• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 3,314 Views, 138 Comments

AppleShy Series - PatRoison

Applejack and Fluttershy start a relationship, but Fluttershy's past catches up with her.

  • ...

Him Part 6

The early morning rays of Celestia's sun shone brightly through the cracked and battered library windows, and a certain lavender unicorn waited. While she waited, she read the letter from the Princess one more time.

Dear Twilight,

I understand the difficult situation that you are in, and I wish I could be of greater assistance. Fluttershy is the Element of Kindness and as such deserves the opportunity to muster the best defense she can. While I cannot condone murder I understand the difficult choice she made, and I would like to believe that she is doing what she can to improve her chances for that strong defense. Your assumption is correct, I am unable to interfere in any matter of the court due to ancient law. You are also correct in that the matter of the investigation can be viewed as separate, and therefore within my jurisdiction to act. However my student, it is a sensitive issue and I must tread carefully. I have seen first hoof the damage that can be caused by interference, and I have no wish to put Equestria through that again. I also have no wish to lose you as my student. You place me in a difficult position and risk your future for your friend. That makes me very proud of you Twilight. You are learning that friendship can sometimes require pushing the limits of duty and obligation, and I hereby officially name you my voice in this investigation. More than that, I grant you the power to name anypony else the power of my hoof. I trust your judgment and wisdom in this matter, but I must warn you the detective that is being sent will not be easy to fool. His name is Smoke, and I ask that you be respectful to him. He is an honest and honorable pony and will do everything he can to ensure that Fluttershy is brought in unharmed. He requested to investigate this personally, and while I do not know his reasons, I believe he is perfectly capable. I have advised that he make Ponyville the center of his investigation as all possible evidence has been collected from the crime scene. One final item, I am denying your request of delaying the release of Fluttershy's name as prime suspect. In fact, I have ordered Detective Smoke to keep the names of any possible suspects from the press. Should the public know that there is a 'killer' on the loose there could be panic in the streets, and that is a threat to the safety of Equestria. I hope this small assistance will be enough to aid your friend in this time of need. She cannot run from the law, but she deserves justice as well. I can only hope the courts have the wisdom to provide it to her.

Your loyal and proud teacher,

Princess Celestia

Twilight was still in pain from her confrontation with Rarity, but her mind was on this Detective Smoke. The Princess provided no information other than he was an honorable pony. 'I wonder how well I will be able to lead the investigation. I know Fluttershy would choose the nearest cities to search for victims, and that would mean Cloudsdale or Manehattan,' she thought. Carefully, she brought the cup of tea to her lips and took a sip. She was content to wait, 'I'm sorry Fluttershy. I will make this right. You have done so much for me, and have been my friend even through my naïve and oblivious nature. You have to be brought in, but I promise that I will do everything I can to ensure you have a fair trial.' Setting the cup down, she smiled as she could see a carriage in the distance. Detective Smoke was arriving in Ponyville, and Twilight was about to face a new challenge that she may not win. She welcomed it.


On the other side of Ponyville, another unicorn was in pain. Only this unicorn was able to get some rest. Had she closed the curtains, she would still be asleep. Rarity stirred and for a moment was confused as to why she was unable to move. Her concerns were answered when she heard a very familiar battle cry.

"Cutie Mark Crusader Nurses, yay," shouted the trio of fillies who were on their quest to discover their special talent. Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle were wearing some scrubs that Applebloom clearly made, and were standing over the formerly sleeping unicorn.

With a cringe, Rarity tried to move again, and now that her vision had cleared, she could see the cause of her immobility. She was covered in gauze bandages. From horn to tail, there was gauze. Her face was the only spot spared, and she was grateful, "Girls. What are you doing?"

"We're taking care of you, sis," Sweetie Belle squeaked, "As soon as I saw you fall over asleep, I ran over to Scootaloo's, and from there we rode to Applebloom's where she made us some outfits to take care of you."

"Ah hope one of us gets a cutie mark outta this," Applebloom said, "It weren't easy wrappin' ya up in that gauze."

"Yes about that," Rarity said still quite sore, "I fear you girls overdid it just a bit. I feel like a mummy right now, and while I appreciate the effort you put into my care, bandages are not needed." She turned to Sweetie Belle, "If you could open the cabinet near my sewing machine you will find my first aid kit. Bring it to me and a glass of water, please."

"You got it, sis," Sweetie Belle ran off to the kitchen and returned with a glass. She set it down and trotted to the cabinet. She flung the doors open and began to rummage through it. After a few moments, she found what she was seeking. A plain white box save a red cross in the center, "Found it!" She carried the kit back to Rarity and opened it.

"Thank you Sweetie Belle. I need you to hand me the pain medicine."

The unicorn filly opened a small bag and handed Rarity two round pills. After Rarity put the pills in her mouth, Sweetie Belle helped her big sister take a drink of water. "Feel better," she asked.

"Oh it is far too soon for the medicine to take effect, but in a short while the pain will be more manageable. Now if you girls could help me remove this gauze."

Scootaloo scoffed, "I told you it was pointless to use gauze."

"No you didn't," Applebloom argued, "It was your idea, and besides you saw the bruises. I heard that wrapping up helps prevent swellin'." She nodded to confirm the point.

"Yeah right," Scootaloo said, "And it doesn't matter anymore since it didn't work."

Soon Rarity was free from her cotton prison and slowly got to her hooves, 'I never thought I would get in a fight with Twilight of all ponies. Why didn't I listen to Spike? I could have saved myself a great deal of embarrassment.' She cringed as both the pain from the fight and stiffness from sleeping on the floor settled in, 'at least the pain is more manageable than I feared.'

She looked over the Cutie Mark Crusaders and smiled softly, "Girls, thank you. I appreciate you helping me, but I'm afraid that I must make my way to the library." She turned to Sweetie Belle, "Come along, Sweetie Belle. I must do what I must."

"Ok sis," Sweetie Belle whispered, "I hope nothing bad happens."

"Hey," Scootaloo said, "What happened to you? All Sweetie Belle told us was that you were hurt and helping you would give us a chance to check something off our Cutie Mark list."

Rarity looked to Sweetie Belle and said, "I'm certain Sweetie Belle will tell you when the time is right, but for now girls we must go." She led the little crusaders out of the boutique and along with Sweetie Belle limped to the library. 'What will I say? Are there any words that can excuse my behavior?' She looked to her younger sister who appeared to be deep in thought. She nudged the filly gently and asked, "Sweetie Belle, what's bothering you?"

The filly looked up to her sister, 'How can she still be walking? She must be in a lot of pain, and why would she want to apologize to Twilight? She must have attacked sis first. There's no way Rarity would have hit Twilight first, would she?' "I'm sorry sis; it's just that I don't understand why you want to apologize to the pony that hurt you?"

"I hurt her just as badly," Rarity replied without a shred of pride in revealing the fact, "I struck first and as such am the aggressor." She stopped and a kneeled next to her little sister, "I know you want to feel angry at Twilight, and I am proud that you instinctively side with me." She paused wincing as the pain was returning, "But there are times when I make tragic mistakes, and I want you to see the best way to make amends."

"Ok, sis," Sweetie Belle said softly, "Can I at least pretend to be mad at Twilight?"

Rarity laughed and cringed with pain but nodded at the filly, "Of course you may. It may even lighten the mood somewhat." She felt relieved when a smile appeared on Sweetie Belle's face, 'Good. At least I can still comfort my dear sister. Now I hope I can begin to make amends.'

Both ponies continued their way to the library, hoping that this encounter would be a peaceful one.


"What part of get serious are you not understanding," Pinkie screamed at the mirror. She had spent the past hour and a half trying to become sad enough to straighten her mane and tail, but still it had its poof. 'Why isn't this working? I must be doing something wrong.'

She looked at her reflection, locking eyes with herself and whispered, "You wanna do this the hard way? Then, we'll do this the hard way." She sat down, closed her eyes, and thought of the reason she needed to be sad. "Fluttershy," she whispered.

Her mind raced with images and memories of the yellow pegasus. From their first meeting, when she pounced on her resulting in Fluttershy fainting, to when they were in Apploosa and Fluttershy tackled her. "No, no, no, no," she screamed, "Not happy memories. I need sad ones." The truth was that she had no sad memories of Fluttershy. Every memory that contained the shy pegasus was a happy one. Yes, she was shy and timid, but she was so kind that ponies couldn't help but want to smile at the sight of her.

'Oh no,' Pinkie thought, 'My plan is a failure and I haven't even begun.' A chance glance to the mirror revealed a surprise. Looking back to the mirror, Pinkie saw her mane had lost some of its resilient poof. As a test, she smiled and the lack of poof remained. 'If I don't have any sad memories, then I'll make a sad future.'

Once again, she closed her eyes and pictured Fluttershy and Rainbow. Fluttershy was crying and Rainbow was yelling at her, "I'm sick of this. Why? Why of all ponies in Equestria, did I get stuck with you?"

Fluttershy looked up to Rainbow revealing a hoof shaped bruise right above her cheek. "I'm sorry. I only want-"

"Want what?" Rainbow struck Fluttershy across the face with a sickening crack. Fluttershy crumpled to the floor, and with a sick grin Rainbow took off saying, "She's all yours. I'm done with her."

A voice whispered, "I was hoping we would meet again."

Fluttershy recognized the voice and tried to escape, but her injury was too severe and was instantly pounced upon by a grey pony.

Pinkie opened her eyes, and noticed she was crying. Sitting up to get a better look at her mirror revealed her mane to have curls almost like Rarity's mane. 'Close but not close enough.'

She sat back down and closed her eyes. She truly wanted to be grief stricken, and once again, her mind delivered.

She imagined a large courtroom, but the ponies were all shadows except for Fluttershy.

"Will the defendant rise," said the shadow judge.

Fluttershy stood up.

The judge received a note, he read it, and handed it back to the shadow pony that handed it to him. "Fluttershy, you are found guilty of robbing Equestria of one of its greatest sons. I take great pleasure to pass this sentence down. You will die a slow and painful death, but first you will watch those who dared help you die."

Rarity was brought out first. She held her head high and said nothing.

"Kill it," the judge said.

From nowhere a large knife appeared and stabbed Rarity in the chest. She struggled to keep on her feet, but failed and the knife continued to attack her long after her body stopped moving.

"Just making sure," the judge said to Fluttershy, "Next!"

Rainbow was thrown into the courtroom. "For actively aiding a killer and a monster, you will suffer just as she will. Both of you will hang by the neck until dead."

Rainbow tried to give Fluttershy a reassuring smile, but it was quickly changed to horror and pain when several arrows struck her in the chest.

"Now bring in the traitor," the judge said.

A beaten and bruised Applejack was thrown into the courtroom. She strained and rose to her hooves, and smiled at Fluttershy. Applejack then turned to the judge and stared defiantly at him.

The judge said, "Die."

A rope materialized around Applejack's throat and she was strangled. She tried to fight it, but in the end she died like the rest of Fluttershy's friends.

"I guess you will die alone Fluttershy," the judge mocked.

Suddenly, Pinkie was back in Ponyville and looking at a library that was converted to a gallows. Fluttershy was standing with a noose around her neck. The shadow judge nodded, and a shadow pony pulled a lever. Fluttershy plummeted and the rope tightened with a jerk-

"Pinkie, snap out of it!"

Pinkie was being shaken by Mrs. Cake and found herself curled up in an alarmingly large pool of tears. Shaking, she stood up and looked at herself. Her coat was darker than she had ever seen and her mane was not only straight and flat, it looked dead. That was the only word that she could think of.

Carefully, Pinkie allowed herself to smile. Neither mane nor coat changed, and her smile grew. 'I did it.' She turned to Mrs. Cake, "I'm sorry about that, but I have to be extra, super, duper sad right now."

Pinkie grabbed her costume and got dressed. She placed her badge in the front pocket, carefully did her hair into a bun, and put the sunglasses on. After her horseshoes were on, she ran out of her room and headed straight for the library. 'I bet if any police show up they'll head straight to Twilight's.'


"Um," Fluttershy squeaked, "You want to do what to my mane?"

"Cut it," Trixie replied, "It's for the best. After all, you will be described as having a long and flowing mane. Once we trim it, you will have one less worry."

Fluttershy nodded slowly, "Um, ok. How much should we cut off?"

"Hold on a second. I'm not sure cutting her mane is such a good idea."

"What are you talking about," Trixie asked, "This is the best course of action and you know it."

"I know, but it's not that simple," Rainbow said, "You see, Fluttershy uses her mane as a defense mechanism. Whenever she's nervous, she will hide her face behind her mane. Go ahead and ask her. I'm going to get us something to drink. Don't do anything until I get back."

After Rainbow left the room, Trixie turned to Fluttershy and saw it. Half of the yellow pegasus's face was hidden behind her pink mane. 'This is getting annoying,' she thought. Trixie pushed Fluttershy's mane aside and said, "You came to me for help, and I am taking a huge risk just talking to you. Do you want my help or not?"

"Yes. I'm sorry," Fluttershy said.

"Good," Trixie said using her magic to levitate a pair of scissors.

Fluttershy flinched and closed her eyes as she felt the scissors slice off large portions of her mane. 'How much is she cutting off? I wonder how I will look.' She forced her eyes open when she heard a gasp.

"Trixie," Rainbow said in shock, "Why the hay did you do that to her mane?"

"What did she do," Fluttershy asked panicking, "Let me see. A mirror! Get me a mirror!" She snatched the mirror and couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Trixie certainly did her task. Fluttershy looked different. Her mane was cut short. It was even shorter than Rainbow Dash's, and along her neck the mane was trimmed very close. She looked around the floor and all around was pink hair. It was not in piles of clippings but in long strands. After a moment, the panic began to settle, and she turned to Trixie and smiled. Trixie returned the smile, and was stunned when Fluttershy tackled her.

"What are you doing," Trixie gasped staring at the pegasus glaring at her. "I did what you asked. I understand that this is something of a shock to you, but it is for the best. Now get off of me!" Her horn lit up and Fluttershy was levitated off of Trixie. She set her back on the ground and returned to her hooves.

"What were you thinking Trixie," Rainbow asked, "I told you her mane was important to her." She walked up to Fluttershy and wrapped her legs around her. Soon the yellow pegasus began to cry softly.

The crying was not of embarrassment or shame. It sounded with actual sorrow. Suddenly, the boastful showmare that had never apologized for anything in her life felt truly shameful. "Fluttershy," she said softly trying to ignore Rainbow's burning glare, "I. I'm sorry, but dear it really is for the best. This habit you have of hiding your face behind your mane, I imagine that you do it even when your picture is taken."

Fluttershy nodded slowly and squeaked, "I'm sorry. You helped me and I'm being ungrateful. I just, um was shocked." She gave Trixie a small smile.

"Well," Trixie said her old self coming forth, "That's a good thing for when the authorities search for you they will use the most current photograph and they will not be able to see past The Great and Powerful Trixie's masterwork of illusionary!" She ended with a warm smile and felt much better when Fluttershy smiled as well. "Now there is the matter of your tail."

"My, um tail," Fluttershy asked, "Do you have to?"

"I hate to agree with her," Rainbow said gently holding Fluttershy, "but she's right. Cutting your tail is part of it."

"Ok, and Trixie," Trixie turned to Fluttershy, "I understand why you cut my mane so short. Thank you."

"Well," Trixie said, "There was a bit of an ulterior motive for it."

"I knew it," Rainbow screamed.

"Rainbow," Fluttershy scolded softly. Suddenly, she felt the pit from before, but this time it did not grow slowly. It filled her completely. The room began to spin, and Fluttershy began to feel afraid. The fear continued to grow and Fluttershy soon found herself feeling very weak.

"You only wanted to humiliate Fluttershy," Rainbow hissed, "I should have known you couldn't be trusted. We never should've come here."

"How dare you," Trixie spat back. Both ponies were face to face, their eyes burning with anger. A fight was about to break out but was averted when something fell to the ground with a resounding thud. Both ponies turned and saw Fluttershy curled into a ball and shivering.

"What's wrong," Trixie asked.

"She's going into shock," Rainbow yelled no longer caring of where they were. She grabbed Fluttershy and began to rock her gently. "Get me some water," Rainbow ordered Trixie.

"Nopony orders The-"

"Get the damn water," Rainbow screamed, "She's in shock. Forget your pride and help her!"

Trixie blinked. 'Nopony speaks to me that way.' She glanced to Fluttershy and she clearly was in shock. 'What am I doing? She hadn't done anything to warrant this.' Trixie quickly ran to the sink, filled a bowl with water, and ran back to Fluttershy with some towels. "Here," said placing the bowl on the ground and dropping the towels near Rainbow, "Trixie did not do this for you. She-"

"Do you really think I care why you do anything?" Rainbow continued to rock Fluttershy gently and with a damp towel in her mouth, she began to dab her friend's forehead. "It's ok Fluttershy. I'm here, and I always will be. It's ok." Rainbow repeated the words softly to her friend and Fluttershy began to calm down.

Fluttershy's world began to return to focus. Her breathing was becoming less labored and the world felt less threatening. "Thank you," she whispered before she began to cry again. 'Why can't I hold on anymore? I need to be strong. I can't rely on Rainbow forever. It's not fair to her.' She looked up to Rainbow and gave her a small smile.

"Fluttershy," Trixie said, "I. I cut your mane so short because I was hoping you would donate it."

"Donate it," Fluttershy asked.

"Yes. You see there's a cancer ward for the foals and as part of the therapy most lose their manes. Some ponies donate their mane to make wigs for the foals. I should have asked, but I felt since you needed to have it cut anyway that it would not matter."

"I understand," Fluttershy said, "Go ahead and use it, but I would like to keep some of it, if that's alright."

"It's your mane Fluttershy," groaned Rainbow helping Fluttershy back to her hooves, "You can do what you want with it."

"Then use my mane how you see fit, Trixie," Fluttershy said.

"Excellent," Trixie replied. "Now on to your tail." Before Fluttershy could respond the scissors had cut a large portion of her tail, but it wasn't too bad. It looked just like Rarity's tail when she replaced Mr. Magnet's moustache.

"Now before I can alter your cutie mark there is something I need you to do for me," Trixie said.

"Of course," Fluttershy said.

"Are you sure you want to agree so quickly? You don't know what she wants," Rainbow said concerned.

"This plan is a long shot and I still might die," Fluttershy said, "If I fail then whatever Trixie asks wouldn't matter."

"Oh leave the drama for us performers," Trixie scolded with a smile, "This is a simple task. I need to make my rounds and you are to help me." She walked to a closet and levitated a set of scrubs to Fluttershy. "Put them on. There is a filly I want you to meet." Suddenly, Trixie's boastful features become saddened as she left the break room leaving Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to wonder just who they were about to meet.


"We're here," a voice said waking a sleeping Applejack.

"Oh," she said rubbing her eyes, "Mighty grateful ya'll helpin' me out like this."

"Well we had a deal," the driver said, "This is a far as I can take you, and I'll head straight for the repair shop. I've tempted fate with that axle for too long."

Applejack got down and looked around trying to get her bearings, but so much had changed in the years since she was a filly. 'Well I'm here so I might as well make the best of it.' She began to walk north in the direction of Manehattan General.


"Hello. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and am I to assume that you are Detective Smoke?" Twilight was looking at a unicorn stallion that was just past middle age. His mane was black and starting to turn gray and his coat was dark blue. He was wearing a long coat that covered his entire body.

"Yes, I am Detective Smoke. I will be lead investigator for this investigation, and have been informed to relay any information I receive to you. I was requested to make Ponyville my base of operations, but I will not. The only reason I came here was to collect you and head to Cloudsdale."

"The Princess has named me her voice in this matter, and I say the investigation will concentrate here."

"Why? There is no evidence to be found here, and I already have officers searching the home of Fluttershy." Smoke walked closer to Twilight, "I wasn't making a request. I told you that I will not be staying in Ponyville and there is nothing you can do about it. I will find Grey Ring's killer and bring them to justice."

"You already named Fluttershy the prime suspect?" Twilight didn't want to look away. She had a plan. The investigation was to focus on the Everfree Forest in hopes of stalling the investigation, but now she would have to find a new tactic. "You are aware that the investigation is not a court matter."

"That depends on your view," Smoke replied, "Investigations lead to court cases and therefore can be seen as a step in the process. As such, the Princess can be said to be powerless, but I was instructed to take anything you say as though it were from the Princess directly. I was asked not to release Fluttershy's name as prime suspect, and I don't intend to. I want to be able to catch her by surprise."

"You believe she's dangerous," Twilight asked, though it was more of a statement than a question.

Smoke gave Twilight a small smile and said, "Dangerous? No. This was not a premeditated attack. This was a crime of passion. From what I saw at the crime scene here's what happened. Rainbow Dash left the Wonderbolt training grounds and decided to take a stroll in the woods. Grey Ring stalked her and when the moment was right attacked her. We found blood near a tree and there was something of a struggle. From there we found signs that Grey slid across the ground as though he was shoved off of Ms. Dash. He most likely fell down the small hill and when he returned to the top he was face to face with Fluttershy. I imagine that there was very little said, and when Fluttershy recognized Grey she attacked him. Her immediate concern had to have been the wellbeing of her friend, but being face to face with the one that attacked her so many years ago can change even the most set plans."

"So you're pursuing this as a lesser charge?"

"No. I was ordered to treat this as murder in the first, and that is what I will do. I simply don't believe Fluttershy to be an immediate danger to the public."

Both ponies were about to continue when there was a small tap on the wall.

Twilight turned and saw the still bruised figure of Rarity. She limped into the library and gave Twilight a smile, "May we have a word, Twilight?"

"Now isn't the best time," Twilight said.

Detective Smoke looked at both unicorns, seeing both were badly bruised decided that this was a personal matter, "What ever happened between the two of you had best be settled now. I cannot have the investigation be hampered by personal matters." He walked towards the library entrance nodded to Rarity and left.

"Now Twilight. I understand that you have no desire to see me so soon after our, 'confrontation', but we simply must clear the air."

"Clear the air," Twilight asked, "You attacked me." She wanted to sound angry but the remorse on Rarity's face prevented it.

Sweetie Belle walked in and tried to give Twilight a glare, but she only looked confused.

"Uh, Sweetie Belle," Rarity said, "Why don't you have a seat?"

"Ok sis," Sweetie Belle walked over to a chair, sat down, and continued her glare attempt at Twilight.

Rarity walked up to Twilight, "I know you are angry with me. To be honest, I'm still angry with you, but I am here to apologize because there something far more important at stake,"

"And that is?"

"The reason we fought in the first place," Rarity looked Twilight in the eye, "Fluttershy. Yes, we disagree on key issues, but we both want Fluttershy to be unharmed. Do you think we can put our anger aside and help our dear friend?" Rarity held out her hoof and waited.

After what felt like an eternity, Twilight shook Rarity's hoof, "Ok, but we will discuss this further." She still wanted to be angry, but Rarity was right. Fluttershy was the reason they fought in the first place. She was important to both of them, and Twilight wanted her to be safe. She nodded to Rarity and quickly glanced to the entrance when she heard the sounds of an argument.

"I'm sorry, um miss, but you are not allowed inside without Detective Smoke's permission."

"I'm sorry," a familiar voice spoke but with a different tone, "Perhaps I simply spoke too quickly for you. I am going inside now. You will inform Twilight Sparkle that Special Agent Diane Pie is here as she requested.

"I heard you fine the first time, and you're not going in."

"I would like to see you stop me."

There was a sound of a scuffle and in just under ten seconds, in walked "Special" Agent Diane Pie.

"Ms. Sparkle," Agent Pie said, "I came as soon as I heard you needed assistance. Perhaps we can speak in private first." She motioned to the kitchen.

"Of course. Please, after you, um Agent Pie." Once both ponies were in the kitchen Twilight stammered, "Pinkie what in the Princess's name are you doing?"

"Shh. I'm a secret agent sent here to 'help' you apprehend a dangerous fugitive."

"I'm not following you, Pinkie."

"It's Special Agent Diane Pie. I never really use my middle name so this was perfect, but Agent Pie works too. I can help you divert the investigation."

"I see." 'Well I suppose it could be useful,' Twilight thought, 'Wait!' She suddenly had an idea. "Pinkie, or rather Agent Pie, get Detective Smoke in here. I have an announcement to make.

"Yes, ma'am." Agent Pie saluted Twilight and left the library with a slow and steady walk.

It was then that Twilight had a good look at Pinkie. Her coat was very dark and her tail fell lifelessly. Her mane was tied into a bun. This didn't look like the Pinkie Pie she knew. It really was a great disguise.

"Detective Smoke," Agent Pie said, "Ms. Twilight needs you inside."

"Really," asked Smoke, "First I would like to know why you assaulted an officer."

"Simple," Pie said, "He was in my way."

"Is that right," Smoke said, "Then consider yourself under arrest."

Agent Pie laughed, "You don't have the authority." She flashed her badge at the detective and said, "Listen I'll make this simple. I outrank you. I have clearance so high that I have to eat a poisoned cupcake if I remember that I have it."

Before Smoke could argue Twilight stepped in. "It's true, detective. Agent Pie is part of a special branch of law enforcement. The Equestria Bureau of Investigation."

"FFF section specifically," Agent Pie added.

"I've never heard of it," Smoke said.

"Have you heard of a dragon sleeping in Equestria," Pie asked.

"No," replied Smoke.

"Well it happened last year, but if you didn't know about it I guess it never happened, right?"

"Fine," Smoke said, "I am still lead investigator, and I decide where we head this investigation."

"Agreed, but Agent Pie decides who gets questioned," Twilight said.

"What," Smoke asked with growing anger, "And just how am I going to run a proper investigation if I have to clear any questioning through her."

"Find a way," Twilight said, "Princess Celestia has granted me the authority to grant anypony the power of her hoof for the duration of this investigation, and I grant it to Special Agent Diane Pie."

"Excellent," said Agent Pie, "There is a killer on the loose and we will uproot the entire Everfree Forest if we have to in order to find her."

"Change of plans Agent Pie," Twilight said, "We're headed to Cloudsdale. We hope to intercept the suspect there."

"If you believe that's best, then let's go," Agent Pie said.

"Twilight," Rarity spoke, "Might I accompany you?"

Twilight didn't want too many ponies going, but the guilt in Rarity's eyes changed her mind. "Of course Rarity, as Fluttershy's dearest friend, you would know where to best find her."

"Thank you Twilight," Rarity said. She turned to Sweetie Belle, "Sweetie Belle head back home and close the boutique. After that, head to Sweet Apple Acres. I'm certain the Apples won't mind you staying with them for a while."

"Ok sis," the filly said, "I hope you bring Fluttershy home safe." She ran off home, and Rarity thought, 'I hope so too dear sister.'

"We've wasted enough time," Detective Smoke said, "We leave for Cloudsdale now."

Twilight, Rarity, Agent Pie, Detective Smoke, Spike, and two police pegasi entered the carriage and made their way to Cloudsdale. As they were leaving, Twilight whispered to Pinkie, "What does FFF stand for?"

Pinkie whispered back, "Fluttershy Freedom Fighters." That brought a smile to Twilight's face.


"Um, Trixie," Fluttershy whispered, "Who is this filly you wanted me to meet?" The three ponies were walking down the hall in the foal's ward, and Trixie was not forthcoming with any information regarding this filly that she insisted Fluttershy meet.

"Almost there," Trixie said, "But first." Trixie stood before an open door and grinned when she heard some foals squeal, "Trixie!"

"Yes, little foals," Trixie began, "It is I, The Great and Powerful Trixie! And I am here for one purpose and one alone." She rushed into the room, levitated her hat, peered inside, and levitated a small patchwork pegasus in a Wonderbolt outfit, and floated it to a young filly unicorn with a cast on her left foreleg.

"My Spitfire," squealed the filly, "She's here! Just like you promised!"

"Of course. The Great and Powerful Trixie always keeps her promises." Trixie looked to the other bed and walked to the little earth pony with her head bandaged and said, "Since you never asked The Great and Powerful Trixie for anything she shall provide you with a surprise."

The filly blushed and said softly, "You don't have to Trixie. I just want to see you cast your spells."

Trixie looked into her hat and said with a smile, "Then you shall see spells of such spectacle that you will not believe your eyes!" Trixie's horn began to glow and the lights were dimmed to almost darkness. Suddenly, a light shone down upon the earth pony filly. Only now, she was wearing a cape and hat similar to the ones Trixie wore. A spectral wand materialized before the filly, and she had a huge smile on her face.

Slowly, the lights returned and Trixie stood next to the filly, "Think of what you would like to see, and the wave the wand." Trixie took a step back and studied the filly carefully. Years of performing before crowds taught her to feel what a pony was thinking, and foals are not as adept at hiding their thoughts. After a few moments, the filly waved the wand and a flash of light appeared from it. Before the filly was a small puppy.

"Angel," she squealed and jumped off the bed. She tried to hug the spectral puppy but passed right through it. Confused, she looked to Trixie.

"I'm sorry little one, but even The Great and Powerful Trixie must follow hospital rules. No pets are allowed, but little Angel knows now that you are fine and will be waiting for you to come home."

The filly smiled and gave Trixie a hug, "Thank you Trixie."

"Thanks for my Spitfire, Trixie," said the unicorn filly.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie will always provide for her dearest audiences," Trixie said with a bow, "Now, get some rest." Trixie left the room and looked at Rainbow and Fluttershy, "This is what I do when I am not travelling."

"You perform for foals," Fluttershy asked, "That's wonderful, Trixie." She looked at the showmare and smiled.

"Say," Trixie said smiling, "Has anypony told you that you possess an infectious smile?"

Fluttershy blushed, "Occasionally, but I never believed them. Thank you."

"Well, let us move on. You're in a hurry and I'd hate to delay you." It wasn't long before they arrived to a room where the door was closed. A guard stood at the door and smiled at Trixie.

"Hello, Trixie. I'm glad you're here. If anypony needed a smile it's this little one." His face was mixed with sorrow and rage.

'What happened,' Fluttershy asked herself.

"This is Fluttershy and let's just say that she knows how she feels," Trixie said.

The guard turned to Fluttershy and smiled softly, "I'm sorry. Please go in. If Trixie says that you're ok, then you're ok."

"Just you," Trixie said stopping Rainbow from entering.

"Why," Rainbow asked, "I should be there with Fluttershy."

"This is something that Fluttershy needs to see alone," Trixie said, "and just so you know, I have no intention of humiliating Fluttershy. I can't even begin to imagine the pain she is still living with."

Rainbow looked at Trixie and said, "I'm sorry about accusing you of that. She's been bullied in the past, and I tend to see potential bullies everywhere."

"I see," Trixie said, "Let's get something to drink. This should take a while."

Rainbow nodded and followed Trixie back to the break room.

The room was dim and there was a single bed in the room. On it lay a foal, and she stirred when Fluttershy stepped closer. With each step, Fluttershy recalled the past. The hear monitor's steady pulse filled her with dread, but she continued her march.

"Who's there," the filly asked her voice full of fear. She tried to move and winced from pain.

"Shh," Fluttershy whispered, "It's alright." She slowly walked to the side of the bed and pulled a chair closer to the filly. She gave her a warm smile and the filly gave her a small smile in return. "My name is Fluttershy."

The filly looked at Fluttershy and tears began to pool in her eyes. Fluttershy leaned over and gently stroked her mane. The filly seized up slightly but relaxed somewhat. Fluttershy looked into the filly's blue eyes and said, "Somepony hurt you. I was hurt too. I know that you're in pain, and you're asking yourself hundreds of questions. I might be able to help you with some."

The filly blinked a few times and said softly, "Why?"

Fluttershy felt her heart tear a little, "Some ponies just want to spread pain. I know that doesn't help right now, but try to remember that not all ponies are like that. It took me a few years to understand, and now I have some very good friends." Fluttershy gently touched the filly's hoof, "Now, you are going to have to talk to some doctors. They will want you to talk to them, and if you say nothing then they will say something worse is wrong with you." She sighed, shook her head, and said, "These ponies are supposed to be well educated, but I guess they don't know the pain you're going through. It still hurts, doesn't it?"

The filly continued to cry and asked, "What, what did I do wrong?"

Fluttershy held the filly in a gentle embrace and said, "You did nothing to deserve this. Nopony has any right to take advantage of you like that, so please, don't blame yourself for what happened to you." She let the filly go.

"How long..."

Fluttershy began to cry softly, "I'm sorry, but I don't think it will ever stop hurting. I know that there are times I can't even get out of bed out of fear. You have to remember that whoever hurt you may not hurt you again." Fluttershy wiped a tear from the filly's face, "It will be very hard at first. Everypony will treat you as though you're weak and fragile, and after a while, you'll begin to believe it's true. You have to be strong and remember that you are never alone." Fluttershy reached into her pack and pulled out a small hairclip that she clearly would not be able to use for a long while. It was a small butterfly similar to her cutie mark except the colors were reversed. She placed the hairclip into the filly's mane, "There. Remember, I survived because I wasn't alone, and now you also will never be alone."

The filly slowly rose as best she could to a seating position, "Thank you Fluttershy." She reached up and removed the hairclip, looked it over, and smiled as she placed it back into her mane, "I hope I'm as strong as you one day."

Fluttershy hugged the filly gently, "You already are. It took me more than a month before I said a single word." She chose to leave out that she was physically unable to speak even if she wanted to as her throat was badly hurt by Grey Ring.

The filly smiled, "I should try to get some sleep."

"Remember," Fluttershy said.

The filly tapped her new hairpin with her hoof, "I'm not alone, and now I never will be." She smiled and closed her eyes.

Fluttershy slowly left the room and smiled at the guard, "Thank you for allowing me to visit her."

"Is she alright," the guard asked.

"I think she will," Fluttershy said, "In time." She walked back to the break room, but was suddenly flooded with old emotions long thought forgotten. She stumbled into a nearby restroom and was grateful that it was empty. She braced herself against the sink, looked into the mirror, but did not see herself. Her face became twisted with rage at the pony in the mirror.


"That is my dream. To put on a display so marvelous that ponies will be telling their grandfoals about it, and I imagine that you dream the same thing."

"Well," Rainbow said drinking her juice, "I'm going to join the Wonderbolts and I plan to have that kind of performance every time."

Trixie laughed and levitated her mug of coffee to Rainbow, who holding the cup with her hooves brought it to the mug and clinked them together. "To performers doing what they love," Trixie said with a smile.

Rainbow nodded, 'She's cooler than I thought.' "Say Trixie, why are you being so friendly with Fluttershy. I appreciate it, but I'm curious."

Trixie set her mug down, "I heard stories about Grey Ring and his rumors." The disgust in her voice was clear. She looked back to Rainbow, "I follow tabloids more than I should. Foolish I know, but it is a habit that I picked up when I began performing. You yourself have appeared in a couple of them if I recall."

"What," Rainbow asked, "What have I done?" Her mind raced trying to figure out what she did that was so scandalous.

"The only one I really remember was when you won some flying competition, and there was a small article about you and Spitfire," Trixie laughed when Rainbow's jaw dropped, "Oh I know almost all of what is printed in it is garbage, but I still read it for a few laughs." She took another sip of coffee, "Well I began to follow 'him' because I read an article where he spoke of a filly he had." She became angry and that anger quickly turned to rage. She threw the mug against the wall, "Why?" She turned to Rainbow, "Why? Tell me. Why would anypony spread pain like that? I wish I could say that foal Fluttershy is visiting is the only one that I have seen in this hospital, but no. Sure, the number is small, and that can help the doctors sleep better. But one is simply too many. I have seen foals come in and the sick bastards that hurt them are the ones checking them in." Trixie shuddered but was able to keep herself from crying. It was a skill she developed over the years of cheering foals up.

Rainbow was at a loss for words, she didn't know what she could say that could help. Instead, both ponies sat in silence waiting for Fluttershy to finish speaking to the foal.


"No. You're dead." Fluttershy stared at the face of Grey Ring. He had a sick smile on his face, but said nothing. Fluttershy tried to turn away but her gaze was locked to his. "I killed you."

His smile didn't fade, but he was becoming transparent. "I am not scared of you. You will never harm another pony again, and you got what you deserved." She pulled her hoof back to strike at Grey, but she stopped herself, "No. You're not worth it." She turned from the mirror and said with a smile, "You have no power over me anymore, and I will be free from you." With a confident nod, she left the restroom and returned to the break room.

"Trixie," Fluttershy said as she entered the room, "Thank you."

"I thought you might be able to help her."

"We helped each other," Fluttershy said smiling, "Now, what do you plan to change my cutie mark to?"

"Yes, I was thinking about that and I believe that it would be easiest if we didn't stray too far from your calling. Your cutie mark will be easier to manipulate that way."

Fluttershy nodded, "How about a small white rabbit?"

"Angel Bunny," Rainbow asked.

"He was the first animal friend that I really cared for so I think it would be best."

Trixie smiled, "Good. A sentimental image will help the spell last longer." Her horn began to glow and Fluttershy's cutie mark began to blur. Suddenly with a flash, it changed from three butterflies to a small white rabbit holding a carrot.

"Wow Trixie. That is some nice work," Rainbow said impressed.

"Well, I am The Great and Powerful Trixie," Trixie said with a proud grin, "And I may visit Ponyville again one day. Perhaps, certain hecklers could behave this time." She gave a playful glare to Rainbow. Rainbow glared back and both began to laugh.

"Thank you so very much," Fluttershy said hugging the showmare, "I wish I could repay you."

"Take care of yourself," Trixie said, "If you manage to find peace with what happened to you, then consider it payment enough." Trixie turned and set out to clean up the mug she threw.

"Ok so now we're off to find this, Fire Mist," Rainbow said, and spun to face Trixie when she heard the mug pieces drop to the floor.

"Did you say Fire Mist?"

"Um, yes Trixie," Fluttershy said, "We believe that she was one of Grey's victims. Why? Do you know her?"

"I knew of her."

"Oh," Rainbow said, "Wait what do you mean 'knew'?"

"I was about to leave for the evening a few months ago, and some pegasi brought in a unicorn." Trixie looked down to the floor as she continued the story, "She had taken an overdose of sleeping pills, and the doctors were unable to save her."

"Oh my," Fluttershy gasped.

"She had no friends, and her parents were less than loving. I guess the pain became too much for her to bear."

"I guess we can't stay here in Manehattan," Rainbow said. 'Nice Dash. Couldn't say it any meaner, could you,' she scolded herself.

"I agree. Thank you again, Trixie."

Trixie nodded, hugged Fluttershy, and began to clean up the mug again. She didn't see the pegasi leave the room, 'I hope you find justice, Fluttershy,' she thought as she cleaned up and prepared for the next show.

Rainbow wanted to say something to comfort Fluttershy, but couldn't find the words. She stared at the sky and wondered, 'Why did she do it? How could she end it like that?' Her thoughts were broken by Fluttershy's sobs.

"Rainbow," Fluttershy said in tears, "That could have been me." Before Rainbow could protest, Fluttershy threw her legs around her, "Thank you for being my friend. I know you saved my life just by being here for me. I can never repay you for that." She let go and smiled at her oldest friend.

"Well," Rainbow said rubbing the back of her head with her hoof, "That's a heck of a thank you." She was sincere, but Fluttershy received a different message.

"Then, maybe this will be more appreciated," she said as she leaned in and kissed Rainbow gently.

Rainbow returned the kiss. She tried to gently work her tongue into Fluttershy's mouth, they connected for a moment, but a quiet, 'uh-uh' from Fluttershy caused Rainbow to retreat her tongue. 'Why does this feel so weird,' Rainbow thought, 'Don't I want this?' She couldn't wonder anymore on it since a familiar voice interrupted them.

"Ahem, Am I interrupting something?"

"A-Applejack," Fluttershy squeaked pulling away from Rainbow Dash. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, ah reckon," Applejack replied.

"I don't have to justify myself to you," Fluttershy said.

"Ya'll are cheating on me and ya ain't gonna explain yourself," Applejack said shocked but was clearly hurting at the thought. 'She's through with me. It's for the best, but I never thought it would hurt this bad.'

"You abandoned me," Fluttershy screamed at Applejack, "I thought you loved me. I love you, but when I needed you, when I really needed you, you left. You left me alone, broken. Why Applejack? Why did you do that to me?" Her anger quickly faded to sorrow and she fell down crying.

Applejack walked up to Fluttershy but was stopped by a furious Rainbow, "Don't you get near her. You caused enough damage. I thought you were going to take care of her."

"Look I'm sorry," Applejack cried, "I know I done wrong, and you're right, Rainbow." She turned to Fluttershy, "I don't deserve you. Ah never did, but I'm trying to set things right."

Fluttershy stood up and wanted to be furious, but the grief, regret, and shame on Applejack's face stopped her, "Applejack. I love you, but you hurt me. I don't know if we have anything anymore."

"I know. I'm not doing this as a way to get you back. I need to help you cause I do love you."

"What's your plan," Rainbow asked. She was still angry but thought, 'If Fluttershy can try to get along with her then so can I.' "Maybe you'll have better luck than we've had."

"Well my kin here are pretty well off," Applejack said, "And I figure that Fluttershy will eventually want to get any evidence into court. I'm gonna try and convince the Oranges to get her a lawyer."

At the sound of the Oranges, Fluttershy remembered their date at the restaurant, and how the Oranges made Applejack feel. "Applejack you're willing to face them, for me? What about how they treat you?"

"Fluttershy," Applejack said smiling, "I'll take all the abuse they can throw at me. All the names and cruel words won' stop me from trying to help you. You deserve that much."

"Thank you, Applejack," Fluttershy said. She noticed that Applejack was not wearing her hat, "Applejack where is your hat?"

"Oh," Applejack said ashamed, "I don't deserve to wear it. It comforts me, and I don't deserve right now."

"We need to go to Cloudsdale," Fluttershy said.

"Fluttershy wait," Rainbow said, "If Applejack can get a lawyer, they can use the list to gather the victims faster than we will. I mean, we have a total of zero so far."

"That's true," Fluttershy turned to Applejack, "If I give you this list, will you help me find the victims?"

"I swear Fluttershy."

Fluttershy handed Applejack the list and said, "Maybe when this is all over we can talk things over." She looked down to the ground, not wanting to look Applejack in the face. She looked up when she felt something on her head. Applejack had placed her hat on her, and was tying the sting securing it to Fluttershy's neck. "Applejack-"

"I said that I don't deserve to be comforted, but ya'll do," Applejack said smiling, "Let's just call this a peace offerin'."

"Ok," Fluttershy said hugging Applejack, "I promise we'll talk soon."

"Take care of her Rainbow."

"Done a better job than you have," Rainbow said and flew off.

Applejack winced, 'Ouch Rainbow. I deserve it though.' Applejack watched the pegasi fly off to Cloudsdale, and once they were out of sight, she took a deep breath and continued to her Uncle Orange's apartment. Perhaps there she can find a way to rebuild the bridges she burned.