• Published 8th Mar 2015
  • 555 Views, 2 Comments

The Baltimare Story - BlazingLight

A stallion abused by his family, a new life in Ponyville. What might the outcome of this new stallion's life be? Eternal depression, or a happy life with friends? Rarity will decide to make a new stallion out of him.

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The Baltimare Story - Chapter 1

Author's Note:

This story is an RP that I had on Omegle.com and I was just putting in parts that was similar to things that happened in my life. My mother actually died and I had dealt with BELT slapping instead of a paddle, but this is a story that is similar to my life. There are some things in the story that a not true at all. I'm not a bad person, I would never burn down building in any case.

But anyways, this is my first story, please give me any constructive criticism. This is technically the first story that I'm going to publish to a real public and I'm really nervous. So I hope you enjoy this.

Around three days he after left my home, he arrived into Ponyville. His only home that he could even have was just a small bench around Town Square. He was sleeping when a white unicorn with purple hair in curls walked up to him. The colt could hear the clop, clop, clop sounds with every step. She was holding shopping bags and set them down on the ground. She then spoke out saying, "Excuse me sir, but why are you sleeping on this bench?" He then awoke to the sound of her voice, looked into her blue eyes and she looked at him questionably, like if she knew him somehow. The colt panicked and hid his eyes with his hooves. "What do you want from me?! Just do whatever it is already!" He cried out in fear. The white unicorn knelt down to her knees and moved my hooves away from his face. She saw the tears streaming down the side of the colt's face. He opened his eyes, but couldn't see her clearly through the tears. "I'm not going to hurt you," she cooed.

"Who are you?" The young colt stuttered through the tears as I spoke those words.

"My name's Rarity. I make dresses for ponies in Ponyville. What is your name?"

I stand up and stare into her eyes through my tears. "My name?" The young colt repeated.

"Yes. What's your name, sir?" Rarity said again.

"I don't remember. I don't think I was ever called by my name by any pony."

"Take a walk with me. I must know why you're here. You seem really down in the dumps today. Talking usually helps, but I'm going to help you feel better."

"Don't push your luck." He says before he started his story.

"I was born in Baltimare. My mother and father didn't seem to like me and I barely got any attention from them. When I was three years old, my mother told me that I was born as an accident. I went to bed that night and I was wondering what she meant that I was born as an accident. What could it mean? Why was I an accident? I couldn't figure out the answer for myself, but later, when I turned 6, my mother and father enrolled me in school. They never say goodbye, or even wave, so I went to school that day. When I met my teacher, I asked her what it meant when someone is born by accident. She told me that it's when two ponies have a baby and they're not happy, there's a big chance that they'll neglect that pony. 'What does it mean to neglect somepony?' I asked her. She said to me, 'It means to not care for properly. Take a seat, class is about to start.' I went through school as if that I never was there.

"When I was 9 years old, I overheard my mother talking about having another baby. She said that it was going to be a girl. I was excited. I couldn't wait to she her. When my sister was going to be born, my father told my mother the name he was going to give her. "I was thinking Crystal Star. It's a really pretty name, I hope that she'll be as pretty as you." As he said that, he chuckled a little bit. When she was out of mother's womb, she was wrapped in a purple blanket and we took her home for and took care of her like she was their favorite child. I was even more ignored by my mother and my father.

"Then one day at school, there was a fire, but everyone saw me walk out of the bathroom and they all saw me walk out when it exploded. No pony understood the explosion part, but they all thought that I did it. I then lost all of my friends and was expelled from school. Since that day, I started taking poetry. That's what my special talent became. My cutie mark was a piece of paper with red ink on it. When I got home that day, my father took out a paddle, leaned me over his lap, and started spanking me yelling, asking, 'Why did you burn down the school?! Don't you know you could have killed some pony?!' And after every five times I was spanked, he asked me again. He spanked me until I told him why, or when I start bleeding. I was going to choose bleeding, but I never bleed before, and it started to hurt more and more, so I told him that I don't know how it happened. 'All I did was use the bathroom and that fire just started all of a sudden!' I yelled at the top of my lungs. He then dropped me to the ground, knocking all the air out of me. He left me there alone, and I cried for ten minutes, shouting, 'Why?' over and over. I could hear fast clopping sounds towards me and I felt my mother's touch on my head, but when I got on my back, I noticed it was Crystal, but I couldn't see her through my tears. She grabbed me by my neck and stood me up by force, saying, 'Stop crying. What are you, a four year old? Get out of my face.' and walked away from me.

"I turned 16 years later and showed my poetry to my sister Crystal. She read through my entire list and asked, "What is this?"

"I haven't been feeling happy lately, and I just wanted to show you how I've been feeling. Maybe you could help me out?"

Her questionable look turned into a frown and then said, 'Why should I help you? No one likes you, and neither do I. Mother said that you were born a mistake and you will be a mistake until the day you die. Now get out of my room.' I jumped at what she said, and went to grab my poetry. As I picked it up, she lifted her leg up and tripped me and said, 'Get out of my room, NOW, poetry boy!' I got up on my feet and ran towards the door and went to mother after that. I told mom that Crystal doesn't like me and says that I'm never going to be loved by any pony else. She knelt to her knees and said, 'I know it's hard to accept the fact that you have a new sister, but you don't need to be jealous about her.' I went to bed crying that night, knowing that Crystal was right.

"I was able to save enough money to leave town for a one-way trip to Ponyville. As I left home that night, I took one last look at home and turned around, hanging my head in shame of my own life. I even cried on the way to the station. When I got up to the ticket booth, I cried in front of the ticket vendor and said, 'One-way trip to Ponyville, please.' I then handed the vendor my money and pulled out a ticket. 'Enjoy your stay.' he said. When I got on the train, the car that I was in was starting to flood with more and more ponies every second. By the time it was full, the pony sitting next to me looked at me and shouted, 'It's him! He's that pony that burned down his school!' Every pony looked up to see what he was talking about. The entire train car was starring at me, while I was staring blankly at the pony. He turned to the cars doors that lead to the other cars and yelled, 'Run for your lives before he burns this train!' Within a matter of minutes, the entire car was empty, and then the train started moving. When it turned dark, I slept that night and had a nightmare that looked like my house was burning, and that three ponies were running on the lawn and they plopped down on the ground and then they died. Then a big white flash appeared and a newspaper was shown before my eyes. The train squealed to a stop and then the conductor woke me up, saying that I've arrived in Ponyville. I asked him how he knew that I was going to be in Ponyville, and he said, 'I was the one that took your ticket before you went on the train, remember?'

'I exited the train and I didn't even get introduced to anypony. I just walked around and found a place that was giving out free newspapers. I grabbed one of them and I saw that my nightmare came true. On the front of the newspaper was a burnt house with three dead bodies on the cover. I read the entire story from front to back and realized that it was my mother, father and sister in the house at the time. I just threw it away and just lived under that bench."

And right as the colt finished telling the story, Rarity stopped and said, "We're here." He looked up at the building in front of him and realized that it looked like a castle. She opened the door and said, "Make yourself at home. I'm going to get my friend to come over here. I think that she'd like to meet you."

And with that, he was able to talk to someone about his life without anyone screaming and running away from him. He waited for about ten minutes and then Rarity's door opens and her friend comes in. She's a purple alicorn, which was a pony with both wings and a unicorn's horn. The only alicorns out there are Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and Princess Twilight Sparkle. This alicorn looked a lot like Twilight Sparkle. She was a purple pony with purple hair and a pink streak near her horn.

"Twilight, this is that pony that I was talking about. He said that he was from Baltimare and is having a really hard time gaining some friends. I was hoping that you could help him out." Twilight looks at me questionably and strains her eyes at me and they turned to a shocked look. Twilight then shouted out, "He's that guy from that school-" but then Rarity clamps her mouth shut. I get up and walk away and Rarity shouts out to me, "Wait, Sebastian!" I keep walking away and disappear.

"Sebastian is his name?" Twilight asks Rarity.

"I don't know, I just thought of the first name that came to my mind. He can't remember his name. I should have told you not to mention that. He's having a hard time moving on after that day, and that other day when his house burned down." Rarity replied.

"His house burned down? Who did it?"

"I don't know. I need to find him. Please don't say those things about his past or else this isn't going to work out." And then she left to go find Sebastian.