• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 2,608 Views, 91 Comments

The Queen and I, Book 1: Ponies and Changelings - SoloBrony

"Queen". It's a funny title, isn't it? On the surface, it seems to mean one thing; in practice, it can mean many. This is the story of my relationship with that title - and the one who bore it.

  • ...

Chapter 5: A classroom (And two requests)

“... And that is why there is a prefix before a name, denoting the caste and gender of the individual!”


Chrysalis is so good at this. She always complains about losing time from her research, but she always seems to enjoy herself so much. She puts so much attitude into teaching, even the most basic knowledge seems impressive. The nymphs are completely captivated...

“Queen Chryzz... Chyrss-issss..”

“Yes, child?”

There's that smile! She's so warm to the nymphs... I wish she did this more than twice a month! Our Queen is a natural teacher...

And it makes her happy, when nothing else seems to anymore...

“Why izzz... isshh the c-caasshte c-c...”

Aww, the poor kid's got a buzz slur. They seem pretty nervous speaking to-

Oh, Chrysalis, that's so sweet!

“Hey, now. There's no need to be nervous! Take your time.”

They seem to be calming down. I don't think I've ever seen her voluntarily be affectionate with anyone before... except...

Stay professional. Stop that buzzing.

“why izz the cazzzte cluzzter f-for... for workerzzz called shhh.... sh... Saray then?”

“You mean, why is that the same as the name for gender-neutral workers?”

Aww, they're so eager. It's adorable. Ugh, I'm turning into a sap watching this.

“You're a smart one! Always watch out for little details, like that one. The workers – all of the castes, actually – have many clusters, but each one has an original cluster. The very first! And that cluster has the original name for the caste's members.”

I see she's back in lecturing mode at the front of the class.

“So, say it with me, class! What is the original cluster – and the gender-neutral prefix – for warriors?”


“Feeders?” “Piray!”

“Thinkers?” “Ezay!”

“Tenders!” “Zolay!”

Aww, she's getting into it. I remember doing this chant as a nymph.

“Workers!” “Saray!”

"Makers!" "Naray!"

“And Speakers!” “Lilay!”

“That's right! You're all so sharp and focused!”

When she buzzes her wings like that, she almost reminds me of Cheery. Just a little, though!

“Yeah! You're all going to go far, kids!”

What the... speak of the... what is Cheery doing here?! And is that Pinkie outside the door?! This is highly irregular!

“Cheery. What a pleasure. What brings you here?”

Chrysalis is taking the surprise well. She's giving that smile... you would only know it's not genuine if you had seen what she really looks like when she's happy. This is her 'I'm not allowed to bare my teeth at you' smile...

“Eheheh... I don't mean to interrupt, but I have to ask you something important! It's kind of time-sensitive. Can I borrow you for juuuuuust a minute?”

“Tch... alright. I'll be right back, kids~!”

Follow them outside.

Ugh, what kind of mess is it now? Did some idiot think Cheery had Chrysalis' authority and ask her permission for something important, again? I know she gets around the Hive more, but it's still ridiculous they would think that... have they MET her?!

“Alright, Cheery. What is this about?”

“W-well... I was... That is...”

“Spit it out! I need to get back to my duties.”

Chrysalis, you're a little bit more scary than you realize...

“Right! So, I was guiding Pinkie and showing her a good time, as instructed!”

“... And?”

Aaaand she kinda-sorta invited me to go to Ponyville with her on the exchange and I was really REALLY hoping you would say I could so please please please say yes?”

What. No. Of course Chrysalis isn't going to agree to such a selfish, stupid request!

“... Why do you want to go to Equestria?”

“Er... Well! We have subjects there right now!”


“They should be shown how the Hive is still, you know... there. For them. With them. Even out in Equestria. And really someone should check up on them, right?”

“A fair point, but you have more important duties here in the Hive.”

“It won't be for long! Just a week! Long enough to pay a visit to our subjects, and maybe give a good impression of our culture to the ponies!”

“... Fine. Do whatever you want, I guess. I need to go back to the classroom.”

“Oh, thank you! Thank you! I'll do my absolute best! I should go tell Pinkie!... Where did she get to? Pinkie?”

Chrysalis looks so defeated... what's wrong?

Start walking back with her.

- “... My Queen? Is everything okay?”

“Hm? Yes, Lili-Iqqel. Things are fine.”

That fake grin doesn't fool me!

“It seemed a reasonable argument to me, my Queen. We do need to get more positive tourism if this Exchange program is going to benefit the Hive... is something amiss?”

“No, Iqqel. Things are fine.”

Now she's growling again... Why can't she ever open up about anything?
