• Published 11th Sep 2014
  • 5,811 Views, 291 Comments

Twilight? - Lunafan1k

After a promising breakthrough with an experimental spell backfires in the worst way possible, Twilight finds herself in a cubed world where she must learn how to use the world around her to survive. [realistic: monsters are more detailed]

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Beyond the Gates

Steve watched Twilight’s prone form with a small smile as she passed out on the bed, she reminded him of himself his first few days here. He softly closed the door behind him as he headed back toward the library, thoughts of his strange purple friend floating though his mind.

Once he was downstairs he made a beeline to his large chest, where he removed several more of the ever so rare diamonds and an old set of his diamond armor. He made his way to the anvil in the corner and went about repairing their durability. His face was set in grim determination, an Enderman this close to his home meant one thing: they found him again, and they were coming.

Twilight stirred awake, her body demanding rest but her mind was working overtime. She tossed and turned in the sheets, trying to find that blissful comfort she felt mere moments ago. Giving up, she decided to simply lay still and listen to the silence around her.

Unfortunately that silence was interrupted by a sharp metallic clang, jolting her upright in the bed. She listened for it again and wasn’t disappointed. The sound rang out once more from the floor below. Fed up with trying to sleep she threw the sheets off of her body, vaguely thinking she may have slept better if she took her armor off.

The clang sounded again as she made her way into the hall. She glanced back to close the door, raising an eyebrow at the pristine bed that somehow made itself while she wasn’t looking. She shrugged it off and closed the door. The clang resounded one last time as she followed it into the library. There she saw Steve hunched over what appeared to be an anvil, fiddling with his armor.

He re-equipped the armor and she noticed that it looked as good as new. Intrigued, she removed the book he had given her and flipped through the pages to find the anvil. The first page showed her how to make one, apparently using a lot of iron; the next page showed her how to use it. She nodded in understanding, using a like item to repair a like item seemed pretty straight forward.

She put the book away in time to see Steve turn toward a wall and stand on a hidden pressure plate. There was a sound similar to a steam piston and suddenly the wall opened up, revealing a dark tunnel. Steve turned around, causing Twilight to hide around the corner. Steve shrugged and descended into the darkness.

Twilight watched as he left, the steam piston hissed again and the wall was reformed. She pondered her actions for a moment, was she really about to follow Steve into the hidden tunnel? What if he just wanted to be alone? She shook her head; if he just wanted to be alone he wouldn’t take the time to repair his armor first. She nodded her head, decision made. ‘If Steve is about to fight something, I’ll do my best to help.’

Twilight walked up to the unassuming wall and stood where she saw Steve not a moment before. She felt a slight shift as the plate depressed into the floor and the familiar hiss of steam met her ears. The wall in front of her suddenly opened up, revealing the dark passageway. She tentatively walked forward, her hoof steps echoing off the smooth walls.

Once she was a few feet into the tunnel the pistons activated and the light from the library was cut out as the wall sealed behind her. She lit her horn against the darkness and descended down the long staircase.

The darkness was always stifling down at the bedrock, the only stone even his diamond pick was unable to crack. He had his reservations about what this chamber was specifically built for, but the valuable materials he needed could not be gathered otherwise.

At the far end of the chamber was what appeared to be a wall of lava that pooled on the ground. He approached a switch on the wall and pulled it down, and waited. The lava had stopped flowing continuously, instead slowly flowing lower and lower to the ground. As the lava faded to nothing, the twisted and melted remains of various monsters were revealed. The wall of lava performed its job admirably, killing anything that tried to come through.

Once the lava had fully disappeared, he walked forward toward the newly revealed Nether Portal. He pulled out his sword and stepped into the purple field. It had always made him queasy as it seemed to push and pull him constantly before a great pressure shoved him someplace impossibly far away, but he wasn’t moving at all.

He stumbled forward and almost tripped as he stepped out of the portal. He scanned the area for a moment, once he was sure he wasn’t about to be attacked he took a moment to down a regeneration and strength enhancement potion. He winced at the bitter taste as he set off toward a familiar cave, moving swiftly as to not attract undue attention to himself.

Twilight picked her way passed the melted remains in the chamber, cautiously approaching the odd field of energy. Steve was nowhere to be found and the only things she saw in the chamber were the dead monsters and the odd energy field. It felt magical, but after further investigation if felt… evil. She shuddered, why would Steve have such a thing? It made sense to hide it deep underground, but what was the point of it?

She looked around once more before sighing, there really was nowhere else to go but into the portal after Steve. She checked her armor and readied her pickaxe. She cautiously stepped up to it, feeling the light thrum of power deep within her being, as though it were judging her motives. With one last gulp she hopped up onto the stone and through the portal.

Steve had wandered these ancient castle halls in the nether countless times before, his original signs pointing what lay ahead old reminders of his first trials in this nightmarish landscape. As he navigated through the halls by memory he mentally went over his checklist for materials he needed.

He had to find to find the fire elementals, blazes, for the rods they dropped, and then using those with the ender pearls he could find the main portal they entered his world from. Once he finds it, he’ll destroy it just like he had to all the others in the past.

His musing was interrupted though, as he heard the tell-tale creak and rattle of bone on bone. He turned around quickly, his diamond sword rising just fast enough to block a powerful blow. His foe, a skeleton of black bone wielding a massive great sword, pressed into the attack. Steve was pushed back from the force, his diamond boots scraping across the stone floor with a horrid screech.

He shifted his hold and rolled to the side, the force behind the great sword sending it into the floor with a resounding crack. Taking the opportunity, he swung his diamond sword with all his might. He was grateful for downing those strength and regeneration potions beforehand. The added strength to his swing chipped away at the bones, but it did little to stop the skeleton.

It quickly recovered and stood to its full height, nearly three feet taller than Steve himself. He dropped low and brought up his sword defensively. These skeletons were indeed among some of the most powerful monsters he had ever encountered, but once he found their weakness and exploited it; there was little they can do to stop him.

As expected, the skeleton swung straight down. Steve deflected the attack into the stone once again, this time swinging his sword onto the skeleton’s wrist, striking hard enough to cause a spider web of cracks to shoot across the arm. He jumped back as the skeleton ripped the sword from the ground and swung it around backhanded.

Once more it readied its sword and marched toward him. Steve repeated his movements and waited for the strike, he was soon rewarded for his patience. The skeleton struck again, but this time Steve was able to sever the skeletal claw grasping the sword and sent it skittering across the floor.

He then kicked out the stunned skeleton’s legs, causing it to fall on its face. He stood over it and swung repeatedly, severing each limb then the head. Once he was finished he moved the pieces away from each other. He had learned long ago that these skeletons are never truly killed; all he could do was separate the pieces so it would take longer for it to pull itself together.

Done with his task, he set off once again toward one of the only remaining gates spitting out the blazes.

She felt herself being pulled along as she fell through reality, the land on the other side quickly meeting her hooves. She shook her head to re-orientate herself, and then her breath was taken away. She had personally seen the Gates of Tartarus herself, and even had a brief description of the inside from the princesses themselves, but this place made Tartarus look like a child’s playground.

It was red everywhere she looked; the red ground beneath her hooves was porous and felt like coal, several blocks around her burned without an end in sight, like the material would burn forever. Looking out further she saw the vast majority of the new world was covered in lava. It fell like a waterfall from the ceiling of the massive cavern and pooled far below in what could only be described as a lake of lava.

She turned around to see what lay behind her; luckily the exit was on one of the few bits of solid ground jutting out from a sheer cliff. But what caught her attention was a torch, several of them in fact, seeming to lead into a cave nearby. She did a double take and looked around more closely. There were indeed many caves scattered around, and if there was a maze of caves underground then she could get lost very quickly.

She began to follow the path of torches, carefully avoiding the fires that were scattered around. Suddenly the ground to her right erupted in a fiery explosion, sending her sailing through the air. She landed in a roll and jumped to her hooves, silently thankful her armor absorbed most of the damage as she looked around for the cause.

Just in time she saw a massive ball of flame growing larger as it sailed toward her. She leapt to the side and avoided another explosion as it impacted, scattering red stone and setting several on fire. She looked out over the lake of lava, following the trajectory of the fire ball. She gasped in shock and froze in terror. There floating high over the lake was what looked like a giant pale jellyfish, with a face.

Its soulless black eyes were locked onto her, it opened its mouth and she could faintly hear a horrible screech as it blasted another fireball her way. She moved to the side, the distance allowing her to easily avoid it entirely. The jellyfish seemed to hum in contemplation for a moment as it floated closer, shooting more balls of fire at her.

Left with no choice, Twilight turned tail and fled into the tunnel lined with torches, the entrance exploding behind her. She sighed in relief; the monster was hovering near the portal looking for her, but seemed to give up as it began to wander off out of sight.

She put the entrance behind her as she followed the trail of torches deep into the twisting red caves. They seemed to cross over each other, resulting in Twilight having to avoid falling into another tunnel and back tracking on occasion as the torches went into an easily missed tunnel. Eventually she came upon a black stone wall with several blocks knocked out of place.

She cautiously stuck her head through the wall and looked around. She was greeted with a welcome sight, a familiar chest and several odds and ends lined the walls, as well as a number of torches lighting the chamber.

From here there were several signs pointing to each of the three stone halls. She pondered for a moment, unable to read the signs and having no idea which direction her friend had wandered off to. Her decision was made for her, however, as she heard a clash of steel on steel.

She took off down the right hall, following the sounds of a fierce battle. However, the sounds of the fight had stopped long before her arrival, but all she found was a discarded great sword and a few black bones scattered around. She was looking closer when one of the bones twitched and slowly rolled to another, connecting into an elbow.

Twilight was able to hold back of screams as she scooted back towards the far wall. She watched with wide eyes as the two bones flexed back and forth, achieving nothing other than creeping her out. She scooted along the wall in an attempt to remain as far away from it as possible. Once she was passed she broke into a gallop, hoping to catch up to Steve.

Steve hated the magma cubes. The slimes on his side of the gate were more annoying than dangerous, but the magma cubes here had a tendency to set his clothing on fire, a lot. While his burns would heal rather quickly, sheering sheep and crafting clothing was far too tedious for his liking.

Steve danced around them as best he could as his attacks broke them into smaller and smaller slimes. Eventually the last one was slain and evaporated, allowing him to continue on. He only made it a few steps before one of the blazes he was looking for floated around the corner ahead of him.

He dodged to the side as it wasted no time in its attacks, Steve in turn taking out his bow and notching an arrow. He dodged another blast and quickly took aim, he only had a few precious seconds between blasts of fire to line up the shot, and then let the arrow fly.

Unfortunately he missed, striking the wall behind it. He dodged to the side as the fire blasted against the ground behind him. He notched another arrow and shot quickly, this time his aim was true, striking it in the center of its body and causing it to sputter a moment. As he readied a third arrow two more blazes joined it. He cursed to himself and hid around another corner. He dug into his pack as blasts of fire bombarded his cover, soon pulling out a fire resistance potion. He popped the cork and drank it in a few sips. A few seconds later he felt his body temperature cool, making him feel as though he were in the mountains again.

He readied his sword this time and ran around the corner, charging the blazes head on. His sword was able to deflect some of the attacks, while those that hit him bounced off his armor doing minimal damage. He stabbed one in its fiery core, causing it to explode in a brilliant burst of flames. Next he swung to his left, knocking the second into the wall where the flames dispersed, revealing a blaze rod. He swung down over his head on top of the last one, causing another rod to drop to the ground.

He picked them up, their size small enough to easily fit into his bag. He shook his head, he would need a few more of these, and blowing them up would get him nowhere. He set off around the corner and headed toward the gate they were born from.

Twilight stuck her head around the corner toward the sound of more fighting, but quickly pulled it back as a stream of fire shot passed, blackening several hairs as it did. She took a moment to calm herself back down and looked again, this time with her magic at the ready.

She smiled; she finally caught up to Steve! He was standing next to a black cage that had a small fire creature trapped inside. As she watched, an opening appeared on top of it and a much larger version of the creature floated out, followed by Steve smashing it with his sword.

The elemental flames dispersed, revealing a short fiery rod, which Steve placed into his bag. He hadn’t noticed her yet and she was about to call out when she heard steps coming from the dark hall to her left. She turned in time to see a massive black skeleton charging towards her. She immediately ran in the opposite direction, but the skeleton proved to be faster.

It quickly caught up and swung down at her, clipping her right flank hard enough to send her tumbling to the ground. She looked up to see the skeleton bringing down the sword on her again, this time she was able to cast a shield in front of her. It blocked the attack but it would only take a few more hits before it shattered.

She reached out in her magical aura and brought the pickaxe to bear, prepared to fight against this skeleton as best she could. She waited for the barrier to break, and with one final swing of the great sword the shield gave way, causing the skeleton to stumble for a moment.

Twilight swung her pickaxe at the skeleton, but her aim was off and she just managed to clip it. The skeleton recovered and swung the sword at her again. She deflected with the pickaxe as she spun around and bucked with enough force to make AJ proud. She connected with the skeleton’s knees, shattering them to pieces as it fell to the ground.

It didn’t stop though, it tried to crawl towards her but she had other ideas. She charged her horn with magic and blasted it, the force behind the beam blowing the bones to pieces. Once she was sure it was nothing more than dust she relented, all that remained was several blocks missing from the floor.

A sudden clang ran out behind her, causing her to jump in the air. She spun around and charged her horn, but cut off the magic as she saw who it was. Steve was standing there, wide-eye and slack-jawed with his sword on the ground next to him, having fallen from his loose grip.

She chuckled nervously, not only had she been caught following him, but also had apparently blown his mind with the power of her magic. That or her mane was a mess, she thought with a chuckle. Steve shook himself out of it and picked up his sword. He patted Twilight on her armored head and motioned for her to follow him.

He led her back to the main room, where he pulled out a book and drew several shapes on the pages. Once he was finished he showed them to her. She took the book in her magic and interpreted the drawings. There was a crude rendering of the tall black screaming monster with an X through it, followed by a picture of the blue pearl it transformed into.

The next set of pages showed the fire elemental he was fighting, and the rod he had collected from them. The rods would need to be broken down into powder, then it showed the powder and the pearl being combined to form a serpentine eye. The next set of pages were difficult to interpret, but it looked like he was going to use the eyes to find another portal, one that looked like the black monsters were coming through.

She nodded her head, “You’re going to stop them.” She looked up at him, “I’m going too, and I can’t let my friend face them alone!” He stared at her declaration blankly, and then motioned toward the book for her to read it. She nodded her head indicating she understood what he was doing, and then pointed to herself then to the black monsters on the portal, then to her horn.

He thought for a moment before nodding, a powerful ally on his side would make the battle all the easier, it was no fun fighting three of them at once. She smiled back up at him and stored the book in her bags, then followed him back to the over world.


In a small room hidden far underground rested a horizontal portal of the darkest black that thrummed with power and pure evil intent. From this portal emerged a large number of black monsters, each one screaming a battle cry. War was at hand, and this time the battlefield will not be in their sacred chamber, but in his.

Author's Note:

Another chapter! Shit is about to go down my friends!

Also, yes I know the snowball trick for fighting blazes, but he's got diamond armor and fire resistance.

Yes, I am aware the end portal doesn't work like this but I'm taking creative liberties with the world.

Sorry for the wait, I wanted Twilight to experience the Nether and I had a hard time coming up with a reason for them to go there at all. Besides potions or Eye of Ender mats there isn't much reason to go there.

Also a rough image of the ghast Twilight saw