Celestia felt tears fall from her face, she knew that it would hurt if she let somepony into her heart again. “Twilight I ..I’ve let you down.”

“Not really Celestia they are still alive but just asleep. Have their family hold those devices and they will know what to do” as the dark weight lifted from the room the royal pony sisters heard one last thing from the magic of the Dragonequees. “Ho and congrats Luna it’s a Girl.

--------------------- One week after---------------------------

“Doctor… Hn ..hm not here “exclaimed the grey mare with a blond mane and tail in between giggles as a brown stallion fused with her saddle bags. ‘Pomf’ “DOCTOR” exclaimed the now flustered pegasus pushing the stallion’s hoof away from the seven bubbles that represent her cutie mark.

“But I thought you like it when I make you go poof?” asked the Doctor as he smiled at the grey mare his blue eyes stare innocently at one rich gold colored eye, as the other was staring at the ceiling, or maybe the light fixture.

“Dinky could be back from the bathroom at any moment.” She moved her head in the direction of the door of the train compartment that there were riding. Sighing she slumped into her seat again pulling out the letter she got from a guard yesterday. “I wonder why they would ask me and not my sister? I mean it’s not like I don’t want to go but Daring is just that…. That I….. I mean.”

“Sh sh sh” the doctor brought his hoof up to the grey mares lips to silence the tears that threatened to fall down her face “you remember the name you hade before you met me?” the Doctor asks bopping her nose as he did so. “Ditzy Doo you were the only family that would still talk to Fluttershy after she moved out of cloudsdale and admitted she was afraid of heights.”

The grey mare blushed as she looked away from the brown earth pony stallion. The door to the compartment opened to reveal four little fillies one earth pony with a yellow coat and a red mane and tail. One pegasus with an orange coat and a purple mane and tail, but due to a birth defect her wings were not growing the feathers in the right places on her wings. And two unicorns one with a white coat and a sherbet colored mane and tail, the other had a greyish pink coat with a blond mane and tail. “C’mon Dinky, like Celestia would divide the already weakened guard just to make another night guard group four princess Luna’s filly.” Exclaimed the orange pegasus walking up to the designated pegasus seats and plopped her plot down on the seat.

“Don’tchya listen to that naysayer over there.” Explains the yellow earth pony indicating the orange pegasus. “Scoots just upset that she didn’t know that Rainbow Dash was her sister until yesterday.”

“She went to the orphanage in cloudsdale when I was born, after.” Scootaloo whispered cursing her bad luck on her family.

Dinky looked at the other young filly and asked “So how has it been on your family since the whole Mare in the Moon thing, Sweetiebell?”

Sweetiebell looked at the floor finding it much more interesting than the fact that Derpy had a wing booner. “Mom and Dad have been having arguments with the Equestrian Banking Society over the carousal beautic. Something about how the last owner left sompony other than them in the will.” She said then found a seat unfortunately for she found a pegasus seat and promptly fell through.

“Hay Applebloom help sweetie up I’m going to take a nap” the scootalo sighed before falling asleep. The yellow earth pony grabbed her friend and sat in one of the regular chairs.

Finaly regaining her control over her wings she moved to pick up Dinky and laid down on one of the other seats and looked out the windows as she whispered to herself and the bright blue pendant around her neck “next stop cantorlot.”

Comments ( 5 )

the main six's sisters to unlock the elements and save the world from an unknown threat



I... I can't tell...

5027501 Almost certainly.

this story story can have a chance

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