Strange Encounters: Of the Pony Kind

by The Dauntless Entrinity

First published

A collection of stories or encounters with ponies.

A collection of stories or encounters with ponies.

Do you have an encounter of the pony kind. Then PM me and I'll give you my email. I'll make sure to give you credit and put your "encounter" on here.

Cookie Coincidence

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I was sitting by myself in the mall food court. My friends had gone off to shop on the other side of the mall and I decided to stay behind. It had been ten minutes since they left, and with my stomach threatening to eat my liver I got up and bought a packet of chocolate chip cookies. I bought a family size box of cookies and sat back down at my table.

Like a robot, I instinctually pulled out my iPhone, slid the unlock tab, plugged in my ear buds and set my favorite playlist on repeat. I relaxed, jammed to my tunes and kicked back. But a little pony mare soon broke my peace. Silently, she sat down across from me and gave me a smile. I peeked out from behind my phone and locked eyes with mare. She was light pink with green eyes and a pink and purple mane that split the colors down the middle and was braided in the back. Her hair reminded me of Twoface and got me to grin, but a second later I was back behind the screen of my phone. It was an awkward feeling, having a pony sitting across from you. I couldn’t help but keep peeking out every now and then, like some nervous version of peekaboo. Once I’d gotten over the shock of her being there I stopped the creepy peekaboo game and focused on my phone. A few moments later my eyes drifted from my phone to see the light pink mare eating cookies from a strangely familiar box. She was eating my cookies! My cookies!

I hadn’t said a word to the pony and she was already munching down on my cooked circles of sugary dough and chocolate chips. So I did what any self-respecting guy would do, I reached forward and took a cookie. The mare looked up from her cookie with surprise and sent another friendly smile my way. I couldn’t believe she had the audacity to smile at me while eating my cookies. By now I was halfway out from behind my phone, music still ringing in my ear, and I guess the mare took me taking a cookie as an icebreaker because I could see her mouth moving but couldn’t hear what she was saying over my music. Making sure she knew I could see her talking, I ignored her and took another cookie. I’ll show her. She grabbed another cookie and waited for me to stop chewing before talking again. Frustration was beginning to take over now so I grabbed another cookie and gave the mare a displeased look. A look of worry crossed the light pink ponies’ face, but was soon replaced by a smile as she continued talking. Could she not get the hint? I grabbed another cookie and bit down on it angrily. The mare mocked my bite and did the same, giggling afterwards. Her giggles only frustrated me further. I grabbed another cookie and put it into my mouth. As if like clockwork, the mare grabbed another cookie and put it into her mouth. She did something with her tongue and then gave me another smile, this time her teeth being replaced with cookie. The light pink pony laughed and swallowed her cookie with a cute gulp. With my temper nearing the max, I reached for another cookie, but to my dismay there were none left. That little pink moocher had eaten all my cookies and laughed in my face! Before I could say anything the mare stood up and walked away, waving her hoof in a friendly goodbye.

The nerve of that pony! Ponies started moving to earth three years ago but I had never ran into many, let alone had one eat my cookies. Ponies usually stayed near their own kind, and in my case, almost never hung out with total strangers. With an angry huff, I stood up to go clean my shirt of all the crumbs from my angry eating session. When I took a step towards the bathroom my foot brushed against something. I looked down and to my astonishment; there by my foot was my family sized box of cookies. In the heat of the moment I had completely forgotten that I put my cookies under the table. With the weight of a freight train, the realization hit me hard. That little light pink mare hadn’t eaten my cookies. I had eaten hers, and not only that, I refused to talk to her or even smile to her while I ate her cookies. Yet she still laughed and played with me. I felt horrible. How could I have been so idiotic and hotheaded? With a heavy heart I sat back down in my chair, turned off my music and stared at my box of cookies. If it weren’t for my dark skin, my face would have been cherry-red in embarrassment. Slumped down in my chair, my mind filled with hundreds of questions, but one question rang out the loudest. Who was that pony?

Do you have any encounters of the pony kind? Then PM me and I’ll give you my email, I’ll be sure to give you the credit and put your story here on… Strange Encounters: Of the Pony Kind

Swimming with Stingrays

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Have I told you the time I went swimming with sting rays?

When I took a cruise, we stopped in Mexico. It was a beautiful place to see, and even better to shop. But this story isn’t about how many marble chess boards and shot glasses I bought. This is about the time I went swimming with sting rays, and a pony.

I arrived at a dock with a few boats on it and several groups of people and ponies waiting for their excursions. Looking at my papers I double checked to make sure I was in the right place and as luck would have it, I had a group with the two ponies. There were around ten others people as well one light green stallion with green hair and one pink mare with deep strawberry hair, who wiggled her rump to me with a saucy smile. She had obviously had a few to drink but that was expected when it comes to cruises. At least she was having fun, most ponies are nervous around us, being in a new world and all.

After a few minutes of waiting and a small bit of mingling, we all boarded the small ship and began sailing out to sea. The same mare from before sat down next to me. She was wearing a black water vest and held her fore-arms together in her lap. After a few minutes of silence she looked over to me and gave me a small pat on the shoulder. “Have you been swimming with sting rays before?” She asked, looking at me enthusiastically.

“No. This is my first time. How about you?” I asked with a friendly tone.

“This is my first time as well. I’m kind of nervous about it… Is it true that their barbs can kill you?” She asked, this time in a less enthusiastic way.

“Yeah, but that won’t happen.” I said, trying my best to encourage her. This brought back her genuine smile and she scooted a little bit closer to me, her tail hanging off the side of the boat as it zoomed through the water.

In all, it took us about an hour and a half to reach our destination. There was a collection of other boats around us, but there was easily fifty yards between us and any others. Our boat came to a stop outside of a sandbar and the captain started telling us about the stingrays and other facts about the ocean. But when it came time to get into the water, there was a certain pony that was still sitting down.
“Aren’t you coming?” I asked, already on the edge and about to jump in.

“I thought about it, and I don’t really want to go.” The pink pony said, fumbling with her hooves.

“Oh come on, it’ll be fun.” I encouraged, giving a wave with my hand.

“Maybe to you humans but not to me.” She said with a harsh tone.

“Is the horsey scared?” I teased, wiggling my butt in a mocking manner.

“Do I really look like a horse to you?” She asked with an annoyed expression. I bet that if she was a human her hands would have been on her hips at that point.

“Well, not really. You look more like a coug-I-I mean big cat. You’re about the same size as a mountain lion.” I said, stumbling on my words. I could tell the pink mare was curious about humans and I didn’t feel like leading her on by saying cougar. From what my college course taught me she looked to be my age, eight-teen, but I still didn’t dare risk it.

“The least you could do is watch from the second deck.” I said gesturing to the stairs. The boat we were on had a small second deck that made up the roof with a spiral staircase leading to it.

“Fine.” The pink mare huffed. Hesitantly, she got up from her seat and climbed the stairs. I followed behind, a mischievous plan forming in my head. Arriving on the top deck we both looked out over the vast ocean. It was a few shades darker than the sky and went on forever. You could easily see the stingrays from the top as they flew through the water.

“I admit, it does look kind of fun.” The mare said, leaning up against the railing.

“Told you. So, what’s your name?” I asked, leaning up against the railing as well.

“Cherry Opal. You?” The mare said, showing me her cutie mark which consisted of a cherry shaped gemstone.

“Brandon.” I said simply.

“So are you just really tan or are you some different species?” She asked, tilting her head to side and scanning me up and down.

“I’m not some different species, I’m just black.” I said, not taking offense from the question. It’s not like she knew. From the three years ponies have been on earth, I tend to get asked what I am a lot. And next as always would be…

“But you’re brown.” she said, her face showing her confusion.

“I know, but for a very long time we’ve just called ourselves black.” I said, being patient with the pony.

“Ah, exotic.” Cherry Opal said, turning back to the railing. Growing tired of the conversation and seeing that Cherry Opal was distracted I decided to enact my plan.

Making sure not to disturb Cherry, I quietly made my way behind the pink mare. “Cherry you can swim, right?” I asked in a low voice.

“Of course, I wouldn’t have gone on this- why?” cherry Opal asked, turning her head quickly. Before she could say anything else I lifted her up and tossed her over the railing, away from the stingrays of course. She was about ninety pounds. The pink mare screamed as she flew over the railing and into the blue water. Splash!

I’ll skip what happened next, as a few cuss words were thrown my way. But by the end of the day Cherry and I were soaked and had a memory to share..

Now we come to the end of my story. Nothing else happened the end….

Okay fine, I may have gotten a kiss from Cherry. But that’s it! Anyway, Cherry and I are friends now and we meet up every now and again and for the rest of that cruise we hung out together, exchanging friends and getting to know each other. So happily ever after. The End.

]Do you have any encounters of the pony kind? Then PM me and I’ll give you my email, I’ll be sure to give you the credit and put your story here on… Strange Encounters: Of the Pony Kind

Mile High Meeting

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It actually wasn’t a normal day when I met, her. It was a rainy day and I was worried my flight would be canceled.

I pulled my suitcase through the crowds of the noisy terminal and came to a stop in front of an annoying attendant with an unhuman smile. I gave her my ticket and made my way through the gang plank. Stepping over that small, but frightening gap between the plane and the walkway, I breathed in the sterile smell of the plane and began the great search for my seat. Finding it near the middle of the plane, I sat down and watched as the others around me took their seats. Almost everyone had taken their seats when a blonde mare came trotting down the aisle, looking at each individual seat before stopping next to me. She sat down in the seat next to mine and quickly snapped the belt around her waist.

“Are you okay?” I asked, looking at the way her belt constricted her stomach.

“I’m just nervous. “ The mare whispered, putting on a weak smile.

“Well, if something does go wrong, having your belt so tight might slow you down.” I teased. Turns out, it was a bad decision as the mare freaked out and fumbled to loosen her belt. The mare’s breathing was now panicked, her seat belt hung limply in her lap and we hadn’t even taken off yet.

“Is this good?” The blonde pony asked me, a nervous look on her face.

“Umm…let me help you with that.” I said leaning over to help adjust the belt for her. As I reached down the mare started to giggle and wiggle in her seat.

“T-that tickles!” She laughed, wiggling around in her seat. I admit, trying to fix the seat belt for a pony is one of the hardest things to do on this earth.

“Sorry…just… almost…there.” I mumbled, finally getting the seat belt fitted. The mare let out a few more giggles before settling down again. After that, the plane began to push back and we were off on our journey. The blonde mare and I didn’t start talking again until after we took off and were beginning to level out.

“Was that so bad?” I asked, turning to see the pony mare breathing heavily.

“How can you humans be so calm zooming through the air at three hundred and sixty miles per hour?” She asked, looking at me like I was insane.

“Actually, most commercial aircraft cruise at around five hundred mile per hour.” I corrected her, trying my best not to sound like a know it all.

“Cruise?! No, a cruise is a nice slow boat ride, five hundred miles per hour is not a cruise speed. This is death speed!” She exclaimed, sinking into her seat a little.

“Okay, maybe you shouldn’t think about it. Do you have a name?” I asked her, trying to get her mind off of flying.

“Uh, Kit, ponies call me Kit.” She said, smiling weakly at me.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Brandon.” I said, giving Kit a friendly smile.

“Nice to meet you too.” She said with a more relaxed smile. With her looking me in the eye for the first time, I finally got a good look at her. She had rare wheat blonde fur and dark golden brown hair with mint green eyes, but I couldn’t see her cutiemark though. With greetings out of the way I leaned back into my chair and relaxed.

“So how is it being black?” Kit asked randomly. I dreaded this conversation with ponies and tended to try and make it short and sweet so with a groan I quickly explained that skin color was just like their types of ponies and then hastily shoved some peanuts into my mouth to avoid any future questions.

“Ooooooh.” Kit mused. After that, a long silence ensued.

Kit fumbled with her hooves and I stared out the windows for a few minutes until the attendants came around to get drink orders. When they finally reached our row, Kit tapped on my shoulder ferociously. Apparently, she was thankful of my helping her earlier because she now had that “you’re my friend now” look on her face and was gesturing me over with her hooves.

“Yes?” I asked, leaning over to her.

“Hey, I want to show you something.” Kit said excitingly, before whispering into the attendant’s ear.

“I went ahead and ordered for you, you’re going to love this.” The blonde mare said with a giddy smile. I chuckled at this.

“I think I know what a soda or juice taste like.” I said with a smug tone. My smugness was burned and the ashes danced on by Kit when a golden colored, fizzy drink was brought to our row.

“Have you had nectar flavored soda?” Kit asked, stealing my smugness and using it for her own devious plan. I had heard that they made drinks food and other commodities, but I’d never tried any.

“Uh, no.” I said with an embarrassed smile. Kit laughed, passing me a straw. At that moment, I noticed that there was only one glass. I couldn’t back out now so I leaned forward and took a sip from the gold drink. As I did so, Kit put her own straw into the glass and was sipping along as well. My eyes went wide as the fizzy drink romanced my taste buds and tickled my throat. It tasted amazing, like carbonated honey but a lot less thick and a tad bit sweeter.

“Do you like it?” Kit asked with a smile, a drop of nectar soda caught on her lip. It was an extremely cute image, I wish I had a camera. I nodded with the straw still in my mouth and took another sip. Just as I was about to say something about Kit’s lip, an “aww” sound came from across the aisle. Kit and I looked across the plane to see an elder woman sitting in the chair to the right of us with a smile on her face.

“You two are such a cute couple.” The old woman said, attracting the eyes of everyone within ear-shot.

Kit and I both nearly choked at her comment and began to wave are hands and hooves in a “no” manner.

“No, no, no, we’re not dating.” I blurted out, flustered. Kit agreed quickly.

“You don’t have to hide it. I can tell what a couple looks like and I saw you tickling her earlier.” The old woman added, giving Kit and I a wink. This caused the both of us to retreat in shock. Slowly I began to melt into my seat, sipping on the nectar soda every now and then. The rest of the flight was filled with the looks from others on the plane, a refill of the nectar soda, and a Kit clinging to me during the landing. Kit and I disembarked together and met back up in the terminal.

In the terminal, Kit and I exchanged phone numbers and decided to meet up later and with a hug and a wave we parted ways. Now, thanks to that flight, I am now actually dating Kit, but that’s a completely different story. That unordinary day has changed my life forever and Kit has gotten me addicted to nectar soda.

Do you have any encounters of the pony kind? PM me and I’ll give you my email. I’ll make sure to give you credit and put your story on…Strange Encounters: Of the Pony Kind

Field Guide to Ponies: The Pony; History

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The Field Guide to Ponies
Segment One:
The Pony; History

The pony is a very unique creature that is alien to the human world. First pony contact was made in New Zealand three years ago, August 28th, 2014. The first ponies made contact with a film crew on the previous said date. Two Mares and one Stallion, their names are Rose Compass, Daring Do, and Jules Dakkar. They said their reason for being visiting here was for and quote “Because it’s there” by Rose Compass. Their transport to our world was said to be a portal opened by a Twilight Sparkle. With them they brought various gifts to represent their culture. These gifts including, a magic and spell book, a plant that is not of this earth, and a chalice of rainbow. You read that correct, the three ponies brought with them a chalice of liquid rainbow matter. As well as common survival necessities listed in the following:
3 Sleeping Bags
3 Portable Shelters
1 Months’ Worth of Powdered Grass
1 Fire Starting Kit
The pony visitors had packed light in case of hostility from whatever they found inhabiting our world. Lucky for them, the film crew for a movie had come across them and helped them reach the leader of their nation of origin, America. Soon after, videos of the ponies went viral on every social media and broadcasting website around the globe. The ponies were not greeted with open arms and were quickly banned from entering several countries listed in the following:
Any areas with known disease outbreaks
Democratic Republic of the Congo
North Korea
South Africa
The Netherland
(Note: Many countries are excluded from this list due to space restrains)
The ponies were not well received in the countries they were not banned from and in most countries were given a security escort. But not all were so hating toward the ponies. In countries such as America, Barbados, Canada, Columbia, Germany, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Mexico, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, as well as several others were very welcoming to the pony visitors. The three ponies stayed for four weeks before returning to their homeland known as Equestria. The mere presence of three intelligent beings of a different species sent the world into havoc. The ponies returned on October 4th, 2014, bringing with them nine more ponies. The new ponies’ names are Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. The presence of twelve ponies sent the world back into disarray but was soon quelled when Celestia and Luna displayed that they came in peace in the spirit of exploration. The two ponies, known in their homeland as alicorns, showed the world their magical abilities as well as their military power. This did nothing but cause large displays of power to pop up in a global show of force. RIMPAC, was done twice in one year, many countries began large scale military training, and several nation threatened war against the alicorns and their homeland, Equestria. During the event stated earlier, RIMPAC, the Equestrians were invited to join in the military exercise. Celestia and Luna showed with a Navy force of the following:
50 Pony O’ War airships
20 brig airships
10,000 Ponies to Run Previously Mentioned ships.
Lock on sensors and hit indicators were hastily attached to the Equestrian’s ships and off the Equestrians went to show the humans they could stand their ground. Every single one of their ships were knocked out of the exercise by the third day. The Equestrians were unfamiliar with human weaponry and requested that they were allowed to install hit indicator crystals on all human ships that were taking part in the activity. This request was somehow pushed through and all ships were equipped with fair simulation sensors from both worlds. Yet again, the Equestrians were easily taken out of the exercise. Though they had a large advantage with magic, the airships had a huge weak point and most of the Equestrians standard projectiles that were very powerful in their world, were ancient weapons compared to the humans. In the end, the Equestrian managed to knock out three ships, while the combined effort of the other twenty nation’s navies knocked all seventy of Celestia and Luna’s Navy out of the exercise, twice. Accounts from the alicorns say that they were surprised by their defeat but were now stronger because of it. With the safety of mankind no longer in question, things began to cool down and a flood of ponies began to move to earth, tending to stay in areas that welcomed them in the first place. There are many more events that took place during the first year of the ponies’ appearance, but due to the information being unconfirmed we will pass over them for now and will return later. Now, three years later, the ponies have fully integrated with us humans and on average three new ponies move to earth every day. No request have been made for the Equestrians to have their own country nor have they requested keeping any military facilities on earth other than the Equestrian Embassy in Washington D.C. Relations with ponies have turned from bitter to sweet and our culture has changed because of it. Nintendo now features” Ponii”s on their consoles, Equestrian classes are taught at schools around the world, there is day devoted to the arrival on ponies, and beside military or government, there is at least one pony doing every civil job available. On our next segment, we will be discussing the average traits of The Pony.

Do you have any tips or stories to feature in Strange Encounters: Of the Pony Kind, or if you have any information to expand The Field Guide to Ponies, PM me and I will give you my email. I’ll make sure to give credit to you for your story or information and will put it on here. Thank you for your cooperation, stay tuned for more to come.