• Published 11th Oct 2014
  • 567 Views, 2 Comments

The Great War - VanillaIceCreamSammich

After Twilight's use of dark magic in the Crystal Empire, she quickly becomes intrigued by it. She decides to study it a little more, but what she doesn't know is that it has a long-term effect. It slowly begins to take over Twilight's

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Chapter 1: The Arrival

Berlin, Germany November 15th, 1943

It was another day in Nazi Germany for Festungsoberwerkmeister Albert Wolff. He had been working at a Nazi weapons factory for 3 years now. He knew everything there was to know about German weapons. His quick-wit and desire to support the Nazi's without fighting in the war had him sky-rocketing in his career. He didn't only know how to assemble a weapon, he knew how to fire it. He served in the first world war as a soldat. He served the whole war, leaving as an oberleutnant. He was quick to join the Nazi forces, leaving for the factories in 1940 after his squad was left without ammo in a French offensive, he ended up leaving the war as a Major.

Albert's job was to supervise the less-experienced workers. He was the one to train them, make sure they made the guns and ammo correctly and to make sure they didn't mess up the machinery. He was also the one to fill out accident reports, machinery failures and malfunctions. He signed all official documents sent to the factory. The one thing he didn't like about his job however, was that he was the one everyone complained to. He's heard everything there is to complain and whine about. Oh, there isn't enough pay! We never get any time off! We work too many hours! He could go on, and on and on about it for days. As Festungsoberwerkmeister, Albert was required to always wear a satchel with blueprints for everything produced in the factory. Those blueprints including the Kübelwagen, MP40, Luger P08, MG42 and the Gewehr 43, among other things.

After a 13 hour work day, Albert decided to go home. He lived quite a few miles away, in the "nicer" parts of Berlin. He was very well off for himself. He worked for 84 ℛℳ an hour, which was amazing considering the other workers. He usually had to drive for about one hour to get to and from the factory. Today, however was not one of those days. The traffic was horrendous! In fact, it was so bad that it took him three hours to get home.

He had a fairly nice home, it had two floors, 3 bed and 2.5 bath. His house was nicely furnished as well, or at least that's what Albert thought. When he finally got home, he was exhausted. He had to deal with some annoying worker that was demanding time off because his wife was pregnant! I mean, what is that! Albert kept telling him, and telling him no and giving him reasons why he couldn't but he still kept complaining and complaining about it. He did get his time off though, he did get it. He had the rest of his life off of work. I mean, his wife hasn't even been pregnant for one month! He had a war to fight! Albert had no time to deal with these things. It was simply outrageous, but he knew he had to deal with these things when he signed up.

Albert took a right at the second door to get to his bedroom. He wasn't a simple man, per se, he just enjoyed sitting on his couch, relaxing. One of his favorite pastimes was watching TV. Although there weren't many channels, he loved it. Although it's mostly been war propaganda now-a-days. Albert didn't even care if he was still in his work clothes. He just shuffled his way to his bed and just let himself fall into his mattress. It's good winning a war, especially if it's not your life on the line!

Albert was having a very strange dream, there were ponies everywhere! They also appeared to be sentient, as crazy as that sounds, but hey, it's a dream. It was as if he was in some sort of medieval town. There were no roads, the streets didn't have signs and there were no cars. There was no kind of industry at all! No factories, no distilleries nothing like that, nothing at all. It was nothing like Germany, it was simple though. It looked easy enough to live in, everything was so... simple. As if so many basic things weren't researched, such as STREET SIGNS!

It seemed as if no one (or no pony?) noticed him, or could see him for that matter. It was as if he didn't even exist. He even considered being a ghost. Man, how cool would that be! In fact, he tried going through a wall, but alas, he face-planted into wall. Instead of blindly walking into a wall, Albert stepped back and looked at the sign on the building. There appeared to be a cupcake on it. Upon stepping back further, he could see that the building actually looked like a cake. Damn, this is one hell of a dream, that's for sure. Albert started to wonder if it actually was a cake, I mean, it was a dream. He stepped up to the building and tried to taste it. Just then, Albert realized that he just tried to walk into this building. On the bright side of things, he was able to confirm that this was indeed, a building. Albert decided that it must be a good idea to go inside the building and check it out. Now that he was definitely, 100% sure it was a building, he entered it. He tried the door first, obviuosly. He tried and tried, putting as much force as he could, but the door wouldn't budge. After that he left it alone.

The world around Albert started to fade away. When Albert started to get up, he couldn't see well, everything blurred together. Everything was similar to his dream though.... He heard some unknown voice "Where do you want us to put him, princess?" Some other voice, which appeared to be feminine replied "Take him to-" Albert started to drift in and out of consciousness. Everything started to blur together, voices, sounds, surroundings everything. Albert didn't like it at all, that was, until everything went black and he couldn't think.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it, please leave your responses down in the comment section below. I'm not exactly sure how often I'll be able to update this story (because of school), but I'll try my best!

Comments ( 2 )

Alright, so I read through your description and I gotta say, your description is pretty good; However, I read through your story and the way it was written made your characters remind of players on Moon Base Alpha.

fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/112/5/6/kerbal_space_program_fanart__moonbase_alpha_by_mrfancy-d62p2p6.jpg The kerbals are this community.

I would highly advise to read Ezn's guide to writing fanfiction and then re-writing both chapters of your story. Other... the execution of the story so far is pretty bad.

Also, FYI, space out your paragraphs.

5126641 Thanks for the honest feedback, this is my first story so I don't really know what I'm doing. I'll be sure to check that out.

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