• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 2,606 Views, 91 Comments

The Queen and I, Book 1: Ponies and Changelings - SoloBrony

"Queen". It's a funny title, isn't it? On the surface, it seems to mean one thing; in practice, it can mean many. This is the story of my relationship with that title - and the one who bore it.

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Chapter 1: Talk to me

Tartarus. I must be in Tartarus.

“-It was just so wonderful! I mean, some of the ponies were really nervous or suspicious, but the royal escorts were really professional and everything was so INTERESTING!”

Unlike here, which is just so boring. After all, it's filled with people like Y- “I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your trip so much. Thank you for your report, I believe your friends are waiting in reception.”

“Oh, I can't wait to tell them all about it!”

I can't wait for you to leave me in peace. Ugh, I really need to curb all these negative thoughts while I'm on debriefing... Everyone just says the same things, though...

“...I can't wait to go back!...”

“...It was just so much BIGGER than the hive!...”

“...So much more advanced magic and technology...”

“...Huge metropolitan cities!...”

I don't know how much more of this I can stand. What's that old pony phrase for this? The “grass is always greener on the other side”? If I have to listen to one more fawning report about how great Equestria is... no. I'm going to keep my cool, and stay professional. They're enjoying themselves; who am I to take that from them?

Maybe it will be easier to bare if I just try to tune it all out. I need to go over the latest luminite harvest reports anyway...


Wait... what did they just say? Focus, try to play it back...

“I... I felt really uncomfortable because of that...”

That's all I've got. I've just been saying “mm-hmm” this whole time... - “I'm sorry, I think I got distracted. Why were you so uncomfortable?”

“Oh, uh, sorry, I said, 'The ponies really didn't seem to understand the idea that I didn't have a gender preference'....”

Ahh, right... most of the changelings interested in Equestrian culture are the ones that adopted a gender, like me. But now that the exchange program has been going for so long, I guess some of the more 'traditional' changelings are heading over there...

“They kept asking how I could not have a gender... and I just couldn't make them understand how I don't feel it's really that important.”

Finally, a chance to remind someone that the hive understands!- “I'm sorry you had that experience, Lullun. Just remember that you're always among friends here. Should I cancel your plans to depart back for Equestria in two months' time?”

“Oh, no... I did make some friends there, and I promised them I would visit again soon... besides, it wasn't so bad. I think ponies just need to warm up to the idea, is... all...”

They're staring at me. Oh, my smile must be looking a little crooked... here, just fake a sneeze-

- “W-Achoo! Sorry about that!”

“Oh, no problem.”

That was close. Keep it together; it's not their fault that you're aggravated. At least they have such a soft voice...

“Oh, uh, where is Cheery? I promised her I'd bring something back, and...”

Keep it together. Keep it together. - “She's, ah, hosting a small 'welcome back' party for the cultural exchangelings”- that pun is so awful- “over in Cluster Whitefalls.”

“Oh, thank you. I'll be sure to head right over there. Is that, um... all you needed?”

That and a long nap- “Yes, thank you. Have fun at the party.”

Even I can hear how mechanical I sound at this point. Ugh, only two more...


Finally done with those 'reports'. This walk back will give me time to think.

I remember when debriefing used to be the term for Infiltrators coming back bearing important intel for the hive, not... tourists coming back with their insipid stories of how much 'better' Equestria is than here!

Hmph... maybe Chrysalis ought to find someone else to-- no! She trusted me with this! She must have felt it was important... right? She wouldn't give me some task this dull if she didn't want to make sure someone else didn't... ah, who am I kidding. She's been so distracted lately, it's a wonder she gave me anything to do at all.

Almost all of them ask after Cheery as soon as they get back, anyway... maybe she should do it-- oh, I'm back. I should go report to Chrysalis.


“Iqqel, welcome back. How did the debriefing go?”

She looks so tired... - “It went well, my Queen. The changelings are learning much from Equestria, and it seems they are enjoying themselves...”

I can see the hurt in her eyes when this comes up... I even know what she's going to say next.

“They prefer their time in Equestria to their time in the hive, don't they?”

I wish I could soften the blow somehow - “Some of them, my Queen, but the novelty has yet to wear off, and-”

“I think we're well past the point of it just being a 'novelty', Iqqel! Some of my subjects have even sought citizenship in Equestria! This isn't just some passing phase, my... I'm sorry.”

I can feel my heartbeat in my ears! She's been on such a hair-trigger lately, and she's terrifying when she gets angry!

“Iqqel, I didn't mean to... to lash out at you. I've just been under a lot of pressure lately.”

I must have let my nerves show on my face. Straighten up, your Queen needs you! - “It's perfectly alright, my Queen. I've been on-edge myself, lately. There are many changes ongoing in the hive, but I'm sure things will work out. Your wisdom and strength guide us, my Queen.”

She always perks up when I praise her leadership, so why does she look so sad?

“... No... requests for an audience with me, I'm guessing?”

Oh, no. Not this... I can't even keep my ears straightened. She can see on my face what my answer will be... - “W-well, that privilege was originally for Infiltrators, my Queen... I think that many changelings may be embarrassed to try to invoke it with you...”

“Do you think my subjects are... afraid to speak with me? Because of my recent behavior?”

Maybe - “No! No. It's just, a lot is changing, and our rules and customs aren't caught up yet, and you know Cheery decided to throw that big party, so I think maybe there was an assumption...”

It kills me when she sighs like that. “Thank you, Iqqel, that will be all for today.” I don't want that to be all for today! You need a lot more than just some... some court scribe running around confirming what you already know! You need to talk to someone!

“Thank you, Iqqel. That will be all for today.”