• Published 11th Aug 2014
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Strange Encounters: Of the Pony Kind - The Dauntless Entrinity

A collection of stories or encounters with ponies.

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Mile High Meeting

It actually wasn’t a normal day when I met, her. It was a rainy day and I was worried my flight would be canceled.

I pulled my suitcase through the crowds of the noisy terminal and came to a stop in front of an annoying attendant with an unhuman smile. I gave her my ticket and made my way through the gang plank. Stepping over that small, but frightening gap between the plane and the walkway, I breathed in the sterile smell of the plane and began the great search for my seat. Finding it near the middle of the plane, I sat down and watched as the others around me took their seats. Almost everyone had taken their seats when a blonde mare came trotting down the aisle, looking at each individual seat before stopping next to me. She sat down in the seat next to mine and quickly snapped the belt around her waist.

“Are you okay?” I asked, looking at the way her belt constricted her stomach.

“I’m just nervous. “ The mare whispered, putting on a weak smile.

“Well, if something does go wrong, having your belt so tight might slow you down.” I teased. Turns out, it was a bad decision as the mare freaked out and fumbled to loosen her belt. The mare’s breathing was now panicked, her seat belt hung limply in her lap and we hadn’t even taken off yet.

“Is this good?” The blonde pony asked me, a nervous look on her face.

“Umm…let me help you with that.” I said leaning over to help adjust the belt for her. As I reached down the mare started to giggle and wiggle in her seat.

“T-that tickles!” She laughed, wiggling around in her seat. I admit, trying to fix the seat belt for a pony is one of the hardest things to do on this earth.

“Sorry…just… almost…there.” I mumbled, finally getting the seat belt fitted. The mare let out a few more giggles before settling down again. After that, the plane began to push back and we were off on our journey. The blonde mare and I didn’t start talking again until after we took off and were beginning to level out.

“Was that so bad?” I asked, turning to see the pony mare breathing heavily.

“How can you humans be so calm zooming through the air at three hundred and sixty miles per hour?” She asked, looking at me like I was insane.

“Actually, most commercial aircraft cruise at around five hundred mile per hour.” I corrected her, trying my best not to sound like a know it all.

“Cruise?! No, a cruise is a nice slow boat ride, five hundred miles per hour is not a cruise speed. This is death speed!” She exclaimed, sinking into her seat a little.

“Okay, maybe you shouldn’t think about it. Do you have a name?” I asked her, trying to get her mind off of flying.

“Uh, Kit, ponies call me Kit.” She said, smiling weakly at me.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Brandon.” I said, giving Kit a friendly smile.

“Nice to meet you too.” She said with a more relaxed smile. With her looking me in the eye for the first time, I finally got a good look at her. She had rare wheat blonde fur and dark golden brown hair with mint green eyes, but I couldn’t see her cutiemark though. With greetings out of the way I leaned back into my chair and relaxed.

“So how is it being black?” Kit asked randomly. I dreaded this conversation with ponies and tended to try and make it short and sweet so with a groan I quickly explained that skin color was just like their types of ponies and then hastily shoved some peanuts into my mouth to avoid any future questions.

“Ooooooh.” Kit mused. After that, a long silence ensued.

Kit fumbled with her hooves and I stared out the windows for a few minutes until the attendants came around to get drink orders. When they finally reached our row, Kit tapped on my shoulder ferociously. Apparently, she was thankful of my helping her earlier because she now had that “you’re my friend now” look on her face and was gesturing me over with her hooves.

“Yes?” I asked, leaning over to her.

“Hey, I want to show you something.” Kit said excitingly, before whispering into the attendant’s ear.

“I went ahead and ordered for you, you’re going to love this.” The blonde mare said with a giddy smile. I chuckled at this.

“I think I know what a soda or juice taste like.” I said with a smug tone. My smugness was burned and the ashes danced on by Kit when a golden colored, fizzy drink was brought to our row.

“Have you had nectar flavored soda?” Kit asked, stealing my smugness and using it for her own devious plan. I had heard that they made drinks food and other commodities, but I’d never tried any.

“Uh, no.” I said with an embarrassed smile. Kit laughed, passing me a straw. At that moment, I noticed that there was only one glass. I couldn’t back out now so I leaned forward and took a sip from the gold drink. As I did so, Kit put her own straw into the glass and was sipping along as well. My eyes went wide as the fizzy drink romanced my taste buds and tickled my throat. It tasted amazing, like carbonated honey but a lot less thick and a tad bit sweeter.

“Do you like it?” Kit asked with a smile, a drop of nectar soda caught on her lip. It was an extremely cute image, I wish I had a camera. I nodded with the straw still in my mouth and took another sip. Just as I was about to say something about Kit’s lip, an “aww” sound came from across the aisle. Kit and I looked across the plane to see an elder woman sitting in the chair to the right of us with a smile on her face.

“You two are such a cute couple.” The old woman said, attracting the eyes of everyone within ear-shot.

Kit and I both nearly choked at her comment and began to wave are hands and hooves in a “no” manner.

“No, no, no, we’re not dating.” I blurted out, flustered. Kit agreed quickly.

“You don’t have to hide it. I can tell what a couple looks like and I saw you tickling her earlier.” The old woman added, giving Kit and I a wink. This caused the both of us to retreat in shock. Slowly I began to melt into my seat, sipping on the nectar soda every now and then. The rest of the flight was filled with the looks from others on the plane, a refill of the nectar soda, and a Kit clinging to me during the landing. Kit and I disembarked together and met back up in the terminal.

In the terminal, Kit and I exchanged phone numbers and decided to meet up later and with a hug and a wave we parted ways. Now, thanks to that flight, I am now actually dating Kit, but that’s a completely different story. That unordinary day has changed my life forever and Kit has gotten me addicted to nectar soda.

Do you have any encounters of the pony kind? PM me and I’ll give you my email. I’ll make sure to give you credit and put your story on…Strange Encounters: Of the Pony Kind