• Published 11th Sep 2014
  • 5,811 Views, 291 Comments

Twilight? - Lunafan1k

After a promising breakthrough with an experimental spell backfires in the worst way possible, Twilight finds herself in a cubed world where she must learn how to use the world around her to survive. [realistic: monsters are more detailed]

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Of Endermen and Mine Carts

“Thank you, Spike, for offering to be the court scribe while Mrs. Flowing Script is sick.” Princess Celestia said. It was the end of the daily open court, the day having previously been full of various ponies petitioning their projects or asking for advice for their concerns. Through it all, little Spike was at her side writing everything down.

“It’s no problem. Besides, I’m sure I’ll be able to feel my claw again eventually.” Spike replied with a laugh, earning a smile from the princess. “But what I don’t get is why you need a scribe anyway; why not just use magic to record everything?”

“Because the dictation spell cannot discern everything, for instance, if two ponies are talking the words would become jumbled and it will try and write every sound.” Spike nodded in understanding, more than a few bickering arguments had sprung up that day, resulting in him returning to his comic book. “Now, I was told Twilight and a team of unicorns from the Board of Magic will be conducting some experiments down in the Crystal Caverns today, I was thinking of seeing how things are going.”

“Wait, I thought it was the Circle of Magi?” Spike asked in confusion.

Celestia paused with a thoughtful look, “They have always been the Board of Magic; perhaps you read about that in one of your comic books and confused the two?”

Spike looked up guiltily as he failed to hide a comic book behind his back; the very one he would resort to reading when there was nothing to do in the court. He was about to respond when one of the board members rushed into the room, closing the door behind himself and casting a sound ward around the room.

“Whatever is the matter, Flicker?” Celestia asked.

Flicker glanced at Spike worriedly, “I’m not sure if Mr. Spike should hear this.”

“I assure you, Spike is very responsible for his age. Now, what is your report?”

Flicker took a steadying breath, “The waypoint worked flawlessly, we even accidently sent an owl through it with no harm, so we thought we should try something else. We decided to send a pony, and we agreed Twilight should have the honor of the first pony to travel by waypoint.” Celestia’s brow began to lower into a glare. “But she was fine! She congratulated us then decided to go home. But somehow in the wave of celebration one of the runes was damaged. I tried to warn her but she was already gone.”

“You let my student use an experimental form of magic on herself without testing for everything first?” Celestia asked coldly. Flicker was beginning to sweat bullets as Spike was filled with worry. “I want everypony to examine the rune and determine the distance and direction of travel. I will inform my sister and we will send search parties to scour the area. Now go!” She commanded rather forcibly. Flicker let out a worried whinny as he turned tail and ran out the door.

“She’ll be okay, right Princess?” Spike asked.

She looked down at the young drake, “I’m certain she is, she’s a strong pony. Now come along, I need to inform Twilight’s family of this travesty.”

Twilight slowly returned to the land of the living, she felt herself gently rocking back and forth as the sun beamed down on her. She groaned as she lifted her head, her ribs shifting painfully as she did so. She winced through the pain and looked around. She found herself in some kind of large metal bin; the slowly moving landscape revealed that she was moving.

She looked toward the front and saw what looked like a different villager, this one was slightly taller. His arms were thick and muscular, his back and legs bulged with power as he pulled on a rope connected to her metal bin.

She observed his motions for a few moments as she tried to determine why this one had gone out of its way to drag her around like this. For a moment she entertained the thought that it was going to eat her, but if that was the case why didn’t it tie her up? She decided to ask it.

“Um, excuse me?”

The villager stopped suddenly and looked around for a moment.

“Uh, hi.”

He spun around and looked at her, his eyes full of fear and worry. He began waving his hands in front of her face frantically and grunting.

“Okay, I have no ide-” she was cut off as he clamped his large hands over her muzzle. She was about to resist more, but he glanced off into the distance again. Wondering what his cause for concern was, she glanced off to the side. There on the horizon were several figures standing in the sun. Most of them were more of the green monsters that exploded, but one of them looked like a tall black shadow with glaring purple eyes.

As she watched it, it whipped its head in her direction, and then her vision cut out as another hand covered her eyes. She tried to yell and fight him off, but he was too strong. He forced her head back down into the bin and grunted loudly. He released her eyes but kept a hand on her muzzle.

She looked up at him in fear, but his fear was greater. ‘What could scare someone who was so strong?’ she thought to herself, the revelation causing to cease her struggles. Once he was certain she would stay down and be quiet, the villager slowly released her and began nervously glancing around.

Once he was certain they didn’t attract too much attention, he made to grab the rope once more. He was about to stand but a sudden sound cut across the plains. It was a moan, a loud yelling moan filled with rage. Twilight wanted to look over the edge of her cart but the villager ran up to her, grabbed her head, and forced her eyes to lock with his.

She was stunned for a moment, and then began to question what he was doing. He was obviously scared; his eyes were shaking back and forth as sweat began to roll down his face. She shifted her eyes to the side, but before she could see anything he gave her head a firm shake and locked eyes with her again. She made the connection: don’t look.

She nodded her head and locked his gaze as the moaning continued. There was a ‘POMPF’ and a black shadowy figure appeared out of the corner of her vision. She focused in front of her as it moved around them, using just the edge of her vision she wasn’t able to make out its form, just glowing purple eyes and a large screaming mouth.

Even though it stood right next to them, it didn’t seem to notice them, much to her confusion. Could it only see you if you looked at it? Suddenly it vanished, she heard it pop back into existence a little ways away.

It screamed again, and then she heard it, the sound of some living thing being ripped to pieces. The wet tearing sounds followed by the bloody bits and pieces splatting against the ground struck terror in her heart, her face soon matching the fear and worry of the villager clutching her head. ‘That could have been me!’ she thought fearfully, ‘He’s saving me… he’s really saving me!’ She wanted to cry in joy, but not looking at their surroundings was their main priority.

Soon there was another ‘POMPF’ and the echoing screams faded away. The villager visibly relaxed once silence fell upon them once more. He released her and looked off to the side with a frown. Twilight lifted her head and looked as well, then wished she hadn’t. One of the tall green explosive creatures had been torn to bits and pieces. Long claw marks were slashed through the body multiple times removing large chunks of it. Inside appeared to be a ruptured bag or sack spilling an unknown black power into the blood. Her scientific mind kicked in, pondering if that powder was behind the explosions it caused.

The villager sighed, then grabbed the rope and continued pulling the cart she was riding in. Normally Twilight would argue against the treatment, but the thought of that creature being ripped apart forced her to curl in on herself. For a while she laid there, the cool iron of the cart swaying gently as the villager pulled it to wherever he was going. She laid there and thought about her predicament, how will she ever get home? She would need to re-create the waypoint from the ground up; unfortunately this world may not have the components needed to make the special chalk. But then again she could always search for some, but that leaves another problem.

This world was far harsher than anything she had previously encountered, let alone imagined. If she was ever to see her home and her friends ever again, she would need to survive this place. In order to survive, she would need to learn how this world worked.

She sat up in her cart and looked around; they were approaching the mouth of a well-lit cave just as the sun was beginning to set again. She blinked at that, they haven’t been traveling that long, she must have been unconscious for hours.

The villager suddenly stopped and dropped the rope, turned around, and punched it a few times, causing it to release from the cart and shrink into a tightly wrapped ball. He then motioned to Twilight, almost like he was shooing her away. After a moment she understood and eased out of it. He proceeded to punch the iron cart a few times and that too shrank in size.

He picked them up, placed the rope in his pocket and pulled out a second miniaturized cart. He then motioned for Twilight to follow him; she did her best as she painfully made her way to the cave entrance, using the villager as a crutch. As they neared, she was able to make out a bit of a rail road track, though it was too small to carry a train. Several sections of it appeared to be made of solid gold and seemed to glow with a red energy.

The villager walked up to the rails and placed the cart on it. When it popped back into full size, Twilight was able to see that it was actually a mine cart, not too different than the ones used in the Crystal Caverns back home. Her posture drooped as a wave of depression overtook her, but quickly fought off the surge of homesickness, there would be time for that when it was safe. That is, if anywhere in this world is safe.

She watched him place another mine cart behind the first one, then latch them together. He clambered into the second one then motioned for her to climb into the one in front. She hesitated for a moment, and then limped up to it. He lent a hand to help ease her over the edge, but it was still painful as she hissed in pain. She looked around again and noticed that the entrance to the cave was open for anything to follow them in.

“Um, what if monsters follow us?” she asked.

The villager glanced around quickly; there were no monsters in the area so he let himself smile. He turned around and pressed a button on the wall at the end of the track. Nothing happened at first, but the villager continued to watch her with a smile.

Twilight was just confused, how was a button going to solve the monster issue? She looked around for anything that may have changed, but she didn’t see anything right away. She was about to voice her concerns when she saw it, a bright glow coming from over the edge of the cave opening. She watched curiously as gravity seemed to slowly pull it to the ground, it was red and seemed to flow, but it remained in a block shape. Soon it hit the cave floor and spread out in shallower squares. Twilight felt the heat on her face as it spread to cover the entire entrance area.

“Is that… is that lava?!” she said, “If that’s lava and acts anything like the lava I know, it’ll be impossible for anything to get through! This is genius!” She declared excitedly. She looked to the villager and smiled back at him. He motioned for her to look forward and pressed another button.

The mine carts instantly shot forward, causing Twilight to flail her hooves and grab onto the edge as they shot down a steep incline. Every second they seemed to travel over one of the golden glowing rails that seemed to push them faster. She looked ahead, the tunnel went ever further down into darkness, exactly how far Twilight may never know.

The torches lining the tunnel were suddenly replaced with some sort of red block that burned with huge flames, creating the illusion that they were descending into a tunnel of fire. She laughed out loud at the thrill of the ride and threw her hooves up to the ceiling and she cried out in joy. She looked back at the villager; he was giving her a confused look before following her lead and threw his arms into the air as well.

Suddenly they leveled off, going straight forward instead of down. The fire rock remained on either side as they blasted faster into the receding darkness. There was a light at the very end she was able to see, it grew bigger and brighter as the quickly approached.

There was a rush of air as they burst into an enormous cavern, the sheer size of it was lost to her as the ceiling and far walls were shrouded in darkness, but right in front of them was the main attraction.

In the center of the cavern was a castle made of stone blocks, it had several towers and tall walls, not too different from the castles built when Luna and Celestia were young. But that’s where the simplicity ended. The entire castle was floating in the air, suspended over a pit of lava, a small rail bridge was all the connected it to stable ground. The mine carts shot over the bridge and through a small opening in the wall. There must have been another switch somewhere that closed the wall behind them as the sped inside.

Traditional torches lit the narrow hall, the end opened into a small room with a patch of non-glowing golden track. As soon as the carts hit that section they slowed to a stop almost immediately. Twilight wasn’t expecting this and was thrown forward and toppled out of the cart, landing on her side with a pained yowl. The villager leaped to her side in a moment and looked over her with worry.

“I-I’m fine, just give me a sec.” She said as she slowed her breathing to lessen the pain. She watched the villager walked away through a door, and return a few moments later. He handed her a glass of purple liquid and a loaf of bread.

He held a second loaf of bread in his hand as he sat down next to her. He took several small bites at a time then the bread vanished, he gave a hearty belch and patted his stomach before looking to Twilight expectantly. She took the hint and munched on the bread. It was alright as far as bread went, tasted like wheat and could definitely use some jam but it’ll keep her fed. She then popped the cork out of the bottle and gave it a hesitant sniff before trying to sip it.

Unfortunately the liquid acted like a solid and refused to flow into her mouth. She looked to the villager and he emulated drinking the potion, telling her to take a lot of tiny sips from it. She shrugged, based on everything wrong in this world why wouldn’t that work?

She tilted the potion back toward her mouth and began sipping at the opening. After a few sips the potion vanished. She wondered what happened for a moment before she felt it; her wounds were slowly beginning to heal. The pain in her ribs faded as her headache vanished completely. Within a few minutes she was feeling much better, yet still sore in some areas.

She smiled to the villager, and then frowned. She had been thinking of him as ‘villager’ this entire time, but that can’t be accurate. “So, I get that you don’t talk, but what should I call you? You’re not a villager, and calling you a miner just sounds strange.” He looked at her, knowing she was speaking but unable to understand a word. “I’ll just call you Steve; do you like the name Steve?”

Steve tilted his head, so Twilight pointed to herself, “Twilight.” Then pointed to her new friend, “Steve.” He nodded in understanding and she smiled, then frowned as he stood and walked out of the room. “Where are you going?” She asked. There was no response. “Oh duh, he’s mute Twilight, learn to think once in a while.” She berated herself with a giggle.

She stood and followed him into the adjoining room and gasped in surprise. The room she left had been carved from the stone, leaving smooth stone walls. This room was lined with wood planks, several pictures lined the walls and there was a bed in one corner. Along the wall in front of her was a cube of a table with several different tools hanging off of it, on either side there was what appeared to be a long wooden chest. Further along the wall appeared to be a giant anvil, next to that appeared to be a potions stand.

The other half of the room seemed to be devoted to one thing: books! Books were everywhere along the walls, and isles filled the empty spaces. Several benches and tables were on the ends to allow to a comfortable reading area, and all of this was accented by a fireplace with more burning stone set inside. This was the work of a true craftsman.

Steve waved a hand in front of her face to get her attention. She blinked several times and shook herself out of her daydreaming and glanced up at him. He smiled then motioned for her to follow him. He led her to the tool table and opened one of the boxes and began to rummage around. Twilight looked over his shoulder, inside was a jumbled mess of thousands of small blocks of various colors. Her eye began to tick at the level of disorganization before her.

She lit her horn, grabbed all the blocks and assorted items inside, and rearranged them according to color, unfortunately she didn’t know what half of them were but she did her best. When she finished a few moments later Steve was staring at her in wonder and gratitude. She smiled in kind and stepped back so he may continue his search. He glanced into the newly assorted box for a moment before closing the lid and shaking his head. He moved to the next box and revealed an even larger mess of items. If the red glow of his cheeks and awkward smile was anything to go by, he was actually quite embarrassed.

Twilight rolled her eyes, a few frantic minutes of magical sorting later and the box was neatly organized. Steve looked inside and carefully sorted through the items. He stood a moment later and scratched is head.

“So, uh, what are you looking for exactly?” Twilight asked.

Steve looked at her for a moment, and then returned to the second chest. A moment later he held out several tiny blue things. Twilight looked at them in confusion. Steve grunted and slapped one of the pieces against his chest, and it was instantly on his body. Her eyes widened in understanding, it was armor!

“Are you making me armor?” She asked. She grabbed one of the pieces that looked like a helmet and tapped it to her head. Instead of popping onto her head it made a cracking sound and burst into dust. Steve saw this and fell to his knees, tears flowing down his face.

“Oh no! I’m so sorry I had no idea it would do that!” Twilight said as she wrapped her arms around him in a hug. He heaved a sigh and patted her head. He sniffed back his tears, and then stood and returned to one of the chests for a moment. He soon turned toward the tool table and placed several items on it. She looked at how he placed them in a pattern on a grid on the table.

It looked like there were three bars of metal across the top, and two sticks under them down the middle. She looked at it in confusion, she was about to ask what he was doing when he pressed a button in the corner. There was a familiar pop sound and the items compressed further, turning into a metal pickaxe!

“What?!” Twilight exclaimed. “Just how in the world is that possible?! How do you get a pickaxe from sticks and chunks of metal?!?! Just- You know what? Forget it. As Rainbow Dash would say, ‘who cares how it works as long as it works.’ Right?”

Steve watched her rant and blinked, having no idea what she was saying. Once he was sure she was done he handed her the pickaxe. She took it in her hoof, but it remained too tiny to actually use.

“I don’t think-” She was cut off, she had moved her hold from her hoof to her magic and it burst into full size, startling her so bad she jumped a foot into the air. As she was calming down she heard a series of deep grunts. She turned to see Steve barely able to control his laughter. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. What else can you make with that thing?”

Steve, still holding in several chuckles, placed several more items on the table and pressed the button. He kept the item hidden from Twilight until he slapped her back. She felt a fabric wrap gently around her midsection from her rump to her withers and settle against her body. Steve nodded in approval as Twilight looked over her new equipment; she had a pair of saddlebags!

“Wow, this is amazing! I-I don’t know what to say, but thanks!” She said as she beamed up at him.

He smiled back and handed her a few more items, another pickaxe, about a hundred torches, a sword, some blocks of wood, and a pile of coal. She placed the items in her bags and turned back to see that he had a blue sword and pickaxe, as well as a full blue armor set on, he must have had a spare helm so she didn’t know what brought him to tears when the other was accidently destroyed.

“So, now what?” She asked.

He seemed to ignore her question and instead opened a book and used an inkpot and quill to write down a few lines of alien text. Even though Twilight had never seen the language, she could recognize a checklist anywhere. She looked back into her bag of materials as she connected the dots as she realized what they were about to do.

She straightened out and held her pickaxe high, she was about to go mining with her new friend!

Author's Note:

Okay, yesterday when I posted this story I went to bed with 2 thumbs ups and a thumbs down on it. When I woke up for my night shift I was really surprised that my notifications window pretty much exploded. I leaped to my computer and loaded up the main page and there it was, the first story of mine to get featured after writing for over three years. To say I was excited would be an understatement, so in an effort to keep the ball rolling I will be devoting all my writing to this fic in hopes of updating every day or two.

For now though, I'm just going to say that the next chapter is going to be a hell of a doozie!