• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 3,314 Views, 138 Comments

AppleShy Series - PatRoison

Applejack and Fluttershy start a relationship, but Fluttershy's past catches up with her.

  • ...

Him Part 3

Fluttershy and Twilight entered the kitchen and neither pony said anything at first. Twilight still had the letter levitating with her magic, and she had a look of sincere concern for her friend. After a while she spoke. "Fluttershy, why didn't you tell us?"

"Tell you what?"

"What happened to you," Twilight said tears welling up in her eyes, "That you were..."

"It's not something I can talk about," Fluttershy said, "In fact, of all my friends Rainbow is the only one that knows."

"What about Applejack? Why haven't you told her?"

"I want to," Fluttershy said, "but I just can't." She looked down unable to explain further.

"I think I understand," Twilight said, "I heard of victims of this kind of attack becoming insular and shy. Is that what happened to you?"

"No, I've always been shy. It's just that I would rather not talk about it."

"Ok, we won't talk about it anymore, but I still need to talk to you about Grey Ring. The Princess had the archivist draw up a list of all rape victims within the past ten years whose attackers were never discovered." She looked at Fluttershy and said, "Your name was on the list."

"So what does that mean," Fluttershy asked with growing dread.

"Well that's the thing," Twilight said, "Since this is being treated as a missing pony case there is no cause for alarm, but if he turns up dead then you will be officially named the prime suspect."


"You were at his last known location, and have a motive." Twilight looked at Fluttershy and asked, "Is he alive?"

"I don't know," Fluttershy lied, "I didn't even know he was there. Can I please get something to eat?"

Twilight shook her head and said, "You can't leave the library. You are officially under house arrest."

"Then shouldn't I be at my own home?"

"No you're too much of a flight risk," Twilight said, "um, no pun intended."

"Where would I go?"

"Your parents?"

"They wouldn't help."

"You could hide in the Everfree Forest."

"Have we met," Fluttershy asked sarcastically.

"Well you could use it as an option," Twilight said.

"Then let me stay with Applejack. At least you know you can trust her to keep an eye on me."

"I'm sorry. If it were up to me, I would let you go home unsupervised, but it's not."

Spike ran in with a new scroll and yelled, "Twilight! This one is marked urgent!"

Twilight took the scroll opened it with her magic and read it, "I see." She turned to Fluttershy and said, "Let's get back to the others."

Both ponies entered the foyer and Twilight addressed the group, "There's good news and bad news. The good news is that we are no longer needed for the search effort." There was a sigh of relief from the group. Twilight continued, "The bad news is that this is now a murder investigation. Grey Ring's body was found near the training grounds. It's believed that his body was dumped near a wolf cave in an attempt to destroy the evidence. If the search teams weren't so motivated they might have missed it. Here is where it gets difficult. Grey Ring's face was literally pummeled beyond recognition. There were clear horseshoe marks on him, and that narrows down the search considerably." Twilight glanced to Fluttershy and continued, "You see the horseshoe was one of Rarity's designs."

"That certainly does not narrow things down that much, darling," Rarity said, "I design horseshoes for a friend's company in Fillydelphia. You've heard of the company, Cloverse. I remember giving you a set of horseshoes for your birthday."

"Yes but those horseshoes don't have your cutie mark on them, and only two ponies were there at the time and have horseshoes with your mark. Rainbow and Fluttershy, and Fluttershy is the only one with the motive to kill Grey Ring."

"What motive is that," Applejack asked.

"Do you want to tell her," Twilight asked Fluttershy.

Applejack gently put a leg around Fluttershy's shoulders and gave her a hug. She nuzzled her girlfriend and whispered, "I guess it's now or never, sugarcube. I know this isn't the way you wanted to tell me. Something like this should be private and personal, but remember, I'm here for you."

Fluttershy looked up at Applejack. The orange pony's emerald eyes shone with comfort and confidence. Fluttershy knew that she could do this. She took a deep breath and said, "Grey Ring raped me six years ago."

There was a collective gasp among the ponies, and Fluttershy began to cry. She felt so weak, so pathetic. She looked up when she felt somepony hug her. It was Applejack. She was crying and next to her was Pinkie. Soon all of her friends embraced Fluttershy, and she slowly stopped crying.

"Fluttershy," Twilight said softly, "I'm so sorry about what happened to you. I can't even begin to understand the pain you're probably still living with, but you have to tell us right now, did you kill Grey Ring?"

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow and she was shaking her head. Fluttershy stood up and said, "I'm sorry Rainbow, but I am not only glad he is dead, I'm glad I killed him."

"Fluttershy," Rainbow screamed, "What are you thinking? That's a death sentence!" She turned to Twilight and pleaded, "You can't tell the Princess! She killed him because she was protecting me!"

"What're ya'll talking about?" Applejack unconsciously took a few steps away from Fluttershy.

"When I was told that I couldn't be in the tryouts," Rainbow said her voice cracking, "I just wanted to go home, but first I took a walk in the woods to clear my head. Grey Ring ambushed and was about to rape me. Fluttershy saved me and killed him. If I hadn't entered the forest she wouldn't have needed to save me!"

"You killed somepony," Applejack asked Fluttershy. She shook her head but the news clearly took her by surprise.

"You guys are missing the point. Fluttershy saved me. She probably saved my life." Rainbow Dash looked back to Fluttershy and said, "I know this is a shock, but she did what she had to."

"I, I'm," Fluttershy began.

"You're what," Applejack asked, "Sorry? What happened to 'I'm glad he's dead'? I can't believe you killed him. You murdered somepony?" Applejack was really in shock and not thinking, but still the words cut through the yellow pegasus.

Fluttershy tried to get near Applejack but she kept backing away. "Ya'll just stay away from me," Applejack said.

"But Applejack," Fluttershy said crying, "I, I love you." This was something else she didn't want to say here.

"Stay away from me. This is all wrong. This ain't happening." She looked around the room and ran out of the library back towards her farm.

Fluttershy saw the love of her life run away and she felt her heart shatter. She couldn't even cry anymore. She felt broken. Again. The feeling was too familiar. It was the same feeling she had after she was released from the hospital. Her parents never said it to her face, but they were not happy that they had a hefty hospital bill to deal with. Not to mention the shame of having a raped daughter. Once again, she was an embarrassment to them. She didn't cry then either. She simply sat in her room and stared at the walls.

"Everypony hates me," Fluttershy said softly. She turned to Twilight and was about to tell her to call for the Princess when she was suddenly swept up and out the door.

"Why would she do that," Twilight asked shocked at Rainbow's actions. The blue pegasus had just flown out of the library with Fluttershy, an admitted murderer. Twilight stared at the open door for a moment longer before turning to Spike. She was about to dictate a letter when Rarity stopped her.

"Now Twilight," Rarity said, "I know you wish to fulfill your duty to the Princess and keep her informed, but perhaps we should hold off any rash decisions."

"Rarity," Twilight said, "Fluttershy killed Grey Ring, and before you say it, whether he deserved it or not wasn't her decision to make. I have to alert the Princess about this."

"And I agree, but for Fluttershy, please give her a day. One single day so that she may think things over. She's an intelligent pony and I'm certain that she will turn herself in, and save the Princess the hassle of searching for her."

Twilight looked at Rarity. She had a responsibility to keep the Princess informed, but she couldn't help agreeing with Rarity. Fluttershy would turn herself in, and one day shouldn't harm anything. "Fine," Twilight said, "She has until noon tomorrow. Then I alert the Princess and begin searching for her."

"It's all I ask," Rarity said hoping her dear friend will make the right decision and turn herself in. Perhaps the Princess will be merciful. Though she knew that even if she were it would still mean that she would never see her again. It was saddening, but Rarity knew that was just how it was.

Pinkie sat in stunned silence the entire time. She had no idea what to do, and felt terrible for it. This certainly was not a situation where a party could help. 'A search party might,' the thought danced in her mind, and she was angry for it. "Why," she asked quietly.

"Why what darling," Rarity asked. She had forgotten the pink pony was there.

"Why must I be so useless," Pinkie asked, "Fluttershy needs our help and there is nothing I can do. She helped me when I needed it, and I can't repay her. All I can think of is parties." She sniffed back some tears. "That's all I know," Pinkie said, "It's the only thing that really makes me special."

"Now I wouldn't say that," Rarity said, "You have a remarkable gift to bring joy to others. It's simply that the fastest way to spread joy to many ponies at once is through parties." Rarity walked to Pinkie and put her hoof to the pink pony's cheek, "This will be a very long day. I know that you're worried for Fluttershy, and I am worried as well. You need to be tougher. If not for yourself then do it for Fluttershy."

"But what will happen to her," Pinkie asked.

Before Rarity could comfort Pinkie Twilight said, "She committed murder. Most likely premeditated, and that means death." She said plainly, calmly, and almost without emotion, but her face showed clear distress at the thought of Fluttershy being executed. She shook her head and said, "I know that you want to help. We all do, but there are bigger problems right now. Such as what to do about Rainbow. She took Fluttershy and probably went to the Everfree Forest. I'm sending a report to the Princess. Spike, take this down-"

"I thought we were giving them a day," Rarity asked.

"I said I would give Fluttershy a day," Twilight said, "I never said anything about Rainbow. She is now helping Fluttershy run from justice."

"Excuse me Twilight," Rarity said with growing annoyance, "but it seems to me that 'justice' is what got Fluttershy into trouble in the first place. She finally gets the retribution she needed, and while I agree it was wrong, she shouldn't be punished so severely."

"What would you have me do? I can't betray the Princess!"

"And yet you betray your 'friend' so easily? I knew you were methodical and analytical, but I had no idea you viewed those would call you a friend that way."

"That is not fair. I have to pick a side!"

"Why," Pinkie shouted, "Why do we have to pick sides? It seems like everypony is against Fluttershy and siding with this Grey Ring meanie!" She was still at a loss at what to do, but she refused to side against her friend.

"I'm not siding with Grey," Twilight began.

"Don't you dare lie to us Twilight Sparkle," Rarity shouted, "You most certainly are siding with the bastard. You said it yourself he's the 'victim'."

"He is," Twilight shouted back.

"And what of Fluttershy," Rarity screamed her question on the verge of tears, "Hasn't she suffered enough? Going all these years in quiet torment while the sick bastard roamed free."

"She should have told us."

"Why? So we could pity her? We could give her a great big hug and say 'it's not your fault'? I'm certain that she had her fill of therapists tell her that. It would be just as empty coming from us."

"I, I don't know what to do. Normally, I would ask the princess." She turned from Rarity to Pinkie. "Pinkie, tell me what to do. You haven't said much."

Pinkie stared at Twilight. The purple unicorn was distraught as she didn't know where she should place her loyalty, and Pinkie understood. Twilight had to choose between her teacher, mentor, and ruler, or side with her friend and fellow Element of Harmony.

This was an easy decision for Pinkie. She sided with Fluttershy immediately, but Twilight had a much harder choice. After a moment she said, "Tell the Princess what you need to, but please, please give Fluttershy a fighting chance. If there is any way that she could be helped we owe it to her to try."

"Are you suggesting I lie," Twilight asked not entirely disgusted with the idea.

Pinkie shook her head, "Nonononono, just don't tell her everything. Leave out specifics and make things really vague, so the Princess would have to stretch her resources out. This will cause the search for her to take even longer and give Fluttershy a chance to either turn herself in or find a way to help herself."

"Help herself how," Twilight asked, "And I don't like the idea of withholding information."

"I," Pinkie said, "I don't know, but I'm certain that there is a way."

"Well," Twilight sighed and turned to Rarity, "I gave you my word that I would give Fluttershy a day. If Rainbow is with her then alerting the Princess will break my promise to give Fluttershy that time. Tomorrow I will give my report." She turned to Pinkie and said, "And I will only give her what she needs to know."

Pinkie smiled and said, "Thank you Twilight. I hope it will be enough."

Twilight looked back to the still open door, "I hope so too."


Applejack was back at the farm and tried to run past her brother. He got in her way and she tried to go through him. She was able to knock him back somewhat but not much. He was a big stallion after all.

"Outta my way," she screamed in tears.

"Not until you tell me what happened," Big Mac said.

"It ain't none of your concern," Applejack said. She wanted to be in her room by now. She needed to cry, and did not want to do it here. It was too late. She fell down and began to sob. "I can't believe she did that," she cried.

"Did what?"

Applejack looked up at her brother and asked, "Swear to me that you will keep it to yourself?"

"This must be serious. For you sis I'll take it to my grave."

"Thanks big brother. Fluttershy killed somepony. The pony that 'hurt' her years back. She saved Rainbow from him, but she killed him."

Mac stood next to his sister and after moment said, "Well, if there was ever a reason to take a life, shouldn't it be to save another?"

She looked up at her brother. "What about what Granny Smith taught us? It's never right to take a life. I know I should take Fluttershy's side, but I can't." She shook her head and said, "I, I left her. I panicked and ran." Fluttershy had helped her challenge some pretty set views in her life. Who she loved, how she saw herself, and now when it was acceptable to take a life. She shook her head and thought, 'She helped me out so much and this is how I repay her.'

"Now I know you think that she's a murderer, but if this pony did what you claim then I would find it hard to merciful." He looked at his sister and when she looked up at him said, "I reckon if she hadn't done it. I would." Before Applejack could reply he said, "Fluttershy has helped you more than either you know or want to admit. You're happier and I wouldn't trade your happiness for anything. Now I know you got a lot of thinking to do, but just add this to the list. If killing were so wrong, what would you do if Applebloom were 'hurt'? Also, if you love Fluttershy so much, why are you so quick to turn on her?"

Applejack looked at her brother and said, "I do love her. She's the best to happen to me."

Big Mac looked at her surprised, "Hmm. Ah guess you're a better liar than ah thought."

"What do ya mean," Applejack asked.

"Well you say that you love her, but your actions," Mac said, "Well your actions say the exact opposite. It looks like you were glad to be rid of her. Almost like she were a burden to ya."

Applejack stood up and glared at her brother, "I love that pony, but that don't excuse murder. I know what this Grey Ring fella did was wrong. I ain't defending him, but ah can't defend Fluttershy either. I wanna help her. I don't wanna see her hurt." She stood there in the sudden silence. There was a lot of information to absorb, and this was not the place to do it. Slowly, she said, "I need to get to my room. I got a lot to think about."

Big Mac got out of her way and she made her way to her room. Her thoughts raced in her mind and never stayed still long enough to be anything other than phantom images. She entered her room and saw her bed. She remembered the times that she wanted Fluttershy there with her. This thought made her mad. She smiled because the rage was now being directed at herself. She walked to the window and looked toward Ponyville. She still thought Fluttershy was safe at the library, and said, "Ah love you, Fluttershy. I don' know how, but I'll do whatever I can to help you." She laid down and tried to get some sleep, but was only able to stare at the ceiling.


Rainbow flew as fast as her wings could carry her. The Everfree Forest was her destination. She didn't know if Princess Celestia still had influence there, but it would certainly be less than in Equestria. As she flew, she recalled the moments before she spirited Fluttershy away.

She saw Applejack's attack on Fluttershy in horror. 'I knew she would hurt her,' she thought to herself. She looked to Fluttershy and saw she was just standing there. There were no tears, no crying, and no emotion. Rainbow remembered that look. Fluttershy was broken again. Rage filled the blue pegasus. She saw Fluttershy turn and knew what she was about to do. 'Not today,' Rainbow thought swooped down and carried Fluttershy out of the door.

She didn't think this through, but she didn't care. Her friend's safety was what mattered. If she goes to jail, so be it, so long as Fluttershy doesn't have to die. "She just wanted the justice that was denied her," Rainbow screamed. They landed in the Everfree Forest and Rainbow was not done. She had to scream at the Princess. The sun would have to do, "Where is your justice? Where is your love? How can you claim to be just when beautiful and perfect ponies like Fluttershy are broken and bastards like Grey Ring get away?" She turned away before she hurt herself but she was not done. "You won't die today," Rainbow said to Fluttershy. "I'll die before they lay a single hoof on you."

"Nopony loves me," Fluttershy said. She just sat there unable to move.

"Fluttershy," Rainbow said.

Fluttershy looked up at her friend, her only friend in the world it seemed.

"I love you," Rainbow said. She walked up to Fluttershy and hugged her. "I have always loved you. You are the greatest thing in my life and I can't stand to be without you." She looked into her friend's eyes and said, "I will never abandon you again. Your heart belongs to Applejack, but my heart belongs to you." She hugged Fluttershy again and smiled when she heard her speak.

"Rainbow, I don't want to run."

"You have to. It's the only way to keep you safe."

"The only pony I ever truly loved abandoned me. I find out my oldest friend loves me, and I am facing a death sentence. Oh and let's not forget that you brought me to the Everfree Forest!" Fluttershy looked at Rainbow and said, "I don't want to see you hurt but I need you to be my friend."

"I accepted that a long time ago. I love you in a very unique way. It's hard to describe but I see you as something precious that needs protecting. Not weak, but not invincible either. I know it makes no sense but that's how I see you."

"Good," Fluttershy said standing up, "Are you ready?"

"For what," Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy looked at her friend and gave her a grin that Rainbow would have been envious of and said, "To fight back."

Rainbow was not only shocked but also impressed, "What do you have in mind?"

Fluttershy said, "Justifiable homicide."


"That's when a life is taken and the reason is valid. It doesn't excuse the crime, but it does carry a lighter sentence."

"Ok so how do we go about doing that," Rainbow asked with growing excitement. She was so proud of Fluttershy, and now she was about to go on an adventure with the new, improved, twenty percent more awesome Fluttershy.

"The last letter Twilight received contained the names of all rape victims within the last ten years whose attacker was never identified." She looked at Rainbow and said, "We need that list."

"Why," Rainbow started to ask but the gears in her mind began to click, "Oh I get it! If we can track down those girls, then we can have them testify that Grey Ring attacked them too. Prove that he was a monster and you had to put him down!"

Fluttershy nodded, "So are you ready?"

"For you Fluttershy," Rainbow said with a Pinkie Pie grin, "anything!"

"Good. We should go now if we are to get it tonight."

Rainbow nodded and smiled and both pegasi took off back to Ponyville. They had a letter to steal.