The Baltimare Story

by BlazingLight

First published

A stallion abused by his family, a new life in Ponyville. What might the outcome of this new stallion's life be? Eternal depression, or a happy life with friends? Rarity will decide to make a new stallion out of him.

A young stallion born in Baltimare, was abused by his father, neglected by his mother, and turned depressed to his jealous sister, Crystal Star. After a tragic incident when he ran away from home, his house is mysteriously burnt down and some how, gets on a train to Ponyville.
Coverline, the main character, suffers through depression after reading a newspaper after getting off the train. When he earned his cutie mark, it represented a piece of paper with a quill in red ink. His special talent is poetry and doesn't think anyone will like his poetry. Most of his poetry is involving depression, sadness, suicide, etc. Most of the time, he's too shy to talk to any pony and since the incident, he thinks no pony will be his friend.
One day in Ponyville's Town Square, Rarity finds him sleeping on one of the benches while out shopping. After a small walk with Coverline, she decides to take him inside and treat him the way he's never felt before

The Baltimare Story - Chapter 1

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Around three days he after left my home, he arrived into Ponyville. His only home that he could even have was just a small bench around Town Square. He was sleeping when a white unicorn with purple hair in curls walked up to him. The colt could hear the clop, clop, clop sounds with every step. She was holding shopping bags and set them down on the ground. She then spoke out saying, "Excuse me sir, but why are you sleeping on this bench?" He then awoke to the sound of her voice, looked into her blue eyes and she looked at him questionably, like if she knew him somehow. The colt panicked and hid his eyes with his hooves. "What do you want from me?! Just do whatever it is already!" He cried out in fear. The white unicorn knelt down to her knees and moved my hooves away from his face. She saw the tears streaming down the side of the colt's face. He opened his eyes, but couldn't see her clearly through the tears. "I'm not going to hurt you," she cooed.

"Who are you?" The young colt stuttered through the tears as I spoke those words.

"My name's Rarity. I make dresses for ponies in Ponyville. What is your name?"

I stand up and stare into her eyes through my tears. "My name?" The young colt repeated.

"Yes. What's your name, sir?" Rarity said again.

"I don't remember. I don't think I was ever called by my name by any pony."

"Take a walk with me. I must know why you're here. You seem really down in the dumps today. Talking usually helps, but I'm going to help you feel better."

"Don't push your luck." He says before he started his story.

"I was born in Baltimare. My mother and father didn't seem to like me and I barely got any attention from them. When I was three years old, my mother told me that I was born as an accident. I went to bed that night and I was wondering what she meant that I was born as an accident. What could it mean? Why was I an accident? I couldn't figure out the answer for myself, but later, when I turned 6, my mother and father enrolled me in school. They never say goodbye, or even wave, so I went to school that day. When I met my teacher, I asked her what it meant when someone is born by accident. She told me that it's when two ponies have a baby and they're not happy, there's a big chance that they'll neglect that pony. 'What does it mean to neglect somepony?' I asked her. She said to me, 'It means to not care for properly. Take a seat, class is about to start.' I went through school as if that I never was there.

"When I was 9 years old, I overheard my mother talking about having another baby. She said that it was going to be a girl. I was excited. I couldn't wait to she her. When my sister was going to be born, my father told my mother the name he was going to give her. "I was thinking Crystal Star. It's a really pretty name, I hope that she'll be as pretty as you." As he said that, he chuckled a little bit. When she was out of mother's womb, she was wrapped in a purple blanket and we took her home for and took care of her like she was their favorite child. I was even more ignored by my mother and my father.

"Then one day at school, there was a fire, but everyone saw me walk out of the bathroom and they all saw me walk out when it exploded. No pony understood the explosion part, but they all thought that I did it. I then lost all of my friends and was expelled from school. Since that day, I started taking poetry. That's what my special talent became. My cutie mark was a piece of paper with red ink on it. When I got home that day, my father took out a paddle, leaned me over his lap, and started spanking me yelling, asking, 'Why did you burn down the school?! Don't you know you could have killed some pony?!' And after every five times I was spanked, he asked me again. He spanked me until I told him why, or when I start bleeding. I was going to choose bleeding, but I never bleed before, and it started to hurt more and more, so I told him that I don't know how it happened. 'All I did was use the bathroom and that fire just started all of a sudden!' I yelled at the top of my lungs. He then dropped me to the ground, knocking all the air out of me. He left me there alone, and I cried for ten minutes, shouting, 'Why?' over and over. I could hear fast clopping sounds towards me and I felt my mother's touch on my head, but when I got on my back, I noticed it was Crystal, but I couldn't see her through my tears. She grabbed me by my neck and stood me up by force, saying, 'Stop crying. What are you, a four year old? Get out of my face.' and walked away from me.

"I turned 16 years later and showed my poetry to my sister Crystal. She read through my entire list and asked, "What is this?"

"I haven't been feeling happy lately, and I just wanted to show you how I've been feeling. Maybe you could help me out?"

Her questionable look turned into a frown and then said, 'Why should I help you? No one likes you, and neither do I. Mother said that you were born a mistake and you will be a mistake until the day you die. Now get out of my room.' I jumped at what she said, and went to grab my poetry. As I picked it up, she lifted her leg up and tripped me and said, 'Get out of my room, NOW, poetry boy!' I got up on my feet and ran towards the door and went to mother after that. I told mom that Crystal doesn't like me and says that I'm never going to be loved by any pony else. She knelt to her knees and said, 'I know it's hard to accept the fact that you have a new sister, but you don't need to be jealous about her.' I went to bed crying that night, knowing that Crystal was right.

"I was able to save enough money to leave town for a one-way trip to Ponyville. As I left home that night, I took one last look at home and turned around, hanging my head in shame of my own life. I even cried on the way to the station. When I got up to the ticket booth, I cried in front of the ticket vendor and said, 'One-way trip to Ponyville, please.' I then handed the vendor my money and pulled out a ticket. 'Enjoy your stay.' he said. When I got on the train, the car that I was in was starting to flood with more and more ponies every second. By the time it was full, the pony sitting next to me looked at me and shouted, 'It's him! He's that pony that burned down his school!' Every pony looked up to see what he was talking about. The entire train car was starring at me, while I was staring blankly at the pony. He turned to the cars doors that lead to the other cars and yelled, 'Run for your lives before he burns this train!' Within a matter of minutes, the entire car was empty, and then the train started moving. When it turned dark, I slept that night and had a nightmare that looked like my house was burning, and that three ponies were running on the lawn and they plopped down on the ground and then they died. Then a big white flash appeared and a newspaper was shown before my eyes. The train squealed to a stop and then the conductor woke me up, saying that I've arrived in Ponyville. I asked him how he knew that I was going to be in Ponyville, and he said, 'I was the one that took your ticket before you went on the train, remember?'

'I exited the train and I didn't even get introduced to anypony. I just walked around and found a place that was giving out free newspapers. I grabbed one of them and I saw that my nightmare came true. On the front of the newspaper was a burnt house with three dead bodies on the cover. I read the entire story from front to back and realized that it was my mother, father and sister in the house at the time. I just threw it away and just lived under that bench."

And right as the colt finished telling the story, Rarity stopped and said, "We're here." He looked up at the building in front of him and realized that it looked like a castle. She opened the door and said, "Make yourself at home. I'm going to get my friend to come over here. I think that she'd like to meet you."

And with that, he was able to talk to someone about his life without anyone screaming and running away from him. He waited for about ten minutes and then Rarity's door opens and her friend comes in. She's a purple alicorn, which was a pony with both wings and a unicorn's horn. The only alicorns out there are Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and Princess Twilight Sparkle. This alicorn looked a lot like Twilight Sparkle. She was a purple pony with purple hair and a pink streak near her horn.

"Twilight, this is that pony that I was talking about. He said that he was from Baltimare and is having a really hard time gaining some friends. I was hoping that you could help him out." Twilight looks at me questionably and strains her eyes at me and they turned to a shocked look. Twilight then shouted out, "He's that guy from that school-" but then Rarity clamps her mouth shut. I get up and walk away and Rarity shouts out to me, "Wait, Sebastian!" I keep walking away and disappear.

"Sebastian is his name?" Twilight asks Rarity.

"I don't know, I just thought of the first name that came to my mind. He can't remember his name. I should have told you not to mention that. He's having a hard time moving on after that day, and that other day when his house burned down." Rarity replied.

"His house burned down? Who did it?"

"I don't know. I need to find him. Please don't say those things about his past or else this isn't going to work out." And then she left to go find Sebastian.

The Baltimare Story - Chapter 2

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"I don't know, I just thought of the first name that came to my mind. He can't remember his name. I should have told you not to mention that. He's having a hard time moving on after that day, and that other day when his house burned down." Rarity replied.

"His house burned down? Who did it?"

"I don't know. I need to find him. Please don't say those things about his past or else this isn't going to work out." And then she left to go find Sebastian.

"Sebastian? Sebastian? Where are you?" Rarity said as she ran around her house. She looked high and low, but he somehow vanished. "Sebastian?" Rarity called out one last time. As she was walking back to tell Twilight, she heard a small voice saying, "Leave me alone!" As Rarity heard that voice, she walked to where the source was, and then she found Sebastian. "There you are. You really need to have a thicker skin than that." she said. Sebastian looked up into her eyes and say, "How can I do a thing like that if I've never had a friend before? I've never had anyone to look up to, to talk to, to even smile with. I don't even think I remember what a smile looked like."
Sebastian gets up and walk back downstairs to leave the Boutique. "At least you tried. Have this poem that I wrote when I left." Rarity grabs the poem and reads it aloud.

The mind always speaks the heart

The mind speaks the heart, but can the heart speak the mind?
Ponies can never understand how ponies really feel
Some chose to speak the truth or not, but their words will always hurt
And we will never flee from the grip those words have on one pony

"Oh my Celestia..." Rarity said as she put the piece of parchment down. She sat down and stared at the poem and then flopped down on her back and stared at the ceiling lost in thought. "What am I going to do?"

"Let me out." Sebastian said.

"No. Twilight said. "I'm trying to apologize about what happened."

"And I'm saying, just forget about it already, because it doesn't matter. When your friend comes back down, tell her that I've written tons of poetry just like that one. Now let me leave."

Sebastian attempted to walk around Twilight, but she just kept getting in the way.

"Sebastian, wait!" Rarity yelled. She ran down the stairs and grabbed Sebastian's arm. "Where are you going?"

"I'm leaving. I just want to be alone." Sebastian said, shoving Twilight out of the way. "I never agreed to this anyway."

Sebastian opened the door and left the Boutique. Every pony is after me. Sebastian thought. I've never had a friend, and I don't think this Rarity pony is even helping. Sebastian turned to look at Carousel Boutique, and then the door opened. Rarity starts trotting to him, yelling, "Sebastian! Don't leave!" and Sebastian turns around and starts running away. "Leave me alone Rarity!" he yelled out. Without looking, he saw a quick blue blur followed by a rainbow.

"Hold it right there, mister!" said the blur as it was flying above Sebastian's head. The pegasus started to fly straight down on Sebastian and crashed into him. Rarity trots to where Sebastian crashed. "Gotcha!" said the cyan pegasus on top of Sebastian. Rarity walks over to the cyan pegasus. "Rainbow Dash, what are you doing here?" she asked the pegasus.

"I was sleeping on a cloud, and I heard a door slam, which woke me up and I saw you running away from Rarity. So I flew to catch up to you, but I heard Rarity calling for you and I thought I'd help her out."

"Thank you, Rainbow dear." Rarity said. Sebastian got up and looked at Rainbow Dash, "You look familiar." he said.

"Sebastian, I want to make an offer. Please consider this so that I can help you." she said, with her hooves in a pleading state.

Sebastian looked at Rainbow Dash, who was looking at Sebastian questionably, then just stared at him. Sebastian looked into her eyes and saw a small flash of light pass her eyes. Rainbow Dash blinked and she turned around. Sebastian then looked to the pleading pony in front of him. He closed his eyes and then said, "What is your offer?"

Rarity put her hoof on her shoulder saying, "I want to take you on a dinner date. I was thinking it might make you feel better."

"Fine," Sebastian said. "As long as I can be left alone soon enough."

"Don't worry. I think you'll lose that grumpy attitude once you've went through tonight. Now come into the Boutique, I'll make you a really nice suit free of charge, then I'll tell Twilight to go home so that you'll have some breathing room."

Sebastian looked at Rainbow Dash, then to Rarity, and closed his eyes, thinking about his next decision.

"I'll do it." he said, not sounding to pleased.

"Then it's settled! I'll make a reservation at a really nice place. Everything is on me!" Rarity said excitedly.

As Rarity started walking away, Sebastian started frowning at the entire decision. Rainbow Dash then said, "Why is it starting to get cold?" Sebastian started walking away in frustration. "How did those rain clouds get here!?" screamed Rainbow Dash, with a shocked expression on her face. She turned to Sebastian, how raised one of his hooves and stomped on the ground, and as he did this, a lightning bolt struck down on a tree, and then everything ceased to normal. Sebastian started to flail around screaming, "WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO HELP ME? IF YOU WANT TO HELP ME, JUST KILL ME!" And with that said, Sebastian walked back to the Boutique, passing Twilight saying, "Look, I'm sorry I said that thing about the school and stuff."

"Just forget about it already," Sebastian said, shoving Twilight with his shoulder on hers. He walked into the Boutique and slammed the door shut.

Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash and said to her, "Why is he acting like this?"

Rainbow Dash then looked to Twilight without saying a word to her.

"What's wrong Rainbow?" Twilight noticed that Rainbow Dash had a really sad look on her face.

"Coverline. That's his name. Not Sebastian."

Twilight walked closer to Rainbow Dash. "You know him?" she asked.

"Yes, Twilight. I know who he is."

"What do you know about him? Did Rarity tell you what happened in his life or something?"

"No, that's not it Twilight." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, spit it out Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow Dash lifted her head to look straight into Twilight's eyes and said, "I went to school with him"

The Baltimare Story - Chapter 3

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Twilight walked closer to Rainbow Dash. "You know him?" she asked.

"Yes Twilight, I know who he is."

"What do you know about him? Did Rarity tell you what happened in his life or something?"

"No, that's not it Twilight." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, spit it out Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow Dash lifted her head to look straight into Twilight's eyes and said, "I went to school with him."

Twilight was bewildered at what Rainbow Dash said. She shook her head, eyes closed, and said, "Nice try Rainbow Dash, but that's not funny." She opened her eyes and saw that Rainbow Dash wasn't laughing at all. In fact, she was looking sad. "It's not a joke, Twilight. I'm serious for once. I was in the same school as him. When our school burned down, he was the only pony that was in there at the time it exploded. I was sad, because he was the only friend that I had in that school. After that day, our teachers said that he was going to be expelled from school and that we had to go to different schools. My parents sent me to that flight camp where I met Fluttershy. I never thought I'd ever see him again."

Twilight raised a hoof to her mouth and said, "Oh my. I didn't you two had such a history together."

"Yeah. In fact, I had the same problem as him. I never had friends at that school. I was going to admit this to him, but I was afraid he'd tell me to leave him alone."

Twilight put her hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. "Well, I hope that we'll fix this. And when we do, I'm sure you can tell him."

"Yeah." Rainbow said. "Yeah! Once this frowny pants knows that we're trying to help him, I'll tell him that I want to be his friend."

"That sounds like a great idea, Rainbow."


"Sebastian darling, are you okay?" Rarity asked.

"I'm fine." Sebastian muttered under his breath.

"Okay. Now what colors do you want on your suit?"

"Can it be blue and purple? They remind me of Crystal Star."

"Really? You still can't get her off your mind even though she was really rude to you?"

"I just think that she could have become a better pony if she didn't have to die so quickly."

"I think after tonight, you'll feel better and still have a piece of her inside your heart." Rarity said.

Sebastian rolled his eyes at the thought. Rarity came out and the showed the suit to Sebastian. It was blue with a nice light purple trimming. She added a nice red rose that lays right over the place where the heart would be. "What do you think, Sebastian darling?" she asked with a nice gleam in her eyes.

"It looks just like I said. I'm going to go put it on and make this night go away quicker." And with that, Sebastian walked away to put on the suit. Rarity called out to him saying "I'm going to go get dressed. I won't take long!"


Around 5 minutes later, both Sebastian and Rarity walked out of the dressing rooms and both complimented each other's apparel. Rarity walked Sebastian to the restaurant and when they got there, she whispered to Sebastian, "Hold my arms so that ponies don't get suspicious." Sebastian did as Rarity told him. As they walked inside, they were greeted by pony standing behind a podium. He instantly recognized Rarity. "Why hello, Rarity! I assume this is your date for tonight. Where will you two be sitting?" he asked, looking at both of them. Rarity started, "We're going to be eating outside if that's okay. This place seems packed inside anyways."

"Right this way please."

As Rarity and Sebastian got to their table, Rarity motioned for Sebastian to do the things that he's supposed to do at the restaurant. It was going fine, and they were able to eat and pay the bill. They decided to stick around and chat for a while.

"So what did you think of tonight, Sebastian darling?" Rarity asked.

"Well I went through one night without having any pony mentioning as that kid that burned down a school." Sebastian replied.

Ponies started to walk outside and then they all started to sit down. Sebastian could see Twilight within the crowd of ponies. Rarity turned to see what he was looking at and noticed Twilight. She raised her hoof and waved at Twilight, and Twilight waved back. "Well, that's a nice turn of events. Twilight's here."

"Yeah. She sure has an interest in me, that's for sure."

Rarity and Sebastian were chatting for two more minutes, and when they were starting to get ready to leave, Twilight, Rarity and Sebastian hear a pony at one of the tables that was facing Sebastian yelling out, "IT'S HIM! HE'S GONNA BURN THIS PLACE!"

Twilight, Rarity and Sebastian stood up. Sebastian, hanging his head down, raised his hoof. Dark storm clouds started to form above the group of ponies. Twilight then flew up to see if Rainbow Dash was going to ruin the date, but she spotted no pony above the clouds. She could hear the pony going on about the school being burnt and kept saying things about burning the restaurant. And Twilight went back down to view what Sebastian was going to do.

"Sebastian darling, ignore that pony. He's just trying to make a scene. Don't stoop to his uncouth level." Rarity said, gesturing both of them to stop. Sebastian raised his head and looked at the pony that was talking about him. Him and every other pony started running out of the restaurant, and when they were away from their tables, Sebastian slammed his fist, screaming at the top of his lungs. A small bolt of lightning went down upon the table the pony was sitting at. The clouds then receded away from the restaurant. Every pony, except for Rarity and Twilight, left the building. Sebastian regained his composure and just walked away from the restaurant. Rarity and Twilight followed him. Rarity told him to calm down and Sebastian yelled saying, "Leave me alone! I'm just nothing anymore! Crystal was right from the beginning. I'm just nothing and I just want you to leave it at that. Now just let me go back to that bench and I'll just stay there and just die lonely."

Twilight caught up to both of them and said, "How did you do that?"

"Do what?" Rarity and Sebastian said in unison.

"How did you do all of that weather stuff?"

"I don't know!" Sebastian yelled. "Coincidence maybe?! I don't care. I just want to be alone right now."

Rainbow Dash flew in and said, "What's going on here? I saw a bunch of clouds moving to the restaurant, and then they just flew away somehow."

Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash. "I think I know what Sebastian can do. I think he can control the weather through his emotions. I should run a test on his mind tomorrow in the morning."

Sebastian over heard Twilight and said, "Okay. If I do this one test you so desire, will you all leave me alone?"

Rainbow Dash looked at Rarity, Rarity at Twilight and Twilight at Rainbow Dash and turned to the opposite pony and nodded slowly. Sebastian put his hooves together and said, "Thank Celestia. I'm going to get some shut eye and then I'll find your house in the morning. Okay?"

Rarity then stepped forward and said, "I'll let you sleep at my house, if you'd want."

Sebastian just nodded his head and then they all split. Twilight walked with Rainbow Dash, Sebastian with Rarity. Twilight said to Rainbow Dash, "Sleep in my house so that when Sebastian knows his true self, you can tell him all about your thing." Rainbow Dash nodded and shed a small tear when Twilight wasn't looking.


Morning came and Sebastian was laying in bed, forgetting his anger from last night. Instead, he lay there without a smile. Minutes later, Rarity came back up and said, "Rise and shine, Sebastian darling. Today's a really important day for you. I made you a small bed-n'-breakfast." She laid the bed-n'-breakfast in front of Sebastian. On the plate it was holding a cup of orange juice, a plate of eggs and two slices of toast. "I made it myself." Rarity said.

Sebastian ate quickly and waited for Rarity downstairs. "Ready Sebastian?"

"Yeah." he said, ears flopped down on his side.

"Oh cheer up. After this test, if you still feel like it, I'll leave you alone."

Rarity walked Sebastian over to Twilight's house. When they were just outside, Sebastian said, "Twilight has a really cool house. It looks like it's made out of crystal." But when Sebastian stepped inside he looked around an said, "But it's even better inside."

Twilight was sitting on her throne and so was Rainbow Dash. "Sebastian! You made it! Great. Rarity, I'll have you sit on your throne, and Sebastian, I'll have you sit in the circle so I can perform the spell." Twilight instructed. Rarity and Sebastian did as Twilight said.

Twilight got off her throne and her horn started to glow. She lowered her horn to touch Sebastian's forehead. And then everything went black.


"Well it's about time some pony finally caught on." said an unfamiliar voice. Twilight looked around and noticed a pony standing under a spotlight that came from no where.

"Where are we?" Twilight asked.

"We're in your friend Sebastian's mind. I'm the force you've been looking for."

"What's your name?"

"You can call me Sebastian too if you want."

"Okay then. Can you answer my question then?"

"Sure." Sebastian 2 said.

"Do you know why Sebastian can control the weather?" Twilight asked, taking a small step backwards.

"Yeah. I know how he's doing it. It's all because of me. It's simple really. No one likes him because it's rumored that when he was born, he was born with a demon inside his mind. And that's me. I'm the weather demon, Wind Rain! And there's no way that I can escape from this mind."

Twilight walked away even further from Wind Rain. "R-Really? That's interesting."

"You know too much. You must leave. Now."

Twilight turned around and started running away. She could hear Wind Rain calling out to her, "Sebastian might hide his feelings, but he'll never hide from me!" And then everything went white.


Twilight and Sebastian lay on their back, legs twitching and unconscious. Rarity helped Twilight up and Rainbow Dash helped up Sebastian. They were both pulled away from each other, and when they were far enough, Sebastian and Twilight woke up and stood up. "Well, what were my 'results'?" Sebastian asked.

Twilight looked down on the ground and said, "Well,"

"What, is it that bad?" Sebastian asked.

"Yeah." Twilight replied, letting her head down.

"Well, spit it out so I can leave already." Sebastian said, growing enraged.

"It turns out you were born with a weather demon inside your mind and every time you get upset "

"Okay, so I can control the weather with my emotions? That's stupid. This test was a waste of my time." he said.

"Wait, Sebastian. I think I should tell you who killed your family."

This stopped Sebastian. He felt the sadness in his heart after he read the news reel about his house burning. He turned around to face Twilight, giving her all the attention she needs to know he still cares. "What happened to them?"

"It's the same way. You killed your parents and no pony knew. I'm not going to report this, so we'll just keep this as a secret right now."

Sebastian was dumbstruck with fear. He sat down and started crying, and then a voice in his head started saying,

Cry, cry your heart out

"No. This isn't true!" Sebastian yelled. "I don't want to hurt any pony ever again."

Now you know the truth The ground started rumbling, and then a crack in the ceiling started to form.

Now you die! said the dark voice.

The ground rumbled again and at that same time, a big chunk of the ceiling, capable of killing a pony, and then Twilight's window shattered from the earthquake going on.

I'm scared thought Sebastian. I can't move

The chunk of the ceiling was falling towards Sebastian, and Rarity was running towards him and pushes him out of the rock's path. Every pony turned to look at the rock that crashed. Every pony saw that Rarity's lower half was stuck under the rock.

"RARITY!" Rainbow Dash, Twilight and Sebastian yelled. They were looking at her and then she said, "I don't think I have much time left. But before I go, I need to tell you this Sebastian."

"Yes. What is it Rarity?" he said. He knelt down and held Rarity's hoof in his.

"I just wanted you to know that since yesterday, I've been really trying to make you feel better about yourself. I was afraid you'd hate me when I said this, but after all of this, I still care for you. I want you know remember this when I pass away. I just want you to know that I'm your friend."

"You... You care for me?" Sebastian said, tears streaking his face, blurring his vision. "I don't think that any pony has ever said that to me."

"Well, since that date we had, I've kind of had feelings for you. I think I fell in love with you. Come closer."

Sebastian leaned in closer to Rarity and she kissed him on the lips for a few seconds. Right then, he stands up, looks down at Rarity and at his hooves. She cares for me. No pony ever said that to me. She's... my friend now? He received an adrenaline rush that went through his body. His face grew angry and punched the rock. Within seconds, the rock smashed at the force given. Sebastian picks up Rarity and runs outside and takes her to the hospital.

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*
Ugggh. Where am I?

Rarity was lying down, unaware of her whereabouts. She turned her head to the left and saw a pony holding a clipboard. The pony saw Rarity looking at her and said, "R-Rarity. You're awake! I'll go get your friends." she then headed towards the door, leaving Rarity alone for a little bit.

How did I get here? I was for sure that I was dead.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash walked into the room, but when they saw Rarity, they both yelled, "Rarity!" and went up to her to give her a hug. "Oh my Celestia, We were so worried!" Twilight said. "We almost thought you died under that giant rock." Rainbow Dash said.

"What happened to Sebastian?" Rarity asked over her friends.

"He had to do something really quickly. He'll be here soon." Twilight replied.

The door is met with two knocks. Rainbow Dash walks over to the door and on the other side is Sebastian.

"Sebastian!" Rainbow Dash said.

Sebastian was holding a bouquet of roses. He looked at Rarity and his heart accelerated, nervous to even talk.

"Sebastian, you're okay!" Rarity said. "And what are those flowers for?"

"Th-there for you. I wanted to give you something, since you saved my life. And these are just the beginning."

"What do you mean?" Rarity asked.

"I passed your friend Pinkie Pie on my was back here, and she told me that if I wanted to give these to you, I'd have to learn to smile. Which was something I forgotten in my past."

"Really? I want to see this."

Sebastian handed the flowers to Rarity and had a smile on his face. "I was hoping that you'd like it."

"It's a beautiful smile."

"I have you to thank. What you said to me, was things no one would ever say to me. I've never felt this happy ever since I moved away. I always thought I'd stay under that bench, alone."

"Why thank you, Sebastian darling."

"Shhh." Sebastian put his hoof on Rarity's lips. "You're friendship is all I need to keep going. After all, Twilight says that 'friendship is magic' and after that crazy adventure, I think I've learned what that really is."

"Sebastian." Rainbow Dash said.

He turned to Rainbow Dash. "Yes, what is it?"

"There's something that I've been wanting to tell you." she looked at Twilight, and she nodded. "Go ahead."


"So that's why you looked familiar when I saw you. And my name is really Coverline?" he said, after Rainbow Dash told her the story she told Twilight.

"Yeah. I was afraid to tell you cause I didn't think you'd want to be near me."

"Well guess what, Rainbow Dash. Come here." he said, with his arms open wide.

Rainbow Dash walked over to him and he wrapped his arms around her, and he said, "Can I be your friend now?"

Rainbow Dash wrapped her arms around him and said, "Yes. I want to be your friend."

"Good." Coverline said. He let go of Rainbow Dash and turned back to Rarity.

"I wrote this for you. It's my first good poem. And by good, I mean it's not sad. And I wanted you to have it."

"Oh, you shouldn't have."

"I think you should read it before you give me your opinion."

Love is always in the heart

Love is a part of the mind, I'll be honest,
But every one should know where it truly lies
There's no definition for how I feel
But I can say, I love and care for you

"Coverline, what makes you write poetry all the time?" Rarity asked him.

"Well, it's a way I can speak my mind without having to actually say it."

"Really? That's all you have to say?"

"Poetry is a way of the mind to express itself." Coverline said, giving Rarity a little kiss on the lips. "And my mind is telling me that I love you."

"I love you too, Sebastian."

"That's just what I like to hear."


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A few months later

When Rarity was out of the hospital, Coverline then lived with Rarity ever since. Rainbow Dash became his friend after telling him her story of how she knew him. Coverline then got to meet Applejack and Fluttershy and became their friends.

Twilight came over to Coverline one day and asked if he'd like to meet her other friends. The first was Fluttershy, who was a really nice, but shy pony. Coverline became a great friend with her. He even helped take care of a few animals, even though he did not have a single bit of knowledge about them. He even gave her a piece of poetry involving animals. When she read it, she said that it was a really nice poem and said that she'd keep it as a sign for her new friend.

He then met Applejack, who was an honest pony with nothing to hide. She worked at the apple orchard in Ponyville. Coverline learned so much about the Apple Family and their nature. He asked to help around her barn and she accepted. After a nice day's worth of hard labor, Coverline handed her a slip of his own poetry as well. When Applejack read it, she thought it was a really great poem and that she'd show it to her family. "Ah hope they take a nice likin' to ya!" she said, with a "Yeehaw!" in her voice.

He had adventures with them ever since. Coverline one night asked Rarity to have a bonfire with her friends in the Everfree Forest. She then asked, and he said, "I want to get rid of my past." And at the night of the bonfire, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie all showed up. Coverline was standing in front of a pile of paper surrounded by rocks. When every pony took a seat, he then took out a matchbox that he somehow acquired.

"What are you going to do with that?" Twilight asked.

"I'm going to get rid of my past. I'm burning my old poetry and starting a new life. With friends that will stick by with me. And for once," he threw the matchstick at the pile of paper and continued. "I've been happy ever since I've met you guys."

As the ponies sung songs in the fire's light
Coverline never had to face his blight
With his friends to stand by his side
He had nothing to fear from and never to hide